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APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNisiore - 2014 = 360540 NORMA EUROPEA UN nie Nazionale taiane « Uniteazione Via anni, 2 20137 Mian, sia Prove di qualificazione dei saldatori Saldatura per fusione Parte 1: Acciai Qualification testing of wees Fusion welding Pat Stools La norma specifica | requisiti per la prova di qualificazione del saidator per la saldature per fusione degli acciai e fornisce un insieme di regole tecniche per una prova di quallica sistematica del saidatore consentencia che le qualificazion| cosi oitenute siano uniiormemente accettste Indipendentemonte dal tipo ci prodotto, dal luogo © dall'esamninatore o dal'organismo d'esame. | procedimanti di saldatura cul fa riterimonto 'a norma sono quelli per fusione manuall © semiauiomatic! ¢ non trette | procediment) aulomatici o (otalmente meccanizzall TESTO INGLESE La presente norma @ la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN ISG 9606-1 (adizione ottobre 2013), La prosante norma sostituisco la UNI EN 287-1 :2012 ICS 03,100.30; 25.160.10 oun ‘iprodurione ett. Tut | dil sono stall Nessuna parte dol presents documento pub ease iprodttao dts con un mezzo quali, otccpie, microti o ato, serza ‘oonsenso sertto de UNI mwoeeom UNI EN ISO 9606-1 NOVEMBRE 2013 wi (nt Bvigo 9606-12013,(ABAVE ‘TALIA OPM SRL ‘UNistore -2014- 360540 PREMESSA NAZIONALE La presente norma costituisce iI recepimento, in lingua inglese, dalla norma europea EN ISO 9606-1 (edizione ottobre 2013), che assume costo status df norma nazionale Italiana. La presente norma @ stata elaborala solto la cumpetenza delle Corimissione Tecnica UNI Saldature La presente norma ® steta ratificata dal Presidente dell UNI ed & ‘entrata afar parte del corpo normativo nazionale 21 novembre 2013. LLenorme UN sono slaborais careand oi tnere corto dol punt cl vstadl use part ‘nloressete 2 i concilera ogni espatio conflttuale, per ranpresertre il reale stato dalfane data materla ed il nocessaro credo dl coneenso, ‘Chiunque nionasss, « sequita deYapplizazions of questa norma, di poerfornite sug- ‘ovimant per un syo migloramenio 0 par un suo a¢aguanerto ad sno slto dears in schuzone & progto a invest ops contribu all UN), Ente NavionaleItszno ai Unieazione, chal train considerations per eventnlsrevsone dela nome sts La nome UN sono revslnat, quando nensssaro conta auteieazone dl nuor elon o ‘Sagglmament importante pertnto cho gl ulizzatori della class el eccartino dl asseroinpascacco at'utima oilione © gl eventual aggiomament Stinvéana iota gl ulltzatoria vorfeare fasistenza dincrmo UNI eorrspandanl ale norms EN o180 ove este nal ferent! aormati. wi UN ER ISO 8606-12013 eu PagalASAVE ITALIA CPM SAL UNIstore - 2018 = 360540 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 9606-1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM October 2013 18 09.100.36, 25.16040 Superendes EN 267-12011 Englch Version Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels (ISO 9606-1:2012 including Cor 1:2012) Epraune de quatication des sows -Soudage par Pritung von Sct» Schmlzctitny Tat | fusion - Pan f: Acars 190 BO0E-7 2012. Car 12012 ot ‘iat (180 8605-1-2012 + Gor 1.2012) ‘Gor 22013 inoue} “ This Ewcpean Standard wan npproved by CEN on 8 August 2012, GEN members ste buns to comp wih ste CENICENELEC Inemal Regultions which stputate te conditions fo: ving is Europon ‘Seanad ha stat OF ction Stontard without any alwaor. Up-te-dote isis ana NULOgrapHcalrlerences Concemung such Maton! “Sanderds rey be dotted on aoplcabin fa lhe CEN CENELES Nanegement Cesie of to ery CEM menber This Euroonan Standard extn thie ofl versions (Enis Fiench. Genran). A version in uny oie language rei by transition ander fresponsibiy of CEN morrber io ls Gwn larguage and role tots CEN-CENELEC Managemen! Cone has same Sausas hota versions “CEN mambars aroha nena sandndh bodies of Austha, Bolg, Sugar, Crate, Cyprus, Canch Republi, Dorma, Estonia, Finland, Former Yujedav Rapublc of Micacona, France, Gamany, Grescs, Hongary,loland, lad, Kay, Lana, Lihuana, Linemeiourg, Mata, Nathan, Noway, Poland, Potupal, Romania, Slavakia Stovenia, Spats, Sweden, Swinarnns, Tutbey ard Lied Kingdom a! EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROFEEN DE NORMALISATION HUROTAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG CEN-CENELEC Maragement Centr: Avenue Marnix 1%, 8-1000 Brussols ©2013CEN At pgs et explain in any form and by any mess rabervad Ff, No. EN 1S0 9608-1.2013:E ‘sorgwede for CEN national Wermoers DUNIEN 150 9608-12013,ADAVE ITALIA CPM SL UNIsiore -2014 - 360540. EN ISO 9606-1:2013 (E) Contents = Page a ease Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC .naninenstn lita ses LUN EN iso 8606-1:2013APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNIstow - 2014 - 380840 EN ISO 9606-12013 (E) Foreword = —- ‘The toxt of ISO 9608-1:2012 including Cor 1:2012 has been propered by Technical Committe ISO/TC 44 "Welding and allied processas" of the intormational Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has boon takon ‘over as EN 180 €808-{:2013 by Technical Committes CENITC 121 "Welding" the socrotariat of which is held byDIN. ‘This European Standard shall be given the slatus of a national standard, either by publication of an identical toxt or by andoraement, at the latest by April 2014, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn et the latest by Octobor 2016. Attention is drawn to the possbbilty that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC} shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ‘This document supersedes EN 297-1:2011, ‘This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Assocation, and supports essential fequlraments of EU Directive(s), For relationship wih EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document. According fo the GEN-GENELEG internal Reguiatons, tne rational standards organizations of ie following Counires are Bound to implement this European Standard: Austta, Belgium, Bulgeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Gzach Republic, Denmark, Estonie, Finland, Former Yugosiav Republic of Macedona, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceard, ireland, tay, Latvia, Lthuanta, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovekia, Slovenie, Spain, Sweden, Switzertand, Turkey and the Unitad Kingdom. Endorsement notice ‘Tha text of [SO 9606-1:2012 including Cor 1:2012 has been approved by CEN as EN |SO 9606-1:2013 without any modification. UNI EN Iso.aan6-1:2013‘APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL LNistore 2014 - 360540, EN ISO 9606-1:2043 (E) Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC ‘This European Standard has been prepared under @ mandate glven to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trace Association to provide a means of coniorming to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Directive 97/23/EC. Once this standard is cited In the Offical Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has heen Implemented 2s 2 national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses of this stendard givan in tabla ZA’ confars, within the limits of the scope of this sianderd, @ presumption of Conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associatad EFTA reguiations. Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 97/23!EC ——E—E—E=E—E—E—E——_—O Cteuoo(eyaut-clauses) of his | Essent! Requirements (ERs) | uaifying remarhsitotes of Directive 97/23/EC Clauses 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10,11 Annex |, 3.1.2 | Permanant joining WARNING — Other requirements and olher EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard. UN EN is0.9606-1:2018,‘APAVE ITALIA COM SRL UNistore -2014 - 380840 UNI EN 180 9606-12013 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 9606-1 ‘Second edlion 2012.07-15 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels Epreuve de qualitcetion des soudeurs — Soudage par fusion Partie 1: Aciars Roferance number 180 9608-1:201216) e1s0.2012APAVE ITALIA OPM SRL Unistors “2014 - 360540 ISO 9606-1:2012(E) AN COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ts02m2 ‘Al rights reserved, Unis ctteruss spactied, ro part of this publcation may be reraduced cr ulzag in any fom oF by eny mears, faucfonlc or mecnanies, cling phctocopyng abd microfim, winaut pansion m wring flor einer ISO a Me address below oF 160 mereor bedyin tie country oft rosuestr 180 copyightomce Case poste 58 + 04-1211 Ganeva 20 ‘Tol +44 22 7400114 Foe +41 227590947 E-mail Web walee. ubishsd in Swizerand i ©1S0.2012— Al dats reserved UNIEN so 906-t:2013APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNIstare - 2014 - 350840 Annex A (informative) Welder’s qualification test certificate. Annex 8 (informative) Job knowledge: Annex C (informative) FWIBW test essembly option .. Bibliograph ‘Scope... Normative references... Terms and definitions... Reference numbers, symbols and abbroviated terms.. Goneral, e Reference numbers of welding processes. Symbols and abbroviated terms. Essential variables and range of qualificatior General Welding processes. Product type. ‘Type of weld... Filler material grouping, Filler material type Dimensions .. Examination and testing... Examination ‘Test pleces Welding conditions Acceptance requirements for test pleces Rotests., Confirmation of the validity. Revalidation of welder qualification Revocation of qualification... Welder's qualification test certificate... Designate ©1S0 2012 Al dghtsrserved ii UNEEN ISO 9506-12073,APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNistore - 2014 = 360540 'S0 9806-1:2012(E) Foreword - 180 (the International Organization for Standardization) ie @ worldwide federation of national standards bocios ('SO member bodies). Tho work of preparing intematonal Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body inlerested In a subject for which a technical committas has been ‘established hes the right to be repmsontad on thal committos. intorations) organizalions, governmental snd non-govemmontal, in liaison with SO, algo take part In the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commissien (IEC) on all matters o! elactotechnical standardization, International Standards are drafted In accordanes with tho rules given in the ISQNEC Directives, Part 2. ‘The main task of technical committees Io. to prepare Interaticnal Standerds, Draft Intemational Standards ‘adopted by the technical committees aro crovlsied to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard caquires approval by at least 75 % of the mambor bodies casting a vote. ‘Attention is drawn to the possibilty thal some of the slements cf this document may be the subject of patent tights. ISO shall not be held responsibia for identifying any or all such patent rights. 150 9606-1 was prepared by Technical Commitiee ISO/TC 44, Welding and ailled processes, Subcommitice SC 11, Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel. ‘This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO $866-1;1894), which has been technically rovised, It ziso incomporaies the Amendment ISO 9608-1:1994/And,1:1988, 180 9606 consists of the following parts, under the general tte Qualification (esting of welders— Fusion welling: — Part 1: Stats Part 2:Aluminiam and aturninium alloys = Part 3: Copper and copper alloys — Part4: Nickel and nickel alloys — Part &: Titanium and titanium toys, zirconium and zirconium aloys Requests for official interpretations of any aspact of tis part of [SO 9606 should bes directed to the Secretariat cof ISO/TC 44/SC 11 via your national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at wn iso.ora. wv ©160.2012~ At ignts saved LUNEN #80 oa06-12018‘APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL [UNitare - 2014 - 960540 ISO 9608-1:2012(E) Introduction ~ The abilty of a woider to follow verbat or written instructions and verifcalion of a person's skills are important factors in ensuring the quality of the welded product. ‘The testing of 2 weider’s skill ly accordance with this Intemational Standard depends on the weldng techniques and conditions used, in which uneform rules are complied with and standard test pieces ae used, ‘The principle of this Intemational Standard js that a qualification test qualites a welder not only for the conditions used in the test, but also for all otter conditions which ate considered easier to weld in accordance: ‘vith this Intemational Standard. 1 iS presumed that the welier nas recetved training and/or nas idusiial [practice win the range of qualification. . ‘The qualification test can ve used to quali a welding procedure and @ welder provided that ail the relevant requirements, @.9. !ast piece dimensions and testing requirements are satisfied (see ISO 15614-11"1)), A new qualifications shal be in accordance wth each part of this Intemational Standard from its date of sue. ‘At the end of ts period of validly, existing qualification tests of welders in accordance with the requirement of @ national standard may be revalidated according to this Intemational Standard. This is providing that the fochnical intent of this Intemational Standard is satisfied. It is necessary for the new range of qualification to ba interpreted In accordance with the requiremants of this Intemational Standard, (©180.2912—Al gts served v UNI EN 80 9506-12019,‘APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNIsiore - 2014 - 360640 LUNEEN 1S0:9606-1:2018APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNietors — 2014 380540 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels 4 Scope ‘This part of [SO 9606 specifies the requirements (or qualification testing of welders for fusion welding of stovis, N promdes @ set of technical rules for a systematic qualification test of the welder, and enables such qualifications ta be uniformly accepted indapendantly of the type Of product, location and examiner or ‘examining body. ‘When quailying welders, the emphasis is placed on the welder’s abil manually to manipulate the electrode, welling torch oF wekiing blowpipe, thereby producing s weld of acceptable quality. ‘The welding processes reterred to in this part of iSO 9606 include those fusson-welding processes whic? are Sesignated as manual or partly mechanized welding. Ik does not cover fully mechanized and eutomated welding processes, NOTE Forsuch processes, see 150 147321. 