Jyotish - 1959 - The Nadi Rectification Tables - B.S. RAO
Jyotish - 1959 - The Nadi Rectification Tables - B.S. RAO
Jyotish - 1959 - The Nadi Rectification Tables - B.S. RAO
T ables
The Book has been so designed as to be highly useful
to one and all, the professional as well as the novice to
The principal Tables F and G, based on different
intervals of time, are so ingeniously constructed by me
for the facility of very easy and rapid reference that the
same horizontal column against any Serial Number stands
for both the ruling asterism and the Sex. All other Tables
useful for ascertaining the necessary data before rectifi-
cation are given to obviate the need of other books
of reference.
Kind readers arc requested to communicate to me
firstly, their experience of the Tables of rectification, and
secondly, their views on all the explanations given by me
—perforce at the cost of some digression—on the Tatvas,
their characteristics and the like. All constructive sugges-
tions for any improvement will be fully valued and taken
up in the subsequent edition.
I am highly grateful to Sri V. Thiruvenkatacharya,
M.A., L.T., Vice-Principal, New College, Madras, who,
with his competence in both the oriental and occidental
systems of Astrology, after going through the manuscript
sent to him for perusal and suggestions, has encouraged
me to publish this book early, not only this, has spontane-
ously sent me his valuable Foreword.
My gratitude is also due to Sri K. Suryanarayana,
Superintendent of Excise, Masulipatam, who has given me
in time Rajan's work,now out of print, which has cleared
a doubt of mine, after erecting the extensive Tables of
Sunrise ; to Sri D. Sivarama Sastri M.A., Lecturer, Hindu
College, Masulipatam, for enlightening me on the formula
pertaining to Refraction and Parallax, given in the
Appendix ; to all kind readers of my works hitherto before
them; in particular, to the Manager, B. N. Press, Madras,
for the admirable care he has taken in giving a neat get
up to this Book.
The Author.
Often, because some infants do not cry though they have
taken the first inspiration. In all the Hindu texts, it has
been mentioned that the moment of 'bhupatanara' is all
important in Kaliyuga*. •Bhupatanatn' and respiration
may synchronise as, by the little movement by the former,
the latter usually lakes place ; even without it, respiration
is a natural and physiological phenomenon. But there are
the infants who come to life only under artificial respira-
tion done by intelligent nurses or doctors. In such cases,
though few and far between, 'bhupatanam* should be
ignored, and the time of the first respiration alone, the
'inbreathing,' should be correctly noted. For inspiration
denotes the very beginning of life by the entrance of the
'ethereal' soul (Prana or Jccva) within the vehicle,
the body.
Fully conversant with all these subtle complications
in noting the times properly, our ancient Rishis, gifted
with intuition and foresight, and masterly conceptions of
the Universe and of its uniformity amidst diversity, pro-
mulgated some methods of rectification. And of the many
the one given in the Bhrugu 2* Nadi is obviously the most
ideal one.
* Kaliyuga is an age of the world lasting Tor 432000 years of
which wc have so far gone through nearly 5000 years, this Vug a
beginning around 3102 B.C. after the end ofthe Mahahharata battle.
2*. Nadis are bundles of palmyra leave» containing amazingly
wonderful predictions, mentioning the names of consultives, of their
parents, brothers, wives and sisters, written with a stylus, mainly
found in South India. We are not coutpeienl to state in what century
prior to B.C. these were written to the dictation of the old Maharlsliis,
veritable and unrivalled Savants of Astrology, Yoga and the like
occult sciences. The Nadi work by Sihiugti Mahrishi belonged to
many centuries before 15. ti. and copies of all these Nadis seem to have
been taken from the original*, mainly in Tamil, on palmyra leaves as
found at the present day.
It would not be out of place to mention to the read-
ers that, for rectification the Pre-Natal Epoch method,
first advanced by Ptolemy in a very brief manner, and
later on placed on a rather firm foundation in the last
decade of the 10th century by Sepharial, that great author
and research scholar, has found favour with many.
Mr. E. H. Bailey who worked in close collaboration with
Sepharial has since brought out commendable books on
the subject, such as "the Pre-Natal Epoch," "Astrology
and Birth control" which 1 recommend to the interested.
The law of the P.N. Epoch postulates that the posi-
tion of the Moon at birth is the Ascendant or the
Descendant at Epoch according as the Moon is waxing or
waning at birth ; and conversely, the Moon at Epoch is
the Ascendant or Descendant at birth. To work out cor-
rectly this method is not always easy for the Moon's place
considered with her latitude and declination is advised to
be taken and the degree co-ascending therewith determin-
ed, as advocated by the past authors; and such requires ac-
quaintance with Trigonometry. Epoch means the moment
of conception when fecundation takes place in the mother's
womb. This may occur anytime from within a few minu-
tes to five days or even more after copulation. Bailey's
Epoch also means, in some cases, not necessarily the
moment of conception but the lime when the ovum gets
rnruly for impregnation, which may occur some days
boforc coitus. And to lake such epochs before coitus,
U) my mind, seems to be illogical and erroneous.
Chapter 1
The Epoch versus the Adhana
intermediary stage; and probably the two synchronised
in those days with full vigour to the credit of the ancients.
For conception is an unseen and unknown phenomenon,
being rather a middle process between coitus, the primary
act, and birth, the final result.
From Brihat Samhita, Chapter xxviii, Sloka 25 is
reproduced here along with the translation by the
same author.
" Kendra Trikoneshu ssubhasthitheshu Lagneshu sankkai
cha subhaisyamethah
Payaishilabha re gaIha ishayayathprujanma yogcshucha
saswa yogam ;
" A man ought to have sexual intercourse with his
wife when the Kendra and Trikona houses are occupied
by beneflcs, when the Moon and Lagna are conjoined
with benefics, when raalefics are posited in the 3rd, 6th
and 11 th houses and when there are planetary combina-
tions ensuring the birth of a male."
1 give below another Sloka read out by a Pundit
while casually conversing with him :—
"Adhanai Sampra danaicha Vivahai Rajavighrahai;
Subhakaryaicha Yatrayam Chandra Dwadasaghaha
This verse means that for coitus, for Simantam (a
ceremony done by some Flindus to protect and promote
the foetus) for marriage, for meeting kings, for all auspi-
diuui performances, for undertaking pilgrimages, the
Moon, ifin the twelfth house, is auspicious.
Wc are not concerned here with the Moon's position
111 the 12th house which is an interdicted one according
Id the usual cannons of astrology,—however given as an
nNoeption — but with the actual import of the word
"Adhana ", standing here to signify the act of coitus, as
ftlffliuly stilled by mc. Quotations relating to the utmost
importance given to the time of coitus, especially for
Nishcka, (the first coitus) can be multiplied but such are
unnecessary. According to the Puranas, the great sage
and celibate, Parasara, finding the most auspicious and
splendid time with a very rarely occuring combination of
planets in the heavens, and unwilling to forgo it, co-
habited with a woman while sailing in a boat after having
made with his marvellous powers the heavens pitch dark,
only to give birth to Veda Vyasa, the author of the
immortal Vedas of the Hindus, who walked to the her-
mitage within seven ghatis after the act. The gTeat Sali-
vahana was another example. Hence, it maybe reasonable
to suppose that a good time for coitus may result in a
good epoch followed by a good birth. And verily greatest
emphasis on the auspicious times for coitus would not
have in vain been laid in all the Hindu Texts.
[Duringmy investigations 1 have found the positions of the Moon
and the Sun in the horoscopes ofcoitus, epoch and birth inter-rela-
ted. Only limited data are available in 1". C DtUl's Pre-natal
Epoch and a few other books. 1 framed certain laws which were
published with Examples in an Astrological Magazine (1 do not re-
member which) under the caption "Birth is an Effect " around J tine,
July of 1951. 1 give hereunder briefly some of the rules published
for the benefit tifthc readers interested'in further research.
For the great law of Cause and Effect which is ever and anon at
work on our planet, the Moon, the most proximal body ofall the
planets, seems to have not a little sway. She acts verily as
the Translator.
I. Thr Moon at lUrlh is so situated that She is cqui-distant
from thr Laijna • at birth and coitus. In other words, slic is at the
mid-point of both the Eagnas, and clo.-c by signs.
Or 2. The Eagna at Coitus is as much removed from the Moon
at birth as the Moon is from the Eagna at birth.
Or 3. The Eagna at Coitus may the mid-point oT the Eagna and
the Moon at birth,
4. The Eagna at Coitus may the mid-point of the Sun and the
Moon (in case of irregular epochs or premature births).
| Eet it be clearly noted that these Rules cannot be taken as at all
perfect unless and until such are tried over a number of cases with
correctly noted data, difficult to obtain.]
Chapter II
contains many elements found in the Earth, hydrogen,
calcium, iron, carbon, magnesium, cobalt, aluminium,
chromium, strontium, copper, zinc, cadmium, silver, tin,
lead, potassium, sulphur, phosphorous, gold, mercury,
nitrogen, helium etc., At the surface of the Sun the
gravity is 27 times as great as it is on the Earth.
On the basis of the existence of elcctrn-magnctic
waves and of the power of diffraction around the Earth's
opaque sphere, hence of its ability to be a perfect or
partial conductor, surrounded by a medium of specific
inductive capacity, Marconi in 1901 established wireless
communication between Britain and U.S.A. In 1902
Kcnnellyand Heavesidc stated that the energy radiating
from the outer atmosphere capable of conducting electri-
city from the Sun would be reflected back to the surface
ofthe Earth.
The Sun rotates round its axis in about 26 days
revolving at 12 miles in a second, radiating a constant of
heat at 1.938 calories per sq. cm. in every minute. The
extraordinary heat produced by the Sun spots travelling
with astounding speed, throwing out sparks at 1,000
miles an horn' from the gaseous or vaporous Sun, generates
Electricity. Light travels, as we know, at the rate of
186000 miles a second.
Many effects of the Sun arc so far accepted by astro-
nomers except its effect on the causation of births.
They accept the magic power ofthe Sun to make corn
grow and ripen, also that the heat raises the ocean waters
in the form of vapour and sends vapour in the form of
rain to refresh the Earth and to fill the rivers for naviga-
tion, and causes breezes and winds that waft our vessels.
For all the beauty with which Nature is adorned we are
beholden to the Sun.
Thus, long before astronomers had advanced their
views, our ancients rightly considered the Sun as the un-
limited source of energy, light, heat, magnetism, electri-
city and as the giver of the life principle or the breath of
life (Prana), comprising the act of breathing in and
breathing out. In fact, the whole Solar system is per-
meated by an uninterrupted flow of electricity, magnetism
etc., passing in and out of the Earth back to the Sun.
Every body, including the Sun, is rotating round its
axis, though at different speeds. The Sun, being at about
the centre of the Solar system and being the most massive,
and the hottest, causes the other bodies to revolve round
him. Sir John Hcrshel, the eminent author and astrono-
mer of immortal fame, who had discovered Uranus in
1046 with his telescope, writes "the Solar heat alone con-
stitutes two-thirds of the entire quantity of heat supplied
to the earth and to repair its thermal loss by terrestrial
radiation that without heat the Earth will have a tempe-
rature falling to a point that would be incompatible with
organic life."
Tyndall says that the atmosphere is everywhere filled
with solid particles in which arc found the germs of
monads and bacteria. The germs of all animals, as
Vonhacr pointed out, at the outset are very much like
each other in the process of development acquiring first
the differential characteristics of the sub-kingdom to
which they belong. The dissimilarity of the germs mani-
fest, for instance, in a woman's womb after 8 weeks, while
prior to this the embryos of man and the dog are hardly
distinguishable ; the cells in These two cases remain undis-
tingntshablc. Organic matter contains many albuminous
molecules in the colloidal form, in clusters of clusters, which
have movements in relation to one another (John Fiske).
Each of the numberless cells of which the human body is
composed is albuminous containing sulphur, phosphorus,
carbon, oxygen etc., Every one knows that the trans-
formation of the unorganised contents of an egg into the
organised chick is effected by heat (hatching). By the
stimulating effects on the retina and thence on the mcdtlla
oblangata (Fiske), Sunlight quickens the breathing and
circulation in higher animals and facilitates repair of
tissue. Consciousness cannot continue for an instant, un-
less oxygen is in contact with the grey matter of the
brain, and it is known that phosphorous is very much
needed or greatly responsible for the intellect. It might be
that phosphorous supplies the spark of life to the beings
on the earth. Spencer aptly says "evolution is an inte-
gration of matter and coacommittaul dissipation of
motion; during which matter passes from definite,
incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heteroge-
neity during which the retained motion undergoes a
parallel transformation." The oxygen mingled with
Carbon, expelled as Carbon dioxide, represents the
dissipation of motion, stated above.
The birth of an infant is the result of integration of
matter with dissipation of motion, effected and nurtured
carefully, rather surreptitiously, in the womb, till it acqui-
res the class, order, family, geneous, species, race etc..
Aerial pulses recur at the rate of 16 per second. The
Solar system presents various rhythms of complex kind.
These rhythms occur as undulations. To mention a few
out of the innumerable rhythms, the axial rotation of
all the planetary bodies, the annual revolution of the
earth, the periodical revolution of the planets round the
Sun, the gyration of the earth causing precession, geologi-
cal rhythms responsible for the continual shifting of the
river beds, the growth of the mountains and their accre-
tions over a number of centuries, the perpetual trembling,
or swaying to and fro of the invisible atoms which form
visible bodies cannot but make us firmly believe in the
continual presence of an infinitely mighty force existing
all around us, responsible for the life and activity on our
globe,—originating, growing and terminating in regular,
well-defined, and rhythmical periods of time. Amidst
apparently complex diversity, there is amazing unifor-
mity, even monotonous, revealing order and method
known to Him only, and to know which man strives his
best with a never ending thirst.
needle of a compass does not point to the exact North but
is found to diverge from the meridian by an angle
different at different places. At Greenwich, the needle
points to 17 deg. West of North. It has been proved that
the time of maximum sun-spot activity is a time of
remarkable magnetic activity on our earth, for instance,
the observed radio fade outs inJune-July ^ wr ^ 1959.
Prom tiic itluniiiia.ling article in Hie. Suiulrty SLiimdjtrtt, ]3ill
March byMivSeeit E. ForbTrstij
Chl^fmnn ot U. S. TechnfCttl P.'mel on the Gosmct rdys fur Inlcr-
jjaticnal GcnpbydiCal Year, I give rather hriedy idiiie of his seiucn-
CAi- "Today it is k'ltAWH Ihxl afanut QQperccni of tfic primary
eOsfP>c ra.y!i whicti raniiQU-illy l^mhard the tup uf our. atiurnplims
&Cm upaCc consist of prctoilj vrhicli UrC die nuclei of the hydrDgcn
the b*Jnnce is made up of alpha pnrhciet, being nuclei of
ibe hrhum atom and ionic oriictivi-r atoms Many cT these
ehirged panic) (»fmt'cnergiei fnr otcerdln^ thtut! hy nay mnn-maiJe
ateeleratort, cominfif in all direc(i£)n3....,,,.,Sun cjccli t^rgc cioudi of
highly conducting ga! wlitrh in us t carry with, them magnetic fields
from the fiun ,,Diiririp the inngn^tic Ktornis Mrong burst* of
X-IGy vvrrenaliccd to COsMcllIo wiLb the fnc^G clmngta in die harth's
magnetic fiehl.-.—.JtThelo X-Kays havr nn nverage energy of one
lakh volts undouhtcfUy proifticed by rteClroria atriking the top of
our ntrDosphcfc."
)n die sirnnc ^^'eclllyl (Jmed JUnd Mnrcb'iO, iindcr the c.iptico!
Medicine turns to Electronics by ttnlph Sc^tuttn, it wax seated
"nil wnnder devices ctirrcntiy in me for mnklng btood counts,
recording hrattt wnvcY, del ucti tig cysLs | sccini: eiiemietils m wo ft in
human cells and aiibftJiuiihp tUtLity bitjiomiu Ofgaru tire ninde ponai-
ble by the ubiqtttluus elect fOn. one nf die rinulamenUil Ijlocts vf tlic
ufiiversc, VlkC electron in ao clu sivc, liny Ond Cisl^moving ac top
"speed that It Would eircfc the eartli iiu>re than levcn lltne* a second.
Enough is known tq have put U la wart, US tl Scrvtirtt of man a
more dftnnaiic device ii the henrt monlicif .md pacemaker—the latter
Strapped lo the pniient1* diuf.alloOt* tiO jolta of electrictty A minute
to gei tlic heart heatlnfj norm:illy ngain when it is nuido 10 stop by
thefoiftKr. Speed is cs ten rial since mnti chn live only nbont Jour
rainulei after Jieart stoppage .Them U hopr iliot the .blind would
aeLitally see whose optical bvftin artaa and opilc nerves'are , un»
dramagtd with an elceifonic device cle,,,,
As reported in the Sunday Standard, Aug. 18, 1957, a new
revolutionary and giant telescope with 64 Radio-aerials stretching
fora quarter ofamile is set up at St. Mary 30 miles from Sydney,
Australia, to study the Sun and the stars. It contains C4 saucer-
shaped dishes tilted towards the Sun; each dish being a sensitive
radio-aerial, fed on a recording machine, designed to pick up Radio-
waves travelling from the Sun and to study the distant radio star»
and galaxies. This allows the scientists to sec 10,000 limes
more details than a good radar set. The active regions which occur
around Sun-spots are the source of most radio-waves coming from
the Sun. These cause magnetic storms, radio fade-outs and even
affect the weather. It is possible, therefore, that many more myste-
ries connected with the Sun would be solved on a rational and
scientific basis.
All this proves the unquestionable and unlimited
power of the Sun over the planetary bodies, situated
millions of miles away from him, to rotate round it ever
and anon at constant velocities and also over the inhabi-
tants of the Earth, their births, their existence, their exit.
Time is not distant when its mighty influence will once
again be firmly established by modern scientists.
An author has staled truly "while every one of
us knows the effects of Electricity and how mechanically
or chemically it may be produced, we are ignorant still of
what Electricity is ; nor do we know what a Spark is in
the motor Engine, noticed before starting it, except to
signify to us that the live wires have been contacted,
necessary for movement "
Who can deny that the luminous waves of rays resulting
from the sparks of the perpetually burning Sun, reaching
the Earth rhythmically, containing minute colloid parti-
cles of radium, phosphorous, calcium etc. when combined
with nitrogen and carbon may not be responsible for the
life of man or beast with his or its mental equipment and
physical activity !
And rightly, many of the ancient nations like the
Chaldeans, the Chinccse, were Sun-worshippers; the
Elindus continue to be so even to-day.
2 17
Chapter HI
The Moon, The Translator
The Moon, the biggest of the satellites, is distant
from the earth by nearly 2,40,000 miles. She revolves
round the Earth in 27-3 days. She spins on its axis in
exactly the same time that she takes to go round the
Earth, The day in the Moon is 29 of our days and the
night is 29 of our nights. She revolves round the pole of
the ecliptic in such a way as always to be inclined nearly
6f degs. from uprightness to the level in which she travels
round us. Thus we see 51 p.c. or even Irds of the Moon's
surface at one time or another with the balance temaining
hidden. Her black face with her convexity is towards us.
Thus she intercepts a little of the solar light, a small part
of which is reflected to the Earth. She is rightly called
the Queen ofthe night, the Translator of the rays of the
Sun. The Sun and the Moon have been the objects of
adoration by all nations from hoary antiquity, under
different name», all signifying respectively father and
mother, the soul and the body
Astronomers agree that all vegetation on our globe is
due to her action, and that the tides, their ebb and flow,
arc caused by the combined gravitational force of the two
luminaries. The Moon supplies the air, the water, the
food for all animal existence and sustenance. Her energy
promotes fertility, activity, growth on our Earth while
that proceeding M turn wards from our planet - on the
hypothesis of a double current passing in and out—brings
about debility, decrement and decrepitude. She rules cata-
menia, conception, embryo, foetus, child-birth, gestation.
The menstrual cycle in the female is intimately connected
with her revolution round the Earth in 27 days and with
respect to other bodies, especially Mars, in a nativity. She
governs the "mind" (Manas) and the animal instinct; the
ever-constant changes, formation, completion and dissolu-
tion. The systole and the diastole, the inspiration and
the expiration, the continual formation and destruction of
the blood cells, the fractional periods of rest are all sup-
posed to be due to the interaction of the Sun and
the Moon.
At the New or the Full Moon, the tides arc higher con-
sequent on the greater attraction, magnetism or gravity,
whichever it be or all put together. Physicists opine that at
the New or the Full Moon, especially when the Moon or
theSun is in conjunction with a node, with or without an
eclipse, magnetism or electricity between the bodies might
get annulled or diminished to a great extent, more pro-
nouncedly at the New Moon with gravity alone acting.
Hence it is that the ancients interdicted New Moon
days (except those at Mahodaya or Ardhodaya
fulfilling other set of conditions) to be unfit for sea bath,
probably for the reason that the waters cannot impart the
solar magnetism so richly stored in them to those bathing
in it, or it may be that man, stated to be an electrical
body able to light up a 25 watt bulb for 3 rains, (as stated
by an authority in the Sunday Times of the 29th Nov.,
1953), greatly deprived of it at such times may not endure
the force of gravitation alone exerted by the waters. The
latter view of mine, though somewhat speculative, might
be correct for deaths occur, a vast majority of them, far
more frequently, with all diseases, especially Insanity and
other nervous diseases taking a very acute phase, and with
the rest becoming "critical," at or around the New or Full
Moon day, (also conclusively proved from enough statis-
tics and published in that authoritative Medical J ournal,
I <)
the Lancet, in about 1928). The quantity of magnetism
and electricity which are needed to sustain life in the
ailing man may get further diminished or cancelled at
such times. Gravity alone is probably incompatible with
and injurious to life. Our ancients probably for this reason,
I suppose, advocated the regular use of wooden sandals for
the feet, and of the skin of deer or tiger to sit on to pre-
vent or check the dispersion and loss of the magnetism
and electricity present in man.
