Eating Disorder PICA

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What is PICA Eating Disorder?

Children under 2 years People with Pica eating

Pica is an eating disorder marked of age are not disorder often experience
by eating non food items diagnosed with Pica malnutrition

During gestation women are known to
Cloth have a form of pica that may be caused
by a craving for certain nutrients
Most commonly seen in childhood Paint
but can occur in adulthood

Can cause stomach upset, teeth Paper Cigarette Butts

injury and major complications like
lead poisoning, intestinal parasite. Treatment for Pica
Nutritional supplements
Addressing other medical
Qualifying factors for a Pica Diagnosis:
Persistent eating of nonfood substances for one
Behavior modification programs
month or longer.
Ingesting a nonfood substance when it's not part Contacts:
of a culturally or socially supported practice. Tel: 044-24981939
Eating nonfood items when it is developmentally Mobile: 9283142341
inappropriate. Email: [email protected]

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