ENG 107 Lesson 1

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ENG 107


1ST SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024



 Literature
 Purpose of Literature
 Genres of literature


Literature plays a vital role to students in the classroom. It provides multiple

opportunities and experiences for them to grow. Literature pertains to the ideas, feelings,
expressions, emotions, and thoughts in black and white. It really helps develop the language
skills of students in speaking, writing, reading, critical reasoning, appreciating of texts,
valuing education and other abilities and qualities that contribute to the
substantial enhancement and development of students. In every successful lesson and
application of literature is always taught by the teachers who have the goals to achieve and
that is learning. Teachers apply different methods, strategies, approaches and
procedures or choose effective and appropriate pathways in their teaching and assessment.
It is very useful to use certain of these in any form of literature in enabling students to
improve their language and literary skills inside and outside the classroom.

Definitions of Literature

 Literature is any form of writing which deals with the significant

human experience – his society and his experiences – which is artistically conceived
for an effect (Malonzo, 2014).

 Literature is the enactment of human possibilities, or a vehicle that will help us discover
more about ourselves and the meaning we can make of life (Malonzo, 2014)
 Literature broadly refers to any collection of written or oral work, but it more
commonly and narrowly refers to writings specifically considered to be an art form,
especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry, in contrast to academic writing and
newspapers (Wikipedia).

Literature as Significant Human Experiences

What defines a piece of writing as great literature? One of the elements that sets
literature apart from writing purely for the purpose of entertainment and escapism is its
commentary on the human condition. The human experience in literature contains themes
about life and society that are relatable to readers. There are endless themes related to the
human experience. Here are the following themes:

 Parent-child relationship
 Death
 Loneliness
 Conformity
 Growing up
 Aging
 Human rights
 Charity
 Equality
 Materialism

Purposes of Literature

 To improve your command of language

 To teach you about life, culture, experience of people in other parts of the world
 To give you information about other parts of the world which you may never be able to
visit in your lifetime
 To entertain you and provide useful occupation in your free time
 To make you a wiser and more experienced person by forcing you to judge,
sympathize with, or criticize the characters you read about

 To help you compare your own experience with experiences of other people
 To give you information which may be useful in other subjects, for example, in
Geography, Science, History, Social Studies, and so on.


 Prose is ordinary language.

 Prose is written in sentences and paragraphs that may include dialogue.
 Most of the literature we read is written in prose.
 It is a form or technique of language that exhibits a natural flow of speech and
grammatical structure.
 It is derived from the Latin word prosa which means straightforward.


1. Fiction- this pertains to a narrative form, in any medium, consisting of people, events,
or places that are imaginary. In other words, it is not based strictly on history or fact.

Examples: short stories, legend, fairy tale letters, folk tale memoirs, novels, short
stories, fables, myths etc.

2. Non-Fiction- It is any document or content that purports in good faith to

represent truth and accuracy regarding information, events, or people.

Examples: essay, report, personal narrative, memoirs, letter, article, journal,

biographies etc.


 Sentence – group of words that express a complete thought.

 Paragraph – sentences that are grouped together.
 Dialogue – words or sentences that quote what a person has said.


 It refers to those expressions in verse, with measures, rhymes, lines, stanzas, and
melodious tone.
 Poetry is an expressive form of writing. It allows the author to share an idea or insight
with others in a meaningful way.
 Poetry is not written in sentences and paragraphs like prose. Instead, it uses different
structures that make it interesting to read.
 It came from the Greek word poiesis which means making.


1. Lyric Poetry- in earlier days, it was meant to be sung to the accompaniment of

musical known as lyre.

a. simple lyric- embraces a wide variety of poems and is characterized by subjectivity,

imagination, melody, and emotion.
b. song- short lyric poem which has a specific melodious quality and is intended to be
c. sonnet- a poem expressing of 14 lines with a formal rhyme.
d. elegy- a poem expressing lament or grief for dead.
e. ode- most splendid type of lyric poetry.

2. Narrative Poetry- it tells a story following an order of events. It includes:

a. ballad- short simple narrative poem composed to be sung and is orally told from one
generation to another.
b. metrical romance- a long rambling love story in verse which is centered around the
adventures of knights and lords, and their royal ladies during the age of chivalry.
c. epic- a long majestic narrative poem which tells the adventures of a traditional hero
and the development of a nation.

3. Dramatic Poetry- it has the elements that are closely related to drama because it is
written in dramatic form or make use of a dramatic technique. It includes:

a. dramatic monologue- a combination of drama and poetry which represents the

speech of a character in a particular situation at a critical moment.

b. soliloquy- passage spoken by the speaker in a poem of a character in the play

except that there is no one present to hear him except the audience or the reader.
c. character sketch- poem which the writer is concerned less with complete or implied
matters of a story, but rather with arousing sympathy or antagonism for, or some
interest in an individual.


 Verse – one line of poetry

 Stanza – group of verses
 Rhythm – beats or accented syllables
 Meter – pattern of beats or accented syllables
 Rhyme – syllables that sound similar


 Drama can also be called a play.

 In its written form, a play includes a cast of characters, dialogue, and stage directions.
 Drama may be organized in scenes and acts.
 It is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance like play, opera, mime,
ballet, etc., performed in a theatre, or on radio or television.


 Cast- list of characters in play.

 Dialogue – words that tell the actors what to say.
 Stage Directions – words that tell how the stage should look or what the actors should
 Setting - words that tell where and when a play takes place.
 Scenes - sections of the play with similar setting.
 Acts - major sections of a long play.





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