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U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 5 of 10 5,414,324
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U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 6 of 10 5,414,324
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U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 7 of 10 5,414,324
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FIG. 9
U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 8 of 10 5,414,324
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U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 9 of 10 5,414,324
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FIG. 11
U.S. Patent May 9, 1995 Sheet 10 of 10 5,414,324
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TO
FIG. 12
1 2
supplies since the late 19th century. Filamentary dis
ONE ATMOSPHERE, UNIFORM GLOW charge plasmas are dramatically distinguished from
DISCHARGE PLASMA uniform glow discharge plasmas. Such filamentary dis
charges, while useful for ozone production, are of lim
ited utility for the surface treatment of materials, since
The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this the plasma filaments tend to puncture or treat the sur
invention and the right in limited circumstances to re face unevenly.
quire the patent owner to license others on reasonable It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to
terms as provided for by the terms of contract No. O
teach the construction and operating parameters of a
AFOSR 89-0319 awarded by The U.S. Air Force. continuous glow discharge plasma sustained at a gas
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED pressure of about one atmosphere or slightly greater.
This application is a Continuation-In-Part of U.S. 15 This and other objects of the invention to be subse
patent application Ser. No. 08/068,508 filed May 28, quently explained or made apparent are accomplished
1993. with an apparatus based upon a pair of electrically insu
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION lated metallic plate electrodes. These plates are
1. Field of Invention
mounted in face-to-face parallel or uniformly spaced
The present invention relates to methods and appara alignment with means for reciprocatory position adjust
tus for generating low power density glow discharge ment up to at least 5 cm of separation. Preferably, the
plasmas at atmospheric pressure. plates are water cooled and covered with a dielectric
2. Description of the Prior Art To broaden the range of operating frequency and
In the discipline of physics, the term "plasma' de
scribes a partially ionized gas composed of ions, elec 25 other parameters over which the desirable uniform (as
trons and neutral species. This state of matter may be opposed to filamentary) glow discharge is observed, an
produced by the action of either very high tempera impedance matching network is added to the circuit for
tures, strong constant electric fields or radio frequency charging the electrodes. The parameters of such a
(R.F.) electromagnetic fields. High temperature or matching network are adjusted for the most stable,
“hot” plasmas are represented by celestial light bodies, 30 uniform operation of the glow discharge. This condi
nuclear explosions and electric arcs. Glow discharge tion can occur when the reactive power of the plasma
plasmas are produced by free electrons which are ener reactor is minimized.
gized by imposed direct current (DC) or R.F. electric A radio frequency power amplifier connected to both
fields, and then collide with neutral molecules. These plates delivers up to several hundred watts of power at
neutral molecule collisions transfer energy to the mole 35 a working voltage of 1 to at least 5 KV rms and at 1 to
cules and form a variety of active species which may 100 KHz. To assist the starting of the plasma, the elec
include photons, metastables, atomic species, free radi trical discharge from a standard commercial Tesla coil
cals, molecular fragments, monomers, electrons and may be briefly applied to the volume between the R.F.
ions. These active species are chemically active and/or energized plates. An electric field established between
physically modify the surface of materials and may 40 the metallic plate electrodes must be strong enough to
therefore serve as the basis of new surface properties of electrically break down the gas used, and is much lower
chemical compounds and property modifications of for helium and argon than for atmospheric air. The RF
existing compounds. frequency must be in the right range, discussed below,
Very low power plasmas known as dark discharge since if it is too low, the discharge will not initiate, and
coronas have been widely used in the surface treatment 45 if it is too high, the plasma forms filamentary discharges
of thermally sensitive materials such as paper, wool and between the plates. Only in a relatively limited fre
synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropyl quency band
ene, polyolefin, nylon and poly(ethylene terephthalate). plasma reactor will form
the atmospheric glow discharge
a uniform plasma without filamen
Because of their relatively low energy content, corona
discharge plasmas can alter the properties of a material 50 tary discharges.
To stabilize the plasma and discourage the formation
surface without damaging the surface.
Glow discharge plasmas represent another type of of the
plasma filaments, an inductor may be connected from
median plane to ground.
relatively low power density plasma useful for non
destructive material surface modification. These glow glow least
At in the volume between the plates wherein the
discharge plasma is established, a one atmosphere
discharge plasmas can produce useful amounts of visible 55
and ultraviolet radiation. Glow discharge plasmas have charge of helium, argon or other gas or mixture of gases
the additional advantage therefore of producing visible is established and maintained.
and UV radiation in the simultaneous presence of active The median plane between two parallel electrodes
species. However, glow discharge plasmas have hereto may or may not contain an insulating or electrically
fore been successfully generated typically in low pres conductive screen or plate which may be used to sup
sure or partial vacuum environments below 10 torr, port exposed materials in the glow discharge plasma
necessitating batch processing and the use of expensive environment. If electrically conductive, the median
vacuum systems. screen or plate may be electrically floating or grounded.