The Moon represents the Water power (Amhu),
therefore the Jala Tatva, which is the combination of
three Tatvas. She is the negative force as opposed to the
positive force of the Sun. As all liquids, wherever situated
in a sea, a lake, or a flask, take the shape of the container,
she rules adaptability, motion,change, inconstancy, recep-
tivity, productivity which qualities are modified by her
position in the zodiac whereat the planet ruling the sign
and the one in aspect to her impart their own qualities
as well.
Time is not far off when manned planes will be able
to go to the Moon, if not to some other planets Venus or
Mars, and reveal to us very much more than what we have
known all these centuries.
Readers might have perused the article in the Sunday Standard
59, under the caption. "W<- have brothers in other Worlds" by
lirhisky Le Poer Trench, Editor, Flying Saucer Review, stating that
Doctor George Hunt Williamson along with six others actually con-
versed with men from anothei world at Desert Centre, California on
November 20, i!):V2 and that sonic of I hem had the pleasure of going
with them in their air ships travelling at 1200 miles an hour for
somclimcand that those men from Venus arc very friendly to us.
And these along with the other instances given in that interesting
article solved Ihc mystery of the "flyingsaucers." The author also
stated that they were noted in our skies from the earliest
times as recorded in the Vcdas, Wc will realise in not too distant
future that the ciTctls of the planets, portrayed by our ancients, will
be found to be axinmaticaliy true.
Chapter r
The Tatvas
The ancient Hindu Savants, centuries past our
reckoning, postulated the existence of the five Bhutas
(Elements) permeating all matter, animate or inanimate,
in the universe. Bhuta means truth, the indisputable and
irrefutable fact of their ubiquitous presence inhering all
bodies. Each bhuta has a characteristic quality of its
own, hence is termed tatva meaning quality in Sanskrit.
These five elements comprise Prithvi (Earth) ; Apa
(Water); Theja light and (Heat); Vayu (Wind) ; Akash
(Space unlimited *(1) Ether). These were mentioned
by them even in the all important Sandhyavandana
mantra >(2)" in the same order as found from the earth
to the space above, following the geocentric method
of calculations adopted by all astronomers. These Bhutas
coalesce and combine together very intimately and invisi-
bly, giving rise to, and to be responsible for all physical,
physiological, biological entities and changes. These
represent the physical qualities only in matter and not the
chemical constituents.
The Hindus theorised that matter has mechanical
energy, heat energy, electrical energy, all combined in it.
* 1. Modern physicists opine that the space, however immea-
surably vast, is finite.
*2. Sandhyavam Sana mantra is a form ofprayer in Sanskrit, the
recital and performance of which, taking about 15 minutes, is permi-
tted to the upper classes of Hindu society after the Thread-marriage
ceremony (Upanayanam) at which function they are initiated into the
mantras to entitle them thereafter to read the Vcdic literature and
other sciences (Sastras). This prayer is to be conducted three times a
day at sunrise, noon and sunset.
The Heat energy (Thejo tatva) breaks up the cohesion
(slish, clasp or embrace according to the Hindus) of the
molecules in a solid, widens the distances between them
and converts the solid into a liquid. The same heat
energy converts a liquid into a gas wherein the molecules
are torn apart and separated, during which process rapid
motion results with the help of the Wind (Vayu). Finally
extension occurs into Space (Akash). Thus, in the opinion
of the ancients, matter has all these qualities inhering in
it and when under an environment there is preponde-
rance of some Tatva, the characteristic qualities already
existing in matter arc brought to the fore with relatively
characteristic changes in the form.
may become matter out of which the tissue of the living
things is formed and this again is matter in the animal
organism." This helps us to account for the different
degrees of mobility, activity, physical form, with many
variations and contrasts between man and man. It is
probable in my view that the protons and the electrons
are in slightly different proportion in each individual,
accounting for the varying consitutions and
Electricity is considered by very many authorities as
a mode of motion, interchangeable with light, heat, cold
and sound. Witness, for instance, the production of
electricity from the power of a waterfall. Akash, the
infinite and eternal space, possesses sound and electricity,
the vibrations of which travel wave-like (parispanda of
the Hindus) in the manifesting medium, the Wind(Vayu).
Akash, as Alan Leo puts it, is the spiritual agent undetec-
ted, and ♦Ether, a material agent, the lumini-fcrous
substance pervading the whole universe.
All, however, are in perfect agreement with regard to
the constant flow of energy producing charges in a con-
tinuous manner which cannot be perceived by the ordi-
nary intellect except by the highly developed intuition.
Inter-stellar Ether, or Electricity cum Sound,—whatever
it is, is the vehicle for the transmission of mole-
cular motion.
Electricity is produced in Akash considered in Upa"
nishada as the primary origin of all other tatvas, and the
♦Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the Michclson-Morlc ex-
periment disposed of the presence of ether. But we arc not much
concerned with what that agent may be so long as it is not deter-
mined, but all scientists agree that something, sound or electricity,
is present to serve as a medium for the transmission of the waves of
radiation from the dynamic sparks of the Sun.
seat of electricity in man is the primary generator of
motion ; and our bodies are electrical. It is not improb-
able that our brains and the nervous system are the
centres, the store-houses of electricity. Spencer, an autho-
rity on Cosmic Philosophy, states that the souls of the
dead to whose powers no limits arc known and are omni-
present can leave bodies and can re-enter them though
new bodies are to be formed. Collins in his Synthetic
Philosophy of Spencer holds that the souls form their
own population in the rocks and cremation grounds (in
line with the established, but supposed to be superstitious
beliefs of the Hindus) and that the patients afflicted, for
instance, with hysteria and the like raving affections
manifest extra-ordinary, even super-human, mental or
physical vigour owing to the usurping spirit entering their
bodies. For life is accepted to proceed from pre-existing
life on the principle "cx-nihilo nihil" meaning that noth-
ing is made out of nothing. According to our ancients
and to Herbert Spencer, the souls of the dead, endless in
number, merge with Ether, get revitalised by the phos-
phoric radiance of the Sun and are successively and
rhythmically whirled back to the earth to enter some
body or other according to the Divine law. But each
soul-atom thus charged again possesses affinity to a cer-
tain species. There must be equally minute difference in
these minute atoms, in my impression, either in their
structure, composition, mass or size, which are responsible
for bringing forth a man, an elephant or a lion. But
these are indistinguishable in the primary embryo stage
when no structural peculiarities are developed. For the
ovule of an ant, an elephant, a dog or a man defies any
clue for differentiation under the microscope or for sear-
ching analysis of a chemist or for the scrutiny of the
biologist. All start as protoplasms resembling the
albumin-white of an egg, a jelly like substance, which may
develop into an ill-looking crab or into a fierce rhinocer-
ous or into a beautiful woman depending evidently upon
the environment, the human or animal womb, for their
growth and subsequent diflcrcntation. The electric-oxy-
gen combined atoms rush forth towards grosser material,
the carbon particles, with inconceivable velocity and enter
the embryo.
At the beginning of the 19th century, Thomas Young
who was given all the credit for fronting the undulatory
theory (the ' parispanda * mentioned by our ancients
centuries ago) postulated that heat and light waves impin-
ging upon the molecules of bodies and agitating their
constituent atoms subject them to tremors equal in rapi-
dity to those of light and heat proceeding through the
luminous Ether. In the IVth century J. D. Cassini, and
later on many scientists, advanced different theories for
the causuation of "zodiacal light" which was described
by that eminent astronomer Sir John Hcrshel thus "a
cone of lentricularity (lens-shaped light) extending from
horizon obliquely upwards following the course of the
ecliptic or rather the Sun's equator; the breadth of its
base to its axis extends by 8 to 30 deg. This extends
beyond the Sun, Mercury and Venus, and at the Earth as
a glowing band broad at its base near the horizon and
narrower as it goes obliquely". This light is possibly
produced by the Earth going about the Sun with its
tremendous speed for millions of years ever since its
creation, or that electricity and light proceeding from
above to the earth ever and anon at tremendous speed
over the immeasurable time should have produced in their
passage to the earth the zodiacal light and in turn to be
responsible for all life and activity on our globe, let apart
that on the other planets.
A Report on the Radiation Belt around the liarth from Essen
(W. Germany) dated 26di (let. '58 was given on 30th Oct. '58 in the
Indian Express, and it reads thus : "America's" first Moon rocket
launched two weeks ago to a height of 79,000 miles showed that the
Earth was surrounded by a belt of radiation about 5600 miles thick
according to Dr. R. Jastrow of the U. S. Navy Laboratory , Washsng-
ton. The intensity of this radiation began about 625 miles up*
This radiation would expose the crew to the evil effects, and thus
the men arc shielded with lead of moderate thickness to overcome
this problem."
All atoms, according to Hershel and Clerk Maxwell,
of which the visible universe is built up bear distinct
marks of being manufactured articles. Tyndall rightly
observes " I affirm that no shred of trustworthy experi-
mental testimony exists to prove that life in our day has
ever appeared independently of antecedent life." All
these opinions are in favour of the established belief of
our ancients that our life is a continuous chain of births
and rebirths.
Let us consider, in the light of the modern theories
and conceptions as well, what these five Tatvas
stand for : —
The Prithvi is the dense matter which, according to
our ancients, is nothing but the fields of gravitation of
the earth. It represents the solidarity, density, massivity
and gravity which make for the structure of the formation
of matter. The Surya Sidhanta states that it produces in
its surrounding a field of gravitation. Long before a
Copernicus, a Newton, a Kepler advanced any theory, the
ancient Rishis of India were aware of the gravitational
pull exerted by a planetary body, and this is obvious from
the very name, ,graha' given to a planet—indeed an
ideal, apt, short and single word in Sanskrit carrying the
full import of gravitation, as in fact every word is in Sans-
krit philology. This Prithvi is the great storcr of Carbon.
Akash is the primordial tatva (Ether) from which has
originated Wind (Vayu); from the combination of these
two has emerged Fire (Theja Light); and from the combi-
nation of these three tatvas has emerged Water (Apa) ;
and finally from the combination of all the four tatvas
has resulted the Earth (Prithvi).
Akash is Ether or Sound-cum electricity, the medium
for the transmission of the Solar energy. Vayu is, as wc
know, the most important food being a mixture of oxygen
and nitrogen for man as he takes 2000 cubic feet of air in
24 hours. The nitrogen content is, however, preponderant.
