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Requirement of Non-Executive Personnel

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Refineries Division
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Advertisement Nos. –JR/Rect/01/2023
 On-line registration of application commences on 01.05.2023 (10:00 Hrs) and closes on 30.05.2023 (17:00 Hrs).
 The link to the on-line registration of the application has been hosted on the website www.iocl.com

Requirement of Non-Executive Personnel

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is a diversified, Integrated Energy Major with presence in Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals and Alternative Energy
sources. Empowered with the 'Maharatna' status, the organization renders overriding prominence to the energy needs of the country and aspires to
be 'The Energy of India' and ‘A Globally Admired Company’.

IOCL has been featuring year after year among India's Best Companies to Work For and has been recognized as Best Employer among Nation-
Builders. To fuel its future growth, Indian Oil invites applications from bright young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for selection to
various posts in the pay scale of Rs. 25,000-1,05,000/- for its Refinery/ Petrochemical Units at Vadodara (Gujarat) including for upcoming Acrylic
and Oxo Alcohol facilities at Dumad.

Number of Posts including reservation, Educational Qualification, Work Experience Criteria, and other eligibility criteria / parameters shall be as

A) Number of Posts and Reservations:

Name of Post Total

201 Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) 47 20 04 03 07 13

202 Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (P&U) 07 03 01 00 01 02

Reservation for Ex-Servicemen (ExSM) shall be as per Government of India guidelines. Prescribed reservations for Ex-servicemen will be
applied on horizontal basis as per Govt. guidelines
UR-Un-reserved, EWS-Economically Weaker Section, SC- Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC(NCL)-Other Backward Class (Non Creamy


1. Positions are operated with work arrangements in one, two or three shifts. Incumbents may be required to perform duties in any of the
work arrangements depending upon work exigencies.
2. Number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the
management and in compliance with the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of appointment.
3. Being a hazardous industry, deployment of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) in above posts may put them at risk hence not
4. Women candidates are not eligible for above posts as they are not considered for vacancies in Production, P&U Operations (Boiler &
Electrical) and also against the cadres/work areas that require shift operations, 365 days in a year or necessitates undertaking work
beyond 07.00 pm (& up to 06.00 am) like P&U (other work areas) or maintenance services performed in shifts.

B) Qualification Parameter & Work Experience Criteria:

1. Post-wise Qualification parameters :

Sl. Name of Post Post Prescribed Qualification Parameters (Only Regular Full Time Recognised Courses – From
No. Code Indian Universities / Institutes)
I Junior Engineering 201 3 years Diploma in Chemical Engg./Petrochemical Engg./Chemical Technology / Refinery and
Assistant-IV Petrochemical Engg. or 3 yrs. B.Sc (Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from a
(Production) recognized Institute/University with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate for General, EWS &
OBC candidates & 45% in case of SC/ST candidates against reserved positions.
II Junior Engineering 202 3 years Diploma in Mechanical E n g g . or Electrical Engg./ Diploma in Electrical and
Assistant-IV (P&U) Electronics Engg. or Matric with ITI (Fitter) of minimum 2 years duration or B.Sc (Maths, Physics,
Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from recognized Institute/ University ALONGWITH
Boiler Competency Certificate (BCC) with Second Class OR National Apprenticeship Certificate in
Boiler Attendant under the Apprentices Act, 1961 with due endorsement of equivalence to the
Second Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency, by the Competent Boiler Authority of the
State of Gujarat.

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1a. Important Notes related to Qualification Parameters:

