Character Analysis Worksheet

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C Physical Emotional Traits Social Intellectual Traits

Traits Traits
Name: Merlin -Long while hair -serious He was a magical and Wiccan and clown
Age: -tall -strong emotional guardian of Arthur
-not strong -inteligent
Gender. Male
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X
Name: King Other -short He was always angry He was the king of He spoke laugdly and
Age: -strong body Virester rought
-eyes were blace
Gender. Male
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X
Name: King Gorlorin -old King of cornvall
Age: -grey hair
Gender. Male
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X

C Physical Emotional Traits Social Intellectual Traits

Traits Traits
Name: Igrayne She was young and She was queen of
Age: beautiful, her have was cornvall but then she
the color of gold was queen of
Gender. Female
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X
Name: Morgana She is a sorceress and
Age: 3 years old he daughter of Igrayne,
she is also a nur
Gender. Female
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X
Name: Hector He was old He was on old knight, He was not married and Brave and honest knigth
Age: faste, father of Arthur and had 2 children Arthur
kay. and Kay.
Gender. Male
Type of Character: Main,
secondary, supportive
Protagonist X
Antagonist  X

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