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TITLE VILA /ANCE MACHINERY AND VOLUNTARY om “ARBITRATION: Grievance Mochiner on Voluntary Artie mnt Sadie to a Collective Bargaining Agrecment oot Fee Seovstons that will ensure’ the sweet {nclue terits arm and conditions. They shall east eran ore te ndjurtment and resolution of gieeeest anne esarpetaion or plementation ofa Teun Kon ining Agreement and hove arising et Gelli Bethan of enforcement of company perc polices. ‘Ail grievances submitted to the grievance machi eet ret gape eienter cee te Peete teed rent pa Sa ais eer ated Bargeining Agreement For ths purpose, parties 1 a Collective Bargain Agresuont shall sasne nad designe tn advance a Volntary ‘Nietrornanel et Vlentar Arbitrators or inca ate aarenann! = procedure for the selection oh ‘vitrtor or panel of Valustary Asbitrators, preferably fem the tig of qualifed Voluntary. Arbitrators duly treed bythe Board. In ce the partios fall to selects ‘Voluntary Avbtrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators the Hocrd shail designate the Voluntary Arblcrator or panel ot ‘Voluntary Arbitrators as nay be necessary, pureuant ttt telecon prooedutengrood upon inte Callocive Bargsnig Agreements which allt with tho aroe for ‘tthe Atbitratoror panel of Arbitrators has been the parties as described above. Tis geodata Dee Nan 570A, 60, and 10 Peat ie 0 en api ete BOOK FIVE LABOR RELATIONS om we) yg LA Oenne Macy od omar Area ENT: using of Crovence berms of group of employees arising from interpretation or anslos ation of the collective bargaining agreement (CDA) or ay personnel policies: arson! Poliles re guiding principles that expreds the or beliols of the company on matters pertaining to shee. ‘They deal with matters afocting efciency and well: Carr mployees, administration of wages, benefits, promotions, esgic tand other personnel movements which are trually not ijt tho collective barguning agreement” simple Violations of CBA Now Treated as Ordinary Grievance eer Mtsary grievances tobe ecoved wader grievance machinery This (pul be pleted fom Article 274 of the Labor Code which provides ae “Age 14, ridin Voluntary Arbitrators Paselof Voluntary Arbiraors-saxvaatons of Clive Bagating Aros oxept Shwe which ae gran chara thall no Innere treated uo nfl Inbor peace ands be reseed tepevancen under the Collie Bargnning Arreement For Pupecs ofthis Artic, eros lations f Cleve ‘esement shall mean Segrant andor mabcious refi © ‘apy wit the economic ovis of wach apremen” Individual Employees Can Directly Present Ther Grievance Andividuel employees oF group of employees can directly ‘jrsent their griovances tothe employer without tho intervention bargrining agen, Article 267 ofthe Labor Code provides that “Ast. 267, Bacusive Borganing Represntation ond Workers Prticpaton in Poy and Deion king = x ca cs a ae= agor cobe oF rs PAINS fam atvdal ample or ovo of empayeceshall ave he ‘adi oprntt perme th enployer ny" Hoover, the right of individual employees og Theis groves tothe employer g SD Stakes ewe 0) Ther setae sng id thi © eee nag uetgtmcarre geen esevance Machinery -Mandstor Requirement "In the Philippine context, the parties are obliged to ‘their CBA a provision on grievance machinery to resolve feral BETAS i meetin er nplenntaon of he Coe Ce roms iaeptattnerentmenmn tees Peter thi minery ee could Te giund k RETStrstrae Later Cod wie provost Are 318 Gro chin on lat Abra Sipe Cs reagent a rrr horse teat tenaion {fom the Inteprestion ex inplemenaton of ar Coles ‘hfemman tarot’ eine of apap roisn” npn supplied} a ‘AA wich dne et sonia proviso one ncn wnt bee Procedure for Grlevanes Handing (2) The employee preset hin grievance tothe shop start, (@Thelshop steward brings the matter to t86 empl _immedite supervisor, ~ Delomen Bak, Aiton LB Empl, 249 CAE 00K MVE — LABOR RELATIONS = ‘ue VA ena dV Atraon am (), Poinmediatesuperisor apdtheemployer (jn stenent i ache a thie ee the eievanee gull fered othe erievance commie Styne ny se ate ot bon sal Momoal sy ntation The son Wefan of Article 273 ofthe Labor Code prove het ‘Art 218. Grcsnce Machinery ond Voluntary Arbitration Spas Algeraicn nite tho rernce machinery which ant sued within seven (7) caleniat daye fom te date Fis wdmsin shal ntoeatealy be ered voluntary iit tae pronribd in th Clectne Bargaining Agee Aeluntary Arbitration ‘Yoluniary arbitration is »eystem whereby the parties agree torefer thar dite toa partial turd person called voluntary ‘Somatar fora Goal end binding resolution. Voluntary arbitration dies from compulsory arbitration in ‘nesone that in compalerysritation, dh thiparty is appointed tptbegevernment. Jurlaitonal Preconditions ispotea which fll under the original andexclsivejursdiction tvountay abteators shold it be thoahod out at the griovance machinery. Horeve, disputes which do not fll under the original and aclusiv jurisdiction of vlintaryarbtrtire (uch as vielation of tho Code of Discipline) any be tbmitied to voluntary arbitration without passing through the grievance machinery? ‘We Gan Be a Voluntary Arbitrator ‘Avolantary arbitrator could be: (0) any porsn acereite as ich By thé NCMBY (@) any person chosen or designated inthe CRAY rir Danae 316 Fi 522Lavonia ea 1as0n CODE OF THe PHILIPPINES Labor Arbiter Gan Be Chosen as Voluntary Arbitrator ST ele wi ca Ra ee ayia orn Sects : De ies teal wields oer erhecrd en ei eecoee ‘Secretary of Labor Can be Chosen as Voluntary Arbitrator “Arise 278 (ofthe Labor Code empowers the Secretary ef Labor and Employment to assume jurodietian over a labor disp ‘which may causon ark or lockout in an industry indispenatfess thetional inter. Such aseumption ofjurisdictioncariee ih, the pemer to decide the merits ofthe dispute. Tren thngh Satay of Taber jl eer eso cess eps Setar far ad Spore te Seay Seri gS fa 3 Rae plemeting the Labor Cao, at provides that: ea See 16. Auunption by the Secretary of Lobor ond Employment ond Bplayment When a nko dapat no ot inlets a sre orlackoat nen ndustryndpeanble {othesatinalintrrt te Soartayof Labor and Emplvtoest ‘tay anune urea ovr tuednte and desido tor erely the su tothe Natoral Lalor eleGene Commision ot ‘onpaley entree xer 7A 309) aber aie ‘Mana Cele Cp MCLEWNF. 280 SCA 8,56. Beata rns ty ed Vy iain Nowwithstanding the foregoing, parties 10 the ‘ave may agro et any thn to tubule be dpe tthe © ‘SSorctary of Lntoro her daly eutoreed presentation ferator oto daly sored Voluntary ‘aor or to pane of Voluntary Aroirator emphote ‘pled (Considering that tho assumption power already authortzes the sacetary of Labor and Bmployment to reonlve the controversy, what ie taniteance of designating hiner ae voluntary arbitrator? ‘sien hich the Himlayiment. Thus (eee Sc mont decide she cn preg nung pane termes ot savers tesa tse ees sotarart wndee Shes of teat of Cae (@) she Secretary f Labor and piyment decides ea on eae ran averse {Eon spel unr ua oftbe eo Court. probidure for Selection ef Voluntary Arbitrator ‘The partes can stipulate on the selection proeedure, or the ‘lunar arbitrator may be designated in advance inthe CBA. Ifthe CBA does not designate the voluntary arbitrator, each avy ball notsnats not mere than Sve (6) names from the list of ‘ive asoredited voluntary arbitrators and thereafter, they shall, hore the abitratar shrough rile If the partes agro to have the dpe realved by a panel the patina aball name their eopoctive tne through ane from the lst of five () nominees submitted by. tach of the partes. The Chairman ofthe Panel shal be raffled fom (ha it ofectiveAceroditd Voluntary Arbitratora* TSas Tae IV, wea) Reva Prendrel Glin f te Conduct of eum Aino Pein "See Mle 1, B09 Revaed Produ Gens Se the Cond of ety ein Prevenee 1an0R AN = anon coos OF FRE PAMLPPINES fa sh cag prmreeenm titi Sig i ea eal desert the vlintay arbi a a pyoanonnof Atle 27S athe Late oe Siete ep we eee pra lio lca ValintaryAbionrat ie eb erase So tioror pal Nolan Arey puszientiathaeecton cedure cee Sc pie Aeon inte te ee uaiwaescted Wwe partes ‘$Sisied bore npn pled) eee ag ere ot me yy (iececapieteat tie Voleacrads bere pea Sf Voluntary Arbiteators shall have original and exclusive Jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances ‘Misi from the Intorpretation Or Implementation of te Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arlsing from the Imerprelationor enforcement ofeompany personnel pelicies referredtoin thelmmediately preceding article Accordingly, Violations of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, except those whch are grost in character, shallno longer be treated tis unfair Inbor practice and shall be resolved as grievances ‘nder the Collective Bargaining Agreomont. For purposes Of this Anticle, gross violations of Collective Bargaining ‘Agreement shall mean flagrant andlor malicious refusal to ‘comply with the economic provisions of such agreement. ‘The Commission, is Rogional Offices and the Regional Directors of the Department of Labor and Employment shall ‘isputes, grievances or matters under the relusiveandoriginaljurladitionofthe Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall immediately Alspose und refer the same to the Grievance Machinery oF ‘Voluntary Arbitration provided inthe Collective Bargalning Agreement! Scala "Atay Rept aN 78 ee A 7syaa sa Crna Many nd Vary Artin ‘COMMENT: ‘original and Exclusive Jurisdetion of Voluntary Arbitrators Voluntary arbitrators have ever: (2) _Varesotve grievance arising trom intergrettioa 7 implementation of« CBA oF company personne! polices?” 