Struggles of College Returnees: A Case Study
Struggles of College Returnees: A Case Study
Struggles of College Returnees: A Case Study
Keywords: college returnees, motivation, language program and activities, bridging program, coping
mechanism, struggles
In the Philippines, there is an alarming of 83.7 percent The Lifelong Learner Track is for those who graduated
dropout rates which means that the country has 2.13 from high school under the old curriculum to be given
million college dropouts every year (Orion, 2014). assistance to reach the higher education which is the
State College. She was not able to graduate again due Case 3 – The All-around Junior
to financial problem.
James (not his real name) is a working student and
When Jessa found out about CHED scholarships taking Bachelor of Elementary Education. He has
offered in Compostela Valley State College, she stopped schooling for eight years after he leave
applied and was admitted. She enrolled the course University of Mindanao. He went back to college
Bachelor of Elementary Education. Her motivation of because he wants to prove something for himself. The
going back to college is her family especially her adjustment in going back to college is what he is
daughter. As a mother, going back to college is not struggling. He is presently working as utility worker at
easy for her especially in managing her time. There are their barangay hall. It is hard for him to cope with the
times when her daughter got sick and she has to skip lessons because aside from being a working student,
classes. But when she thought about her status in her it’s been a long time since he had used his mind in
family as the only child who has not finished college, critical thinking. But when he thinks of his family, he
it would make her strive harder. would compose himself and would stay focused. He
eventually managed his struggles and adjusts with the
essa believes that determination and goal-setting are environment.
her keys in order to survive in college. Words of
encouragement are what she needs from her Aside from adjustment in going back to college, he has
classmates and teachers. She also hopes that their also struggles in Academics. The understanding of his
situation as student mothers will be considered by classmates about his situation is also a big help for him
making their schedule of classes as continuous like especially every time he was absent in class. They still
making all their classes in the afternoon or in the include him as a group member in group projects
morning. despite of his absence.
Case 2 – The Hardworking Senior James hopes that there would be a special session
before the classes start that would serve as a review for
Arturo (not his real name) is 62 years old when he them.
decided to go back in college. His children are already
married and he has no companion at his home. He Case 4 – The Realistic Gal
finished ALS education and passed the exam in 2015.
Amanda (not her real name) is a graduate from ALS
With this, many people encouraged him to continue
and passed the said exam. She stopped from schooling
his education because his ALS certificate is already
six years ago on her first year in high school. She went
enough for him to be admitted in college. He is taking
back to school because she believes that education can
B.S. Entrepreneurship. His belief that having a college
lead to employment as she cannot get nice jobs if she
education would let you start a business is also a big
has not finished college.
motivation. Also, his principle that only education is
the only thing that will not be stolen from you is what She is aware that her ALS education is really different
keeps him moving forward. from formal education. Because of this, her adjustment
is harder than those from formal high school. She also
As a senior citizen, it is hard for him especially the
admitted that she has a problem with English
long distance of school from his home. He has to walk
especially in expressing herself in English. However,
three kilometers every day just to get to school. Aside
her teachers’ encouragement has helped her in doing
from this every day struggle, he was also struggling
tasks in class. Also, she used reading materials to
with his classes. Sometimes he can’t understand what study and researched things she did not understand.
the teacher is discussing because of his problem with She also approached her teachers if there are lessons
vocabulary and grammar in English. which are hard for her to understand. Somehow, her
classmates have also helped her in doing projects.
To cope up with his problems in studying college, he
prioritized himself by taking care of his health. Also, She also hopes that the instructional materials of the
he was observing other students strategies to gain teacher will be shared to the students so that they can
knowledge and to learn from them. He also hopes for study the lesson after class when they are at home.
guidance about the new curriculum and his schedule
every semester when classes start. Another thing he Case 5 – The Hopeful Mama
asked is consideration of his situation and be exempted
when there are school activities and school projects. Amelia (not her real name) was an OFW for fifteen
years. She did not finish her college education in the education as the only answer to liven up their present
University of Mindanao due to financial problem. She situation. Other than this, the informant also wants to
went back to college because she wants her children to be a role model to her children in valuing education.
be proud of her as she is the only child of her parents This reason is reflected on the result of the study
who has not finished college. Upon going back to conducted by Ronnel B. King and Fraide Ganotice Jr.,
college, she admitted that her adjustment is really hard (2015), that students with a higher sense of family
because of the high technology that is used nowadays. obligation had better academic and well-being
She did not have the chance to use computer abroad outcomes.
