Development of In-Patient Healthcare Monitoring System
Development of In-Patient Healthcare Monitoring System
Development of In-Patient Healthcare Monitoring System
418 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),35(4),417-420,2023
The use of sensors for medical purposes is a more realistic The last parameter is Oxygen Rate. This is used to count
approach and for the vital signs is very important and the patients' breaths. The
complex. In this project, a Remote patient has done [7]. The oxygen rate should be between 95% and 100% [10].
The remote health monitoring device is composed of two The data that is acquired is stored, analyzed, and visualized
sensors the oximeter oxygen rate sensor/heart rate sensor on a web server. When the measured parameters will
and body temperature sensor that are attached to the gloves exceed the
(Figure 1).
Figure 6. Notifications
420 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),35(4),417-420,2023
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contribution to communication, automation, creation of
smart cities, smart homes, its contribution to weather
forecasting, and significantly more. Research concerning
health monitoring can take advantage of this emerging
technology in communication. Lastly, since the system uses
Raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino Uno, it is recommended to
conduct a study on power optimization to ensure the remote
patient monitoring device can operate for longer periods.
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