A living cell cut off from air will die, with development
discouraged by the lack of environmental correspondence.
Theja represents the important element, oxygen, agitating
atoms and revitalising the cells in the body. Apa (Water)
is the combination of hydrogen and oxygen with some
hydrogen preponderance ; our body comprises 70 per cent
of water in the blood and tissues for the easy flow
through arteries veins und capillaries ; hence it is
fluid preponderant.
Thus, all life is subject to and is dependent upon the
presence of all the five Bhutas, each of them contributing
its quota and playing its part in its maintenance.
Chapter V
The Tatvas, Their Rule and Characteristics
The five Tatvas were enunciated by our ancients to
repeat themselves in a definite cyclic order after every
one and a half hours. The duration of each of these
Tatva on any day is uniform. But their order is depen-
dent upon the Week day.
Prithvi Tata lasts for 6 minutes-
Jala „ *) 9 ft IS
Tiieja i* 1 " I ft
Vayu „ it 24
Akash ,, 11 >1 30 ti
All the nations in the world have ever followed the
same order for the Week days on their confirmed assump-
tion that the five planets as well have govern over the five
days from Tuesday to Saturday while Sunday and
Monday are allocated to the Sun and the Moon respec-
tively. As such it is not unbelievable that the planets
exert their own independent influence on theTatvas with
that characteristic tatva of each planet beginning from
sunrise on the day under it.
The Characteristics
My investigations for a considerable number of years,
to the extent possible, to ascertain what distinct traits of
character each tatva might confer on persons born under
it, have led me to believe that some distinguishing traits,
mentioned below, stand truly typical of the persons, often
manifesting themselves to a great degree, from their child-
hood, or at other times working as an undercurrent
coming to the surface gradually with manhood and re-
vealing themselves. It must be, however, noted that all
such qualities arc subject to great modifications according
to the sign and degree of the Ascendant in each case,
according to the Lord of the sign, its position, its aspects,
its proximity to the fixed stars and the like usual astro-
logical considerations. Therefore, the below mentioned
traits under each tatva may not be taken as 'literally'
true. But when interpreted along with other considera-
tions even to an extent, the typical traits of each person,
their instincts and desires, hopes and aspirations, their
line of thinking, and the like would be found to be even
astonishingly true or at least not at much variance.
put together. It rules Akash, the universe of
light or the clectro-inagnctic radiation fields, the
omnipotent Aether. It has warmth and generates Electri-
city. Thus, the planet rules such qualities as optimism,
cheer, generosity expansion, fullness, abundance and the
magnetic • aura' that surrounds every living creature.
Virgil rightly calls it as " omnipotent Father Aether," and
Aether is verily the living substance.
Mercury, the Quicksilver, is the mental planet which
gives the brain power and its motility. It stanch for all
mental flights in the domain of Sciences, Philosophy,
Mathematics and the like. It rules commerce, trade,
Bank balance; indicates physical or health aura, as
brought about by the • nerve * power,
Venus denotes the astral or psychic aura ; imagina-
tion, fertility of thought, love of ease, pleasure and enjoy-
ment, also of arts; of sciences, particularly Chemistry,
Medicine, Pharmacy.
Mars governs the physical aura, motivity (muscular)
energy, vigour and vitality, love of and ability in debate,
argument and rhetoric, the sex desire and strength.
Saturn governs ' Vayu ' the higher mind, contempla-
tion, meditation, introspection; isolation and frugality
enforced, patience, endurance and industry.
The Gnnas or Prcdicnmcnt:
Akash governs Sound (Sabda)
Vayu ,, Touch and Sound (Sparsa and Sabda)
Theja „ Sight and the above two
(Rupa and the above)
Apa Taste and the above three
(Rasa plus above)
Prithvi Smell and all the above four
(Gandha and the above four).
Prithvi Tatva : denotes the physical or health aura.
This is the foundation of matter. It is governed by Mer-
cury, the planet which rules the intellect and the
(1) If JJL jcc. (Kastha) brings on 1 respiration
The Sun traverses 360 degs. in 24 hra.
So, one deg. „ „ „ 4 mins.
1/10 deg. „ „ „ 2/5 mins i.e. 24 sees.
about 3960 miles revolves ever and anon at 18 miles a
second round the Sun whose mass is 3.3 X 10 that of the
Earth and whose gravity is 27.6 that exerted by the Earth
and who radiates boundless luminous and electric energy
at an extraordinarily inconceivable speed (luminous flux),
it is not improbable that numerous tiny particles, supposed
to be formed from out of the old souls, are whirled back
on to the Earth and to its inhabitants to re-enter some
womb or other at definite intervals of time, to grow in it
till such time it is fit to be delivered out of it and to take
independently the first breath.
Chapter VII
Table G, denoting the Sex, gives under each Day of
the Week, the letters M to indicate a male birth ; F a
female. The letter in Italics, given after M or F, stands
for the particular Tatva ruling at the time of birth. Thus,
p stands for Prithvi (6 mins.);j for jala (12 mins.); t for
Teja (18 mins.); v for vayu (24 mins.); a for Akash
(30 mins.). The total duration is 90 minutes.
Note'' While the Asterisms repeat themselves in the
same order after 27 minutes, the Sex and Tatvas do so
after 90 minutes. As the L.C.M. of 27 and 90 is 270 mins.
i.e. 'Hhrs., the Tables have to be extended to 4 hours
and for the multiples of the interval in order to bring the
Times of Birth indicated by the Asterisms as well as the
Sex by Tatvas into the same horizontal fine to facilitate
rapid reference.
The Times in both F and G arc given on the basis of
6-0 a.m. as the time of Sunrise (local mean); WFIEN NOT,
observe the following Rules, before reference to
the Tables.
(1) For Table F. When the Sunrise on any day is
before 6 a.m., add the interval between Sunrise time and
6 a.m. to the given local Birthtime, if after sunrise.
(2) Ifthe Sunrise is after G a.m. subtract the interval
(excess over 6 a.m.) from the given local Birthtime, if
after Sunrise.
(3) if the Birth is before Sunrise, take the previous
day and the time of Sunrise.
(4) The Week Day commences only after Sunrise,
if, for instance, a birth occurs at 5-15 a.m. on 4th Feby.
which is a Sunday, and if the Sunrise on 4th is at
5-18 a.m. then the day of birth is to be considered as
Saturday. The Tatvas seem to commence after the exact
minute for the previous one is completed at such places
at which ihcy are marked in the Tables. For example
on Tuesday, M(t) begins from 6-3 a.m. and lasts till
6-21 a.m.; but at 6-21 a.m. is marked F(v). So the
former seems to last till the 20th minute is over, the
latter commencing just after 6-21'#
Examples on Rectification
Ex. 2. Mahatma Gandhi, 7.10 a.m., local, 2-10-1869,
at Porebundar. Eat. 22 N. 36 : Long. 69 E 48.
Lagna, Libra ; Aslesh ; Saturday ; Sunrise 5. 55.* 30''
Now, 7. 10 + 4' 30", i.e. 7. 14. 30 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 25, against 7.15 a.m., the factors, the star
Aslesh under the Movable sign column and the sex as M
agree. The corrn. is ( + 30 sees.) True time of birth is
7.10'.30" a.m. under 7e/'o tatva.
(Beforewriting an article published in the Swarajya in 1932 rela-
ting to the time ofhis release from gaol, Mr. Dutt had supplied to rac
on my request the time of hit birth as between 7 and 7.29 a.m. men-
tioned to him by Gandhiji himself. The time was rectified by Mr.
Dutt by P.N. Epoch and given in one ofhis Works.)
Ex. 3. Jagdish Chandra Bose, 4.12 p.m., Local,
30-11-1858. Eat. 23 N. 38 ; Long. 90 E 81.
Lagna, Taurus ; Hasta ; Tuesday ; Sunrise 6-28'-43".
Now 4.12 p.m. minus O. 28' 43" (excess over 6 a.m.);
we get 3.43' 17" p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 18, against 3.54 p.m., the factors agree.
So corrn. is (4-10'43"). True time ofbirth is 4.23. p.m.
under Akash tatva.
N. B. If wc take the earlier time't.c* 27' less as 3.27 p.m. for
Table Ref., under No. 9, the sex is marked 'female' and does not suit.
Ex. 5. Sri Aravinda Ghosh, 4.0 a.m. Local, 18-8-1871
at Calcutta.
Lagna, Cancer; Pubba; Thursday ; Sunrise 5.41 a.m.
on 17th.
Now, 4.0 a.m. plus 19' i.e. 4.19 for Table Ref.
Under No. 81, against 4.3 a.m., the factors agree. So
corrn. is (—15'). True time ofbirth is 3.44 a.m. under
Tejo tatva.
.V. B. The time ofbirth was given to Mr. F. C. Dutt by a close
relative of Sri Ghosh, as recorded in ghalis and vighatis, before the
introduction of standard time and is therefore approximate. This
corrn. of(—16 mins.) is legitimate. Alternatively, ifwc lake 27' ahead
as 4.30 a.m., the sex does not agree. Hence the former lime, 3.44 a.m.
only is to be taken as the correct birth time.
Ex. 6. G. R. Das, 6.49 a.m., 5-11-1870, at Calcutta.
Eat. 22 N. 34; Long. 88 E. 25.
Lagna, Libra; Uttarabhadra ; Saturday ; Sunrise
6.10'-30" a.m.
Now, 6.49 minus 10' i.e. 6.39 a.m. (ignoring sees.)
for Table Ref.
Under No. 15, against 6.45 a.m., the factors agree.
So corrn. is ( + 6). True time ofbirth is 6.55 a.m. under
Akash tatva.
Ex. 7. Rabindranath Tagorc, 3.52 a.m., 7-5-1861,
Eat. 22 N. 40; Long. 88 E. 30.
Lagna, Pisces ; Revathi ; Monday , Sunrise 5.28 a.m.
on 6th.
Now, 3.52 plus 32 mins. i.e. 4.24 a.m. for Table Ref.
N. B. There have been differences of opinion regarding his
birthtime, as mentioned in Rajagopala Iyer's New Era Directions,
p. 161; Dull gave it as 4 a.m. as supplied to him by a near relative of
the poet; others gave it with wide divergences. The correct time by
this method is 20 mins. earlier than the above.
Under No. 84, against 4.12 a.m., the factors agree.
So corrn. is (—12'). True time ofbirth is 3.40 a.m. under
Akash tatva.
Ex. 8. Male, 1.30 p.m., 10-4-1882, at Calcutta.
Lagna, Cancer; Purvashada; Tuesday ; Sunrise
5.48'. 14".
Now, 1.30 p.m. +12 mins. i.e. 1.42 p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 63, against 1.39 p.m., the factors agree, so
corrn. is (—3'). True time ofbirth is L27 p.m., under
Tejo tatva.