Conversely, the generation of low power density
plasmas at one atmosphere is not entirely new. Filamen 65 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
tary discharges between parallel plates in air at one Relative to the drawings wherein like reference char
atmosphere have been used in Europe to generate ozone acters designate like or similar elements throughout the
in large quantities for the treatment of public water several figures of the drawings:
FIG. 1 is a schematic of the present invention compo Surrounding the plate assembly is an environmental
nent assembly. isolation barrier 21 such as a structural enclosure suit
FIG. 2 represents a preferred embodiment of the able for maintaining a controlled gas atmosphere in the
electrical circuit, including an impedance matching projected plan volume between the plates 10. Inlet port
network and a grounded midplane screen connected to 22 is provided to receive an appropriate gas such as air,
ground through an inductor. helium or argon, mixtures of either with air or a mixture
FIGS. 3, 4 and 5 represent alternative power supply of argon with helium. Ambient air may also be used. In
output stage circuits. any case, gas pressure within the isolation barrier 21 is
FIG. 6 schematically represents the upper chamber substantially ambient thereby obviating or reducing the
of a one atmosphere glow discharge plasma reactor 10 need for gas tight seals. Normally, it is sufficient to
having a median grid plate. maintain a low flow rate of the modified one atmo
FIG. 7 represents a graph of voltage, current and sphere gas through the inlet port 22 that is sufficient to
power waveforms for a uniform glow discharge plasma. equal the leakage rate. Since the pressure within the
FIG. 8 represents a graph of voltage, current and isolation barrier 21 is essentially the same as that outside
power waveforms for a filamentary discharge plasma. 15 the barrier, no great pressure differential drives the
FIG. 9 is a log-log graph of total and plasma power leakage rate. A vent conduit 28 controlled by valve 29
density in milliwatts per cubic centimeter as a function is provided as an air escape channel during initial flush
of RMS voltage applied to the electrodes. ing of the enclosure. Thereafter, the valve 29 may be
FIG. 10 is a log-log graph of total and plasma power 20 closed for normal operation.
density in milliwatts per cubic centimeter, as a function To broaden the range of operating frequency and
of R.F. frequency. other parameters over which the desirable uniform (as
FIG. 11 is a graph of amplifier frequency and corre opposed to filamentary) glow discharge occurs, an im
sponding breakdown current phase angles respective to pedance matching network, one embodiment of which
is illustrated schematically by FIG. 2, is added to the
a particular operating example of the invention.
FIG. 12 is a graph of amplifier frequency and corre 25 power circuit for charging the electrodes 10. The pa
sponding total reactor power consumption respective to justed rameters of this impedance matching network are ad
a particular operating example of the invention. for the most stable, uniform operation of the
glow discharge. This condition can occur when the
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED reactive power of the plasma reactor is minimized.
EMBODIMENT 30 FIGS. 3 through 5 represent alternative power sup
Referring to the invention schematic illustrated by sponds ply options having respective attractions. FIG. 3 corre
FIG. 1, the electrodes 10 are fabricated of copper plate terminaltoT1a isconfiguration wherein the bottom electrode
having a representative square plan dimension of 21.6 terminal T2 is charged at ground
connected to
the full
potential and the top
working potential.
cmx21.6 cm. Silver soldered to the plates 10 are closed 35 FIGS. 4 and 5 are electrical equivalents
loops 11 of 0.95 cm copper tubing having hose nipples and T2 voltages are 180 out of phase but wherein at only
the T1
half the
12 and 13 connected therewith on opposite sides of the maximum potential. FIG. 4 represents a grounded cen
closed tubing loop. The edges of the electrode plates ter tap transformer whereas FIG. 5 represents a solid
should have a radius of curvature comparable to the
separation between the electrode plates and median 40 state power circuit embodiment.