2, ‘disputes in organized Bae Fe rit of Vly Arbre on Pon! of Voit ‘ident nbc shsr tod ds unecind peer ang Sor ca clae ton tbe epeatin sr elrerase of company grsosal later te inimeday preceding wea Ct 274 bor Ca “ile abe Stndoae/Cntea for Menu age Ping cs Whore th ppl olay ete ws one etn oa law x Woes Ore ‘lly any Reo Dat roulutn daetin bene ror i at ate cule ten Sapo rsene (Gauvants prowedits under Gel afectie argaintogngrocmant sd AFI ler etn arte She intention iene he pre lpettine poem, te imcnapenet cma shall met trie Ue igus tel ay eak thr aistunc of he Nora) Connon and Medan ‘Be te Deparment oor aod Bmpr be espn Any pate {Tae eine med un tet) ye fom ein fo eimcen (ote ernnatpens ersten snl be ated be cy eens hei he prt ati Laoe Gn, snended The pdncvay ace Dogan sal lee mat ton sunny erat pal of cantar evn cheno ped wont elas eo ier Ged Mpa ho 87)aso COOH GF HE PLIPPINES an Ei rscrinie i an sect ein {© Submit 10 Votntry aubmithe dispute o voluntary abit rea otis t Arbitrstato the unvaie oe cegiiogsster ethno 0 enon ad Mela Bt ae eee, cearac vias Se one gunn ao acento ie i a canteen eel i ts ov Be ter eS a setae Sanaa ira oes as ee eee ae oa Sapiro ric ccs en see RE bas to poe ee Seed apartyrfuseste "a2, 2 il Pron Gdeton inte ae ‘any ttn Panag ie Same Aeneas al as) To arene! mi» auc wrens ton arid (Tne Tain men cya fname See al i Ptr Ges a ne ‘itty ators Prd a "Se Ble 28 id Prelit tet Pree eter ln _ allother labor dsputes including wnfsi labor practices and Mirgaining deadlocks, ‘al other abor disputes” ‘The phrase “all other Labor dlote” in Artie 27 of the ‘abot Code refer oly to tatters which the parties have clearly, teste, and unequivocally agreed to eubait to voluntary Piecation ‘Without such a lar, specie and wnequvneal agreement, he diepta wl fal under thecrpinalandexsusiejredietion of Labor “Aner Thus, a CBA which merely asta in general terms that 4 daputes should be submited fo voluntary arbitration” sbould ecngtratd a Himited fo the areas of eontit traditionally within ths jariiton of voluntary arbitrate, Le, disputes relating €2 (ontretinterpretator, eontact-inplementaion, or interpretation ‘ronforcement of company peremnel polices." ‘Sen Mine! Corporation v. NLRC ‘astan iss Facts: Sen, Mine Croton: SMO) terminated the xv fever peso he oan fred. AC nal th Uno ie win tho ake Areer neat teller pace and en onal SMC ets meton Eons ie iit on ne pm fle ehuelion ete prec the Lar arr SMe thes ha pat tots tsa lho non meer sec be Seti by verny eee lying te prin of he GEATea prov tht wage hort of wor endtins empyattondrempierempae sot tall be eed by arbitratian’ YBa Sow Gt te pate ope sbi of ras ed St Ae Mot SCL pe she (Chm sa ete iho wk remieraton of oy arg & dcplnaryccton ond mach regan fo reseed hal be conatdered a aapate ot arirence feb deat {ih in ecrdaner eth ce Pre pained Ale TV Ire SC oehdn ht sas the Urn gored he ‘charge th dots nce elo the erp aad ype Ne 8 vr ropa 94 968A 38 Se Na Competin NLR 256 SCRA 185Eo = ” eee, a ae xin fe Ge a at BO ereeER cree eur ee bn te ere rr ge a Scie ec oe ate ee ee mange ae Epes encima tte Gk te Sirs raat ete frie Se ee reece Se eat rook See re ere ae ae eae ee nti ee ome rrr a repeat ea hea a eee eam ene these marae circa aes, ee eens eee manana ee eh omtert ri aicmnean ee eer ee eee en Sea ey eee meee fgets eee toh “Termination Disputes Voluntary arbitrators and labor arbiters of the Netz Labor Relations Commission are bth vest with uniediction et termination daputes, Where isthe delineation ef jurado! (@) iheinuninvolenintrpretationorimplementaton ct CHA cr pernanl policy the termination pate fognizabo by voluntary setters. The inoue lathe port interpretation or implementation ofa provieon othe Cr peroneal polgg @ i tha-tave does not involve interretain ot implementadon of CBA or peracnel pce, the trmiatioe puts copnbl y the Labor Aer beense te se 5s to longer on interpretation © plementation bot oe ‘aii ofthe ama occ Pi Weta Ui 211 SCRA 2st; Mam 86 a non Cari, 211 SCRA 51; Marl M82 uy y.a— ott Malany nt eae Aen ‘Senyo Philippines Workers Union v, Canizares Su SORA ast Facts The colotive barzrining agreement (CBA) ttre Philppine Socal Seury Labor Union (PSSLU) ad Smuve Philippines Ine proves tha Ta! members of tht tn cotred 6 thi aremen mat ea he member i pd stonding in the non a condition of Neher conned Enployment with he company Bena of stunion sees FSSLU'ompetodtwale (12) smplayen om tho Union end femonded ther cna pursuant to th freqted CBA Provin Sayo approved ibe Fewomundstion end dimisoad Eetweve 12 mpegs Therefor the diamiased emploecs Ficd with the Labor Ariters compinnt for iepal amie) tess Sanyo and PSSL-U.PESLU moved far the daeinsl at Ue cooplalte on the ound of ack of radon airy Seu the freien Uetnged to the rola seen, lnaierng tht the dias! was ia pursuance othe union enurt prvion ode CHA Issue Dove the voluntary arbor ave jriadision ‘eld The voluntary achitaor bueno juiction over, tins Altre tn istaelafthe eleyees ooeerned eon ‘hich ould be brut tothe ‘evanon achisry. Toe dapat batween PSSLU and Sane, fuecnchane,and th isiaed unio bern one er tind The dapat, therefore, doesnt ave terreno Implementation of aleve brguniog agrees Pantranco North Express Ine. - NLRC cts: Sunn war rusrd by Pantranco North Exprcee Ine NED at the age ovo 6) afer having rendered Agen a yen carves ans hitrnent an erent (©RA) trove PNET tod te Pantance ceive Assscaton, Claing thet hs reitemnent wan tantamount {o dnnisn, Sani lee witht Arieation Branco te ‘Neioal Tabor eleione Common » complaint fr lege lesa. PNET challenged hs uradietancf te Labor AriePalen on cprery one epi rl atet) jue: Doe the volntary etrtor have juridsion cover these! re No Usps et Soren he Union and PNET {etree a pivence broause both have prevony ape Tompulery trent of Sunign as embod ia the CH ‘Rian ely Sogn who gustooed tho compaloyretounse Be le here erminaton di” dog te ingore ioterprtatin ofthe retirement provision ot Glia Meno the mater alle under the ergot! Gad exclane ‘vn f abr etter ‘Termination disputes resulting rom enforcement of scipinary ‘ues fall under the original and oxlusive uridiction ofthe Laer ‘Asbitar Artie 292 @) af tho Labor Code expressly provides that “hse 29% Mielaneoue Provisions, ~ 2) Subject. the costintiaal right of marks to bcanty of tne thelr Heit tobe pretacte apainat diazel cep 8 jst Spd autboreed run and without prejuon othe foqucemest tates under Ale 98 (now Ate 08) of hs Coe, te ltupoyersall amis he worker whose employieat eight {e'be lrminated e ritn neice containing 4 utero st {he cama for tersnation and shall afford te ator apt poraciy to be heard ad tp defend hincell with te ‘etre his prensa io dears in went {Ti the compan ree and ropulatonspromolentd pursuast ‘@ausdeiaes xt bythe Departnon of Labor and Eayoymet. ‘Any decison taken bythe employer shall be’ without Magejev, NLRC 200 SCRA tos. Facts: Macca was damised from ber emplormest bx ‘siento of eal deen a Vidaon of ths Cade ot Piscine Manse ed «complain or loge! Gael Wit MA seta ~ rrr ay say Anton the Labor Arbiter. The Company challenged the juradcion (iif Laine Abia on te rv tat ea ‘orerent ofcompany personnel poles witha Jigditional anit ofthe geraaceprosdure and sonny ‘ration endo ha cole barpining agreement esue: Does the mater (ll under the jusedietion of sehnenry eestor Held: The mater dose aot fall undr the jaraicton of toluntiyaritstrs. The ceminal of Maja dow oot prta ie marry pn ply, Nr he bast objected or nced ny dist othe demieel of Mana, ‘Th termination digpate(maelaf Manej) therfore cots ‘ipr te juraitio oftheLabe Aiter, No Jurladiction Over Matters Pertaining to Withholding Tax 1. Voluntary Arbitratars have no jurisdiction to rule on the legality of withholding income tex from the salaries of employees. dutadicton of an administrative body ie confined to matters within Hs specialized competence. Since the withholding of tax fom samployes' salaries is governed by the Tax Cade, disputes involving {he propriety or legality of withholding should be submitted to the Commissioner of Internal Revere, the aduissteative body vested with the power to interprot tax Taws, and not to the voluntary ‘tbitrator, whose jurisdiction i limited labor disputes, Ater al, {us judicil bodes only poses uriediction over matters that are ‘conferred upon them by their enabling statutea = ‘Art.276. Procedures”. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panelof Voluntary Arbierators shall have the power to hold hearings, receive evidence and take whatever action ts necessary to Fepolve the issue or Issues subject of the dispute, including ‘forts to offect « voluntary settlement between parties. to the dispute shall be entitled to attend the arbitration proceedings. The attendance of any third arty or the exclusion of any witness from the proceedings, ‘hall be determined by the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators Hearing may be adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the parties, TINGE Vora Manatcng Crp, OR No. 234446, Sly 24201 Hes ers Pilpinn tn Hens Cars Tcl Spada and Suse ‘ab, 1 Pa ee ieaportaw * anon cone OF re PHILP seg seatentneanen nara cos Ea EE Vl lne- gens tn ee it Pant on which # is bared Ie shall be final and executes consistant egy ier een “arbibbiar or panel of Volustary Arbittators or te Lab. sl: ha ei abe aby weg ob a, ae mos Khe tac wf gga cre pea chem Seal COMMENT: Nature of Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings ‘VolustaryArbiration poesdinge ae notes in nto ‘The taciel Plas applicable to court or judcl proseeding ‘0 apply, tof coun, the egunement af due proses mt be tomphed with NonLamyers Can Appeer Before Voluntary Aristo ‘Nonlawyers can appeat before a voluntary apbitaior we se they ae authorized in wring hy the pasty ‘Concliaton Conerence Withinino @) rocking days om acceptance ofthe Submit Accent Nee Shon ta Vea Arter ase yeaa ais a ee ‘ee Pig “Sct Har et Ered Pcl sin in he Ct ‘Wey lhe Pgs 00K Fv —LanoR RELATIONS co 2 ea Coase tiny nd Vary Aeon et the initial conference to explore ways and means to wattle the Sapte I the complainant dos not appear for two (2) consecutive times during conilatin-mediaton conference, the caso shall be ied without prejudice If the respondent dos not appear for two (2) consecutive times during conliation mediation conferene, the complainant shall Be required to submit postion paper, and the Voluntary Ihitratroball render a decision based thereon, after due notice ‘espondent”| both partion appeared but fled to arrive at an amicable setlanient they will be ordered to fe thelr repective positon apes. The poiton papers shall only cover inuee and causes (acion agreed upon by the partes, accompanied by supporting (ridenoo an well au affidavits of witnesses which shall erve as their {Hie tevtinonin™ Power to lsu Subpoena ‘Velantary Arbitrators are vested with the power to issue sntponna ad etfeandum or duces eeumand take Whatever action is peceesary including the power tt in contempt When the Decision of Voluntary Arbitrators Become Final and Exsetory Decision o awards of oluntary arbitrators become inal and, cutry after ton (10) calendar daa om recipt ofthe copy of ‘he avard or deci by the pares, Artie 276 ofthe Labor Code ove that As 76, Procedures The amar ordain of the Votutany Aoi er pala Voiary Arar shall Ccotain hf aoe 00 wich ta sal be ss BE Rae sn Pet aie a Cont toe eS nd Fr Guin inthe Gc Yr atin Pring saith Ra YL 3 Rr Pent Osior i he Cfo Sah le Wt Hind Prensa the Cou of Yaseeni. avon cobs Fie PAILAPPINES jam eect afr ten (10 calendar ayn fom esto fealand Pinar or dno bythe arin toto for Reconsideration py mn ea ota fr sonnet of «di eet ate rere the Vary APalor within fx 6 SREP Sore SS opto ae Shee lan) mon fo reerion om pry an unt lat tn fr rearton fr eet Sy Ruiseme ernie pie” Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards ‘Decisions or awards of voluntary arbitrators are appelaie to the Gour of Appeals under Rile 43 ofthe Rules of Court The type shall at stay the udaent sought tobe rviowed unl the (Court of Appeal direst otherwise™ "The petition for review should be fled within 16 daye tom receipt bythe paris purevantt Section 4, Rule 43 ofthe Res shout. ‘While ie at's that Article 276 of the Labor Code provides ‘hat desons of voluntary axbitrators become inal and execay fer tan (10) calendar days from receipt of th copy ofthe amaré fr decison by the parties, the tom (10)-day period therein ree {6 the time fr fling & mation for reconsideration of the Vater) ‘Abra’ decison or award, as eld in the caso of Guage ‘National Colleges. Cour of Appeal™ Ths “ence, he 104ay period stated in Article 276 sould ‘mundus sth period within whi he party avery teed the lingo the Vtuntary Arbitrator Pao ‘Attorney Ses moten fr emirate ie ‘oslo ofthe moti fr ransom may the Eee Hosa, A Crlrne Maya atta Aan party appeal t the CA by Bling the ptton for review under File 48'ef the Rule of Coat within 18 day fom node pursuant to Sotion4of Rule 4” (Chin w- Maorek-Piipinas Crewing GI No, 207336, September 2, 2020 acts Chin we hired as weman by Maer Pilpn ‘reine Ins Ws iting esta oe of ela pip, Chin if tehattine pin om hr back ht reed to Brine of fib ovsymplocs a bust sake Hest, bo was mesily arch Ure sl n Mania, Gn wa pheno roloymen temert hy the oapan dei Fin: hr sping vaso ten, Chin wor declared Be work. Chin cought toed mel opto, wha sneered {hat Notas "tt fr mr dty in whatever apace Hence ‘in ene or diy ompnmatn wees sed ‘eet as atid to lenny arn oe ve Zeta poranen nd laity Spe To fehaiery etter’ Semted the cmp lac of Bhi sved for noameerton, bor he moon war denied ‘2 Holton wich be sss Nove bk 3018 Ox Desoner 42018 hin eds pein reve bet te Cae of Agni ‘the Couto Aspens omied te pton Atri orbving ton fod one € yates e100 aye beers 208 ese: Was the Cour f Appeals correct in holing that te pation wa led out of ie? el The Court Appeal snot orect Chin ha Bn (a8) aye (oe 10 aay) fos rcp oh Resnton denying ‘emt for rechidraion within ct ei pets fr fre wit Gost open Haig ney {hi dertre nn Deoamber 20180 Se his pion Ten paion welled Dror 018 Honestly Voluntary nator are verted with the power to issue Writs of Brecution to enforce their final decisions" They may direct the Sheriff of tue National Labor Relations Commission, or the regular ‘ourtsor any publi olcial whom the partee may dasiznate in the ‘Subiaasion Agreement, fo enfrelorecute the final decision, SS GV 281 Rd Prt Oslin in the Conduct of Nair Abhi ingAvoRLAW 1 cd apor cbt OF ie PHILIPPINES wun case of abence o incapaciy ofthe Voluntary Ata, eta sallbe fled wth any Labor Arbiter ings the Main ton ove the workplace or wth the Aer Tey Arratar aon by the partion” ‘art. 277. Cost of Voluntary Arbitration and Volunt Anitiurs Fe. The parties to a Collective Bargaining Aowoment shall provide therein a proportionate a AeiSie on the cost of voluntary arbitration including the Yelamtary Arbitrators fee. The Sing of feo of Voluntary Mbinators, whether shouldered wholly by the parties or ‘Mbsidteed by the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund, sha {ake into account the following factors: (@ Nature ofthe ease; (@) Time consumed in hearing the case; (©) Professional standing of the Voluntary Arbitrator, (@) Capacity to pay of the parties; and (©) Fees provided for in the Revised Rules of Court COMMENT: ‘Voluntary Arbitrators Fee and Arbitration Cost Unless the partoe agree otherwise, the coat of velustey ssbication prosedings and voluntary acitsator's foe shall be Shared easly by the parties I thelr funda are insufficient, th ‘ny aval ef the binder the Special Voluntary Asie Jama Bale VL 201 evant Prenurl Gites in be Cain “heen by epee Ne 735 ‘ui TEC BV Inlet the aber Co ad Dern olan TITLE Vil ‘STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS, AND, FOREIGN INVOLVEMENT IN TRADE UNION ACTIVITIES, CHAPTER I STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ‘Art, 278, Strikes, Pcketing, and Lockoute.- (a) Te is th policy ofthe State to encourage free trade unionism and fre collective bargaining. (8) Workers shall hav activities for purposes of collec ‘mutual beneSt and protection. The right of organizations to strike and picket and of employers to Tockout, consistent withthe national interest, shall continue Aabe recognized and respected. However, no labor union may Strike and no employer may lockout on grounds Involving Interunion and intra-union disputes, (©) Incares of baraaining: the duly cortifiod of recognized bargaining agent may fle a notice of strike or the employer may fle a notice of lockout with the Gow Department) at least $0 days before the i thereof In cases ofunfalr labor practice, the period of notice Shall be 15 days and in the absence of a duly certified (or fecognized] bargaining agent, the notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate labor organization in behalf of ite tiembers: However, in case of dirmisral from employment Of union officers duly elected in accordance with the Union Constitution and by-laws, which may ‘constitute, union buting where the existence of the union ia threatened, the UE-day cooling off period shall not apply end the union many take action immediately.a aor cote oF He PHILIPPDVES day PT nies wu Peas Lise sapped Ce a nay poms Paes SUS od aa ane aed peerpalemencnae~ a ea vonsiay ectlemene See SESE GUID chernd nil the inp of the eae Sete cn cm te mandatory aling ofthe Se Sc iS See hme Fee eet crecomy ee compere acer as eee See aay ceed decane in were See see eee ete caciucn wo aoa Seas Seer era ree a teeerranies concent re eeedgy cee einai fer rpupee cas desuioagual beveitd ortoe sess Sasignieanamtparetaaaly ne ces pe Siesta oT voters fates it Stnistry oon Deprtnent) maya Wo own native oops Bae op aa eet] the secret along Imevery car the union or the cl SS ru tne Mitey ary Doparmeny the sora et thy voting nent seven ys ofoe te intended sro lockout subject he colingattperiol herein provided, (@ When, in his opinion, there existe labor dirpee causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an indo Indispensable to the national Intereat, the