CBIC Civil List As On 01.01.2015 - 1

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INDIAN REVENUE SERVICE (CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE) CIVIL LIST As on 01-01-2015 INDIAN REVENUE SERVICE (CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE) CIVIL LIST (As on 01-01-2015) The contents of this should not be deemed to convey sanction or authority in the matter of seniority, pay and allowances DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL BOARD OF EXCISE & CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE MINISTRY OF FINANCE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PREFACE It gives me immense pleasure to bring out the 20th edition of the Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central Excise) Civil List, updated as on Ist January 2015. The Civil List has been updated on the basis of the information available with this Directorate General and the inputs received from all field formations/Directorates/ individual officers. 2. The Civil List 2015 of IRS (C&CE) officers is the Seventh edition in bilingual format incorporating the educational qualification of officers. Efforts have been made to avoid any error in this compilation. The Draft Civil List 2015 was also placed on departmental website and objections were invited to the factual contents of the Civil List. Wherever possible, rectifications have been carried out on representations received through concerned controlling officers, 3. The contents of the Civil List 2015 are for the purpose of information and guidance only and do not purport to declare seniority or confer any legal rights as to the information contained therein 4. The list has also been placed on the CBEC website (www.chec.gov.in) and DHRD website (www.dghrdchec.gov.in) to enable officers and all concerned to peruse the same. 5. _L express my heartfelt gratitude to the officers and staff of Human Resource Management wing of DGHRD and Directorate of Publicity and Public Relations for bringing out this compilation timely. All suggestions for further improvement in the Civil List are most welcome. Mh! (Neerja Shah) Director General Dte. Gen. of Human Resource Development Central Board of Excise & Customs New Delhi Dated the 19 Feb, 2015 Wanyst 4. are waa Gar (Peer sours ed ear ow) A Rilter a dB 20 a viewer aT Wedd Ge EY asl sae et el eer 21 ga PN A 1 oad 2015 deh a Rewfel oF Tart RaPQer ae 2015 1 ger menPIeerera A orerar ee a lea ara / PRATER / areal & cafeara wr Od urd eensit @ arene ue deny far var 2) 2. aedla eona dar (Ofer seus ud ear gow) aitroral a Rafe yl 2015 fea) ey Fae aaa vitor 2 Pret el areata slefre ahaa eet 81 4 ger we fear aa 2] gh fatter eh 2015 # siceta Aka cea ara yen va arteeia B wqaes @ ah ae Meee Se ee eee ee ea vert I 4 Rift aA 2015 MAM. A aaerge (www.cbec.gov.in) Tear Ara wees faora Heifieenca @ daurge (www.dghrdebec.gov.in) Ww wh wale) va Y @ sactonnet suerer 21 5. 4 arta dare Aer vee a ara Weert wae Wel Ws VaR wa said Peweaal > areal yd otakal of ga deo ot art Ot yertia oe) @ fay ete quae ofl XI Rafter ae F Yere d fre aud qenal or wea earva 31 a ag feeeht (Axon ate) feiie: 19 weak 2015 Herhre ete aria tenes freer verre eers dda sone ya war ooo ag f&ech DISCLAIMER The contents of this Civil List should not be deemed to convey sanction or authority in any matter of seniority, pay and allowances. STH Wee Pata ae F aia wea aio, dar ws at G areal F ate aedaft a mire gar ae oe 21 andi wena wat (0 vo va Who Yo) @ arr PAY SCALE OF IRS (C&CE) OFFICERS prea We EX - CADRE POSTS enuf CHAIRPERSON Rs. 80,000/- fixed wae MEMBER Rs. 80,000/- fixed OI TE CADRE POSTS SIE ROL amr / USI BIER eT Rs, 80,000/ fixed PRINCIPAL CHIEF COMMISSIONER’ PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR GENERAL yer oR / meee CHIEF COMMISSIONER! Rs. 75,500 - 80,000 DIRECTOR GENERAL GE IAAT / IIL aR TEP Te TD Rs. 67,000 - 79,000 PRINCIPAL COMMISSIONERS: PRINCIPAL ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS, GENERAL arya / ere aPteTe / Prt COMMISSIONER / ADDITIONAL | Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 + 10,000 (Grade Pay) DIRECTOR GENERAL /DIRECTORS amy arya y Freee ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER Rs, 37.400 - 67,0004 8,700 (Grade Pay) /ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR aig ana / ear Freer JOINT COMMISSIONER Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 + 7,600 (Grade Pay) JOINT DIRECTOR war / oy Pree DEPUTY COMMISSIONER / Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 + 6,600 (Grade Pay) DEPUTY / DIRECTOR esIID ay / sr Pree ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER / Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 + 5,400 (Grade Pay) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 10. "1 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED AAR AC. ACCE. Addl. CCE AD Asst. Dir, Addl. Dir. A.D.G/Commr. ANC CB.E.C. ce. CC (ADU) C.C.O. CCE (ADJ) CCE (A) CC. (P) CCE. CESTATICDR CVO. cx DBK D.D/Dy. Dir. Authority for Advance Ruling Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise Additional Commissioner of Central Excise Assistant Director Assistant Director Additional Director Additional Director General/ Commissioner Assistant Narcotics Commissioner Central Board of Excise & Customs Commissioner of Customs Commissioner of Customs (Adjudication) Chief Commissioner's Office Commissioner of Central Excise (Adjudication) Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeal) Commissioner of Customs (Preventive) Commissioner of Central Excise Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal/ Chief Departmental Representative Central Vigilance Officer Central Excise Drawback Deputy Director 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 35. 37. 8 4. 42. DG DGRI. DGCEL. DGIcce DPPR. DR Ds. Die. IMP/EXP IRS (C &CE) JDR Jt. Dir. JECDR. JS. PA PC PE S.DR si. TRU, US. Director General Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence Directorate General of Inspection, Customs & Central Exicse Directorate of Publicity & Public Relations Direct Recruit Deputy Secretary Directorate Import/ Export Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central Excise) Junior Departmental Representative Joint Director Joint Chief Departmental Representative Joint Secretary Promote from Appraiser Promote from Supdt. Cus. (Prev.) Promote from Supt. of Central Excise Senior Departmental Representative Service Tax Tax Research Unit Under Secretary sea Ya weer (eo sto Yo ¥fo) / Slo vflo fo Yo ago dio CHAIRMAN & MEMBERS (CBEC) / DGCEIB yeaa wa eave (#9 Ao 80 Am) 7 Bo sho eo x0 ago Mo CHAIRMAN & MEMBERS (CBE) /DGCEIB wa wat a ea wrt vada ten cedar we ae Prat rom ar eae aes wT tr arm afr faut wae i fats Sl ID. Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Dateof Birth Qualification appointment Promation in Present Posting Source ‘oGroupé the present of Rectt ‘rade 1 227 ahaa shawae MSc, 06.11.1978 22.10.2013 sary ea fete DR Kaushal Master in Soc Chairman & Stvastava $c, LLB. Sol Secy. 01.07.1955, BEC, New Delhi ont. 2014 2 238 wh aia qu eM A 06.11.1878 01.01.2014 sea a Pee ae DR doy Kumari Member & Spl Secy. Chander (Mts) OBES, New Dein 14,08,1955 0101 2014 3287 a UH TRE MSC 13071978 28.02.2014 ‘eee ee fete aie DR Shashi Bhushan (Mathematics) Member & Splsecy Singh 19.02.1955 (CBEC, New Delhi 28.02.2014 eI ayaa / Heihreera CHIEF COMMISSIONER! DIRECTORS GENERAL ye age / rehearse (CHIEF COMMISSIONER/ DIRECTORS GENERAL weit wow an ase sedi a cdot oe Par aren wr alo om #7 IRE berm Pgf wT fey ute fe i fate SL ID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Bith —Qualifcation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group’ the present of Rectt ‘grade 7 2a5- i ara ai BA Paychology SOT TSS 04.11. 2077 ee aT DR sa (Hors) Chief Commissioner Deepa B, MA (Sociology) Vizag OX Das Gupta (Ms.) MPhil 01.07.2013 07.09.1955 2 259 sata es BA.(Pol Scl) 14.07.1979 09.09.2011 aie DR Najib Shan Director General 11.08.1957. DGRI, Delhi 01.10.2012 3 265m AIR = BA(Hons), 13.07.1978 03.10.2011 eit DR = MDSingh LLB. Director General 16.01, 1955 CEI, Delhi 08.11.2013 4 216 wh seen ata BA 16.07.1979 03.10.2011 68 sry DR Arusha Vasudev Chief Commissioner (s.) 15.03.1955 Mumbai - 1! CX 04.10.2011 5 267 ule wae wre MA 13.07.1978 03.10.2011 yt aye DR Ashok Kumar Chief Commissioner Kaushal Mumbai - 1 CUS, 20.09.1955, 10.12.2012 6 271 tae ar MA.MBA 30.07.1978 01.03.2012 yer a DR Premanand Das Chief Commissioner 01,03,1985 Mumbai Valuation 23.12.2013, 7 274 Aeager MA 08.11.1979 29.02.2012 yer nH DR VS Krishnan Chiet Commissioner 29.11.1955 Mumbai -| OX’ 25.06.2013 8 249 aKa MA 26.12.1979 27.11.2012 reer DR Nerja Director General Shah (Ms.) DGHRD, Delhi 09.09.1956 30.11.2012 8 285 a aa area BA., Dip. 18.09.1980 27.11.2012 aaanean DR ea In Journalism, Chiet Commissioner Vanaja Narayan LLB, TAR, Delhi ‘Sama (Ms.) 11.07.2014 22.06.1958 10207 wae Bsc 22.12.1980 27.11.2012 sree DR Ram Tirath Director General 10.04.1957 DG Export Promotion Delhi 30.11.2012 a —_- aa — er argea / noire CHIEF COMMISSIONER DIRECTORS GENERAL wear ww am wr sears ae -ahrt we Praha een wr etter RR aw aber gfe a Fh ato RA 3 fer SL ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt ‘grade 11 209 ore? MAM Phi 06.10.1980 27.11.2012 ys args DR Ananya Ray (Ms) Chief Commissioner 26.08.1957 Dalhi CUS. (P) 02.05.2014 12 250 Wd Re MAWMSe. 22.12.1880 27.11.2012 fagenen OR — Sanjeev Behari Chiet Commissioner 02,05, 1956 Pune CUS. & CX 29.11.2012 13-291 qin aN Rew MAVLLB 06.01.1981 27.11.2012 ast aya DR — Suit Kumar Chief Commissioner inna CC(AR) CESTAT 04,02,1955 Delhi 30.11.2012 14 303 wou Pint Msc. 22.12.1980 27.11.2012, a DR — Rakesh misra Chief Commissioner 30.12.1955 Ahmedabad GUS, 01.11.2013 18 305. fit Fare waG_M Se. 26.12.1980 27.11.2012 yt ge DR Bimal Behari Chief Commissioner Prasad Mumbai - II CUS, 06.02.1955 21.07.2014 18-307 aww es) BA 16.09.1980 26.12.2012 yer arg (aff) DR Deepak Shetty Chief Commissioner 02.11.1956 (NBR wet 26.12.2012) Jt. Director Gen, DG, Shipping ‘Mumbai (On Dep.) 07.04.2011 17 308g wa sine MA 01.09.1980 26.12.2012 ys ogen (atafaa) DR A.ViayAnand Chief Commissioner 18.08.1958 (NBR wef, 26.12.2012) ‘Jt Secretary Department of ‘Space, Bangalore (On Deputation) 31.07.2009 18 309 qn wriewn MA, 18.09.1980 17.12.2012 2st args OR qeafery (Psychology) Chiet Commissioner Kameswari Bangalore OX ‘Subramanian (Ms.) 16.07.2014 07.05.1955, or erga / neice CHIEF COMMISSIONER/ DIRECTORS GENERAL wear wow am ww sedis eh sadn se ae Pape rem eats Ka aman ahh a FRY FR fa SLID Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualifeation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source fw GroupA —_the present ofRectt grade 19-310 onftee are we MA.,M.PhIL 22.12.1880 10.01.2019 st ange DR Aditya Kumar Chief Commissioner Pawar Bhopal CX 23.01.1955, 14.01.2013, 20° 815 whe wear MA 01.09.1981 11.02.2018 syst ge DR — R. Shakuntala Chief Commissioner (Ms) 20.07.1958 Hyderabad Ox 01.08.2014 24 916 wm sere xe MSc 08.12.1981 21.03.2013 ys args DR Ram Prakash Chief Commissioner Raheja Bangalore CUS, 29.03.1956 25.03.2013 2200 17 uN aI awe MALL © 11.12.1981 21.03.2013 ys args DR — Bhushan Kumar Chief Commissioner Baneal Delhi CUS. 16.10,1958 22.08,2013 2800-318 yew’ | MALLE 01.09.1081 01.11.2018 ys args DR Krishan K, Chief Commissioner Sharma (Chandigarh OX 43.03.1957 20.10.2014 24 819 aa fr BSe 01.09.1981 01.11.2018 st args DR Jayant Misra MA MBA, Chief Commissioner 26.01.1987 LLB, Vadodara OX 14.11.2013 25 323s Re MA 01.09.1981 01.11.2019, st ange DR —Mahender Singh Chief Commissioner 09,12, 1958 Meerut CX 01.11.2013 26 328 weclra wigan Be 07.12.1981 01.11.2018 yr nye DR Indrajit OasguptamA,, LLB, Chiet Commissioner 14.07.1955 Ahmedabad CX 30.07.2014 27 283 MA, 1207.1978 01.11.2013 rete OR a Pn, LLB Director General G Sree Kumar NACEN, Fandabaa Menon (Or) 01.11.2013, 09.04.1955, 28 335 we a Ma. 01.09.1981 01.11.2013, yer age DR — Chander Bhan (Pol. Science) Chief Commissioner 25.11.1955 Lucknow ox 04.11.2013 er args / noite CHIEF COMMISSIONER DIRECTORS GENERAL eam ww am ew we sears aN art ug we Pa wert eal as 7 fe ate agit fOeE ube Fae 3 fae SLID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source toGroupA’ the present ofRectt ‘rade 29° 338 aul eae yar M.Com., 01.09.1981 01.11.2013 = DR Ashok Kumar LLB, Chief Commissioner Gupta Delhi Ox 11.03.1956 06.11.2013 30 938 ee. MBA.MSc, 01.09.1981 01.11.2019, yt ge DRS. Ramesh LLB, Chief Commissioner 22.12.1958 Chennai CUS. 05.11.2013 31344 eh me Rat BAL LLB 01.12.1981 01.11.2019 sree DR Ramesh Kumar Director General Singla DG Safeguards Delhi 03.03, 1955, 04.11.2013 320214 wats hy MAM Sc, 21.12.1978 09.09.2011 yes mrgea DR — Gautam Ray PhO, Chief Commissioner U(r) Lee. Kolkata Ox 01.07.1955, 20.10.2014 38841 met 01.09.1982 13.01.2014 sree DR PK Mohanty Director General 26.01.1958 DGICCE, Delhi 18.01.2014 34 342 ata gare meet BAMA 01.09.1982 18.01.2014 rater DR Rajesh Kumar (afaerataa) Mahajan Director General 07.10.1957 CEIB, Dethi (On Dep) 24.41.2011 36 348 fa ure wa —_B. Tech 07.09.1982 13.01.2014 syst age DR — Amit Kumar Roy MSc, Chief Commissioner 01.02.1985 PGDM.LLE. Coimbatore CX 18.01.2014 26 349 -quiq eae Ber MA,M.PhIL 01.09.1982 19.03.2014 yer ange DR — Sudhansu Chief Commissioner Sekhar Jaipur OX Lenka 21.03.2014 12.03.1957 37 360 GureN seHe I MALL 01.12.1882 19.03.2014 yr nye DR — Susanta Kumar Chief Commissioner Panda Bhubaneshwar CX 16.04.1959 27.03.2014 28351 wm wee: B.Tech, 01.12.1982 28.04.2014 ys args DR Vinay Chhabra Mi Tech, Chief Commissioner 10.12.1958 Shillong CX & CUS. 06.05.2014 YU syed / Yer aR weer PRINCIPAL COMMISSIONERS / PRINCIPAL ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL sar aga / sure ane nerPieere PRINCIPAL COMMISSIONERS / PRINCIPAL ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL. Ta wt am wr sears ae sated we oe Praha wien wr ette oar RR ane ater ghee Phat wT RA fe SL ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt ‘rade i 357 qatar qf BSc (Hons) 01.09.1982 28.09.2014 ‘sar ee HIP DR — Ameeta Addltional Director Suri (Ms.) General 09.03.1959 DGHRD, Delhi 31.01.2012 2 969 I aw IAIN MSe.,M, Phil, 01,12,1982 26.09.2014 ware ira DR Subhash Principal Comm Chandra Bangalore CX (ST) Varshney 28.10.2014 16.11.1987 2 360, oR ef-1 MSe,LLB 04.09.1982 26.09.2014 ‘wart ig DR RK. Sharma 4 Principal Commr, 20.08.1957 Kolkata CUS. (A) 44.10.2014 4 361 ons Pee BA 01.12.1982 26.09.2014 wars tae DR Arvind Singh Principal Commr 08.04.1958, Panchkula CX 07.06.2012, 5 262s ecw — BCom(Hons,), 01.09.1982 18.12.2014 ‘yar erg DR —R. VenkataramanL.UB, Principal 16.07.1955 Commissioner LTU, Bangalore 22122014 wy / aOR vEIPiterey COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS erga / are mahite COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS ear wt am wr sears ae sated we oe Praha wien wr ette oar RR ane ater ghee Phat wT RA fe SL ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt grade 1 272 ah. ware MA. 13.07.1978 01.11.2002 org DR ane Commissioner Janaki Arun Tirupati Ox Kumar (Ms.) 04.08.2008 01,01,1957, 2 290 wah, BA 18.09.1980 01.11.2002 sarge DR asm ‘Commissioner MeenuG On Leave since Krishnan (Ms) 31.07.2008 04,05, 1957 3 24 ra ae eet MA 01.09.1981 01.11.2002 ee eer DR Shashank Shekar Additional Director Sharma General 07,06,1955 NAGEN, Delhi 18.06.2012 4 336 wth M.com 01.12.1981 01.11.2002 ona DR Praveen Jain Commissioner 07.02.1958 ‘Vadodara OX (Act) 01.10.2012 5 352 fant eww” BE, BSc, 01.09.1982 01.11.2002 ore DR Vinod Kumar LLB. Commissioner Goel DPPR, Delhi 25.01.1955 12.06.2012 6 288 mer «= BALLLB 18.09.1980 21.10.2004 org DR Shiv Swaroop. Commissioner Sharma TAR, Vadodara 05.10.1956 06.08.2008 7 364 sme amt war BSc, (BotHons.) 01.12.1962 21.10.2004 ore DR Amar Nath Commissioner sharma Thane -| OX 06.01.1955, 07.06.2012 8 366m aut B.Com 01.12.1982 21.10.2004 ore DR Kamal Jyoti Commissioner 19.04, 1955 Bangalore - 1X (A) 06.06.2012, © 933 Bein eee ©“ IOWAInter, 06.09.1982 21.10.2004 rege DR Hemant A.B. Com, Commissioner Bhat Mysore OX (A) 19.09.1958 26.06.2013 area / se HPI COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS Tar wa wt am wore ‘afi en efit ue Fa ion erate er #1 Aare tern a PAY ust PAR fee Sl ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source tGroup —_the present ofRectt ‘grade 10 368 tga MA,LLB, 02.12.1982 21.10.2004 ory DR Bhiknoo Ram Commissioner 03.09.1956 Coimbatore Cx (A) 24.08.2013 11369 siti BA 21.02.1983 21.10.2008 ee ce DR —Brojen Thamar English Hons.) Additional Director 01.03.1987, General DG, Audt Kolkata 16.08.2012 1200 372 sw eR B.Tech 29.08.1983 21.10.2004 org DR Prashant Kumar Commissioner 22.08.1958 Bhopal CX (A-II) 03.11.2014 13-374 itz ata FE M.Com, MA. 29,08,1883 21.10.2004 ae sere DR angi (Pubic Adm), ‘Addltional Director Maninder Jeet LLB, General Singh Arora 0G SYS. a bata 11.07.1955 MGMT Delhi 23.07.2013 14 376 sagem «= MALLB 12.12.1989 21.10.2004 rege DR Pranab Kumar Commissioner Das (RID), CBEC, Deh 25,04,1980 07.122010 18 377 wilt Mars BSc, MA, -29,08,1883 21.10.2004 sare (fra) DR — Shahid Meezan M.Phil Commissioner 36.11.1988 Director, finisty of Labour Dela (On Deputation) 21,04 2008 18379 wiv at BV S08 14.12.1983 21.10.2004 aie etree DR John Joseph (Dr)A.H. Additional Director 24.05.1950 General DGRI, Delhi 18.01.2013 17 380, wh waft B.S, 29.08.1983 21.10.2004 srt DR Seema MAM Ea, Commissioner Maik) LLB. Dalhi-I1 (Act) (ST) 23.11.1959 20.10.2014 arg / se werFreaT COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS Ta wow oa ww sedis an sedi se ae Paap Ch Ce ee eee ee fa SLID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group the present ofReett ‘rade 18-302 afte wus | MAJLLEB 05.12.1989 21.10.2004 reg aftPra¥a) DR Asif Iqbal Commissioner 26.06.1950 Secretary Maulana ‘Azad Education Foundation, Ministry ‘of Minority Affairs Delhi (On Deputation) 09,01.2007, 19 383. wa GH weewa M.PhIL,LLM 07.09.1983 21.10.2004 ree rer DR Raj Kumar Adaltional Director Barthwal General 48.03,1980 DGRI, Delhi HO (Ad) 16.10.2014 200 384 oft ma BE, 29.08.1983 21.10.2008 ret DR Anil Kumar Commissioner 12.10.1958 Amedabad -| CX (A) 05.06.2012, 21 286 aie fie wEAEMLA,PGPPM — 01.09.1983 21.10.2004 cgeun (otrafia) DR Yudhvir Singh Chairman Shahrawat Land Port Authonty 06.08.1958, of Incia Delhi (On Deputation) 01.06.2012 22 387 after MBA (Hons), 28.08.1983 21.10.2004 org DR — Haringer Bansi MA,M.B.A, Commissioner O7n1955 LL Delhi-1 cx 16.12.2013 23388 at areaw fee B Pharma, 21.12.1983 21.10.2004 sarge DR — Sheo Narayan MLA, (Eco& Commissioner Singh Soc. ‘Stuaies), Dalhi- Cx (a) 08.07.1988, 13.08.2014 248 M.A.(Poltteal 07.09.1883 21.10.2004 sara OR CP.Rao Sclence) Commissioner 28.03.1959) Guntur ox 03.05.2011 25 392, wr wR ds AICWA,B.Com,, 29.08.1983 21.10.2008 org DR Pawan Kumar LLB, Commissioner ain Jochpur CUS. (P) 08,12,1959) 47.01,2073, area / se HPI COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS va wa wt am wore ‘airs en satird ne Fa ion arabe en #1 Pore tern a PRY ust PAR fee Sl ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source tGroup —_the present ofRectt ‘grade 26-393. w aR We MLPhilMSc, 16021984 21.10.2004 sre DR Satya VirSingh AFC. Commissioner 01.07.1956, Dathi-1(ST) (A) 20.10.2014 27 394 iva gum fre) PH.D 06.12.1983 21.10.2008 org DR Raj Bhushan Commissioner Tiwati Bangalore - Il OX (A) 18.03.1958 20.09.2012 28 395 orth we we ML Se. 08.12.1983 21.10.2004 sre DR — Ashok Kumar (Physics) Commissioner Pandey Nasik OX 20.07.1950 08.08.2012 20-396 wa yer BA, 30.09.1983 21.10.2004 org DR Jai Prakash Commissioner 01.09.1957 30-398 af ara fe MA 09.12.1983 21.10.2004 sarge DR Dharam Pal Commissioner singh ACG (Exp) CUS. 04.02.1986 Deini 04,08. 