i. Diploma / BSc./ ITI in Branch / Subjects as specified against respective Posts above will ONLY be considered as eligible qualification.
Diploma / BSc./ ITI in other than specified Branch / Subjects shall not be considered.
ii. Qualification prescribed above shall only be considered. No Claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to above prescribed
Qualification shall be entertained.
iii. Regular full-time ITI (Fitter) of minimum 2 years duration recognized by NCVT/SCVT shall be considered for the post of Junior
Engineering Assistant – IV (P&U) under Post Code 202.
iv. Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as Bachelor of Engineering(BE), Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech), Masters in
Business Administration(MBA), Chartered Accountant(CA), Company Secretary (CS), Cost Management Accountant (CMA), Bachelor of Law
(LLB), Masters of Computer Applications (MCA), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or any such equivalent higher professional qualification shall
not be eligible.
Higher qualification (other than professional qualification as mentioned above), shall not be a disqualification. However, in such cases,
percentage acquired in prescribed qualification examination {as stipulated against each post in Clause No. B (1) above will only be
reckoned for deciding eligibility.
v. For determining eligibility w.r.t. prescribed percentage of marks under qualification parameter, the following methodology will be
a) Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the ITI (Fitter)/Degree/Diploma examinations, its equivalent aggregate
percentage of marks must be indicated by the candidates in the On-line Application as per the norms adopted by
Board/University/Institute. Candidates will have to submit certificate from the concerned Board / University/Institute regarding the
equivalent aggregate percentage of marks with reference to their CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade and produce the same at the time of
document verification failing which their candidature will not be considered.

In case the Board/Institute/University does not follow any conversion formula for converting CGPA/OGPA to Percentage, candidate
will have to produce a certificate to this effect that the Board/Institute/University does not follow any conversion formula and in
order to arrive at equivalent percentage of marks, aggregate of Grade score obtained in each semester/year as applicable, divided by
the total number of semesters/years will be considered.

In case of Letter Grade, candidate will have to necessarily produce Certificate from the Board/ University/Institute specifying clearly
equivalent percentage of marks against Letter Grade failing which their candidature will not be considered.

b) Where marks are awarded, the aggregate percentage of marks in prescribed qualification must be indicated by the candidates in the
On-line Application. For calculation of aggregate percentage following formula shall be followed:

Total of marks secured in each semesters (where semester wise exam is

conducted)/years (where yearly exam. is conducted) X 100

Total of maximum marks in each semesters/years)

vi. A qualification acquired through Part-time/Correspondence/Distance Learning mode shall render them ineligible.
vii. A Sandwich Diploma course (with Industrial training as part of the course with no break) shall be considered eligible.
viii. Diploma under recognized lateral entry scheme (Class–XII (Sc.)/ITI admitted in 2nd year of Diploma course) shall also be considered
eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis of aggregate of 4 semesters in the diploma course.
ix. Suppression of information regarding possession of or pursuing higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at
any stage of selection and termination at any time during employment, if recruited.
x. The criteria for full time regular course shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex- Servicemen, provided they possess a requisite equivalent
qualification that has been acquired during the service period and is recognized by AICTE/MHRD, GoI and have secured the prescribed
minimum percentage of marks.
xi. Ex-servicemen claiming an equivalence in qualification shall be required to produce a copy of equivalence certificate issued by the
concerned Ministry.

2. Post-wise Work Experience criteria (required for Post Code 201):

Sl. No. Name of Post Post Code Work Experience Criteria

I Junior Engineering Assistant- 201 Minimum one year of post qualification work experience in Operations of
IV (Production) Pump House, Fired Heater, Compressor, Distillation Column, Reactor,
Heat exchanger etc. in a Petroleum Refinery/ Petrochemicals/
Fertilizer/Chemical/ Gas Processing Industry.

2a. Important Notes related to Work Experience Criteria:

i. Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Payslips, Increment Letter, relieving letter, Designation, nature of
experience etc. proving the continuance in service for the claimed period as experience. The documents submitted in support of
Experience must clearly establish the period of experience as well as the nature of experience being claimed against the post.
ii. Large Industrial Establishments (referred under work experience criteria against the posts as above) would mean industrial/manufacturing units
whose investment in plant & machineries exceed Rs.10 crores and which has been in operation. In order to establish his/her experience in a
Large Industrial Establishment, candidates shall be required to submit a copy of the relevant page of the last published Balance sheet of
the establishment (under self-certification).
iii. Candidates employed directly or by any agency (including a contractor) in a Large Industrial Establishment shall also be eligible to apply,
provided they submit the following:

