Original Research: High Doses of Vitamin D To Reduce Exacerbations in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Original Research: High Doses of Vitamin D To Reduce Exacerbations in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Original Research: High Doses of Vitamin D To Reduce Exacerbations in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Background: Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-[OH]D) levels Results: Mean serum 25-(OH)D levels increased significantly in the
have been associated with lower FEV1, impaired immunologic con- vitamin D group compared with the placebo group (mean
trol, and increased airway inflammation. Because many patients between-group difference, 30 ng/mL [95% CI, 27 to 33 ng/mL];
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have vitamin D P ⬍ 0.001). The median time to first exacerbation did not signifi-
deficiency, effects of vitamin D supplementation may extend be- cantly differ between the groups (hazard ratio, 1.1 [CI, 0.82 to
yond preventing osteoporosis. 1.56]; P ⫽ 0.41), nor did exacerbation rates, FEV1, hospitalization,
quality of life, and death. However, a post hoc analysis in 30
Objective: To explore whether supplementation with high doses of participants with severe vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-[OH]D
vitamin D could reduce the incidence of COPD exacerbations. levels ⬍10 ng/mL) at baseline showed a significant reduction in
Design: Randomized, single-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled exacerbations in the vitamin D group (rate ratio, 0.57 [CI, 0.33 to
trial. (ClinicalTrials.gov registration number: NCT00666367) 0.98]; P ⫽ 0.042).
Setting: University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Limitation: This was a single-center study with a small sample size.
Patients: 182 patients with moderate to very severe COPD and a Conclusion: High-dose vitamin D supplementation in a sample of
history of recent exacerbations. patients with COPD did not reduce the incidence of exacerbations.
In participants with severe vitamin D deficiency at baseline, supple-
Intervention: 100 000 IU of vitamin D supplementation or placebo mentation may reduce exacerbations.
every 4 weeks for 1 year.
Primary Funding Source: Applied Biomedical Research Program,
Measurements: The primary outcome was time to first exacerba- Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT-TBM).
tion. Secondary outcomes were exacerbation rate, time to first
hospitalization, time to second exacerbation, FEV1, quality of life, Ann Intern Med. 2012;156:105-114. www.annals.org
and death. For author affiliations, see end of text.
(21). All participants provided written informed consent.
The study was approved by the local ethics review commit-
The association between low serum vitamin D levels and
tee of the University Hospitals Leuven and was registered
more severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00666367).
(COPD) suggests that vitamin D supplementation might
be beneficial for COPD treatment. Randomization and Masking
Randomization was performed in 2 strata: one group
of vitamin D–naive participants and one group of partici-
In this randomized trial, supplementation with vitamin D pants receiving low-dose vitamin D supplements (400 to
did not reduce the number of acute exacerbations of 880 IU/d) for osteoporosis at baseline. We randomly as-
COPD nor improve lung function, compared with placebo.
signed participants in blocks of 20 to overcome seasonal
A post hoc analysis suggested possible benefit in patients
influences on baseline characteristics. In each consecutive
with the lowest baseline vitamin D levels.
block, participants were allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive a
Implication monthly oral dose of 100 000 IU of vitamin D (4 mL of
Vitamin D supplementation does not seem to be beneficial D-Cure [manufactured and provided by Laboratoires
for COPD, although further study may be warranted to SMB, Brussels, Belgium]) or placebo (4 mL of arachidis
assess whether it might help certain patient groups. oleum) in addition to their regular treatment. Pharmacists
of the University Hospitals Leuven, who were independent
—The Editors from the clinical study team, randomly assigned partici-
pants by using a computer-generated randomization list
and prepared the study medication. Vitamin D and pla-
extensive expert analysis of the potential effects of vita- cebo were prepared in oral syringe dispensers, were identi-
min D supplementation on the health outcomes of cal in appearance and taste, and were numbered according
North American participants concluded that evidence to the randomization schedule. After the last participant
for extraskeletal benefits of vitamin D therapy is insuf- completed the trial, masking continued until all data were
ficient and that only new randomized, controlled trials entered in a database, which was verified and locked before
can define such effects (19). unblinding in July 2010.
Particularly for COPD, the vitamin D pathway is an Procedures
attractive target for intervention studies because vitamin D
Patients were screened during hospitalization for an
deficiency may enhance chronic airway and systemic in-
exacerbation or before referral for respiratory rehabilita-
flammation, reduce bacterial clearance, and increase the
tion. Randomization occurred 5 to 6 weeks after screening
risk for infectious exacerbations at the same time (20).
if the participant had convalesced. If not, randomization
Therefore, we aimed to explore the effect of adequate vita-
was postponed until steroid, antibiotic, or combination
min D supplementation on exacerbations in patients with
treatment was completed and spirometric values were
moderate to very severe COPD. We report the efficacy and
similar to preexacerbation values. Baseline characteristics
safety of long-term, high-dose vitamin D supplementation
included the Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dys-
in patients with COPD prone to exacerbations.
pnea, and Exercise Capacity (BODE) Index, a multi-
dimensional, COPD-specific, 10-point scale in which
METHODS higher scores indicate a higher risk for death (22), and the
Study Design and Participants Charlson comorbidity index, a non–COPD-specific but
Our study was a single-center, double-blind, random- validated comorbidity index (23). After randomization,
ized, placebo-controlled intervention trial. Patients were follow-up visits occurred every 4 months (at 4, 8, and 12
screened for eligibility at the University Hospitals Leuven, months). The primary end point was the time to first ex-
Leuven, Belgium, over a 1.5-year recruitment period in acerbation. Secondary end points were exacerbation rate;
2008 and 2009. Eligible patients were current or former time to first hospitalization; time to second exacerbation;
smokers, were older than 50 years, had a diagnosis of FEV1 (24); quality of life, as measured with the Chronic
COPD according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Ob- Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) (scores for dyspnea,
structive Lung Disease (GOLD) definition (postbroncho- emotion, fatigue, and mastery) (25); and death. In addition
dilator FEV1–FVC ratio ⬍0.7), and had an FEV1 less than to these clinical end points, bacterial presence in morning
80% predicted. Patients were excluded if they had a history sputa, plasma cathelicidin levels, serum 25-(OH)D levels,
of hypercalcemia, sarcoidosis, or active cancer. Treatment and blood monocyte capacities for phagocytosis were de-
with vitamin D supplements for newly discovered symp- termined in a blinded manner (Appendix, available at
tomatic osteoporosis and long-term azithromycin treat- www.annals.org).
ment, with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions, The clinical study team remained blinded to these re-
were additional exclusion criteria, because they could inter- sults until the database was locked. We defined COPD
fere with 25-(OH)D dosages and exacerbation analyses exacerbations as sustained worsening of respiratory symp-
106 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 www.annals.org
toms during 48 hours and requiring oral corticosteroid, compared by using Kaplan–Meier curves and log-rank
antibiotic, or combination treatment that was initiated by tests. We calculated the mean number of exacerbations per
a physician. Respiratory symptoms included at least 1 of patient-year by dividing the total number of exacerbations
the Anthonisen criteria (26) (increased dyspnea, sputum by the total years of follow-up in the ITT population.
volume, or sputum purulence) with or without minor Exacerbation rate in the ITT population was analyzed with
symptoms, such as cough, fever, common cold, wheezing, a generalized linear model for a Poisson distribution, cor-
or sore throat. Time to first exacerbation was assessed by recting for duration of treatment exposure and overdisper-
quantifying the days between randomization and the first sion. Because age, FEV1, GOLD stage, and smoking status
exacerbation. To obtain data on exacerbations, we asked did not have a statistically significant influence on our
participants to complete diaries every 2 weeks that detailed model, we did not include these covariates in the final
respiratory tract symptoms, visits to health care providers, analysis (29). In a post hoc analysis for exacerbation rate, a
hospitalizations, and changes in medication. At each visit, similar generalized linear model for a Poisson distribution
diaries were reviewed in the participant’s presence and the
was applied in the ITT population but with correction for
general practitioner was contacted in case of doubt, missing
baseline serum 25-(OH)D levels and for the interaction of
data, or suspicion of self-medication.
these levels with treatment. All further subgroup analyses
Spirometry was repeated at each visit by using stan-
dard equipment (CareFusion, Vilvoorde, Belgium) and (time to first exacerbation, exacerbation rate, and serum
was performed according to American Thoracic Society/ 25-[OH]D levels) in participants receiving low-dose
European Respiratory Society guidelines (27). To monitor supplements, vitamin D–naive participants at baseline,
safety, we collected blood samples every 4 months to mea- or participants with severe vitamin D deficiency (de-
sure serum calcium and phosphate levels. After a protocol fined as having serum 25-[OH]D levels ⬍10 ng/mL)
amendment halfway through the trial, we collected urine were post hoc.
samples to better document the safety profile of the study Serial FEV1, CRQ scores, plasma cathelicidin levels,
drug. From that point on, all participants (n ⫽ 79) col- serum 25-(OH)D levels, and bacterial presence in morning
lected 24-hour urine the day before the last study visit to sputa over 1 year were predefined secondary end points.
measure urinary calcium level, the calcium– creatinine ra- They were compared in a linear mixed-model analysis,
tio, and the glomerular filtration rate. with visit number as the repeated measure and the respec-
tive marker as the dependent variable, in the ITT popula-
Statistical Analysis tion. Two-way analysis-of-variance P values of treatment-
The study was designed to demonstrate a minimum by-visit interaction are reported. Posttests to compare
delay of 25% in the time to first exacerbation when com- differences per visit were performed by using t test statistics
paring the vitamin D group with the placebo group. As we with unadjusted P values. Chi-square statistics were used to
enrolled patients who were recently treated for an exacer- compare proportions of participants with hypercalcemia
bation, we based our assumptions on the MOSAIC (Moxi- (during the study) and hypercalciuria (at the end of the
floxacin Compared to Standard Antibiotics for Acute Ex- study) between the groups at every visit. To compare the
acerbations in Chronic Bronchitis) trial (28), which best
monocyte capacity for phagocytosis between the groups at
resembled our study sample and showed a mean time to
the end of the study, we used t test statistics. Subgroup
next exacerbation of 130 days (SD, 70) after a first exacer-
analysis of monocyte capacity for phagocytosis and plasma
bation. Based on t test statistics, a sample size of 57 par-
ticipants in each group was needed to demonstrate a 25% cathelicidin levels in participants with severe vitamin D
delay in time to first exacerbation, with 80% power at 5% deficiency at baseline were post hoc analyses. Effect sizes
significance. Because approximately 20% of our partici- between groups of primary or secondary outcomes are
pants were receiving low-dose vitamin D supplements for given with P values and 95% CIs. P values less than 0.05
osteoporosis prevention (which was not an exclusion crite- are considered statistically significant. Analyses were per-
rion), and given an estimated maximum rate of 15% of formed with SAS software, version 9.1 (SAS Institute,
participant withdrawals without follow-up, 180 partici- Cary, North Carolina), and GraphPad Prism 4.01 for
pants had to be randomly assigned to end up with at least Windows (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California).