2014 31398 eh BPN ML Se, 31.12.1983 21.10.2008 ee ce DR Mt. Ponnusamy Additional Director 18.04.1955 General NACEN, Chennai 30.08.2013 32 400 was oly B.Com, 05.12.1983 21.10.2004 srt DR etrwen MBA Commissioner Kanwal Kishore Dalhi-IVcx. Kabirpanthi (Faridabad) 25.12.1956 20.08.2014 33 403 wm am BScLLB 27.08.1984 21.10.2008 sarge DR — Shobha Ram Commissioner 08.03.1956 CO(AR), CESTAT, Mumbal 15.06.2012 94 404 on Pate re MA 21.08.1984 21.10.2004 repro afte ud) DRM. Vinod Kumar Joint Secretary 22.01.1958 (TRU) OBEC New Delhi (On Deputation) 22.07.2013 0 r/o eT COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS owt we ada sau ue we Praga ee ee ee fate SL ID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualifeation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source ‘© Groups the present of Rectt. ‘rade 35 405 __ feast ee wearer MSc 05.07.1985 21 10.2008 ree ashe OR — Piyusha Kumar ‘Adaltional Director Patnaik General 09.12.1987 DGCEl, Mumbai 07,08 2013, 36406 my ies oie B.Sc, 26.12.1984 21.10.2004 ae ether DR — Madhu Mohan MBA, ‘Adaltional Ditector Damodnar LLB, General 02.05.1987 DG, Vigilance Mumbai 18.01.2013 37 407 Aawharary M.S, 13.12.1984 21.10.2004 ee eer DR V. Manivaannan Additional Director 18.05.1959 General, DG (Ausit) Chennai 16.122018, 38 408 aa So MA.MBA — 21,08,1984 21.10.2004 ona DR Devendra Commissioner Mishra Dathi- V CX (Robtak) 02.01.1958 18.09.2012 39 409 sino awe Bsc 21.08.1984 21.10.2004 ore DR R. Sekar Commissioner 07.05.1956 Mumbai - Il (ST) 01.06.2012 40 410 srutar ware ara BSoMBA, 27.08.1984 21.10.2004 org OR Ashok Kumar LLB, LUM: Commissioner Arya Dolhi-| Ox (A) 29.09.1955 25.06.2012 41411 to erates BL MS 21,08,1984 21.10.2004 ore DR —B Ravichandran Commissioner 02.04.1956 Hyderabad Il OX 28.06.2013 420 2 ha ga eae MA 21,08,1984 21.10.2004 at OR — Sunil Kumar Commissioner Sawhney Amritsar CUS. (P) 17.09, 1959 16.12.2013, 43413 itu nes se MALLB 17.12.1984 21.10.2004 seysa after (ufrafin) DR Sandeep Monan Joint Secretary Bhatnagar 21.08.1950) (cs) CBEC, Delhi (On Deputaton) 30.03.2010 TT Sir / ae PROT COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS wat am ee ae wa sedi ho cnet se ae Pra rear eho ae wy ARR whey FRY wt YF fa SL ID. Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group's the present of Rect, ‘rade 44 MS tie fie MAL 78.12.1884 21.10.2004 org DR Devendra Singh Commissioner 18.05.1960 (Chandigarh - II CX 02.11.2014 45 416 wh ews we MAWMBA 27.08.1884 21.10.2004 gre ate uaa) OR fe Joint Secretary Harmeet (BEC, Delhi Shamsher (On Deputaton) Singh (Ms.) 28.02.2012 03,06,1956 4600417 ea awwHR = BL,MSc. 19.12.1984 21.10.2004 ore eer DR S.Raj Kumar Additional Director 16.06.1957 General NACEN, Vadodara 02.07.2012 47 M8 te Mse. 28.08.1984 21.10.2004 srt ORK Sekar Commissioner 09.01.1958 TAR. Chennai (On Leave wet, 16.02.2014) 42° 419. fei IY MBBSLLB 19.12.1984 21.10.2008 org DR a ‘Commissioner Dinesn Bhopal CX Kumar Verma (Or) 11.08.2012 16.11.1958 49° 420 aw aHe —MSGLLB 19.12.1984 26.10.2004 reat OR shrews Pao, ‘Commissioner Anup Kumar Shillong OX (A) Srivastava (Or) 08.04.2014 14.05.1980 50421 ater fie MAMPhi, 21.09.1984 21.10.2004 ree rer DR — Talkeswar Singh Addltional Director 12.03, 1957 General DG, Vigilance Kolkata 20.06.2012 Bt 422, waa ces MA, Me, 13.12.1984 21.10.2004 sree OR — Rajeev Tandon LL.B. Dp TAO, Commissioner 02,08,1959 DIM, PGD-HRM NACEN, Farigabad PGDIM, MBA 03.09.2014 52423 wai ge MALLLB 21.08.1984 21.10.2008 orga DR MA kumar Commissioner 20.11.1961 Raigad CX 24.01.2013 area / se HPI COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS va wa wt am wore ‘afi en efit ue Fa ion erate er #1 Aare tern a PAY ust PAR fee Sl ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source tGroup —_the present ofRectt ‘grade 53425 A wearin MTech, 21,08. 1984 21.10.2008 xr DR V. Padmanabhan Commissioner 13.05.1957 RaKot Cx 01.06.2012 54 426 wits ene tow MALL 27.08.1984 26.10.2004 ee cer OR Anil Kumar Additional Director Mehra General 31.10.1956 Audit Deli 21.10.2014 86 427 ae a aftr MA 26.12.1984 26.10.2004 set OR —Chhitar Mal Commissioner Chandolia Kolkata -IV Cx 06.07.1958 03.05.2011 56 428 wha fis BALLS 25.08.1984 21.10.2004 org DR Karnal Singh Commissioner 23.03.1980) Daman CX 04,09. 2014 87 428. wewfte fe = BAJLLB © 30.01.1985 21.10.2004 sare (ota) DR Charanjt Singh Commissioner 07.07.1955, ‘Chandigarh (A) CX 04.07.2012 58430, aston MA 22.12.1984 21.10.2004 sree ihrer DR — Ghamman Ram Addltional Director Meena General 01.09.1958 Settlement Commission Delhi 04.06.2012 59431 Ra a GRTMA,LLB, 29.08.1984 21.10.2008 sarge DR Wison.L, MPril Commissioner Hangshing — PGDP (IFT) Mumbai - LTU 16,10,1958 20.12.2013 60433 wats wn tere B.Tech, 26.08.1985 21.10.2004 nee er OR Pramod m (afarrataa) Govande Additional Director 31.03.1959) General SAFEM (FOP)& NDPS ACT, Mumbai (On Deputation) 02.05.2013, 61434 ra og at B.Tech, 26.08.1985 21.10.2004 ee sere DR Kamal sit LLB MBA Chaudhry Finance) 40.03,1957 Adaltional Director General DGICCE, Delhi (Ha) 05.08.2013, 13 erga / are mahite COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS TT ww am wr sears aN sais we we Praha remy to Hwy ARR ahem FRY wt YF fa SL ID. Name and Educational ‘ate of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt ‘rade 62-435 aa wa) = BCom,MSc, 16121985 21.10.2008 org DR Sushil Solanki CA Commissioner 19.09.1953. Mumbai - 1 (ST) 11.05.2011 63437 sian ta BSe 23.01.1986 21.10.2004 sat DR Ajay Jain Mse, LLB. Commissioner 12.08.1961 (CX), CBEC, Delhi 28,08 2010 64 438 qe wagers BLA (Hons), M.A. 16.12.1985 21.10.2004 sree DR fw ‘Commissioner Manoranjan Gurgaon 1 Cx K Vik (Ms.) 14.08.2014 22.05.1959 65 439 Ma vieerart = MSG LLB 16.12.1986 21.10.2004 ee eer DR — Gautam Adaltional Director Bhattacharya General 04.04.1981 Da, SYS & Data MGMT, Dethi 47.42.2013 66381 fetw we fea MSc 09.12.1983 25.01.2006 set DR Dinesh Chancra Commissioner Duivedi Bolpur Cx 24.06.1958, 21.06.2012 67 440 MIA swHATG B.Tech, PGDM 16.12.1985 26.01.2006 one ier DR — Bankey Behar Additional Director Agrawal General 01.07.1959 NAGEN, (COE) Faridabad 41.08.2012 68441 uw ayMA, 21.04.1986 26.01.2006 ee seer DR Debi Prasad MPhil Addltional Director Dash Le, General, OG SYS. & 14.07.1959 Data MGMT, Delhi 20.02.2012 69442 om a FE AA BALLS 25.08.1885 28.01.2006 ora OR Amit Pal Commissioner Singh Suri Mumbai ll Airport 20.03.1982, CUS. 01.07.2013 70 443. qi ordar w MBAM.PhIL 16.12.1985 26.01.2006 ‘aaqra after (ftPrafto) OR fara Joint Secretary Archana (Review) Pandey Thvati Ms.) (BEC, Delhi 09,02,1980 (On Deputaton) 07.12.2011 vy ig / se wer COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS weit wow an ase sedi a cdot oe Par aren wr alo om #7 IRE berm Pgf wT fey ute fe i fate SL ID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Bith —Qualifcation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group’ the present of Rect ‘grade 7) 444 ftw tet BA(Hors), MBA 16, 12,1985 25.01.2006 ayaa) DR Vivek Jone Commissioner 47.07.1963 Minister (Customs) WTO, Geneva (On Deputation) 19.10.2012 72 485 Wan ee ee MAL MPRI, 16.12.1985 28.01.2006 ora DR Ranjan Kumar Commissioner Rautray Madura CX 12.08.1959 25.08.2014 73 446 Seon ware ee MSc. 01.08.1986 25.01.2006 ree nar DR Prasanna Kumar ‘Additional Director Dash General 21.02.1959 DGRI, Mumbai 16.05.2014 74447 enta BEd, BL, 16.12.1985 25.01.2006 ore DR C.Rajendran M.Sc, PGD Commissioner 12.12.1957 Vizag CUS. 12.08.2013 78 448 wait MA 26.08.1985 25.01.2006 sre (aftPra20) DR Raj Bhata Commissioner 09.02.1958 Director Punjab State Electicty Board Chandigara (On Deputation) 08.09.2014 76 449 ai. ite fie MBBS. 26.08.1985 25.01.2006 orga DR Devender Commissioner Singh (Di) CC(AR), CESTAT, 01.10.1956 Delhi 08.06.2012 77 450 SM awte gue MBALLB. — 26.08.1985 25.01.2006 wearer DR DP. Nagendra ‘Adaitional Director Kumar General 13,07, 1962 DG, Ault Bangalore 11.08.2012 78 451 ea aie we BE,PGOM 24.12.1985 25.01.2006 se wearer DR Pullela Adaltional Director Nageswara General Rao NACEN, Hyderabad 26.01.1960 20.08.2013 r/o we EET COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS ea wea mo ome word ‘xfer eh a caters we oF Fafa aren wy eat rae wT ama hy FRY FE 3 fae Sl ID. Name and Educational ‘Data of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification. appointment_—_—Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group'r the present of Rectt. ‘rade 79455 whee fe wie) BEd, MA 16.12.1985 2601.2006 ora DR Perminder Commissioner ‘Singh Sodhi (Chandigarh - | x 01,04,1955, 01.07.2013 80456 dee ala era MPHIL 16.12.1988 28.01.2006 ee sath OR — Sunder Lal ‘Adaltional Director Thakur General 02.03.1956 DTE of Logistics Delhi 20.08.2014 81 457 Rafer ach MA, 26.08.1985 26.01.2006 sree DR Ringzing D. Commissioner Neg! (Chandigarh - 1 CX (A) 04.04.1987, 11.08.2014 22458 xe ara iy MA 26.12.1985 28.01.2006 ee cer OR — Shrawan Lal Additional Director Meena’ General 03.01.1957, DG, Valuation Mumbai 06.06.2012 83459 tue aia ar B.SC, MSc, 24.12.1985 25.01.2006 sna OR = Sugan Lal PhO Commissioner Meena-ll (Dr) Udaypur Ox 04.07.1958, 12.08.2074 84 464, Racer Baw MA, 25.08.1986 26.01.2006 one DR —PVenkatarama Commissioner Reddy Nagpur Cx 25.03.1980 13.12.2013 85465 as we MSc.Zoology) 25.08.1986 25.01.2006 ree aaa DR Bljay Kumar MPhil, LLB Additional Director 10.01.1958 General DG, Vigilance Delhi (NZU) 08.06.2012 86 467 whva ecru B.A (Hons.), 25.08.1986 26.01.2006 ree eer DR — Banibrata mA, Addltional Director Bhattacharya General 19,12,1959 NAGEN, Bangalore 27.06.2012 87 66 ates tex eH MBBS. 18.12.1986 28.01.2006 org DR — Syed Haider Commissioner Hasan (Or) Murntai -II NAHVA 20.06.1959 SHEVA(Exp,) CUS. Gen. 23.07.2013, 16 area / se HPI COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS va wa wt am wore ‘airs en satird ne Fa ion arabe en #1 Pore tern a PRY ust PAR fee Sl ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source tGroup —_the present ofRectt ‘grade 88471 wee @aR wt B.Com (Hons), 19.12 1986 25.01.2006 sre DR — Rakesh Kumar M.B.. (Finance) Commissioner Sharma Pune Cx 07.08.1961 06.06.2012 a9 472 arm wegen MALMSe, 26.08.1986 25.01.2006 org DR — Kellash Chand LLB, Commissioner Gupta Mumbal- II Cx 16.06.1959 02.09.2014 90 473 RQ AY MSe. 05.09.1986 25.01.2006 sagt DR = -KRaghuN. (Chemistry) Commissioner Chary. Vapicx 07.03.1958, 27.12.2013 Of 474 wim wot MA. 25.08.1986 25.01.2006 ora OR — Sungta (Philosophy) Commissioner Sharma (Ms.) Pune ll CX 14.01.1953 06.02.2012 92 475 # salle BA. Diploma in 19.09.1986 26.01.2008 org DR ALK Jyotshi Social Welfare, Commissioner 1609,1959 LLB, Vadoaara - | CX 01,01.2014 e3 476 wa, AMLLE, 25.08.1986 25.01.2006 sree OR Raju CRA, Commissioner 06.12.1982 PGDM.LLB CC(AR), CESTAT, ‘Anmedabad 28.06.2013 04477 a B.Tech, 25.08.1986 30.10.2008 sree DR S.N.Saha Commissioner 01,04, 1959 Hyderabad il ox 27.08.2014 95 478 oad MA, 05.09.1986 14.05.2008 ore steer OR — Reena Additional Director Arya (Ms) General 47.11.1960 DQ, Vigilance Dethi =I (NZU) 24.10.2011 96 479i warm elaa_—-M.Com. 16.12.1986 14.05.2009, ae rer DR Om Prakash Addltional Director Dadhich General 20.08.1981 DGRI, Aamedabad 24.02.2014 17 erga / ae Hehe COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS co wea mow ame wort ‘afer en a afer we oF Fra aren a =k wT ae) aR ah a FRY wt 3 fae Sl ID. Nameand Educational Data of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting source to Groupa’ the present of Rectt. ‘rade 97 480 sar srmeme ara M.Tech 25.08.1986 14.05.2009 sat OR wwe ‘Commissioner Anil Gangadhar Vishakapatnam - | OX Rao Shakkarwar 04.09.2014 17.08.1958 98 481 qa NR aE M.Sc. 18.12.1988 14.05.2009, reget DR Sunil Kumar Commissioner Das Kolkata Port CUS, 25.08.1980 10.07.2013, 09482 Gm SHR MSC\LLB 16.12.1986 14.05.2009 a meitreer OR — Ranjan Kumar cafrrataay Sahoo Deputy Drector 45.08.1960 General NCB, Dethi (On. Dep.) 40.03.2011 100 487 Hah am an MBBS 18.12.1988 14.05.2009 rept DR Yoo Dhyan Commissioner Banga (Or) Ludhiana OX 05.08.1957 02.09.2014 tor 491 wa eee BA, 24.08.1987 14.05.2009 sre DR Sandeep Commissioner Kumar (Customs & EP) 27.10.1982, BEC, Delhi 23.05.2011 102 492, tam Vaware | MA, LLB 14.12.1987 14.05.2009 org DR — Sailaja Ray Commissioner Baruan Delhi ACC (Imp) 04.02.1983, & Gen, 26.05.2011 108 493 wea ea MA, 27.08.1987 14.05.2009 srt DR Jayant Kumar Commissioner aha Ranchi CX 05.02.1981 23.12.2013 104 494 feng ar MBA, 14.12.1987 14.05.2009, ong OR — Himanshu Gupta Commissioner 20.01, 1982) Lucknow CUS, 08.08.2014 105 495i ea Pt wa_B.Com,, 01.09.1987 14.05.2008 sree DR Vasa esha LLB. ML Commissioner Giri Rao Pune CX & CUS. 01.07.1980 17.10.2011 108 499 awa wa! BALL 24.08.1987 14.05.2009 org DR — Rajpal Sharma Commissioner 08.03.1959) Nasik CX (A) 47.40.2012 18 sna / eee mah COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS TT wow amy ww sedis eh a sedi se ae Paap aren rete Ha aman ahh a FRY ur RY fa SLID Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source fw GroupA —_the present ofRectt ‘grade 107 507 aa emda BA,PGDPPM, 24.08.1987 14.06.2009, sree DR Ani Kumar (MBAYLL Commissioner sain Delhi ST 01.12.1980 16.12.2013 108-508 a wR BA 24.08.1987 14.05.2009 ee ere DR — Balesh Kumar Adaltional Director 28.08.1982 General DGHRD (HRM) Delhi 23.12.2014 109-510 qn afar awh MA 24.08.1987 14.05.2009 set DR — Suenitra Commissioner ‘Sharma (Ms}) Co(aR), CESTAT, 09.07.1983, Delhi 23.12.2013 110512 fale He we B.Com, LLB. 24.08.1887 14.05.2009 rey OR — Vinod Kumar Commissioner Saxena Meerut-1CX 18.03.1961 09.05.2011 11 813 M.Phil 14.12.1987 14.05.2009, or DR Manoj Krishna Commissioner 13.09.1961 600, Mumbai Zone |, CX 01,122014 112 814 aut gare tear BE,MTech, 24.08.1987 14.05.2009 ree mire DR Ashok Kumar LLB Additional Director Menta General 08,09,1982 NAGEN, Faridabad 28,08.2010 113° 518) qn wen ay MAMPhL 24.08.1887 14.05.2009 org DR — Ranjana Jha (Ms.) Commissioner 16.02, 1983 CO(AR), CESTAT, Dethi 08,08, 2012 114 516 ateatgs doc BSc, MBA,LLB, 24.08.1987 14.06.2009 sre DR = gun wa calla, PADCL Commissioner Gollamudi IPR Hyderabad IV Cx Venkata 24.05.2010 Krishna Rao 02.07.1981 118518 gah wl M.Sc. 14.12.1987 14.05.2009, ore DR Boddulu Hare Commissioner Ram Belgaum OX 10.07.1959 01.08.2013 17 erga / are mahite COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS Ta ww am wr