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Studies of Terahertz Sources and

Their Applications
Sukhmander Singh, Shravan Kumar Meena, Ashish Tyagi,
Sanjeev Kumar, Man Raj Meena and Sujit Kumar Saini


The contributed chapter discuss the applications of terahertz radiations and its
generation mechanism through laser plasma interactions. The methods of generation of
terahertz radiations from plasma wake field acceleration, higher harmonic generation
and the laser beat wave plasma frequency are reviewed. The nonlinear current density
oscillate the plasma at beat wave frequency under the effect of ponderomotive force
and excite the terahertz radiation at beat wave frequency. The current state of the arts
of the methods of generation has been incorporated. The mathematical expression of
ponderomotive force has been derived under the influence of gradient of laser fields. In
additions, the future challenge and their overcomes are also been discussed.

Keywords: electromagnetic waves, THz radiation, beat wave, ponderomotive,

nonlinear, plasma, harmonic, detectors

1. Introduction

THz radiation has applications in broadband THz communications, basic sci-

ence, security, pharmaceutical industries, manufacturing and medicine science. The
Terahertz (THz) frequency region, which was difficult accessible frequency region
range (0.1–30 THz) lies between the microwave and infrared bands in electromag-
netic spectrum. This THz region is also defined as borderline of high frequency
region of the microwave band and long wavelength region of far infrared light.
Radiation at 1 THz has a period of 1 ps, wavelength 300, wave number 33/cm and
photon energy 4.1 meV. It has peak field at 100 MV/cm between 15 THz and 50
THz that provide major momentum to the investigating materials. Therefore THz
waves allow direct access to molecular rotations, lattice vibrations and spin waves
(low-energy excitations) in contrast to excitations of valence electrons stimulated
by optical waves. The THz radiation is non-ionizing and nondangerous for living
cells. These radiations can penetrate through plastics, metals, textiles, paper and
woods which assists to identify the explosives and drugs. In most of the cases, the
vibrational modes of oxygen, water and carbon monoxide (molecules of drugs and
explosives) lies in the THz region, therefore during the investigation, those ingre-
dients display distinctive absorption lines in the THz frequency range.
Electromagnetic waves have an applications in medical imaging, broadcasting,
WiFi, and treating cancer. The Sequential arrangement of electromagnetic waves
are shown in Table 1.
We also summarize some of the main applications for each range.

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

The electromagnetic spectrum

Frequency (Hz) Nature Wavelength (m) Production Applications

1022 gamma 10 13
Nuclear decay Cosmic rays

1021 gamma 10 12
Nuclear decay Cancer therapy

1018 x rays 10 9
Inner electronic Medical diagnosis
transitions and fast

1016 ultraviolet 10 7

1015 visible 10 6
Thermal agitation and Vision, astronomy,
electronic transitions optical

6.5  1014 blue 4.6  10 7

5.6  1014 green 5.4  10 7

3.9  1014 red 7.6  10 7

1014 infrared 10 5
Thermal agitation and Heating, night vision,
electronic transitions optical communications

109 UHF 10 3
Accelerating charges Microwave ovens
and thermal agitation

1010 EHF 10 1
remote sensing

108 TV FM 10 radio transmission

6 3
10 AM 10 radio signals

104 RF 105 Accelerating charges

Table 1.
The electromagnetic spectrum.

2. Application of terahertz radiation

THz radiation technology have a substantial presentation in the field of engi-

neering, science, biomedical engineering, astrophysics, environmental engineering,
information science, technology and plasma physics.

2.1 In biomedicine

Terahertz waves are useful for the diagnosis of disease since every organisms
have a unique response to THz wave. THz tomography get absorption rate distri-
bution and three-dimensional distribution of the refractive index of materials in
computer assisted tomography [1–29].

2.2 Quality control and safe monitoring

THz radiation is used to observer the process of food processing, weapons, drugs
and explosives. THz electromagnetic waves are completely harmless to humans
owing to its strong capacity of penetration [2–29].

2.3 Non damaging testing

The penetration length of radiations are measured by THz time-domain spec-

troscopy. The safety and penetrable properties of THz waves are useful for

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

nondestructive testing. THz waves can penetrate a few inches thick foam. Foam
used in space shuttle has very low refractive index and absorption variation,
although this change can be observed to detect the defects [1–10].

2.4 Astronomy and atmospheric research

The atmospheric molecules (nitrogen, water, oxygen and carbon monoxide)

have excitation energy in the terahertz range, therefore these molecules can be
detected with THz radiation to monitor the atmospheric environmental and ozone
layer as well as space research [3–12]. THz technology can be employed in astron-
omy and Earth observation to monitor the weather. The ultra-high frequency of
THz radiation provide better digital signal processing and imaging.

