Kostaki and Karayianni in Press
Kostaki and Karayianni in Press
Kostaki and Karayianni in Press
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a massive shift to remote education, as
college students rely on technology to attend class and interact with instructors and
peers, while possibly facing technical and situational difficulties at home. Considering
the unprecedented situation, the purpose of the present study was to explore student
engagement in a small private, American college in Greece during the COVID-19
pandemic, where classes were transitioned mid-semester to synchronous online. It
was hypothesized that student engagement would be negatively correlated with both
technical difficulties and home distractions. Moreover, we investigated whether
computer self-efficacy would mediate the former relationship. The survey sample
consisted of 78 undergraduate students, recruited online. Participants completed
scales on online student engagement, technical difficulties, home distractions and
computer self-efficacy, as well as two exploratory open-ended questions on their
attitudes towards online classes. Student engagement was negatively correlated with
both technical difficulties and home distractions, while computer self-efficacy
mediated the relationship between student engagement and technical difficulties.
Students reported that what they enjoyed most in e-classes were the exact aspects
that interfered with their learning and engagement. The most commonly reported
concern in online courses was impaired concentration and technical issues, while
flexibility, time efficiency and home comfort were the aspects that students enjoyed
most. The study aims to shed light on engagement in remote learning, as online
classes may eventually become an integral component of higher education after the
return to a so-called new normality. Suggestions to improve student engagement
based on the findings are provided.
The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a global public health
emergency on January 30, 2020 and a pandemic on March 11 of the same year
(Cucinotta & Vanelli, 2020). COVID-19, which has caused more than 4.2 million
deaths worldwide (WHO, July 2021), has brought about significant and
unprecedented challenges not only in health, but in numerous sectors of life,
including education. Various forms of social, educational and professional interaction
moved from offline to online. On March 23, 2020 Greece was put under the first
lockdown (Parlapani et al., 2020), and on November 9 under the second (Siettos et
al., 2021). During fall 2020, classes were transitioned, once again, mid-semester
xx & xx
from hybrid (half of the students in-person and half online, interchangeable every
week) or face-to-face (F2F), to fully remote teaching mode, changing the educational
landscape for most of higher education institutions, since the vast majority operate
remotely (Azzi-Huck & Shmis, 2020; Dhawan, 2020; Marinoni et al., 2020; Shahzad
et al., 2020).
The health and psychological pressures caused by the pandemic brought uncertainty
and challenged students’ mental health in terms of heightened stress, anxiety and
depressive thoughts, as shown in studies across the world: China (Cao et al., 2020;
Wang & Zhao, 2020), India (Debbarma & Durai, 2021), the US (Gazmararian et al.,
2021; Son et al., 2020) and Europe (Wirkner et al., 2021). Students’ mental health
and stress are negatively associated with student engagement (Steele & Fullagar,
2009), levels of concentration and productivity (Vinkers et al., 2020) and create
additional cognitive load (Ratcliff et al., 2021; Sweller, 1988) that hinders learning.
However, research on how COVID-19 has impacted the educational system is still
rather scarce (Bao, 2020; Sintema, 2020; Yan, 2020). Forty-one percent of
undergraduates state that their good opinion of their university declined during the
first COVID-19 wave and 63% report that teaching has been impaired since the shift
to remote learning (Simpson-Scarborough, 2020). Adnan and Anwar (2020) studied
undergraduate students, mainly females, that were either attending online courses at
the time or had finished their last semester virtually, and found that students believed
it is not feasible to complete a course effectively when it is online. Similar results
were reported by Garris and Fleck (2020), as courses that were transitioned to online
were evaluated as having decreased enjoyment, interest, and learning value, among
other dimensions of course quality. The emergency transition to online classes may
have a negative impact also in students with learning disabilities (Burghstahler,
2003), as Barnard-Brak and Sulak (2010, p. 82) noted that they “can become
outpaced in the online learning environment without necessary assistive
technologies” (however, see also Banerjee, 2020).
