Iso 14731 2019

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Third edition

Welding coordination - Tasks and

Coordinationen soudage - Tdcheset responsabilites

Reference number
ISO 14731:2019{E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 14731:2019(E)

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ii © ISO 2019 -All rights reserved

ISO 14731:2019(E)

Contents Page

Foreword .........................................................................................................................................................................
lntroduction .......................................................................................................................................................
__ ._............ -.-- ...........................
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................
____ ..,............................................
2 Normative references ...........................................................................................
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................................
4 Tasks and responsibilities .................................................................................................................................
4.1 2
Welding quality related tasks ......................................................................................................................
4.2 Specification of tasks and responsibilities ..................................................................................................
5 Job descriptlon ............................................................................................................................
___ .................................................
5.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................
5.2 Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................
5.3 Responsibilities and extent of authorization ................................... ____ ...................................................
6 Technical knowledge and competence .............................................................................................................4
6.1 General.............................
6.2 Competency levels for welding coordination personnel ............................................................................. 4
6.2.1 General............................................................................................................................................
6.2.2 Comprehensive level............................. ,...................................................................................................
6.2.3 Specific level ..................................................................................................................................
6.2.4 Basic level....................................................
Annex A (informative) Assessment of welding coordination personnel......................................................................
Annex B (normative) Essential welding and related tasks to be considered when appropriate ..........
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................................
11 1

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation ofnational standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www.iso
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes,
Subcommittee SC 11, Qualificationrequirementsfor weldingand alliedprocessespersonnel.
Any feedback, question or request for official interpretation related to any aspect of this document
should be directed to the Secretariat of ISO/TC 44/SC 11 via your national standards body. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found at Official interpretations, where they
exist, are available from this page:,htm1.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 14731:2006), which has been technically

The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:

informative reference to IIW has been removed due to anticompetition rules;

Annex A now addresses the assessment of welding coordination personnel;

the term responsible welding coordinator, RWC,has been deleted;

the concept of competence and levels (see Clause 6) has been introduced;
new sub clause B.2..0.
has been added to address Health and Safety and Environment.

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

Validation and verification of welding requires competent personnel to perform welding coordination
to establish confidence in weld quality and to ensure reliable performance in service.
The tasks and responsibilities of welding coordination personnel involved in welding-related activities
(e.g. planning, executing, supervising and inspection) need to be clearly defined.

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STANDARD ISO 14731:2019(E)

Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities

1 Scope
This document identifies the essential welding quality related tasks and responsibilities included in
welding coordination.
The principle of an assessment according to this document is that welding coordination personnel need
to be competent in the welding-related tasks allocated to them.
It is presumed that welding coordination personnel have the necessary education, qualifications and
experience and are ~ppointed by the manufacturer.
Regulatory documents, application standards and contracts can give specific requirements for welding
coordination personnel. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to determine the
requirements to be in compliance with this document.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3834 (all parts), Qualityrequirementsfor fusion welding of metallicmaterials
ISO/TR 25901-1, Weldingand alliedprocesses- Vocabulary- Part1: Generalterms

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/TR 25901-1 and the
following apply.
ISO and JECmaintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
ISO Online browsing platform: available athttps:/
IEC Electropedia: available at htt:p:/
entity carrying out welding and related activities under the same technical and quality management
Note 1 to entry: Welding and related activities may be carried out in a workshop or onsite or both, but the
manufacturer remains responsible for the welding production.

welding coordination
coordination of manufacturing operations for all welding and welding-related activities
Note 1 to entry: Welding coordination can be assigned to an individual or a team.

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

welding coordination personnel
welding coordinator
person or group of people performing defined welding coordination tasks
Note 1 to entry: Different personnel may be appointed by the manufacturer [li) for different welding and
related tasks.

