Atividade Countries Nationalities Iv Etapa

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EF II - EJA Inglês Eduardo IV (6º e 7º anos) Noite ___ / ____/ 2023

Países e Nacionalidades (Countries and nationalities)

Como perguntar a uma pessoa o seu país?

- Where are you from? (De onde você é?) → - I’m from Brazil. (Eu sou do Brazil.)

Como perguntar a uma pessoa a sua nacionalidade?

- What nationality are you? (Qual nacionalidade você é?) → - I am a Brazilian. (Eu sou Brasileiro.)
- What’s your nationality? (Qual a sua nacionalidade?) → - I am an American. (Eu sou Americano.)

Italy – France – Brazil – The USA – Canada Japan – China - Russia - Austria - India - Portugal - Mexico

Italian - French - Brazilian American – Canadian Japanese - Chinese – Russian Austrian - Indian - Portuguese –


1. Qual é a pergunta correta?

a) Where’s your country?

b) Where are you from?
c) Where are you?
d) Where’s it?

2. Qual é a pergunta correta?

a) Which nationality you are?

b) Are you nationality?
c) Where’s your nationality?
d) What’s your nationality?

3. Separe as palavras em dois grupos: países e nacionalidades.

Mexican - Portuguese - Japan– Italian - France – Chinese - French – Brazilian - The USA – Indian - American
- Canada – Brazil - Canadian - China – Portugal - Austria – Japanese - Austrian - India – Mexico - Italy

a) Countries:____________________________________________________________________________________

b) Nationalities: _________________________________________________________________________________
4. Qual a infiormação correta sobre Anne?

a) He’s from Canada. He’s American.

b) She’s from Austria. She’s Austrian.
c) We’re from Portugal. We’re Brazilian.
d) She’s from the Netherlands. She’s British.

5. hey are all countries: (Todos são países)

a) Dutch – Japan – Chinese - Spain
b) India – Canadian – Germany – the Netherlands
c) French – Austrian – Italian - Russia
d) Brazil – Portugal – Australia – the USA

6. Which alternative tells about Giovanni?

a) He’s from Italy. He’s Italian.

b) She’s from Spain. She’s Spanish.
c) We’re from Britain. We’re British.
d) They’re from Mexico. They’re Mexican.

7. Complete.
Giuliard is a school-boy from ___________. He is American.
a) Germany
b) The Netherlands
c) Russia
d) The United States

8. Siga o exemplo e complete as frases:

a) I am from Spain. I am Spanish. e) We are from Brazil. We are ______________.
b) You are from France. You are ___________. f) They are from Japan. They are ___________.
c) He is from the USA. He is ______________. g) Harry is from England. He is _______________.
d) She is from China. She is ______________. h) Hanna is from Germany. She is ___________.

9. Siga o exemplo respondido para fazer as demais.

a. Hans is from Austria. e. Manuel is from ______________.
He is an Austrian. He is a Portuguese.

b. Nelson is from ___________. f. Pedro is from ____________.

He is a Brazilian. He is a Sapanish.

c. Carlos is from ___________. g. Kate is from Canada.

He is a Mexican. She is a ________________.

d. Patrick is from _____________. h. Marie is from France.

He is an American. She is a ____________.

10. Associe os países (countries) às bandeiras (flags).

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