because her job was domestic helper so using a
computer when she gets back to college is really hard Struggles Experienced in Returning to College
for her. Fortunately, her children who are also in
college are helping her in using a computer so she was The emerging themes in this structured theme are time
able to cope with her struggles. management, distance of school, adjustment and
financial matters. Most of the informants are having
Amelia coped up with her struggles by studying at struggles in adjustment with the new environment.
home. Her teachers’ encouragement is also one way They are experiencing culture shock. Helen Ziegler
that helped her in dealing with academic problems (2017) described culture shock as feeling and emotions
especially in English. However, she cannot seek help of an individual which resulted from leaving their
from her classmates because they see her as more familiar place and culture and immerse in other
knowledgeable than them. cultural and environmental setting. Since they are out
from school for years, they are not used to classroom
She hopes that the school would provide free wifi for activities anymore like writing, listening to
the students and livelihood education for them so that discussions, reporting, group activities and
they would focus on studying and unnecessarily look examinations. Catching up with the lesson is hard for
for work. them since they already forgot those lessons in the
past. They have no idea with the changes in education
Motivation for Coming Back to College
system especially in using technology like Powerpoint
presentations and using a computer.
The emerging themes in this structured theme are for
family, having passed ALS, self-motivation, and job
Distance of school is also an emerging theme which
security. Most of the research informants go back to
contributed to a lot of stress with the informant.
school by their self-motivation because they want to
Walking long distance every day to get to school is
prove something to themselves. They came from a
hard especially for a college returnee. Renting a
family who values education and their ego is at stake
boarding house is not an option since it is more
unless they prove that they can finish college.
expensive than walking. Tired of walking can result to
Other emerging theme is passing the ALS exam. There incapability of listening with the discussion in the
is a sense of pride in passing ALS exam as only few classroom.
can pass the said exam. This resulted to a higher self-
Another emerging theme is financial matters which
esteem of the student which motivates him to pursue
college. The student looks at it as an achievement and also contributed stress to a college returnee. Although
this leads him to take harder challenges which is the tuition is free already, a student needs financial for
pursuing college degree that he would soon achieved. everyday expenses, school supplies and projects. Most
According to Allen (1999), the important component of the college returnees are already independent from
to finish college in students’ motivation is having a their parents and therefore it is hard for them to ask
strong desire for achievement. assistance from them. Schooling is harder for them
because they still have to find money to support their
Other emerging theme is job security. The informant studies. This resulted to cutting classes, absences and
believes that college graduates can get higher-paying late in classes. Their financial problem is also the
jobs than those who have no degrees. This motivation reason why they were not able to pass the instructor’s
drives her to continue her college education because requirements on time because they have to look for
she came from a poor family. She believes that only money first to provide for the project.
education can elevate their economic status.
Another emerging theme in this structured theme is
Family is also an emerging theme in this structured time management. A college returnee especially
theme. College returnees who are married sees married ones has big responsibilities at home that it is
hard for them to divide their time. For example, a educational plan of a student.
married student whose child has assignments and
school activities that she needs to attend to, this Job security is another emerging theme in coming back
common scenario hinders her to study the lessons at to college. For a college returnee who had stopped
home. The study of Ou Lydia Lou, et. al. (2009) about schooling for years, job security is an issue for they
time management concluded that students with poor she experienced different kinds of money making jobs
time management have lower grades. This struggle or businesses before coming back to school. She knew
surely can affect the studies of a college returnee. how important the college education is in applying for
a job. A college degree is also important for an OFW
Carne (2011) in her literature review contains the long college returnee who wants to go back abroad,
list of symptoms of culture shock as personal believing that better-paying job is waiting for her there
adjustment, such as academic problems, cultural if she earned a degree. She hopes that when she goes
identity conflict, social withdrawal, depression, back abroad, she will not be a domestic helper
anxiety, interpersonal difficulties, feelings of anymore but a professional teacher. This belief of job
alienation, disorientation, stress, value confusion, security was also supported by Grazia (2011) that a
anger, hostility, compulsive fears, helplessness, university education has become a ticket out of
disenchantment, and discrimination. The above poverty for persons living in highly competitive labor
symptoms are present in the struggles experienced by markets.