Student Engagement
Student engagement is a complex and broad concept. Kahu (2013) distinguishes
between the behavioral perspective of student engagement, that includes
institutional policies, practices and student behaviors, the psychological perspective
that encompasses behavioral, emotional and cognitive dimensions (e.g., Dogan,
2014; Gunuc & Kuzu, 2015; Hart et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014; Zhoc et al., 2019),
the socio-cultural and the holistic perspective. Kuh views engagement as “the time
and energy students devote to educationally sound activities inside and outside the
classroom” (2003, p. 25), “… that contribute directly to desired outcomes” (Hu &
Kuh, 2002, p. 555). Handelsman et al. (2005) operationalize the concept through
skills, emotion, participation, and performance, while Schaufeli et al. (2002) through
vigor (mental resilience, effort, persistence), dedication (strong involvement,
significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, challenge) and absorption (high-
concentration flow state).
Student engagement has been mainly investigated in the context of traditional, F2F
classes, and is linked to various positive outcomes, including enhanced academic
performance (Dogan, 2015; Lei et al., 2018) and critical thinking (Carini et al., 2006).
During the past decades, increasingly more classes are conducted online. According
to the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2019),
in fall 2018, there were almost 7 million undergraduate students enrolled in distance
education courses in the US. One of the challenges that institutions and instructors
face is finding ways to sustain the same level of engagement when the course is
before an ongoing social, economic and health crisis and fewer universities operated
fully online, the current study aims to further examine how technical difficulties might
be related to online engagement.
Computer Self-Efficacy
Besides technical difficulties, that are external factors interfering with online learning,
students’ perceived computer self-efficacy is also important to investigate in the
current context. Computer self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their capacity
to execute a wide range of computer-related tasks. Pellas (2014) and Chen (2017)
found that computer self-efficacy was positively associated with student’s emotional,
cognitive and overall engagement. Wolverton et al. (2020) found that students’
engagement is determined by their perception of their computer self-efficacy, thus,
students who identify themselves as being able to expertly use digital technologies,
are more likely to be engaged within an online environment. Moreover, Howard et al.
(2016), suggested that students’ low certainty in performing computer-related tasks
is likely to have an effect on engagement.
Home Distractions
Technology is not the only bump on the road of distance learning. Divided attention
disrupts learning, and there are distinct distractions when learning occurs remotely
from home. This non-classroom environment, where students are indoors with
family, flat mates, pets, constant access to cellphones and social media is not ideal
for learning. Blasiman et al. (2018) examined six types of distractions while students
watched a 5-min online lecture, from playing a video games to texting, and found
significant impairment of encoding information and, in turn, performance. In fact,
post-test scores of the study showed a 15% to 30% decrease - a percentage that
could drop a grade as much as one to three letter grades. Student perceptions of
how well they learned information from the lecture matched their actual performance,
except when they underestimated the disruption that a high arousal video brought
Scholars have begun exploring remote learning-related home distractions during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Chhetri (2020) suggested that home distractions impacted
students’ active engagement. Considering that COVID-19 is a recent, crucial topic
and that there is not much empirical literature on it, further research is important to
acquire more knowledge about how home distractions relate to online engagement.
Purpose of the Present Study
In the current study, the research objective was to further investigate experiences of
students whose courses abruptly transitioned from F2F or hybrid to synchronous
online during to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, during the Fall 2020
semester in a private, American college in Greece. The focus was on student
engagement, technical difficulties, computer self-efficacy and home distractions in
synchronous online instruction.
Hypothesis 1: student engagement would be negatively correlated with technical
difficulties (Banna et al., 2015; Chhetri, 2020).
Hypothesis 2: student engagement would be negatively correlated with home
distractions (Chhetri, 2020).
