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Mandarin Excellence Programme Year 7 Mock Speaking Test

There are two sections to this test.

Section 1 (1 minute 30 seconds – 2 minutes)

Your teacher will give you up to minute 30 seconds to introduce your family in

Chinese. Your teacher will ask you 2 questions about what you have said. [20 marks]

Section 2 (1 minute 30 seconds plus 30 seconds preparation time)

Look at the picture below about Jane’s family

Your teacher will ask you to:

5. Say 3 things related to the picture in Chinese

6. Answer 2 questions about it
7. Ask 2 questions about it. [20 marks]

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Speaking Test Mark Scheme

Section 1
To be marked out of 20
- 10 marks for communication
- 10 marks for language

Marks Communication Marks Language

10 Communicates information 10 A very accurate family introduction
successfully with little hesitation. with a good range of vocabulary
Pronunciation and tones are clear, and correct sentence structure,
with few inaccuracies. Can be making use of connectives.
easily understood by the listener 9
8 Communicates information 8 An accurate family introduction
successfully with minor prompting with a range of vocabulary and
and/or hesitation. Pronunciation sentence structures and the
and tones are clear, despite some occasional connective
inaccuracies. Can be understood
7 by the listener with minimal effort 7
6 Communicates most of the 6 A family introduction with a few
information requested with some errors in vocabulary and structures
prompting and hesitation. and little attempt to move beyond
Pronunciation and tones are very simple sentences
mostly clear enough, despite
5 inaccuracies. Can be understood 5
by the listener, with effort in some
4 Communicates some of the 4 A family introduction with more
information requested with significant errors in vocabulary and
prompting and hesitation. structures and little attempt to
Pronunciation and tones are clear move beyond very simple
in some cases. Can be understood sentences
3 by the listener, though effort 3
2 Communicates very little or no 2 A very limited family introduction
information relevant to the task. using single words and phrases
Pronunciation is rarely clear and and/or largely inaccurate sentence
there are long hesitations. structure.
Understanding requires
1 considerable effort from the 1
0 Nothing of relevance can be 0 Produces no relevant language
understood by the listener

To be marked out of 6

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- 6 marks for answering questions (3 marks per question)

Marks Marks for each question answered

3 Answer in a full sentence

2 Answer

1 Partial answer

Speaking Test Mark Scheme Section 2

To be marked out of 20

- 10 marks for communication

- 10 marks for language

Marks Communication Marks Language

10 Communicates information 10 Responds for the most part in
successfully with little hesitation. simple, accurate sentences (rather
Pronunciation and tones are clear, than single words) with few
with few inaccuracies. Can be grammatical errors. Demonstrates a
easily understood by the listener connective
Is able to ask a question.
9 9 Uses a good range of appropriate

8 Communicates information 8 Responds for the most part in

successfully with minor prompting simple sentences (rather than
and/or hesitation. Pronunciation single words) with some
and tones are clear, despite some grammatical errors. Is able to ask a
inaccuracies. Can be understood question, with some prompting.
7 by the listener with minimal effort 7 Uses a range of appropriate
required. vocabulary.

6 Communicates most of the 6 Responds using some simple

information requested with some sentences and some individual
prompting and hesitation. words, some successfully and some
Pronunciation and tones are with errors. Tries to ask a question.
mostly clear enough, despite Uses appropriate vocabulary.
5 inaccuracies. Can be understood 5
by the listener, with effort in some

4 Communicates some of the 4 Responds using single words and

information requested with short phrases with some errors
prompting and hesitation. evident. Uses some vocabulary
Pronunciation and tones are clear appropriate to the task. Is unable to
in some cases. Can be understood ask a question,
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3 by the listener, though effort 3
2 Communicates very little or no 2 Attempts to repeat words or to
information relevant to the task. respond using individual words with
Pronunciation is rarely clear and frequent errors. Does not have
there are long hesitations. vocabulary appropriate to the tasks.
Understanding requires
1 considerable effort from the 1
0 Nothing of relevance can be 0 Produces no relevant language
understood by the listener

To be marked out of 4

- 4 marks for impression

Marks Impression
4 Speaks without hesitation and demonstrates an excellent ability to manipulate
the language, impressive for Year 7.
3 Speaks with some hesitation and demonstrates a very good ability to manipulate
the language, very good for Year 7.
2 Speaks with hesitation and demonstrates a good ability to manipulate the
language, good for Year 7.
1 Speaks with hesitation but nonetheless demonstrates some ability to manipulate
the language, sound for Year 7.

