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TIS HS Te EET YUN TON AATTOT OM THROM Parhan Ainem bunittats can Make UP Many types at documents, ineliling samphes. shop dhwsinys. poole dyer oduct manuals ete) hat is a Transmittal A transmittal is @ document that iy sent afong with wither documents aid fey. Ut lle “communieations that geet between everyone a thy prajeet H pron ibs ey lence tht thet were sent, and records when they were sent an who they: Were sent to HF question wt they 090 transmittal Later on. Therefore, tranmittaly ensite 40 one avettonks anything soving « comple ev process, Moreover, transmittals become very important savy Heyl dsputes Jn construction projects, is alays important to Know shew someone vent the vnfeniation anil whe ronuved ve example, the date of sending the document, and Wha evetved H? Transmittal Help to record the witorn atone newded prove delivery —— Ye Information in a Transmittal ‘A transmittal typically contains the following information: + Date + Information about the sender and recipient (name, company, and adress) + Name, number, and address ofthe projest + ‘The reason for sending the document «+ List of documents sent + Record ofthe actions that a receiver must take and when those actions are due Difference Between Submittal and Transmittal Definition ‘nos pediaa.comivhatisthe-iference-between-submita-andrensmital

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