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a) Copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor by the Large Industrial Establishment
b) Copy of the relevant page of the last published Balance sheet of the said large establishment (under self-certification)
In case a candidate is unable to furnish copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor (as stipulated at Clause No. B (2a)(iii)a
above) , Certificate under signature and seal of the Agency/ Contractor will be required to be submitted by the candidate which shall
include the following:
a.i) Certificate mentioning Industrial Establishment under whom the Agency/ Contractor is working alongwith the name of the work
awarded and stating that the candidate has been engaged for the said work.
a.ii) Certificate shall state the inability of the Agency/ Contractor to furnish work order copy.

iv. For Ex Servicemen, Work experience as prescribed of technical or professional nature is essential for being considered eligible.
v. For Ex Servicemen, a declaration of same area of work experience will be sufficient and no work experience related document will be

C) Reservation for SC/ST/OBC (Non – Creamy Layer-NCL)/ ExSM /EWS:

1. Reservation in posts for SC/ST/OBC (Non – Creamy Layer)/ExSM/EWS candidates and relaxations thereof will be in terms of numbers
indicated above / as per Govt. guidelines.
2. For claiming the benefit of OBC-NCL category, the candidate should submit a latest caste certificate in the format prescribed by Govt.
of India, which would, among others specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as
mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT)
dated 08.09.1993 & OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 13.09.2017 and other guidelines issued from time to time.
3. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Accordingly, such
candidates may apply against the UR positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable to General category candidates and
indicate their category as “General”. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. being a Central Public Sector Undertaking, only those communities that are
mentioned in the common list of OBC approved by Central Government shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation.
4. The reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates shall be as per Government Guidelines in this regard vide Department
of Public Enterprises’ O.M. 20(10)/99-DPE-GM-Part-2019-FTS-1517 dated 25.01.2019 and Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.
36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31.01.2019.
5. Candidates belonging to EWS category are required to submit an Income and Asset certificate issued by Competent Authority prescribed
under point no. 5 of Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 31.01.2019. Format of Income and
Asset certificate can be downloaded from the website www.iocl.com and www.iocrefrecruit.in. The condition prescribed for Unreserved
category in the matter of age (refer Clause No. E (1) below) shall apply to EWS candidates.
6. A candidate working in Armed Forces would become eligible for applying against civil posts only when he/she completes the prescribed
period of Armed Force Service within a year from the last date for receiving applications. Such candidate is required to submit prescribed
Proforma {Proforma of Certificate for employed Officials}. The prescribed proforma is available on website www.iocl.com and
www.iocrefrecruit.in. Candidates shall submit self-attested copy of Proforma duly completed and signed along with print-out of the online
application {refer to Clause No. P (6) (c)(x)) below}.
7. Such candidate from Armed Forces, who has been released/retired/discharged from Armed Forces and qualified as an Ex-servicemen is
required to submit an undertaking {Form of Undertaking to be given by Candidates Applying for Civil Posts under Ex Servicemen Category}
duly signed by him stating that he has not secured any appointment on the civil side, along with his application. The prescribed proforma is
available on website www.iocl.com and www.iocrefrecruit.in. Candidates shall send self-attested copy of Proforma duly completed and
signed along with print-out of the online application {refer to Clause No. No. P (6) (c)(xi)) below.

D) Concession for candidates belonging to SC/ST/ExSM:

1. SC/ST/ExSM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

2. SC/ST candidates called for Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) will be reimbursed single second class rail fare from
the nearest railway station from the mailing address to the place of Written Test and SPPT (if shortlisted) and back by the shortest route
on production of ticket provided the distance is not less than 30 Kms.

E) Minimum and Maximum Age limit:

1. Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for Un-reserved candidates as on 30-04-2023.
2. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation/Higher Secondary shall be the only acceptable document in
support of proof of age.
3. Age relaxation of a period equal to minimum years of experience notified against a post shall be allowed.
4. Relaxation of one year in age will be given to candidates possessing Boiler Competency Certificate & being considered for the post of JEA-IV
(P&U) - Post code 202.