Note 2 to entry: A qualification and/or practical experience may be required.

welding inspection
conformity evaluation of welding variables by observation and judgment accompanied as appropriate
by measurement or testing
Nate 1 to entry: Welding inspection is a part of welding coordination.

ability to apply knowledge and experience to complete tasks and solve problems
Note 1 to entry: Skills are described as cognitive (involving the use oflogical, intuitive and creative thinking) or
practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

[Adapted from European Council Recommendation 2017/C 189/03, Annex I, (g)][ll

outcome of the assimilation of information, the body of facts, principles, theories and practices that is
related to a field of work, through learning (theoretical and/or factual)
[Adapted from European Council Recommendation 2017/C 189/03, Annex I, (f)][1]
<personnel> formal outcome of an assessment and validation process to determine that an individual
has achieved learning outcomes to a given program
[Adapted from European Council Recommendation 2017/C 189/03, Annex I, (a)][ll
proven ability to use effectively knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities,
in a wide variety of work situations in terms of responsibility and autonomy
[Adapted from European Council Recommendation 2017/C 189/03, Annex I, (i)][l]
accountability, duties, obligations and associated rights assigned by the manufacturer (3.1) as a result
of competence in the job

4 Tasks and responsibilities

4.1 Welding quality related tasks

Annex B shall be used by the manufacturer as a guide to allocate welding quality related tasks and
responsibilities to welding coordination personnel. It may be supplemented for special applications.
Not all the items are required for all manufacturers or quality system requirements, and selection shall
be made as appropriate. For example, where there is no destructive testing or post~weld heat treatment, c) and do not apply.

2 © ISO2019 - All rights reserved


4.2 Specification of tasks and responsibilities

Welding coordination is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
The tasks of welding coordination personnel shall be selected from Annex B and/or as specified, for
example, in application standards and other documents. The level of competence ofwelding coordination
personnel shall be determined in accordance with the complexity of the welding and related activities,
product type(s), criticality of the application and the quality requirements specified in the relevant part
of the ISO 3834 series.
Each task in Annex B may be associated with a number of activities, such as:
specification and preparation;
inspection, checking or witnessing.
Where more than one person carries out welding coordination, the tasks and responsibilities shall be
clearly allocated, such that responsibility is clearly defined and the persons are competent for each
specific welding coordination task.
The manufacturer shall appoint at least one person to be responsible for welding coordination tasks.
If welding coordination is subcontracted, the tasks and responsibilities shall be defined and
documented. However, compliance with this document remains the responsibility of the manufacturer.
NOTE Examples of items to be addressed when welding coordination is subcontracted: a) a provision for the
subcontracted welding coordinator to visit the premises, routine or otherwise; b) reports of all visits including
purpose and activities carried out.

5 Job description

5.1 General
The manufacturer shall prepare job descriptions for all welding coordination personnel which shall
include at least their tasks and responsibilities and extent of authorization, see 5.2 and .5...3..
The manufacturer shall determine the level of education, qualification and experience (see Clause 6)
required for welding coordination personnel.
Welding coordination personnel shall be able to demonstrate their competence to follow their assigned
tasks (see AnnexB),for example, by an assessment in accordance with AnnexA.
Each manufacturer is responsible for the appointment of their welding coordination personnel. This
appointment is not transferable to other manufacturers.

5.2 Tasks
The tasks assigned to welding coordination personnel shall be identified in accordance with 1,.2 and
Annex B.

5.3 Responsibilities and extent of authorization

The responsibilities and extent of authorization assigned to the welding coordination personnel are
identified as follows:
their position in the manufacturer's organization and their responsibilities;
the extent of authorization assigned to them to carry out the assigned tasks (see AnnexB);

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the extent of authorization assigned to them to accept or validate, by signature, technical

administrative documents or contracts, on behalf of the manufacturer, as needed in order to fulfil
the assigned tasks, for example, for procedure specification and supervision reports.

6 Technical knowledge and competence

6.1 General
All welding coordination personnel shall be able to demonstrate:
competence in the welding-related tasks allocated to them;
technical knowledge in welding and related technologies relevant to the assigned tasks obtained by
a combination of education, training and/or experience.
Competence includes application of welding and related standards when relevant to the assigned tasks.
The extent of on the job experience and competence level required for welding coordination depends on
the consequences in the case of failure of a welded component.
Guidance for the assessment of welding coordination personnel is given in Annex A.