Secretary Tabor and Employment may sesurne jurisdiction overt Alspute and decide ior certify the tame to the Cooma forcompulsory arbitration. Such assumption or carifcatia ‘all have the effect of sstomatically enjoining ding strike oF lockout as specified in the or cartiiention order. Ifone has already talcen pa tine of ascusiption or certifeation, all striking oF locket ‘ut employees shall immediately return to work and 2 exployer shall immediately regumne operations avd reeds allworkers under the same terms aid conditions prevallag re the atrke oF lockout. The Secretary of Labor #2 Employment or the Commission may seek the aassta®#! ‘oo — ‘Chapter I~ Sur end Lockie law enforcement agencies to ensure compliance with this Provision as well as with such orders ay he may issue 00 Enforee the same. In line with the national concern and the highest respect accorded to the right of patients to life and health, fires and lockouts In hospitals, clinics and sizallar medical Inutitutions shal, to every extent possible, be avoided, and all serious efforts, not only by labor and management but fovernment ax weil, be exhausted to substantially minimize; {not prevent, their adverse effects on such life and health, through the cxerciae, however legitimate, by Inbor of its Fight to strike and by management to lockout. In labor ‘disputes adversely affecting the continued operation of such hhowpitalaclinies or medical institutions, lt shall be the duty ofthe striking union or locking-out employer to provide and fiaintain an effective skeletal force of medical and other health personnel, whose movement and services shall be tunbampered and unrestricted, as are necessary to insure the, proper and adequate protection of the life and health of its patlonts, most especially emergency eases, forthe duration of the strike or lockout. In such cases, therefore, the Secretary. of Labor and Employment may immediately assume, within twenty-four (24) hours from knowledge of the occurrence. of such a strike or lockout, juriadiction over the same oF Certify it to the Commission for compulaory arbitration, For this purpose, the contending parties are strictly enjoined to fomply with uch orders, prohibitions andlor injunctions as fre intued by the Secretary of Labor and Essployment or the Commission, under pain of disciplinary action, including dismissal or loss of employment status or payment by the locking out employer of backwages, damages and other sfirmative relief, even criminal prosecution against either or both of them. ‘The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of the Phiippines shall not bo precluded trom determining the ladusisios that, in his opinion, are indispensable es the penal intern and frm iiaroning at any tine and Assuming juriediction over any such labor diopute tn osteg to settle or terminate the same " * (2) Before or at any stag ofthe compulsory arbitraio Process, the parties may opt to submit their dispute to ‘Voluntary arbitration BaF LABORLAW 1 cb avon cove orrme PHnPRINES jam ce sn satiate Scag tats tat acre coco ln wh a er sensed cy aetna Frage Rory aay ond epi Ce eeu, Sc at ad =a ‘coMMENT: Meaning of Strike Strike is any temporary stoppage of work by the conse ction of employees beeauso of labor dispute Objective of Stk ‘The idea behind a strike is that a company engaged ia prota business cannot afford ta have its production or acts ‘interopted, much less, paralyzed, Any interruption or soppy (of production spells loss, even disaster. The capital Snvetad in machinery, fetory and other propertics,connosiod with the business would be unproductive during a strike or th stoppage the business. On the oer hand, the overiend expenses coming {a the aalaries ofits ofits including ral extatetaxea and zest {es contnue, Keowing Us the strikers by going om stike sk > Interrupt and paralyze the busieae and production of the comps. ‘The employer ia on the defensive. Tt almost snvarinbly waste strike topped no that operations enn resume, Hocause of hie ht ‘danger of los othe company, t not infrequently gives toe demands othe titer, just 2 tenn maintain se omit oi z he continu Sere is weapon that can ether breathe life toot des the union and member in their struggle with management f* ‘more eauitable dus oftheir labore, Hence, the deciion to wield ‘meapon of strike must therfore ret on «rational bei, He fo ‘iionlinaayed bythe tempers and tantrums cts, ‘emly faced onthe logit intent ofthe wnion we ep egy Bat Pens 190 an 27 aang Ore Ne EM "hin Gan Go CR 2 Pa 9 OOK FIVE — LABOR RELATIONS 3001 MFR gies end Loto nd env Tne Uno Acie (Ghai Strtor end Lotus ery strike, the however bo antithetical to public welfare. In every st ae eal ‘peace and progress of society and public welfare are: volved. ‘rst Peg’ daguieting eect not oly on the relationship between er qmenagement, but aleoon the general peace and progress abot ty. not to mention the economic wellbeing of the State.* Kinds of Strikes uno, ie scma a7 1 fn unfair labor practice, A wtxike staged i (©) Arto Porpore: (Unfair labor protic strike - An ula nbor trike Goat iiy bagel to rote the employers unfit ferns ee nalered an unfair lnbor paris sik, sar cacry that the ampoyr shoud fat comma ol fais under eta that te employe! has comma an una Tabor Heel sofored soon lor prectc se () Feonamis nie An eoomi rke i concerted ec) sage rte age o ther cmcentione fom the Sevlove slo inilaly economia in sharactary SECcaiy become anu nor practice str if in the Sure" stpaper smo nin inborpracticeaennat Becibee* bate Scope: =) ena Sih Thiaidieciad aes lloployare parm ny wortnenirroperie ofthe ecployers or Drom began see (0) Poriulararihe Thin red solely ght the him @) AtoManner of Becton (0), Wethant ~ Tin Jn oli f sche where th ‘employees top production, lave their workplace, andestablish ‘Gemselves outside the plant [Bis Coxporto kha Pipa SCP.NPL 651 SCRA S04 “Connoreal. Ci 12 SCRA 124 Maser is aor Union , ‘hal Ol West vShal 0 SCEA 76, Fea Unvriy Peet Clb. Po Ute 8A sem z. “tlt Le Aarne ata: Rapin ean Tolar Lt,sonia ES ajon cont oF PanrrEs tay Pee crea aniten sect sil) diet ltr the orklacs but erty mag fee teemi antic teecstra (Slowdown Slowdown ia «fort of strike wher stetare merely retard production fy (@ Mass love Mass love is a frm of erik w secort take neff om work simultaneously. =* te © Wildeot ~ Widest is a strike staged without te ‘aulhontion ofthe union” (Asta Employer Agnnst Whom ITs Directed “(Primary sre ~ "Tho strike i directed agrinat scilayer bec ofa abo spe wth his i (©) Seeondary strike "The strike is directed agai te \jtmplyer connected by product or employment wit alg {liebe conditions or practice, Secondary sc ie ep ©)" Sympathy strike — The strike Sn staged to mle comin cao with strikers in ther establishments, wit ty dspte between the strikers ind their employe? Sympathy tre lgal Distinction Between Secondary Strike and Sympathy Stike ‘Tee ditnguishingfacioe between a secondary strike and + ‘sympathy strike isthe connection of product or eurpleyment wih the pay labor dispute In secondary strike, the secondary strikers are connedid ‘rodut or eployment with the primary strikers, Examele I mplovee of «car manufacsurer stage & wire because of wit [uber prctces oftheir employer, a strike by employees of the lstebutore to protest sich unfair labor practice ioe etn 1s sommpathy srk, the tikes are not connoctad by post ‘sremployment withthe primary strikers. Exasopler the emo RSet may, Behan a Dea wr SAI 9 mo fan ms Macenvon oa ius Mette: labs Anta nf poten oP | 1 A rt el ata maint sag saben i eri Sono Tae eee aes Sb Te capcay aa lemonts of Strike (@), There must bea stoppage of work; and The stoppage o work must be: (2) concerted; (©) temporary and (© the result ofa labor dispute ‘There Must Be Stoppage of Work ithe employees po out ofthe work premise during their inch leak to picket boenuee ofa labor dispute, there is no atrike even though Were was = concerted action. The reason ia bacause there tras no stoppage of work, as the picketing wae done during lunch Trl However, if employeco go out of tho work promises during working hours to exprese their grevances on their working Sendo, thee i aria enue here in a omsporary stoppage ‘wo Gold City, NLRC Facts The newbers of Mesias Labor Usion OtL.U) sith whom Gold Gy hess lacie brpining aerement ered wen, lad ot snd are amen mes tse remnaing waar ih cath oy nd SE pe, ald Cet tl Scamp or pal ees The NLRC that ta cmd sy the pepo ws ate ra bt ner pte sto son is a ma ction pln re Held The muse action ofthe employee was a strike Sesame wa teprery spp of rk Wy eoacrcd Acton roaing tom anh ape: The empnycs ‘ortng recs pre fa the gn anda neseoy asor cob oF THE PHILIPPINES fam rhe Stoppage of Work Must Be Concerted “Te enered etoppage of Work muy take the form of co see eee e-down, attempt to damage, de SLATE ct enupment and faction and sma act ae pat a nat Gr nek Se eee ‘operation [NUWHRAIX v, Court of An Facts: The CBA negations between the Union and ‘ost Hatal eeled im dudook: Henco, the Union fle s Rosie ot Sic Seon hore, the male Unon members cane {o work epringseniy shaven Wade, The Hotel prevented these employees fem eatrlg the premee becn they “Yoel te Hats