plate to discourage electrical breakdown at the edge of form glow fields
Electric employed in a one atmosphere, uni
discharge plasma reactor are only a few
the electrodes. Not shown are fluid flow conduits con
kilovolts per centimeter, values which if D.C. would
nected to the inlet nipples 12 for delivering coolant fluid usually be too low to electrically break down the back
to the loop 11 and to the outlet nipples 13 for recovering ground gas. Gases such as helium and air will break
such coolant fluid. 45 down under such low electric fields, however, if the
The integral metallic units comprising plates 10 and positive ion population is trapped between the two
tubing 11 are covered with a high dielectric insulation parallel or uniformly spaced electrodes, thus greatly
material 14 on all sides to discourage electrical arcing increasing their lifetime in the plasma while at the same
from the edges or back side of the electrode plates. time the electrons are free to travel to the insulated
Preferably, some mechanism should be provided for 50 electrode plates where they recombine or build up a
adjusting the distances between plates. 10 up to at least surface charge. The most desirable uniform one atmo
5 cm separation while maintaining relative parallelism. sphere glow discharge plasma is therefore created when
Such a mechanism is represented schematically in FIG. the applied frequency of the RF electric field is high
1 by the rod adjusters 15 secured to the upper and lower
plates 10. This arrangement anticipates a positionally 55 enough to trap the ions between the median screen and
an electrode plate, but not so high that the electrons are
fixed median screen or plate 30. Although parallelism is also trapped during a half cycle of the R.F. voltage. The
used here in the context of parallel planes, it should be electrons may be trapped by bipolar electrostatic forces.
understood that the term also comprises non-planar If the RF frequency is so low that both the ions and
surfaces that are substantially equidistant. Also included the electrons can reach the boundaries and recombine,
are the geometry characteristics of a cylinder having an the particle lifetimes will be short and the plasma will
axis parallel to another cylinder or to a plate. either not initiate or form a few coarse filamentary
Energizing the plates 10 is a low impedance, high discharges between the plates. If the applied frequency
voltage, R.F. power amplifier 20 having independently is in a narrow band in which the ions oscillate between
variable voltage and frequency capacities over the re the median screen and an electrode plate, they do not
spective ranges of 1 to at least 9 KV and 1 to 100 KHz. 65 have time to reach either boundary during a half period
An impedance matching network 31 is connected be of oscillation and are carried for long times. If the more
tween the R.F. power amplifier and the electrode mobile electrons are still able to leave the plasma vol
plates. ume and impinge on the boundary surfaces, then the
5 6
desirable uniform plasma is produced. If the applied RF -continued
frequency is still higher so that both electrons and ions C = yce Eo 1 (6)
are trapped in the discharge, then the discharge forms a 2 = -- (o? -- y?)
filamentary plasma.
Without limiting our invention to any particular the The one atmosphere helium glow discharge is oper
ory, we are disposed to a relationship between the elec ated at frequencies between cov27t=1 and 30 KHz,
trode spacing, the RMS electrode voltage, and the ap where, for helium at one atmosphere,
plied frequency which results in trapping ions but not
electrons between the two plates, and produces the 10
ycias 6.8x10°ion collisions/sec., (7a)
desired uniform one atmosphere glow discharge
plasma. On FIG. 6 is a schematic of the upper chamber and
of the one atmosphere glow discharge plasma reactor.
The lower boundary of this space is the midplane screen yeas 1.8x101 electron coll/sec. (7b)
or plate, the floating potential of which should remain 15
near ground if the RF power supply output is con The collision frequency for ions and electrons given by
nected as a push-pull circuit to the two electrodes with Eqs. 7a and 7b is much greater than the RF frequency,
a grounded center tap. In the data reported herein, the Vedd c). The relation ved > co for ions and electrons,
median screen was grounded through an inductive cur implies that C2 is much greater than the constant C1, or
rent choke. In the configuration of FIG. 6, a Cartesian
coordinate system is applied as shown, with the applied
electric field in the x-direction. The maximum ampli 2 2S
>> Cl
tude of the electric field between the grounded median nov
screen and the upper electrode is Eo, and the separation
of the screen from the electrodes is the distanced. The 25 The time dependent position of an ion or an electron in
median screen, with an exposed sample on it, is assumed the electric field between the plates is given by substi
not to allow ions through the median plane from the tuting Eq. 8 into Eq. 4, to obtain
upper chamber to the lower, or vice-versa.
The electric field between the electrodes shown on eEo (9)
FIG. 6 is given by 30 x(t) at - r cov
E=(Eosin cot, O,O). (1) The RMS displacement of the ion or electron during a
half cycle is given by
It is assumed that the one atmosphere glow discharge
operates in a magnetic field free plasma. The equation of 35 eEo (10)
motion for the ions or electrons between the two plates X Prs - 2.
letes o