(The data relate to the nativity of the late F. C.
Dutt, Triple M.A., and Secretary of the Chirological
Society, Calcutta, from 1901 and a reputed author. He
rectified the time by P. N. Epoch as p.m., and
the Nadi time above is only about a minute earlier.)
Ex. 9. Boy, 1.56 a.m., Local, 22-9-1934 at Calcutta.
Lagna, Cancer; Satabhish; Friday; Sunrise on
21st, 5.52.
Now, 1.56 a.m.4- 8 mins. i.e. 2.4 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 40, against 2.0 a.m. the factors agree.
So Corrn. is (—V). True time ofbirth is 1.52 a.m, under
Akash tatva.
Ex. 10. Boy, 6.58 a.m., Local, 26-6-1908, at Calcutta.
Lagna, Cancer; Rohini; Saturday; Sunrise 5.21 a.m.
Now, 6.58 a.m.-j-39 mins. i.e. 7.37 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 29, against 7.27 a.m. only, the factors
agree. So corrn. is (—10'). True time ofbirth is 6.48 a.m.
under Tejo tatva.
(Dutt in bis Book, Pre-natal Epoch, stated that the
infant was delivered unconscious and brought to life after
an hour. In the light of the circumstances mentioned
above, this time 6.48 a.m. may be correct, when the first
inspiration should have taken place, though earlier by
10 mins. than given by Dutt).
Ex. IT. Sri Moraji Desai, 12.58 p.m., 29-2-1896, at
Bhadelie (since this place is not given in the Atlas Index,
Bombay is taken.) Eat. 18 N. 57; Long. 72 £. 55.
Lagna, Gemini; Pubba; Saturday; Sunrise 6.22 a.m.
Now. 12.58 p.m.-22 mins. i.e. 12.36 p.m, for Tab. Rf.
Under No. 41, against 12.33 p.m. the factors agree.
So Corrn. is (—3'). True time of birth is 12.55 p.m.
under Akash tatva.
Ex. 12. King George V, 1.18 a.m., 3-0-1865, at Load.
Lagna, Pisces ; Uttara ; Friday,» Sunrise 3.54 a.m.
on 2nd.
Now, 1.18 a.m. + 2h. 6 m. i.e. 3. 24 a.m. forTab. Rf.
Under No. 69 against 3.27 a.m. the factors agree.
So corrn. is ( + 3'). True time of birth is 1.21 a.m.
under Tejo tatva.
(Pearce in his Text-book corrected the time to
1.15 a.m. and the later authors, including Robson, to
1.20 a.m., using the same arcs method.
Ex. 13. bri Baburao i'atel, (Editor, Filmindia),
5.47 p.m., 4-4-1904, Eat. 19 N. 42 ; Long. 72 E 46
Lagna, Virgo ; Anuradha ; Mon.: Sunrise 5.55 a.m.
Now, 5.47 p.m.-i-5 mins. i.e. 5.52 p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 56, against 5.48 p.m., the factors agree.
So corrn. is ( — 4'). True tune of birth is 5.43 p.m. under
Akash tatva.
Ex. 14. Self, 8.33 p.m.. Local, 31-3-1896, at Masuli-
patam. Eat. 16 N. 12 ; Long. 81 E 15
Lagna, Libra ; Visakha ; Tuesday ; Sunrise 5.59 a.m.
Now, 8.33 p.m. + 1 min. i.e. 8.34 p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 23, against 11.39 p.m., the factors agree.
So corrn. is (4 5'). True time ofbirth is 8.38 p.m. under
Akash tatva.
(Dutt rectified by P.N. Epoch the time to 8.33 p.m.
but as stated elsewhere, slight differences occur for the
reasons given).
Ex. 15. Female, 8.33 a.m.I.S.T. (8.28 local), 18-5-1919.
Lat. 16 N. 15; Long. 81 E 13
Lagna, Gemini ; Mula ; Sunday, Sunrise 5.33 am.
Now, 8.28 local+27 mins. i.e. 8.55 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 58, against 8.54 a.m. the star Mula in
Common sign and the Sex agree. So corrn. (—1'). True
time of birth is 8.27 a.m. local or 8.32 a.m. I.S.T. under
Jala tatva.
Ex. 16.
Male, 9.32 a.m. I.S.T., (9.28 local) 3.6-1920
Lat. 17 NO; Long. 81 E 30
Lagna, Cancer; Mula ; Thursday, Sunrise 5.29 a.m.
Now, 9.28 plus 31 min. Le. 9.59 a.m. for Table Ref,
Under No. 80 against 10 a.m., the factors agree. Corrn.
True time ofbirth is 9.29, local mean, under
Tejo tatva.
Ex. 17. Male, about 4.10 a.m. I.S.T., 17-6-1931,
Lat. 16 N. 12; Long. 81 E 15;
Lagna, Taurus; Arudra; Tuesday; Sunrise 5.32 a.m.
Now, 4.5 local4-28 mins. i.e. 4.33 a.m. for Table Ref.
Deduct 9 hrs.; we get 7.33 p.m. (since Tables are
given till 4.30 a.m. only).
Under No. 2, against 7.36 p.m., the factors agree.
Corrn. is ( + 3'). True time ofbirth is 4.8 a.m. local mean,
under Tejo tatva.
Ex. 18. Male, 4.45 a.m. I.S.T. 24-1-1936,
Lat. 16 N 12 Long.; 81 E 15.
Lagna, Sagittarius ; Uttarashada ; Thursday night ;
Sunrise 6-36 a.m.
Now, 4.40 local (minus 9 hrs.) i.e. 7.40 p.m. minus 36'
i.e. 7.4 p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 78 against 6.54 p.m., the factors agree.
Corrn. is (—10'). True time ofbirth is 4.30 a.m. local,
i.e. 4.35 a.m. 1. S. T. under Tejo Tatva.
Ex. 19. Male, 7.50 p.m. local, 11-4-1938,
Eat. & Long, same as above.
Lagna, Libra; Pubba ; Monday; Sunrise 5.51 a.m.
Now, 7.50 plus 9 mins. i.e. 7.59 p.m. for Table. Ref.
Under No. 9, against 7.57 p.m. the factors agree. Corrn.
is (—2*). True time of birth is 7.48 p.m. local mean,
under Tejo tatva.
Ex. 20. Male, (sonofEx. 17nativity), 5.21 a.m. local,
24-5-1957, Lagna, Taurus; Uttarabhadra; Thursday night;
Sunrise 5.32 on 23rd.
Now, 5.21 plus 28 mins. i.e- 5.49 a.m. for Table Ref.
Deduct 9 hrs. as birth is a few minutes before the sunrise,
we get 8.49 p.m. Thursday.
Under No. 22 against 8.36 p.m. the factors agree. So
corrn. is (—13'). True time of birth is 5.8 a.m. local,
under Tejo tatva. (this difference is quite possible with
his birth in his maternal grandfather's house).
Ex.21. Male, 1.55 p.m. I.S.T., 2-11-1949, Madras,
(local time 9' 12" less)
Lagna Aquarius; Uttarabhadra, Wednesday,
Sunrise. 5.58 a.m.
Now, 1.46 local + 2 mins. i.e. 1.48 p.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 67, against 1.51 p.m. the factors agree.
Corrn. is ( + 3*). True time ofbirth is 1.49 local, under
Tejo tatva. (the birth was in a hospital at Madras).
Ex. 22. Male, 6225 a.m. I.S.T. 14-10-1954 at Masuli-
Lagna, Libra ; Bharani, Thursday; Sunrise. 5.55 a.m.
Now, 6.20 !ocal-f 5 mins. i.e. 6.25 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 9, against 6.27 a.m. the factors agree.
Corrn. is ( + 2'). True time of birth is 6.22 local, under
Akash tatva.
Ex.23. Female, 1.11 p.m. ES.T. 27-8-1953, Masuli-
Lagna, Scorpio; Uttarabhadra, Thursday; Sunrise
5.51 a.m.
Now, 1.6 local-(- 9mins.i.e. 1.15 p.m. forTablcRef.
Under No. 58, against 1.24 p.m. only the factors
agree. Corra. is ( + 9'). True time of birth is 1.20 1. S. T.,
under Vayu tatva.
Ex. 24. King George VI, 3.5 a.m., 12-12-*95, London.
Lagna: Libra ; Visakha; Wednesday night;
Sunrise 8.3 a.m.
Now, as the Sunrise is 2 h. 3 m. later than 6.0 a.m.,
deduct this interval from 3-5 a.m., we get 1-2 a.m. for
Table Reference.
Under No. 23, against 1-9 a.m. only, the factors
agree. Corrn. is ( + 7*). True time of birth is 3-12 a.m.
under Akash Tatva.
Ex. 25. Mrs. Annie Besant, 5-29 p.m., 1-10-1847,
Lagna, Pisces, Punarvasu; Friday; Sunrise 6-7* "40 a.m.
Now, 5-29 minus 7'-40" is S-Sl'^O" for Table Ref.
Under No. 46, against 5-18 p.m., the factors agree.
Corrn is (—3*). True time of birth is 5-26 p.m. under
Vayu tatva.
Alan Leo gave this rime as 5-29 p.m. This small COfrn. of 3' 20"
ro: y be right especially when the birth took place a century ago
before the clock» became popular, and the time of birth was given
by her to be approximate though the author corrected it by the Arcs
method and the like.
Ex. 26. Male, 6-7 a.m. I.S.T. 22-10-59, Masulipatam.
Lagna, Libra ; Mrigasirsha; Thursday; Sunrise
5-57 a.m.
Now, 6-2 local, plus 3' i.e. G-5 a.m. for Table Ref.
Under No. 3, against 6-9 a.m. the factors agree. So
corrn. is (+4'). True Time of birth is 6-11 I.S.T. The
Lady doctor in attendance asked us to look to the time
soon after delivery. It was 6-7 am. I.S.T. But the infant
was reported not to be breathing nor could the Doctor
and the nurse immediately attend on the infants After
artificial respiration measures were employed, the infant
took the first breath at 6-11 a.m. I.S.T. and thereafter
slowly came to life. This is the recent birth in my house of
a grandson whose birth proves the veracity of the method.
Appendix A
The Moon's Long, for any past or future date
With an error of not more than 30 mins we can find
out the Moon's longitude for any day of any year.
Method '• (a) Subtract 12 years, (b) add 57 days
Add 121 deg. 10 mins. to the Moon's longitude on Noon
on that day obtained after (a) and (b). This will give her
longitude at Noon on the day required.
Example '•
(a) Required date Oct. 3, 1957
Deduct 12 years 12
Oct, 3, 1945
(b) Add 57 days 57,
Nov. 29, 1945
(c) Longitude of Moon at
noon on 29-11-1945 9 libra 51 mins.
Add 121 deg. 10 mins. 121 10
U Aquarius 1 min.