Research question: Although scholars have examined the direct effects of computer
self-efficacy on student engagement (Chen, 2017; Howard et al., 2016; Pellas, 2014;
Wolverton et al., 2020), to the best of our knowledge, prior research has not explored
whether computer self-efficacy has an effect on the strength of the relationship
between technical difficulties and online student engagement - especially during this
time that working with computers is a global requirement. Due to insufficient ground
Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of Sample
Sample characteristic n % M SD
Age* 21.62 4.5
Females 53 67.9%
Males 25 32.1%
Psychology 41 52.6%
Management/Business 12 15.4%
Marketing 8 10.3%
Communication 6 7.7%
Informational Technology 4 5.1%
Biomedical Sciences 2 2.6%
Graphic Design 1 1.3%
Math / Physics 1 1.3%
Sociology 1 1.3%
Theatre Arts 1 1.3%
Undecided 1 1.3%
Number of courses enrolled in* 3.94 0.83
2 1 1.3%
3 26 33.3%
4 28 35.9%
5 23 29.5%
No. of people living with 2.96 1.35
0 2 2.6%
1 12 15.8%
2 9 11.8%
3 27 35.5%
4 19 25.0%
5 4 5.3%
6 3 3.9%
Usual connection to online
Desktop/Laptop with camera 45 57.7%
Desktop/Laptop w/o camera 28 35.9%
Smartphone 3 3.8%
Tablet 2 2.6%
Learning disabilities*
Dyslexia 1 1.3%
ADHD 5 6.4%
Other 1 1.3%
No 71 91%
Note. * N = 78. ** N = 76
The demographics section consisted of 9 questions including age, gender,
cumulative index (GPA), major, year of study, number of courses currently enrolled
in, way of connection to online classes, and perceived reliability of students’ internet
connection (see Appendix A). Participants were also asked whether they live alone,
and if not, specify how many people live with them from different categories including
mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, friend, flat mate, romantic partner and
other (Adams & Wu, 2003). Additionally, even though the topic of the study was not
learning disabilities, we added a question asking whether participants have been
diagnosed with one, for exploratory reasons.
Student engagement was measured using Dixon’s (2015) online student
engagement scale (OSE) consisting of 19 items (see Appendix B). A sample
question is the statement “Having fun in online chats, discussions or via email with
the instructor or other students”. Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Not at
all characteristic of me) to 5 (Very characteristic of me), participants rated how well
each statement describes them. Higher scores indicate high student engagement
levels. Analysis of the items in the scale revealed strong reliability (α = .91) and
significant association with global engagement element (r = .67; p < .001).
Technical difficulties were measured with four statements (see Appendix C) that
were generated based on Banna’s et al. (2015) qualitative results. A sample
question of the scale is the statement “My computer crashing”. Using a 7-point scale,
participants were asked to rate how frequently they experience each of the issues.
Response options ranged from 1 (Never) to 7 (Always). Higher scores indicate a
higher level of technical difficulties.
Home distractions were measured with three statements created based on Chhetri’s
(2020) qualitative study (see Appendix D). Using a 7-point scale ranging from 1
(Never) to 7 (Always), participants indicated the frequency with which they had
experienced each of the distractions during an online class, assignments or studying.
A sample question was “My surroundings at home distract me (TV, pets, loud
noises)”. Higher scores indicate more home distractions.
Computer self-efficacy was measured with Dang’s et al. (2016) computer self-
efficacy scale (see Appendix E), consisting of three items. Dang et al. (2016)
condensed the measures of student characteristics and efficacy from Selim (2007)
and Law et al. (2010). The scale included statements such as “In general, I am
comfortable with using computers and software applications”. Using a 7-point Likert
scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree), participants were
instructed to respond to each statement. Higher scores indicate increased perception
for participants’ own ability to apply their computer skills to a wider range
of computer-related tasks. Analysis of the items in the scale revealed strong
reliability (α = .912).
Considering the limited knowledge regarding online student engagement during a
pandemic, we decided to include two open-ended questions that would allow
students to describe their own experience with the online learning environment (see
Appendix F). Specifically, participants were asked to write aspects in online classes
that they found (a) challenging and (b) enjoyable.
The current study was approved by the Ad-hoc ethics committee1. Data were
collected online through the use of the Google Forms
(https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/) which remained open to accept participations
for a total of 13 days (November 22nd to December 4th, 2020), after all courses had
shifted to online. The survey was distributed to undergraduate students in numerous
courses and on social media used by students in this college, therefore the response
rate could not be calculated.
The first page of the survey provided the informed consent form that stated the
expected duration, anonymity and participant rights. It was suggested that they
complete the survey in one go, alone, in a silent environment so as to avoid
environmental factors that could possibly disrupt the participant while completing the
study and thus interfere with the results. Once participants gave their consent, they
proceeded to the questionnaire and, upon completion, were debriefed. They did not
receive credit or monetary award.