2.5 Wireless communication and networking

THz band has higher frequency, wider bandwidth and greater channel than the
microwave and 10 Gbps wi-fi transmission speeds may be obtained by means of
THz communique, which is some hundred or maybe hundreds of instances faster
than contemporary ultra-Wideband technology [3–12].

2.6 Secure communication

The small power of THz radiations is used to gain long-range space communi-
cations because of its low attenuation characteristic. THz radiation has wider beam
width against space optical communication, which make it suitable to pointing in
the long-distance space communication [1–6].

2.7 Chemical and biological agent detection

Terahertz radiation is very sensitive to molecules and surrounding environment.

Therefore, terahertz technology is used in chemical detection and identifications of
the chemical and biological agents [1–16].

2.8 Medical applications

Ionizing radiation is a kind of radiation that carries photon energy large enough to
detach electrons from atoms or molecules, leading to their ionization. X-ray radiation
may be harmful for humans. Typical X-ray imaging systems for medical purpose
involves photon energies close to 100 keV. Hence, a person may get exposures of a
high dose. Since the detection resolution is restricted by diffraction, therefore due to
shorter wavelength of the terahertz radiation, it provide better spatial resolution in
imaging. Moreover, the vibrational and rotational transition energies of the biomo-
lecular constituents of tissue lies in the THz frequency range, which offer good
spectroscopic information of biological tissues. The low photon energy of the radia-
tion is nonionizing and there is negligible scattering from tissues. An exposure of a
high dose of ionizing radiation may damage DNA of a human body and may increases
the possibility of developing cancer. When the energy is larger than 10 eV, we say
the radiation is ionizing. Therefore the water content presents in the tissue can pro-
vides good contrast between the healthy and diseased states of tissues using time-
domain spectroscopy based on terahertz radiation. The time-domain spectroscopy
provide quasi 3D information in the broad frequency range to investigate the desired
information. Although terahertz technology is still young and there have been no
major commercial applications in the medical science.

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

2.9 Quality control and pharmaceutical applications

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared and laser induced

breakdown spectroscopy are destructive for the medicine tablet to investigate the
uniformity of the coating. The non-uniform of the coating or surface defects on the
tablets leads to lacks of the desired dose delivery. THz waves have penetrating
behavior because of its electromagnetic nature. Terahertz image can be
optimized for performing 3D analysis on tablets to determine coating integrity and

3. Food applications of terahertz spectroscopy

3.1 Terahertz sources

An electronic and photonic materials based methods have been built to

generate THz radiation in the recent years and these methods are tabulated in
Table 2. These sources complement laser-based and other table-top THz
sources, which are limited to lower average powers, lower peak fields and lower
repetition rates.

Name Source type References

Gas Lasers Dodel [25]

Semiconductor Lasers Chassagneux et al. [26]

Frequency multiplication Solid-state electronic Maestrini et al. [27]

Transistors Solid-state electronic Lusakowski et al. [28]

Gyrotrons Vacuum electronic Bratman et al. [29]

Free electron lasers Vacuum electronic Knyazev et al. [30]

Synchrotrons Vacuum electronic Byrd et al. [31]

Mercury lamp Thermal Charrada et al. [32]

Mechanical resonance Continuous pumped lasers Wu et al. [33]

Terahertz parametric oscillator Pulsed lasers Kawase et al. [34]

Table 2.
Sources of THz.

4. Ponderomotive force

The nonlinear process arise, when a very high intensity electromagnetic wave
interacts with a plasma and the force due to radiation pressure is coupled to the
plasma particles and it is called ponderomotive force. Self-focusing of laser light in a
plasma is a direct effect of ponderomotive force. When a gas is ionized by
propagating a laser thought it, a force exert on the medium at ionization front.
A laser beam causes a radially directed ponderomotive force in a plasma which
forces plasma out of the beam and dielectric constant becomes higher inside the
beam than outside. The plasma acts as a convex lens focusing the beam to a
smaller diameter. Here we derive the expression for the ponderomotive force [35].

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

Equation of motion of particle under the electromagnetic fields

dv h! 
! ! !!i
me ¼ e E r þvB r (1)
! !
Non-linearity in the system comes partly from the v  B term which is a second
order term and assuming that !
v ¼ B ¼ 0. The other part of nonlinearity comes
0 0
from evaluating E at the actual position of the partical. Let the wave electric field is
!! !!
E r ¼ ES r cos ðωtÞ (2)

We expand E(r) about point r ¼ r0

dv ! 
eE ! e ES !
1 ! 
me ¼ r0 ¼ r0 cos ðωtÞ (3)
After integrating over time, we get
! e !!
v1 ¼ ES r0 sin ðωtÞ (4)
me ω

Again, integrating over time, we get

! e !!
r1 ¼ ES r0 cos ðωtÞ (5)
me ω2

Now, according to Faraday’s law

! ! ∂B
∇E ¼ (6)
It implies
! !
ð1=ωÞ ∇  E
B1 ¼ (7)

The Taylor expansion of Eq.(2) about point r ¼ !


