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LA1031 Legal system and method

Pre-exam update 2022

The current edition of the module guide was published in 2021.

The following developments should be noted.


2.5.2 Human rights under the ECHR
In December 2020, the new Conservative government established an Independent
Review of the Human Rights Act, focused on two key themes:
• the relationship between domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights
• the impact of the HRA on the relationship between the judiciary, the executive and
the legislature.
The consultation period ended in March 2021 and the Chair of the Review Panel stated
that there would be a report to government by the end of October 2021 (there has been no
report at the time of writing).


11.8 Future directions of the court system
The Coronavirus Act 2020 (ss.53–57 and Schedules 23–27) allowed remote hearings to
be used in a range of proceedings, particularly in criminal proceedings. The Act allowed for
journalists and members of the public to petition to witness proceedings by accessing the
live link. At the time of writing, courts have started to return to physical in-person hearings
but some elements of remote hearings have remained, for example, barristers appearing
via video link. This experience of using technology to hold virtual hearings may lead to
some changes in the way the court system develops.


15.8 Future reform of the civil justice system
The Coronavirus Act 2020 has had a considerable impact on the way in which courts and
tribunals are run, notably in the sphere of the use of online technology. Sections 53–57
and Schedules 23–27 of the Act allow for the use of video and audio technology in courts
and tribunals. Participants in hearings are permitted to appear before the court using video
and audio links, and hearings can take place with no physical courtroom at all, so that the
whole hearing takes place via a video or audio link. Provision is made to enable the public
to see or hear proceedings that are heard virtually in this way.

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LA1031 Legal system and method pre-exam update 2022

The relevant provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020 are time-limited for a period of two
years, however, while they are in force, this provides an insight into how these
technologies can work in the context of court hearings. This may perhaps lead to more
substantial reform in the use of online hearings and the use of technology in the future.


17.5 The debate on mandatory mediation
The question of the extent to which mandatory alternative dispute resolution is compatible
with Article 6 has recently been revisited by the Civil Justice Council, in a report published
in July 2021. The report took a different view from that in Halsey and concluded that
mandatory ADR is compatible with Article 6 and is, therefore, lawful.

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