sears ae -ahrt we Praha een wr etter RR aw aber gfe a Fh ato RA 3 fer SL ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present of Rectt rade 116 519 que. BSc 14.12.1987 14.05.2009, orga OR wary ‘Commissioner Bharat, Ahmedabad «CX Chavan (Ms) 03.07.2013 02.08.1961 117 620 tw dyer M.Com, LLB 17.12.1887 14.06.2009 ree rarer OR Naresh AAddltional Director Penumaka General 16.07.1962 NAGEN, Mumbai 08.06.2012 118521 fina frute wal BE 14.12.1987 14.05.2009 orga DR Vimal Kishor Commissioner Verma Surat CX 03,09, 1959 24.06.2013 119523 way aie Mit MA, 14.12.1987 14.05.2009, naa DR Shankar Lal Commissioner Meena Jaipur 1 CX (A) 01.07.1955 25.08.2014 120° 524 wm aI EY MLA,(ECO) 01.01.1888 14.05.2009 nee sehr OR — Chagan Lal ‘Adaltional Ditector Nahar General 10.08, 1958 DGCEI, Ahmedabad 12.05.2011 121525 wa aware BAMA 27.12.1988 14.05.2009 reste uraraa) DR Rally Talwar Joint Secretary 17.11.1984 BEC, Dein’ {On Deputation) 05.12.2011 122 526 rate fern MA. 27.12.1988 09.08.2009 ceptor) DR Alok Tewari Commissioner 03.08.1982, Cabinet Sec. Dethi (On Deputation) 108,06.2009 123 527 wun @IR aww BE,PGD 09.02.1989 09.08.2009 org OR — Sanjay Kumar Commissioner Agarwal Chennai (ST) 07.47.1965 08.08.2014 124 528 quit afzawi ona BA (Hons, 26.12.1988 09.06.2009 sre worn DR MallkaArya(Ms.) Eco.)Mastor in (afttrataa) 28.04.1983 Personnel Admin, 4 Indl. Relations Group General Manager, Container ‘Corporation of India Lia. New Delhi (Concor) {On Deputation) 06.06.2012, 20 orga / oe ese COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS ve a es ae a vader avn adv ue 4 Prafta wou st eal as wf ale) Pager fOHeE ult Fae 3 fa SL ID. Name and Educational ‘ate of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group the present of Rectt ‘grade 125529 ew aH B Tech, 07.09.1988 09.06.2008 sare OR = S Kanan LLB Commissioner 05.06.1985 (Chennai (A) CUS. 16.122013 126 531 orate ura -B.Sc.,B.Tech 26.12.1988 09.06.2009 ore ier DR Alok Shukla (ufePralea) 01.01.1985, Additional Director General BEC, Delhi (On Deputation) 18,08,2014 127 592 wc ware yea B.E. (Civil), 13.02.1888 08.06.2009 ore DR Satish Kumar M.Tech Commissioner Agrawal (Structures) Delhi lox 17.09, 1982 07.01.2014 128 490 whee vers iar BLA, 18.12.1988 04.03.2010 ore OR — Rameshwar Commissioner Prasad Meena Kolkata -1 (A) OX 18.07.1955 18.10.2014 129 $33 wr ae Rr BA 09.02.1989 04.03.2010 ore DR Pawan Kumar Commissioner inna Goacx (A) 16.02, 1964 11,08,2014 130 634 sew ure uiwa B.Com, CA,CS 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 ree rer DR Pradeep Additional Director Kumar Goo! General 18.08,1982 DGICCE, Kolkata 01.08.2013 131 535 Henao snare MSe 26.12.1988 04.08.2010 org DR — Mandala Commissioner Srinivas Hyderabad 10x 06,10,1983, 06.08.2014 132 636 sate ne aaa MBA,M.Com, 09.02.1889 04.03.2010 ree rer DR — Pramod Kumar LLB Addltional Director Agrawal General 07.01.1988, DG, Aualt Mumbai 18.08.2014 193 537 qa AL am eg, BA, 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 set DR V. Rama Commissioner Mathew (Ms.) Patna CX (A) 11.12.1983, 07.08.2012 2 orga / oe ese COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS ve a es ae a vader avn adv ue 4 Prafta wou st eal as wf ale) Pager fOHeE ult Fae 3 fa SL ID. Name and Educational ‘ate of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group the present ofRectt ‘rade 134 538 qa aor Hola MLA, M.Phil 26.12.1888 04.03.2010 sare (frat) OR fire ‘Commissioner Mallika Mahajan Controller Space Sinha (Ms.) Application Centre 17.09, 1964 Ahmedabad (On Deputation) 12.04.2013 195 40 og wira MPhil 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 reg DR Atul Dikshit Commissioner 09.11.1961 Delhi ICD, Cus. 22.07.2013 138 $41 Mey ——_B.Com, 04.04.1989 04.03.2010 srt OR C.J. Mathew MBA Commissioner 28.01.1984 DG, Auct Hyderabad 06.08.2014" 137542 aie fern MTech 10.02.1989 04.03.2010 org DR — Suresh kishnani Commissioner 05,07,1982, Mumbai =| OX 27.06.2012, 138543 orate wa : 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 eter (strato) DR Alok Raj Director 16,08, 1962 Cabinet Secretariate Delhi (On Deputation) 04,032010 139 545 www fer BAMA, 01.02.1989 04.03.2010 ory DR Shashank Priya Commissioner 29.11.1965 Patna CX 18.08.2013 140547 aN qu ar Pt M.Sc 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 rey DR Krishna Commissioner akshaya Dethi CUS. (P) Mishra (Ms.) 01.08.2013 08.11.1961 141 548 whe eR Ae BE. 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 ree eer DR —Promod Kumar Adaltional Director singh General 16.10.1961 DGRI, Lucknow 22.08.2014 142882 wart B.Tech, 24.02.1989 04.03.2010 ee rer DR Vivek Ranjan Adaltional Director 01.09.1955 General, DGRI, Delhi 24.01.2013, 2 sr / se efter COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS oat a ee wr awtora eo safer ue oe Praha Wert vals a ARI ate Pata Ye Fa 3 fae SLID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Dateof Birth Qualifeation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source toGroups’ the present ofRectt. ‘rade Tas 053 wa wo TWA,PRD. 26,08 1889 04, 08.2010 DR — Uma Shanker 30,08, 1963, Ahmedabad: Ill OX 02.08.2013 144 554 oma Zire B.Tech, 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 org DR Ajay Dit Commissioner 01.01.1982, Lucknow Cx: 08.08.2014 145° 556 qa aa ar gear M.A 14021988 04.03.2010 ee seer DR Neeta Lal Adaltional Director Butalla (Ms) General 11.07.1963 DG Vigilance Delhi 14.08.2014 145 557 qh Guar IK, MA(Hstoy) 26.12.1888 04.03.2010 sna DR faa Commissioner Hemambika (Coordination), Priya (Ms.) (BEC, Delhi 47.41.1982 06.01.2014 147 858 eam aE MSe 26.12.1988 04.08.2010 ret DR Shyam Raj Commissioner Prasad Mumbai General & 20.06.1982, CFS Mulund 18.08.2014 148 559 na Mea, 26.12.1988 04.03.2010 org OR fever eure Commissioner BV. Cochin Cx (AI) Sivanaga 15.10.2014 Kumari (Ms) 10.02, 1985 149 562, ovat wher warat BLSe, 26.12.1988 22.12.2014 at DR Ajay Ganesh Commissioner Ubale Vadodara Audtt-1 OX 26.08.1963, 23.12.2014 160 863 flu wa) MA, 26.12.1988 28.01.2011 set DR Vijay Kelsi Commissioner 16.08, 1959 CBN, Gwalior 19.08.2012 181 564 uate gre Bse 27.12.1988 28.01.2011 org DR Pramod Commissioner Kumar CO(AR), CESTAT, 05.01.1985 Delhi 11.08.2012 area / se HPI COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS a mo am vert wet sor we aa Se ee ee ater Sl ID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Dateof ith Qualfeation —_appoinment—_Prometion in Present Posting Source woGroup the present, ofRectt grade 12665 ~hwvwar BSc, MBA, 26121600 20012011 ware ORK Chanera. PDT Commissioner Sekhar Chena =| Airport 3.01 1958 GUS 03.09 2014 158566 german awe MA 26121988 28012011 ere OR Svakzathang Commissioner ‘Nunthuk Noida CX (A), 25.04.4962 25.0820%4 154 568 uta arr M.SoM.Tech. 20.09.1990 28.01.2011 “a tame DR Surjt Bhuj Acaltonal Drector 