! !  !! 
! ! ! !

ES r ¼ ES r0 þ r1  ∇ Es r ¼ r0 þ ……… (8)

Putting the value in equation in (1) from Eq. (7) and (8), we get
dv h !!! !i
¼ ! !
e r1  ∇ Es r0 cos ðωtÞ þ v1  B1 (9)
On solving the equation and taking the average over time.
dv   ! 
me ¼ e2 =4me ω2 ∇ Es 2 avg (10)
dt avg

dv 2 ! 
me ¼ e =2me ω2 ∇ E2 avg (11)
dt avg

So the left hand side in equation (11) is the effective force on a single electron,
which can be denoted by f NLe :

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

Similarly force on ions can be written

dv   ! 
! 2
f NLi ¼ mi ¼ e2 =2mi ω2 ∇ E2 avg (12)
dt avg

So the resultant force on plasma due to ions and electrons is

!  ! !
Frslt ¼ n0 f NLi þ f NLe
ne0 e2 me !  2 
¼ 1þ ∇ E avg:
2me ω2 mi

Since the mass of the ions are much greater than the mass of the electrons, we get

!  ! 
Frslt ¼ ωpe=ω2 ∇ ε0 E2 =2 avg (14)

This is called Ponderomotive force.

5. Non-linear current due to laser beating

Let us consider two different color laser beams co-propagating in a corrugated

plasma having electric field profiles as follows

E1 ¼ jE0 e ðy =a0 Þ eiðk1 x

2 2
! ^ ω1 t Þ

E2 ¼ jE0 e ðy =a0 Þ eiðk2 x

2 2
! ^ ω2 t Þ

The equation of motion of plasma electrons in a field

∂ve !
m ¼ eE (17)

Lasers impart oscillatory velocity to electrons

! !
v1 ¼ e E1 =iω1 m (18)
! !
v2 ¼ e E2 =iω2 m (19)

The corresponding ponderomotive force

!nl e2 ! 2 
fp ¼ ∇ Eavg (20)

In terms of two components of electric field

!nl e2 ! ! ! ∗ 
fp ¼ ∇ E1 : E2 (21)
2mω1 ω2

We know that
F¼ e∇V (22)

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

By comparing the Equation (21) and (22)

e ! ! ! ∗ 
V¼ ∇ E1 : E2 (23)
2mω1 ω2

the equation (19) deduce that

Ei ¼ : (24)

So, from the equation (18) and (19) , we get

m ! ! ∗ 
V¼ v1 :v2 (25)

From the equation (22)

!nl e2 ! ! ! ∗ 
fp ¼ ∇ E1 : E2 (26)
2mω1 ω2
! !
Putting the values of electric filed E1 and E2 -

!nl e2 ! 2 ð2y2 =a20 Þ i½ðk1 

fp ¼ ∇ E0 e e k2 Þx ðω1 ω2 ÞtŠ
2mω1 ω2


!nl e2 E20 ! ð2y2 =a20 Þ iðk0 x ω0 tÞ

fp ¼ ∇ e e (28)
2mω1 ω2


k0 ¼ ðk1 k2 Þ and ω0 ¼ ðω1 ω2 Þ (29)

This oscillatory current is the source for the emission of THz radiation at the
beating frequency.

6. Generation of terahertz radiation

A wide range of THz sources are now commercially accessible, although they are
big and relatively expensive to run. As a result, much research is being done in order
to develop appropriate THz sources. Various organizations across the world have
devised various techniques for producing THz sources [5, 6]. Traditional THz
sources are based on electro-optic crystals such as ZnSe, GaP, LiNbO3, or photo
conductive antennas as well as super-luminous laser pulse interactions with large
band gap semiconductors and dielectrics [7–13]. Laser plasma interaction, optical
recitation, solid state electronic devices and many complex methods are being used
to generate THz radiations [1–20]. The output of such sources can be harmonically
multiplied to the THz range. Recent improvement in the field of quantum cascade
lasers, laser emission is achieved through the use of inter-sub-band transitions in a
periodic repetition of layers of two different compositions, or super-lattice struc-
ture. A super-lattice is a periodic structure of quantum wells and barriers. The
photon emitted by the super-lattice is due to the intersub-band transition in the

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

super-lattice. Such transitions can be specified by the thickness of the coupled wells
and barriers. Therefore, by toiloring the periodicity of the super-lattice to specific
well-barrier thickness, THz radiations of specified energy range can be generated.
Although the idea of inter-band emission was known since 1971, the crystal growth
technology for creating quantum cascade lasers is relatively new and expensive.
Terahertz radiation in the frequency range 0.1–10 THz, lies between the MW and
IR region and has potential uses in a wide range of fields. That why researchers are
interested in this portion of the spectrum [1–5].

