gr5 t4 Ehl Revision Exam Package
gr5 t4 Ehl Revision Exam Package
gr5 t4 Ehl Revision Exam Package
C. Comparison of adjectives 4
D. Subject-verb agreement 4
H. Infinitive verbs 10
J. Gerunds 11
The simple present tense es pla ce in th e pre sen t time. It also refers to
n th at tak
This is used to express as actio all th e tim e, or a da ily event. For example: I
ce oft en or
a habitual action that takes pla
speak English.
The simple past tense th at an ac tio n started and finished at a
ses th e ide a
The simple past tense expres
mple: She washed her bicycle.
specific time in the past. For exa
1. Write these sentences in the present simple tense by changing the verb in
a) The train (leave) every morning at six o’ clock.
b) I don’t like winter in Cape Town because it always (rain).
c) Once a week Sipho (clean) and (wash) his father’s car.
d) He (like) to play football and he (play) tennis every Monday.
e) The school (open) at 7 ó clock on weekday mornings.
2. Complete these sentences by choosing verbs from the wordbox and writing them in the
simple past tense.
B. Relative and reflexive pronouns
1. Underline the relative pronoun that introduces the clause and circle that noun that it
refers to.
a) The book that I got from the library is due tomorrow.
b) My teacher, whom I respect, congratulated me on a job well done.
c) Her first book, which was published last year, was about her trip to India.
d) The reckless driver who crashed into the wall didn’t have a license.
e) Mrs Johnson, whose son teaches Grade 5, also teaches at the school.
C. Comparison of adjectives
D. Subject-verb agreement
Grade 5 EHL Term 3 Weeks 3&4; subject-verb agreement
Grade 5 EHL Term 4 Weeks 7&8; subject-verb agreement
English Home Language Grade 5 End of year grammar revision
eth er in a sen ten ce, If th e subject is singular, the verb is
Subjects and verbs work tog
the verb is plural.
singular. If the subject is plural
Direct Speech
of th e spe ak er. Th e wo rds are surrounded by inverted
Direct Speech uses the exact wo
a new speaker:
commas. A new line is used for
For example:
?” asked Mary”.
“How long is it until break, John
d Mary.
“It is only ten minutes to go,” sai
Indirect Speech h to Indirect Speech: Most of the inv
we ch an ge Dir ect Sp eec
Changes occur when an d th e ca pital letters are changed.
exc lam ati on ma rks
commas, question marks,
The pronouns change. uced.
The word ‘that’ is often introd
The tense changes.
For example: Speech)
t my books?” (Direct
Kumari asked, “Where have I lef
ri ask ed wh ere sh e ha d lef t he r books. (Indirect Speech)
The following sentences are written in Direct Speech. Change them to Indirect Speech.
The following sentences are written in Indirect Speech. Change them to Direct Speech.
1. James asked Lindi where she was going.
2. She told her teddy bear that he was her favourite toy.
3. He told me that I am his best friend.
4. She thanked me for bringing her flowers.
5. The teacher told her that she had passed her History test.
F. Similes, proverbs and idioms
1. Identify the simile in these sentences and say which two things are being compared.
a) She is as musical as a hummingbird and can sing every song in tune.
b) John is as smart as a fox when it comes to Maths tests.
c) Her father was as hungry as a bear at dinner.
d) The football player slithered like a snake through the
players to the goal post.
e) She cried like a baby when her friend went to live in another city.
Colons (;)
of pu nc tua tio n th an a com ma . We use a colon in the
A colon is q stronger form
following ways: Nelson Mandela said: “Educatio
n is the
es a qu ota tio n. Fo r exa mp le:
• It introduc .”
u can use to change the world
most powerful weapon which yo le: Mo ther asked me to buy the follow
wil l follow . For exa mp
• It shows that a list
and butter.
items: cheese, bread, sausages
• It is used in dialogue in script .
ke, Mr Smith
For example: John: It was a mista
sive, John.
Mr Smith: Mistakes can be expen
English Home Language Grade 5 End of year grammar revision
Semi-colons (;) sto p in a sentence like a full stop does.
e to a com ple te
A semi-colon doesn’t com clo sel y rel ate d meanings where there is no
sen ten ces wi th
semi-colon separates two e stu die d ha rd for her test: she knew she
exa mp le: Sh
conjunction joining them. For
would do well.
marks (“ ”)
Inverted commas or quotation ow exa ctl y what someone says. Commas
pa irs an d th ey sh
Quotation marks come in
tions marks.
full stops go inside of the quota seph said.
time at the zoo,” Jo
For example: “I had a fantastic
sunny day today.”