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Speaking Test Mark Sheet

Section One Section Two

Candidate Image Communication Language Questions Communication Language Impression Total
number assigned to answered score
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
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A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
B /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
C /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50
A /10 /10 /6 /10 /10 /4 /50

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Mandarin Excellence Programme Year 7 Mock Writing Test.
There are three questions in this test. You have 45 minutes.

Question 1

Look at the information in Chinese about Wang Li.

Wang Li – 王力

Name: 我叫王力。

Age: 我十九岁。

Family: 我家有三口人。

Pets: 我有一只狗。

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This is Eleanor.


Now write 3 sentences in Chinese about Eleanor in the table below. If you wish, you can
make use of the sentences used to describe Wang Li.

Name: 我叫Eleanor。




[10 marks]

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Question 2

Look at the picture and write 3 sentences which are related to it.

You may want to use the following words:


[15 marks]

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Question 3

A Chinese student is coming to stay at your house. Write them an email to introduce
your family:

Include the following information:

- the number of people in your family

- who they are
- what pets you have
- what you like doing in the evenings.

Write approximately 40-50 characters in Chinese and don’t forget to greet your friend
and send best wishes at the end of the email.
[25 marks]

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Writing Test Mark Scheme

Question 1
To be marked out of 10:

- 6 marks for communication (2 marks per sentence)

- 4 marks for accuracy of characters and structures

Mark Communication - maximum of 2 for each sentence

2 Full communication with own substitutions in the given sentence patterns

1 Communication by copying in full the model given

0 No communication

Mark Accuracy of characters and structures

4 Characters and structures accurately used

3 Characters and structures predominantly accurate

2 Some accuracy of characters and structures with more substantial errors

1 Largely inaccurate with some examples of accurate characters

0 No relevant material in Chinese characters

Question 2
To be marked out of 15:

- 9 marks for communication (3 marks for each sentence)

- 6 marks for accuracy of characters and structures

Mark Communication – maximum of 3 for each sentence

3 Full communication

2 Partial communication

1 Limited communication

0 No communication

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Mark Accuracy of characters and structures

6 Characters and structures accurately used

5 Characters and structures largely accurate

4 Some accuracy of characters and structures but more errors evident

3 Some accuracy of characters and structures with more substantial errors in both
characters and usage

2 Largely inaccurate - a few examples of characters accurately written

1 Isolated examples of characters accurately written

0 No relevant material in Chinese characters

A candidate writing 2 short sentences can only gain a maximum of 4 for accuracy of characters and
A candidate writing 2 sentences, one of which is longer and includes a connective, can be marked as if
they had written 3 sentences.
Question 3
To be marked out of 25:

- 3 marks for answering each of the bullet points (12 marks in total)
- 3 marks for an appropriate beginning and ending to the email
- 10 marks for characters and structure

Mark Communication – maximum of 3 for each bullet point

3 Full communication of each bullet point

2 Partial communication of the bullet point

1 An attempt at communication of the bullet point, which is largely incomplete

0 No communication of the bullet point

Mark Communication – Appropriate beginning and ending

3 Appropriate beginning and ending to the email

2 Appropriate beginning or ending to the email

1 Names at the beginning and end of the email

0 No attempt to cover this requirement

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Mark Characters and structure

10/9 A good range of characters correctly written. Accurate use of simple sentence
structures with connectives used. Infrequent errors.

8/7 A little more ambitious than the 5/6 band in range of characters. Accurate in use of
simple structures with occasional connectives, but some more serious errors/more
frequent slips.

6/5 Limited in range of characters. Control of some simple sentence structures evident.

4/3 Some simple characters written correctly. Occasional examples of accurate usage
of simple sentences, but very inconsistent

2/1 Substantially inaccurate both in character writing and structures, with only isolated
examples of accuracy.

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Writing Test Mark Sheet

Question one Question two Question three

Candidate Communication Accuracy of Communication Accuracy of Communication Communication Characters and Total
number/name characters and characters and – Bullet Points – Appropriate structure score
structures structures beginning and
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50
/6 /4 /9 /6 /12 /3 /10 /50

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