2. Normative references The following referenced documents are indisponsable for the application of this document. For dated references. only the adition cited applies. For undated references. the latest editon of tho referenced document (including sny amendments) applies, 1S0 857-1, Welding and alied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: Metal wekding processes 180 3834-2, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements 180 3834-3, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metalic materials — Pad 3- Standard quailty roquirements 180 4063, Wetcing and alted processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers 180 5173, Destrucave tests on welds in metalic matariats — Bend tests 1808817, Welding — Fusion-welded joinis in steel, nickel, Manium and thelr alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality avels fo imperfections 180 6947, Welding and alled processes — Welding positions 180.9017, Destructive tests on waits in matalc materials — Fracture test ISOITR 15608, Welding — Guidelines for & metalic material grouping system 180 18609-1, Speoiteation and qualiication of welding procedures for metalic matariais— Welding procedure specification — Prt t. Arc welsing ©180 2012 A ote rarer 4 Uni EN ISO 9508-12013,‘APAVE ITALIA OPM SRL UNistore -2014 - 360640 1S0 9606-1:2012(E) (SO 18609-2, Speciteation and qualification of welding procedures for metalic materiels— Welding procedure specication — Part 2: Ges welding 180 17696 (all parts), Non-destuctive festing of wads — Radiographic testing |80 17637, Non-dostructive Testing of weds — Visual testing of fusion-weided joints ISOITR 25901:2007, Welding and related processes — Vocabulary 3. Terms and definitions For tha purposes of this part of 1S0 8600, the following terms and definitons apply. a4 wolder ‘persion who holds and manipulates the electrode holder, welding torch or biowpipe by hand [SOIR 25901-2007, 2.428} 32 manufacturer person or organization responsible for the wetciny production (80 18607:2003,0'213.23} 33 examiner ‘parson appointed to verify compliance with the applicable standard NOTE In conn casas, an extemal indepandent examiner can be required. (SOMTR 25901-2007, 2.1181 a4 aiming body ‘organization appointed to verify compliance with the applicable standard NOTE nceriain cases. an axisral independent examining body can be required {SO/TR 25901-2007. 2.120) 38 ‘materia! backing backing using material for the purpose of supporting molten wold metal 36 {gas backing backing using gas primanly for the purpose of preventing oxidation 37 flux backing backing using tux primariy for the purpose of preventing oxidation NOTE In submerged arc wekfing, Mux backing may also reduce the risk of@ weld poo! colapon. 38 ‘consumable insert filer material that is placed at the rool of the joint before welding to be completaly fused Into the root 2 (2180 2012- All gt resarved UNI EN 160 98084-2913‘APAVE [TALIA CPM SRL. UNisiore -2014 - 380540 39 layer sifalum of weld metal conssing of one or more ns {SO/TR 25901:2007,2209} 310 root run root pass {multhlayer welding) runis) ofthe first iayer deposited in the roo. USOMTR 25901:2007, 2.310] ait filling run, (tut-layer welding) run(s} deposited alter the root run(s) and before the capping run(s) {ISO/TR 25001:2007, 2.133] 342 capping run (multi-layer welding) run{s) visible on the weld taco(s) alter completion of weiding liSo”TR 25901:2007, 2.57] 313 ‘oposited thickness ihiexness of he wed metal excluding any rwinforcement 314 letward wetding {gas welding tectinique in which the flor fod is mover avead of the blowpipe in relation 10 the welding cirection [ISOMTR 25901:2007, 2.210) 315 fightward welding (985 welding technique in which the filler rod is moved behind the Biowpipe in relation to the welding directon {SOMTR 25901:2007, 2.302) 3.46 branch joint joint of one or more tubular parts to the main pipe or to a shell aa7 fillet weld {fangular weld In a square preparation lor making a TYoint, cornerjoint or lap joint {ISOPTR 25901:2007. 2,131] ae verification confirmation, through the provision af objective evidence, that specified requirements have bean fulfilad [SO 9000:2005, 13.8.4) (2150 2012 — At rghte raeorved 3 ‘UNI ENISO 9608-12073,APAVE ITALIA OPM SR. UNistore - 2014 - s60540 180 9000-1.2012(5) 4 Reference numbers, symbols and abbreviated terms 41° General “The following abbreviations “and reference numbers shall be used when completing the welder’s qualification test cartiicate (see Annex A), 42. Reference numbers of welding processes This part of 1S0 9808 covers the following manual or party mechanized welding processes (roferance humbers of welding processes for symbolle repraseniations are listed in |SO 4083): 411 manual motalare wetding 114 self shletded tubular corad are welding 121 submerged are welding with solid wire elactrode (partly mechanized) “ .ctrode (partly machanized) 425 sutmarged are walding with tubular cored 131 MIG welding with solid wire electrode 135 MAG woiding with solid wire electroda 138 MAG welding with flux cored electrode 188 MAG welding with motal cored electrode 141 TIG walding with solid filer material (wire/rod) 442. autogenous T'G welding 143° TIG walding with tubular cored filler matarial (wire/rod) 745 TIG walding using reducing gas and sold filler material (wireirod) 15 plasma arc welding 311 oxyacetylene welding ‘See ISO/TR 25901 and 180 857-1 for the defhition of manual and pertly mechanized welding. NOTE The principles o this part of SO 8606 can be apple to other fusion welding processes. 43. Symbols and abbraviated terms 4.3.1 For test pleces 2 design toat thickness BW butt wold D outside pire dierneter FW filet wold 1; angth of test place Jz halewidth of ost piace ‘——_exarrination lenath Po plate : deposited thickness or fused metal thickness in butt welds ' material thicievess of test piece (plate or wall thickness) 4 9180 2012— ALvights reserved UUNIEN 150 9805-12013APAVE ITALIA CPMSRL UNistore - 2014 - 360540 ry deposited thickness of test piece for welding process 1 deposited thickness of test piece far waging process 2 v pipe!) : Jog length of filst weld 43.2 For filler materials fom no filer material The symbol for type of covering oF core is based on Wose giver) In vanous Intemational Siandards on filer rmateriats, 03 rutile basic covering 10 cellulosic covering 11 cellulosic covering 12 pute covering 13, ule covering 14 rule + ton powaer covering 15 basic covering 18 basic covering 18 basic + ran powtler covering 19 limenite covering 20 ron oxide covering 24 natlle + ron gowder covering 27 ton exide + kon powder covering 28 basic + iron powder covaring 45 basic covering 48 basic covering A acid covering 8 basic covering or electrode core — basic c caliulosic covering R rutte covering or electrode core — rutllo, siow-freazing slag RA rutile — acid covering RB rutile —basic covering RC nulle — celtlosic covering RR nutlle— thick covering 1) The word ‘pps’, alone of In combination, jn sad to mean "pipe, “tube” er “holow seetlon’ ©1550 2012 AN rghte reserved 5 Mt EN iSO 9606-42019,(APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNisiore - 204 - 360540 15a agas.1:2042¢F) N
25 mm cover welds in plates; ')_ test piece welds in plates cover welds in fixed pipe of outside pipe ckameter D2 600 mm; In accordance with Tables 9 and 10. ©} test piece welds in plates covar welds In rotating pipes of outside pipe diameter D2 75 mm for welding positions PA, PB, PC, and PD; In accordance with Tables ® and 10. 8 160 2012 Aight roaarvad ‘UN EW 180 9605.172019APAVE ITALIAGPM SRL UNisiora - 2014 350540 5.4 Type of weld ‘The qualification test shall be carried ou! as but! or fitet welding. The following erterta are applicable 18) Butt wolds caver but welds in any tyne of joint excep! branch connections [see also ¢)). 1b) Butt welds do not qualify filel welds or vice versa. il is, however, permissible to qualify a Met weld in Combination witha butt weld, e.¢. single bevel joint preperation with permanent material backing (a ‘minimum test piace thickness of 10 mm shall be usad), See Annex C. For this combinaton test. al testing requirements spacified in (hls part of ISO 9608 shall be fuififad and associated ranges of quaification shall bs given based on the tast condtions. 