4-Under The Bonnet
4-Under The Bonnet
4-Under The Bonnet
What do these abbreviations means? Work with a partner to see how many you know.
1 FWD front- wheel drive
2 bhp
3 g/km
5 mpg
6 mph
7 Nm
8 rpm
10 SI
11 TDI
(Drum Type) Clutch Pedal
Brake _,,,,,,,.
Half Shaft
Final Drive
28 I UNIT 4 Under the bonnet
2 Look at this extract from a tour of a car factory. Complete the text with words from the box.
clutch • combustion •
crankshaft • cylinders •
in the cylinder. The up and down motion of the piston in the cylinder is converted into rotational
motion by the _ _ _ __ _ _ 5 . The rotational force generated by the engine is known as
So, that's enough about the engine for the moment - let's move on to the next stage ... '
British English
Americ~n _English
transm 1ss1on
UN IT 4 Under the bonnet I 29
3 find words in exercise 2 to complete the table. Use your dictionary if necessary.
Noun Adjective
to _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ a power
to _ _ _ _ __ __ __ d ignition
to _ __ _ _ _ __ __ e
to _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ g
to _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ transmission
Now complete the sentences with the correct form of words from the table.
2 The power of the engine is through the clutch and the gearbox.
3 The spark plug _ __ _ __ __ the air/fuel mixture and sets off an _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
2 This layout is wide and flat and gives the engine a low
centre of gravity. The cylinders are arranged in two banks on
opposite sides of the engine. It is very practical for cars with
the engine located at the rear, such as the Porsche .
D In-line engine
5 Work with a partner. First look at the phrases in the Language Box used to describe position and
shape. Then look at the engine layouts in the Partner Files. Tell your partner where the
components from the box below are.
6 Listen to seven questions from customers and match them with the answers (a-g) given by a
technical support hotline employee.
a You look at the level in the reservoir.
b The cooling system is filled once at the factory and never has to be changed.
c Oil consumption can be up to 1.0 1/1000 km so the engine oil level must be checked at regular
intervals. It is a good idea to check the oil level every time you put fuel in the car.
d Under normal conditions you don't have to do anything with the battery except check the
electrolyte level occasionally.
e You needn't go to a service station for a brake fluid change, but make sure the person who does
it is competent and has the necessary tools.
f It's the plastic rectangular container next to the power steering reservoir.
g Battery acid is highly corrosive so you mustn't work on the battery without wearing eye
protection and gloves.
Speaker: 1 [I] 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D
UNIT 4 Under the bonnet I 31
7 A potential customer is visiting the stand of a major car manufacturer
at an international car show.
~ Now listen again and note down what these numbers refer to.
1 4.2
2 330
3 155
4 W12 and V6
5 16.1
6 23
7 54,000
8 18
8 Match the two parts to make sentences from the dialogue (listen again if necessary).
9 Work with a partner to do a role-play. First look at the Language Box for phrases you can use.
Then look at your role cards in the Partner Files.
l@;i014;iiilff S Partner A
Partner B
File 3, p. 62
File 15, p. 64
10 Complete the puzzle. The answers are all words from this unit.
This keeps the brake lubricated: brake
3 This can be petrol or diesel. 4
5 This fluid is put in the cooling system.
7 The motion of the pistons rotate this.
1O You use a dipstick to check the .. . level.
11 You need electricity from this to start
the engine.
2 A type of fuel.
4 This moves up and down in the
cylinder. 11
5 A six- ... engine.
6 This fluid is used to keep the windscreen
clean: windscreen ... .
8 This is highly corrosive: battery ... .
9 This ignites the fuel-air mixture
in petrol engines. (2 words)
UNIT 4 Under the bonnet I 33
GDI Engines
When developing a new motor-
vehicle engine, engineers are faced
·with the dilemma of more power or
less fuel. The goal is to combine high
power output and low fuel
consumption. Increasing fuel
efficiency helps motorists to save
money and also reduces
CO 2 emissions. Gasoline Direct
Injection (GDI) engines can reduce
fuel consumption by up
to 20%, thereby producing
20% lower emissions.
GDI engines use a new combustion charge of fuel and fresh air near the
control method that injects gasoline source of ignition is the process
directly into the cylinders, where it behind GD l's low fuel consumption.
mixes with oxygen from air drawn in Some car makers have developed
from the outside. Conventional spark- other key components, for example a
ignition engines mix air and gasoline high-pressure common-rail injection
in the intake manifold before injecting system with a single piston injection
the mixture into the cylinder. pump. This pump supplies the exact
The GDI engine produces a finer amount of fuel needed to maintain
mist of gasoline in the cylinder which the required pressure in the system.
leads to cleaner burning and more GDI engines will become more
power. It also has a shaped piston important in the future because of the
crown to swirl the finely atomized need to reduce fuel consumption and
gasoline into a tight cloud near the because of growing environmental
tip of the spark plug . This stratified concerns.
Can you explain in your own words how GDI engines work?
How important dci you think GDI engines will be in the future?
Do you know of any other current engine innovations?