Workbook science class 6 (١)

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Look at the pictures and predict whether the reactions are reversible or

2. Fill in the blanks from the word bank :

Many chemical reactions need to start them , for example using to

make wood or paper catch fire. If the person use a flame to light the fuel
in the fire a chemical reaction starts. Once the
starts it carries on until all the
fuel is used up .
Word bank

Fire - burning - energy -

3. What is burning ?

Day : Date :

4. Answer the following question :

a. To make a fire you need three main things:




b. Imagine an electrical appliance such as a computer catches fire. What

happens if you put water on the fire ?

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5. Look at the two pictures. Write down one use of each of the
extinguishers .

Foam CO2

6. Copy and complete the table below in your investigation notebook. Write
down your observations.

Fuel Observations using chalk Observations using

and vinegar extinguisher Water




Day :. Date :

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank :

is a combustion reaction. These reactions are used every

day in modern life. Combustion is
used to electricity and even makes the work in cars
and buses.

Word Bank

Burning - combustion - generate -


8. Answer the following questions :

a. Why do you think there are so many fires in people's homes? We

know how to control fire so why do so many people die in house fires?

b. Do a survey of your home. How many fire extinguishers or fire blankets

do you have?

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9. Answer the following questions :

a. What do you understand by combustion reaction? Give examples

b. Explain what is meant by neutralizing reaction ?

c. Explain what happens when water is added to lime ?

d. Describe briefly the construction a dry cell .

10. Creative Question :

Ria was watching the dance of her doll by connecting the battery of her doll. At
this moment the electricity went off and her younger sister Sara brought a lighted

a. What is the neutralization reaction ?

b. What is meant by lime water ?

c. Explain the construction of Ria's battery.

d. Explain how the energy of battery of the doll and the candle transforms.

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Can mixtures be
1. Answer the following questions :

a. How can you tell if something is a solid ?

b. How can you separate these objects ?

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank :

a. Some solids in water. The solid does not disappear but mixes
with the particles of water. If a solid dissolve it is

b. Other solids do not dissolve at all . They are called .

c. The solid is called the solute. The liquid it dissolve in is called a solvent.
When the solute dissolves in the solvent the result is a .

d. The solution of water and spirit is a solution.

e. is an universal solvent .

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: In a solution the quantity of solute remains
f. and the quality of
solvent remains .

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3. Circle the correct answer :

a. Which one is liquid gas solution ?

(1) Lemon juice (2) Soft drinks (3) Vinegar (4) Saline water

b. Which one is colloid ?

(1)Chalk powder and water (2)Flower and water (3)Fat and water (4)Soil and water

4. Give short answer :

a. What is called a solution? What is the main difference between

solution and mixture ?

b. What does it mean by solubility ?

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c. What does liquid gas solution mean? Explain with examples?

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Adding solids to
1. Answer the following questions :
a. Write down a soluble solid that you have used :

b. Write down a solid that does not dissolve in water :

c. Some solids do not dissolve in water . What do we call this ?

d. How can you tell the whether added to water has dissolved ?

e. Investigate how much sugar will dissolve in water. How do you know that
you cannot dissolve any more sugar? What will you see ?

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2. What is this picture called and what is it used for?

3. Fill in the missing words by the correct word from the word bank :

a. When water evaporates to give water vapuor it is a change.

b. When magnesium burns in air to give magnesium oxide it is an change.

c. Some substance react together and give out heat.We use a

to measure this.

d. Chemical reactions that give out heat are called .

e. Another example of this type of reaction is when we burn in cars

and cookers.

Word bank

Fuels - thermometer - reversible -

irreversible - exothermic

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Separating solids from
1. Answer the following questions :

a. Can you use this garden sieve to separate the lumps out of flour? Explain
your answer.

b. How can you separate sand from water?

c. Try pouring water and sand through the filter paper. What do you observe ?

d. What is the filtration ?

2. Circle the correct answer :

a. Which substance has less rigidity ?

(1) brick (2) book (3) banana (4) ice

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b. Which substance, when kept in a bottle, occupy the entire space of the bottle ?

(1) water (2) scent (3) milk (4) powder

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3. Answer the following questions :

a. Look at the sample of seawater. Is it a mixture or a pure substance?

Explain your answer.

b. Write down two substances you may find in seawater.

4. Circle the correct answer from the following statements :

True False
a. The Sun moves across the sky .
True False
b. At midday the Sun is low in the sky .
True False

c. When the Sun is high in the sky a Shadow is short.

True False

d. Shadows change during the day .

True False

e. The movement of Sun gives us day and night .

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Investigating solids and solutions

1. Answer the questions :

a. Write down two times you dissolved something today or someone

dissolved something for you .

b. When a solid dissolves in water is made ?

c. Can you tell how much sugar there is in a drink just by looking at it ?
Explain your answer.

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d. How can you separate sugar from a sugary drink ?

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2. Answer the following questions :

a. Is washing powder a solid, liquid or a gas ?

b. Why do we use washing powder ?

C. List two everyday uses of dissolving.

d. How can you make a solid dissolve quicher ?

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