Sk-Book Blog Lesson Plan
Sk-Book Blog Lesson Plan
Sk-Book Blog Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Unit Name/Topic: Algebraic Functions Lesson Number: 1 Length: 45 min
9/10 through Real World Problems
Academic Content Standard(s): AI.L.1 Represent real-world problems using linear equations and inequalities
in one variable, including those with rational number coefficients and variables on both sides of the equal sign. Solve
them fluently, explaining the process used and justifying the choice of a solution method.
Mathematics Process Standard(s): PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Academic Content Language (content vocabulary, discourse, syntax): linear equation, inequalities,
variable, rational number, coefficient, domain (input), range (output), ratio, conversion, unit
Cooperative Writing Lab Learning Stations Problem Trail Inquiry Learning Independent
Learning Learning
Mathematics Tools:
(Highlight all that apply)
Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose): While some of
the conversions will be given, some of the conversions
Specific Who will provide that Why? What’s the might be simple or straightforward extension problems
Support support? Where will intention that would not technically be given. Although it would be
Needed that support be
(Special provided?
the hope that students would know the relationship
Education between a meter and a centimeter, there would be the
Support ability to look up the conversions. Students would have
accommodatio access to graph paper, but if they wanted to be
ns and reaffirmed, they would have access to Desmos or their
modifications) graphing calculators (but would obviously have to know
which variable corresponded to x and y).
Creation of Teacher supported To keep students
extension outcome, but who might finish
problems quickly use faster focused on
already given the curricular task
problems at hand
Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to Students Will Be (Learning Tasks Rationale: (Based on
objectives & build in checks for understanding) connect to prior knowledge & assets): Research/theory)
5 minutes Greeting students as they come into the Settling into class and attempting Students are given
classroom and waiting until all students to listen attentively an opportunity to
are in the room to then introduce the settle into their
topic and create an understanding of the seats and although
task at hand (representing units of a curricular task
measurement by different units by would probably be
creating functions…see bottom of lesson better, social time is
plan) never a bad thing
for teenagers.
2 minutes Working on transitioning students to Finding their group and their Allowing time for
their task for the day which includes group’s location, and bringing transition periods
creating random groups and assigning their materials (possibly a pencil, but with a task to
areas of the room to work calculator, computer, etc.) do, keeps the
students engaged
for the next task.
30 minutes Walking around the room checking on Working collaboratively with their Creating a thinking
student progress, answering questions group to solve problems given, classroom of
to prompt student-centered learning discussing the validity of their learners that are as
rather than for correct answers; arguments and ensuring every actively engaged in
encouraging students/groups that are member of the group is actively the learning
stuck, asking for groups to explain their participating process as possible
thinking to ensure that all students ensures more
within the group understand the students are doing
answers their group is producing more.
2 minutes Instruct the whole group to return to Returning to their seats and Having access to
their original seats and have students leaving their space as they found it student work allows
leave their work up if it is not on a piece (leaving their work if instructed to the teacher to have
of paper to use as a guide during recap. do so) something to talk
about or point out if
when asking
questions nobody
5 minutes Recap of the day and what their learning Participating in discussion related Offering time to
produced, ensure questions get to what the lesson helped them reflect on the day’s
answered and students see the learn and what they are still learning and see
connection to the learning we had been confused on, use prior class other students’
doing previously with data points periods to connect the knowledge work might help to
they have learned make a connection
a student hadn’t
seen while they
were in the thick of
the work
Lesson plan inspired by Chapter 7 of The Joy of X- “It takes some practice to become fluent in algebra because it’s
loaded with what the French call faux amis, “false friends”: a pair of words, each from a different language (in this
case, English and algebra), that sound related and seem to mean the same thing but that actually mean something
horribly different from each other when translated. For example, suppose the length of a hallway is y when measured
in yards, and f when measured in feet. Write an equation that relates y to f. My friend Grant Wiggins, an education
consultant, has been posing this problem to students and faculty for years. He says that in his experience, students get
it wrong more than half the time, even if they have recently taken and passed an algebra course. If you think the
answer is y=3f, welcome to the club.”