• Integrate weather data to increase lead time and activate rapid response Public safety authorities require solutions that address each
of the four key phases of emergency management:
• Choose an on premise or cloud deployment approach best suited to
budget, security and timeline requirements
• Plan and prepare. Develop, simulate and manage action
plans to address unplanned and planned events, incidents
or disasters.
• Command and respond. Coordinate and collaborate the
efforts of emergency services and first responders when
crises arise.
• Recover. Restore order and services after an incident or
emergency situation.
• Mitigate. Implement strategies that prevent hazards from
turning into disasters.
IBM Analytics 3
Effective information management is vital. Organizations need to Progressing toward smarter public safety
collect and organize information from disparate sources; deliver For many cities and regions, improving the efficiency and
it in near real time to key emergency management stakeholders, effectiveness of public safety is an ongoing, multifaceted
decision makers and first responders; and analyze it to improve process. By relying on the following capabilities and
preparedness and reduce the time for recovery. The IBM® competencies, authorities can incorporate the value of
Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management integrated data analytics when addressing crises:
includes best-of-breed software technologies to assist
organizations in collecting, consolidating, analyzing, visualizing, • Agencies can integrate relevant data from diverse sources,
interpreting and sharing critical information among multiple existing systems and external providers.
agencies and first responders. • The integrated information can enable a trusted common
operational picture that improves situational awareness
Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management and facilitates a coordinated cross-agency response.
is an integrated command, control, and communication • Streamlined, role-based information access for the
solution. Using data visualization, real-time collaboration front-line emergency management personnel can
and “what if” analysis, this software solution provides a rich accelerate a tactical response.
opportunity to streamline and integrate preparation, response, • Planners and commanders can use “what if” analytics to
recovery, and mitigation of daily unexpected incidents as develop preventive tactics and identify factors that improve
well as emergencies and disasters. Emergency management successful outcomes.
agencies can transform from a reactive, ad-hoc approach to • By optimizing responses and enhancing collaboration
a proactive, prescriptive approach that creates a safer strategies, authorities can more effectively assess and
environment for citizens and businesses. proactively respond to threats.
4 IBM Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management
By using a common operational picture (Figure 2), emergency Creating situational awareness through
personnel in the command center or in the field, managers and analysis and collaboration
decision makers can all share data and critical information and Situational awareness is the key element in managing operations,
collaborate in real time regardless of where they are located. whether it is during normal day-to-day monitoring, special
events, man-made security threats or natural disasters. Within
the common operating picture, the following functions of
Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management
help create situational awareness so that users can collaborate
and make better, faster decisions.
Integrate weather data to increase lead • Utilize scenario planning: Access to The Weather
time and activate rapid response Company’s proprietary ensemble forecast system helps
Overall losses from natural catastrophes totaled US$110bn government agencies create multiple, realistic scenarios
in 2014 and more than nine out of ten (92 percent) of the regarding a particular weather event, like a major
loss-related natural catastrophes were due to weather events.1 snowstorm. For example, determining locations that are
For emergency management directors and community leaders, getting hit the hardest and where the heavy rain or snow
highly accurate, timely and hyper-local weather data is at the line will be. This approach shifts the paradigm from
center of protecting critical infrastructure and citizens more using an explicit forecast that can lead to less insightful
rapidly, more thoroughly, and as far ahead of severe weather decisions, to expressing the forecast in probabilities, which
events as possible. leads to more informed decision making.
By integrating The Weather Company data into the IBM Additionally, real-time weather data from The Weather
Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management, Company incorporated into the common operational picture
local governments and emergency response organizations of Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management
will be able to: provides emergency planners and responders with the speed
and ability to pinpoint situational awareness to respond quickly
• Increase lead time: The integration of The Weather to areas with the most critical needs.
Company’s 15-day probabilistic tropical forecast, which
delivers 1.5 days lead time over publicly available hurricane Rapid 15-minute updates deliver critical forecast changes
forecast information, will help government officials around up to four times faster than the most frequent updating
the world to make better planning, resource positioning and weather models. Additionally, using the high-density
logistical decisions. observation network of The Weather Company’s worldwide
network of weather stations, the ground truth of disaster areas
• Activate rapid response: Weather alerts, data feeds,
can be assessed at a 500 square meter current conditions grid.
visualizations and algorithms can track and predict storms
around the clock so that emergency response teams can Weather has an integral role in everything from retail sales
use advanced analytics to activate rapid response to the to hedge funds to your utility bill; indeed, weather plays a
worst hit areas first. very big part in our economy. The effects of weather hit
closest to home and create the most captivating headlines
when it puts our families, homes and communities in peril.
Nowhere is weather more important than in the area of
emergency management.
10 IBM Intelligent Operations Center for Emergency Management
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