AI Research Work 20231010 AccessibilityChecked
AI Research Work 20231010 AccessibilityChecked
AI Research Work 20231010 AccessibilityChecked
All slides in this presentation are licensed with CC-BY and can be reused with attribution to doi:10.5281/zenodo.8413164, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise.
AI & Research work
Ethics & Law
2) Testing
Generative AI: an intuitive explanation
- The key task in machine learning is trying to predict
- The classifier from the previous example is able to predict
labels from new images: given a new picture of a dog, it can tell
if there’s a cat or a dog
- There are other types in AI called “generative”: the program
learns patterns from the training set and is able to generate a
picture, or text, or sound following the rules of what it has learned
We are not even scratching the surface here, if you are interested to know more, ask in the chat
and we can provide references. See this link for a great collection of references
Focus on text generation:
large language models (LLMs)
Why focus on language?
• Large amount of data for training these foundational models
• Language is possibly the most versatile modality as it allows
to describe (almost) anything: concepts, facts, relationships,
processes, software code, …
• Language (as text via a keyboard) is an efficient way to
interact with a computer program via instructions
Guess the letter
It is an English word starting with
the letter 'q': which letter comes
after that?
Guess the next letter
If I am thinking an English word that
starts with q and I ask you to guess
the next letter, what is your most
likely guess?
From What is ChatGPT doing, and why does it work? by Stephen Wolfram
Guess the next word, sentence,
paragraph, chapter, book… (II)
{The best thing about AI is its ability to, At each generated word, we re-
The best thing about AI is its ability to create, ask the model to pick another
The best thing about AI is its ability to create worlds, one from the top N words that
The best thing about AI is its ability to create worlds that, would follow from all the
The best thing about AI is its ability to create worlds that are, previous words seen so far.
The best thing about AI is its ability to create worlds that are both,
The best thing about AI is its ability to create worlds that are both exciting,}
The best thing about AI is its ability to learn. I’ve always liked the Different runs, produce
The best thing about AI is its ability to really come into your world and just
different outputs (goodbye
The best thing about AI is its ability to examine human behavior and the way it
The best thing about AI is its ability to do a great job of teaching us
The best thing about AI is its ability to create real tasks, buy you can From What is ChatGPT doing, and why does it work?
by Stephen Wolfram
History of LLMs
Intuitive explanations:
- Encoder models: they
“understand” (= map it to a
multidimensional space of
words) the prompt
- Encoder-decoder models:
they “understand” the
prompt and produce a new
- Decoder models: they are
usually autoregressive and
only generate based on what
has been given so far.
Do you
have time?
Is Herlinda asking:
1. to meet with Tiyna?
2. if Tiyna is available for leisure after work?
3. what is the current time?
Structuring the prompt
1. Start with a concise question:
Direct: What is the capital of France?
Instructional: Translate the following text to French: “(…)”
Exploratory: Discuss the implications of climate change on beetles.
Contextual: Given the economic downturn in 2008, what (…)
Comparative: Compare the economic systems of Finland and Sweden.
Scenario-based: Imagine you are a researcher, how would you defend funding in fundamental research?
2. Specify tone and style: ex. write in an academic tone, explain like a 5th grader, explain to
a 5th grader, translate to Finnish, …
3. Add examples as input: this can help the AI towards the answer
4. Iterative refinement: after getting the first answer, you can engage in an iterative dialogue
CLEAR Principles
1. Concise: brevity and clarity in “Can you provide me with a detailed explanation of the
process of photosynthesis and its significance?”
“(1) List the steps to write a research paper, (2) beginning
2. Logical: structured and coherent with selecting a topic and (3) ending with proofreading the
final draft.”
Instead of “What are some renewable energy sources?”,
3. Explicit: clear output specifications ask for “Identify five renewable energy sources and
explain how each works.”
4. Adaptive: flexibility and
If asking, “What are some ways to conserve water?” leads
customization in prompts to generic responses, try a more targeted and adaptive
prompt like, “List household practices for conserving water
5. Reflective: continuous evaluation and their potential impact.”
and improvement of prompts Make a strategy request(…). Evaluate also the relevance and
applicability of each strategy. Consider the target audience's
needs and use this information to tailor future prompts to
generate content that better addresses specific challenges or
3. Use of LLMs in the academic
The Research Process aided by AI (II)
with Responsible Conduct of Research at its core and some examples
- Grant writing
- Facilitate discovery and FAIR-ness - Research planning
- Explore open datasets - Study design
- Identify research gaps - Browsing and summarising the literature
- Summarising for public
- Media reachout - Code and automation help
- Annotations
- Methodological considerations
- Data analysis (Code and Original image from “The data lifecycle”
What approach
should I use?
Prompt a prompt
Coding (I) Step-by-step
(this answer type
can be prompted)
Coding (II) Second derivative?
A list of questions and answer from the live training session is available at
research-work-useful-learning-materials .
Thank you!