6.2 Competency levels for welding coordination personnel

6.2.1 General
Welding coordination personnel shall be allocated to one of the following levels, depending on the
nature and/or complexity of the production:

6.2.2 Comprehensive level

At the comprehensive level, welding coordination personnel shall have highly specialized problem-
solving skills. These skills shall include critical and original evaluation to define or develop the best
technical and economical solutions when applying welding and related technologies for highly complex
and unpredictable conditions.
They shall be able to manage and adapt welding and related technologies for welded fabrications,
including situations of high complexity.
They shall be competent to make decisions and to define and revise welding and related personnel's tasks.

6.2.3 Specific level

At the specific level, welding coordination personnel shall have advanced problem-solving skills. These
skills shall include critical evaluation to select the appropriate technical and economical solutions when
applying welding and related technologies, for complex and unpredictable conditions.
They shall be able to manage the application of welding and related technologies for welded fabrications,
including complex situations.
They shall be competent to make decisions and to define the welding and related personnel's tasks.

6.2.4 Basic level

At the basic level, welding coordination personnel shall have fundamental problem-solving skills. These
skills shall include the ability to identify and develop appropriate solutions, when applying welding and
related technologies, for common basic and specific problems.

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

They shall be able to supervise common or standard welding and related technologies, in situations of a
predictable nature, but which can be subject to minor changes.
They shall be competent to make decisions in common or standard work and supervise the basic
welding and related personnel's tasks.

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ISO 14731:2019(E)


Assessment of welding coordination personnel

Welding coordination personnel have the responsibility of deciding how welds shall be made to meet
specified requirements taking account of weldabilityproblems that can occur in relation to the materials
used, process(es) and fabrication technique(s). This includes, ensuring that weld quality is obtained and
that regulations, standards, specifications and other client requirements are satisfied. The assessment
of the competence of welding coordination personnel should include at least the following, in relation to
the nature and/or complexity of the production:
previous experience of welding similar products with the standards used by the manufacturing
extent of experience fabricating the materials used by the manufacturer;
previous experience in using the welding supporting standards used by the manufacturing
organization, e.g., WPQR,WPS, welder and welding operator qualifications;
understanding of the ISO3834 series and this document (i.e. ISO 14731);
experience of troubleshooting of welding related problems;
knowledge of relevant essential welding and related tasks as specified in Annex B;
theoretical knowledge to a level relevant to the manufacturer as specified in Clause 6.
The assessment of the competence of welding coordination personnel should include a review, as a
separate professional interview and/or during a shop walk around. Where possible, the review should
be conducted by a person with a level of competence equal to or higher than the welding coordination
personnel under review.

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

Annex B

Essential welding and related tasks to be considered when


B.1 Review of requirements

The following elements shall be considered in a review of requirements:
a) the product standard to be used, together with any supplementary requirements;
b) the capability of the manufacturer to meet the prescribed requirements.

B.2 Technical review

The following elements shall be considered in a technical review:
a) the parent material(s) specification and welded joint properties;
b) the joint location with relation to the design requirements;
c) quality and acceptance requirements for welds;
d) the location, accessibility and sequence of welds, including accessibility for inspection and non-
destructive testing;
e) other welding requirements, e.g. batch testing of consumables, ferrite content of weld metal, ageing,
hydrogen content, permanent backing, use of peening, surface finish, weld profile;
f) the dimensions and details of joint preparation and completed weld.

B.3 Sub-contracting
With regard to sub-contracting, the suitability of any sub-contractor for welding fabrication and their
ability to comply with the relevant clauses of the ISO 3834 series (if contractually required) shall be

B.4 Welding personnel

With regard to welding personnel, the qualification of welders and welding operators shall be
considered and in conformance with the relevant contract requirements.

B.S Equipment
The following elements shall be considered with regard to equipment:
a) the suitability of welding and associated equipment;
b) auxiliaries and equipment supply, identification and handling;
c) personal protective equipment and other safety equipment, directly associated with the applicable
manufacturing process;

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

d) equipment maintenance;
e) equipment verification and validation.

