The document contains questions about various holidays, traditions, and celebrations observed in different countries around the world. It asks about favorite holidays from childhood, public holidays, foods, decorations, religious observances, and customs related to holidays like Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, and others. The questions aim to learn about the cultural and historical significance of holidays in different places.
The document contains questions about various holidays, traditions, and celebrations observed in different countries around the world. It asks about favorite holidays from childhood, public holidays, foods, decorations, religious observances, and customs related to holidays like Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, and others. The questions aim to learn about the cultural and historical significance of holidays in different places.
The document contains questions about various holidays, traditions, and celebrations observed in different countries around the world. It asks about favorite holidays from childhood, public holidays, foods, decorations, religious observances, and customs related to holidays like Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, and others. The questions aim to learn about the cultural and historical significance of holidays in different places.
The document contains questions about various holidays, traditions, and celebrations observed in different countries around the world. It asks about favorite holidays from childhood, public holidays, foods, decorations, religious observances, and customs related to holidays like Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, and others. The questions aim to learn about the cultural and historical significance of holidays in different places.
1-Whatday sar ethepi ct uresabout ?Whatar et hedat esoft hesehol i
day s? 2-Whatwasy ourfav our itehol idaywheny ouwer eachi ld?Whydi dy oulikeit? 3-Onwhathol i daysdoy ouusual l yseef irewor ks?Hav ey ouev erli tanyf i rewor ks? 4-Whati st hemosti mpor tantdayoft hey eari ny ourcount r y?Whati sitabout ? 5-Doy ouev ersendcar dsoremai l sf orspeci alholiday s?Whodoy ousendt hem t o? 6-Wheni sthenextpubl ichol idayi nyourcount r y ?Whatwi lly oudoont hi sday? 7-Doesy ourcount rycel ebr ateChr i stmas?Howi si tcel ebrat ed? 8-Ar et hereanyspeci alf oodsf orhol i day si ny ourcount r i es?Whatar ethey ? 9-Howmanypubl i chol iday sdoesy ourcount ryhav eeachy ear? 10-Dopeopl eev ergetdr esseduponhol i day si ny ourcount ry ?Whatdot heywear ? 11-Whatf oreignpubl i chol idayorf esti v aldoy out hinki sst r angeori nter est i ng? 12-Onwhathol i day sdopeopl egi vepresent s?Whatki ndsofpr esentsdoy oulike? 13-Hav ey ouev errecei vedar eall ybadpr esent ?Whatwasi tandwhogav eittoy ou? 14-Whatwoul dy oul i ket owearasacost umet oaHal loweenpar ty? 15-Doanyhol idaysi ny ourcount ryhav epar ades?Whatcany ouseet here? 16-Aret hereanyhol i day saboutwar si nthepasti ny ourcount r y ?Whatar ethey? 17-I st her eanyhol i dayt haty oudon ’ tenj oy ?Whydon ’ty oulikei t? 18-Doy ouev erdecor atey ourhomef orahol iday ?Howdoy oudecor ateit? 19-Doesy ourcount ryhav emanyl ongweekends?Whathol iday saret hesef or? 20-Whathol iday sthaty ouknowi nv olverel igion?Doy oucel ebr atethem? 21-Cany ouexpl ai nt hehi storyandor i ginofapopul arpubl i chol i dayi nyourcount ry? 22-Whatdopeopl eusual lydoonNewYear ’ sEv ei ny ourcount ry? 23-Hav ey ouev ermadeaNewYear ’ sresol ut ion?Whatwasi t?Di dy oukeepi t ? 24-I fy oucoul dcr eateanewhol iday,whatwoul di tbeabout ?Onwhatdaywoul di tbe? 25-Whi chhol iday sinv olveal otofshoppi ngandspendi ngmoney ? ht tps: // esl vaul t. com