Means and standard deviations for online student engagement, technical difficulties,
home distractions and computer self-efficacy can be seen in Table 2, and their
correlations in Table 3.
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations for Online Student Engagement, Technical
Difficulties, Home Distractions and Computer Self-Efficacy
Variable M SD
Online student engagement 3.28 0.99
Making sure to study on a regular basis 3.32 1.21
Putting forth effort 3.77 1.04
Staying up on the readings 3.22 1.25
Looking over class notes between getting online to make
sure I 2.83 1.29
understand the material
Being organized 3.56 1.31
Taking good notes over readings, PowerPoints, or video
3.33 1.52
Listening/reading carefully 3.46 1.18
1examines applications for undergraduate research to ensure that ethical procedures are followed
and quality of research is maintained at desired standards
Finding ways to make the course material relevant to my life 3.21 1.32
Applying course material to my life 3.15 1.25
Finding ways to make the course interesting to me 3.24 1.27
Really desiring to learn the material 3.32 1.30
Having fun in online chats, discussions or via email with the
instructor or 3.03 1.49
other students
Participating actively in small-group discussion forums 2.82 1.51
Helping fellow students 3.74 1.27
Getting a good grade 3.88 1.09
Doing well on the exams/assessments 3.83 1.13
Engaging in conversations online (chat, discussions, email) 3.31 1.47
Posting in the discussion forum / MS Teams chat regularly 2.61 1.39
Getting to know other students in the class 2.72 1.35
Technical difficulties 3.59 1.49
Slow computer 3.54 1.69
Computer crashing 2.60 1.43
Lose internet connection 3.95 1.73
Slow internet 4.28 1.84
Home distractions 4.24 1.69
People living together 3.63 1.94
Cell phone / Social media 4.90 1.86
TV / pets / noise 4.19 1.93
Computer self-efficacy 5.14 1.76
Enjoy using computers 4.96 1.75
Confident – computers 5.16 1.87
Comfortable – computers / software apps 5.30 1.87
Note. N = 78
Table 3
Correlations for Online Student Engagement, Technical Difficulties, Home
Distractions and Computer Self-Efficacy
Variable 1 2 3 4
1. Online student - -.557** -.646** .576**
2. Technical difficulties - .562** -.557**
3. Home distractions - -.410**
4. Computer self-efficacy -
Note. N = 78. **p < .01
The overall student engagement score ranged from 1.37 to 5.00 (M = 3.28, SD =
0.99). There was a significant difference between females (M = 3.50, SD = 0.74) and
males (M = 2.82, SD = 1.27), [t (31.9) = 2.48, p <.05, two-tailed, Cohen’s d = .722)]
There was no significant difference between different years of study in student
engagement scores, F (3, 74) = 2.30, p > .05.
The relationship between technical difficulties (M = 3.59, SD = 1.49) and online
student engagement (M = 3.28, SD = 0.99) was investigated with the use of the
Pearson correlation coefficient. The analysis supported the first hypothesis and
revealed a significant large negative relationship; r(78) = -.557, p < .001, with higher
technical difficulties associated with lower student engagement scores. This
relationship was contingent on computer self-efficacy. There was a moderate,
negative, partial correlation between technical difficulties and student engagement,
when controlling for computer self-efficacy, r(78) = –.349, p < .05. An inspection of
the zero-order correlation (r = –.557) suggested that computer self-efficacy
weakened the strength of the relationship between these two variables. Computer
self-efficacy (M = 5.14, SD = 1.76) was positively correlated with student
engagement, r(78) = .576, p < .001 and negatively with reported technical difficulties,
r(78) = -.557, p < .001.
The second hypothesis was also supported. There was a significant large negative
relationship between home distractions (M = 4.24, SD = 1.69) and student
engagement (M = 3.28, SD = 0.99); r(78) = -.646, p < .001, with higher home
distractions scores associated with lower student engagement. The number of
people living at home (M = 2.96, SD = 1.35) was not correlated to student
engagement, r(76) = -.167, p > .05, nor to the statement Family members or other
people living with me (roommate, friend, romantic partner) distract me from classes /
assignments / studying / exams, (M = 3.68, SD = 1.93), r(76) = -.015, p > .05,
indicating that the disruptions occurred irrespective of the number of people students
lived with. Indeed, standard multiple regression was carried out to assess the ability
of the three types of distractions to predict online student engagement. The results
indicated that the model explained 43.4% of the variance and was a significant
predictor of online student engagement, F(3, 74) = 18.88, p < .001, f2 = 0.77.