10.12.1986 General DCE, Bangalore 04.02.2011 155569 wnat MA 21.08.1889 28.01.2011 saa DR Seema Commissioner arora Ms.) BBhopal-1 CX (A) 15.03.1965 05082013 158570 -egum ders MAMPI 21.08.1989 280012011 surge DR qamme wet Commissioner Madden Bangalore - Il Cx Venkata Suboaian 12.08.2013 Choucary 02.12.1982 197 OT) awantan CA 21.08.1968 28012011 sr BR Deepak Arora Commissioner 27.10.1982 Daman &x (A) att 2011 158972 wants Msc 21031988 28012011 ogen DR Rajesh Soon (Chem Hons.) Commissioner 08.09.1965 Chen 0852012 198 574 Ramus MSc 21.08.1968 28012011 saa DR Anpacnaken Commissioner 18.04.1963 Goacx 21.08.2014 160 975 wien «=MBBS 24.08.1989 26.01.2011 awa DR aura Commissioner (PAC) Sanjay Kumar 826, Den Agarwal (or) 19.08.2014 28.07.1983 a erga / eee maitre COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS Ce wows vadars oho udu ee afer et ae ame ae aft fa ub fa fa SLID Name and Educational Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source Groups the present ofRectt grade Ts] 676 wan twee PAD. 21.08.1668 28.072071 or DR Sandeep Commissioner Srivastava Jaipur 10x 25.05.1963 22.07.2013 162 877 om wR B.A(Hons), 20.08.1989 28.01.2011 swag DR Reopam Kapoor MA Commissioner 18.07.1984 Chennai 10X 02.09.2014 163878 gy wy wg MSc 21.08.1988 28.01.2014 sarge DR Kanu Verma Commissioner Kumar (Ms) LTU, Delhi ox 16.04.1985 01.09.2014 164879 fete MBA 20081988 28.01.2011 Re ware DR vas MBBS (uta) Vinayak Senior Advisor Mohan (TF, WHO, Geneva Prasad (Or) (Ch Deputaton) 19.07.1983 28.01.2011 165 680 wha wire BE,LLB 21.08.1988 28.01.2014 reg DR Navneet Goo! Commissioner 04.02.1964 ‘Anmedabad - CX 01.07.2013 168681 ote MA 23.08.1986 28.01.2011 srg DR Ashok Commissioner 24.11.1962 Bangalore - CX 03.09.2014 167 582. ww. wewtew M.Sc. Inappled 21.08.1988 27.12.2014 reg DR J.S.Ghandre- Geology. Post Commissioner shekar Graduate in Puble ysore cx 27.41.1983 Policy and Management 15.07.2018 atl, Bangalore 168583 ha ware or AIGA 200081900 28.01.2011 srg DR Anil Kumar B.Com, Commissioner Gupta MBA Mumbai ACC (Exp) 16.09.1984 CUS, 19.082014 169584 ih awe Ram B.Com, 20.08.1990 28.01.2011 seg DR ar MABGL Commissioner Aruna Narayan M.Phil. PhO Meenut-IICX (A) Gupta(ls.) (Pubic Acmn) 01.07.2018 07.11.1965 or erga / eee mahi COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS TT wt am wr sears ae sated we oe Praha wien wr ette oar RR ane ater ghee Phat wT RA fe SL ID Name and Educational ate of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt grade 170 585 wie guy fe = BE,M.Tech, 20.08.1980 28.01.2011 ore DR Mohan Kumar Commissioner Singh Hyderabad - 11 Cx 01.01.1987, 23.07.2012 171 687 aetis Pe B.Sc(Hons.}, 21.09.1989 28.01.2011 ore DR — Gurdeep Singh M.Sc. (Tech), Commission 10.04.1963 LLB, MPhil Chit Controller COF, Delhi 02.04.2013 172 508 share af ert BA, LLB. 20.08.1900 28.01.2011 org DR Srinivas Murty Commissioner (ST) Tata BEC, Delhi 19.07.1984 12.09°2072 173 600 qnaeus. dy MPHIL,LLB 24.08.1989 28.01.2011 ora DR Vandana k. Commissioner Jain (Ms) Kanpur CX 46.08.1953 19.09.2012 174 555 siiaia wa, wee M.Sc, LLM 16.01.1888 26,06,2012 set DR — Shrikant s. Commissioner Pati ‘Surat-| CX (A) 12.07.1962 29.06.2012 175 501 wu ga SR M.PhilLMSc, 28.08.1989 25.08.2012 ora DR Bijoy Kumar M-Tech Commissioner Ker LTU, Bangalore 17.04.1983 28.06.2012 178 $92 wh Mw, awa M.Sc,M.A, 21.08.1888 26,06,2012 sare (fra) DR — RenuK Le Commissioner Jagdev (tts.) Assessor Collector 27.12.1984 Municipal Corporation North Delhi (On Deputation) 43.44.2014 177 594 qh te aE MA 21.08.1989 26.06.2012 rept DR Reshma Dipt.'in Comp. Commissioner Lakhani (Ms) Mgmt, LLB Cochin Cx 28,09,1984 09.05.2014 178 595 qn wae BS 21.03.1989 25.06.2012 set DR he MBA, US ‘Commissioner Seema Jere Mumbai -II NAHVA Bisht (Mis,) ‘SHEVA (imp) CUS, 07.11.1983 18.01.2013, erga / eee mahi COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS TT ww am wr sears ae -ahrt we Praha een wr etter RR aw aber gfe a Fh ato RA 3 fer SL ID Name and Educational ate of Date of Date of Joining of No, NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source foGroupa the present ofRectt ‘grade 179-598 yo MNS 21.08.1988 25.06.2012 ore DR titer ‘Commissioner ©. Krishna Mumbai CUS. (P) Srinivas (Or) 02.09.2013 01.07.1983, 180 597 sireie wh B.Com, MPP 21.08.1989 26.06.2012 at DR — Ashish Varma Commissioner 18.11.1984 Nagpur OX (Auelt- It) 18.10.2014 181 698) heen MPI 21.09.1989 26.06.2012 ore DR senna Commissioner Jane Karuna Chennai CUS. (Pott) Nathaniel (Ms) (import) 26.06.1983, 01.07.2012 182 $99 art onaqe ary M.Sc, 20.08.1990 26.06.2012 sree rer DR Javed Akhtar Additional Director Kran General 01.01.1984 DG, Ausit Ahmecabad 06.07.2012 183 600 win gen BA 01.08.1989 26.08.2012 org OR —P Hemavatni (Ms) Commissioner 18.12.1959 Bhopal CX (Audit =I) 15.10.2014 184 602 yn due IR MSC 21.08.1989 25.06.2012 org DR Telasvini P. Commissioner Kumar (Ms.) ‘Ahmedabad - 1 Cx 05,09,1952 (Auatt 1) 15.10.2014 185 603 wH ae Waal Mom 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 sree OR Ram Changar Commissioner ‘Sankhla Ranchi Cx (A) 07.08.1983, 29.06.2012 185 604 a. eR SOMA 21.08.1989 28.06.2012 ee cer DR — R. Bhagya Additional Director Devi(tts.) General 31.07.1981 DG, SYS & Data MGMT, Chennai 21.08.2014 187 605 few aa_——«B.Se.(Engg.), 21.08.1889 26.06.2012 ona DR — Kishori Lal LLB, LLM Commissioner 01.01.1981 Patna CUS. (P) 27.06.2012, a7 orga / oe ese COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS oo a es ae a vader avn adv ue 4 Prafta wou st eal as wf ale) Pager fOHeE ult Fae 3 fa SL ID. Name and Educational ‘ate of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group the present of Rectt ‘grade 488608 afew a MA 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 sare DR — Gaigongdin Commissioner Panmel Shillong CUS. (P) 05.03.1985, 27.08.2012 189 609 ae wa BSc, LLB 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 ore DR Sanjay Pant Commissioner 06.04.1984 Bangalore (ST) 18.01.2018 190 610 ats of BE(Mech)Hon, 10.12.1990 25.08.2012 ree artes DR — Yogendfa Garg PGDM (IM Bangalore) Additional Director 03,03,1987, General (Ad) ) DGCEI, Delhi 03.11.2074 191 611 cram gia BL Tech, BL, 16.09.1991 28.08.2012 sre DR Meta Rama MPA. NUS. Commissioner Rao (Singapore) Kolkata (ST) 10.02, 1966 18.09.2074) 192 612 aragntu wash MSc 20.08.1990 28.06.2012 org DR Ashutosh Commissioner Avast Kolkata CUS. 20.01.1984 Airport 03.07.2012 193613 a. dua Re PhO 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 rey OR —Telpal Singh (Dr) Commissioner 20.06.1985 3, (Exp.) Promotion Deihi 04.08.2014 194 614 au we BSc(Engg. 16.09.1991 25.05.2012 sagt DR Rajesh Pandey Mechanical) Commissioner 25.08,1985 Pune-IlICX(A) 08,08. 