Food and Drug Interactions Notes
Food and Drug Interactions Notes
Food and Drug Interactions Notes
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3 authors, including:
Subhashis Debnath
The Assam Royal Global University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Subhashis Debnath on 02 May 2019.
Food & drug interactions result from medicines, reacting with food or beverages in the diet. Some drugs will not give expected effect if taken
with particular food. The food alters the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and therapeutic activity of the drug. Food-drug interactions may
lead to loss of therapeutic efficacy, toxicity or therapeutic failure. Pharmacists should give suggestions while taking certain foods.
Key Word: Food, drug, medicines, pharmacokinetics
Introduction: Food and drug interactions are frequently caused by chelation with
components in food. In addition, the physiological response to food
Drug Interaction:
intake in particular gastric acid secretions may reduce or increase the
Drug interaction is an interaction between a drug and some other bioavailability of certain drugs [2].
substance, such as another drug or a certain type of food, which prevents
the drug from working correctly. Adverse Food-Drug interactions:
• Prevents the therapeutic effect of a medicine.
• Make a side effect worse.
• Cause a new side effect.
Fig 1: Interaction of drug with another drug and food How Drugs React in the Body
In order to understand food/drug and drug/nutrient interactions, it is
important to understand how drugs work in the body. There are four stages
The drug, whose activity is affected by such interactions is called as of drug action for medicines administered orally:
the object drug, and the agent which precipitates such an interaction is
referred to as the precipitant. • Stage 1: The drug dissolves into a useable form in the stomach.
• Stage 2: The drug is absorbed into blood and is transported to its site
An interaction can either increase or decrease the effectiveness and/ of action.
or the side effects of a drug, or it can create a new side effect not seen
before. • Stage 3: The body responds to the drug and the drug performs its
Drug interactions include- • Stage 4: The drug is excreted from the body either by the kidney, liver,
1. Drug – drug interaction (eg: Ketoconazole interacts with antacids, or both [3].
decreases dissolution bioavailability)
2. Food – drug interactions (eg: Inhibition of metabolism of several Factors affecting the extent of interaction between food and drugs:
drugs by grape fruit juice) The impact of food and drug interactions depends on a variety of
3. Chemical – drug interactions (eg: Interaction of a drug with alcohol, intervening factors like:
tobacco or environmental chemicals) • Dosage of the drug.
4. Drug – disease interactions (eg: Worsening of disease condition by • Sex.
the drug) • Person’s age.
Food-drug interaction is defined as alteration of pharmacodynamics • Size or weight of the person.
or pharmacokinetics of a drug or nutritional element or a compromise in • State of the health.
nutritional status as a result of the addition of the drug [1]. • Time of the drug taken.
*E-mail: [email protected]
Spironolactone Delayed gastric emptying permits Take with food. Sleeping Pills, Never take with alcohol. Caffeine increases
dissolution and absorption, bile may Tranquilizers anxiety and reduce drug’s effectiveness.
solubilize the drug. Benzodiazepines
Protein rich Carbidopa Decreases Bradycardia, Safety: Better to avoid caffeine rich foods or drinks [11].
foods Levodopa concentration & Hypotension, 10. Fruit Juices:
Theophylline efficacy. Broncho-
constriction. When fruit juices or vegetables are taken with some drugs pharma-
cokinetic activity takes place in stomach. Here, drug-phytochemical
Safety: Don’t suddenly stop taking a beta blocker without talking to your interaction takes place as therapeutic failure is less but more adverse
doctor. If you stop a beta blocker suddenly, you can get chest pain, an events will take place. Different juices interact with different drugs.
irregular heartbeat, or a heart attack. Your doctor might tell you to decrease
I. Grape Juice: Grape fruit juice and drug interactions are well known
your dose gradually.
interactions as compared to the other nutrients. However, its influence
7. Fibre Rich Foods: (Wheat bran, Oat bran, Rolled oats, Sunflower on all drugs is not known. Grape fruit juice blocks cytochrome-P450 and
seeds, Coconut shreds, Raisins, Bran muffins, green peas, beans) IA2 (CYP3A4 and CYP1A2) in intestinal area. This juice should not to be
When fibre rich foods reacts with Digoxin, Amoxicillin, Levothyroxine, taken with certain blood pressure-lowering drugs or cyclosporine for the
TCAs (Doxipine & Desipramine), fibre binds to the drug in the gut. Then prevention of organ transplant rejection. The reason is that grapefruit
the absorption of drug will be delayed. juice can cause higher levels of those medicines in the body, making side
effects from the medicine more likely. The juice can also interact to cause
Safety: Avoid ingesting high fibre foods concomitantly with the drugs higher blood levels of the anti-anxiety medicine Buspar (buspirone); the
mentired. antimalarial drugs Quinerva or Quinite (quinine); and Halcion (triazolam), a
8. Alcohol: Alcohol affects body processes and interacts with many medication used to treat insomnia. Excessive ingestion of grapefruit juice
drugs. Alcohol is a drug that interacts with almost every medications, increases the bioavailability of lovastatin, atorvastatin and simvastatin by
especially antidepressants and other drugs that effect the brain and 1400, 200 and 1500%, respectively. This may lead to drug accumulation
nervous system. For example, taking alcohol with metranidazole can cause and the possible development of adverse effects. The components which
flushing, headache, palpitations, nausea and vomiting. Foods contain active lead to all such negativite reactions in grapefruit juice are defined as
substances that interact against certain medications and can produce naringin, naringenin, furanokumarin, bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen) and
unexpected or adverse effects. Pharmacist can give the information of flavonoids [7,11-13].