7. Schemes based on laser plasma interaction

Terahertz can be generated from nonlinear plasma medium. The following

below mentioned schemes are commonly used for the generation of THz radiations.

1. Self-focusing of Laser Beam

2. Wake field Terahertz scheme

3. Beat wave Schemes

The high power laser beams changes the index of refraction of the plasma medium
due to non-linear processes, called Self-focusing of laser beam. The increasing inten-
sity of electric field enhances the index of refraction of plasma and the plasma shows
similar behaves as a converging lens (Figure 1). Further, intensity of self-focusing
region rises as the beam enters into medium, until the divergence effect occurs.
A work has been done to investigate terahertz generation in magnetized plasma
using self-focusing of hollow Gaussian laser beam [36]. The hollow Gaussian
filamented laser propagates parallel to magnetic field and interact with electron
plasma wave to produce terahertz radiations. The study shows that intensity of
emitted radiations is highly sensitive to the order of hollow Gaussian laser beam.
Terahertz generation by amplitude-modulated self-focused Gaussian laser beam in
ripple density plasma has also been studied in Ref. [37]. In this system, a current is
generated by transverse component of ponderomotive force on electrons as a result
the radiation is being driven at the modulation frequency (taken into terahertz
domain). It is found that in comparison to without self-focusing to self-focusing an
enhancement has been seen in terahertz generation which supported by numerical

Figure 1.
Self focusing of LASER beam in plasma.

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

simulation. In rippled density plasma by using cosh-Gaussian lasers terahertz gener-

ation has been studied in Ref. [38]. The laser exerts a ponderomotive force along the
transverse direction as a result electrons oscillate which get coupled with the density
ripple to generate terahertz radiation. It is found that by changing the decentered
parameter of laser there exist a notable change in magnitude, amplitude and conver-
sion efficiency of terahertz radiations. Terahertz radiations can also be generated by
using relativistic self-focusing hollow Gaussian laser in magnetoplasma [39]. Due to
relativistic effect the change in electron mass occurs at high intensity which leads to
produce nonlinear effects in plasma leading to the self-focusing of hollow Gaussian
laser beam. Hassan et al. defined that when two Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam is gone
through the cross-focusing then it generates THz [40]. The amplitude of THz can be
enhanced with the help of large amplitude density ripple.
Kumar et al. [41] numerically investigated that THz yield increases sufficiently
under the effect of self-focusing and defocusing of amplitude-modulated Gaussian
laser beam in rippled density plasma. Hong et al. [42] studied the propagation of a
Gaussian and hollow Gaussian laser beam in a tapered plasma to figure out the
ponderomotive self-channeling and relativistic self-focusing effects. It has been
concluded that, when transverse plasma density is homogeneous, its focusing
ability is robust than that of the hollow Gaussian laser. Vhanmore et al. [43] used
asymmetric elegant Hermite-cosh-Gaussian to study the self-focusing in
magnetized plasma. Kumar et al. [44] analytically studied relativistic self-focusing
and particle-in-cell simulations, which reveals that the self-focusing is less sensitive
to laser amplitude variation in deeper plasma channels for millimeter range plasma
channels present scheme is being valid.

7.1 Wake field terahertz scheme

Laser wake field scheme depends on the interaction of a laser beam with a
plasma. A conical emission in the forward direction is produced by laser pulse under
the influence of oscillating electrons which involve Cerenkov mechanism is called
the laser wake field. Tajima and Dawson explained this scheme [45] as follows. The
ponderomotive force originated by laser pulse envelope pushes away the back-
ground plasma electrons. The resulting force from the charge separation initiates a
density oscillation, after the laser pulse left away the plasma. In this situation, group
velocity of the laser equal to the phase velocity of the density oscillation. The same
charge fluctuation is known as plasma wave or plasma wake. Self-trapped back-
ground plasma electrons produce electron bunch in the wake. Sheng et al. [46]
detected powerful coherent emission of terahertz radiation in inhomogeneous
plasma, when laser pulse is incident obliquely in laser wake field. It has been
observed that the duration of terahertz, frequency and bandwidth depend on laser
pulse duration and plasma density profile.
Gupta et al. [47] reported that plasma-density modulation and magnetic field can
assist in electron energy enhancement by improving the electron trapping in laser
wakefield acceleration (LWFA). Gupta et al. [48] also investigated the acceleration of
electrons by the plasma waves in a density rippled inhomogeneous plasma. Gopal and
Gupta [49] explored the use of asymmetric laser pulses (of sharp rising front) for
optimization and control of electron beam in LWFA and reported that an asymmetric
laser pulse reduces the beam emittance, enhance injection and can help in controlling
the beam spreading to generate a high-quality monoenergetic beam. Yoshii et al. [50]
employed the particle in cell simulation to generate the Cherenkov wake field by a
short laser pulse to realize THz radiation in a magnetized plasma. Gopal et al. [51]
have also suggested a method of enhancing the magnetic field strength in laser pulse
interaction with plasma. Esarey et al. [52] have reviewed the physics of the plasma

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

beat wave accelerator, laser wakefield accelerator and self-modulated laser wakefield
accelerator. These sources are capable to handle the strong electric field of order 100
GV/m from an intense laser. Hofmann simulated the performance of quadrupoles
and solenoids in focusing and energy selection of laser accelerated protons [53]. Döpp
et al. proposed the use of longitudinal density tailoring to reduce the beam chirp at
the end of the accelerator [54].