N'B' Wlien we do not have the Ephemeris for any
year for which the date of birth is given for rectifi-
cation, the Moon's position in the Zodiac, one ofthe
data required, can be ascertained.
Appendix B
How to calculate the Times of Sunrise
The Times of Sunrise are always reckoned as local
times and followed by the Hindus in casting horoscopes.
They vary much according to the latitudes of the places
on the same dates, and again are not uniform at any
given place on the different days of a year. But for the
same dates in any one locality they are the same, except
for a very slight difference, arising in about half a
century. Anyway, as the Nadi correction of the birth
time demands the correct minute of sunrise, as one ofthe
factors, two methods, one astrological and the other
astronomical, (names only for differentiation) of calcula-
ting sunrise times are given below:—
(A) Take the Sun's position at Noon for Greenwich
(if Raphael's Ephemeris is used) and from this deduct the
motion of the Sun for the place of East longitude or add
if West (converted into hours and minutes by dividing the
longitude by 15, sec step «, in Ex. 1). Thus, the Sun's
longitude at Noon for that place is known. Call this S. N.
(Sun at Noon). If birth is before sunrise, ascertain the
sunrise time for t\veprevious day; after, for the same day,
to ascertain the time in hours and minutes elapsed
from sunrise. Similarly, the sidereal Time at Noon on the
previous or the same day is taken.
(B) From the S. T. of the Noon, deduct the S. T.
when the S. N. degree and minute is rising i.e. becomes
the Ascendant under the latitude of the place from
Raphael's Tables of Houses. The difference denotes
the intervening sidereal hours between the Sunrise and
Noon, (called Hour angle), and when this interval of time
is deducted from 12 hrs. the approximate sunrise time
is known.
Then, for greater accuracy, deduct the motion of the
Sun for the number of hours and minutes between Noon
and Sunrise to get the Sun's exact position at Sunrise.
Then deduct the S. T. ofthe Sun with its longitude rising
from the S. T. ofthe Noon with the usual corrections, as
shown in the Example below : —Wc get the hour angle
which when deducted from 12 hours gives the time
of Sunrise,
Ex. 1. Find Sunrise Time on 31-3-1957, for birth at
4 a.m. at Bombay, Eat. 180N51 Long.
72®E 55' (4 hrs.-5r-32")
A. Astrological method' •
First find out the approximate Sunrise time
(a) The Sun at G.M.T. on 30th Noon
9 31' 16" Aries
(the previous date since birth is
before Sunrise of 31st)
(a1) Less motion for
4 hr. 51 rain. 40 sec. East 0 12
long, at 0-59-18 per day
between 29th and 30th-
(b) Sun's position at Noon, 9' 19' !4' Aries
(c) S. T. of Sun 90-!9M4" H. M. S.
rising under 19° lat. 18 29 10 H
(d) S. T. Noon 30th (with
49 sec.) corrn. for East long 9 S® 57 (+)
Less hrs. before Noon (by 0 27
deducting (c) from (d)
adding 24 hrs. to (d)
This when deducted from 12 hrs. gives 6 a.m
appxly for Sunrise.
For greater accuracy ascertain the Sun's position at
Sunrise i.e. for 6 hrs. (less)
(a) The Sun at Noon, Bombay
(as in b above) 9° 19' 14" Aries
Less for 6 hrs. at 0 14 50
per day
(b) The Sun at Sunrise, Bombay 9 4 24 Aries
(c) S. T. Noon, 30th H. M. S.
(as in d above) 0 29 37 plus 24 hrs.
0 ,
(d) S. T. 9 -4 -24' Aries rising
under 19 N. Lat. 18 28 22
H. M.. S.
(e) Time before Noon 6 1 15
(1) Minus corrn. from sidereal to mean
time at 10 sees, per hour Oil
6 0 14
(g) Deduct from 12 12 0 0
880-44* 2.3443
H. M- S-
B. True or Apparent noon 12 0 0
+ Eqn. + 0 4 38
Local Mean Noon 12 4 38
Deduct H. (hour-angle) 6 5 4
Sunrise 5 59 34
pangs resulting in child-birth. And in practice too, no
horoscope has been met with, at least by me, with birth
exacdy at the Sunrise for infants are supposed to die
soon after birth according to some Hindu texts.
1 have, therefore, given in Table E the Sunrise times
for different latitudes to the seconds as well for the respec-
tive dates after deriving them by the employment of the
Trigonometrical Formula without minding the tedium
Ex. II. Find Sunrise Time on 1st November, 1959
for birth at 3 P.M., Dehra Dun, Eat. 3(PN 20'; Long.
78°E8' i.e. 5 h 12' 3 2".
A. Astrological method-
First find out the approximate Sunrise Time
(a) The Sun on 1st Noon, 8° 18' 50" Scorpio
Less motion for 5 h 12' 32" long,
at 1° 0' 2" per day 0 13 1
H. M.
(a) S. T. 1st Noon, Dehra Dun 14 39
(b) S. T. 7° 51' 40" Scorpio rising 8 55
under 30 N 20 lat.
Less hrs. before Noon 5 43 24
(c) Corrn. to mean time at 0 0 58
10 sees, per hour.
Local mean time before Noon 5 42' 26'»
When deducted from 12 Noon, the Sunrise time
is 6 h.-17'-34".
B. Astronomical method
Equation of Time for 1st November
(declination 14 S 17, Eat. SO^O')
(a) S. T. of Noon 1st with minus corm. H. M. S.
for long. E 14 39 6
(b) S. T. of Sun (the motion
for 5 h. 42 mins. less to the
Noon position G.M.T.) 14 22 41
H is equal to 81° 26*. As the decln. is south, H is a
plus quantity and need not be deducted from 180.
This when divided by 15, is 5h-25,-44" before Local
Mean Noon.
w M. s.
2. Noon "15 0 0
Minus Equation 0 16 25
Local mean Noon 11 43 35
Minus Hour angle 5 25 44
Sunrise 6 17 51
(The Ephemeris gives 6-13; the excess is due to the
causes mentioned already).
Appendix C
On Precession
The first point of Aries, having a retrograde motion
of 50.26 seconds a year against the order of the zodiacal
signs, is at present approximately in the Asterism of
Purvabhadra (in about the 7th deg. of Pisces). The
Western astronomers compute the longitudes of planets
from the moving first point of Aries and therefore adopt
the Tropical Year. The Hindus compute them from the
fixed point of Aries as always coinciding with the zero
degree of Aswani, the Asterism, and therefore adopt the
Sidereal Year. At the time of a certain year in the past,
the tropica) and the sidereal longitudes coincided and
therefore were the same. But different astronomers gave
different years for the coincidence of the two zodiacs
when the precession was zero. This topic was fully dis-
cussed by me in my Text-Book edited in 1936 with the
opinions of the various authorities, and as the copies ran
out years ago, such is briefly mentioned herein. The Poona
Conference of 1925 adopted the Ayanamsa of 22 '-40,-35s"
calculated by Prof. Apte by taking the amount of Makara
(Capricorn) Sankranti according to Surya Siddhanta. (In
some of the issues of the Astrological magazine,
Bangalore, it was stated that the processional difference in
KaJta Bhusandar Nadi for 22nd March, 1926 was given as
22° 44'.) Accordingly, the year 297 A.D. happens to be the
one approximately for the coincidence of the two Zodiacs;
according to the Nadi 341 A.D. if the motion of 50.12
seconds only as given in it was taken instead of the pre-
sent observed 50.26 seconds a year. However, subject to a
slight variation of a minute or two, if not by seconds
only, the values based on this Nadi are given for the
different years in Table B.
N'B- The above values hold good for all years but
only approximately) the difference ranging from a few
seconds to even a minute, especially in February. When
the year for which the values are required is about 50
years behind 1957, employ the Formula in Appendix B,
for any intermediary date and latitude, not given in
Table E. However, when greater accuracy is aimed at,
the reader is advised to ascertain the exact value of Equa-
tion as shown in the Example above (a) and (6) under B.
Hie Tables, their Utility, and how to use them.
ted to the minute by eminent authors, has led me to believe
that the times given in the Table E are to be employed
for this Nadi Rectification. (See also App> B for fuller
the place by 15 to get the time in hrs. mins. and sees,;
then refer to Table H for the Standard time chosen for
the country in which the place is situated. If the time
is an excess over the Standard then add the difference.;
otherwise subtract- For places West of Greenwich, reverse
the process.
iY. B' Instead of giving longitudes, the time values
showing the difference between the Standard and the
Local Mean times are given to serve maximum utility to
the reader.
Table A
(This Table helps as to find out the Week Day
corresponding to the English date)
Centuries 1 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 ot0
A, D. Newl 1600 1900 1000 1700
Style j 2000 2300 2200 2(0C
Odd years in a century
I 2 3 4 3 0 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
or 0 or 0
1 2 3 If 4 5 G it 52 53 54 55 >t 50
: I! G 9 10 11 ti 57 58 59 ft 60 61 62
12 13 34 15 1) 16 17 63 31 6-4 65 66 67 J>
10 10 If 20 21 22 23 56 m 70 71 13 72 73
24 25 26 27 1* '26 74 75 If 76 77 78 79
29 30 31 }> 32 33 34- 60 ai 82^ 83 J5 84
33 J) 36 37 38 39 11 65 06 87 ft .88 09 90
40 41 42 43 1# 44 45 91 w 92 93 "94 95 J9
4e 47 II 48 49 50 31 % 97 98 99
Mouths in 12 34 5 67 or 0
Ordy. years, Aug. Feb. June Sep. Apr. Jan. May
Mar. Dec . July Oct.
Leap years Feb Jan
Eg. Find out the week-day of 31st March 1896.
(1) Write down the top No. for 1800 given
against centuries 4
(2) The No. against 96 in odd years 1
(3) The No. for March against months 2
(4) Add 31 days 31
Total 38
(5) Divide the result always by the constant 7 ; we
get 3 as the remainder. Now, count from
Sunday ; We get Tuesday which is correct. If
the date in question falls in Jany. or Feb. in a
Leap year, take the No. given against Leap
(This table was copied from my Text Book of Astro-
logy, originally taken from Mr. Swarai Kannu
PiUaFs Panchang and Horoscope.
Table B
Values of Precession for years for 22nd March
1900 22 21 56 1950 23 3 57
1905 22 26 7 1955 23 8 12
1910 22 30 19 1957 23 9 58
1915 22 34 31 1960 23 12 48
1920 22 38 43 1965 23 27 0
1925 22 43 50 1970 23 21 12
1926 22 44 0 1975 23 25 24
1930 22 47 21 1980 23 29 36
1935 22 51 32 1985 23 33 48
1940 22 55 34 1990 23 38 0
1945 22 59 45 2000 23 42 12
Table C
The Sidereal Times
The Sidereal Times for Noon against the dates given
are approximately as follows: —
The Sidereal Times increases by two hours for every
month from March, 22 which means an increase of four
minutes approximately every day. Thus, the S. T. on
March, 31 will be 9X4 hrs. 0-36 minutes. These times will
have to be used only when the Ephemeris of the required
year is not available and are employed for rapid work.
