A 36 Pages 11-16-23 34
A 36 Pages 11-16-23 34
A 36 Pages 11-16-23 34
tuary, Naples. corkscrew.audubon.org. theran Church parking lot. MarcoIsland-
Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Corvettes.com.
Museums.org. Monday of every month, from 10:30 AM-2
PM. Speakers. Rose Hall, Marco Library.
“Out of the Sand” Opening Reception from
4:30-6 PM. Photography exhibit, free. Mar- calusa.org.
co Historical Museum. themihs.info. Monday Madness from 4:30-6 PM. Last Be Fit Over 50 from 7:45 AM-8:45 AM. Im-
Early Birding Tours from 8-11 AM. Nature Monday of every month. Everyone welcome. prove strength and flexibility. Mackle Park.
Bourbon Tasting starting at 5:30 PM. $50. tour, $30. Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary,
Marco Center for the Arts. www.marcois- CJ’s on the Bay. MarcoBayYachtClub.com. www.cityofmarcoisland.com.
Naples. corkscrew.audubon.org.
landart.org. American Legion Post 404 meetings start- Ballroom Dancing from 9:30-11 AM. No
Calusa Garden Club Plant Sale from 10
November 17TH ing at 11 AM. Guest speakers. 525 N Collier partner needed. $15, Mackle Park. www.
AM-2 PM. Rain or shine. Marco Lutheran
Blvd. MarcoIslandPost404.org. cityofmarcoisland.com.
Church parking lot. calusa.org.
Al-Anon Family Groups starting at 11 AM.
Why Social Security Matters starting at 12
PM. Financial advice. Virtual event. Brad.
[email protected].
November 22 ND Marco Island Woman’s Club luncheon meet-
ings from 11:30 AM-2 PM. 1st Wednesday Troubled by someone’s drinking? St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church. NaplesAl-Anon.org.
of every month. Philanthropy. Naples Lakes
Thanksgiving Day Service starting at 7 PM.
Historical Talk starting at 2 PM. Lecture. Country Club. Yoga with Abby Holan from 11:30 AM-12:30
Church service. Lely Presbyterian Church.
Everglades Isle Motor Coach Resort. 239- lpcnaples.org. Italian American Society of Marco meetings PM. Practice yoga. $10, Mackle Park. www.
451-0265. cityofmarcoisland.com.
November 23RD
starting at 5:30 PM. 1st Wednesday of every
Movie in the Park! from 6-9 PM. Snacks month. Remember your roots. Mackle Park. Monday Night Bingo starting at 5:30 PM.
available. Mackle Park. www.cityofmar- www.iasmi.org. Free dinner. Jewish Congregation of Marco.
coisland.com. City offices closed for Thanksgiving marcojcmi.com.
Zen 101 on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of
MICMS Country Jam from 6-9 PM. Fun- Park facilities closed for Thanksgiving every month, from 7:30-8:30 PM. Beginner Family Self Defense and Fitness from 6-7 PM.
draiser, $25. Veterans’ Community Park.
micms.org. November 24 TH teachings of Zen Buddhism. Via ZOOM. Training, $105. Mackle Park. 239-642-0575.
239-961-2491, www.zenartsflorida.com.
November 18TH City offices closed
Park facilities closed
Our Daily Bread Food Pantry on the 1st
& 3rd Wednesdays of every month, from
Annual Rookery Bay Classic Car Show 4-5:30 PM. Free for Collier residents. St. Sunrise Rotary of Marco Island meeting
starting at 7 AM. $10. Florida SouthWest- Holiday Shell Art Sale from 10 AM-3 PM. starting at 7:15 AM. Help our community.
Crafts. New Life Community Church. Mark’s Church. OurDailyBreadFoodPantry.
ern State College. rookerybay.org. org. Stonewalls Restaurant. 239-642-6020.
Treasures in the Trunk from 8 AM-12 PM. Walking Church starting at 7:30 AM.
Santa’s Arrival from 5-7:30 PM. Meet San- Marco Men’s Club starting at 10 AM. 2nd
Antique items. San Marco Catholic Church. Meditative walking. Mackle Park. info@
973-216-3688. ta, Christmas Island Style event. Marco Is- Wednesday of every month. Activities. www.
land Academy. www.christmasislandstyle. marcomensclub.com. wesleymarco.org.
Meals of Hope Marco Meal Packing Event com. Garden Maintenance from 8-10 AM. Sign
starting at 8:30 AM. Pack meals. Marco Lunch with Friends Over 60 from 11 AM-1
November 28TH PM. 3rd Wednesday of every month. Free up. Sugden Regional Park, Naples. www.
Charter Middle School. mohmi.org.
lunch and entertainment. Marco Lutheran collierparks.com.
Old Timers Reunion from 9 AM-12 PM.
Share stories. Immokalee Pioneer Muse- Virtual Talk: Florida and the Untold Story Church, RSVP 706-566-8532. www.mar- Garden Maintenance from 8-10 AM. Sign
um. CollierMuseums.org. of the Cuban Missile Crisis starting at 2 PM. coymca.org. up. North Collier Regional Park, Naples.
Lecture, $10. Via ZOOM. themihs.org. US Coast Guard Auxiliary Marco Meetings www.collierparks.com.
Collier County Wilderness Family Day
from 10 AM-1 PM. Family activities. Col- Family Sunset Stroll from 4:30-6 PM. Na- starting at 7 PM. 3rd Wednesday of every Core & More from 8:15-9:15 AM. Fit-
lier Museum at Government Center. Col- ture tour, prices vary. Corkscrew Swamp month. Boat safety programs and more. 903 ness, $12. Mackle Park. www.cityofmar-
lierMuseums.org. Sanctuary, Naples. corkscrew.audubon. Collier CT, Caxambas Park. www.uscgaux- coisland.com.
org. marco.org. Flow Yoga from 8-9 AM. Bring a mat.
November 19TH
www.napleswaterpark.com. Mah Jongg starting at 12:30 PM. Play
Parent’s Night Out from 6-10 PM. Babysit-
ting. Mackle Park. www.cityofmarcoisland. Mah Jongg. $5, Marco YMCA. 239-394-
com. 9622.
Jazz Concert from 2-4 PM. Free. Cambier
Park Bandshell. www.NaplesJazzSociety.
com. December 2ND Tennis Clinic from 10:30-11:30 AM. Inter-
mediate skill building drills. Marco YMCA.
Canasta from 12:30-3:30 PM. Card game,
$10/year. Mackle Park. www.cityofmar-
Save the Date from 8-10 AM. Kiwanis cel- [email protected]. coisland.com.
2nd Annual Santa Fun Run starting at 8
ebration. Island Country Club. MarcoIs- AM. Fundraiser, $20. Mackle Park. www. Introductory Watercolor from 1:30-4
Free Saturday for Collier Residents from
landChamber.org. active.com (search “Santa Fun Run”). PM, until July 25th. Learn painting, $55.
9 AM-4:30 PM on the 1st Saturday of the
November 20TH Annual Tree Lighting from 6-8 PM. Com- month. Bring verification. Naples Zoo, 5880 Shirley Street, Suite 206, Naples.
munity celebration, Christmas Island Style www.napleszoo.org. www.dagroup.com.
Family Night Tour from 5:30-7 PM. Nature event. Veterans’ Community Park. www. Chess K-12 from 3:30-5:30 PM. Play
christmasislandstyle.com. Car Cruise-In from 10 AM-1 PM. Marco
tour, prices vary. Corkscrew Swamp Sanc- Corvette and Muscle Car Club. Marco Lu- chess. Jewish Congregation of Marco Is-