2012, 195 615 dit Puen leurs B. Se. (Engg) 20.08.1990 25.06.2012 org DR — Bijpy Bina M.Tech, Commissioner Mohapatra Guwanatl Cx 30,06,1964 10.10.2012 198 S44 aie eH aR MA, 26.12.1988 26.06.2012 srt DR — Rangisetly (History) Commissioner Manga Babu Chennai -IV CX 18.03.1952 06.12.2013 197 49 faster ute Marine Engg, 26.12.1988 26.06.2012 reat DR —Nishith Goyal PG Diploma Commissioner 05.09,1981 In Foreign Trade, ‘Chennai -1 CX (A) Le 10.09.2013 28 sing / ste wer COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS. a wrest ww a wore sais ae eto FS atom wr ete ara RE alte abort fs a hy att PA fe Sl ID. Nameand Educational ‘ate of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualifcation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source to Group's the present of Rect ‘grade 198 607) harem MA, 20.08.1989 25.06.2012 aa DR C.R Meena Commissioner 20.10.1961 Nagpur CX (A) 11.08.2014 199616 win mse. 01.08.1990 25.06.2012 ora DR Rajesh Puri Commissioner 27.06.1984 Jammu & Kashmir (ox 28.06.2012 200 617 sua wR = M.Sc,LLB 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 are DR Alay Savena Commissioner 26.01.1965, ‘Surat-ICX 27.08.2012 201 619 wim vem = BLE, MTech, 20.08.1890 25.06.2012 ore DR Sandeep ue Commissioner Prakash Bangalore CUS. 21.05.1985, 27.06.2012 202 621 ef Mere = BE (Mech) 01.08.1991 25.06.2012 se wearer DR Sanjiv Srivastava PGPPM, LLB, Additional Director 26.07.1964 General Dte of Legal attars Delhi 17.09.2012 203 622. ee MBBS. 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 ore DR KN. Raghvan(O:) Commissioner 30.05.1964 Cochin CUS. House 25.06.2012, 204 623 wiv wy MA 20.08.1980 25.06.2012 ree nad DR — Samanjasa Additional Director Das General 20.06.1965, CEI, Delhi 11.01.2013 205 624 wmf = MBBS, 16.09.1991 25.06.2012 ora DR Ram Niwas (Dr) LLB, LLM Commissioner 12.06.1965 ‘Mumbai = 11x 22.04.2013 208 625° amy wuty = BScM.Sc. 20.08.1990 25.06.2012 sree DR — Kumar Santosh Commissioner 03.09,1963 Aurangabad CX 27.06.2012 207 626 oie gare frat M.Se.,M Tech, 20.08.1990 26.06.2012 ore DR Amar Kumar Commissioner Sinha Guntur Cx (A) 07.07.1985 16.01.2013, 29 sr / se efter COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS oat we wr satan be sairt ue oe Praha Wert vals a RAR ate Pata Yue Fa 3 fae SLID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Dateof Birth Qualifeation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source toGroups’ the present ofRectt. ‘rade 208 627 aw Wa B.Sc. (Hons) 18.12.1880 25.08.2012 sree DR Deep Shekhar Commissioner 26.07.1964 Bhubanestivar - 11 OX 22.09.2014 208 628. re wat HIRRMLV.Se 16.09.1981 26.06.2012 ona OR KR Uday Commissioner Bhaskar Spl Director 13.10.1985 Enforcement Chennai 23.07.2012 210 631 weiss ate fle MSc 16.09.1991 26.06.2012, sre DR — Satyencra Kumar Commissioner Singh CC(AR)CESTAT, 02.01.1964 Bangalore 06.06.2014 211 632. Mare wrfiarél MLA,M.PhiL 16.09.1991 26.06.2012 org DR J.R. Panigrahi Commissioner 27.41.1963 Ghaziabad CX 08.01.2013) 212 633 wan ta Be 16.09.1991 26.06.2012, ree rarer DR Rajeev Jain Addltional Director 21.12.1864 General DG, Inspection Delhi 05.08.2014 213 634 eH eH. welt B.Com, M.B.A 20.08.1980 26.06.2012 se eer DR MM. Parthiban Adsitional Director 25.08.1963, General DGRI, Chennai 26.07.2012 214 635 ah ature HT BAMA, 20.08.1980 26.06.2012 ee seer DR Venugopal Usha (Ms) Addltional Director 24,04,1985, General Settiement ‘Commission Chennai 27.06.2012 215 636 sist awrara | MA,MLPhL 16.09.1981 26.06.2012 sarge DR Ashutosh Commissioner Baranwal Mumbai - | Imp.) 01.03.1986 CUS, 27.06.2012 3 sr / se efter COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS oat a ee wr awtora eo safer ue oe Praha Wert vals a ARI ate Pata Ye Fa 3 fae SLID. Name and Educational ‘Date of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Dateof Birth Qualifeation appointment Promotion in Present Posting Source toGroups’ the present ofRectt. ‘rade 216 638 wala anne ater BTech (Mech), 16.09.1991 25.06.2012 ‘ret (arate) DR — Manoj Kumar MBA Commissioner Arora Private Secretary 24.09.1965, Ministy of Women & Child Development Delhi (On Deputation) 24.07.2014 217 639 de Pn fie BEMTech 16.09.1991 26.06.2012 orn Pre DR Satendra Vikram Addltional Director Singh General 25.06.1985, DG, SYS 4 Data MGMT Dein 24,06 2013 218 641 ke ae Be 16.09.1991 28.06.2012 ora DR Ravinder Saroop Commissioner 09.03.1986 Mumbai ACC (Imp) (CUS. 27.06.2012 219 642 ea etm sere M.S. 16.09.1801 25.06.2012 orga DRS Feheem (Astronomy), Commissioner Ahmed toe, Belapur Cx 27.10.1964 19.08.2014 220 643 salu gare B.Tech, 16.09.1991 26.06.2012 set DR fe! M.Tech, Commissioner Awadhesh TU, Chennai Kumar Singh 4 27.06.2012 13.04,1968 221 644 fate madd MA 16.09.1991 26.06.2012, ore eer DR Vivek Chatuvest Additional Director 18.11.1967 General DG, SYS & Data MGMT, Delhi 26.08.2013 222 645 wits ee fic MA 16.09.1991 26.06.2012, org DR Sunil Kumar Commissioner Singh Ahmedabad il CX 29.06.1984 (@) 0207.2012 223° 646 Garawesn MuAH B, Se. 16.09.1991 2:06.2012 sagt DR —Devarapalli —(Agricuture) Commissioner Purushottam = MBA Mangalore CUS. 26.07.1983, 28.06.2012 224 647 antwer——B.Com, o1o1.1s91 26.06.2012 one DR ©. Dhanasekaran MBA Commissioner 01.08.1959 Mumbai - II CX (A) 19.08.2014 3 erga / ae Hehe COMMISSIONERS / ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS GENERAL / DIRECTORS TT wea mow ame wort afar eh a safer we oy Fra aren ea ak wT ae] ah FRY FY 3 fae Sl ID. Nameand Educational Data of Date of Date of Joining of No. NO Date of Birth Qualification appointment Promotion in Present Posting source to Groupa’ the present of Rectt. ‘rade 225° 648 faa we wewB.Sc.(Engg) 30.12.1991 25.06.2012 sre DR — Bljoy Kumar Electrical Commissioner allick Settlement 13.07.1959 Commission, Kolkata 21.08.2012 228 649 arr AI ne © BTech,PGDM 16.09.1991 26.06.2012 org OR — Gaddala Commissioner Sree Harsha Haldia OX 14.08.1954 27.06.2012 227 880s aH BSc (Enog), 17.03.1991 25.08.2012 sree DR © Mahendra PG Diploma in Commissioner Ranga International Meerut-l1CX 09.12.1966 Business Operation 20.06.2013 228 653 wu we Ma, 20.08.1980 26.06.2012 sre OR — Raj Kumar Commissioner 27.07.1988, Kolkata - ll x 01.07.2013 228114 MA 04.04.1991 26.06.2012 ona PR gag ate Commissioner BVT. Prasad Tirunelveli OX Naik 04.07.2012 25.01.1959 230 655 um aR B.Tech,PGDM 17.09.1901 25.08.2012 ore DR Pradeep Kumar Commissioner 28.04.1981 Raipur Ox 26.06.2012, 231 656 wham dwt BA 16.09.1991 26.08.2012 ore DR Bandhana Commissioner Deori(Ms.) Siliguri CX 12.08, 1964 18.07.2013 232 1095 siftam gre M.Sc 23.02.1980 25.06.2012 rege PA Amitabh Kumar Commissioner 25.03.1985 Pune -| OX (A) 16.01.2013 233687 aw yar BA 16.09.1801 04.07.2012, org DR alte Vungeamuan Commissioner 01.03.1987 Lucknow Cx: 16.08.2014 234486 wee oe BAMA 18.12.1986 30.07.2013, ory DR — Sansar Chand Commissioner 03,09,1980 Trichy CX 05.08.2013, SE

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