Hr. Mi. Hr. Mi. Hr. Mi.
March 22 0-0 J«iy 22 8-0 November 21 16-0
April 22 2-0 Aug. 22 10-0 December 21 18-0
May 22 4-0 Sept. 21 12-0 January 21 20-0
June 21 6-0 Oct. 21 14-0 February 20 22-0
To determine the Biting Sign ; wctrkout by proportion
the Sidereal Time for the required date; add the number
of hours elapsed from noon to birth if the time of birth is
P.M.; otherwise, deduct ihe number ofhours less noon or
better take the S.T. of the previous noon and add the
number of hours elapsed from noon to the time of birth.
For greater accuracy, add in each case a small correction
of 10 sec. for every hour added. Now refer to the Tables
of houses (Raphael's). We get the Sayana Ascendant
which can be taken as approximate to the degree and
after deducting the precessioual amount for the year we
get the Nirayana Ascendant. When the S.T. in each case
is more than 24 hrs., deduct 24 hrs. I.C., the circle of 360°.
For births in Southern latitudes, add always 12 hrs.
to the S.T. of birth obtained, and from the Tables of
h ousts for North latitudes take the Ascendant as usual or
from Table D, but only consider the 7th house i.e., the
opposite sign as the Ascendant,
For rapid work, you can simply refer to Table D, to
ascertain the Nirayana Ascendant, one of the factors
needed for reference to Tables F and G.
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Table E
LocaL Mean Times of Sunrise (In Hrs. Min. Sec.) when
the Sun's Centre of the Disc is exactly on the Horizon
Northern Latitudes
Table JG (contd.)
AikV Northern Latitudes
5 48 4
5 49 32
5 50 12
5 52 2
a 3/ 34
Sept. 7 5 55 36
to 5 55 22
15 5 54 25
23 5 52 37
28 5 51 24
Oct. 1 5 50 53
4 5 50 27
8 5 50 21
16 5 48 55
25 5 48 28
31 5 58 42
Nov. S 5 49 5
6 5 49 36
13 5, 50 33
26 5 54 51
Dec. 2 ■5 57 18
11 6 2—20'
20 6 5 55
Table E (contd,)
Northern Latitudes
1 6 49 3 7 0 7 7 12 33 7 24 51
8 6 50 39 7 2 33 7 13 8 7 26 52
16 G 50 56 7 0 53 7 12 2 7 24 50
!4 G 49 31 6 58 32 7 8 9 7 20 27
!8 6 57 48 6 56 5 7 5 32 7 IS 13
Feby. 8 6 42 54 6 49 52 G 57 31 7 6 24
13 6 40 1 6: 46 11 6 53 2 7 0 48
17 6 36 53 6 42 20 G 48 22 G 55 14
25 6 30 10 6 34 14 6 38 42 6 43 47
Mar. 5 6 23 8 6 25 49 6 28 37 6 31 58
13 6 15 20 G 16 40 6 18 9 6 19 49
20 6 8 40 6 8 30 6 8 33 6 8 31
28 5 59 43 5] 58 23 5 5G 54 5 55 14
Apr. 5 5 51 31 5 49 0 5 46 2 5 42 4l
8 5 48 56 1 5 45 48 5 42 20 5 38 25
13 5 43 46 5 39 42 5 35 14 5 30 9
19 5 38 27 5. 33 31 5 27 58 5 21 42
22 5 35 52 5 30 25 5 24 23 5 17 31
May 1 5 28 30 5 21 32 5 13 53 5 5 10
4 5 26 15 5 16 3 5 10 57 5 1 45
12 5 21 25 5' 12 8 5 3 41 4 53 0
16 5 19 18 5 10 23 5 0 27 4 49 5
25 5 15 28 5 5 13 4 54 22 4 40 34
June 10 5 13 30 5 2 26 4 50 0 4 35 42
21 5 14 48 5,'. 3 28 4 50 44 4 36 5
5 9 28 4 57 26
5 12 23 ''5 " 0 43
5 14 49 5 3 40
5 18 3 5 8 47
5 23 6 5 13 39
5 25 17 5 16 30
5 29 27 5 2 1 48 5 13 5
5 31 13 5 2 3 56 5 16 I
5 35 1 5 2 m 59 5 22 7
5 39 46 5 35 18 3 30 13
5 44 17 5 4 I 19 5 37 58
5 45 18 5 42 47 5 39 55
5 48 29 5 47 m 5 45 20
5 52 49 5 52 47 5 52 53
5 55 26 5 56 6 5 57 0
Oct. 1 5 56 49 5 58 18
4 5 58 57 6 1 56 6 3 31
6 1 40 6 4 38 5 7 59
6 6 43 6 11 11 6 16 16
6* 12 24 6 18 26 5 25 18
6 16 48 G 23 55. 6 32 0
6 43 10 G 54 58
6 49 15 7 2 It
6 55 21- 5
X !\1
76 \
7 43 47 8 4 55 8 32 31 3 12 57
7 43 8 8 3 3 8 29 35 9 1 7 7
7 39 58 7 58 34 ,8 22 40 8 56 21
7 33 45 7 50 25 8 11 43 8 41 57
7 28 47 7 44 4 .8 3 31 8 29 56
7 16 26 7. 28 45 7 44 16 8 4 53
7 9 53 7 20 50 7 35 37 7 53 37
7 .3 13 7 12 30 7 24 49 7 40 '33
6 49 41 6 56 45 7 5 32 7 16 55
6 35 52 6 40 31 6 46 16 6 53 41
6 21 44 6 24 3 6 26 54 6 30 34
6 9 4 6 9 19 6 9 30 6 10 8
5 53 19 5 51 0 5 48 9 5 44 29
'5 38 47 5 34 8 5 28 23 5 20 58
5 33 51 5 28 25 5 21 40 5 12 57
5 24 15 5 17 11 5 8 24 4 57 '1
5 14 25 5 3 40 4 54 47 4 37 8
5 9 32 4 59 55 4 47 56 4 32 12
4 54 58 4 42 39 4 27 8 4 6 31
4 51 ,3 4 37 45 4 20 57 3 59 5
4 40 26 4 25 9 4 5 42 3 39 17
4 35 41 -4 1 9 23 3 5 8 2 6 3 29 48
4 26 26 4 7 50 3 43 44 3 10 3
4 18 45 3 57 36 3 28 30 2 49 46
4 18 38 3 56 57 3 28 21 2 46 39
Table E (contd.)
Nortficrn Latitudes
26 56 4 6 29 -3 39 42 3 1 20
4 31 24 4 12 .4 . 3 46 59 3 10 55
4 35 44 '4 17 8 3 53 2 3 19 21
4 43 11 4 25 13 4 5 34 3 34 42
4 50 24 4 35 7 4 15 40 3 49 15
4 54 14 4 40 *29 4 42 24 3 58 3
5 2 53 4 50 34 4 35 3 4 14 26
5 6 34 4 55 10 4 40 43 4 21 59
5 14 8 5 4 31 4 52 32 4 35 48
5 24 19 5 17 15 5 8 28 4 57 5
, 5 34 4 5 29 25 , 5 23 40 5. 16 15
5 36 31 5 32 34 .5 27 34 5 21 25
| 5 43 25* 5 41 6 5 38 15 5 34 35
5 52 59 5 53 3, 5 53 9 5 53 16
.5 58 4 5 59 4G 6 1 21 6 3 42
6 1 53 6 4 12 G 7 3 6 10 43
6 6 18 6 9 39 G 13 46 6 19 6
6 11 53 i 6 16 31 6 22 17 6 29 42
6 22 10 6 28 14 6 38 1 6 49 24
6 33 17 6 42 54 6 54 53 7 10 37
6 41 27 6 52 51 7 7 10 7 26 2
6 45 47 6 58 6 7 13 37 7 34 14
G 50 19,7 3 36 7 20 22 7 42 47
7 0 6' 7 1 5 23 7 34 50 8 I 15
7 17 28 7 36 4 8 0 10 j S 33 51
7 24 34 7 44 22 8 11 28 8 46 34
7 33 29 7 54 35 8 23 41 9 2 25
7 40 118 1 52 8 30 28 9 12 IQ
Jany. 1 5 46 13 5 27 ^49 5 6 39 4 41 55
8 5 50 1 5 32 26 5 10 33: 4 46 14
16 5 53 50 5 37 32 5 10 27 4 54 30
24 5 57 55 :5 42 52 '5 25 32 5 3 37
.28 5 59 38' 5 45 46 5 29 47 5 9 39'
Feby. 8 6 3 26 5 51 52 5 38 40 5. 22 18
13 6 4 37 5 '54 1'7 5 42 27 5' 27 50
17 6 5 52 5 56 17 '5 45 56 5 33 2
25 6 6 50 6 0 2 .5 52 14" S '42 41
Mar. 5 6 7 29 6 2 59 5 57 -49 5 51 30
13 6 7 40 6 5 '20 6 2 48 5 59 s39
120 6 -7 30 6 7 15 6 6 58 6 6 37
t 28 6 7 23 ,6 9 43 6 12 21 6 15 24
June 10 6 16 20 , 6 34 43 6 55 24 7 ?.22 38
21 6 19 2 6 .37 ,49 6 59 28 7- 26 56
■30 40
7 Q 10 7 26 11
6 58 19' 7 23 18
6 57 15 7 21 12
6 54 43 7 16 18
G 49 24 7 9 32
6 46 37 7 5 25
6 40 39 6 57 I
6 37 25 6 52 37
6 31 25 6 44 19
6 21 46 6 31 19
6 12 7 6 18 26
6 9 2 6 14 25
6 2 21 6 5 30
5 52 21 5 52 15
■5 46 18 5 54 44
7 5
5 2
8' C
Aster ism Table
Sex Table C
Week'Days and Tatvaa
.Fri, Sa
' „ 1
J'dra 2
cv* 3
ul% 4
'shda 5
hda 6
i 7
i 8
ta 9
a 10
I'-dra a
iv* 12
ula 13
-ahd 14
bad 15
V 16
>tr3-0!iL-Dha 17
Aru-Swat-Saiia 18
pun-Vis-P'f-lr a 19
rdra 20
JV» 21
uU 22
Bha-PuUbn-l' 'sbd 23
ibd 24
% 25
i 26
La 27
a 28
f'dn* 29
2/* 30
pF Astcristn Table
y:1 Coi. ii to vi '
Sox Table G
Week Days and Tatvas
Bta-Pubba-V'shdn 50 ,,
K ri - U t ta l;da 51 „
Rohl-nait'Sra 52 (
5iri-C!i!t-Dha 53
Aru-Swa i-Ssta 54 ,,
Pun-Vij-P'dra 55 M.(p)
P usliy-An u'rU 'dra 56 ((
Asles-Jycs-Rcv. 57 F.f j)
Asw-Makh-Jlula 58 „
liha-Ptibba-P,'ahda 59 ;
Kri-liltftr-O'slida 60
i , ^ - Col, 11 to VI
Times from Sunrise
P.M. P.M. P.MijA.M.
