Aplicaciones Del CBCT en DTM
Aplicaciones Del CBCT en DTM
Aplicaciones Del CBCT en DTM
doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2011.01663.x
Radiographic examination is essential for the diagnosis and management of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The
goals of TMJ radiography are to evaluate cortical and trabecular architecture of the bony structures and confirm their
integrity, to assess the extent and monitor progression of osseous changes, and to evaluate the response to treatment.
Accurate evaluation of the TMJ by conventional radiography is limited by structure superimposition. Cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT) provides high-resolution multiplanar images and delivers substantially lower radiation dose, compared
with multislice CT. CBCT allows examination of TMJ anatomy without superimposition and distortion to facilitate
analysis of bone morphology, joint space and dynamic function in all three dimensions. This article will describe the role of
CBCT imaging for the assessment of the TMJ osseous structures and present typical appearances of common pathological
conditions of the TMJ.
Keywords: Cone beam, temporomandibular joints.
Abbreviations and acronyms: CBCT = cone beam computed tomography; CH = coronoid hyperplasia; CT = computed tomography; FOV
= field of view; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; OA = osteoarthritis; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; SC = synovial chondromatosis; TMD
= temporomandibular disorders; TMJ = temporomandibular joints.
distorted and often there is superimposition from the view (FOV), the detector type and the size of the
zygomatic process.8 Panoramic radiographs have a reconstructed voxels. These parameters vary between
poor reliability and low sensitivity for detecting TMJ CBCT units and can be adjusted in most CBCT
osseous changes9,10 and thus, are of limited value in machines. Thus, when performing CBCT imaging, it
radiographic evaluation of the TMJ. is important that the clinician adjusts these parameters
To overcome the issues with superimposition and to produce optimal images for the specific diagnostic
image distortion, linear or complex motion tomogra- task. For example, when using a limited CBCT unit, the
phy was used for several years as the modality of choice image FOV can be collimated to 4 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm,
for bony TMJ examination.11,12 With tomography, the and images acquired at a voxel size of as low as 78 lm.
reported sensitivity for detecting osseous changes These limited FOV scans provide sufficient anatomic
ranges from 53% to 90% and the specificity ranges coverage to encompass the condylar head, glenoid fossa
from 73% to 95%.11,13 However, tomography under- and articular eminence of one TMJ. In our experience,
estimates small bone abnormalities and thus, the these high-resolution scans provide excellent visualiza-
diagnostic accuracy is limited.13 tion of osseous changes within the TMJ (Fig. 1). Full
CT has been a valuable aid in the evaluation of the FOV CBCT machines can also be used to image the
TMJ. This technique was found to be superior to TMJ. Typically with these units, the collimated image
hypocycloidal tomography.14 CT provides excellent size can vary from approximately 10 cm to 20 cm and
visualization of a broad spectrum of osseous patholog- the voxel sizes range from 200 lm to 400 lm. Depend-
ical changes, such as osteophytes, condylar erosion, ing on the selected FOV, the image volume may
fractures, ankylosis, dislocation, and growth abnormal- encompass both TMJs. However, it is important to
ities such as condylar hyperplasia. Studies on autopsy consider that with larger FOV and higher voxel sizes,
specimens found CT to have a sensitivity of 75% and a the image resolution is decreased and this could
specificity of 100% for detecting bony changes with a potentially compromise the ability to detect early
positive predictive value of 100% and a negative osseous changes. A recent study showed that CBCT
predictive value of 78%.15 However, the high cost, scans with smaller FOV and voxel sizes had a higher
access to equipment and the relatively high radiation diagnostic accuracy for detection of TMJ erosions.20
dose have limited the widespread use of CT for TMJ Depending on the diagnostic task, it may be necessary
evaluation. With the advent of cone beam CT (CBCT), to image the entire maxillofacial skeleton, where an
these barriers have been overcome. Today CBCT units assessment of craniofacial asymmetry is required. In
are located in dental schools, dental radiographic our clinic, we find that a combination of limited and
laboratories and private practices, and have provided full FOV scans might be appropriate for select patients.
increased access to CT technology. Furthermore, the CBCT imaging provides multiplanar images in the
cost of imaging patients with CBCT units is generally anatomic axial, sagittal and coronal planes. For easier
lower than medical CT. In addition to the lower cost TMJ visualization, the image volume can be recon-
and better access to equipment, CBCT offers several structed in planes parallel and perpendicular to the long
advantages over medical CT. First, the radiation dose axis of the condyle instead of the true anatomic coronal
from CBCT examinations is typically much lower than and sagittal planes. These reconstructed sections also
that from medical CT units.16,17 Second, the spatial allow for better assessment of the condyle position
resolution of CBCT images is typically higher than that within the glenoid fossa (Fig. 1).
of medical CT imaging protocols. The diagnostic
efficacy of CBCT is as good as conventional CT18 and
CBCT imaging appearances of common TMD
is superior to that of panoramic radiography and linear
tomography.19 Recent guidelines recommend CT as the The goals of TMJ imaging by CBCT are to evaluate the
modality of choice for evaluation of TMJ osseous integrity of the bony structures when disorders are
changes.9 Given the lower radiation dose and the suspected, to confirm the extent and stage of progres-
growing availability of CBCT, this modality is becoming sion of disorders, and to evaluate the effects of
the modality of choice for evaluation of TMJ osseous treatment. Below we describe common conditions of
components. In this review, we discuss the applications the TMJ where CBCT imaging plays an important role
of CBCT imaging for evaluation of the TMJ. in diagnosis and treatment planning.