120 vitamin D–naive participants at inclusion. All analyses
for exacerbations, deaths, and serum 25-(OH)D levels used Role of the Funding Source
the intention-to-treat (ITT) population, defined as all ran- The Applied Biomedical Research Program, Agency
domly assigned participants who received at least 1 dose of for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT-TBM),
study medication. All available data were used for the ITT provided funding for the study, and Laboratoires SMB
analysis. On-treatment analyses for these variables are re- provided the study medication. These sources were not
ported in the Appendix. involved in the study design; collection, analysis, or inter-
Time to first or second exacerbation and time to first pretation of data; or in prepartion or submission of the
hospitalization in both groups in the ITT population were manuscript for publication.
www.annals.org 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 107
Withdrew during
screening or did not
meet entry criteria
(n = 237)
Randomly assigned
(n = 182)
Deaths (n = 9) Deaths (n = 6)
ITT ⫽ intention-to-treat.
participants were receiving vitamin D supplements (800 the time to first exacerbation and annual rate of exacerba-
IU/d) for bone protection before randomization, but they tions or other outcomes did not differ in this subgroup
were equally distributed between the groups (20 persons (Figure 3, B, and Appendix Table 2). Data from the sub-
each). group of participants receiving low-dose supplements at
Exacerbations baseline are not reported.
A total of 468 exacerbations occurred: 229 in the vi-
tamin D group and 239 in the placebo group. Kaplan– Interaction Between Vitamin D Supplementation and
Meier survival analysis showed no significant difference in Baseline Serum 25-(OH)D Levels
the median time to first exacerbation between the vitamin Because a post hoc analysis on the rate of exacerba-
D and placebo groups (84 days [interquartile range {IQR}, tions in the ITT population demonstrated a significant
29 to 200 days] vs. 56 days [IQR, 21 to 200 days]) (hazard interaction in treatment by baseline serum 25-(OH)D level
ratio [HR], 1.1 [95% CI, 0.82 to 1.56]; P ⫽ 0.41) (Figure (P ⫽ 0.027), we performed a further subgroup analysis for
2, A). Median time to second exacerbation also did not participants with severe vitamin D deficiency at baseline
differ between the groups (204 days [IQR, 123 to 329 (serum 25-[OH]D levels ⬍10 ng/mL). Among these 30
days] vs. 201 days [IQR, 113 to 333 days]) (HR, 1.02 [CI, participants, 15 were randomly allocated to receive vi-
0.72 to 1.47]; P ⫽ 0.88) (Figure 2, B). The annual rate of tamin D supplementation, which resulted in a signifi-
exacerbations was 2.8 per patient-year in the vitamin D cant increase in serum 25-(OH)D levels (from 8 ng/mL
group and 2.9 in the placebo group, resulting in a nonsig- [SD, 2] to 50 ng/mL [SD, 15]; mean between-group
nificant rate ratio of 0.94 (CI, 0.76 to 1.16; P ⫽ 0.57). We difference, 38 ng/mL [CI, 33 to 44 ng/mL]; P ⬍
did not find a significant difference in the median time to 0.001). Although the time to first exacerbation did not
first hospitalization for an exacerbation (HR, 0.84 [CI, differ in this subgroup, the rate of exacerbations per
0.50 to 1.40]; P ⫽ 0.50) (Figure 2, C). A total of 152 patient-year decreased by 43% (rate ratio, 0.57 [CI,
exacerbations resulted in hospitalization: 79 in the vitamin 0.33 to 0.98]; P ⫽ 0.042) (Figure 3, C).
D group and 73 in the placebo group (rate ratio, 1.13 [CI,
0.70 to 1.82]; P ⫽ 0.62).