Groslog Standart, For ths reaoa he ote experianced severelack of manyower which fro them {i tecpaty cute opraons i thre restates The Hat ‘Sarge he Union with legal sk” Tus: Cen the at oh un members be considered a HoT th be mabe roprting lr woe iy deanly area bende comidted au ase, The Users ‘elation ofthe tas Grooming Standarde wae dlbrate ‘Soceid cio deine ta undermine the wuthonty fond to embarras the Hote The Union eacvesed neigh Holl to eos between allowing Se inappopciatly bit ‘led empleo continue working th detriment oie ‘epstaton or fo tflae em works even sf had to cee persons nailed sre units, which neither pay sould Eick Gh peated of oe ta The ac of the Union was ot meray Sxprouin of thee grevanc or tle artes tothe Holts finer ta Fopetatin. Toy ot Uhl cond latin ofthe Hotes Grn of te Ht eStandards rsa inthe mporary nmation and arp he Hotes eperatons icaldbe oandred ata legal ots (epg Meernowes Bape Liney, upc Lien 428 200819 *NUVIRAINY Coe f hgpen oh Pak oo oo _ era’ BOOKS iABORNELATIONS || 108 sedan orn ra id Un rhe Stoppage of Work Must Be Temporary Mats leave (, simultancous leave) of employoos because of radlock in collective bargaining nogtiations isa strike because the eerted stoppage of work ia temporary. ‘Mass resignstion of employees in protest of the dismissal of cvemployee is not nstike because the stoppage of work, though ‘aceted and resulting from snbor dispute, is not temporary. Mass ‘Reignation permanently sovers the employment relation." ots: The union of PAL plots staged a trike against ‘Pals Ths Gaur of Indra Relations inured an order directing the skort Bf the picket nee and votre to work. Ths ‘titers tured to wor exept tr lot: Because of hi, PAL ‘Eomincd the two pt. Ta recon to the domi, sveral bili reigned en mane Their india eters o resignation Iter accepted by PAL with the ena tha he pet soncerned ‘Tilmot be ented to any bone t to which they may otherwine Te ented by reson of Uae employment owdh PAL. Later, ‘he pte who resigned fled « petition praying that they be ‘emote because ter mase resignation wars lepine ke Inprtet oth dlamssl othe two pte the mass racienatinof the pile considered Held: The mae resignation of the pts cannot be considered acute The law deica striker ay ampere Steppes of werk by the concerted acon o enplytes because fa What np Wentesntie rss be alder an ce ‘ten though it srs fom a labor dspete beens Festus [eranently cre the employment restos hip ‘The Stoppage of Work Must Ares From 8 Labor Dispute Labor dispute refers to any controversy concerning terms or ‘onaitions of employment or the association or representation of orton in negotiating fixing, maintaining, changing. or arranging ‘he terms nd conditions of employment, “regardless of whether "int Atsntion fe Ppynm CX 79 SCRA 274anon LAW psd avon CODE OP THE PHILIPPINES fom ‘he doputante stand in the protimate relation of employer aug emplaye:™ ‘The phrase “Yepardlae of whether the disputante standin ty proximate lation ofemplayer and emplayee” mana that there ed Pr be a direct employment relation between the partics in at ‘ha hae controversy ean be considered asa labor dispute, PAFLU Ta 99 Phil 864 ‘Facts: The owner of fro theaters with whom ty ployee ad a clloctivebarpuining agreement (CBA), wd {he theres to «buyer, The buyer in tur lensed the char ‘eacarcrporstion,lniming thatthe al was not aun, ‘he nln pte the premine ft wo theaters an ld ‘online fr nf ator practic. The leave contol hat {hare no nko dept betwee it and the union members ‘eum thar no employment relation whetacever with the sud the fact remain hat thes employee diye the peounenet snd valiity othe al and fo that reneon they ell cnt hemes av employee ofthe tro thonter. Tin hae sand ‘hat the ele was Betoun and wag merely rece aby tt former owoer tx re fo evado ia Iability under the CBA. ‘Thee tthe the vl vue cncrnng the rennons validity oth ale, whic in Uh ght ofthe eit ef ur lube legaatin i doomed lnbor digpte. The depos ‘esd not sand in lation of emplyer and employe far a= Amocsed Wathen v Unite Sates Lats wor PhiL one Fact: Une Sin Lines engage te scree icapepego trardadprtcttreenan Thabo ae a Aue Watchnon Uni an dened a te beer not CBA wi Ud Se "RTD ater Cle ro eo fet Ft sures end cons od Fr navn Trade sin At lcs nn pe nw arene Uhavn, Henn a Sopa are between the United States eee oor eet Bis cag toe ee Peer ere eres ere ener ane eee ee eigen oareewere meaata Seoralecmoaec= cn eee ea eters tear i fen proximae but as factemon argue aginst the existence Enlabor dapat” ‘The refusal of employees to work because they will join a macs demonstration in protest of police abuses does not constitute a ntike Deas the opp tot the aul of labor diapata™ ‘of work, though concerted and temporary, 13 However, the refusal of employees to work because they wil Join the welgang bayon in considered legal” PBMEO v- Philippine Blooming Mills LSGRA 169 Facts: The Pilippie Blooming Mila Employece COrgasastion (PAMO) deeded w stop a ma fe Malacaang to protast the abun ofthe Pasig police. Wher ‘he company Iearved ofthe projected mass demonstration, te (Conpany clad the enplayos to mocting wherein they were ‘waraed tht thao wh all root: for work shal be dismissed fr otaging an lege srk, Dente the warning the workers ‘a pomaedad to on the demoatteation, Tae Company then ‘led e complain for legal trike. Fike even if they have bor depute with their employer, because welgang bayan in & feneral strike, The soppage of work is a sympathy strike, hence, Piipoe Bucy Mila Eaplores Orpaiationv: Pliplae ming ua, 515A eo BPLU- ites indsoal& Mt. Corp, 611 SCRA 247 .apontaw oe ae ma ook rive —:aBoR RELATIONS 0 ‘techn te Renmin il si tor ura Can the mas dencostetion staged by PME pt = Sar soc comidered nan ee? Whe Cen Declare a Strike elds The mae demonstration waged by PBMEO cana, Only « certified ellesive bargaining representative can be consdeed ow sre. Although thers wan temps clare nie, oppagel rer, ere wana labor ip lvaved Teed Sepenraticn va atthe allege abuses of sme Py fobcenen, st tui ter employer. The demonstrations strike canbe declared only by a lgltimate labor organization end ny oh the ground of unfair Inbor practice, Arise 278 (0 of the aber Code provides that: “Art 278 Sik, btng, ond Lockouts~ ax @ in te abnnce of dl ered o ogaied beghinog et the soe of sue ay be led by any logit bor ‘runanton abba ofa mombare [empha apie) ‘Therefore, employes of establishments where there is no tion cannot strike, Neither can an unrepatred union stage Hike Nor an a union whore registration has boen cancelled with Analy dear ett, PLU y.Filtex SH SCRA27 Legal Grounds for Declaring» Strike ‘There are only tw (2) lagal rounds for declaring x strike, Tovae! Ca the contre wark opps of PLU be onder ie? (2) collective bargaining deadlock; and Held: The csceed work noppage of BPLU doe to @)unlaetabo race wlth ret now EXER ee esac aie atresia, ‘Semen wcalective bargaining dado seal Sefton eae sete dye wih The Mandatory Raguiraments of Stk sessed rk hu wv, oda tt retools elec wrt nope Ben ond esses SIT Shenstone ke and Scenic esas seo woe ropore* ‘ingen Atk dcird without & pics of rk, skeet, or coe Aura el Ar 8 fat CaS etry Siocon i uolor an epertenty to make °) 1 sare a9, Prohibited Aston (4) No abe organs ‘ose teats ov nper cn eres ei et ose Torr See esc AS FING uth Laer Cae ow Gy Ik alan Cane, 2 a.iapomiaw 1 a. ‘Ago CODE OF THE PAILIPPIVES Any sn reir inthe peeing Ari of ih i See soo hot vit aving Ben obacd ref tbe Minty now Depart) Notice of Strike ‘The avtice of strike should be fled with the CConalation and Mediation Board (NCMB) at last: (Q)_Fiteen (1) days before th intended date of ste ‘tthe ground for strike ia based on unfair Inbar practices (2) Thity (0) days before the intended date of trike ‘bated on deadlock nellectve bargining. Article 278 0 of the Labor Code provide ns fllows “Art 278 Sikes, Pking, and Lckoute- x. () In act of bargain daca, the ly corted or feng ‘raining get myles atc esc mx wit he ny (Gow Depurtead) atleast S0 days before the intended date ‘hte ees of unl labor fractc, th ped of note Selb 8 dap ae™ Nationa Notice of strike isn mandatory requirement, Failure to fle 4 notoe of srk will fender the trike logl. The mandatary ‘haracter af a ntie of steko could be gleaned from the previews of Article 279 a) of tho Labor Code which reads as follows: At 378, Prohibited Actes (9) No aor ergsiation ‘ual clare sake ax withowt Aa aving fled the ‘tc egies the poseding Seon Tes prin ot of sie so roves ling it sid {eevee partite tometer apes nape ane efor docringastrkess nn mPa = Sez ants mnie sealer acto emer tee dea avr eeneieetena (Qisave after the fling ofthe notice of strike i.e, before Use lapse © si ot fran ees Ben sou ‘Ninos Pre nlocn Ne 82 Thats plan Nos 18 86RhS8 ae pee ox rive — LABOR RELATIONS ion sie nd tc nd Por remo Tee Un Actin bi (Ghapr Sehr and eee men Cooling-Off Period May Be Dispensed with ‘The cooling-off poriod need not bo observed in case of union busting, Le, where the existence ofthe union is threatened because totgraaa of duly elected union ocers, Article 278) ofthe Labor (Cae provides that: {As 8 Sie, Peking ot achat © in caso cael om snplyment of enna olers duly eet {Sp accrdance