Dermatophytosis in Northern Africa

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mycoses Diagnosis,Therapy and Prophylaxis of Fungal Diseases

Review article

Dermatophytosis in northern Africa

E. I. Nweze and I. Eke

Department of Microbiology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

Summary Infections caused by dermatophytes are a global problem and a major public health
burden in the world today. In Africa, especially in the northern geographical zone,
dermatophytic infections are being reported at an alarming rate. This is mostly
because of some local but unique cultural practices, socioeconomic and environmen-
tal conditions, lack of reliable diagnostic personnel and facilities and ineffective treat-
ment. Interestingly, the pathogen spectrum and the clinical manifestation are most
times different from what is seen in other continents. Several epidemiological studies
have been performed on the incidence and aetiology of dermatophytoses in northern
Africa. However, there is currently no review article with up-to-date information on
the relevant findings reported so far in this region. This information is necessary for
clinicians who treat dermatophytic infections all over the world since agents of der-
matophytes are no longer restricted because of the rapid mobility of humans from
one part of the world to another. Moreover, the epidemiology of dermatophytoses is
known to change over time, thus requiring the update of information from time to
time. A review of relevant studies published on dermatophytoses in northern Africa
is presented. This covers all of old Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and

Key words: Dermatophytes, dermatophytoses, northern Africa, epidemiology, aetiology.

the mucous layers of the mammalian system.2 They

are usually restricted to the cutaneous and non-living
Dermatophytes are group of taxonomically related fila- cornified layers of the system.1 Due to their adaptation
mentous fungi which have a unique enzyme capacity to the main host and their prevalence/asymptomatic
that enable them to utilise keratin as a nutrient carriage, dermatophytes are chronic in nature. How-
source. Diseases caused by dermatophytes are gener- ever, Cheikhrouhou et al. attribute dermatophytes’
ally regarded as dermatophytosis or superficial myco- severe nature to the possibility of potentially life-threa-
sis.1 Dermatophytosis is a clinical condition which is tening visceral involvement and resistance to antifun-
not opportunistic in activity, rather it is a superficial gal agents.5 One major diagnostic feature of this
fungal infection which affects keratin-rich regions of infection is the presence of concentric ring-shaped
the body such as hair, skin and nails.2,3 Dermato- lesions at the superficial areas; thus, dermatophytes
phytes invade the stratum corneum and other kera- are also known as ringworm fungi or tinea fungi.6,7
tinised tissues of the body4 but generally do not attack Dermatophytes can be divided into three ecological
distributions. Their natural habitat can be humans
Correspondence: E. I. Nweze, Department of Microbiology, University of (anthropophilic), soil (geophilic) or animal bodies (zoo-
Nigeria, Nsukka 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria. philic).6,8 They are generally classified into three gen-
Tel.: +234 80 68535841. era with over 40 different species.4,8 The genera are
E-mail: [email protected] Epidermophyton, Trichophyton and Microsporum. The
severity of their infection depends on the pathogenic
Submitted for publication 24 September 2015
Revised 7 November 2015 attributes of the invading species, socioeconomic fac-
Accepted for publication 18 November 2015 tors and the local environmental conditions. It is

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Mycoses, 2016, 59, 137–144 doi:10.1111/myc.12447
E. I. Nweze and I. Eke