F) Relaxation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(NCL) /ExSM:

1. Relaxation in age upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates considered against reserved positions will be allowed.
2. The minimum qualifying marks in eligibility qualification, wherever prescribed, will be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST
categories considered against reserved positions.
3. The minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test to be obtained by SC/ST candidates shall be relaxed by 5% against reserved positions.
4. Relaxation to Ex-servicemen will be allowed as per Govt. Guidelines i.e. an Ex-serviceman who has put in not less than 6 months
continuous service in Armed Forces, shall be allowed to deduct the period in Armed Forces service from his actual age which shall be his
resultant age. The resultant age shall not exceed the prescribed maximum age by more than 3 years. For Example-
-Current Age = 34, reduced by Armed Forces service of 5 years = 29 years; Not to exceed Prescribed Max. Age Limit of 26 years
by 3 Years = 29 years; hence eligible.

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5. Ex-servicemen candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (NCL) categories shall be eligible for grant of cumulative age relaxation for reserved
posts for SC/ST/OBC (NCL) categories. For Example-
-Candidates belonging to ExSM as well as SC category, for post reserved for SC, will be eligible for age relaxation as follows:
(Age relaxation applicable to ExSM) + (Age relaxation applicable to SC)

Note: Any relaxation in upper age limit being extended to Un-reserved candidate i.e. on account of work experience/apprenticeship
training etc. will be additionally applicable in above cases.

G) Consideration for Ex- Apprentices:

1. Age relaxation as well as reckoning of experience equivalent to the period of an Apprenticeship training {prescribed under The Apprentices
Act 1961/1973 (as amended from time to time)} in an industry, covered under the experience criteria notified against a post, will be
2. In case of candidates with Apprenticeship in Boiler Trade, age relaxation equivalent to period of Apprenticeship training shall be
admissible only to candidates possessing National Apprenticeship Certificate in Boiler Attendant under the Apprentices Act, 1961 with due
endorsement of equivalence to the Second Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency, by the Competent Boiler Authority of the State
of Gujarat.

H) Table indicating Upper Age Limit in Years (as on 30-04-2023):

a. Candidates possessing work Experience (Minimum one year)

b. Candidates with Apprenticeship (of 12 months)
Post/ Category Gen/EWS SC/ST OBC-NCL Ex-Servicemen
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
 JEA IV(PN) 27 32 30 Say Age of Candidate as on Cut-off date is Y
 (JEA -IV-(P&U) Say Service in Armed forces is X years.
(For candidates
possessing Boiler Resultant Age after discounting armed force service (Y-X )= Z should not
Competency exceed:
30 Years for GEN/EWS
35 Years for SC/ST
33 Years for OBC-NCL
(Relaxation in Age to ExSM, as prescribed by Government, shall be applicable.)
c. Candidates with Boiler Apprenticeship (of 24 months) and having National Apprenticeship Certificate in Boiler Attendant
under the Apprentices Act, 1961 with due endorsement of equivalence to the Second Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of
Competency, by the Competent Boiler Authority of the State of Gujarat.
Post/ Category Gen/EWS SC/ST OBC-NCL Ex-Servicemen
 JEA-IV(P&U) 28 33 31 Resultant Age after discounting armed force service (Y-X )= Z should not
 31 Years for GEN/EWS
 36 Years for SC/ST
 34 Years for OBC-NCL
(Relaxation in Age to ExSM, as prescribed by Government, shall be applicable.)

I) Date of reckoning Eligibility criteria:

The date for the purposes of possession of prescribed qualification & work experience and meeting age criteria shall be 30-04-2023.

J) Selection Methodology:

