Fact Sheet Robotics Automation en
Fact Sheet Robotics Automation en
Fact Sheet Robotics Automation en
ISSUE 2018/2019
Germany’s robotics and automation (R&A) industry has Tomorrow’s Robotics and Automation Technologies
enjoyed unprecedented success over the last decade, The R&A industry is one of the most innovative in the Ger-
recording average annual growth of 10 percent and man mechanical engineering sector. German OEMs number
almost doubling turnover in the period 2010 to 2017. The among the world’s leading R&A companies. Human-robot
sector generated record turnover of EUR 14.5 billion in collaboration (HRC) and machine vision (MV) technologies are
2017, with revenue of more than EUR 15 billion forecast considered major strengths in a global hub that boast robot-
for 2018. ics players from all market segments. Machine vision counts
as one of the major growth sectors in the R&A industry and
Global Market Growth has become the key technology for the automation industry
According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), worldwide. The increasing application level of HRC represents
global industrial robot sales reached record levels in 2017 – a perfect example of the move towards connectivity within
with the international market value for robot systems advanced manufacturing. Technological developments in the
estimated at around USD 40 billion. The IFR forecasts that field of artificial intelligence including machine learning and
robot installations will have a compound annual growth deep learning will lead to further applications of conventional
rate of at least 15 percent during the period 2018 to 2020. industrial robots and collaborative robots.
It is also estimated that more than 1.7 million new industrial
robots will be installed in factories around the world
by 2020. The global trend towards automation and
digitalization in the manufacturing sector is providing Estimated Annual Supply of Industrial Robots
continuous growth momentum. Accordingly, the world in Germany 2017-2020
market for industrial and non-industrial robots is forecast in thousand units
to rise to EUR 499 billion in 2025 according to market
analyst Tractica.
Europe’s Robotics and Automation Technology Hub
With a workforce of almost 53 thousand people, Germany’s 21
robotics sector boasts a robot density level of 309 industrial
robots per 10 thousand employees. This gives the country
the highest density level in Europe and puts it third in global
comparison (global average of 74 robots per 10 thousand
employees). Between 2018 and 2020, domestic annual supply
will continue to grow by at least five percent on average per
year thanks to demand for robots in industry in general and
the automotive industry in particular. According to the Ger-
man Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA),
the sector has an export share of 60 percent, with China 2017 2018 2019 2020
representing the largest single overseas market (14 percent
export share). Source: IFR 2017
2016 14.5
VDMA Classification
According to VDMA classification, the industry can be 12.8
divided into three innovative sectors.
Machine Vision
has more than doubled. Record turnover of EUR 2.6 billion was
reached in 2017 (18 percent increase), with dynamic market
A number of standards, rules and regulations have been ·· safety standards are defined within the
established in Europe to provide practical guidance to revised EN ISO 10218 standards 1 and 2 as
cobot manufacturers, system integrators, users, and other well as the ISO/TS 15066 specification;
interested parties.
·· require a collision risk assessment that covers
the industrial workplace in accordance with
Collaborative robot systems…
the two standards outlined above and
·· comprise the cobot, the robot arm-adapted tool the EC Machinery Directive.
used to perform tasks (and objects moved by it),
workpieces, and devices that constitute machinery
according to the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC;
More information can be found online at
·· are subject to the EC Machinery Directive and →
the DGUV website www.dguv.de or contact
require an EC Declaration of Conformity and Germany Trade & Invest's industry experts at
CE Mark before being placed on the market; www.gtai.com/machinery
About Us
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the foreign trade and Business Location Services
inward i nvestment agency of the Federal Republic of Ger- GTAI supports international companies from market entry to
many. The organization advises and supports foreign compa- business start-up in Germany. Expert project teams advise
nies planning to expand into the German market and assists and assist in the business establishment phase. GTAI’s range
German companies seeking to enter foreign markets. of free services includes: