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JERES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data

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Jubail Export Refinery

Engineering Standards

Meteorological and
Seismic Design Data

Revision Responsibility 29 January

3 JER Engineering Division 2009
Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Revision Tracking

Revision Revision Date Scope of Revision

3 29 January 2009 Revised site elevation in Table 1

2 20 November 2008 Revised to Update paragraphs : 3.2, 4.3

1 30 June 2008 Revised to Update paragraphs : 3.3; 4.5 and 4.8;

0 28 April 2008 Issued for bid package.

03 31 March 2008 Issued for bid package only for review.

02 08 May 2007 The first official JERES-A-112 is issued.

Second draft issued by Technip Italy to incorporate further amendments

01 22 February 2007
and modifications.
First draft issued is based on Saudi Aramco SAES-A-112
00 09 February 2007 “Meteorological and Seismic Design Data” issue date 31 October, 2006.
Document was modified to incorporate amendments and modifications.

This document is the property of Jubail Export Refinery and no parts of this document shall be reproduced by
any means without prior approval by the Company.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Table of Contents

Section Contents Page

1 Scope 4

2 Conflicts, Deviations and Clarifications 4

3 References 4

4 Definitions 5


1 Table 1: Design Data – SI Unit 11

This document is the property of Jubail Export Refinery and no parts of this document shall be reproduced by
any means without prior approval by the Company.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

1 Scope
This standard defines the basic meteorological and seismic data to be used in the
design of Jubail Export Refinery facilities. These data are presented in tabular form
in Appendix I.

Commentary Notes:

The meteorological data generally are based on a minimum of 10 years of data. However,
where weather records are available, data have been based on longer periods; where
records are limited, data have been based on the maximum available time period.

This entire standard may be attached to and made a part of purchase orders.

2 Conflicts, Deviations and Clarifications

2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Company Engineering
Standards (JERES), Material Specifications (JERMS), Standard Drawings (JERSD),
Engineering Procedures (JEREP), Company Forms or Industry standards,
specifications, Codes and forms shall be brought to the attention of Company
Representative by the Contractor for resolution.

Until the resolution is officially made by the Company Representative, the most
stringent requirement shall govern.

2.2 Where a licensor specification is more stringent than those of this standard, the
Licensor’s specific requirement shall apply.

2.3 Where applicable Codes or Standards are not called by this standard or its
requirements are not clear, it shall be brought to attention of Company
Representative by Contractor for resolution.

2.4 Direct all requests for deviations or clarifications in writing to the Company or its
Representative who shall follow internal Company procedure and provide final

3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance,
and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the
latest edition of the references listed below as of the CUT-OFF DATE as specified
in the Contract unless otherwise noted.

This document is the property of Jubail Export Refinery and no parts of this document shall be reproduced by
any means without prior approval by the Company.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

3.1 Company References

Company Engineering Standards

JERES-A-113 Geotechnical Engineering Requirements
3.2 Company Engineering Reports


3.3 Industry Codes and Standards

International Code Council (ICC)

IBC 2003 International Building Code
American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other

4 Definitions
4.1 Definitions presented in this Standard and other JER documents have precedence
over other definitions. Conflicts between various definitions shall be brought to the
attention of Company Representative by the Contractor for resolution.

Company: Jubail Export Refinery.

Company Representative: A designated person from the Company or an assigned

third party representative.

Company Inspector: A designated person or an agency responsible for conducting

inspection activities on behalf of the Company.

4.2 List of Definitions

This section defines the meteorological and seismic data presented in Table 1

Site elevation and station coordinates: although not considered meteorological or

seismic data, are included in this standard for the convenience of the user.

Elevation Above Mean Sea Level: Approximate elevation is listed for Jubail (Berri
site) and referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL).

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any means without prior approval by the Company.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Commentary Note:

These elevations are used by process, equipment, and utility engineers for calculation of
atmospheric pressure.

Station Coordinates: The approximate latitude and longitude of the plant site in the
units of degrees and minutes.

Commentary Note:

This information can be used in HVAC design to determine the position of the sun at various
times of the year.

4.3 Ambient Air & Soil Temperatures: Temperature readings obtained from the
Company and MEPA local weather stations are as follows:

Average Annual Temperature: An average of the daily temperatures for the year
averaged over a number of years.

Average Daily Maximum Temperature: An average of the daily temperatures for

the hottest month averaged over a number of years.

