Broutman 1965
Broutman 1965
Broutman 1965
E. A. Maguire and J. J. Green, “Magnetic Properties of M. A. Gilleo and S. Geller, “Magnetic and Crystallographic
Yttrium-Gadolinium-Aluminum-Iron Garnets,” J . Appl. Phys., Properties of Substituted Yttrium-Iron Garnct, 3YL03.xM203 .-
33 [3, SUppl1 1373-74 (1962). (56- x)Fez03,”Phys. Rev.,110 [l]73-78 (1958).
J. 0. Artman and P. E. Tannenwald, “Measurement of
G. R IIarrison and L. R. Hodges, Jr., “Temperature Stable Susceptibility Tensor in Ferrites,” J . Appl. Phys., 26 [9] 1124-32
Microwavc Hybrid Garncts,” ibid., 1375-76. (1955).
The effect of polyaxial stress fields on the brittle Table I. Specimen Design and Loading Conditions
fracture strength of polycrystalline alumina was for Various Stress States
investigated through the use of thin-walled Specimen
cylinders. Combinations of internal pressure, length*
Stress state Type of Loading (in.)
external pressure, and axial loads produced
stress states of tension-compression, tension- Uniaxial tension Internal pressure
tension, and compression-compression. The open-end cylinder
Biaxial tension
failure envelope was generated for these stress (2:I) Internal pressure
states. The results indicated that biaxial tensile closed-end cylinder
stresses reduced the strength of the material; (4:3) Internal and external
however, the tensile strength increased at least pressure closed-
end cylinder
50% when a compressive stress existed normal Uniaxial com- End-loaded cylinder
to the tensile direction. Compression strengths pression
as high as 640,000 psi were measured for a Biaxial com- External pressure
biaxial compressive stress state. pression (2: 1) closed-end cylinder
Compression- Internal pressure
tension compressive end
I. Introduction * Cylinder dimensions were: OD, 1.8000 in., and wall thickness,
and theories for brittle materials i n polyaxial states
of stress are vitally important. T o conceive of an
operational structure in which a simple state of stress can be
0.100 =I=0.004 in.
I in
3 2 0 0 r otin
g 2000--
loads to the cylindrical specimen. A constant stress ratio
loading path was not used as in the other combined stress
expcriments. Generally, two types of loading paths were 1200-
used: (1) An initial compressive end load was applied
with the testing machine followed by pressurizing the cylinder
to failure, and ('2) internal pressurization oi the cylinder was
followed by end loading to failure. During the investigation
incremental loadings were also used. The load sequence
was: internal pressure, end load, raise internal pressure, and
then end load to failurc. The results are given in Section 111. I
80 160 240 320 400
111. Results S t r o i n , p in./in.
( I ) Uniaxial Tensile Strength Measurements Fig. 4 . Uniaxial stress-strain data for alumina cylinders.
The tensile strengths were evaluated for three cylinder
lengths t o determine whether a size effect existed within
the range of gage lengths used in the investigation. The
strengths are summarized in Table I1 and are independent Table 111. Uniaxial Compression Strength Results
of speciincn length over the range l/z to 2 in. The approx-
Specimen Compressive Parallelism
iinatc relation between the tensile stress and the internal length Load strength of ends
prcssure for a thin-walled cylinder is (in.) (1b) (psi) (in.)
Ryshkewitch Value
many small pieces. The difficulty of measuring the true
compressive strength of a brittle solid has already been
discussed. Since the biaxial compression and combined 600
tension experiments were also performed with straight hollow u (dpsi)
cylinders, it was necessary to use the same type of specimens
Tor uniaxial comprcssion measurements so that a basis for Fig. 5 . Experimental compression-compression quadrant of
comparison existed. failure envelope.
Strength results for a 2: 1 biaxial compressive stress state
obtained by external pressure are summarized in Table IV.
IXoop stresses and axial stresses were computed from the
following equations : Table V. Biaxial Tension Results
imen Internal Hoop Axial End plug
(3) Stress length pressure tension tension length
ratio (in.) (psi) (psi) (psi) (in.)
40t Y
4:3 Load Path
0 4" Specimens
in Table V. Two stress ratios investigated were 2 : l and
4" Specimens Failed
4:3. The results, shown in Table V and plotted in Fig. 6, at Center
represent the tension-tension quadrant of the failure envelope.
The stresses in the wall for the 2: 1 stress state were calculated
using Lamb's equations. The hoop stress is given by equation
(7) or equation (2) and the axial stress is given by
The stresses in the wall lor the 4:3 stress state are calculated
by superimposing the stresses from the internal and external
pressure. For example the hoop stress is Stress ( i o ' p s i )
Fig. 7. Biaxial tension cylinders, 4 in. long (4:3 stress ratio). Fig. 9. Polycrystalline alumina ring which failed in com-
( A ) Failure near an end plug, and ( B ) failure at center of gage pression-tension stress state.
I /
_ - - -Weibull Theory
+qJp33 uhoop
I *R