6) Butt welds in pipas qualify branch jonts with an angie 280" and the same range of qualification as in Tables 1 to. 12. For a branch weld, the range of qualification is based on the outside diameter of tho branch, 4) For applications where the typa of wold cannot be qualified by means of either 2 but or filet or for branch connections of less than 80°, a specific last place should be Used fo qualify the welder, whan specified (e.g, by tha product standard), 2) Butt welds may qualify filet welds if @ supplementary filat wold test piece (eee Figure 3) is welded with ‘each process, filer material (FM) group and slectrede covering/core, in accordance wih Tables 3, 4, ‘and 5. The test piece shall be af least 10mm thick, or tha thicknosa of the butt weld tes! pece if Ihe thickness is less, and compietad using @ single layer in the PS position. For this supplementary test, the \weider shall be qualified for af filot walcs as given for the butt weld qualification variables ceiated to the ‘range of qualification for filet welds (e.g. Tables 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12). Fillet weld positions PA and P8 are qualified by this test 5.5. Filler material grouping 554 Ganoral ‘The qualification test shall bo carred out with filer material frorn one of the groups listed in Table 2. When walding with filer materials autsida tha filer material grouping in Table 2, = separate testi required ‘The parant material used in a qualilicetion test should be from any suitable material from ISO/TR 15608, ‘material groups 410 11. 55.2 Range of qualification Filer material groups are defined in Table 2. ‘Table 2— Filler material grouping Group Filler material for welding of Examples of applicable standards FMI |Nowalloy and fine grain reels ISO 2560, 1SO 1436791180 6361180 14171, 80 1763200 ua [High-stronath sieoie ISO 48276,8111S0 16834, 180 26304,25 ISO 187767 FM [Crosp-reseting staalo Cr ¢ 478 % [SO 9586,511S0 21962179 ISO 24508, 180 1763410 FMA [Greep-renating steals 3,75 2Cr2 12% [SO S580,A1NSO 2705219 150 24508.4 180 17694" FMS [Stainiose and heat-rasialing stents 10 356%,411S0 143431150 1763902 FMS [Nickel and niekal aloys 180 14172,01 150 1227471 (2 1S0 2012 Al rights tesorvod a Uns EN 180 0608-12019APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNistore - 2014 - 360540 180 9606-4:2012(E) Welding with a Mlor material nono group qualifies tie weidor for welding with all other filler materials within tha same group, 2s wel 2s other groups, listed hn Table 3, and welding on parent materials from groups 1 toi, ‘Table 3 — Range of qualification for filer material Indicates those fiter matorials for which the welier is quaifed. = _Indloatts these filer materlais for which the welder is not qualified. 5.6 Filler material type ‘Wolding with filer material qualifies for welding without filer material, but not vice versa, note | For processes 142 and 311 (without filer material), the parent matarial group used i the test Is the material (OUP thatthe welder qualified for “The ranges of qualification for lier material type are given in Tables 4 and 5. ‘Table 4— Range of qualification for covered electrodes* Range of qualification Dovetewaing | — Ta Rane RA se 03,13, 14.19,20,28.27 | 16,16,18,20,45,48 | 10,11 A RA RB AGRA 03,13, 4, 10,26, 24,27 . = = 2 " 15.18, 18, 28, 45,48 . . - t c 10.11 ~ = x % Inleatee have [ilar material typos for which the welder Is qualified, —_inicates those tne material types for which tha welder Is not qualfied = Forabbrevaiors, oa 432 * The pe of coving vend ln the qialiiceton tet of welders for root run waiSng wahout bascg (88 nb) sth typ of covering sled fo reat har welding in prcuion with no backing ss). 10 ©1S0.2012-All¥ghts reserved UNI EN ISO Se06-t-2013APAVE ITALIA GPM SRL UNistore—2014 - 360540 180 9606-1:2012(E) ‘Table 5 — Range of qualification for filler material types’ Fillo material typas used in test piece Regret queltcaiios s M B RPMWY.Z Sad wire secede, od (3) x * = = Nets cored electrode, rod iM) * * = = Flux cored elecirode, rad (8) = = x x Flux cored ebocrode, rod (RP. V, W.Y. 2) = = = r x incaes those ler materet types Tor which ine walder is quained |—_icicates those fiver material types for which the weldar is not quaifiad. = Farattirevavons, 108492, > The type of fax cored wie used in te qualifcation test of welcers for roa run wating whout backing (4, nb} = he type of fa ova ir aualifed fr eat run wedng in production wih no booting (8, Na). 57 Dimensions ‘The welder qualification tost of butt welds is besed on the deposited thickness and outside pipe diameters, ‘Tae ranges cf qualification are specified in Tables 6 and 7. Its nok intended thet deposited thickness or outside pipe diameters should be measured precisely, but rather Ihe general philosophy behind the values given in Tables 6 and 7 should be applied. For filet welds, the rarge of qualification for material thicknesses is specified in Table 8. For test pieces of ditterent outside pips diameters and deposited thicknesses, the welder is qualified for: — the thinnest through to the thickest deposited and/or parent metal thickness qualified; and — the smaligst tnrough to the largest diameter qualified (refer io Tables 6 and 7), ‘Table 6 — Range of qualification of depositad thickness for butt welds, Dimensions in mires Deposited thickness of teat piece Range of qualification®* Ter 3 wae ihre real Bsr<12 32% ne Fal Feige procans ad the same typeof Kier earls aqua parenteral For eancn ont, ro cange of quacaton for deposted icine: — loreeron branch, see, foraxamyie, Figure 13) ha doposted thickness of the branch, — forsetincougn and setin tranches, sea, for exansia, Figure? b) and) the deposed tricknesso! fs main pps or shel = Fes emyacatyane wang (381) 101 Se + Foe oxyacanpane watang (971) 3 to tr + Te tot ooce at bn waked in a tat 3 layers |! Fert procamses. 1 Re depoalad icknees for aach proces (8180 2012 A rights reserved 4 [UN EN 80 9006.2 2093,APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNIsiore - 2014 - 360540 150 9605-1:2012() pa suey 12 jolt 2 i 2 4 )p | a) Seton b) Sotthrough ©) Setin outside pipe diarter deposited thickness or sad metal thickness In Butt Welds matorial thickness of test place (plate or wall thickness) branch main pips or shell Figure 1 —Branch types ‘Table 7 — Range of qualification for outside pipe dlameter mensions in ilimetres (Outside pipe dlamater of tost ploe = bt Gaainsci . Range of qualificati Deas | Dee D325 0,80 (26 mm min) 5 Fornen-creularholow sections, Dis the diversion ofthe srallr de, Table 9 — Range of qualification of material thickness for fillet welds Dimensions in mitimetres (Matoral thleknoes of test place 18 11021, 073, whichever is greater Be 23 Range of qualification © 180.2012 Al rghis reserved LUNI EN 1S0:9e06-1:2013APAVE ITALIA GPM SRL UNistore - 2014 360540 180 9606-1;2012(E) In the case of branch welding, the deposited thickness criteria to which Table 6 applies and the outside pe ameter criteria to which Table 7 apalies are as follows: — set-on’ the deposited thickness and outside pips diameter of the branch [see Figure 7 al), — sein or setthrough: the deposited thickness of the main pipe or shell and the outside pine diameter of the branch [see Figure 1 b) and c}} 5.8 Welding positions ‘The range of qualication for each welding postiion is given in Tables 9 and 10. The welding positions anc symbols reter to |SO 6947, ‘The test pieces shall be welded in accordance with the testing positions specified in ISO 6947, Welding two pipes with the same outside pipe dismeter, one in walding position PH and one in welding position PC, also covars the range of qualification of 3 pipe welded In welding positon L045 using upwerd welding, Welding two pipes with the same outside pipe diameter, one in welding position PJ and one in welding postion PC, aiso covers tha range of quatfication ofa pipe weded in welding position J-L045 using downward welding ‘Outside pipe diameters D 2 150 mm can be welded in two welding positions (PH or PJ 2/3 of clroumference, PC 1/9 of craumference) using only ane test piece. This test covers all postions for the direction of welding used in the test PC. PHP NOTE —Forwelding position symbols, refer to ISO 6947. Figure 2 — Outside pipe diameter 0 2 150 mm, positions (6180 2012 Al dghierazered 413 UNI EH Igo asee-12019,APAVE ITALIA GPM SRL UNistore - 2014 - 360540 #S0 9606-1:2012() Table § — Range of qualification for welding positions for butt welds ‘Range of qualiiction ‘Testing position pa | pe | le |e Ps ~-Fiat Horteontal Siena} Vere | voratcsi_| PA * = = : = Pe E = = = = PE (pate) * * = = = PF iplato) : = = : ~ PH (pipe) * = = 2 = FG (pala) = = =| * P.