Cellphone use (social media, applications) (B = -.385, p<.001) was the distraction
that contributed significantly to the model.
A sensitivity analysis conducted using G*Power (Faul et al., 2007) indicated that
given a total sample size of 78, the required effect sizes to detect a power of 0.80 at
a = .05 are: r = .311 for Pearson correlations; Cohen’s d = 0.688 for independent
samples t-test for gender; f2 = 0.08 for multiple regression with three predictors. All
analyses exceeded the minimum effect sizes required.
In terms of the perceived challenges in online classes, 74 participants (94.9%)
reported facing at least one (M = 1.18). Open ended questions were collected, coded
and grouped into thematic categories (see Table 4). The most commonly mentioned
challenge, reported by 34 students (43.6%) was difficulty to focus mainly due to
home distractions such as cell phones and social media, thus supporting the
quantitative results, but also long exposure to a computer screen. Out of the seven
students diagnosed with a learning disability, three reported difficulty to concentrate.
There was no difference in student engagement between those who reported
decreased focus (n = 34) and those who did not (n = 44) [t (76) = -0.56, p <.05, two-
tailed)]. Moreover, 16 participants (20.5%) found technical difficulties to be an issue,
especially their internet connection, and to a lesser extent hardware or the
teleconference platform, as they hindered their focus and could not follow the class
flow seamlessly. Fifteen (19.2%) reported impoverished socialization and interaction
with instructors and classmates. Four students (5.1%) mentioned that they do not
find anything challenging, and two (2.6%), one of whom diagnosed with ADHD, that
everything is challenging.
Table 4
Online Course Challenges, Frequency Distributions, Percentages and Example
When participants were asked to name the aspects they enjoy in online courses, 76
(97.4%) mentioned at least one (M = 1.05). Time efficiency was reported by 31
students (39.7%), mainly related to absence of commuting to the college (n = 22,
28.2%) and having more free time in-between classes. Convenience was reported
by 29 (37.2%) students, mainly attending class from the comfort of their home (for
more details, see Table 5). There was no difference in student engagement between
those who reported time efficiency and those who did not [t (76) = 2.2, p <.05, two-
tailed)], nor between students mentioning home comfort and those who did not [t
(76) = -0.49, p <.05, two-tailed)]. Several students enjoyed the fact that they could
engage in non-academic activities during class when the webcam and microphone
were off; their average GPA was 2.98 (SD = 0.56), compared to 3.43 (SD = 0.36) of
those who did not mention such “multitasking”. Finally, some mentioned that it is very
convenient when lectures are recorded, all of whom scored above average in home
Table 5
Online Course Enjoyment, Frequency Distributions, Percentages and Example
Dimension n % Example quote
Reported at least one aspect they 76 97.4%
Time efficiency /convenience total 31 39.7%
No commuting 22 28.2% “Not having to go to [college] I
live far, and it takes a lot of
time for me” (Male,
More free time / rest 10 12.8% “Getting more hours of sleep”
(Male, Marketing)
More time to study 2 2.6% “Not wasting time […] and
having more time to study.”