7.2 Beat wave schemes

For the Generation of efficient THz radiation at different frequencies, various

experiments have been conducted on lasers beating in a corrugated plasma. THz
radiation generated by beating of two lasers yields more tunability and efficiency.
The basic mechanism to generate THz radiation is as follows:
Consider two laser beams having different wave numbers and frequencies
propagating in a corrugated plasma. The laser beams exert a ponderomotive force
on electrons. As a result these electrons, drives longitudinal oscillations (at beat
frequency) adjacent to plasma frequency as shown in Figure 2. The generated beat
wave decays (parametrically) into a terahertz wave and a plasma wave. The gener-
ated terahertz wave is (plasma channel) transverse magnetic mode with finite
longitudinal component of the electric field.
Malik et al. [55] used super-posed femtosecond laser pulses to generate the
THZ from a gas jet through oscillatory current density. The emission of THz
radiation occur through oscillating dipoles. Hamster et al. [56] used 100 femto-
second (1 TW) laser focused onto gas through wakefield. The electrons execute
oscillatory motion and produce terahertz radiation under the influences of
ponderomotive force. Yampolsky and Frainman [57] reported the four-wave cou-
pling scheme in a plasma filled capillary for the amplification of terahertz radia-
tion. Kukushkin has produced the THz radiations in semiconductors using crossed
alternating electric field and static magnetic field [58]. The external dc magnetic
field used to increase the field of emitted radiations [59]. Jafari et al. have investi-
gated that the generation of THz radiation by nonlinear coupling of two color laser
beam which have Gaussian field in a plasma with multi-ion species through
ponderomotive force on laser in plasma [60]. The radiated THz emission strongly
depends on the density of ionic species. Result shows that the maximum value of
the amplitude of THz found in a specific range of laser intensity. Li et al.

Figure 2.
THZ wave generation in beat wave mechanism.

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

investigated the contribution of the optical rectification for the generation of THz
radiation by two color laser pulse by including the pump power of laser, rotation
angle of Beta Barium Borate crystal and the numerical aperture of lens. All of the
above factor dramatically affects the intensity of the radiation of THz wave [61].
Bhasin and Tripathi [62] used optical rectification of a x-mode picosecond laser
pulse in rippled density magnetized plasma to generate THz radiation. Malik et al.
investigated the scheme of the generation of the THz waves with two color laser in
clustered plasma. The cluster plasma produces third order nonlinearity and
resulted nonlinear current density produce the terahertz radiation. This scheme
do not require magnetic field and the density gradient to generate the beat fre-
quencies. The THz conversion efficiency depends on the cluster parameter. It is
concluded that the surface plasmon resonance enhances the THz generation effi-
ciency and THz power falls down with THz frequency [63].
In Ref. [64], spatial-Gaussian lasers has been used in a periodic density plasma to
excites the radiation which shows depends on the laser-beam width and amplitude.
Malik et al. employed two spatial-triangular laser beams for the excitation of
terahertz radiation and reported the THz field 105 kV/cm and the efficiency
10 2 correspond to the laser intensity 1014 W/cm2 [65]. Malik and Malik [66]
also suggested the mechanism for the generation of tunable terahertz radiation
under the application of two femtosecond laser pulses. Dai and Liu [67] studied
Terahertz emission in a gaseous plasma (generated by two lasers) with intensity of
5.00  1014 W/cm2. Kumar et al. [68] studied Beat excitation of terahertz radiation
from two different frequency infrared lasers of TM/TE mode propagating along z
direction in a rippled density semiconductor waveguide slab in a magnetic field
(applied transvers to it) and the terahertz yield is significantly higher in the TM
mode laser beating than in the TE mode laser beating. Malik and Malik [69–72]
investigated the role of an external DC magnetic field in tuning the frequency and
power of terahertz radiation. Varshney et al. [73, 74] proposed a scheme for the
generation of THz radiation from rippled density magnetized plasma by beating of
extraordinary mode lasers.
Malik and Singh [74] used two super-Gaussian lasers to generate the highly
focused terahertz radiation by frequency mixing. Chaudhary et al. [75] used
Hermite cosh Gaussian lasers to generate the efficient intensity distribution of
tunable terahertz radiation. Manendra et al. [76] used hollow sinh super-Gaussian
laser beams to generate polarized terahertz wave by photo mixing of two-color
laser. The efficiency and the field amplitude increases with electron temperature.
Zhang et al. [77] did two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of ultra-intense
relativistic laser plasma interaction of solid target to generate the terahertz pulses by
coherent transition radiation and THz radiation energy increased by 10 times.
Manendra et al. [78] investigated the effect of electron temperature on intensity and
efficiency of terahertz generated by laser beating in inhomogeneous plasma [79].
Manendra et al. [78–80] used radially polarized lasers having a top-hat envelope
profile [s (profile index) ≥ 1] in density modulated hot plasma and concluded that
the conversion efficiency increased by 5 times, at the electron thermal velocity 0.2c,
where c is speed of light. Liu et al. [81] did two-dimensional particle-in-cell simula-
tions to study the terahertz wave propagating in the stagnation region of a reentry
plasma sheath and these investigations are useful to study the attenuation of radio
waves in atmosphere communication.

