RSA Archer Threat Management 4 Overview Guide
RSA Archer Threat Management 4 Overview Guide
RSA Archer Threat Management 4 Overview Guide
Copyright © 2012 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Published in the USA.
December 2012
Overview Guide
Preface 5
About This Guide 5
RSA Archer eGRC Platform Documentation Set 5
RSA Archer Threat Management Documentation Set 6
RSA Archer Threat Management Data Dictionary 6
Support and Service 6
Chapter 1: Understanding Threat Management 8
Introduction 8
Threat Management 8
Threat Management Program 8
Basic Threat Management Scenario 9
Objectives of a Threat Management Program 9
Enterprise Threat Management Process 10
Enterprise Threat Management Process Diagram 10
Assets and Vulnerabilities 11
Assets 11
Vulnerabilities 11
Threat Data 12
Chapter 2: Understand RSA Archer Threat Management 4 13
Introduction 13
RSA Archer Threat Management 13
RSA Archer Threat Management Features 14
RSA Archer Threat Management Components 15
Subsolutions and Applications 16
RSA Archer Threat Management Diagram 16
RSA Archer Threat Management Integrated Solution Diagram 17
Vulnerability Research Subsolution 18
Vulnerabilities Application 19
Malicious Code Application 20
Patches Application 21
Technologies Application 21
Vulnerability Scan Management Subsolution 22
Vulnerability Scan Requests Application 22
Vulnerability Scans Application 23
Vulnerability Scan Results Application 24
Threat Management Subsolution 24
Threat Intelligence Application 25
Threat Project Application 25
Question Library Application 26
Threat Assessment Questionnaire 26
Issue Management Subsolution 27
Findings Application 27
Exception Requests Application 28
Remediation Plans Application 30
Policy Change Requests Application 30
Overview Guide
Overview Guide
Guide Description
Web Services API Reference Provides IT managers and programmers a list of the
Guide available web services for programmatically
interfacing with the release. This guide provides
formatting guidelines for field results, field inputs,
and search inputs, and provides sample code for
searching, adding and updating users, and updating
5 Preface
Overview Guide
Access the documentation from the Documents page on the RSA Archer
Community at
Guide Description
Overview Guide Introduces the RSA Archer Threat Management solution and
provides information about the Solution, any subsolutions,
and the applications.
Practitioner Guide Provides design information about the solution and a use
case highlighting how the solution works.
You can access the RSA Archer Threat Management documentation from the
Documents page on the RSA Archer Exchange at
Preface 6
Overview Guide
The Community enables collaboration among eGRC clients, partners, and product
experts. Members actively share ideas, vote for product enhancements, and discuss
trends that help guide the RSA Archer product roadmap.
The Exchange is an online marketplace dedicated to supporting eGRC initiatives.
The Exchange brings together on-demand applications along with service, content,
and integration providers to fuel the success of RSA Archer clients.
7 Preface
Overview Guide
This chapter contains the following sections:
Threat Management
Threat Management Program
Basic Threat Management Scenario
Objectives of a Threat Management Program
Enterprise Threat Management Process
Enterprise Threat Management Process Diagram
Assets and Vulnerabilities
Threat Data
Threat Management
ISO 27005 defines a threat as "a potential cause of an incident that may result in
harm of systems and organization." Threat management means enabling processes,
technologies, and resources that identify threats to business and working to reduce,
mitigate, or respond to those threats.
The RSA Archer Threat Management 4 solution provides a central repository of
threat data, clear reporting of activities related to threat remediation, and a constant
and repeatable threat management process.
Most organizations address threat detection and response first. Organizations have
some capability to identify and respond to security events and incidents. The
question is the actual completeness of that capability, the effectiveness of the
detection methods, and the ability to respond in a manner that meets business
The secondary component is threat prevention. Again, most organizations have
some ability to identify vulnerabilities and patch systems to prevent threats from
impacting operations, the question is how effective is the overall approach. This is
an area where companies need to expand and improve their processes to address
the changing threat landscape.
Finally, visibility into these activities is an important part of a threat management
program. To properly report on and manage the corporate security status, the CISO
needs to have information flowing from the threat management program to affect
proper security controls across the enterprise.
The overlaid boxes represent each stage of the threat scenario and the
corresponding techniques for preventing and detecting the threat.
Threat detection and response covers both attack detection and investigation and
Attack Detection. Identifying active attacks against the organization.
Investigation and Resolution. Responding to active attacks, reducing business
impact, and resolving the threat.
Note: This model does not articulate the many related processes, such as patch
management, configuration management, business continuity management, or
disaster recovery processes, that are at times associated with threat management.
These processes are typically a separate part of the organization and not under the
purview of security operations. The Control Processes banded through the middle of
the model represent other security-related processes, such as policy development,
business continuity/disaster recovery, identity management, and configuration
management, which are outside the scope of, but fed by the threat management
A vulnerability is a weakness that could be exploited by a threat. Examples include
an open firewall port, a password that is never changed, or a missing control. At a
higher level, a vulnerability is also a weakness in a process, administration, or
technology that allow malicious entities access to your systems.
Vulnerabilities as Risks
Because new vulnerabilities are discovered every day, vulnerabilities must be
identified and eliminated on a regular basis. Applying security patches helps
mitigate specific vulnerabilities. However, when network-attached devices run
without current security updates, these un-patched devices are vulnerable to a
variety of exploits.
Not all vulnerabilities have related patches. For this reason, system administrators
must not only be aware of vulnerabilities and patches, but also must mitigate
vulnerabilities through other methods, such as firewalls or router access control
A common mistake among system administrators is to monitor only patches and not
vulnerabilities. Although this omission is understandable given the time pressures
many system administrators face, this omission can be dangerous because attackers
spend considerable time monitoring and exploiting vulnerabilities.
Exploitation of a Vulnerability
The exploitation of a vulnerability can be accomplished locally (internally) or
remotely (externally) by a hacker or a disgruntled employee. In addition,
vulnerabilities can be exploited by a worm or virus. The most common examples of
what happens when vulnerabilities are exploited include the following:
Denial of service. The system may crash, resulting in a lack of service.
Arbitrary code execution. Someone is allowed to execute a command with
local user or root privileges (for example, delete or copy files).
Buffer overflow. The system may crash.
Threat Data
Threat data includes vulnerability, malicious code, and geopolitical threat
information, results from vulnerability scanners and other network monitoring
devices, security intelligence and threat feeds, and other intelligence gathered from
trusted sources. Robust threat data helps you to analyze the dangers to your
organization and prioritize your remediation and mitigation efforts.
This chapter contains the following sections:
RSA Archer Threat Management
RSA Archer Threat Management Features
RSA Archer Threat Management Components
Vulnerability Research Subsolution
Vulnerability Scan Management Subsolution
Threat Management Subsolution
Issue Management Subsolution
RSA Archer Threat Management Process Flow
RSA Archer Threat Management User Groups and Access Roles
l Threat Management
l Issue Management
Vulnerabilities Application
The Vulnerabilities application collects consistent vulnerability data. By tying
vulnerabilities to asset data in the RSA Archer Enterprise Management solution,
you can analyze, prioritize, and proactively respond to address threats to vulnerable
assets. The Vulnerabilities application accepts intelligence feeds from third-party
vendors, including Symantec and Verisign.
Through the Vulnerabilities application, you can do the following:
l Automatically import data from an intelligence feed.
l Automatically notify appropriate personnel when new vulnerabilities are
l Research potential threats and produce real-time reports that aid in the creation
of action plans.
Patches Application
The Patches application serves as a repository for the latest patches released by
software vendors that mitigate specific vulnerabilities. You can access and
research patches that mitigate vulnerabilities in addition to utilizing real-time
reports that aid in creating remediation plans.
Through the Patches application, you can do the following:
l Relate patches to vulnerabilities in order to prioritize mitigation plans based on
vulnerability severity.
l Consolidate intelligence feeds from vendors.
l Automatically notify appropriate personnel when new patches are available for
the technologies they support.
Technologies Application
The Technologies application provides a searchable and extensible repository of
technology version information that can be leveraged to relate objects of like
The Technologies application is a three level application with the following levels:
Vendors. The Vendors level contains information relating to the technology
vendors, including name, description, and vendor naming conventions.
Technologies. The Technologies level contains information relating to specific
technologies, including name, description, and technology naming conventions.
Technology Versions. The Technology Versions level contains information
relating to technology versions, including name, description, and technology
version naming conventions.
The threat assessment helps security analysts identify threat actors, threat
scenarios, and threat vectors so that proactive measures can be put into effect.
Threat Assessment Questionnaire Workflow
The following figure shows the workflow of the Threat Assessment questionnaire.
Findings Application
The Findings application documents individual control gaps or risks for a specific
scope or target of the threat assessment. Findings can be managed centrally within
the Findings application or associated with remediation plans to track the actual
task of closing the findings.
Findings Application Workflow
The following figure shows the workflow of the Findings application.
The following figure shows the process for granting exception request extensions.
Index A Q
applications 16 Question Library application
assets described 26
defined 11
Remediation Plans application
customer support 6 described 30
workflow 30
D RSA Archer Threat Management
components 15
documentation described 13
RSA Archer eGRC Platform 5 diagram 16
RSA Archer Threat Management 6 integrated solution diagram 17
process flow 31
E user roles 31
Exception Requests application S
described 28
workflow 28 subsolutions 16
support, technical 6
Findings application
described 27 Technologies application 21
workflow 27 workflow 21
Threat Assessment questionnaire
I described 26
workflow 26
Issue Management subsolution threat data, described 12
applications 16 threat detection and response 8, 10
described 27 described 10
Threat Intelligence application
M described 25
threat management
Malicious Code application
basic scenario 9
described 20
defined 8
workflow 20
objectives 9
P process 10
process diagram 10
Patches application threat management program
described 21 defined 8
Policy Change Requests application objectives 9
described 30 Threat Management Solution See RSA
workflow 30 Archer Threat Management
process flow Threat Management subsolution
described 31 applications 16
described 24
32 Index
Overview Guide
user roles
described 31
as risks 12
defined 11
exploitation of 12
Vulnerabilities application
described 19
workflow 19
Vulnerability Research subsolution
applications 16
described 18
Vulnerability Scan Management
applications 16
described 22
Vulnerability Scan Requests application
described 22
workflow 23
Vulnerability Scan Results application
described 24
workflow 24
Vulnerability Scans application
described 23
workflow 23
Exception Requests application 28
Findings application 27
Malicious Code application 20
Policy Change Requests
application 30
Remediation Plans application 30
Technologies application 21
Threat Assessment
questionnaire 26
Threat Project application 26
33 Index