Gross Profit X 100 Net To Judge
1 Gross Profit Ratio Percentage % High Ratio Operating Effeciency of Co
sales Profitability
2 Net Profit Ratio
a) Op Net Profit Op Net Profit To Judge
X 100 Percentage % High Ratio
Ratio Net sales Profitability
Percentage %
Stk Working Closing Stock x 100 To know extent of WC = CA - CL (net
8 (std Low Ratio
Capital Ratio Working Capital WC invested in stock WC)
Percentage % To judge Long
Properietory Ratio Prop's Funds x 100
9 Total Assets (std High Ratio Term Solvency & FA + CA + Invt.
/ Equity Ratio (excl Misc Exp) >50%) Stability of Co.
Debt(Long Term Loans) To judge Long
Debt / Equity Pure Ratio
10 Equity (Share Low Ratio Term Solvency &
Ratio Holders Funds) (std <2:1)
Stability of Co.
Funds with Fix Interest To judge Long
Capital Gearing Pure Ratio FixInt.=Loans+Pref Sh
11 Funds with Low Ratio Term Solvency & nonFixInt=EqSh-PrefSh
Ratio Fluctuating Int. (std < 1)
Stability of Co.
Return On Op Net Profit + Int. x 100 To know overall
(Share holders Funds
12 Inestent / Capital Capital Eployed. Percentage % Low Ratio Pfofitability Earned
+ LongTermLoans)
Employed (SHF + Long Term Loans) compared to T.F.
Return On Total N.P.B.T. + Interest To know overall Total Assets =
13 Assets / Total Total Assets (Ecept Percentage % High Ratio Pfofitability Earned FA+Inv+CA OR SHF +
Resoures Misc. Exp) (Total Resources) to T.F. LTL+CL
Return On Prop. NPAT + Interest X 100 % of Profit Earned
14 Share Holders Percentage % High Ratio
Funds Fund on Prop Funds
Return On Eq Sh. NPAT - Pref. Dividend % of Profit Earned
15 Prop Fund - Pref Percentage % High Ratio
Holders Funds Sh Cap on Eq Sh H. Fund
OpDRS+cl Drs / 2 IF
Debtors Turn Net Credit Sales Collection From
16 Times High Ratio no op DRs given, take
Over Ratio Average Drs & Bills Rec. Debtors in Year
Cl Drs
Nishi Sir's Ratios
Avg Payent Avg Crs & B. P. X 365D Cr. Period Allowed OR devide by 12 M /
Times High Ratio
Period /Age of Crs Net Credit Sales by Creditors 52 Weeks
Earning Per Share NPAT - Pref Diidend To Know Profit & Kt
18 No Of equity Shares Rs High Ratio
(E.P.S.) Price of Shares
Price Earning Market Price Of shares Provide guidene for
19 E.P.S Times Low Ratio
Ratio (P.E.) investments
% of NP distributed
a) Total Dividend on Eq by way of Dividend
& Pref Shares X 100 High Ratio ~ Liberal
Dividend PayOut NPAT
20 Percentage % High Ratio Dividend Policy and
Ratio (D/P Ratio)
Low Ratio ~
b) EQ Dividend Per Share Conservative
X 100
EPS dividend Policy
Yield Ratio a) Equity Dividend Per it gives dividend and
a) Dividend Yield Share X 100 earning % on the MKT
MKT Price Price of the shares;
21 Ratio Percentage % High Ratio also represents the
b) Earning Yield EPS X 100 real dividend rate /
Ratio MKT Price earning rate
NPAT+ Dep. & other non To Judge the
Debt Service cash EXP + Int capacity of
22 > 1 or < 1 High Ratio
Coverage Ratio Interest + Loan Installment Borrower to pay int
p.a. and Loan Instal
To Judge Profit
NPBT-TAX& int. =
Interest Coverage NPBT + Interest availabvle for
23 Times High Ratio NPAT + TAX Int on
Ratio Interest paying interst and
FA Turn Over Sales / COS
Ratio Net FA
Capital Turnover Sales / COS
Ratio Capital Employed
Working Capital Sales / COS
TO Ratio Working Capital
27 Assets T/O ratio Average Assets
31 Debt Assets Ratio Assets