wilh the union suettin and by ews, whlch bey contusion bunting where existence ofthe won ie ‘mstend the 1-day cota of pared abl ot apply, andthe {union may take action immediately” lemphast supplied) ‘Antic 278 (2 speaks of "union officers duly elected in accordance with the union constitution and by lace." Two (2) points that mst be considered in this provision, fl: (2) The dismissed union officers must be elected. ‘Therefore, if the dimiased snion ofcera wore. merely ‘apfolnted, the cooling-off period must be obeorved, (@) The diamiseed union oficers must be duly slected, ‘Le, must be elected in asordance withthe union constitution and by ls. Although the unions gven the authority to immediately strike without exhausting Use coling-off period it ew obliged to le ‘notice oftrike, conduct a strike referendum, and report che recults tse srk referendam to the NCMB and cbscrve the soven (7) fay sttke ban, Ta short, nly the colng-ff period ean be dispensed 0 te company wih he other mandatory requirement ‘riko SulothalCalsine & Restasrantv.CA aoe SCRA IE aces: The Union fled @ Noo of Strike on the ground uf nbor racine, Later, the SUKHUTAL and the Union Sereda ube mate for unary ebitrtion, Dango Sndsacy the voluntary abiaton pocsodingn SUKHOTAE Slimisoed two (2) union members Shortly threaer, the sn, Uagn staged vat ses "The ner ay, the Union ed NE Nosee of strike and staged down sere which was itil Cui &Reaaarnt Corto Arpale 8 SCRA 396zi LanoRaw Ee Laon cobt OF THE PHILIPPINES fy andere ita" ei! nto nes day, SU sentir er egal oe or aon cope oa ieee ta aeberr ny iach sae vt nd wk mfp ia ay resem fot F mtn of ean ha eaten fie erie oe ‘tree wil ae soy te sncrnd secs cet Teeiegin chasis te geen wey eeeene Alpen vil ashe SUKHOTAL gly ca bey alfann ie Ustn ct take to intr Tue: Wat tht Union excused fom complying with the mandatory rqulrementa for ia concerted actions Gh ‘rer ty the oink? ‘Suspension ofthe Efects of Diemissal sazll hg NOMB fins thatthe dismisal ofthe duly oni wit flere wien a sein abo pt, Uhe Scrtary fal tt nuloyoet my supe the ei of the dais, Ti ol Sean om tide 25) ofthe Labor Code the erst ee [Art 08 Mactan Provisions — wet) 2 The Scale Drurmet oar nad Eons ‘ere cece eran ptding meson ‘Serko Vote The decision to decrease mu 0 cremation dale tke must be approved by si bership through ecrotbalat in referent ‘lyalet orth purpose. Aci 218 () of the Labor Cae , OOK FIVE— [LABOR RELATIONS 1013 ite ed Lahois ndFrsn nrvenentn Trade Union Actives "Carer! Sct ond Lens “Art, 278 Strikes, Piheting, and Lockoute ~ xxx (0 A decision vo delare a strike must te approved by a mleity of ‘S5fotalunion membership inthe bargaining ult concerned, ‘Butined by secret ballot in mectings or referenda called for 8 ‘ie — ‘he purpose saa" emphanseuplied) ‘The majority is based on the total union membership and ‘pot on the majority of union members present during the strike ‘elerendum. ‘Tho purpose ofthe strike wot sto ensure thatthe intended strike in © majority decison. The law does not authorize to be staged by « minority group of employeen* Hence, etared without epprovalot majority of the tal union membership isiegal [Notice of Strike Referendum Before conducting a trike vote (or trike referendum), the rules require the Union to furinh the NCMB with the notice of strike {eorendum at leat twenty four (24) hour before such referendum. ‘Section 10, Rule XX, Book Vof the Rules Implementing the Labor (Code provides that: ee 19, Sri or locout vote, — xx The regional branch fhe Board may, teow nitive of upon reqert of any ‘itced party, sapere the conduct of the secret balloting In every cate the union or the employer shal furnish the roglonl Branch ofthe Hoard the notice of meetings {eferred to in the preceding paragraph atleast ent. oer 0) hours before rach montings tr walla he Toles ‘th ting teat ore (7) dey ere the intend tie ot {ictout mutase tothe cng perl provided in this Rule (emphasis spp) ‘The twenty-four @4)-hour notice to the NCMB before ‘conducting the strike referendum i designed: (1) to inform the NCMB of the intent of the union to ‘conduct atrke ote and @)_to4ive the NCMB ample time to decide on whether to upervice the conduct of thestrike vote to prevent any acta of Tine 2 80 8 AMPS y Ojos, ABBAranoRtaWs ‘apon CODE OP THE PHILIPPINES Aer ‘solenee andlor ireyularitios attendant thereto, and to Pat maaan nae eet ast Hee pol be, thoud decide 0 supervise eo nad wtb NCUD noted tnt te coer eae eee erro toe eae riaargiane ees oe ‘Socom dae i pare end esa oct Pal the NOME ent. 20 hope, taung coi Rareotun wifes aogeaes ete sae iaramaty tone cen ctaci aba Sad Cpt Medieal Center v. NLRC ‘GEE No. 142080, April 36,2008 dou Pait Fou death Union ld No of Sk nb end fr race. Alege the Union enue cee steel te MoM wa oy oe eth tere Later, te Uon sed Ss NCMD emi fhe ke reer pal ltt parking lta ut ott Caples srenoe Threat Uno taped we Caples feds neh ene mh ed intact iting ek ea te wipe Ii ne tested ye een ha ping ee nd th afin of epee ‘Ts Ged ht mofo eng was el Tame: Wash sts yal? “— OOK FVE— LABOR RELATIONS 1018 ‘oR ite 7 — stn ed asta od Pores nvtenentn Trade iio a er ‘Gurr Soar end ocete tom the provisions of Article 279 () ofthe Labot Code which reads follows “art 278. Pohbited Atti xx shall deciv rkeor withot the neceonry srk =e is tat heving boon cblaind and reported to the Ministry {row Department) ‘The decision to declare a strike is valid only for the dispute upon which the steike vote was taken, Articlo 278 (9 of the Labor (ade provides that: “vt 218, Sten, Pickling, ond Lackute— ak “The dca sl vl forthe dari fhe pute bused Gn obstantaly the same proud considered when the strike Sevote was ken. ox" ‘Suika Vote Report ‘Tho union should report the recuts ofthe strike referendum {o te Netional Coniiation tnd Mediation Board atleast seven (7) dhys before the intended strike, Article 278 () of the Labor Code provides that “Art 278, Sikes, Pci, and Zochoute~ 2 0) xx In every css tho uni x abel faraia the Binney (ow ‘Deparment ibe rans of the voting wt ost sven dae bore ‘haended ake x vbjon to he sokng of period herein ‘Ths purpose of the strike vote report is to give essurance that dhe etre fa a majority dociion. Ie will also enable the union ‘embers to take appropriate remedy befor itisto lat, ifthe strike ‘ote roport turns ot tobe face. Many disastrous strikes have boon ‘aged inthe past based merely on the insiatence of minority groupe Within the unio. The strike vote report will prevent the occurrence touch nituation Strike voto report is @ mandatory requirement ™ Failure to ommpy with thia requirement will reader the strike ilogal, The anditry character of» strike vote report could be gleaned from {Be roviiow of Arlo 979) of tho Labor Code which reads tg TERPS Owen 14 soma a8 ‘Sanahang Manepapene Se Ley, bic ie, 28 SCRA sotanoRtaw ae {Abo CODE OFTHE PHTLPPINES, sh, Pn Aci Nae elena anes Wee resian Ste lied oa na Sintec artes woicl ‘The 7-Day Sue Ban ‘The seven (D-day strike ban is the period reckoned fom the ‘ubmiaion ofthe strike vole report. oe a. eects re es ee oe casluded and the last day included.” Di ‘ticle 278 (9 ofthe Labor Code which provides that; ‘Art 218 Siri, Pchetng, ond Lockout — axe () xxx In evry cam th oon tx shal irish the Mlaisey Go Depart the eval ofthe tng t let seven days Before ‘he ntended sik mx, eubjoc tothe cling of pio Pert ovded emphasis mpi) Wnan to Sage a Seiko ‘The union can gon strike oaly afar the lape of () the cooling period and @ the sven (dey strike ban, ‘Tis could be gleaned from Article 278 (0) cota ald ead fo Arle 278 (0) and ofthe abe SATE 378. Strikes, Picheting, dn Lochouts ~ xex («) mk Co eee os pontageecimeese eee zee eet 4 woes i ane eee eoricemisee meer fe ‘ie sin cng poe, snd report the Tat ta ark to coiacide with te It Prod it should conde the strike refs ras ofthe same sven () days before the "NOCHE Fimix Wark. NLRC 29 SCRA 410 am i plea Trade Ua Ate ‘tt statutory coling-ff period." As held in the ense of NFSW v Oiera vn he any the bir in may ta shold cae ant cuced sl he se th inte Peay thar era oh nro fine ae intensities at hewn a seer pete npr othe cng ot posed. ely RESIN lee ray rb ert opert a eS nse inte proven thet in Sry Se se ta frie MOLE eth tb react Se tiga en) ag Bf tended eri, tet ee ees crepe” mane be neon at se Cran cliea pray crveban at Bhp wi sltnoog the labor unton my eae Peni Soet and opr seca tin the watalory [ine altpoit“Tenphane monic! TRAMPLE, On June 16th ron lod nots of rte oa te a ll ae pact Hence, eset Set Ein ane ST re voce err et tc o Je te anion cng yet ike on uly SUR http ae tay er of pl Bene fhe See te ate thane ea cans oly Teng it tnnuala eet teen on uy aco SRA peo cat pre sou ab the Teese pet omer dr Sune ‘Tho seven (7-day period must be complied with strictly. A. Aetcieneyofone (1) day i fatal, nd therefor, will onder the strike (CCBPI Postmis Workers v-NLRC aio ScRA 410 Facts: On March $, 1967, the union fed a Notice of ‘Sere, Donate of dendeck Lathe CBA nepetitions, On Apel 14,1087 the unlon mbrited th ate Vole epart. Six (©) ‘ju fh sual the ere vot report, Leon Apr 3, 86, the union struck The company Sods Pion to Declare he Serie ep aleging thatthe union aed to obucrv the ‘mandatary 7-dny srk tan asd tie was staged onthe 5 ay rom the subsist af tho geiko vote reper. The Labor Tibet re thet thee was seta compliance wih the andatory ay reba PAPRHTy- vrs, 14 SCRA 84 Fret iy Inaik Tranpotaton Co ads Cnt, 75 908A SatLapoRtams oe bon cone oF HE PHILIFPDNES Any ese: Was the Labo Arbiter correct in boing that hey sve abla complaee wit he Tay atrike ben? ‘eld Ths Labor Acitr was not errs. Th deeiengy fy rom fhe mandatory 7-day seks ban ew Taal ee ‘he ay ese ban ie 4 mandatory requirement Wee ‘byuntil eempliance with & mandatory provision wil (hfe Set adbeast mando oft law nee Son to ie of Pion ts hotern ana copy TS un Fte Oe Aa 8 8 no Ul ed Ne ee on the goa ein bting On One ‘tie nan woreda tes inf ef he es tr erermelne repo he rer ofthe ete sue ek ‘ile ote Nett Conliaton sod Manne Baga, Gach 388 ro ye nr, cron Ose te Tue: erik als? vl Te haat bean wa sad iti ih day ste ben Tho tna tn iter ‘ie Deptt of Later and Eagle! fon sock hate edt sole aig a a ‘epic tafe enn ply oso ct Employment Status of Srkars A tite is not a renunciation of employment relat ‘Tieretre, the employment status of the strikers eubeiste Guring* “Tamer sea er "ad Orr Ate Fine PHLMAROA. 