1. The selection methodology will comprise Written Test and a Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT). The SPPT will be of qualifying nature.
2. Question Paper in any discipline to have following three sections :
a) Subject Knowledge – 75 marks b) Numerical Ability – 15 marks c) General Awareness – 10 marks
3. Every candidate will have to secure a minimum of 40% marks in the Written Test for being shortlisted for qualifying for SPPT.
Relaxation will be applicable to SC/ST candidates against reserved positions as per Clause No. F (3) above.
4. For candidates applying for notified posts mentioned above, Written Test will be conducted at Vadodara. Exact venue details will be
communicated through the Admit Card.
5. Admit cards for Written Test will be issued to all prima-facie eligible candidates on the basis of the details furnished in Online-Application
form and submission of application fees (applicable for General, EWS & OBC (NCL) Category candidates). Scrutiny of documents submitted
by the candidates will be carried out post Written Test. Only those candidates will be considered/ called for next stage i.e.
Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) who are (a) shortlisted on the basis of written test { refer Clause No. J (6)} and (b) meet the notified
eligibility criteria upon verification of documents sent by the candidates and other parameters.
6. Short listed candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (with due cognizance to number of reserved posts) subject to securing minimum qualifying
marks in the Written Test, upon document verification found in order will be required to undergo a Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT).
7. Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for being shortlisted for the
SPPT or the final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, reservation position, ratio applied and relative performance in
respective categories and subject to meeting the eligibility criteria and other parameters.
8. In case of tie of marks in the Written Test for the last position on the Shortlist for SPPT, all such candidates shall be called for the SPPT,
even if the total number exceeds the prescribed ratio.
9. Composite Merit list discipline-wise in descending order of marks (irrespective of category and relaxation) shall be drawn on the
basis of marks obtained in the Written Test from & out of the said short-list; only for such candidates who qualify in the SPPT.
10. Based on the Composite Merit list, discipline wise and category wise names shall be shortlisted as per notified vacancy and reservation.

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11. In case of tie of marks for the last position on the Merit List, the candidate with prior date of birth (senior by age) shall find a place in the
Merit list. However, the name of the junior shall also be retained in the said Merit List, as the last name.
12. Candidates belonging to Reserved Categories, who have availed of relaxation in Age, Eligibility qualification marks or in Written Test
qualifying marks, as is available to a category, will be considered against reserved vacancies, irrespective of their position in select list (in
order of merit within the category). Ex-Servicemen candidates, if found suitable, will be considered against reserved vacancy irrespective of
their position in Merit list (in order of merit within the category) on horizontal reservation policy.

K) Pay & Perks:

Besides Basic Pay and Industrial pattern of DA, the other allowances / benefits include HRA/ Housing accommodation (as per availability),
Medical Facilities, Productivity Incentive, Performance Linked Incentive, Gratuity, Provident Fund, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Leave
Encashment, Leave Travel Concession/LFA, Contributory Superannuation Benefit Fund Scheme, House Building Advance, Conveyance
Advance/Maintenance Reimbursement, Children Education Allowance etc., as per Corporation rules.

L) Pre-Employment Medical Fitness:

1. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are medically fit as per IndianOil's Pre-Employment Medical Standard. Candidates are advised
to go through the "Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical examination" and satisfy themselves of meeting
the fitness criteria before starting the application submission process. The guidelines are available on www.iocl.com and
www.iocrefrecruit.in and in the following link : https://www.iocrefrecruit.in/iocrefrecruit/advert_pdf/Preemployment_Medical.pdf
2. Candidates so selected shall undergo a pre-employment medical examination in any of the Refinery Hospitals only as per the Corporations’
Guidelines before being declared medically fit for the selected position.

M) Liability to Declare :

1. Candidates with reported ailments, deficiencies or abnormalities and also those with finding of not meeting the physical fitness criteria as
above, shall make a declaration to this effect while submitting their application.
2. A candidate found UNFIT for a position during medical examination by any other location/ Refinery unit of the Corporation or a
Government Authority or any other PSU, shall be required to declare his medical condition with reasons for being declared “UNFIT”. If the
candidate applies / seeks employment/ engagement at any other location/ post of the Corporation, suppression of such information may
render the candidature liable for Rejection.
3. Candidates have to necessarily declare in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, convicted by a Court of
Law or for any offence debarred/ disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination.

N) Important Instructions:

1. A candidate is allowed to apply for only one post. In case of receipt of more than one application for more than one post, all the applications
will be rejected.
2. Candidates who are registered with Employment Exchange & Directorate General of Resettlement (Central & State)/ Zilla/Rajya Sainik
Welfare Board/ Special Employment Exchange (as applicable) and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, whose names are sponsored
to Gujarat Refinery (as applicable) against this notification, are advised to apply Online, failing which their candidature will not be

O) General Instructions :

