Coritico - Tle 10
Coritico - Tle 10
Coritico - Tle 10
Introduction to Cookery
1. Explain basic concepts in cookery
2. Discuss the relevance of the course
3. Explore opportunities for cookery as a career
1. Identify the different roles of an entrepreneur.
2. Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, lifestyle, skills and traits.
3. Compare one’s PECs with those of an entrepreneur.
Environment and Market
1. Generate a business idea based on the SWOT analysis.
Interpret Kitchen Layout
1. Read and Interpret architectural Kitchen Symbols and Layout
according to specifications in the blueprint
2. Determine the parts and functions of a kitchen layout
3. Sketch own kitchen layout
Cleaning and Maintaining Kitchen Tools, Equipment and Premises
1. Recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned and
2. Identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing
kitchen tools and equipment.
3. Clean and sanitize kitchen tols in accordance with prescribed
4. Store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated
Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
1. Recognize the importance of OHSP
2. Determine the types of hazards and risks the workplace
3. Follow consistently OHS procedure for controlling hazards/risks
4. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with OHS
5. Maintain OHSP awareness
Perform Mensuration and Calculations
1. Give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurements
2. Measure ingredients according to recipe requirement
3. Convert systems of measurement according to recipe requirement
4. Perform substitution of ingredients
5. Discuss principles of costing
6. Compute cost of production
Prepare Egg Dishes
1. identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value identify and
納 卯 中 華 中 學
(formerly Davao Central High School)
Sta. Ana Ave. cor. J. P. Laurel Ave., Davao City
Tel. Nos.: 227-4254; 227-2051; 222-0702; Fax No.: 221-2031
Approved by:
Maverick Martinez
Supervisor, JHS