Wendy said, “It is such a lovely,
2. Add semi-colons to the following sentences by removing the conjunction joining them.
a) We worked non-stop and we didn’t even stop for a lunch break.
b) You tried your best and second place is a good achievement.
c) My puppy does not like dog pellets because he likes to eat my food.
d) I live on a farm so I am not a city dweller.
e) I don’t like oranges I much prefer naartjies
3. Add quotation marks, commas, full stops question marks where necessary in the correct
places in these sentences.
a) Have you seen the latest Disney movie asked Andile
b) Marie said Kim wants to play at my house and not her house today
c) Did the teacher say our poetry assignment is due on Monday asked Jim
H. Infinitive verbs
Grade 5 EHL Term 3 Weeks 5&6; infinitive verbs
ive is a ph ras e con sis tin g of the word ‘to’ and the basic for
An infinit
en we use th e wo rd ‘to ’ be fore a verb in a sentence, we
of a verb. Wh le: She put out her hand to
nit ive ver b for m. Fo r exa mp
are using the infi
catch the ball.
i) When something is difficult the most important thing is not to give up.
j) We are all ready to go.
G ! Onom ato po eia ref ers to wo rds th at suggest a sound! For examp
le: bzzz
ether) and kerplunk (making
Add onomatopoeia words to these sentences. Choose from: waaah, boink, swoosh, squish,
th at sou nd th e sam e bu t are spelt differently and have
Homophones are words
s. Fo r exa mp le: He wa s ill an d his face was pail/pale
J. Gerunds
Grade 5 EHL Term 3 Weeks 7&8
2. Complete each sentence by using the verb in brackets as a gerund.
State whether the following sentences are simple sentences or compound sentences.
a) Rugby players are careful but they still get hurt often.
b) Players obey the rules or they receive penalties.
c) We bought tickets to the rugby game.
d) John printed his tickets but sold them after school.
e) Teachers, students and friends came to our first rugby game.
a) Subject and predicate d com ple te pre dicate. The complete subject
te sub jec t an
Every sentence has a comple ten ce is ab ou t. Fo r example; The house; The
at th e sen
(naming part) tells whom or wh ate (d oin g pa rt) tel ls what the subject is or
ple te pre dic
red car or The teacher. The com red ca r belongs to John. The teacher
went to
e ho use is old . Th e
does. For example: Th e ver b plu s the rest of the sentence.
e pre dic ate is th
the shop after school. Th
b) Subject and object eth ing an d th e object is having something
ing do ing som
The subject is the person or th th e ba nanas. To find the object ask wh
mp le: Th e mo nk ey s ate
done to it. For exa
after the verb.
1. Circle the subject and underline the predicates in these sentences.
3. Change these jumbled sentences into proper sentences. Then circle the subject and
underline the object.
a) lost / his / schoolbag / Andile
b) won / the team / match / the football
c) her / pocket money / Cindy / on the table / left
d) like to / a book / I / read/ sleeping / before
e) eats/ every / vegetables / he/ day
M. Clauses and phrases
t (n ou n or pro no un ) an d a verb with a predicate. For examp
A clause has a subjec jec t: Jo hn ; Predicate: walked to the office)
ipa l’s offi ce. (S ub
John walked to the princ
There are two kinds of clauses, wh ich exp res ses a complete thought and can
ma in cla use
a) an independent clause or
stand by itself as a sentence t express a complete thought an
d cannot
subord ina te cla use does no
b) a dependent or
stand alone as a sentence. to catch the train. (Main clause
: he
t, he managed
For example: Because he ran fas cla use : because he ran fast.
tch th e tra in; sub ord ina te
managed to ca
1. Circle the main clause and underline the subordinate clause in these sentences.
a) I will stay with you until the sun sets.
b) If he asks me, I will tell the truth.
c) If you come, I will pay for your plane
d) Because it poured with rain, we all got
soaking wet.
e) When she started talking the learners
listened attentively.
Noun clause
ord ina te or de pe nd en t cla use that acts as a noun. It cannot
A noun clause is a sub th wo rds suc h as how, that, what, whatever
cla use s be gin wi
alone in a sentence. Noun o, wh oev er, wh om, whomever, and why.
wh ich eve r, wh
when, where, whether, which, them in the exam.
the lesson helped
For example: What they learnt in
English Home Language Grade 5 End of year grammar revision
up of wo rds th at sta nd tog ether but have no verb. For
A phrase consists of a gro
e pri nc ipa l’s office wi th th e big, brown dog. (‘with the big
example: John walked to th
brown dog’ has no verb)
are wo rds th at are th e sam e or nearly the same as each
For example: happy, joyful
Choose the best synonym for the sentence. Rewrite the sentence.
1. Her dad gave her mom a beautiful bunch of roses.
i) ugly ii) old iii) lovely iv) perfumed
2. The teacher asked the class to be silent while the visitors were there.
1. Look at the following words in the wordbox. Underline the stem words.
Add prefixes to the following stem words to change their meanings: