Rayan Osseiran's Presentation Kit

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Three main problems faced when selling across new markets

Customs Duty Fees &

I High Cost of Air Freight II Inspection Delays III Lengthy Delivery Timings

High Cost of Air Freight Deep Dive: Let’s look at the unit
economics for once

Item Cost Cost in $ Percentage

FCL Shipping Cost Per Order $ 1.50 5.9%

Storage Cost Per Order $ 0.87 3.4%

Fulfillment Cost Per Order $ 1.92 7.5%

International Delivery Cost Per Order $ 21.10 83.2%

Total $ 25.38 100%

With more and more global issues, we can only expect costs
to rise

Adapt through Alternatives


KSA Oman UAE Kuwait Bahrain

By localizing your fulfillment, almost a 50% cost reduction can
be achieved…

Cost Item Cost Under Scenario 1 Cost Under Scenario 2

(International FC) (Local FC)

FCL Shipping Cost Per Order $ 1.50 $ 1.87

Storage Cost Per Order $ 0.87 $ 1.09

Fulfillment Cost Per Order $ 1.92 $ 2.40

International Delivery Cost Per Order $ 21.10 $ 7.87

Total $ 25.38 $ 13.23

In addition, a whole range of other benefits would be realized

Reduced Customs
Shipping Times Uniformity

Feasible Return Further Risk

Management Mitigation

To-Do This There are 4 Key Areas To Look Into

Importer/Merchant on Warehousing &

Product Registration Last-Mile Delivery
Record Fulfillment

I – Importer / Merchant on Record
What is it? Why do I need it?
• It is required in order to be
• When importing products in
permitted to import into
bulk into a new market, a
several countries
importer or merchant on
• Most often it is the entity that
record is the entity declaring
will interact with the customs
the shipment in the local
authority for clearing the

How can I get it? Alternatively?

• Alternatively work with local
• Usually obtained by distributors
registering a company and OR
then registering the company • Work with Fulfillment Centers
with Customs Authorities that provide the IOR service

II – Product Registration
What is it? Why do I need it?
• Government requirement on
• Required to import certain
importer products
types of products (e.g. Food,
• Checks on health & safety are
Chemicals, Cosmetics) that
first need to be vetted by
• Complex & often technical

How can I get it? Alternatively?

• Coordinate with product

• Local Distribution Companies
registration companies by
• Local Fulfillment Centers
submitting product specs

III - Warehousing & Fulfillment
What is it? Why do I need it?

• Warehousing and fulfillment is

the storage of products within • Warehousing and fulfillment is
a warehouse where orders to required as a local operation
customers or businesses will for your new market presence
be prepared

How can I get it? Alternatively?

• Traditionally rent a • Alternatively, today fulfillment

warehouse, fit it out and centers offer the service as a
operate it plug and play solution

IV – Last-mile delivery
What is it? Why do I need it?

• Last-mile or courier delivery is • In order to deliver to a wide

the use of vehicles to deliver network of customers, both
the products to customers locally and globally

How can I get it? Alternatively?

• Traditionally it would require • Now courier companies

you to handle deliveries provide the service in order to
yourself maximize coverage

In the context of the MENA region, you get access to more
than 50 Mn new customers
What does a fulfillment center help with?

Importing and storing your products in the warehouse

Registering the products with local authorities

Picking & packing orders according to your specifications

Collecting cash, managing returns & recalls

Affordably and quickly elivering them to customers across the

GCC & MENA Region

[email protected]
+971 56 748 7954
Founder & CEO


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