the college returnees such as academic problems,
stress, disorientation and helplessness. Coping Mechanisms for Struggles in Returning to
Reasons for Returning to College
The emerging themes in this structured theme are goal-
Among the emerging theme in this structured theme is setting, care oneself, manage struggles, sought help
to finish studies. It is a great value for a college and time management. Goal-setting is the coping
returnee to finish studies. Getting a college degree mechanism of a married student college returnee in her
would mean achievement, pride and self-worth. It is a struggles as a mother and wife and a student at the
dream of most Filipinos. For a college returnee, same time. Every time she feels the hardship of
graduating in college is a status. It is also part of every studying, she thinks of her goals that she has to
family’s culture to push their children finish college achieve. Upon thinking her goals she set for herself,
because a child’s achievement is also a parent’s she overcomes her struggles.
achievement. The value of education drives a college
Another emerging theme is caring oneself. Caring
returnee to pursue her studies despite of the challenges
one’s self is the strategy of a senior citizen college
they encounter.
returnee. His body is his main struggle because he is
Another emerging theme is encouragement from already old and feeling weak. Though he is still
others. With self-doubt in finishing college, physically fit to go to school, he easily got sick. To
avoid this, he takes a break when he feels burdened
encouragement from others is a big factor why a
with personal problems. He also takes good care of his
person returns to college. Their words of
diet to have a healthy body.
encouragement affect a college returnee in continuing
their education. Having stopped from college in years,
Another emerging theme is managed struggles. A
it created self-doubt to a person. Encouragement from
working student college returnee overcomes his
others is a strong force to change one’s perspective in struggles as time goes by. He believes that he later
one’s self. The encouragement serves as the adjusted with the environment after some time.
motivation of a college returnee to pursue college.
Another emerging theme is time management. For a
Another emerging theme is family. Family is a big former OFW college returnee, time management is
factor in most of the educational decision of a student. very important. As she is left with technology, she
Most of the college returnees came from an educated managed to be acquainted with it by managing her
family which has siblings, relatives and daughters who time in school and at home. When she goes home, she
have finished college. Considering that the informant gives time for study.
is the only child in the family without a college degree,
this fact motivates her to pursue college education. Another emerging theme is sought help. An ALS
According to Sewell and Shah (1971), parental passer college returnee has overcome her struggles in
encouragement can affect the occupational and returning to college by seeking financial help from her
Some classmates also share their ideas without for being a senior citizen is asked by a senior citizen
hesitation. college returnee. Being guided in his class schedule
would be a big help for him. Sometimes, he
Understanding is also the emerging theme in this mistakenly takes class not in his schedule because he
structured theme. Understanding from classmates and is disoriented of where their classroom is and who is
teachers of a college returnee is a big factor in the instructor.
decreasing the struggles they feel at school. There are
times when a college returnee cannot attend activities Another emerging theme is special session. For a
and classes in school because of some personal working student college returnee who has been out of
priorities. In those times, understanding from the school for years, catching up with the topic is harder.
teachers is essential to be assured that they were He suggests that if they have a review about general
excused in class. When there are group activities, their knowledge before the classes start, their struggles
classmates also understand them by adopting them to would be lesser. Review, for them, would be a good
their group when they get back. platform for them to remember the lessons in high
school which they think are essential in college.
Another emerging theme in this structured theme is Unlike those who are fresh graduates from high
being mentored. Most of the college returnees would school, college returnees have already forgotten
approach their teachers for help in lessons they do not lessons in high school. According Robert Morre, et al
understand. Without hesitation, their teachers would (2007), in his review of literature, the summer bridging
explain their lessons. Academic consultation is a very program for incoming freshmen have been noted as the
aspect for them to understand their lessons. instrument to acculturate and orient the at-risk students
Compostela Valley State College New Bataan has to raise retention and success in universities.
really implemented that instructors must allot a
schedule for academic consultation. Students are Another emerging theme in this structured theme is
informed with the vacant time of teachers for academic lesson for independent study. An ALS passer college
consultation. The students can arrange a schedule for returnee’s request is that instructional materials such
consultation or approach directly in the instructor’s as PowerPoint presentation will be shared to them so
that they have prints for studying at home. During
vacant time.
discussion especially when an instructor is using a
Another emerging theme is no help sought from PowerPoint presentation, catching up is not possible
classmates. An informant experienced the indifference for she was not inclined to note-taking.
of her classmates towards her. They assumed that she
Internet connection is also the emerging theme in this
is very intelligent especially in English because she
structured theme. Since most topics in college are
was an OFW and gets good scores in quizzes,
assigned to students for reporting, internet connection
activities and exams. They also have high expectations
is a great help to lessen their expenses and time in
on her. This resulted to independence from the help of
researching their topic. Some of the instructional
her classmates. She usually does the projects and
materials and announcement also of the instructors are
assignments on her own.
sent through social media or E-mail, hence internet
connection is needed.