Fig 1. Normal TMJ in the closed position. Images were acquired using limited FOV CBCT (3D Accuitomo 80, J. Morita Manufacturing
Corporation). (a) Axial, (b) corrected sagittal and (c) corrected frontal sections.
(a) (b)
Fig 2. (a) Corrected frontal and (b) corrected sagittal CBCT sections. Note flattening of the antero-superior surface of the condylar head with
cortical thickening and subchondral sclerosis.
joint form, and function and occlusal relationships.21 joint,31,32 as well as microtrauma caused by bruxism
Excessive forces can alter the shape of the condyle and and unilateral chewing.
articular eminence resulting in flattening of curved joint CBCT provides essential information needed to
surfaces, thickening of articular cortical surfaces and diagnose OA.18,33,34 The diagnostic efficacy of CBCT
subchondral sclerosis (Fig. 2). These changes may affect for detecting these osseous changes is superior to that of
the condyle, temporal components, or both.21,22 TMJ panoramic radiography, linear tomography and
remodelling is often detected even in the absence of MRI.19,35 Bony changes associated with OA include
symptoms and is considered abnormal only when irregular and possibly thickened cortical outlines,
accompanied by signs and symptoms of pain or erosions, osteophyte formation, and subchondral ‘cyst’
dysfunction or when the degree of remodelling seen formation.9,36,37 Other changes include narrowing of
radiographically is judged to be severe.23 the joint space and other signs of osseous remodelling
such as flattening of the articular surfaces and sub-
chondral sclerosis. These changes are most commonly
seen on the condyle but may also involve the mandib-
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the TMJ is an age-related ular fossa or articular eminence (Fig. 3). In addition to
degenerative disease and is more frequent in females depicting these changes, the imaging findings also
than in males.24–26 This process is characterized by contribute to staging of the disease29 and to monitor
degeneration of the joint cartilage with subsequent progression of changes over time or in response to
release of degraded proteoglycans and proteolytic treatment.
enzymes into the synovial fluid. This provokes a
secondary inflammatory response with further degra-
Inflammatory arthritis
dation of the joint components.27–29 Aetiological fac-
tors include biomechanical overloading, loss of molar This group of high-inflammatory arthritis includes
support and attrition,30 internal derangement of the systemic disorders that manifest as synovial membrane
ª 2012 Australian Dental Association 111
S Barghan et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig 3. Osseous changes characteristic of osteoarthritis. (a and c) Corrected sagittal and (b and d) corrected frontal sections using limited FOV
CBCT. (a and b) Mild erosion of the condylar head and normal glenoid fossa. (c and d) Severe erosion, bone sclerosis, osteophyte formation,
subcondral cysts and reduced joint space.
(a) (b)
Fig 4. Synovial chondromatosis. Corrected sagittal limited FOV CBCT sections in (a) closed and (b) open positions. Note multiple calcifications
within the joint space. The position of the calcifications relative to the fossa changes upon opening.
(a) (b)
Fig 5. Limited FOV CBCT scans showing (a) Retruded condylar position in the closed-mouth position. (b) Limited translational movement of the
condyle upon opening.
(a) (b)
Fig 6. Condylar neck fracture. (a) Sagittal and coronal CBCT sections and (c and d) three-dimensional volume renderings show a fracture of the
condylar neck with dislocation of the condylar head in a medial direction. (b and e) The contralateral condyle is shown for comparison.
(a) (b)
Fig 7. Osseous ankylosis. (a) Coronal and (b) sagittal CBCT sections showing an irregular articular surface, narrow joint space and continuity of the
condylar head with the glenoid fossa at the central region of the condyle.
Fig 9. Bilateral coronoid hyperplasia. (a) Axial section demonstrating the proximity of the coronoid process to the medial aspect of the zygomatic
process of the maxilla. (b and c) Sagittal sections of the right and left rami show elongation and hyperplasia of the coronoid processes.
Fig 10. Osteochondroma of the condyle. (a) Axial, (b) coronal and (c) sagittal CBCT sections show an exophytic osseous mass on the antero-
superior surface of the condylar head. Note the continuity of the normal condylar trabeculation with the tumour and a thin discernible cortical
outline of the condylar head.
Fig 11. Multiple myeloma involving the condylar head. (a) Sagittal section, (b) coronal section and (c) 3-dimensional volume rendering showing an
ill-defined, radiolucent, destructive lesion of the condylar head.
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