1022 "At 29) Laker Code de exo tare se "Pane en nt Wages During Strike ‘Under the principle of far days wage for a fair day's labor, strkarg are not entitled to their wages during the period of the strike ears the strike is legal. Considering that no work was performed {Ft employoo during theatre, tbre can be no wage or pay: Ie it Pry tit or just for an employee to tigate against hia employer nis employer Hime.” However, in th following exceptions] ease, backwagoe may beaward (2) Where the strikers voluntarily and unconditionally cffera to return to work, but the employer refused to accept the ofer without justifiable reason:* and (@) When the supposed strikers didnot strike but were locked out" ResAdmission of Strhors Generally, striking employees are entitled to re-admisoion, regurlons of whether the strike was the consequence of the tmployers unfair labor practice * The reason is because a strike is ote ronuncition of epleyient relation Article 279 ofthe Labor (Code expresly provides that: Are. 278 ProibitedAcsistn (a) ex mere participation fa worker ina ina stke shal pot cnssate suffcont {Sound fr termination ef his employment, oven fa replacement {Bt ben hired by the mplayer daring rch lawl eke” Ieee are oes ane ate tec Si eateoticers i exrwinety erGcipated in an legal strike; Paes LU, 92 P75 Pie Ir Meme Commer CIR, 12 SCRA 136 Mater Prpracve Peiaraon of Laber, 97 Th. 206; Crom See ‘cmcrrll Commerc, Cll 12 SCRA 3k, Pinion Seam Nevgnton ‘og, hatha es e "hd Opes PHILMAROA, 304 Pl NLRC, 317 SRA >LapoRtaw “ tasor cobs OFTHE PAIPEINES danny @) Union offcers or members who kay ‘in the eommiscion of illegal ray par eal acts ding (@)_Serikers who defy a rturn-to work order-« a Pee a ore he ks ise, conf Sree Se fm Se pending resolution of the labor dispute. A return-to-work cast Pelee ie ea ee een ana eran Poise rere oat ps ines area erence ar See eee erin icon ae aE oe nda an, ee pene ee iene enento nee ea Lect of Sika For sre tobe vali, it shouldnt onlybe staged on round ‘ecified by lame — but should alo comply withthe requires Prescribed by aw ‘Ths leat of srike may also depend on th pur fe phe iC Btetcne and upon the menan employed in ree )_ the purpose lawl andthe means empleo» dnl tem ifopl = aa a som scaq i BPO Ite Cal, wanenda: Croll Coser CB SB, Simca veo 21084 568 [PMLA Pics Gta oy LEA m1 SORA 106,770 sec PAB 8G ry PALER vr, 4 SA 0 _ Rao, 8 Pua Teen Hoes nto nara Haron #7 an iti m= apnnaarong 1 1c lite es (th puny th men omloed re saith ete tnga= (fhe ure oh eh den te [A strike valid at ita inception may become ilegal where the meant employed at ileal. For example, itn earrying out the Tike, the strikers committed gets of violence, caused injuries to farts or damage to propery or obtructed tho means of ingress Ergress the strike boromes illegal ‘A strko is not rondord illegal by the mere fact that th demands ofthe unien are unreasonable, The legality ofa strike does ft depend upon the reaeonabloness of he demande. Ifthe demands anna be granted, they should simly be ejected, but in the abeence Gfany other razon, the erik anf dace not become llega.” Saulatly, the mere fact thatthe demands of the union were tejeiod dove ot soace the strike legal. To make the legality or lgalityof sere dependent sally on whether the demands of ployecs may or may not be ranted lato outlaw altogetier an ‘Mfmtive meant for securing better morking conditions.” {A strike staged in good faith under the belief that the ‘management comated unfair labor practice i not illegal But not rary claim of good fith in jstfiable ~ it must be substantiated, ‘i, supported by factual basis, Where the decision to go on strike i leerly unwarrented, as when the strikers staged wideat st {he lain of good faith ennnot be countonanced ® Neverthe ‘tho union genuinely acted in good faith and on the belief tha ‘ampany was committing an unfair labor practice, the etike would still iogal no notice of etrike was led, and strike vote was fenducted® one te ita Ina le Cr 1 96RA en Sha ty Sf nd Rin 0 a3 ‘hati inde Un RG, 8 Sa ” arog tm 1 584 at . eal Peligps Later Orpconn, 9 Pl: 26, Rai Operate v Pumauiton te Puo58 ‘0 Mol aa ater Ulm». G14 SCRA 00. SENN SURG, BH SCRA ee, 7g out Cy nk wal etn Gi Na odio nye eet iLapontaws me anor CODROF THE PAMLPPONES snag ‘A-sympathy strike whore the striking employees ha demands or grievance of thei own (Le, no labor dspats) a2," ali aie aaa Catagories of Mega trikes (Q), Strike etanedinvolation ofa ition a Pee prohibition iy, (0), Strikenagedbyemployeeaperforming gveramenat (©) Strike by managerial employees * @ Skike based on interunion end inti putes eae (Shrike to compel the emploer to comet me (Skike Yad onda oth than wa Practice or deadlock in collective bargaining. ee (Stik declared without Sretbarguining collecvly# oui? Sui sa5ein vation oe specif requirement can, (0) Strike without notice of sirke = (©) Sirk without conducting strike vote © Strike without submitting the strike vote repo.” © Sek declared fr an unlawfl purpose, wit (9) Sits a induc the employer to commit Inbr practic agit opti mens a — sis arn dn (0) Strike for trivia, unjust or unreasonable purpose, fe to show their numerical strength (©). Strike without giving the employer reasonable time to consider and acton the demands (Strike to compel the omployer to bargain despite the sexitence of cortied bargaining agent." (Strike to compel the implementation of « CBA _ provision that ie alzsady the subject of a pending wait of (Seiko to compel an employer to negotiate a CBA uring the pendency of petton for erifeation election.” (Strike declared in violation of an exiting injunction, fo wie (@) Strike during the cooing period.” (Strike without cbuerving the 7-day trike ban." | (0) Stekeafter the Secretary of Labor and Employment ‘has aseumed juridiction over the disput.” (Strike ater the dispute has boon submitted for compulsry arbitration (9) Stee in detence ofa return-to-work order." res ee Mechta ors inp rmaeaian a pe eens isa TNPSW vy, Oveora, 114 SCRA 364, 968 Ser ce er einer ec ommat Asse Malet of Later 18 SCRA 267,276; Rax Tes ¥. Cour ans ae Certs SEPP, S024 0 PE Papin Gataaportaten a avon cadE OF is PAILPPINES, day (Stik carried out through unlawfUl means, twat fo) Strike atended Uy otnasion of why of propa sc sStr htc 27 of tbe labor Cons” >, (Strike carried” Git with the use of wid terri against po-ateikers a (© Stik cari it with tho Us of vite, hii injure, ubotage and obsomne language al (Strike where cubtomers wore intinidatad yg Inaratied to turn them away and discourage’ thas patronizing the business eyes (Strike staged in volton’ tan existing agrincn to uie (@) Strike i volaon of the conclu lnusnin the CEA 2) Strike withottEvalling of the grievance machinery under the CBA _ a (9 Strike in vslation ofthe no-stike tip cue ° trike stipulation athe rbitatin Note: To nor stiplah apo ony to sche mina afar abt pce tege | 2 a Sanction oe ee Ye sed tobe the rd that a ployee who sagan ‘ke re piled wit ns a aapoyoes sitar he “Ties Eero tise Pio Gon Cemaniaton 8 C24 cough NUE Boh ru OWA Carta Aen si 00K rattan set "BS aw edn fae ten ‘was enunciated in NEU w Philippine Match Co.m where the Court held that cessation from employment because once which the strikers must le Stan unjustified strike is a consequé Tm the choice of «remedy oftheir own outaid the statute. The 1AM rile, however, has undergone a lot of changes. A reading of {tedccisions of postwar Supreme Court on the effects ofan illogal ike shows a gradual departure from the aforeaid doctrine. The (Soa breakaway from the Philippine Motch doctrine came in the Sie of Dingloson o. NLU® where the Supreme Court ordered the Feintatement ofthe drivers deapte the finding that the suid drivers ‘ere not locked out and thatthe stoppage of work wae voluntary on Tho part of the drivers. In the eae of Cromuell Commercial v. CTR." tne Suprome Court held that striking employees are “entitled to rlnctatemeat whether or not the strike wes the eonaequence ofthe "the only exception