B.6 Production planning

The following elements shall be considered with regard to production planning:
a) reference to the appropriate procedure specifications for welding and related processes;
b) the sequence in which the welds are to be made;
c) environmental conditions (e.g. protection from wind, temperature and rain);
d) the allocation of competent personnel;
e) equipment for preheating and post-heat treatment, including temperature indicators;
f) the arrangement for any production test.

B.7 Qualification of the welding procedures

With regard to the qualification of the welding procedures, the method and range of qualification and
all variables shall be considered against the relevant contract requirements.

B.8 Welding procedure specifications

With regard to welding procedure specifications, the range of qualification shall be considered and be
in conformance with the relevant contract requirements.

B.9 Work instructions

With regard to work instructions, the issuing and use of work instructions shall be considered.

B.lOWelding consumables
The following elements shall be considered with regard to welding consumables:
a) compatibility;
b) delivery conditions;
c) any supplementary requirements in the welding consumable purchasing specifications, including
the type of welding consumable inspection document;
d) the storage and handling of welding consumables;
e) batch testing.

B.11 Materials
The following elements shall be considered with regard to materials:
a) any supplementary requirements in the material purchasing specifications, including the type of
inspection document for the material;
b) the weldability of the materials to be used;

8 © ISO 2019 - All rights reserved


c) the storage and handling of parent material;

d) traceability.

B.12 Inspection and testing before welding

The following elements shall be considered with regard to inspection and testing before welding:
a) the suitability and validity of welders' and welding operators' qualification certificates;
b) the suitability of the welding procedure specification;
c) the identity of the parent material;
d) the identity of welding consumables;
e) joint preparation (e.g. shape and dimensions);
f) fit-up, jigging and tacking;
g) any special requirements in the welding procedure specification (e.g.prevention of distortion);
h) the suitability of working conditions for welding, including the environment.

B.13 Inspection and testing during welding

The following elements shall be considered with regard to inspection and testing during welding:
a) essential welding parameters (e.g. welding current, arc voltage and travel speed);
b) the preheating/interpass temperature;
c) the cleaning and shape of runs and layers of weld metal;
d) back gouging;
e) the welding sequence;
f) the correct use and handling of welding consumables;
g) control of distortion;
h) any intermediate examination (e.g. checking dimensions).

B.14Inspection and testing after welding

The following elements shall be considered with regard to inspection and testing after welding:
a) the use of visual inspection (for completeness of welding, weld dimensions, shape);
b) the use of non-destructive testing;
c) the use of destructive testing;
d) the form, shape, tolerance and dimensions of the construction;
e) the results and records of post-operations ( heat treatment, ageing).

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B.15 Post-weld heat treatment

With regard to post-weld heat treatment, performance in accordance with the specification shall be

B.16 Non-conformance and corrective actions

With regard to non-conformance and corrective actions, the necessary measures and actions (e.g. weld
repairs, re-assessment ofrepaired welds, corrective actions) shall be considered.

B.17 Calibration and validation of measuring, inspection and testing equipment

With regard to the calibration and validation of measuring, inspection and testing equipment, the
necessary methods and actions shall be considered.

B.18 Identification and traceability

The following elements shall be considered with regard to identification and traceability:
a) the identification of production plans;
b) the identification of routing cards;
c) the identification of weld locations in construction;
d) the identification of non-destructive testing procedures and personnel;
e) the identification of the welding consumable (e.g. designation, trade name, manufacturer of
consumables and batch or cast numbers);
f) the identification and/or traceability of parent material (e.g. type, cast number);
g) the identification of the location of repairs;
h) the identification of the location of temporary attachments;
i) traceability for fully mechanized and automatic welding units to specific welds;
j) traceability of welder and welding operators to specific welds;
k) traceability of welding procedure specifications to specific welds.

B.19 Quality records

With regard to quality records, the preparation and maintenance of the necessary records (including
subcontracted activities) shall be considered.
NOTE For more information see the ISO 3834 series.

B.20 Health and safety and environment

With regard to health and safety and environmental issues, all relevant rules and regulations shall be

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[1] Official Journal of the European Union. COUNCILRECOMMENDATION of 22 May 2017 on the
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and repealing the recommendation
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (2017/C 189/03)

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ISO 14731:2019(E)

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