7.3 Resonant third harmonic generation

Higher Harmonic Generation are used to generate a highly coherent radiation

sources in the soft x-ray region of the spectrum. When the electric field of the order

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

1013–1014 W/cm2 of laser interacts with a molecular gas, higher harmonics are
produced through nonlinear process laser field. High Harmonic Generation sources
has applications in plasma diagnostics, molecular dynamics and in solid state
science [82, 83].
Some nonlinear optical crystal describes the formation of the field at the sum
frequency of the source fields ω3 = ω1 + ω2, where, ω1, and ω2 are the frequencies
of the sources fields. The crystal produces polarization at a combination of their
frequencies and the resultant field oscillate at a frequency ω3. In second order
harmonic generation the resulting field oscillate at 2ω frequency as shown in
Figure 3.
Cook and Hochstrasser defined that, when we focus the fundamental and second
harmonic laser simultaneously whose peak intensities is the order of 1014 then it
generates the THz radiation [84]. Panwar et al. [85] studied the effect of non-
uniform rippled plasma channel on resonant third harmonic laser radiation genera-
tion, strongly enhancement of the self-focusing plasma channel non-uniformity and
compression of main laser pulse at lower powers and the self-focusing reduces the
effectiveness of the third harmonic power because of the compression of main laser
in a deeper plasma channel.
Kumar et al. [86] generated the 20 times frequency of the incident wave (high-
frequency O-mode radio wave) by nonlinear reflection through ionospheric grating.
Kumar and Tripathi [87] studied the parametric coupling of a high amplitude lower
hybrid wave with the ion cyclotron instability in tokamak, driven by neutral beam
converted ion beam and coupling would be strong when the ion cyclotron wave and
the wave numbers of the pump are perpendicular to each other, advanced stage
operations of a tokamak as ITER is relevant to it. Kumar [88] investigated the
generation of Terahertz radiation by second-order nonlinear mixing of laser and its
frequency shifted second harmonic in a rippled density plasma, and emission of
THz radiation is maximized when the polarization of the lasers being aligned and
also results are accordant with the recent experimental results. Surface Plasmon
resonance are used in photonic devices and surface enhanced Raman scattering.
Kumar et al. [89] used metal–vacuum of circular surface grating to excite the
surface plasma wave and its intensity depends on dimensions of the grating. Tyagi
et al. [90] investigated the procedure of third harmonic generation by laser magne-
tized plasma interaction, and the phase matching condition for the up shifted
frequency is satisfied and the laser frequency is not too far from the upper hybrid
frequency. Kumar et al. [91] investigated the process of generation of Smith–Purcell
terahertz radiation of 10 mW at 10 THz by mixing of two co-propagating lasers
passing over a periodic metallic grating.
Kumar and Kumar [92] proposed a scheme of a planar array of nanotube for
generation of THz radiation by passing an ultrashort electron bunch. The emitted
THz radiation generates at natural frequency of ωp/√2, which is the frequency of
electron cylinder.

Figure 3.
Mechanics of second order harmonic generation.

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

It is revealed that the intensity of terahertz radiations is highly sensitive to the

