Chapter 4 Personal and Mental Health

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and Mental
Prepared by: Charlotte S. Lazatin

What is mental health?

Mental health is the psychological well-being of a

person. It is how a person thinks, feels, and acts
to cope with life. Good mental health makes you
function comfortably in the society. It denotes a
sound state of mind that allows you to face and
accept realities in life.
What are the characteristics of a healthy mind?
Capable of
Direct self,
experiencing the
independent of
full range of human
the surrounding

Functions Deals with the worlds

independently where as it is rather than the
and when appropriate one wants it to be

Shows no fear of
Enjoys and contents Accepts self, and
the unknown
oneself with simple others, and life’s
always open to
everyday pleasures disappointments
new ideas
Understanding Stress

What is stress?
Stress is the response of your body and mind to
unpleasant or challenging events in life. Being tensed,
uncomfortable, or worried about something can cause
stress. These are called stressors. Stressors are
situations, which make you feel worried or anxious.

Eustress STRESS Distress

Stressors that affect Adolescents


• Going through parent’s separation/annulment

• Having a parent remarry
• Having a serious illness of a member of the family
• Having more arguments with parents
• Having a parent lose his or her job
• Death of a family member
• Being pregnant
Stressors that affect Adolescents


• Moving to a new school

• Failing grade
• Fear of teachers
• Too much work loads such as several examinations
for a day or homework and projects and
participation in school activities
• Being suspended from school
Stressors that affect Adolescents


• Drinking alcohol, smoking or taking illegal drugs

with peers
• Breaking up from a relationship
• Beginning to date
• Wanting to belong to a group
Stressors that affect Adolescents


• Moving to a new community

• Frequent noise from the neighborhood
• Uncollected garbage
• Crowded transportation
How do you cope with stress?
Exercise and
Think Positive
eat healthy
If you are physically You have to learn to
fit and healthy, you see the positive side
can also think of even a negative
properly. situation.

Keep your mind Be sociable

active and learn Have a group of
new things encouraging friends.
Train and prepare They can help you
for conditions cope with stress
causing stress. positively.
How do you cope with stress?
Develop useful Set attainable and
coping abilities reasonable goals
If you know that you Aim high within your
will be stressed in resources and capacity.
doing task, think of Do not set goals you
ways to make it less know you can’t achieve
stressful. to avoid stress.

Take time out

from stressful
Do relaxing activities
like unwinding with
friends and family or
listening to music.
Death and Dying
Death is a situation that is not within a person’s
control. Each person reacts differently to such
situations and has their own way of managing grief.
Hence, dealing with grief difers from person to
person. Some may take shorter period while longer
for others. Sadness and mild depression are normal
when one is in the stage of mourning. Learning how
to cope with the loss of a loved one is necessary in
order to avoid a more serious mental disorder such
as depression.
What is grief?

Grief is an intense emotion from loss,

disaster, or misfortune.

low-grief death – a death high-grief death – unexpected

caused by prolonged sickness death where grieving process
or anticipated death shwing may be more emotional and
little emotion after death due longer because no preparation
to experienced grief prior to for death was done such as
death. death due to accident.
What are the five stages of grief?

Denial – this stage is Depression – this

a healthy response to 01 04 depressive stage feels as
a stressful situation. though it will last forever.

Anger – after denial Acceptance – this

you become angry, 02 05 stage is about
resentful, and hostile. accepting the reality

Bargaining – this stage

typically occurs
throughout the dying
How is love and care expressed effectively

Reassure the
person with
Spend time with Encourage talk affection by
them about individual’s holding their hands
death or hugging

Listen carefully to the

feelings and
Share your love and thoughts of the sick
good memories person
What can we do for someone grieving a loss?

1 2 3 4

Be available during thoughtfulness by Attend memorial Have emphathy for
difficult times sending a card or services the person’s loss
calling the person
What can we do for someone grieving a loss?

5 6 7 8

Encourage talking Recognize signs of Sympathize with

Allow time for
about the person’s grief that are family members
person to grieve
grief unhealthy and friends
Types and Management of Common Mental Disorder

What is mental illness or disorder?

Mental illness or disorder is an emotional

disturbance, which affects the way an individual
thinks, feels, and behave making it difficult to live
a normal life.
Causes of mental disorders

Social and Psychological factors Biological Conditions

Environmental factors
These include situation These includes heredity,
that may have caused brain injury, infections
These include life situations
severe mental and causing mental illness, and
and experiences.
emotional trauma. related factors.
Signs and Symptomps of mental illness

Restleness and irritability; being Easily gets tired and

talkative, depressed and suspicious becoming unproductive

Prolonged headache Impaired memory

Disturbed sleep for a Isolating self from family

prolonged period and friends

Mars is a cold place

What are some of the different mental disorders?

Mood Disorders
Also referred to as affective disorders, are conditions
impacting mood and related functions. Moods range
from constant feeling of sadness or periods of overly
happy, or back and forth extreme happiness to extreme
sadness. Mood disorders may change sleeping and
eating patterns. It can prohibit a person from
functioning normally. The most common mood
disorders are depression and bipolar disorder.

Depression Bipolar disorder

What are some of the different mental disorders?

is serious mental disorder that greatly affects how a
person thinks, feels, and acts. Individuals with this
disorder may appear desperate and withdraw into a
world of imagination. They have difficulty
distinguishing what is real and what is just a product of
their imagination.
What are some of the different mental disorders?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

is an anxiety disorder where the person experiences
recurring obsessions and compulsions. A person with
this disorder has uncontrollable thoughts and the urge
to do something repeatedly.
What are some of the different mental disorders?

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

is a chronic and non-adaptive behavior of dealing with
other people and life changes. Some think that their
behavior is perfectly normal even if it is beyond strict
order and rules. People with OCPD have an excessive
need for perfection and control over all aspect of t\his
or her environment.

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