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Syndrome Summary
STOCHASTIC VERSUS NONSTOCHASTIC EFFECTS OF (deterministic) effects include hematologic syndrome (pan-
RADIATION EXPOSURE cytopenia), erythema, gastrointestinal syndrome (radiation
Stochastic means random in nature. There is a statistical sickness), and central nervous system syndrome (Table 2).
accounting for all diseases that could be caused by any of One concept used to gauge toxicity is that of the lethal
several different xenobiotics or carcinogens; any random oc- dose to 50% of the population (LD50) exposed to the agent
currence of a disease that cannot be attributed solely to ra- observed at a specific time. The LD50 at 30 d (LD50/30) for
diation is stochastic. As far as cancer is concerned, it is humans due to ionizing radiation exposure is approximately
extremely difficult to say whether a particular cancer is at- 2.5–4.5 Gy (250–450 rad). This estimate for humans varies
tributable to a specific exposure because most cancers have a between different sources and is primarily empiric. There-
20-y latency period from exposure to manifestation. There- fore, concrete data are not available. In other organisms, the
fore, chronic low-dose radiation exposure effects are seen as LD50/30 factor has been established through experiments
stochastic. At diagnostic levels, where doses are low, sto- (Table 3) (5).
chastic effects are random and the odds of having any effect
are extremely low. A few people may experience an effect
from the radiation exposure, but this cannot be predicted. Acute Radiation Effects
Radiation risks from diagnostic imaging are considered to Acute ionizing radiation exposure is “harmless” at back-
be stochastic. Also, heredity effects and carcinogenesis are ground or diagnostic levels but is nonstochastic and harm-
considered to be stochastic (5). ful at high-dose levels. At or above approximately 0.5 Gy
Ionizing radiation at high doses causes certain specific
effects. Therefore, at certain doses, certain predictable
outcomes can be determined. These are called nonstochas-
LD50/30 Values for Different Species (5)
tic, or deterministic, effects. These effects are very predict-
able and range from blood and chromosome aberrations to Species LD50/30
radiation sickness to certain death, depending on the dose,
Cockroach 50 Gy (5,000 rad)
dose rate, age, immune capacity of an individual, and type Rabbit 8 Gy (800 rad)
of radiation exposure. Goldfish 7.5 Gy (750 rad)
For g- and x-ray radiation, exposure measured in grays Rat 6 Gy (600 rad)
and sieverts (rads and rems) is equal; however, this is not true Mouse 4.5 Gy (450 rad)
Monkey 4.5 Gy (450 rad)
of neutron radiation or when the quality factor is greater than Human ∼2.5–4.5 Gy (250–450 rad)
1 for the conversion between rads and rems. Nonstochastic
Treatment required Reassurance Reassurance and Blood transfusion Consider bone Maintenance of Sedatives
hematologic surveillance and antibiotics marrow transplant electrolyte balance
Overall treatment plan None needed Observation Effective Therapy promising Palliative Palliative
Incidence of vomiting None 5% at 1 Sv (100 rem); 100% at 3 Sv (300 rem) 100% 100% 100%
50% at 2 Sv (200 rem)
Delay time prior to N/A 3h 2h 1h 30 min 30 min
Leading organ affected None Blood-forming tissue Blood-forming tissue Blood-forming tissue Gastrointestinal tract Central nervous system
Characteristic signs None Mild leukopenia Severe leukopenia; Severe leukopenia; Diarrhea; fever; Convulsions; tremor;
hemorrhage; hair loss infections; erythema electrolyte ataxia; lethargy
above 3 Sv (300 rem) imbalance
Critical period N/A N/A 4–6 wk 4–6 wk 5–14 d 1–48 h
after exposure
Prognosis Excellent Excellent Good Guarded Hopeless Hopeless
Incidence of death None None 0%–80% 80%–100% 90%–100% 90%–100%
Cause of death N/A N/A Hemorrhage and infection Hemorrhage and infection Circulatory collapse Respiratory failure and
brain edema
Staging of Acute Radiation Syndromes (5)
Phase Description
Prodromal (“running before”) Signs and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; hair loss above 3 Gy (300 rad);
skin erythema above 6 Gy (600 rad)
Latent Period of no signs or symptoms
Manifest Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea return; hematologic syndrome; gastrointestinal syndrome;
central nervous system syndrome; signs and symptoms return to prodromal levels or worse
Recovery If good treatment is provided and the affected individual received less than a 10-Gy (1,000-rad)
dose, recovery is possible after the manifest phase
(50 rad), acute effects are predictable and follow a linear lens of the eye can cause formation of cataracts. At lower
path. Some chromosome aberrations may be seen under a doses, damage is similar to senile cataracts but is less severe.
microscope at or below 0.5 Gy (50 rad), but no clinical Another possible chronic stochastic effect is shortening of
symptoms have been found to manifest from this observa- the life span. Although there is no conclusive evidence of
tion. However, this can be used as a bioassay technique such, it is theorized in some literature (8).
years after an acute exposure. Table 4 shows the generally As a stochastic effect, leukemia has been associated with
accepted acute effects and symptoms these dose ranges can chronic radiation exposure at doses as low as 50–100 cGy
be expected to manifest (8). There are sequelae of acute (50–100 rad). Between 100 and 500 cGy (100–500 rad),
ionizing radiation exposure from which certain well- there is a linear correlation between dose and leukemia
defined syndromes can be expected (Table 5) (5).
In radiation therapy, acute nonstochastic effects of TABLE 6
radiation exposure include radiation fibrosis in the lung Average Annual Effective Dose Equivalent to a Member of
when normal lung tissue is exposed. Other tissues that show the U.S. Population (14,16)
effects are the kidney, brain, and spinal cord. Because tissue
Source Effective/whole-body dose
injury is known to occur if a certain threshold is exceeded,
there are well-established guidelines in radiotherapy to Average annual dose to 6.2 mSv (0.62 rem)
avoid exceeding a specific dose (12). U.S. population from all
Chronic Radiation Effects Radon & thoron 2.28 mSv (0.228 rem)
Conventional radiography & 0.33 mSv (0.033 rem)
Chronic effects of ionizing radiation exposure are primar-
ily stochastic. The chief concern is possible cancer induction. Computed tomography 1.47 mSv (0.147 rem)
However, noncancerous effects are possible, such as cataract Nuclear medicine 0.77 mSv (0.077 rem)
formation in the eye. This would be a possible stochastic Consumer products 0.13 mSv (0.013 rem)
chronic effect, with a probability that increases with in- Cosmic radiation 0.33 mSv (0.033 rem)
Terrestrial radiation 0.21 mSv (0.021 rem)
creasing dose. Radiation doses of 500–800 R directed at the