Monthly Normal Maximum Temperature: The average of the maximum daily

temperature recorded during the hottest month averaged over a number of years.

Average Daily Soil Temperature: The average daily soil temperature for the
hottest month, measured one meter below grade, averaged over a number of years.
Commentary Note:

This value is used for underground cable applications and buried pipelines.

Monthly Normal Maximum Soil Temperature: The average of the maximum

daily soil temperature, measured one meter below grade, during the hottest month
averaged over a number of years.

Commentary Note:

This value is used for underground cable applications and buried pipelines.

Lowest One Day Mean Temperature: This temperature is determined by finding

the lowest value of the daily mean temperatures over the entire period of records.

This document is the property of Jubail Export Refinery and no parts of this document shall be reproduced by
any means without prior approval by the Company.

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Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Commentary Note:

An ambient temperature that may be required for the minimum design metal temperature for
equipment that is significantly pressurized at ambient temperatures.

Highest One Day Mean Temperature: This temperature is determined by finding

the highest value of the daily mean temperatures over the entire period of records.

Commentary Note:

An ambient temperature that may be required to determine the maximum metal temperatures
used in the design of structures, piping systems and certain types of equipment.

Lowest Recorded Temperature: The lowest ambient air temperature that has been

Highest Recorded Temperature: The highest ambient air temperature that has
been recorded.

Summer Design Dry Bulb Temperature: A dry bulb temperature that has been
equaled or exceeded by 1%, 2.5% or 5% (30 hrs, 73 hrs, or 146 hrs) of the total
hours during the months of June through September.

Wet Bulb Temperature: The lowest temperature that can be obtained by

evaporating water into the air.

Mean Coincident Wet Bulb Temperature: The mean of all wet bulb temperatures
occurring at the specific Summer Design Dry Bulb Temperature.

Summer Design Wet Bulb Temperature: A wet bulb temperature that has been
equaled or exceeded by either 1% or 2.5% (30 hrs or 73 hrs) of the total hours during
the months of June through September.

Commentary Note:

Summer dry bulb 1% is used as reference for the rating of transformers and electric motors.

Mean Coincident Dry Bulb Temperature: The mean of all dry bulb temperatures
occurring at the specific summer design wet bulb temperature.

Mean Daily Range: The difference between the average daily maximum and
average daily minimum temperatures during the month of August.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Winter Design Dry Bulb Temperature: A temperature that has been equaled or
exceeded by 99% of the total hours during the months of December, January and

4.4 Wind: Wind data compiled from local weather stations are reported as follows:

Basic Wind Speed: The wind speeds are derived from local weather station data.
Both 3-second gust and Fastest Mile Wind Speeds at 10 m above ground for 50-year
mean recurrence intervals.

Commentary Note:

This data is used for the design of structures, buildings, pressure vessels, piping, storage
tanks, air-cooled heat exchangers, cooling towers, stacks, and similar equipment.

Exposure Category: An exposure category reflects the characteristic of ground

surface irregularities at a particular site.

Commentary Note:

This category is used to account for large variations in ground surface roughness that arises
from natural topography and vegetation as well as from constructed features. This factor is
used in calculating wind pressures using either the IBC or ASCE 7.

Prevailing Direction: The direction (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, etc.) from which the
wind blows the greatest percentage of the time.

Commentary Note:

Since 16 points of direction (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, etc.) are used to discuss wind direction,
the directions given in Table 1 could represent a small percentage of the total time the wind
is blowing. Where wind direction considerations are critical, a wind rose diagram may be
available from the Company Technical Office.

4.5 Earthquake Data

Short Period Acceleration (SS): The mapped maximum considered earthquake

spectral response acceleration at a short period.

One-Second Period Acceleration (S1): The mapped maximum considered earthquake

spectral response acceleration at a period of 1-sec.

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Site Class: The classification assigned to the site based on the types of soils present
and their engineering properties as per IBC or ASCE 7 Site Classification Tables
1615.1.1 or respectively.

4.6 Precipitation

Commentary Note:

The amount of precipitation (rainfall) is a factor used in storage tank design, drainage
design, waste-water discharge quality control, and similar item.

Rainfall, Average Annual: This is the annual average rainfall based on as many
years of data as available.

Rainfall Maximum in 24 Hours: This is the maximum precipitation recorded in 24


Rainfall Intensity Coefficient: This coefficient is provided for return periods of 5,

10, 25 and 50 years. The coefficient is used in the Steel Formula
[I = K/(t+b)] to calculate the average maximum precipitation rates for storm
durations up to two hours.
Where: I = Rainfall Intensity in mm/hr (in/hr),
t = time of concentration in minutes, and
K & b are non-dimensional coefficients.