30 ■vc Ml
71 33
72 36 Kfl
73 39 ^HTT*
74 421 12
31 33
34 12 42
85 15 45
86 1G 48
87 21 51
88 ' 24 54
S? 27 57
90 30 3-0
M. P.M.
Sex Table G
II Week Days and Tatvas
Rolii-Hait-iSra 70 „
Mri-flhit-Dhit 71 t,
Aru-Swat-Saia 72 ,,
I'un-Vis-P'dhra 73 ,• „
Pujby-Anis-U'dra 74 > „
Asies-Jyts-Rc'v. 75 II.(a)
Asw-IJakh-Muta 76 „
Bha-Pubba-P'shda 77 ,,
Kri-Uttar-D'shda 76
Rohi-Hast-Sra 79 ,,
Mfi-Chi-Dha 00 M #*
Aru-Swat-Sata 31 ,, f
Pun-VivP'tlra 62 „ t9 41
PusSty-Anu-U'dra 83 „ *1 4
Ai!«-Jycs-Rcv. 84 „ »>
Asw-Makii-liida 85 M.fp) >*
B h a-l' u bba-P'shd a 86 „ !■>
Kri-Uttar-O'sbda 87 F.tj) P.OJ
Rohl-Hast-Sra 88 ,, ri
Mri-Chit-DIia 89 „ tt
Aru'-Swal-Sata 90 M It
Table H
The Standard Time for each Country
Table I
(See Note on P 94, also Instructions On P 64-).
Deg. M. M.S. Deg, M.
34 50 -f 7 14 I Berar 2040
. 37 10 i Berhnmpur 19 13
27 10 Berlin 52 51
23 f5 Rczwada 16 28
Bhandarat,C. P.21 10
19 12 - 31 '14 B ha tit air. Raj., 29 30
26 30 - 31 44 Bhopal, C. I. 23 15
26 40 - 0 22 Bihar 24 10
. 27 54 -17 40 Bijapur 16 46
25 35 - 2 36 Btkaner 28 0
31 39 -30 26 Bilaspur, C. P . 22 7
10 20 -24 0 Bobhili 18 33
14 38 —19 28 Bolangir 20 50
12 46 -12 18 Bombay , 18 57
Bordeaux 44 48
-29 0 Brisbane 27 30
Budapest 47 30
7 0 - 6 8 Buffalo 42 39
21 30 + 17 36 Bulsar 20 35
,25 30 -10 24
39 35 -1344 Calais 50 57
12 57 -20 0 Calcutta 22 34
) 13 38 -13 44 Calicut 11 12
25 40 + 10 0 California 37 0
28 21 -11 44^ Gambay 21 0
22 15 -30 0 Cambodia 8 35
19 16 -38 24 Cambridge 52 12
52 8 -20 CawnporCjU. P. 26 28
15 50 -31 52 ! Chat rap ur 19 25
15 12 —22 12 Clricacole 18 13
25 20 + 2 0 i Chicago 41 50
30 20 I Jalalabad
-for— liitl
Deg. M. M.S. Deg, M.
22 10 ■ 49 36 Lashlcar 26 10
23 10 +27 0 Laswari 2745
Jeypare 18 50 4, 0 32 Lincoln.' 53 14
Jodhpur 26 20 —40 8 Liverpool 53 24
Jullundur 31 19 -28 0 Lbnda 15'118
Lncknow 26 53
13-32 • -25 48 Ludhiana 30 52
22 44 -.39 4
a 23 5 -13 '20 ^Macdonald 23 30
27 0 +24 0 ^ Ma ck ay 21 LO
30 45 -20,20 Mc Mm ray. 56 35
19 15 -37 20 Madhopur 27 20
20 15 - 3 48 Madras 13 4
31 20 -.28 0 Madura 9' 52
14 49 - 33 32 Mahajan 28 45
29 13 -14' 0 Mahbubnagarr 16 45
27 43 +41 8 Mahe 11 39
23 47 - 8 0' Matnpurl 27 10
14 55 - 9.14 Makrai 22 5
21 S + 8 40 Malacca 12 iti
27;40 -54' 12 Malda 24 55
20 42 -23 32 Maliwun, B. 30 32
21 '0 -30 0 Malkpur 20 53"
33 36 -44- 6 Malta 35 52
13 9 -17 28 Malvan 16 10
16 S3 -33 0 Malaw 24,30
25 -15 —56 48 Marfar " 3 '0
9 30 -23 28 .Manasarowar 30 45
r 3 20 —11 20 Mandalay 22 10
10 57 ,— 12 20 Mandla 22 40
15 "40 -18 0' Mandvi 22 56
Mangalore 12 49
Lahore 31 33 - 32 56 Manikpur 25 4
Lakshimpur 27 8 +47 0 Manmad 20 15
Lancaster 54 3 —1.1 12 Mannargudi 10" 35
Larkana 27 45 -57 28 Masulipatam 16 12
+or —
"Dcg, M. M.S. Dcg. M.
Matara 5 55 ,-8 0 Negapatam 10 42
Matlicm 19 0 -36 40 Nellorc 14 25
Mcdak 15 0 -17 20 ®Ncw Guinea 5 0
Mccrut 2D 0 -19 16 New Orleans 30 10
MaJlidpur 23 29 -27 12 New York 41 0
Mena .26 39 -33 36 Nilgiri 11 15
Mcrwara 26 1 -33 56 Nizamabad 18 35
Miani 22 0 -52 20 Northampton. 52 15
Midnapore 22 27 + 18 24 Norwich 52 38
Mirzapur 23 7 + 0 16 Nottingham 52 57
Mithankot 28 55 -43 20 Npvvgong 26 16
Monghyr 25 22 + 16 0 Nuwara, Eliya 6 52
Mongolia 46 30 + 10 o
Montreal 45 31 + 50 Oakland 37 50
Morvi 22 49 —46'24 Ohio 38 0
Mudgal 16 0 -24 20 Ootacamund 11 23
Munich., G. 48 8 -14 0 Ottawa 45 12
Murshidabad 24 10 + 11 0 Oxford 51 46
Mussoorie 30 30 -17 0
Muttra 27 30 -19 12 Palanpur 24 18
MuzafTarpur 26 0 + 10 0 Palghat 10 43
Mysore 12 13 - 23 28 Pandharpur 17 39
Panipat 29 24
Nagar 36 5 -30 32 Paris 43 50
Nagpur 21.12 -1344 Partabgarii 20 0
Nandidroog 13 22 -19 4 Patiaia <50 23
Nandyal 15 30 -15 40 Patna 25 30
Nanjangud 12 3 -23 0 Pcdro-Pt 9 50
Kantcs 47 13 -12 0 Pegu 17 S
Naraaapur 16 18 - 2 12 Pckah ■ 3 29
Narayanagaoji 23 15 +30 20 Peking 39 55
jtfarsingpur 23 2 -13 8 Penang 5 18
Nasik 20 4 -34 0 *Pcru " 11 30
Nasirabad 26 IS -30 16 Peshawar .33 59
^■Natid 29 0 + 20 Philadelphia 39 48
INavanagar 22 30 Pollaehi 10 G
k Jh
4-or— 4-o i —
Stand. Stand.
Time Time
Degv M. M.S. Dcg. M. M.S.
21 45 -51 52 Santipur 23 0 4-24 0
38 25 -3 20 Secunderabad 17 23 -15 22
50 48 4*24 0 Satara 17 33 -33 52
53 0 - 3'20 Skahbad 27, 36 -10 16
18 43 - 9 0 Shanghai 31 28 - 1 11
10 23 -14 52 Sholapur 17 37 -26 24
19 "46 4-13,20 Sialkot 32 30 -31 36
Silch'ar 24 54 4-42 0
47 0 -16 0 Singapore 1 20 r- 0 0
30 6 -32 0 Srinagar 34 6 -30 20
Stuttgait, G. 48 46 -50 16
23 49 -43 £4 Sukkur 27 40 -30 32
6 58 .- G O Surat 21 12; -38 24
16 6 -20 40
21 59 4- 3 5 6 Talala 21 18 —36 52
3 2 4-22 4 T anakpur 29 10 - 9 40
21 18 - 2 52 Tavoy 14 5 + 2 .32
17 0 -2 48 Tinxievelly 8 41 -19 12
16 36 -35 40 Tipperary 52 28 -32 46
27 20 -36 0 Timchendur 8 30 -17 40
23 0 - 6 0 Tokyo, J, 35 45 4-19 20
9 18 - 14-20 Tdnk 26 a -26 0
23 24 4-11 28 Toronto 43 40 -17 40
16 45 - 5 20 Travancore 9 0 -22 0
23 20 -21 40 Trivandnim 8 27 -.19 ,8
16 59 —36 28 Tumkur 13 20 -21 28
6 20, - 8 .0 Turd 17 21 + ? 0
15 57 - 6 8
24 20 - 5 0 Ujjain 23 10 -26 40
28 18 -23 40 Umarkot 25 20 -50 32
28 50 -15 20 Unao 26 32 - 7 52
41 54 —10 0
Vaikum 9 50 -24 0
17 40 - 3 20 Vancouver 49 30 —24 0
11 35 - 17 20 Velbre 12 56 -13 28
18 31 4-3 0 Vijapur 23 6 -41 28
Place Lat. Place Lat. + cr—
+ or-
Stand. Stand.
Time Time
Deg. M. Deg. M. M.S.
Vijayadrug 16 30 -36 0 Wardha 20 48- -15 4
Vizagapatam 17 40 + 3 16 Washington 47 0 0 0
Vizianagaram 18 8 -r 3 44 Windsor 51 28 - 2 28
Sadhwam 22 40 -43 20 Winnipeg 52 30 -32 0
Warangal 17 50 -11 40
Abbreviations for the Asterisms in Table F.
Abb Abb
Asvani (Asw) Swati (Swat)
Bharani (Bha) Visakha (Vis)
Krittika (Kri) Anu radii a (Ana)
Rohini (Rohi> Jyesta (Jycs)
Mrigasira (Mri) Mula (Mula)
Arudra (Am) Purvashada (P'shda)
Punarvasu (Pun) Uttarashada (U'shda)
Pushyaml (Pushy) Sravanam (Sra)
Aslcsha (Aslcs) Dhanista (Dha)
Makha (Makh) Sathabhish (Sata)
Pubba (Pubba) Purvabhadra (P'dra)
Uttara (Uttar) Uttarabhadra (U'dra)
Flasta (Flast) Revathi (Rev)
Chittra (Chit)