(Female, Psychology)
Home comfort 29 37.2% “Wearing pj's and having a
blanket around me” (Female,
Engage in non-academic activities 8 10.3% “I am relatively free to do what
during class I want during a lecture.” (Male,
Not distracted / stressed by others in 4 5.1% “I feel more confident when I
the classroom have to talk, because I am not
surrounded by other people,
something that makes me
anxious sometimes” (Female,
Recorded lectures 3 3.8% “It can be recorded (with the
permission of the professor
and the other students) and be
watched later” (Female,
Online communication with instructor 1 1.3% “The contact with fellow
and students students and professors”
(Female, Psychology)
Audio-visual material 1 1.3% “Audio-visual material that is
used synchronously with the
lecture” (Male, Psychology)
Note. N = 78 (each participant who reported at least one challenge provided 1.05
responses on average)
The current study aimed to extend literature regarding online student engagement in
the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring technical difficulties, home
distractions and computer self-efficacy. The first hypothesis that student engagement
would be negatively correlated with technical difficulties was supported and
complemented by the open-ended question analysis. These findings are in line with
Banna el al. (2015) and Sitzmann et al. (2010) who found that such difficulties,
including unreliable connectivity, were associated with lower student engagement, as
they interfere with learning and participation. The problem is intensified during the
pandemic, as there is a global over-reliance on remote collaboration applications
(Bergman & Lyengar, 2020; Koeze & Popper, 2020). Chhetri (2020) also found that
students mention technical difficulties as a challenge in online classes. There is a
need for a contingency plan to mitigate unexpected technical issues of online
education platforms (Bao, 2020), so that students can reap the benefits of
technology in a way that leads them to engage with content, peers and instructors
(Klasen et al., 2020).
The relationship between student engagement and technical difficulties was
mediated by computer self-efficacy. Thus, students who were not confident in their
computer skills and encountered technical difficulties had lower engagement scores
than those with higher computer self-efficacy facing a similar situation. Similar to
Pellas (2014) and Chen (2017), we found that computer self-efficacy was associated
with student engagement in online synchronous learning. Results also support
Wolverton et al. (2020) and Howard et al. (2016) findings, as it was demonstrated
that students who identify themselves as being able to expertly use digital
technologies are more likely to be engaged within an online environment. It is
recommended that students receive support to familiarize themselves with
computers and e-learning systems, become more confident with computers and
overcome technical difficulties more easily (Alqahtani & Rajkhan, 2020; Banna et al.,
2015; Chhetri, 2020). Future studies can examine computer self-efficacy and online
student engagement pre- and post- technical support training. We also found that
students who had higher scores of computer self-efficacy reported less frequent
technical difficulties. It may be the case that due to confidence in their computer
skills, they perceived or recalled less such difficulties.
The second hypothesis was also supported. Students who faced more frequent
home distractions, especially from cell phones or social media, had lower student
engagement scores. The number of cohabitants was not related to the amount of
distraction experienced because of them. Experimental evidence (Blasiman et al.,
2018) has indicated impaired learning when attention is divided, and Chhetri (2020)
found that distractions are one of the challenges mentioned by online learners during
COVID-19. The findings are complemented by the open-ended questions, where
students mentioned difficulty to concentrate due to cellphones, social media and all-
day screen time, irrespective of a learning disability diagnosis.
When asked what they enjoy most in distance learning, in line with Chhetri (2020),
students reported flexibility and that they have more time to relax or study due to lack
of commuting. Convenience and home comfort were also a very important element
they enjoyed, and it is interesting to note that this was the very aspect that interfered
with their concentration and engagement; it seems that remote learning from home is
a double-sided coin. Future studies could investigate which student, instructor and
course characteristics might determine which side the coin will land on.
Impoverished interaction with instructors and peers, a key component of promoting
learning (Bernard et al. 2009; Conrad & Donaldson, 2004) and student engagement
(Dixson, 2015; Kuh, 2001), was another problematic aspect reported by students,
similarly to Chhetri (2020). Indeed, a sense of community is an important factor
impacting student engagement (Farrell & Brunton, 2020). Dixson (2010) reported a
strong correlation between student engagement and student- and instructor-student
communication. There is a negative impact on online student engagement due to
lack of such interaction (Ilgaz & Gülbahar, 2015), while active learning enhances
engagement (Venton & Pompano, 2021). It is evident that incorporating activities to
enhance live interaction in online classes can subdue feelings of isolation and lack of
closeness with peers and instructors.
Aligned with Chhetri (2020), some of our participants mentioned that they prefer it
when lectures are recorded, so that they can go over them again. McBrien et al.
(2009) suggested that lectures can be recorded so that instructors can assess
participation and interaction. This would also help students who face technical
difficulties or distractions and hence cannot connect or properly focus during the
synchronous lecture, not fall back on material. However, GDPR issues must be
considered and consent must be granted from the educational institution, instructor
and students.
