5991 2151en
5991 2151en
5991 2151en
Application note
The control of impurities from catalysts or raw materials (e.g. plants,
animal proteins, rDNA) and excipients (stabilizers, fillers, binders, release
agents, flavors, colors and coatings) has always been a critical issue to the
pharmaceutical industry. Traces of inorganic impurities can not only be toxic,
but can also have less immediate effects such as reducing the stability and
shelf life of pharmaceutical products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and the British Pharmacopeia (BP) strongly advise that contamination
problems be fully investigated in a timely fashion.
For testing of pharmaceutical samples, laboratories Table 1. Method conditions used in the analysis of Pd using the Agilent 720
axial ICP-OES
require instruments that have the flexibility to handle
a wide range of sample matrices, while also meeting Parameter Setting
ever decreasing detection limit requirements. The RF power 1.35 kW
instrumentation must also be capable of delivering Plasma flow 15.0 L/min
accurate and precise results while meeting the strict
requirements of the regulations specified by the U.S. Auxiliary flow 2.25 L/min
Results Sample analysis
Each API sample was measured in triplicate. The
Detection limits concentration results for Pd are corrected for the
The Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) is expressed dilution factor applied during sample preparation
as three times the standard deviation of nine (Table 3). The results show the excellent precision and
replicate measurements of the blank. The Instrument stability that can be obtained on the 720 ICP-OES when
Quantitation Limit (IQL) is expressed as ten times the analyzing this challenging matrix.
standard deviation of nine replicate measurements
of the blank. The IDL and IQL for Pd in the DMSO:HCl Table 3. Results for the triplicate analysis of three samples of the API.
Results are shown as the concentration in the sample.
matrix blank are shown in Table 2.
Label Number of determinations Pd 340.458 nm
Table 2. Instrument Detection Limit and Instrument Quantification Limits for Concentration µg/g
Pd in the DMSO:HCl matrix, reported in ppb (ppm)
Element IDL (ppb) IQL (ppb) Sample A Measurement-1 (0.10039 g/10 mL) 3.59
RSD % 1.27
Pd 340.458 Calibration Curve
5000 Sample C Measurement-1 (0.09800 g/10 mL) 0.43
4000 Measurement-2 (0.10025 g/10 mL) 0.44
y = 8591.8x + 123.39
Intensity (c/s)
Spike recoveries Conclusion
Recoveries of the Pd spikes in Sample C are shown in
Table 4. Recoveries for the three spikes of increasing This work has demonstrated the ability of the
Pd concentration were within 100% to 108%, which is Agilent 720 ICP-OES with axially viewed plasma to
well within the 80% to 120% limits required in the USP accurately measure Pd in a tough organic matrix to
monograph. the requirements of the USP 35 monograph relating to
the analysis of the API valacyclovir hydrochloride. This
Table 4. Recoveries for Pd spikes in Sample C. Results are shown as the
concentration in the solution includes:
Sample ID Pd 340.458 nm
Result µg/mL (ppm) • Excellent sensitivity with an IDL of 1.0 ppb and IQL
3.5 ppb
Spike-1: 0.05 ppm Sample C 0.0043
Sample C-Spike-1: 0.05 ppm 0.0547 • A linear calibration curve for Pd with a correlation
Spike amount 0.050 coefficient of 0.999743, meeting the analytical
requirement of NLT 0.999
Spike sample 0.050
Recovery (%) 100.9 • Spike recoveries ranging from 100% to 108%, well
Spike-2: 0.1 ppm Sample C-Spike-2: 0.10 ppm 0.1070 within the limits of 80% to 120%
Spike amount 0.100
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