Death, FEV1, and Quality of Life
Table. Baseline Characteristics*
Fifteen deaths occurred within 1 year after randomiza-
tion: 11 of respiratory disease, 1 of lung cancer, 2 of car-
Characteristic Vitamin D Group Placebo Group
diac disease, and 1 of unknown cause. The proportions of (n ⴝ 91) (n ⴝ 91)
deaths from any cause were 10% in the vitamin D group Men, n (%) 72 (79) 73 (80)
and 7% in the placebo group (rate ratio, 1.5 [CI, 0.56 to Mean age (SD), y 68 (9) 68 (8)
4.04]; P ⫽ 0.42). Kaplan–Meier survival analysis showed Mean BMI (SD), kg/m2 25 (5) 24 (5)
Smoking status
no significant difference in survival between the groups Current smokers, n (%) 13 (14) 19 (21)
(HR, 0.69 [CI, 0.25 to 1.90]; P ⫽ 0.47) (Figure 2, D). Mean pack-years smoked (SD) 51 (23) 53 (32)
Linear mixed-model analysis showed no significant differ- Mean FEV1 (SD), L 1.22 (0.45) 1.17 (0.43)
Mean FEV1 (SD), % predicted 44 (16) 42 (14)
ences in CRQ dyspnea, emotional, mastery, and fatigue Mean FVC (SD), L 2.78 (0.78) 2.88 (0.83)
scores and in FEV1 between the group at any time during Mean FEV1–FVC ratio (SD), % 44 (12) 41 (11)
follow-up (Appendix Figure 2 and Appendix Table 1, Mean DLCO (SD), % predicted 46 (16) 49 (16)
GOLD stage, n (%)
available at www.annals.org). II 25 (28) 24 (26)
Efficacy of Supplementation III 43 (47) 48 (53)
IV 23 (25) 19 (21)
Serum 25-(OH)D levels in the ITT population were Mean 25-(OH)D level (SD), ng/mL 20 (12) 20 (11)
measured during 90% of the visits. At baseline, mean se- Mean Charlson index score (SD) 3.48 (2.54) 3.52 (2.44)
Mean BODE Index score (SD) 3.82 (2.28) 3.55 (2.03)
rum 25-(OH)D levels did not differ between the vitamin
Medication, n (%)
D group (20 ng/mL [SD, 12]) and the placebo group (20 LABA 2 (2) 4 (4)
ng/mL [SD, 11]) (Figure 3, A; and Appendix Table 2, LABA plus ICS 81 (89) 79 (87)
Long-acting anticholinergic drugs 81 (89) 84 (92)
available at www.annals.org). Vitamin D supplementation
Short-acting bronchodilators 64 (70) 72 (79)
resulted in a steep and significant increase in serum 25- Steroids† 11 (12) 15 (16)
(OH)D levels that remained stable during the study (52 Long-term oxygen therapy 11 (12) 10 (11)
Started with rehabilitation at first visit 25 (27) 25 (27)
ng/mL [SD, 16]) (mean between-group difference, 30
ng/mL [CI, 27 to 33 ng/mL]; P ⬍ 0.001) (Figure 3, A, 25-(OH)D ⫽ 25-hydroxyvitamin D; BMI ⫽ body mass index; BODE ⫽ Body-
and Appendix Table 2). A post hoc analysis in the sub- Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise Capacity; DLCO ⫽ dif-
fusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide; GOLD ⫽ Global Initiative for
group of vitamin D–naive participants (n ⫽ 142) demon- Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; ICS ⫽ inhaled corticosteroid; LABA ⫽ long-
strated that mean serum 25-(OH)D levels at baseline were acting -agonist.
* Baseline characteristics of vitamin D and placebo groups at randomization. Both
lower than those of the ITT population, but that the sub- groups were matched for all given variables.
group received equal, effective supplementation. However, † ⱕ4 mg of methylprednisolone.
www.annals.org 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 109
Figure 2. Kaplan–Meier plots of time to first exacerbation (A), time to second exacerbation (B), time to first hospitalization (C),
and death from any cause (D) in the intention-to-treat population.
A 100 B 100
Vitamin D
Probability of Second
80 80
Probability of First
Exacerbation, %
Exacerbation, %
60 60
40 40
Vitamin D
20 20
0 0
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Month Month
Participants at risk, n Participants at risk, n
Vitamin D 91 31 20 4 Vitamin D 91 71 41 16
Placebo 91 30 19 9 Placebo 91 68 38 13
C 100 D 15
Vitamin D Vitamin D
80 Placebo Placebo
Probability of Death
From Any Cause, %
Probability of First
Hospitalization, %
0 0
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Month Month
Participants at risk, n Participants at risk, n
Vitamin D 91 74 60 37 Vitamin D 91 91 87 82
Placebo 91 71 62 41 Placebo 91 90 88 85
Figure 3. Mean serum 25-(OH)D levels and COPD exacerbation rates among the ITT population (A), vitamin D–naive sub-
group (B), and subgroup with severe vitamin D deficiency at baseline (C).