Isokeraunic Levels: A rough measure of lightning frequency.

Commentary Note:

These values are used in the design of grounding and lightning protection systems.

4.7 Ambient Air Quality

Commentary Note:

Air-borne dust concentrations and contaminant levels are used in mechanical equipment
design, when sizing air filters and as a measure of potential dust ingress in bearing
housings, lube oil systems, etc.

Dust Concentration: Usual airborne dust concentration is 1 mg/m³. During

sandstorms, dust concentrations may reach 500 mg/m³. Particle sizes are as follows:
95% of all particles are less than 20 micrometers

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Jubail Export Refinery
Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

50% of all particles are less than 1.5 micrometers

Elements present in dust include compounds of calcium, silicon, magnesium,

aluminum, potassium, chlorides and sodium. When wetted (high humidity
conditions) these compounds function as electrolytes and can result in severe

Other pollutants present in the atmosphere under the most extreme conditions are:
H2S 20 ppm (vol/vol)
Hydrocarbon 150 ppm (vol/vol)
SO2 10 ppm (vol/vol)
CO 100 ppm (vol/vol)
NOx 5 ppm (vol/vol)
O3 1 ppm (vol/vol)

4.8 Other Data

If more precise data becomes available, it may be used for design with the prior
written approval of the Company Technical Management.

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Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3

Appendix 1
Table 1 – Design Data - SI Units
Data Categories Jubail (Berri) OSBL
Elevation Above Mean Sea Level, m 11 to 12.80 m 5.5m
Station Coordinates: Latitude North 26° 57’ 26° 57’
Longitude East 49° 35’ 49° 35’
Ambient Air & Soil Temperatures, (°C):
Average Annual Temperature 27 27
Average Daily Maximum Temp. (hottest month) 37 37
Monthly Normal Max. Temp. (hottest month) 39 39
Average Daily Soil Temp. (1 m below grade) 32 32
Mo. Normal Max. Soil Temp. (1 m below grade) 32 32
Lowest One-Day Mean Temperature 8 8
Highest One-Day Mean Temperature 38 38
Lowest Recorded Temperature 0 0
Highest Recorded Temperature 47 47
Summer Design Dry Bulb Temp. @ 1% 45 45
Mean Coincident Wet Bulb Temp. @ 1% 24 24
Summer Design Dry Bulb Temp. @ 2.5% 43 43
Mean Coincident Wet Bulb Temp. @ 2.5% 24 24
Summer Design Wet Bulb Temp. @ 1% 33 33
Mean Coincident Dry Bulb Temp. @ 1% 34 34
Summer Design Wet Bulb Temp. @ 2.5% 31 31
Mean Coincident Dry Bulb Temp. @ 2.5% 33 33
Summer Design Dry Bulb Temp. @ 5% 42 42
Mean Daily Range 10 10
Winter Design Dry Bulb Temp. @ 99% 6.1 2.9
Basic Wind Speed, 3-sec gust, km/hr 150 150
Basic Wind Speed, Fastest-mile, (km/hr) 50 yr 126 126
Exposure Category (Note 1) C D-C (note 4)
Prevailing Direction NW N/NW
Earthquake Data:
Short Period Acceleration (SS) in %g 15 15
1-Sec Period Acceleration (S1) in %g 4.0 4.0
Site Class (Note 3) D D
Precipitation, mm:
Rainfall, Average Annual 90 90
Rainfall Maximum in 24 hours 114 114
Rainfall Intensity Note 2 Note 2
Isokeraunic Levels (days lightning/year) 5 5

See next page for notes

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Engineering Standards
Meteorological and Seismic Design Data 29 January 2009
Rev. 3


1 Exposure D shall be used within 0.46 km of the shoreline

2 Rainfall intensity - I
I =
(t + b)

Freq. K (SI units) b

5 yr 2443 27.5
10 yr 2941 24.9
25 yr 3420 23.7
50 yr 3810 21.0

3 Site classification shall be based on site-specific geotechnical investigation to be carried out as per requirements
of Section 4 of JERES-A-113. Accordingly, the site classes indicated in Table 1 are to be used for preliminary
structural analyses only when soil geotechnical data is not available.
4 Exposure D shall be used within 0.46 km from the shoreline

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any means without prior approval by the Company.

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