As little research exists on online student engagement during the COVID-19
pandemic, especially in relation to home distractions and technology issues, this
study attempted to enrich literature on possible difficulties students face in remote
learning. Given the uncertainty regarding how long the lockdown will continue for,
this study could be of value to help improve possible shortcomings in online classes.
It would be interesting to extend the current findings in vocational distance
This study is not without limitations. Causality among variables cannot be assumed.
Furthermore, the sample consisted of undergraduate students only from one college
in Greece, and more than half were females or psychology majors. In addition,
participants were not asked whether at the beginning of the semester they had opted
for F2F, hybrid or online courses, so it remains unknown how many shifted mid-
semester to online. It is possible that students with higher computer self-efficacy had
selected an online course to begin with. However, in the specific college, very few
courses were delivered online from the onset of the semester. Future studies can
examine the relationship among different delivery modes with student engagement,
technical difficulties, home distractions and computer self-efficacy.
Conclusion and Suggestions
Following the mid-semester online transition due to COVID-19, this study
investigated online learning related behaviors. Evidently, this change in environment,
from a traditional, F2F or hybrid classroom to a home setting, comes with unique
challenges to students. It was demonstrated that student engagement is associated
with technical difficulties, home distractions, and computer self-efficacy. All things
considered, this study can provide some insights to understand possible problems
students might encounter remotely and to make adjustments to ensure that those
students are provided with the necessary assistance moving forward. Under the
circumstances of COVID-19, there is uncertainty regarding how long universities will
continue to operate fully online. Possibly after the pandemic, online classes will
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Appendix A
Demographic Questionnaire
Instructions: At this part, you are asked to provide some general information about
yourself. Please answer all the questions either by filling in the spaces or ticking the
boxes which apply to you.
1. Age: ______
2. Gender:
a. Female
b. Male
c. Prefer not to say
d. Other
Appendix B
Online Student Engagement Scale (OSE) (Dixson, 2015)
Instructions: Within a course, how well do the following behaviors, thoughts, and
feelings describe you? Please answer using the following 5-point scale. Keep in
mind that there are no right or wrong answers, just personal views and experiences.
1 Not at all characteristic of me; Not really characteristic of me; 3 Moderately
characteristic of me; 4 Characteristic of me; 5 Very characteristics of me.
Appendix C
Technical Difficulties Questionnaire (created based on Banna et al. 2015)
Instructions: During an online class, how often do you experience the following
issues? Please respond using the following 7-point Likert scale. Keep in mind that
there are no right or wrong answers, just personal views and experiences. 1: Never;
2: Very Rarely; 3: Rarely; 4: Occasionally; 5: Frequently; 6: Very Frequently; 7
1. My computer running slowly
2. My computer crashing
3. Losing internet connection
4. Slow internet connection
Appendix D
Distractions at Home Questionnaire (based on Chhetri, 2020)
Instructions: Within an online course, how often do you experience the following
issues? Please respond using the following 7-point Likert scale. Keep in mind that
there are no right or wrong answers, just personal views and experiences. 1: Never;
2: Very Rarely; 3: Rarely; 4: Occasionally; 5: Frequently; 6: Very Frequently; 7:
1. Family members or other people living with me (roommate, friend,
romantic partner) distract me from classes / assignments /studying /exams
2. My phone (social media, applications) distracts me from classes /
assignments / studying
3. My surroundings at home distract me (TV, pets, loud noises)
Appendix E
Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (Dang et al., 2016)
Instructions: Using the scale below, please respond to each statement by indicating
to what extend you agree or disagree. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong
answers, just personal views and experiences. 1: Strongly Disagree; 2: Disagree; 3:
Somewhat disagree; 4: Neutral; 5: Somewhat Agree; 6: Agree; 7: Strongly Agree.
1. I enjoy using computers
2. I am confident about using computers
3. In general, I am comfortable with using computers and software applications
Appendix F
Open Ended Questions
Instructions: In your own experience, please answer the following questions. Keep in
mind that there are no right or wrong answers, just personal views and perceptions.
1. Name something that you find challenging in online courses.
2. Name something that you enjoy in online courses.