Mean 25-(OH)D 30
Mean 25-(OH)D 30
Vitamin D
C. Subgroup With Severe Vitamin D Deficiency 50
Mean 25-(OH)D 30
Two-way analysis-of-variance statistics for between-group differences in serum 25-(OH)D levels and Poisson regression statistics for exacerbation rates are
given. P values are unadjusted. Severe vitamin D deficiency was defined as having serum 25-(OH)D levels ⬍10 ng/mL. To convert values to nmol/L,
multiply by 2.5. 25-(OH)D ⫽ 25-hydroxyvitamin D; COPD ⫽ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ITT ⫽ intention-to-treat; RR ⫽ rate ratio.
www.annals.org 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 111
does not reduce the time to first exacerbation or the rate of showed a statistically significant reduction in exacerbations
exacerbations in patients with moderate to very severe of 43% over 1 year. In this subgroup, vitamin D treatment
COPD. Secondary outcomes, such as FEV1, quality of life, was associated with a significant increase in the monocyte
and death, were also not affected. capacity for phagocytosis. Considering the post hoc nature
The absence of a vitamin D–mediated effect in our of the analysis and the small size of the subgroup, therapy
study sample contrasts with indirect evidence from most should not be altered owing to these hypothesis-generating
association studies in COPD (2, 4, 6), but is consistent data. However, because 1 out of 6 participants in the trial
with recent data from the Lung Health Study (30), which presented with such asymptomatic, low serum 25-(OH)D
showed that vitamin levels did not determine the rate of levels at baseline that persisted during the study, further
decline in FEV1 in a limited subgroup. In addition, most focus and future studies on this important subgroup may
intervention trials of vitamin D supplementation targeting be warranted, eventually resulting in better patient-tailored
extracalcemic effects in other chronic diseases have shown interventions. Recently, a frequent exacerbator phenotype
disappointing results (12, 14, 31). Because the absence of was identified suggesting that individualized therapy, in-
clinically significant effects in such trials may relate to a cluding appropriate vitamin D supplementation, may be-
lack of power, insufficient supplementation, or insensitive come important (32). Finally, we should note that the lack
end points, we specifically designed our study to overcome of an overall effect may be explained by local insensitivity
some of these concerns. We carefully assessed the effect of to vitamin D because of smoking or chronic inflammation.
a monthly dose of 100 000 IU of vitamin D on serum Epigenetic silencing of vitamin D signaling has been de-
25-(OH)D levels at several time points during the trial. scribed in several types of cancer, and similar mechanisms
Active treatment resulted in mean serum 25-(OH)D levels may apply to chronic inflammatory diseases, such as
of 52 ng/mL (SD, 16), which is within the therapeutic COPD (36 –38). Of note, we could not detect any differ-
range to obtain the hypothesized extracalcemic effects (15). ential effect of the treatment in former smokers or current
In addition, we selected a study sample prone to severe smokers, with the limitation that the latter group was very
exacerbations (32) by recruiting most (81%) participants small.
during a hospitalization for an acute exacerbation. Conse- Our study also assessed the potential toxicity of pro-
quently, the average number of exacerbations observed (2.9 longed and high-dose supplementation in patients with
per patient-year) was higher than that usually found in COPD, although we acknowledge that it was underpow-
large intervention trials of inhalation therapy in partici- ered to determine long-term safety. Our data demonstrate
pants from an outpatient clinic, thereby enhancing the that an average daily dose of more than 3200 IU of vitamin
power to detect significant differences (33, 34). However, D during 1 year given as once-monthly 100 000 IU, which
the original power calculations, based on a t test to evaluate is more than 4 times the recommended dose for bone pro-
the difference in the mean time to first exacerbation, did tection (39), introduced a small and transient risk for
not consider the skewed distribution of the data on exac- asymptomatic hypercalcemia. Because our blood samples
erbations. Although the limited sample size provided insuf- were collected independently at drug intake, we recognize
ficient power to demonstrate a clinically significant delay in that other transient peaks of hypercalcemia in the days
time to first exacerbation, the survival curves for the time after ingestion may have been missed in some participants.
to first exacerbation almost completely overlapped (HR, This indicates that the upper limit of tolerability of 4000
1.1 [CI, 0.82 to 1.56]) and the exacerbation rate did not IU/d, which is newly recommended and defined by the
differ (rate ratio, 0.94 [CI, 0.76 to 1.16]). Thus, we think Institute of Medicine, may still be too high in elderly, sick
that the probability of making a type II error in our study patients (19).
was rather small. Given the wide interest for vitamin D intervention
The absence of therapeutic effect of vitamin D in our trials in other chronic diseases, these findings may help to
study sample may relate to the fact that most of our par- guide the design of and dosage in future trials. Although
ticipants presented with severe COPD and were receiving our results demonstrate that supplementation beyond what
maximum inhalation therapy. As all of these treatments are is recommended for bone health does not reduce exacerba-
known to reduce exacerbations, any additional effect of tions in patients with moderate to very severe COPD, they
vitamin D in addition to regular treatment is probably corroborate the suggestion that vitamin D deficiency is a
more difficult to obtain (33, 34). Intervention in the earlier potential risk in some patients. The dose used in our study
stages of COPD when patients receive fewer medications was beyond the currently recommended daily requirements
might therefore be more effective, which is consistent with but yielded reliable levels of serum 25-(OH)D in all par-
the idea that such milder stages are also more sensitive to ticipants without any observed symptomatic calcium-
disease modification (35). Second, a post hoc analysis related toxicity. More studies in other chronic diseases are
showed a significant interaction of baseline serum 25- needed to further explore the need and safety for recommend-
(OH)D levels with intervention for exacerbation rates in ing these higher doses of vitamin D to obtain potential ben-
the ITT population. Subsequently, our intervention in par- eficial effects beyond bone health, particularly in vitamin
ticipants with severe vitamin D deficiency (⬍10 ng/mL) D– deficient patients with immune-related diseases.
112 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 www.annals.org
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W-16 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 www.annals.org
Probability of First Exacerbation, %
25 1.1
0 4 8 12 0.9
Participants at risk, n 0.8
0 4 8 12
Vitamin D 91 29 17 4
Placebo 91 29 18 9 Participants, n
Vitamin D 91 81 76 69
Mean 25-(OH)D Level (95% CI), ng/mL
60 Vitamin D Placebo 91 84 81 77
50 Linear mixed-model analysis showed no significant differences between
the groups and study visits (P ⫽ 0.87).