1. Rules/guidelines, as may be prescribed by the Government/framed by the Corporation from t i m e to time, shall apply.
2. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials, etc.
3. Filling up of the vacancies will be solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will
arise for engagement, if some of the vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.
4. Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before
submission of on-line application.
5. Candidates are hereby informed that any Corrigendum/ Addendum/ Notice etc. with regard to this advertisement will be made available
on the website www.iocl.com ONLY. Candidates are advised to refer to the above website periodically for updates.
6. A candidate employed in Govt/Govt Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies will be required to submit ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ at
the time of Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (if shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test) , failing which the candidate will not be
allowed to appear in the Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test. Such candidates, if offered an appointment, shall be required to submit proper
‘RELEASE ORDER’ from their employer at the time of joining, without which they will not be allowed to join.
7. General, EWS and OBC (NCL) candidates are required to pay Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) as application fee (non-
refundable) through SBI Collect only. The bank charges, as applicable, have to be borne by the candidate.
8. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of
the applications, mode of selection, and cancellation of the selection process, etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
9. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to jurisdiction of the local Court at the location of the Refinery Unit (Gujarat Refinery), for which the
candidate has applied for.

P) How to Apply: On-Line Application

1. Before applying on-line, a candidate must have an active email ID and a mobile phone number which must remain valid for at-least twelve
month period for future communication (including issue of call letters).
2. The candidate should have the relevant documents/certificates pertaining to age, qualification, caste, experience, scanned copy of colour
photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 50 KB) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form
will be required to be uploaded.

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3. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a post, may visit the website www.iocl.com Go to ‘What’s New’ > Go to
Requirement of Non-Executive Personnel 2023 at Gujarat Refinery and Haldia Refinery in IOCL > Click on “Detailed
Advertisement” (to refer to the Advertisement) > Click on “Click here to Apply Online” (to fill online application form) and apply
for Gujarat Refinery. The link to online application will remain open from 01-05-2023 (10:00 Hrs) to 30-05-2023(17:00 Hrs).
Applications submitted through on-line mode will ONLY be accepted. All future communication with candidate will take place only
through website/ email/ SMS.
4. The candidate must ascertain the correctness of each information/details before filling in the ‘Online Application Form’ and its final
submission. The candidate shall be wholly/exclusively responsible for the information/details so filled/provided in his/her online
Application Form.
5. The path for accessing and paying fee on SBI Collect portal is as follows:
Log onto https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/ , Choose Category as PSU- Public Sector Undertaking, , PSU Name as Indian Oil
Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Select Payment Category as Gujarat Refinery for which candidate has applied for against the relevant
post notified for the refinery. The last date for submitting the Application Fee payment is 30-05-2023 (17:00 Hrs).
6. After successful submission of online Application and online fees payment (as applicable), the candidates are required to send the
following documents to the concerned authority at Gujarat Refinery (as mentioned in the table at Clause No. P (8) below) by Ordinary
Post so as to reach by 10-06-2023 :
a) Print out of on-line application form, duly signed
b) A Color photograph under self-attestation
c) Self-attested copies of the following documents:

i. Matriculation/Higher Secondary certificate issued by Board of Secondary Education.