thereto being in purtof tho employer and said omployer has hed others to take the plas ofthe etrikor, or where th strikers have committed unlawful ‘Gaede or valence This ruling was reiterated in Philippine Steam ‘Navigation. Philippine Marine Offers Guild” In the euboequent ‘aso of Ferrero. CIR the Supreme Court abandoned the doctrine aid down in Interwood. Employees Assocation v. International Hardwood & Veneer Co, that good faith on tho part of the strikers iu immataral in the determination of the legality of a atrike, The Farrer avo uphold the validity of an otherwne premature strike sid affirmed the order of reinstatement of the strikers without ackrages becase of belief on the part of the atikers that the inagement was committing untae labor practce™ The Current Doctrine: An illegal strike doce not ‘uiomatically warrant the wholesale dlemistal fatrikers, Only the ‘snionofcers who knowingly participated in the legal strike cam be (lsmiseed ie, ponalizd with las of employment status, This could te leaned fons the provisions of Article 279 (a of the Labor Code, ertinent portion of which reads as follows: Ra thse i Tisen it > , “Stree as Sera “Stal iCxOGY Comet Woo Kec SERA a z=wa aportawy 3 1AnoR 0008 OF THE PHILIPPINES fam “art 19. Prohibit Active (0 sxx Any union tee, ‘nko Laurin purines in egal rhe wer ¢ mae ‘Telarc to bavsloet is ployment satus sax” Dismitl of union oters who stage an egal ste i hy proper Sine the objective of the Labor Code isto ensures ent ‘Dutdyaamicand just industrial peace, union leaders are duty ‘a gudetheir member to renpct the law.” The reeponchiy sag tunlon offers a5 main player in an logo strike, is greater tee that ofthe members, heeause union ocers have the duty to ga ‘heirmembers to respect the law. However, th poly of miss los of ployment sata can pe oy ent hn non las who wer saving sctngenuch ring toes “icanaet bo tapocl aetna ‘ibe ory afr to sr, brace the poly wo ‘hee ut nly agaltcron ofc who Knowingly pct Jin the illegal strike - = ‘twill be noted thatthe law states “may be declared to he lost his employment status." Th using the word “may? the lew implies vat the employer has the diertion to choose sa wither to iomie or impose a lesser penslty agaiet the union offices wa Daticnated in the llega strike and strikers who commit see during the trike mane ie a ce ten hie seperate cia nore Seo Oi eneine emer Sen aa ae See singed Se Son soc nc ca Ces Sooyeaakinae teem at [awn vuntenanced by a relaxation of the sanctions prescribed "7 Thai eden Uns ‘tony rep nme NLRC, 08 SCRA 218 Pals Wrens ss 100K FIVE —LABOR RELATIONS soot “stn and ec td Pre rent nied Ue vine sanction for Committing Maga! Acts During a Strike erat whether won fn ran meer, nho oma sep acto daring the strike can be diamond Thia could be Geanes {fou Article 179 (ao th Labor Cod, the pertinent portion af which ate follows: “at. 19, Prohibits «(ox any worker ioe cer who knowing’ pertcpte nthe common ibgalncteGuring = wks may be declared to have lost his plone statue" LUnbitty for Damages Arising From legal Strike ‘The local union, and not the mother federation is liable for damages ruling from an egal strike. The reason is because the ter federation is a mere agent af the local union. ‘Toho the union and the strikers liable for damages, the bast idence obtainable muct be presented. There must be competent Prof that damages have been eulfered and the actual amount thereof. Actual or compensetary damages cannot be presumed™ ft mst be duly proved with reasonable. degree of certainty. In {he absence of competent proof of actual damage, the employer is ‘riled to nominal damages, which asthe law aay, is adjudicated Inorder thatthe defondant may be vindicated and recognized, and ‘otf the purpose ofindemfying the plant foe any los euffored, For example, ifthe employer merely presented a cerieaton that 17300,000.00 worth of cooked fish were spoiled during the trike ‘nd about 85,451,690.00 in US commitments wore lost, the tame is insufficient to prove actual damages, Nominal damages of 900,000.00, however, may be awarded = Injunction agsinet Strikes Generally strike cannot bo enjoined even if it may appear 4 be illegal Baceuse atrke is wospon that the law grants the {imrloyees for their protection and advancement of thoi interet = eomtittinal recognition ofthe right to strike is an indiction ee recemtnian Ses on "Others luca aS68ASI60 nTxs avon Cobh OF HE PHILIPPINES sem hating sa be ed tthe minim Ts be wee, ta ee Cot Bag Ni Mongsogaia oa Concrete Agregar mena (oe secant eat cations ieee ase meron ce Siero tench Poutoa cies sens ars eve samara ere ae eee etn co arp eee leap reeaaeaea Beae eee ens Socaliunreacsaess tee eee eS Geeta gine a staan eae eehmesa Sethi cies eeeclor nasty fica eee eee eae a See geeaiaes peie rena eto Solem teee wetamacroes irate omc ine hate Sen tiattnteiete sores inh etiusie meres Savona tence sums Eee aise ee Sime as coun en ae ir pan el Sn cet Sm tao agave at Slated le ena che Ses el yt Ste nl mit Cm Sie ennchais See ees sors yada ataneasted mle dda ne taastaea Sepa gshacareeten maar Sell itsicotreette sSiecrlenslfeanatatirn Seite sheers imeratioettea esc Binal ein c 1 Comission vex the intitational ti 1 abl re ae soe aa render at on se neh 09 Seren secede bar nina trike stat cannot be enjinde legate Aiea wee may be eae. For example, the commit rut the fre ingrese to and ogresa from the emplover= arcs the employer can sk fo a injunction. When a Strike May Be Enjoined “Actrike may be enjoined only under the following © (Q)_ If declared against an industry indispensable to roeptional national atarst™ (2), If staged by employees who are not accorded the sieht ae manual ployee TE nage on pon-trtebl ines such a8 intra ioe tneteon gp, prownds other tha Or {ieTprecoe or collective arginine denlock™ We Can tae Injunction Against Strikes Thjuncton agenst strike can be iosoed only by the followin: (0). Secretary of Labor and Employment » in strike gaint an industyindapenasble tothe national interest.” 1@)_ National Labor Relations Commission inthe other exceptional ease. Regarding injunction aging legal acts during strike, the National Labor Relations Comision has the jurisdiction to ius the injncton LockoUT, Meaning of Lockout Lockout ia the temporary refusal of an employer to furnich ‘mark (nin members) boeauso of «labor depute: TSC FVD Labor Cdn amded ‘Data Png Ga Somes OR Ne 325, tbr 7.1050raw 1ason apok code OP ran PHELPPINES, fam Fe er hist aay pis pee et ate accra eds anit Teun te tain of usar ed en neta Fe eo aleceaut Inthe mete a nin ple of individual. In later, the dismiwal © ecm . ire anne a ot or pea ee pendi ti iene legality of ie seca at ees aerate scence cemeg ue cnr ocr eager teune marae Dianction Between Lockout and Shutdown Ina ehutdowa, the plant contest operat. Ina leckut, th plant continues to operate Because only es rembers arena llowed to work, Nonsnion members conti ‘Bas the plat ™ Elements of Lockout (Q)_Thero must be rfual on the par ofthe emplys furninh work to union members; and e is (@) The refuzal furnish work must be (temporary: and @) thereelt ofa labor dispute, Legal Grounds for Declaring & Lockout (0) Giletive Dargsning deadlock and @) Untairlaor practice, ‘Mandatory Requirements for Lockout Note of ckout; @) Leckout tae = + (©) Lackout vet report OOK FIVE--TAHOR RELATIONS soa Ae onnm nd Saeko aa Notice of Lockout ‘The notice of lockout, should be fled with the conollation and Mediation Board, atleast: (G) _ Fifteen (15) days before the intended date oflockout it basod on nf Tabor practice or (2) Thirty 00) days before the intonded date of lockout it bused on coloctive bargaining deadlock. ‘Atile 268 () ofthe Labor Code provides 1e National follows: Art, 278 Strikes, Plotting, and Lochute — xx (9 tn case of baring douche, x the smplaer my fe 8 Soke Sr lckot withthe Meninty (now Department) a Feast Setayrbeor th intended dab thereat Tn caes of unt abo proc, he period af alc hal be 18 days ==" {Notice of lockout in a mandatory requirement. Failure to fle node of lockout will render the lockout legal. Tho mandatory ‘harsctr of «notes aflackout could be gleaned rom the provisions {Arcle 279 (0) ofthe Labor Code which roads as follows: “art. 29, Proibitad Actin) Nox amplayer shall clare net Hct without fie having Hed Hoo ote eqeired in the preceding Arlo =." "The purpose of Notice of Lockout isto provide fora cooling off prod to give the partis time fo settle their disputes in a peaceful Tanner before declaring «lockout ‘Observance af the cooting-off period is mandatory. This mana {hat the enployer cannot declare a lockout prior tothe expiration of ‘he coolingoff period. Lockout declared prior tothe expiration of the ‘eeling off poried is llogel Lockout Vote er eo Saar othe Boar of Dssor Gn cue of «Conlin, he Be teeta scanner ‘eating duly called fr the purpose. Article pete 16278 () ofthe Labor Code ses iAt 218 Stritn, Plating, and Lockoute exe icin to daca aacout mut ae : ‘he board of aisle the corporaavo8 a we avon code OF Hs PALIN ia pase tain by wer alta meng Edo puree” esi ee Se atari Seer fornt Rerahoteneeatertely “hr. 279, Poh Actes (0) No ax employers,
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