(oipe) * = ei = * FOS * « == = Hoa * x x = * NOTE Shoo 63 Js ndestes those woldng positions for which he welderie qualified JK _ndicates those woiding positions for which the welders not quattied, Table 10 — Range of qualification for welding positions for fillet welds Range of qualification Testing postion | pp Po Po PD Pe Pr Po Fint__| Horizontot | Horzontat | overticea | Overead | Verte up | Vertical down PA ° = = = = = = Pa ™ = = = = = = Es * = « = | - = = x = : er == PE (pate) % 5 - : = — 1 = PF (ple) = . = = = : = FH pipe) = x % * = = PS (ota) = | = = = = = . Pa pve) = x = x x | 5 NOTE Seo ano 63 fsb thove welding posilons tor which the welder is qualfied — _Inccwiae those weg potions for whish he welders not quaiiod 4 (6180 2012 — Al Haha reared LUNDEN 180 #808.1.2003,APAVE ITALIA GPM SRL UNéstore - 2014 - 350540 5.9 Weld details Depending an the weld details, the ranges of qualification are shawn in Tables 17 and 12. When woiding with process 311, a change from rightward welding to leftward welding, and vice versa, requires 2 new quaificaton test. Table 11 — Range of qualification for backings and consumable inserts, Range for qualification for backing and consumable Inverts ‘Tart conelition No. Material [Weldnatrem| Gas | Consumable] Fux backing | backing | ‘both sites backing Insert backing (5,nb)_ | (symo) bs) (ssigb) (2) (35.0) No backing (9=/nb) * . * * = . Nateral backing (5, = x x oa = = Wecing for bounsiges (os) | — * * = 7 = [Gas backing (8,00) = * * x = = [consumadie inser (2) = * x = z — Flos backing (28%) — * « — = * Indicates those condilons for which the walder is quai, — Indicates those coraliions Toe which the welder is nol qustifiod Table 12 — Range of qualificstion of layer technique for fillet welds Range of qualifieation? Test plece Multilayer Singie ayer rn (a) Sc | ¥ aye I : z cee ey wen or Wc he wae ua — inal tear chia fr wih he wari wo quad Pg ewig a pce erie Salpeter al eatin dia bp hacer wh Oe? > Wham waldae hae Bean guste ving 2 mull inye but weld and he or she makes th upploreriary Hist wold tat deccnbod in| 4) hace eho is alin fev both mu diol layer ile wie 6 Examination and testing 61 Examination “The welding of test pieces chal be witnessed by the examiner or examining body. The testing shall be verified by the examiner or examining body. The test pieces shall be marked with the identification of the examiner and the welder. Additionally, welding positions (or al test pieces shall be marked on the lest piece and, for fixed pppe welds, Ure 12 o'clock weiding position shall also be marked. (© 160 2012 AX rgnts reserved 415 LUMI EN 60 ge06-92089APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNistora -2014 « 360540 SO 9008-1:2012(E) ‘The examiner or examining body may stop the test ifthe welding conditions are not corect orf itappears that the welder does not nave the skil to fulfi the requirements, e.g, where there are excessive and/or systematic 6.2 Tost pieces ‘The shape and dimension of test pieces required! are shown in Figures 5 to 6. A minimum test piece length for plates of 200 mm is required; the examination length 8 159 mm. For pipe circumferences of less than 150 mm, additional test pieces will be required with a maximum of three test pieces. Diniensions tn rltimetres 205, 205 2200 Key material thickness of test piece Figura 3— Dimensions of test piece for a butt weld in plato 16 ©180 2012—Alrighteresorvod UUNIEN ISO 9805-12019APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL Unistors - 2014 - 360540 180 9606-1:2012(E) Dimensions in iltimaires 205. Key 1 maieralhicknoss of test piece NOTE The paren material can be of sissumvtar niches. Figure 4 — Dimensions of test piece for a fillet weld on piat Dimensions in milimetres Koy ‘D- oulsida pipe diameter 1 maseria thickness of test piece (wall hickness) Figure 5 — Dimensions of test pioce for a butt weld in pipe 2180 2012 Al ryt recone 7 UNI EN 80 908-2018APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNisiors - 2044 - 360540 150 9606-1:2012(E) Dimensions in mitimetes Key D outside pipe dameter 4) Tenth of test piece 1 material thickness of test pioee (plate or wall thieknees) NOTE “he parent material can be of cissiralior thickness forthe pipe and plate. , Figure 6 — Dimensions of test plece for a fillet wold on pipe 6.3 Welding conditions ‘The qualification test of welders shall follow a pWPS or WPS prepared in accordance with ISO 45000-1 or 180 15609-2, The required throet thickness cf the flat weld tost place shall be defined in the pWPS or WPS used forthe test, ‘Ths folowing welding condions shell agply. — The test piece shall have at least one stop and restart inthe root run and in the capping run. When more than one process is used, tnen al foast one stop and restart shall be caried out for each pravess, this Includes the root mun and final sun, The stop and restart areas shall be merked. — The welder chal be atlowod to remove minor Imperfections by grinding, excopt for the capning run for which only the stop and raster may be ground. The permission of the examiner or sxamining bady shall bo obtzined. — Any pestaveld heat treatment required in the pWPS or WPS may be omitted al the discretion of tha manufacturer, 6.4 Testmethods Aer welding the test plece shall be tested In accordance with Tabla 13. | the weld is accepted by visual tasting, the remaining test(s) accowing to Table 19 shal be cared out. ‘When metertal backing is used in the qualifcetion test, t shal be removed prior ta destructive testing (except ‘or macrascapic examination) and ned nat be removed! before non-destuctive tasting (NDT), ‘The test specimen for macroscopic examination shall be prepared end etchad on ane side to clearly reveal the weld, Polishing Is not required. 