such interactions to the patients. II. Drugs With Grape Fruit Juice (GFJ) Gives Many Adverse Effects:
5.Immuno GFJ inhibits the Elevated risk of Chocolate: MAO inhibitors are just one category of drugs that
suppresants: CYP3A4 mediated nephrotoxicity shouldn’t be consumed with excessive amounts of chocolate. The
Tacrolimus, metabolism. caffeine in chocolate can also interact with stimulant drugs such as Ritalin
Sirolimus (methylphenidate), increasing their effect, or by decreasing the effect of
Cyclosporine sedative-hypnotics such as Ambien (zolpidem)
6.Opioids: GFJ inhibits the Elevated risk of Role of Pharmacist In Prevention Of Drug-Food Interactions:
Oxycodone, CYP3A4 mediated respiratory depression Pharmacists in every practice setting need to be vigilant in monitoring
Fentanyl, Alfentanil metabolism. for potential drug-food interactions and advising patients regarding foods
7. Benzodiapezine: Inhibits the Excessive sedation or beverages to avoid when taking certain medications. It is imperative
Diazepam, Midazolam metabolism of and amnesia for pharmacists to keep up-to-date on potential drug-food interactions
Triazolam benzodiazepines. of medications, especially today’s new drugs, so that they may counsel
properly. In providing drug information to patients, pharmacists often
8. Selective Inhibits the Increased risk of
discuss potential side effects and how the medication should be taken.
Serotonin Reuptake metabolism of SSRIs. serotonin syndrome
It is important to provide information to patients on when to take their
Inhibitors (SSRIs):
medications in relation to food intake.
Fluoxetine, sertraline
The following information can be given to the patients while
Safety: Should not take grape juice with certain blood pressure dispensing the medicine.
lowering drugs or cyclosporine. Avoid drinking grapefruit juice when • Read the prescription label on the container. If you do not understand
taking the following drugs: Calcium channel blockers, Opioids, Selective something or think you need more information, ask your physician or
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Oral contraceptives, Immunosuppresants, pharmacist.
Anafranil, Buspar, Cardizem, Cordarone/Pacerone, Crixivan, Cyclosporine,
• Read directions, warnings and interaction precautions printed on
Halcion, Invirase, Lipitor, Mevacor, Nimotop, Norvasc, Plendil, Procardia,
all medication labels and package inserts. Even over-the-counter
Prograf, Quinidine, Rapamune, Sporanox, Sular, Tegretol, Valium, Verapamil,
medications can cause problems.
Versed, Xanax, Zocor [11].
• Take medication with a full glass of water.
Other Fruit Juices Interaction: • Do not stir medication into your food or take capsules apart
(unless directed by your physician). This may affect the efficacy of
Table 10: Examples of some of fruit juices reacts with different
drugs & their ADR
• Do not take vitamin pills at the same time you take medication. Vitamins
JUICE DRUG MOA ADR and minerals can interact with some drugs.
• Do not mix medication into hot drinks because the heat from the drink
Apple juice Flexofenadine AJ inhibits Diminished
may destroy the effectiveness of the drug.
(AJ) Cyclosporine OAPT (Organinc therapeutic
Aliskiren Anion Transport efficacy. • Never take medication with alcoholic drinks.
Polypeptide) and • Be sure to tell your physician and pharmacist about all medications
decreases the you are taking, both prescription and nonprescription.
absorption of drug. • Check with the pharmacist on how food can affect specific medications
taken with the food.
Letter to Editor at affordable prices to masses. The Government supports this scheme
financially. Rs. 2.50 lakh is provided as grant with drug and sufficient
Call to Pharmacy Teachers for Inspiring Students to open profit margin. This scheme is also available on PCI website for
Pharmacy encouraging Pharmacists to start their own retail drug generic store.
Community Pharmacy is the best option before a pharmacy pass-out Till date, only around 400 stores were opened. Further, Government
student to earn better livelihood, with respect and dignity. At the same time, has targeted opening of 6000 stores. Opening of a Pharmacy where
the enactment of ‘Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015’ is an additional pharmacist can provide their professional services to masses. Why not
tool for establishing the important role of pharmacist among masses. Due 6000 pharmacists come ahead by submitting their applications within
to absence of proper counselling during student life, pharmacy students this month to BPPI?
are in dilemma and search job after passing. Sometimes the miscreants In view of above, I appeal our pharmacy teachers to inspire their pass-
misguide them, to get their registration on lending. Running a Pharmacy out students /unemployed pharmacists to open their own drug store by
is the best option before such pass-out students. utilising the current government scheme.
In this regard it is interesting to note that our Union Government
Dr. R. N. Gupta
has notified ‘Jan Aushadhi Generic Medicine Scheme’ through BPPI.
Accordingly, the government has decided to launch a country wide Ex Vice-President, IPA & Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical
Jan Aushadhi Campaign for ensuring availability of quality medicines Sciences & Technology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi.