C Viva

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1. What do you mean by C language?

2. Why is C called a mid-level programming language?

3. What are pointers and their uses?

4. Can you explain the different features offered by the C

programming language?

5. What are tokens in C?

6. What do you mean by the scope of the variable?

7. What are preprocessor directives in C?

8. What is the use of static variables in C?

9. What is the difference between malloc() and calloc() in the C

programming language?

10.What is typedef in C?

11.What is the difference between type casting and type conversion?

12.Why is C programming known as the mother language?

13.What do you mean by NULL pointer?

14.Can you explain the use of the function in C language?

15.What is an array in C?

16.What is recursion in C language?

17.What is the difference between the local and global variables in C?

18.Can you explain the concept of the dangling pointer in C?

19.What is header file and what is its usage in C programming?

20.What is your explanation for prototype function in C?

21.What is the difference between the = symbol and == symbol?

22.What are the different data types associated with programming

Language C?

23.What is the difference between call by reference and call by value

and in C language?

24.What do you understand by calloc()?

25.What is your understanding of stack in C?

26.How do you initialize a pointer inside a function?

27.How do you compare floating point numbers?

28.How do you get the line numbers in C?

29.How to add two numbers without using the plus operator?

30.What is the function of s++ and ++s?

31.Why is int known as a reserved word?

32.How to convert a string to numbers in C?

33.What is a structure and union?

34.What is an r-value and value?

35.How is source code different from object code?

36.What is static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?

37.What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions in C Programming


38.What is near, far, and huge pointers in C?

39.What is the difference between getc(), getchar(), getch() and


40.What is an algorithm and compiler in C program?

41.What do you mean by the scope and lifetime of a variable in C?

42.Can you explain the process of creating increment and decrement

operators in C?

43.What is the use of nested structure in C?

44.What is the use of an extern storage specifier?

45.Can two operators be combined in a single line of program code?

46.What is the use of the comma operator?

47.What is the difference between actual parameters and formal


48.Can we use the ‘if’ function to compare strings?

49.What is the equivalent code of the following statement in WHILE

LOOP format?

for (a=1; a<=100; a++)

printf ("%d\n", a * a);

50.What is the use of a ‘\0’ character?

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