18 1190 2012~ Al notes revere LUNI EN 80 9606-1:2019APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNlatore - 2014 360640 150 9606-1:2012(E) Table 13 — Tost methods Test method nae Filet weld and branch ont aa eng ecrding 80 T7857 ening ary Redcqriphe ong accorng 0 1768 rant ret nano at srg 73 Tanne =a Fracture last according to ISO 9017 mandatory*>4 mmandatory®' ena wdtoproptictxtieg bend or rach tats erat ba sack + ingn rasegeaphic using used, nen eddional bord or Hacura fois are mandatory lor waiding processes 131, 135, 136} Jawai Tha radogrechc testa may be recaced by ulrasont testng according ta SO 176401" fr thicknesses 28 mm an tari stools ry tn bes cane, Be adic! ats stoned © locnote b arene raed 4 Far estan pie danas Ds 24 mer the band or kactre tests may ba raplaedd by a eciched tania tost othe corrlaie tet bree tan exami ie aver i Figure, }* The trace teats may ba replaced by # mecroscaple daaminaten, pane acceding to 'SO1762000H, of at want two secoors a last one of which ana be then ftom te wionstatYoaton. ‘The Vacute iets on pes may be replaced by rasoyoeNe lading 6.5 Test pioce and test specimen 65.1 Gonerat in 6.52 and 6.5.3, detals of the type, dimensions, and preparation of tne test pieces and test specimens are given. In addltion, the requirements for destructive tests are indicated. For root, face oF side bend, or fracture {esis, one epecimen shall be taken from the start and siop aves in the examination ienigth. For pipe butt welds tn he PH, Pu, HHLO4S end J. postons tes specimens shal be taken fom fie PE and PFIAG postion; see Figure 6.52 Butt weld in plate and pipe 652.1 General When radiographic testing is used, the examination length of the weld (see Figures 7 and 8) fv the test piece ‘shall ba adiographod, ‘When fracture testing is used, test specimens may be fongitucinally notched in the centre of the weld of the side In tension |n order (0 achieve a raciure in {re weld. All notch preparations according to |S 9017 are permite, All test specimens shall be tested jn such a manner hat fracture 's reached and te specimen examined afi fracture. 6522 Fracture testing only ot For butt welds in plate, the tast place examination fength (Figure 7) shal be cut Into four test specim ‘equal width in accordance with the dimensions given in Table 14, For butt welds in pipe, the test piece examination length (Figure 8) shall bo cut Into four test specimens of ‘equal width in accordance with the dimansions given in Table 14. ©150 2012 — At nghis reserved 19 LUNIEN #90 9506-12019APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNIstore - 2014 » 360540 10 9606-1:2092/E) Dimensions fh ulimetres Key fy length of test pleos 1, hallwieth of tst poo 1, examinatentenath Figure 7 — Examination longth for fracture test spocimuns for a butt weld In plato 2 ‘examination length ‘one root fracture or one rect tansvarse bend or one sice-bend test specimon ‘ona face fracture or ons face trensveree bend or ane skie-bend tos! specimen ‘one roo! frectura or one reot transverse bend or one sice-band test specimen ‘one face fracture or one face trensverse band or one side-bend lest specimen Figure 8 — Examination length and locations for fracture or bend test specimens for a butt weld in pipe 20 ©180.2012- A dgrtareoned UNIEN 150 9905-12013APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL Unstone 2014 - 360540 150 9606-1:2012(E) ‘Table 14 — Width of fractura test specimens. Dimensions in milimesres Product type = Width of fracture test specimens Plates (P) Outside diameter, 2, of pipes (1 * 2100 235) = 50
20%. For parent metal wth elongation 4. < 20%, the following equation shai apply: 4 where ¢ % 4 6.5.24 Additional bend or fracture test 10085 - 4 | tne diameter of the former or the inner roller in mutmetes; Js the thickness of the bend-test specimen, in millimetres; is the minimum percentage elongation required by the matetal standard. Whon additional bend or fracture losis are roquired (soe Table 13, focinste b), in all casos, at loast one specimen shall be taken ftom a stop/start location. Fer this purpose, it i possible that a side-bend specimen can bo substtuted by @ root-bend spocimen. — For ail plato butt welds, one root and one face test specimen shell be tested or hwo side-bend tool spacimens lf appltcabie, — For butt welds in pipe in PA or PC positions, one root and one face test specimen shall be tested oF two side-bend (ast specirers, if applicable, — For butt welds in pipe walded in at! other welding positions, one root-test specmen shall be taken from the PE (overhead) welding postion and one face test specimen shall be taken from tha PF (vertical up) postion oF tho PG (vertical dawn} position, or two side-Dend test specimens if applicable, 6.5.3 Fillot weld on plato and pipe For file! walds on plate, the t piece examination length (Figure 10) shall be fractured) as one comolete ‘speciman. If nacassary, tha tast piece can ba cut into several lest specimens of aqual width. For filet wolcs on pipa, the tost place shail be cut in four er more test specimans and fractured Fillot weid fracturo tests on plate and pipe may be replaced by macroscopic examination. When macroscopic ‘examination is used, at loast twa specimens shail bo taken, One macroeconic spacimon shall be taken af the stop/etart location. Fillot wold lest ppocimens shall be positioned for broking in accordance with |SO 9017. (©190 2012 All aghia wasrved LUNI EH I60 p608-4:2015APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNistore - 2014 900540 180 9606-1:2012(E) Dmensons in rilimetres Kay 4) examination length Figure 10 — Examination tength for fracture testing fora flit weld in plate 6.6 Test report ‘The results of all losting shall be documented in accordance with the relevant test standard, 7 Acceptance requirements for test pieces ‘Test pieces shall be evaluated according to the acceptance requirements spsciied for relevant lypes of imperiectons Prior to any testing, the following shal be checked — al sing and spatters ara removed: — no grinding on the root and the face side ofthe weld (according to 6.2), stop and restan in the root run and in the capping run a identined (accarcing to 6.3) — prot and dimensions. ‘The accapiance requirements for Imperfections found by test methods performed according to this part of 180 9608 shall, unless otherwise specifed, be assessed In accordance wih iSO 5817, A walcer Is qualified i the imperfections are win [SO £817, quaity level B, except forthe folowing imperfection types for which leval C shall apply: excess weld metal (502). excessive convexity (503), excessive throat thickness (5214); ‘excessive panetvation (504); and undercut (501). Bend-iest specimens shal not reveal any discrete discontinuity 23mm In sny direction, Discontinuitios appearing at the edges of a test specimen during tasting shail be ignored in tha evaluation unless there is ‘evidence Ihat cracking is due to incomplete penetration, slag or othar discontnulty, The sum of the greatest ‘Gscontinuibes exceecing 1 mm but less than 3 mm in any one bend specimen shall not exceed 10 mn. IW the imperfections in the weider's test piece exceed the permitted maximum specified, then the welder fails the test. Roference shoul! also be made to the corresponding acceptance criteria for non-destructive testing. Specifiad procedures shail be used for all destructive and non-destructive testing. (© 150 2012_ Aunghts served 23 LUNI EN 160 9606-12013,APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNiisiors - 2014 - 360540 ISO 9606-1:2012(E) 8 Re-tests 1 any test falls to comply with the requirements of this part of ISO 9608, tha weider may be given ths ‘opportunity to reneat the qualification test once without further training. 9 Period of validity 9.1 Initial qualification ‘The welders qualification begins from the date of welding o the test plece(s), provided that the required ‘esting has been carried out and the test resus obtained were acceptable. The certficate nesds 10 De ‘confirmed every 6 months otherwise the certiicate(s) become(s) invalid. “The valaity of the certitcate may be extended as specified In 93. The chosen matiod of the extension at ualiigation In accordance wit 9.3, 8) orb) oF ¢), shall be stated on the cortiicate at the tine of issus. 