CS6003ES - ASE - Coursework 2 2023

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London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Computing

CS6003ES Advanced Software Engineering

Coursework Assignment, Semester 2 (part 2), 2022/23
Module Leader: Dr. Lochandaka Ranathunga

Part 2 weighting: 30% in total

STUDENT ID NUMBER: __________________________________


Submission deadline: 3rd November 2023

The electronic version of your individual report must indicate ID number, Surname and
First name in the first page or at the beginning of program file (as comments).

If you think there is a good reason for late submission, such as illness, and you have supporting documentary
evidence then you should follow the “mitigating circumstance” procedures outlined in the Red Book, otherwise
assignments will NOT be accepted by the module Organizer after the due date.


You are reminded that there exist regulations concerning plagiarism. Extracts from these
regulations are printed overleaf. Please sign below to say that you have read and understand
these extracts:


This header sheet should be attached to the assignment specification and to the work you
submit. No work will be accepted without it.
Extracts from University: Regulations on Cheating, Plagiarism and Collusion

Section 2.3: “The following broad types of offence can be identified and are provided as
indicative examples …..
(i) Cheating: including taking unauthorized material into an examination; consulting
unauthorized material outside the examination hall during the examination; obtaining
an unseen examination paper in advance of the examination; copying from another
examinee; using an unauthorized calculator during the examination or storing
unauthorized material in the memory of a programmable calculator which is taken
into the examination; copying coursework.
(ii) Falsifying data in experimental results.
(iii) Personation, where a substitute takes an examination or test on behalf of the
candidate. Both candidate and substitute may be guilty of an offence under these
(iv) Bribery or attempted bribery of a person thought to have some influence on the
candidate’s assessment.
(v) Collusion to present joint work as the work solely of one individual.
(vi) Plagiarism, where the work or ideas of another are presented as the candidate’s own.
(vii) Other conduct calculated to secure an advantage on assessment. (viii) Assisting in
any of the above.

Some notes on what this means for students:

1. Copying another student's work is an offence, whether from a copy on paper or from a
computer file, and in whatever form the intellectual property being copied takes,
including text and computer programs.

2. Taking extracts from published sources without attribution is an offence. To quote ideas,
sometimes using extracts, is generally to be encouraged. Quoting ideas is achieved by
stating an author's argument and attributing it, perhaps by quoting, immediately in the
text, his or her name and year of publication, e.g. " e = mc2 (Einstein 1905)". A
references section at the end of your work should then list all such references in
alphabetical order of authors' surnames. (There are variations on this referencing system,
which your tutors may prefer you to use.) If you wish to quote a paragraph or so from
published work then indent the quotation on both left and right margins, using an italic
font where practicable, and introduce the quotation with an attribution.
CS6003 – Advanced Software Engineering COURSEWORK PART 2

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 3rd November 2023

1. The Task of part 2 of the Coursework

This part of your Coursework is to write a Project Plan Report1, prepared with MS Word
(your file must be submitted in a MS Word 2007/2010/2012/2016 format).

2. Task Description

You are a Developer in software solution team which specializes mainly in development of
web-based software products.
Your company is involved in development of an online railway management system (See the
scenario in Part 1 of the coursework).

In this Part, you are playing the role of the project manager and do some Scope
Management, Time Management, and Human Resource Management tasks for your
software project. You shall do the following:
1) Write Generic Report (Plan) Information (page 12 of IEEE 12207.1):
a) Date of issue and status;
b) Issuing organization;
c) Glossary

2) Write an Overview (Project Summary) for your software project.

3) 'Hand-pick' your team. The team consists of you, three full-time members and two
people working not more than 50% of their time. You, as the project manager, shall
take part in Project Process (see ISO 12207-2008) activities only (that is definitely
part-time, <= 50%) and cannot take part in any Software Implementation Processes.
Full-time people may be used in Software Implementation Processes activities mainly;
part-time people may be used in any process. If you find that '50%-people' cannot
cover all support and other processes, give an explanation why and give estimation
what load should be put on part-time workers. You earn £25 per hour. Two members of
your team and a part-time member earn £35 per hour and others earn £50 per hour.
In your plan, give a short description of each member of your team: name,
background, specialization, salary, etc.
Plan your project for three months (12 weeks) to complete; it will cost £100,000. This
amount of money is the salary of your team only; there is no need to plan other
4) Describe organizational structure (as a chart + an explanation) of your team and give a
budget summary.
5) Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for your software project and schedule
the Project. The WBS must be based on the ISO 12207-2008 tasks, activities, and
In addition to your WBS, allocate members of your team to the project tasks and
develop a Gantt chart. If you present an activity network (AOA) with any of ES, EF,
LS, LF, Slack, you will have some additional marks; then you need to give an
explanation to the diagram in your report. Do not forget to include all Project and
Software Support Processes in your Gantt chart (and the network diagram, if you do

Suggestion: using MS Project to develop the project planning.

All software product names in your Report must correspond to ones from IEEE 12207.1-

3 Submission:
By the deadline you must submit the pdf of the report to the ELMS.
The name of the report should be LMU ID_ASE_CW2.
4. The Criteria (Marking Scheme)
Component Marks

1. Contents of this Report Body: (90%)

1) Generic plan information for managing the project:
a) Date of issue and status; b)Issuing organization;
c) Glossary
2) Overview (Project summary): 15%
a) Purpose, scope, and objectives; b) Assumptions and
c) Project deliverables; d) Schedule and budget
3) Project organisational structure: 20%
a) Description of the team structure,
b) Identification of team member responsibilities for software
processes, activities and tasks;
4) Work breakdown structure (WBS):
a) WBS itself as a set of tasks of ISO 12207-2008 processes;
( 50%)
b) Rationale for this WBS (with explanations for particular
pieces of work on your particular software products 12%
corresponding to Part 1 and IEEE 12207.1) 13%
c) Gantt chart (with corresponding explanation) 15%
d) Milestones that can be assessed using objective indicators to
evaluate the scope and quality of work products completed 4%
at those milestones 6%
e) Rationale for this set of milestones
2. Correspondence to SE documentation template: 10%
Cover page, Table of contents, Introduction, Format of references,
Format of glossary, Format of illustrations, Format of body text,
Structure of the document, Page format
Total 100%


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