magnetic field and the index of super Gaussian beams [93, 94]. By using beating of
two super Gaussian lasers in plasma with DC electric field in transverse direction
terahertz radiation can be generated [95]. Terahertz radiation generated due to
ponderomotive force which acts on electron plasma wave and make them oscillate
at frequency difference of two lasers which generates a nonlinear current having
frequency in terahertz domain. It is found that the amplitude of terahertz radiation
can be enhanced by index of two lasers as well by DC electric field. Investigations
are going on for the generation of intense picosecond THz pulses via nonlinear
optical methods such as optical rectification. A work has been done to generate
terahertz radiations using optical rectification of a super-Gaussian laser beam in
rippled density plasma [96]. The change in intensity cause a ponderomotive force in
transverse direction which makes electrons oscillates and as a consequence
terahertz radiation is being produced. The phase matching is provided by ripple of
plasma. In a collision less magnetoplasma terahertz radiation can be produced by
using two cross focused Gaussian laser beams [97]. When the applied magnetic field
is increased the focusing of lasers increases due to this a nonlinear ponderomotive
force acts upon electron plasma waves causing electrons oscillations and a nonlinear
current is produced at the terahertz frequency domain. It is found that the ampli-
tude of generated terahertz radiation increases with magnetic field and the cross
focusing of two laser beams. The optimization of laser-plasma parameters gives the
normalized terahertz power of order 10k. The relativistic focusing of two co-axial
Gaussian laser beams into ripple density plasma has been investigated by Kumar
et al. [98]. When two lasers propagate into ripple density plasma, then the
ponderomotive force reinforce the electrons to oscillates into the transverse direc-
tion and these oscillations gets coupled with ripple density of plasma and produce a
nonlinear current at terahertz frequency. The study suggest that the amplitude of
THz radiation can be enhanced by relativistic ponderomotive focusing of two lasers
and also the conversion frequency of the order of 10–3 can be achieved. The
terahertz generation in collisional plasma using two cross focused laser beams has
been studied by Sharma and Singh [99]. The optimized parameters of lasers provide
the radiated power of the order 0.23 MW. The applied static electric field, ripple
density of plasma and the collision frequency of electron allow the generation of the
terahertz radiation. Singh et al. presented a scheme for the generation of strong THz
radiation through optical rectification of shaped laser pulse in magnetized plasma
[100]. The THz yield increases with the increasing strength of the background
magnetic field and the sensitivity depends on the ripple wave number. The emitted
power is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of the density ripple.
The enhancement in terahertz generation can be achieved by increasing strength of
background magnetic field. It is found that the power of emission is directly pro-
portional to the square of amplitude of ripple. Singh et al. further employed hyper-
bolic-secant and Gaussian shapes of laser beam to generate the terahertz radiation
through optical rectification of a laser pulse in magnetized ripple density plasma.
The amplitude of the terahertz radiation shows dependence on the laser beam, laser
profile index and the density ripple. When cyclotron frequency approaches to the
THz frequency, the THz field amplitude reaches its maximum value [101]. The
normalized amplitude of the radiation of order 10–2 has been realized. A work has
been done to study the generation of terahertz radiations using optical rectification
of an amplitude modulated super-Gaussian laser beam propagating into a periodic
density plasma with a transverse magnetic field applied on it [102]. The transverse
ponderomotive force arises due to the non-uniform spatial variation in laser inten-
sity. The terahertz field amplitude increases with magnetic field strength, modula-
tion index and ripple parameters. Efficiency of the order of 10–5 of terahertz wave is

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

achieved. The relativistic ponderomotive force and nonlinear phenomena excite the
modulation instability. Jha et al. [103] studied the modulation instability due to the
propagation of a laser pulse through a magnetized plasma. It has been depicted that
the transverse magnetization of the plasma reduces the modulation instability. In
magnetized plasma, the peak spatial growth rate of instability decreased by almost 14
percentage in contrast to the unmagnetized plasma case. Kumar and Tripathi [104]
examined Rayleigh scattering of a Gaussian laser beam from clustered gases.
According to the model, the clusters expand under laser-induced heating and hydro-
dynamic pressure and approach towards plasma resonance. When the cluster elec-
trons reach the plasma frequency of √3 times the laser frequency, it produces
resonantly enhanced Rayleigh scattering. Magesh and Tripathi [105] investigated the
laser excitation of electrostatic eigenmodes of a plasma (having parabolic density
profile) in an azimuthal magnetic field. Singh et al. [106] proposed the THz radiation
generation by the interaction of the pump upper hybrid wave and the laser (extraor-
dinary wave). In this mechanism, the non-linear interaction between the two waves
creates a non-linear current at their frequency difference, which can be brought in
the THz range under the appropriate pump frequency and phase matching condi-
tions. In the same research area of THz generation, Hassan et al. [107] studied the
interaction of a high-intensity laser beam with density ripple in collisionless magne-
tized plasma under the paraxial ray approximation to produce THz radiation.
Kumar and Tripathi investigated the schemes of terahertz radiation generation
using different methods such as non-linear mixing of laser pulses of finite spot size in
clustered gas [108–110], laser bunched electron beam in a magnetic wiggler and
optical mixing of laser pulses of finite spot size in a rippled density unmagnetized
plasma. In an another study, Rajouria et al. [111] proposed that the relativistic mass
and non-linearity increases the resonance absorption of the laser pulse in a density
gradient plasma. K K and Tripathi [112] used carbon nanotubes array to investigate
the linear and non-linear interaction of laser. The surface plasmon resonance
increases, when the laser imparts oscillatory velocity and excursion to electrons in the
nanotubes. Kumar et al. [113] have studied the non-linear mixing of laser pulses in a
rippled density magnetized plasma. It was obtained that the electron drift induced by
lasers’ ponderomotive force couples with the density ripple and produces a non-linear
current that resonantly drives the THz at the beat frequency. Liu et al. [114], devel-
oped an analytical formalism for broadened surface plasmon resonance and enhanced
X-ray emission is achieved in a non-uniform clusters with high power lasers. Kumar
et al. [115] explored the laser beat wave excitation of THz radiation in a hot plasma
with a step density profile, where enhanced yield is achieved due to the coupling with
the Langmuir wave at plasma frequency near THz frequency.
Bakhtiari et al. [116] proposed a scheme for improving terahertz radiation effi-
ciency by the interaction of two Gaussian laser array beams in an electron-neutral
collisional plasma. They optimized that high efficiency of up to 0.07% can be
achieved using array beams, which is almost three times higher than the maximum
efficiency achieved by a single Gaussian laser beam. An analytical study has been
presented by Sharma et al. [117] for the generation of terahertz radiation due to
transverse wakefields produced by the propagation of a circularly polarized laser
pulse in a homogeneous, underdense, and axially magnetized plasma. Sobhani et al.
[118] demonstrated the vital role of pump depletion and cross-focusing effects in the
generation of twisted THz radiation in a non-linear plasma medium. Lehmann and
Spatschek [119] discussed the generation of plasma gratings in underdense plasma
by counterpropagating laser pulses, which can act as plasma photonic crystals for
high-power lasers. In Ref. [10, 120] review of recent progresses in the generation,
detection and application of intense terahertz radiation has been reported.