9.2. Confirmation of the validity ‘The qualifications of 2 welder for @ process shall be confirmed every 6 months by the person rasponsibie for welling activites or exeminerexamining body. This is confirning that the welder has worked within the range (of qualification and extends the validly of the qualification for a further § month period. ‘This subclauss is applicable to all options of revalidation specified in 9.3, 9.3. Revalidation of wolder qualification Revalldation shail be carried cut by an examinerlecamining body. ‘The skill of ihe walder shati be periodically verified by one of the following methods. 18) The welder shall be retesiod every 3 years, 6) Every 2 years, two welds made during the last 6 monthe of the vaiiity period shail be tested by radiographic ot utrsonie testing or destructive testing and shall be recorded. The acceptance levals for impertections shall be es spootfied in Clause 7. The weld tasted shal reproduce the original test conditions except for thickness and outside diameter, These tests revalidata the welders qualficatons for an additional 2 years. ©} A.wolder's qualifcattars for any certificate shall be valid as tong es I is confirmed according to 9.2 and provided ail the following conditions are fulfiled: — the welder is wotking for the same rranufacturer for whom he or she qualified, and wh is responsible for the manufacture of the product: — the manufacturer's quality programme has bean verified in accordance with ISO 35342 or |'S0 3834.3; — the marufacturor has documented that the welder has producad wolds of acceptable quality based on applicstion standards; tho welds examined shall confi the folowing conditions: welding position(s), weld type (FW, BWV), material backing (mb) orno material backing (nb). 9.4 Revocation of qualification \Wnen there Is & specific reason to question @ welder’s ability to make weds that mee! the product standard ‘quality requirements, the qualifications that support the welding he or she is doing shall be revoked. Al other ‘qualfications not questioned remain vail, 24 |@ 180 2012 A ghtsmeerved UNI EN Iso o808-1:2019‘APAVE ITALIA CPM Sit, ‘Gnintore- 2014 -360540 180 9606-1:2012(E) 10 Welder's qualification test certificate {shall be verified that the wader has successtully passed the qualification test All essential variables shall be recorded on the certificate. I the test pisce(s) fais} any of the required tests, no certificate shail be issued. ‘The certificate shell be issved under the sole responsibilty of ine examiner or examining body. A recommended forma is detalad in Annex A. If any other form of welder’s qualicetion test certificate is used, it shall contain the isformation requred in Annex A. The examiner or examining body is responsibie for vertyingthel st essential variables are addressed in tis cetficate ‘The folowing non-essential variables shal be recorded on the certficata: — typo of currant and polarity: — parent meterial grounyeubgroup, — shielding gos In general, for Bach test piece, a separate waider's qualification est cerificate shall be issued, 1 more than one test plove is welded, a single welders qualifcation test centifcete can be issued that combines the ranges of qualifcetion of the individual test preces. Al essertial vertables fo all tas shall be recorded an the combined certificate, In this ease, only one of fe following essential variables 1s permitted to ditfer, except those given in 8.7. — type of weld, — welding position, — denosited thickness. Itis not permissitie to change other essential variables. itis racommended that the welder’s qualification test certificates be issued in the local language plus at least ‘one of the following languages: English, Franch or German. “Tha examination of job knowladae (e80 Annex 6) shell be designated by "Accapted” or Not tasted” tn accordance with $4.) the supplsmontary filet weld teat shall be recorded on the certificate for the asscciatod butt wold quaificaton, 11 Designation ‘The designation of 2 welder qualification shall comprise the following lems in the ordar given (the system is ‘arranged go that t can be used for computerization}: 1a) the number of this part of ISO 9606 (ISO 9606-1}; b) the essential variables: 1) welding processes: refer to 42, 5.2, and ISO 4063, 2) product type: plate (P). pipe (T), refer to 4.3.1 and 5:3 3). type of weld: butt weld (BW). fiat wold (FW), refer to 5.4, 44), filer material group or parent materiat group (autogenous welding): refer to 8.5, (2180-2012 All ight reserved 25 UNI Ex $0 9606-12013,‘APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNisiore - 2014 - 360540 1S0 9606-1:2042(E) 5) filer material types: refer to 5.6, 6) dimensions of test plece: deposited thickness, s, or material thickness, «, and outside pipe diameter, D, refer i057, 7) welding postions: refer to 5.8 and ISO 6947 8) weld details: relerto 5.9. ‘The type of shlaiding and backing gas shall not ba incarperated in the designation, but shall be inchided in the woider’s qualiication test carificate (see Annex A). 28 (©180 2012 Anrghts reserved Uw EN 20 0000-408APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNistore- 2014 - 960540 Annex A (informative) - Welder's qualification test certificate Designation(s): : VIPS — Reference: Viator care ‘ortifeation ethos of identicatien Date and place of birth; Employer Codettesting stendard Examiner Job knowledge: Accaptabie/Not tested (delete as necessary) ‘or examining body ~ Reference No. Photograph (Wrequieea) Test plece Range of aualification Welding process(os) Trenaler mode Prosuct typo (plate or pipe) Type of wald Parent materia grouo(s\/subgroups Filler material grouo(s) Filler material (Designation) Shield oss Ausilaries Type of current and polanty ‘Marea thickness (mm) Deposited thickness (rm) u'sioe pipe diameter (mm) Weaing pasitien Weld tae Mtl-teyertsingls layer Supplementary filo wel ee (comioled w cargindion wi a Bit wad quafenton) aocaoatllnat cxanabe Type of test Performed and sccepied | Notlested | Name of exaniner or ‘Visual testing Place. date and signature: Radiographic testing of examiner or examining Frectire est tony: Bene est Date of issue: 2007-01-20 Notch tral test ‘Macroscope examinaion avaidaion Vast unit Rovakaion Vaid rit Revateaten Vaid uni _"333). 2010-01-20 93) 2008-01-20, 930) 2007-17-20 ‘lala ior qualiteation by erring of ezaminng bedy lo ha flowing 2 yoo atarie 838 Date Signature Postion ar ite 32)) (Cantirmstion of he vaicity by empioyeriweidng coodnaiccexaminer or examinng body for the flowing 6 months [referto ‘Signature Position or tte {©180 2012 AN nyu rosarced UNI EN 80 9606-12012 a7APAVE ITALIA CPM SRL UNtatore- 2014 - 360580 ISO 9606-1:2042(E) Annex B (informative) = Job knowledge BA General ‘The tes! of job knowledge is recommended, but it Is not mandatory. However, some countries may require thal the welder undergo a test of job knowledge. If the job knowledge test Is carrie ost, it should be racordad on the walder's qualification tast certiicate. This annex outines the jab knowledge that a welder should hava in ordor to ensure that procedures ere foliowed and common practices sta complied with. The job knowledge Incicated in this annax is only pitchad at he most basic lava Owing to differant traning programmes in_various counties, it is only proposed to standardize general objectives or categories of jab knowledge. The actual quostion used chouid be drawn up in the Individual ‘country concamed, but should incude questions on sreas covered in 6.2, rolevant fo the qualification test of welders. ‘Ths sctual tests of @ woldor’s job knowledge may bs given by ery of the following methods or combinations of these rnathods: 18} writen objective tests (mutipie choice); b) oral questioning folowing a set of witten questors: ©) computor testing: 4) damonstation/observation testing folowing & writen setof criteria. The test of job knowisdga is limited tothe mattors related to the welding process used inthe tas, B.2 Requirements 8.2.4 Welding equipment B.24.4 Oxyacetylene welding 2) Identifcation of ges eytinders, b) Identification and assembly of essential components. ¢) Selection of correct nozzias and walding biowpipes. B212 Arcwelding @) Construction end maintesance of welding equipment and typica! parameters. >) Type of welding current. 8) Conect conection ofthe welding ratum cable. 28 (©180.2012— Al napus reesrved Une B80 690612083APAVE ITALIA CPN SRL Unistore- 2014 380640 '$0 9606-1:2012(€) B.2.2 Welding process?) 8.221 Oxyacetylene wolding (311) 2) Gaspressure. — b) Selection of nozzle ype. ©) Type of gas tame ©) Effect of overheating. 8.22.2 Manual motal-arc welding with covered olectrode (111) 8) Classification of electrodes. 8.22.3 Gasand selt-shiclded metal-arc welding (114, 13, 14,15)" a) Type and sizo of olectrades. b) IdentiNeation of shielding gas end flow rate (without 114) ©) Type, size and mainienance of nozzles/contact to 4) Solection ard imitators of ranster mode. @) Protection ot the woiding are from draughts. 224 Submerged arc welding (121, 129) 8) Diying, feeding and comact recovery of ax. b) Correct alignment and travel of weicing need. B.2.3 Parent metals 18). Identifcaton of materia b) Mothods and control of pre-hesting. ©) Contro’ of interpass temperature 8.24 Fillor metal types 8). {dontfication of flor metal types. b) Storage, hanting ard conditions at filer mata! types. ¢) Solaction of camact size 1) Claaniiness of eloctrodes and filer wires €) Control of wire spooting 1) Control and monitoring of gas flow rates, 2) The numbers refer to 180 4063, (£180 2012 Ail gh reearved 29 ‘UML EN 80 6061-2013APAVE ITALIA CPA SRL. UNistore - 2014 = 380540) 1S0 9606-4:2042/E) B.25 Salety precautions 8254 Gonoral a) Safe assembly, sotupand tum-off procedures. 1b) Safe contra of welding fumes and gases. ©) Personal protection. d) Fire hazards. 2) Welding in connined spaces, 1) Aworon0ss of welding environment B252 Oxyacetylene welding = 4) Safe storage, handing and use of compressed gases. ) Leak detection on gas hoses and fitings, ©) Procedure to be lakon inthe event of a flashback. All arcwelding processes 4) Environment of increased hazard electric shock. 1) Redlation from the arc. 9) Effects of stay arcing. 8.254 Gas-shlelded metal-arc welding 18) Sate storage, handing and use of comprossed gases. 'b) Leak detection on gas hoses and fttings, B.2.6 Welding sequences/procedures ‘Appreciation of welding procedure requirements and the influence of welding parameters, 8.27 Joint preparation and weld representation @) Conformity of joint preparation to the walding procedure spectication (WPS). b) Cieantiness of fusion faces. B.2.8 Weld imperfections 8) Idonificaton of imparfectons. b) Causes. 6), Prevention and remedial action. B.29 Welder qualification ‘The weldar shall be aware of the range of the qualification. 30 (@180 2012 All ight asarved UNIEN 80 9506-12013APAVE ITALIA GPM SRL Unistore - 2074 - 360540 180 9606-1:2012(E) Annex C (informative) - FW/BW test assembly option ‘Seo Figure C.1 Dimensions In mitimetres 1 As s Lo * Gao. Figure C.1 — Combined FWIBW test piace 2180 2012 lrg esaved au (UNI EN 80 9606-12013,‘APAVE ITALIA CPMSRL Unisior - 2014 - 360640 #50 9606-1:2012(E) "1 a By 4 (6) oT i [10] i) (2 (13) 141 115} 19) 7) (18) (9) 32 Bibliography 180 636, Welding consumables — Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non alloy and fine-grain steals — Classification 180 2560, Welding consumables — Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels — Classification 1803880, Welding consumables — Covered electrodes for manual metal ere welding of creep- resisting steals —- Classification 180 3881, Welding consumables — Covered wlectrades for manual metal erc welding of slainiess snd heat-resisting stools — Cassifcation 180 9000-2008, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary 180 14171, Welding consumables — Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored elsctrodes and elsctrodesMin ‘combinations for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fire grain steels — Classificetion 180 14172, Welding consumables — Covered electrodes for manual matel arc weldrig of nicks! and nickel alloys — Classification 180 14341, Welding consumables — Wire olsctrodes and weld deposts for gas shielded metal arc weliing af non ally and fine grain steals — Classification 1S 14343, Welding consumables — Wire eloctrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for arc welding of stainless and hoa! resisting stesis — Classiication 1S0 14732, Welding personnel— Quefication testing of waiding operetors for fully mechanized ‘welding and weld settors for fuly mechanized welding and automatic welding of metalic meteriats 180 15614-1, Specitication and quélifcation of weiding procedures for metalic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 1: Arc and ges welding of steels and arc welding of nickel anid riche! alloys 1SO 18607, Spoctication and qualification of waiding procedures for metalic materials — General Iles 150 16834, Welding consumables — Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas-shialded are welding of high strength steels — Classification 1S0 17832, Welding consumables — Tubular cored eluctrodes for ges shielded and nan-gas shielded metal are welding of non-aliey and fine grain steels — Classification 1S0 17633, Welding consumables — Tubular cored electrodes and rods for ges shiekied and ron-gas shiektod motal arc welding of siainfess and heal-resisting steels — Classification 1S0 17634, Welding consumables — Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded mete! arc welding of ‘creep-resistng steels — Ciassiication 1SO 17635, Non-destructive testing of welds — Generel rules for metallic materials 180 17639, Destructive tasts on welds in metallic materials — Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds 180 17640, Nor-destnuctive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Techniques, testing levels, and assessment (180.2012 Al rights euaeved UNI EN 180 9606-1-2013APAVE (TAA CPM SRL UNIstore - 2014 ~ 360540 (20) (21) (22) (23] (24 123) © 180.2012 Al ris res 1SO 9606-1:2012(E) ISO 18274, Welding consumables — Solid wire electrodes, solid sirip electrodes, solid wites and solid ‘ods for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys ~ Classification 1S0 18275, Welding consumables— Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high« strength steels — Classification ISD 18276, Welding consumables — Tubular cored electrodes far gas-shleldad and non-gas-shielded metal arc welding of high-strength sieels — Classification ISO 21952, Welding consumables — Wre electrodes, wires, reds and depesits for gas shielded arc weiding of croep-resisting steels — Classification 1S0 245098, Welding consumables — Sol wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode-flux combinations for submerged arc walding of creep-resisting steels — Classification ISO 26304, Welding consumables — Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored oloctrades and electrode-flux combinations fer submerged are welding of high strength steels— Classification 33 UN! EN 180 9606-1:2013APAVE ITALIA CBM SRL UNIstora -2014- 360540 uw Elo Nazionale Haan Fpredutlone vata -Lagge 22 aprile 1041 NF 53S « sucess agglerament Unitiemzions Via Sani, 2 20157 Mllan, Hla
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