College Programs Needed for Survival in College
Another emerging theme is income-generating projects
The emerging themes in this structured theme are
for students. Though the tuition is free in Compostela
consideration of situation, orientation of new
Valley State College, students still need money for
curriculum, special session, lesson for independent
their daily allowance especially the college returnees
study, internet connection and income-generating
who are mostly independent from their parents.
projects for students. Consideration of situation of a Through income-generating projects, a college
college returnee is what the married college returnee returnee does not have to look for money anywhere
wants to ask. As a married student, having a straight anymore.
schedule is a big help for her. For example, if their
first schedule is morning, all subjects would be given Based on the findings, the following implications of
in the morning. Having a schedule in the morning, in practice are offered:
the afternoon and in the evening is waste of time
because she has to go back in school many times in a Motivation for Coming Back to College. As visible
day. She also needs to be excused in attending school on the findings of the study, informants have different
activities like symposiums and forums. Consideration personal reasons. But all of them value education and
perceive education as something that can improve also a good attitude for a college returnee to survive in
economic status, gain approval and a personal college. Having a good time management is also a
achievement. It is believed that a person can get a helpful strategy to avoid missed deadlines.
decent job and gain respect from people after finishing
college. Help Sought from Classmates and Teachers. As
revealed on the findings, the classmates of the
Struggles Experienced. As shared by the informants, informants can contribute a lot to their survival.
it is found out that they all experienced struggles. Having considerate classmates have lessened the
Their struggles were mainly because they are not burden of a college returnee. Their mentorship also
accustomed anymore with schooling. Some informants reduced the doubts and questions of the informants.
are also having other bigger responsibilities aside from This is important which made them feel that there are
schooling which made them distracted with their people to count on when they struggle.
College Programs Needed for Survival in College.
Reasons for Coming Back. Based on the findings, As noted in the findings of the study, it is discovered
informants can feel fulfillment when they would that the college lacks programs for college returnees.
graduate in college. For some informant, it is like a A college program for college returnees is a big help
treasure that no one can steal from them. Also, they are for them to survive college. The informants have
thinking of their future endeavor where their college different cases but it is common to all of them that
diploma can be useful. they need assistance other than the free tuition. A
review would be a big help for them before the
Coping Mechanisms for Decisions to Get Back to semester starts to be refreshed on the lessons in high
School. It is revealed that the informants have school since those were already forgotten. An income-
different strategies to manage their struggles. Setting generating project would also be a great way to lessen
priorities is the solution in order to survive their their problems with daily allowance. Excusing them in
struggles. Time management is also essential for school activities is what they asked by just giving them
students like them who have other responsibilities another task equals to attending a school activity.
aside from being a student. Having a positive outlook
in life could also make them withstand with the
challenges. Accepting that struggles are part of life let
students survive problems.
The main focus of the study are the struggles of
Coping Mechanisms for Struggles in Class. As college returnees in returning to school and how they
apparent in the findings of the study, it shows that the cope up. Considering their age and years of out from
informants give extra effort in researching. They have school, it takes a lot of courage to return to college. It
overcome their problems in academics by looking for is not easy for them to adjust with the new
answers in books and in the internet. By observing environment. Their situation is not the same with
others, they would eventually get ideas that are helpful ordinary students. Thus, understanding from the
in their studies. Believing in oneself is the also the teachers and classmates are needed in times that they
solution to continue with studying. are called in their other bigger obligation as an
employee or a parent. Further, consideration also that
Assistance from Teachers. Based on the findings, it their knowledge is far from fresh graduates is also
showed that the teachers’ treatment towards the essential.
students is also a factor of a college returnee’s survival
in college. They get strength every time their teachers Since most of the college returnees have leave schools
cheer them up and change their negative views. Their because of lack of financial assistance, although the
teacher’s attention when they consult them has made tuition is free now in state colleges, an income-
them believe that there is someone who is ready to generating project could also be utilized to ease their
assist them. burden in their daily allowance.Moreover, a refresher
program can also be offered to make the college
Ways of Surviving College Life as a Returning returnees refreshed their knowledge in General
Student. As shared by the informants, it is revealed Education especially in English. Before the classes
that their strong determination is what keeps them start, a special class can be done to avoid them the
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