Iso 14731 2019
Iso 14731 2019
Iso 14731 2019
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 14731:2019{E)
© ISO 2019
ISO 14731:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
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Contents Page
Foreword .........................................................................................................................................................................
lntroduction .......................................................................................................................................................
__ ._............ -.-- ...........................
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................
____ ..,............................................
2 Normative references ...........................................................................................
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................................
4 Tasks and responsibilities .................................................................................................................................
4.1 2
Welding quality related tasks ......................................................................................................................
4.2 Specification of tasks and responsibilities ..................................................................................................
5 Job descriptlon ............................................................................................................................
___ .................................................
5.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................
5.2 Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................
5.3 Responsibilities and extent of authorization ................................... ____ ...................................................
6 Technical knowledge and competence .............................................................................................................4
6.1 General.............................
6.2 Competency levels for welding coordination personnel ............................................................................. 4
6.2.1 General............................................................................................................................................
6.2.2 Comprehensive level............................. ,...................................................................................................
6.2.3 Specific level ..................................................................................................................................
6.2.4 Basic level....................................................
Annex A (informative) Assessment of welding coordination personnel......................................................................
Annex B (normative) Essential welding and related tasks to be considered when appropriate ..........
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................................
11 1
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation ofnational standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO,also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www.iso
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes,
Subcommittee SC 11, Qualificationrequirementsfor weldingand alliedprocessespersonnel.
Any feedback, question or request for official interpretation related to any aspect of this document
should be directed to the Secretariat of ISO/TC 44/SC 11 via your national standards body. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found at Official interpretations, where they
exist, are available from this page:,htm1.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 14731:2006), which has been technically
the concept of competence and levels (see Clause 6) has been introduced;
new sub clause B.2..0.
has been added to address Health and Safety and Environment.
Validation and verification of welding requires competent personnel to perform welding coordination
to establish confidence in weld quality and to ensure reliable performance in service.
The tasks and responsibilities of welding coordination personnel involved in welding-related activities
(e.g. planning, executing, supervising and inspection) need to be clearly defined.
1 Scope
This document identifies the essential welding quality related tasks and responsibilities included in
welding coordination.
The principle of an assessment according to this document is that welding coordination personnel need
to be competent in the welding-related tasks allocated to them.
It is presumed that welding coordination personnel have the necessary education, qualifications and
experience and are ~ppointed by the manufacturer.
Regulatory documents, application standards and contracts can give specific requirements for welding
coordination personnel. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to determine the
requirements to be in compliance with this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3834 (all parts), Qualityrequirementsfor fusion welding of metallicmaterials
ISO/TR 25901-1, Weldingand alliedprocesses- Vocabulary- Part1: Generalterms
welding coordination
coordination of manufacturing operations for all welding and welding-related activities
Note 1 to entry: Welding coordination can be assigned to an individual or a team.
welding coordination personnel
welding coordinator
person or group of people performing defined welding coordination tasks
Note 1 to entry: Different personnel may be appointed by the manufacturer [li) for different welding and
related tasks.
welding inspection
conformity evaluation of welding variables by observation and judgment accompanied as appropriate
by measurement or testing
Nate 1 to entry: Welding inspection is a part of welding coordination.
ability to apply knowledge and experience to complete tasks and solve problems
Note 1 to entry: Skills are described as cognitive (involving the use oflogical, intuitive and creative thinking) or
practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).
5 Job description
5.1 General
The manufacturer shall prepare job descriptions for all welding coordination personnel which shall
include at least their tasks and responsibilities and extent of authorization, see 5.2 and .5...3..
The manufacturer shall determine the level of education, qualification and experience (see Clause 6)
required for welding coordination personnel.
Welding coordination personnel shall be able to demonstrate their competence to follow their assigned
tasks (see AnnexB),for example, by an assessment in accordance with AnnexA.
Each manufacturer is responsible for the appointment of their welding coordination personnel. This
appointment is not transferable to other manufacturers.
5.2 Tasks
The tasks assigned to welding coordination personnel shall be identified in accordance with 1,.2 and
Annex B.
6.1 General
All welding coordination personnel shall be able to demonstrate:
competence in the welding-related tasks allocated to them;
technical knowledge in welding and related technologies relevant to the assigned tasks obtained by
a combination of education, training and/or experience.
Competence includes application of welding and related standards when relevant to the assigned tasks.
The extent of on the job experience and competence level required for welding coordination depends on
the consequences in the case of failure of a welded component.
Guidance for the assessment of welding coordination personnel is given in Annex A.
6.2.1 General
Welding coordination personnel shall be allocated to one of the following levels, depending on the
nature and/or complexity of the production:
They shall be able to supervise common or standard welding and related technologies, in situations of a
predictable nature, but which can be subject to minor changes.
They shall be competent to make decisions in common or standard work and supervise the basic
welding and related personnel's tasks.
Welding coordination personnel have the responsibility of deciding how welds shall be made to meet
specified requirements taking account of weldabilityproblems that can occur in relation to the materials
used, process(es) and fabrication technique(s). This includes, ensuring that weld quality is obtained and
that regulations, standards, specifications and other client requirements are satisfied. The assessment
of the competence of welding coordination personnel should include at least the following, in relation to
the nature and/or complexity of the production:
previous experience of welding similar products with the standards used by the manufacturing
extent of experience fabricating the materials used by the manufacturer;
previous experience in using the welding supporting standards used by the manufacturing
organization, e.g., WPQR,WPS, welder and welding operator qualifications;
understanding of the ISO3834 series and this document (i.e. ISO 14731);
experience of troubleshooting of welding related problems;
knowledge of relevant essential welding and related tasks as specified in Annex B;
theoretical knowledge to a level relevant to the manufacturer as specified in Clause 6.
The assessment of the competence of welding coordination personnel should include a review, as a
separate professional interview and/or during a shop walk around. Where possible, the review should
be conducted by a person with a level of competence equal to or higher than the welding coordination
personnel under review.
Annex B
B.3 Sub-contracting
With regard to sub-contracting, the suitability of any sub-contractor for welding fabrication and their
ability to comply with the relevant clauses of the ISO 3834 series (if contractually required) shall be
B.S Equipment
The following elements shall be considered with regard to equipment:
a) the suitability of welding and associated equipment;
b) auxiliaries and equipment supply, identification and handling;
c) personal protective equipment and other safety equipment, directly associated with the applicable
manufacturing process;
d) equipment maintenance;
e) equipment verification and validation.
B.lOWelding consumables
The following elements shall be considered with regard to welding consumables:
a) compatibility;
b) delivery conditions;
c) any supplementary requirements in the welding consumable purchasing specifications, including
the type of welding consumable inspection document;
d) the storage and handling of welding consumables;
e) batch testing.
B.11 Materials
The following elements shall be considered with regard to materials:
a) any supplementary requirements in the material purchasing specifications, including the type of
inspection document for the material;
b) the weldability of the materials to be used;
[1] Official Journal of the European Union. COUNCILRECOMMENDATION of 22 May 2017 on the
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and repealing the recommendation
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (2017/C 189/03)
JCS 25.160.01
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