ii. Marksheet of Class XII by the concerned education Board / Semester-wise or year-wise mark sheets of ITI (Fitter) issued by
NCVT or SCVT/ Graduation/Diploma in Engineering issued by University/ Institute ( as applicable)
iii. Certificate of Class XII Pass by the concerned education Board /Final ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT / Graduation/Diploma
in Engineering Final/ Provisional Pass Certificate issued by respective University/Institute ( as applicable)
iv. Conversion certificate from CGPA/OGPA/Letter Grade to percentage of marks from concerned University/Institute (if
applicable). In case the Board/Institute/University does not follow any conversion formula for converting CGPA/OGPA to
Percentage, candidate will have to produce a certificate to this effect that the Board/Institute/University does not follow any
conversion formula
v. SC/ST/ OBC (NCL) Certificate alongwith “Declaration” / EWS-Income & Asset Certificate. Certificate must be in the prescribed
format (available on website www.iocl.com and www.iocrefrecruit.in) and issued by the Competent Authority.
vi. Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Payslips, Increment Letter, relieving letter etc. proving the
continuance of experience for the period being claimed. The documents submitted in support of Experience must clearly
establish the period of experience as well as the nature of relevant prescribed experience being claimed against the post
applied for.
vii. For candidates applying for Post code 202, Boiler Competency Certificate (BCC) with Second Class OR National Apprenticeship
Certificate in Boiler Attendant under the Apprentices Act, 1961 with due endorsement of equivalence to the Second Class Boiler
Attendant Certificate of Competency, by the Competent Boiler Authority of the State of Gujarat.
viii. For experiences being claimed under Large Industrial Establishment, wherever prescribed, copy of the relevant page of the last
published Balance sheet of the establishment and copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor along with the page of
the balance sheet to be furnished where the candidate is employed, directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor)
by a Large Industrial Establishment. In case a candidate is unable to furnish copy of the work order issued to the
agency/contractor (as stipulated above), Certificate as stipulated at Clause No. B (2a)(iii)a above, shall be required under signature
and seal of the Agency/ Contractor
ix. Proof of Qualification (equivalence) / Self Declaration of same area of work experience / Service Certificate/ Discharge Certificate
in case of Ex-Servicemen.
x. Duly completed Proforma of Certificate for employed Officials - to be submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as
applicable {Please refer to Clause No. C (6)}
xi. Duly completed Form of Undertaking to be given by Candidates Applying for Civil Posts under Ex Servicemen Category- to be
submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as applicable {Please refer to Clause No. C (7)}
xii. Payment Confirmation Slip received from SBI Collect after successful payment of Application Fees (not applicable to exempted
candidates i.e. SC/ST/ExSM candidates).
xiii. Photo Identity Proof ( Aadhar Card/Driving License/ Voter Id/ PAN Card/ Passport)

7. If printout of the online application of a candidate along with the documents mentioned at Clause No. P (6) above is not received by Gujarat
Refinery, by 10-06-2023 by Ordinary Post, his/her candidature shall be summarily Rejected without any further communication.
Candidates should superscribe the Name of Post, Post Code and Name of the Refinery Applied for on the top of the envelope while sending
the documents by Ordinary Post.
8. While sending the printout of the online applications alongwith specified documents by Ordinary Post, candidates shall ensure that the
same are sent to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for. Postal addresses of the Units are furnished below:

Refinery Address
Dy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Gujarat Refinery, P.O. Jawahar Nagar,
Gujarat Refinery
Dist. Vadodara - 391320(Gujarat)

9. As regards online application and documents sent by Post, candidates shall note that the same sent to any address other than those
specified at Clause P (8) or sent by Registered Post/ Speed Post / Email/ Courier etc. (i.e. other than Ordinary post) shall stand
automatically Rejected.
10. Incomplete applications, applications received after notified last date, applications not supported by copies of relevant documents,
applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or non-receipt of applications (in physical form) by Ordinary Post by the date specified,
shall be treated as Rejected without any further communication.

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11. In the event of non-receipt of application fee (applicable for General, EWS & OBC Category candidates) for ANY reason whatsoever, his /
her candidature will stand cancelled and no further communication shall be entertained. IOCL will not be responsible for any glitch in SBI
Collect payment gateway or any failure of payment/non- generation of transaction number through the gateway.
12. Candidates shall be required to carry a copy of the online application submitted by him/her along with the originals & self-attested copies
of all testimonials and produce the same at the time of SPPT for verification( if shortlisted for SPPT).
13. Further information regarding Written Test and SPPT (if shortlisted), call letters/ admit cards, results, etc. shall be made available through
the website/ over email. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep visiting the website regularly.
14. IOCL will not be responsible for any loss / non-delivery of email/ any other communication, due to invalid / wrong email id/ mailbox being
full/ incorrect contact details furnished by the candidate etc.
15. Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the following e-mail id & Contact
No. given below.

For Queries / Clarification(s)

Unit Contact No. E-mail ID
Gujarat Refinery 0265-2238154 jr-recruitment@indianoil.in

Important Dates for Candidates:








Canvassing in any form is liable to render a Candidate Ineligible

Be Aware of Frauds
Recruitment in Indian Oil are undertaken only through Employment Exchange / Press Notifications

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