Hass - Skill Rubric
Hass - Skill Rubric
Hass - Skill Rubric
You located and collected You located and collected You located and collected You use provided sources to
relevant, detailed relevant information using information from primary or locate and collect
information using primary or primary or secondary secondary sources. information which may be
secondary sources. sources. irrelevant.
You have independently You have independently You have recorded and You have recorded
recorded and organised recorded and organised organised your gathered information using a simple
relevant information in a relevant information in a information, in a mind map, mind map, using everyday
well-structured detailed detailed mind map, using using some subject-specific language.
mind map, using relevant subject-specific terminology and concepts.
subject-specific terminology
and concepts
You presented your findings You presented your findings You presented your findings Presents findings using
in a well-structured in a well-structured detailed in an explanation, addressing scaffolded forms and
elaborated and precise explanation, ensuring you the purpose as well as everyday language.
explanation, ensuring you have addressed the purpose including some relevant
have addressed the purpose as well as including relevant subject-specific terminology
as well as including relevant subject-specific terminology and concepts.
subject-specific terminology and concepts.
and concepts.
HaSS- Skills: Purpose, organising data into a mind map to identify the similarities and differences of indigenous
cultures. Name: ____________________________
You located and collected You located and collected You located and collected You use provided sources to
relevant, detailed relevant information using information from primary or locate and collect
information using primary or primary or secondary secondary sources. information which may be
secondary sources. sources. irrelevant.
You have independently You have independently You have recorded and You have recorded
recorded and organised recorded and organised organised your gathered information using a simple
relevant information in a relevant information in a information, in a mind map, mind map, using everyday
well-structured detailed detailed mind map, using using some subject-specific language.
mind map, using relevant subject-specific terminology and concepts.
subject-specific terminology
and concepts
You presented your findings You presented your findings You presented your findings Presents findings using
in a well-structured in a well-structured detailed in an explanation, addressing scaffolded forms and
elaborated and precise explanation, ensuring you the purpose as well as everyday language.
explanation, ensuring you have addressed the purpose including some relevant
have addressed the purpose as well as including relevant subject-specific terminology
as well as including relevant subject-specific terminology and concepts.
subject-specific terminology and concepts.
and concepts.