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685

8. Detection of terahertz pulses

The electro-optic sampling is used to detect the THZ radiations which is opposite
of optical rectification mechanism in nonlinear crystals. Coherent detection process
is normally used so that the amplitude and phase of radiation can be detected. Other
way of detection of Terahertz wave is electro optic effect. This detection method is
based on the process in which electric field at terahertz frequency induce a
birefringence in an optically transparent material. The relation between the
magnitudes of effect is directly proportional to the state of the field. Fourier
transform of the temporal pulse give the THz spectrum.
The direct and coherent detectors are mainly used to identify the terahertz
radiations. The direct detector measure the average power and the coherent detec-
tors measure the instantaneous value of electric field.

8.1 Direct detectors

The Bolometer, Golay cell and the pyroelectric are used to measure the average
power of broadband THz pulses. The bolometer work on the principle of
temperature-dependent electrical resistivity which contains of a sensing material.
As soon as it absorb the incoming photons, its shows the change of its electrical
resistivity when it is illuminated by incoming radiations.

8.2 Coherent detectors

The atto-second technologies are used to measure the amplitude and phase of
the electric field oscillation of an EM wave at THz frequency. Although this tech-
nique is difficult at optical frequencies, therefore it is achieved in the radio wave
frequency range with the oscilloscope.
The THz radiation photon have energies of the order of few meV than the
photons of optical frequencies. Therefore the ambient background and
thermal noise disturb the measurement of THz radiations. So, it has become
necessary to extract the background noise from the interested signals. The
researcher use the Phase Sensitive Detection linked with an instrument called
Lockin Amplifier.

9. Challenges in the terahertz radiation spectroscopy

There are various challenges in the field of terahertz radiation spectroscopy and
imaging. The first issue is that terahertz radiation are strongly absorbed by the polar
liquid (water) which presents in all the tissues, so they cannot penetrate much
deeper into the moist tissues [1, 3, 4].
The other challenges in the terahertz radiation spectroscopy and imaging are
resolution and its slowness mechanism in comparison to previously established
ways of imaging, which produces thousands of pixels per second while the terahertz
have the speed 1 pixel in several seconds. For any conventional way of imaging the
diffraction is limited by wavelength of the radiation. In the case of terahertz imag-
ing, it lies in the range of one micrometer to 3 mm which do not give enough detail
images for most of the medical applications. This shortcoming can be overcome by
near field imaging.

Intelligent Electronics and Circuits - Terahertz, ITS, and Beyond

10. Conclusion

This chapter contribute the applications and generations of THz technology in

the field of security, medicines, science and biomedical engineering. The biomacro-
molecules and certain drugs are detected by using of THz spectroscopy. THz imag-
ing has been employed to diagnostics of cancers, treatment skin burn and dental
related diagnostics. The biological effect of THz is still required to further explore
the research area. The nonthermal effects of THz radiation on human DNA is
needed to pay more attention. For the widespread applications of THz, we need
higher-power THz sources and their THz detectors.

Author details

Sukhmander Singh1*, Shravan Kumar Meena2, Ashish Tyagi3, Sanjeev Kumar2,

Man Raj Meena4 and Sujit Kumar Saini2

1 Plasma Waves and Electric Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Physics,

Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

2 Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

3 Department of Physics, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, Delhi,


4 Department of Physics, Gargi College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

© 2022 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Studies of Terahertz Sources and Their Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101685


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