0 4 8 12
Participants, n
Vitamin D 91 81 75 65
Placebo 91 83 73 65
Mean 25-(OH)D
level (SD), ng/mL
At baseline 20 (12) 20 (11) 0.2 (–3 to 4) 0.90
During study 52 (16) 22 (13) 30 (27 to 33) <0.001
COPD exacerbations 2.8 2.8 0.99 (0.80 to 1.25) 0.99
per patient-year, n
Two-way ANOVA <0.001
www.annals.org 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 W-17
Dyspnea score
Baseline 4.7 (1.4) 4.7 (1.5) ⫺0.03 (⫺0.46 to 0.40) 0.90
During study 4.8 (1.5) 5.0 (1.5) ⫺0.24 (⫺0.49 to 0.14) 0.141
P value† 0.30
Emotional score
Baseline 4.9 (1.3) 4.8 (1.3) 0.10 (⫺0.27 to 0.47) 0.60
During study 5.0 (1.3) 5.1 (1.3) ⫺0.07 (⫺0.31 to 0.16) 0.55
P value† 0.53
Fatigue score
Baseline 4.1 (1.4) 3.9 (1.4) 0.19 (⫺0.22 to 0.59) 0.36
During study 4.3 (1.5) 4.1 (1.4) 0.15 (⫺0.12 to 0.42) 0.27
P value† 0.27
Mastery score
Baseline 5.3 (1.3) 5.2 (1.3) 0.09 (⫺0.28 to 0.48) 0.63
During study 5.4 (1.3) 5.5 (1.3) ⫺0.02 (⫺0.26 to 0.22) 0.85
P value† 0.57
Appendix Table 2. Serum 25-(OH)D Levels Over 1 Year in the ITT Population, Subgroup of Vitamin D–Naive Participants, and
Subgroup of Vitamin D–Deficient Participants*
Variable† Vitamin D Group Placebo Group Difference (95% CI) Unadjusted P Value
ITT population
Baseline (n ⫽ 91/91) 20 (12) 20 (11) 0.2 (–3 to 4) 0.90
4 mo (n ⫽ 83/86) 52 (13) 23 (13) 28 (25 to 32) ⬍0.001
8 mo (n ⫽ 79/81) 54 (15) 23 (12) 31 (27 to 35) ⬍0.001
12 mo (n ⫽ 70/74) 52 (19) 20 (13) 32 (26 to 37) ⬍0.001
During study 52 (16) 22 (13) 30 (27 to 33) ⬍0.001
P value‡ ⬍0.001
W-18 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 www.annals.org
Hypercalcemia, % (n)
Baseline (n ⫽ 91/91) 1 (2) 0 – 0.155
4 mo (n ⫽ 83/86) 2 (4) 0 – 0.043
8 mo (n ⫽ 79/81) 0 0 – –
12 mo (n ⫽ 70/74) 0 0 – –
Hypercalciuria, % (n)¶
Baseline – – – –
4 mo – – – –
8 mo – – – –
12 mo (n ⫽ 39/40) 0 0 – –
Variable Baseline 4 mo 8 mo 12 mo
Participants providing spontaneous sputum samples, % (n)
Vitamin D group (n ⫽ 91) 54 (49) 44 (40) 33 (30) 20 (18)
Placebo group (n ⫽ 91) 49 (45) 47 (43) 44 (40) 30 (28)
P value* 0.55 0.66 0.128 0.088
www.annals.org 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 W-19
100 P = 0.002
Cathelicidin Level, ng/mL
Phagocytosis-Positive in
60 70
50 60
40 50
30 40
20 30
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Mean Baseline 25-(OH)D Level, ng/mL 0
Vitamin D Placebo
(n = 57) (n = 61)
Vitamin D
During Study in ITT Population, ng/mL
18 Placebo P = 0.002
14 80
8 40
0 4 8 12
Month 0
Participants, n Vitamin D Placebo
Vitamin D 74 70 66 60 (n = 10) (n = 10)
Placebo 76 70 69 63
ITT ⫽ intention-to-treat. Top. Percentage of monocytes positive for
phagocytosis at the end of the study in the ITT population. Bottom.
25-(OH)D ⫽ 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ITT ⫽ intention-to-treat. Top. Percentage of monocytes positive for phagocytosis at the end of the study
Relationship between plasma cathelicidin and serum 25-(OH)D levels at in the subgroup of participants with severe vitamin D deficiency (serum
baseline. Spearman r ⫽ 0.027; P ⫽ 0.04. Bottom. Plasma cathelicidin 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels ⬍10 ng/mL).
levels during the study in the ITT population. Linear mixed-model anal-
ysis showed no significant differences between the groups and study visits
(P ⫽ 0.85).
W-20 17 January 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 156 • Number 2 www.annals.org