generally agreed that they infect 20–25% of the clinical manifestations such as rounded raised scaly
world’s population.3 Nweze suggested that such skin skin lesions in the ears, eyelids and under the base of
diseases are found in tropical and subtropical regions the tail. They noted that their work had strong veteri-
of the world due to the ability of the fungi to grow sig- nary and public health significance since it was the
nificantly in a humid and warm environment.8 Inade- first time T. verrucosum was reported in Saanen goat –
quate hygiene and socioeconomic status can also be a an exotic breed of goat reared commonly in Omdur-
contributing factor to the prevalence of dermatophyto- man locality of Khartoum state.6 Another study which
sis in North Africa. was perhaps of a more public health significance is the
Northern Africa is a geopolitical classification. This study by Saadabi et al. [13]. This group carried out a
region is separated from the rest of Africa by the critical clinical evaluation of Sudanese banknotes of
Sahara desert. This region usually has a unique envi- different values. They reported high prevalence of Epi-
ronmental condition, and thus its special microbiota. dermophyton and Trichophyton species in one and two
There are many published findings in literature on the Sudanese currency notes. No isolate of dermatophyte
occurrence of dermatophytes in this region’s soil, ani- was recovered in 20 pound currency notes. They
mal and humans. However, to the best of our knowl- noted that there was a negative correlation between
edge, there is no current review article with up-to-date microbial contamination and the value of banknotes.
information on the relevant findings reported so far in This is perhaps because those in the low socioeco-
this region. nomic class often did more monetary transactions
The purpose of this article is to review relevant with lower currency notes. The authors concluded
research findings published on dermatophytosis in that Sudanese banknotes can serve as vehicles for the
northern Africa so as to create a comprehensive and transfer of pathogens and suggested the use of plastic
articulated view of the subject in this region. First, epi- banknotes and coin currency in the Sudan.13
demiological data are important tools for effective con- Mohammed et al. clinically examined 584 children in
trol of infections within an area.9 Second, this the Sudan and reported high incidence of dermato-
information is necessary especially for clinicians who phyte infection, which they presumed to be as a result
treat dermatophytic infections all over the world since of ignorance, high household density and body contact
agents of dermatophytes are no longer restricted with asymptomatic individuals.14
within any area because of the rapid mobility of In the Sudan, laboratory diagnosis of dermatophyto-
humans from one part of the world to another. More- sis has always been a major challenge due to the inad-
over, the epidemiology of dermatophytoses is known equacy of test facility, lack of diagnostic fungal
to change over time, thus requiring the update of specialists and time cost of routine culture media. Due
information from time to time in any given geographi- to this problem, Osman et al. carried out a compara-
cal area. For the purpose of clarity and organisation, tive study between the use of direct microscopy and
the northern African nations considered in this present culture in the detection of dermatophytes in test sam-
work are Sudan (South Sudan and Sudan), Algeria, ples in Sudan. They found out that direct microscopy
Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco. has high detection power than culture and advised
clinicians to rely on results from microscopy when
diagnosing samples suspected to be infected with der-
Dermatophytoses in Sudan (South Sudan and Sudan)
matophytes.10 An epidemiological investigation of
Sudan has a hot and humid climate, and this promotes Camel dermatophytosis in Al-Showak and Elobied
superficial fungal infection caused by dermatophytes in areas of Sudan has been conducted. The researchers
this country.10 Researchers in Sudan have reported the collected 136 samples of skin scrapings from suspected
occurrence of dermatophytosis in animals and in cases of ringworm with suggestive lesions in camels
humans. For instance, Ali surveyed 3605 animals from and reported the isolation of T. verrucosum from
four provinces of Sudan and reported the presence of 56.62% (77) of the samples, T. mentagrophytes (now
ringworm lesions in 343 of the animals.11 Of the 81 replaced by T. interdigitale based on the new classifica-
dogs’ hair samples collected from the Police Dogs tion) from 34.56% (47), T. schoenlenii from 6.62% (9)
Department in Khartoum and analysed, two (2.4%) and T. tonsurans from 2.21% (3) of the samples.15
were suggestive of dermatophytes and were later con- They observed no significant difference in the suscepti-
firmed to be M. canis (1.2%) and M. gypseum (1.2%).12 bility of male and female camels to dermatophytosis.
Eljack et al. [6] reported the isolation of T. verruco- They also showed that camel dermatophytosis had a
sum in a 1-year-old female Saanen goat that had some higher prevalence during rainy than hot dry seasons.

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138 Mycoses, 2016, 59, 137–144
Dermatophytosis in northern Africa

Abdalla and Elgabbar have also recovered T. verruco- T. mentagrophytes (1.1%), T. verrucosum (0.6%), T. ton-
sum from the ringworm lesions observed in two Suda- surans (0.2%), T. rubrum (0.2%), M. gypseum (0.1%),
nese desert sheep.16 In El-Khuway (North Kordofan), M. audouinii (0.03%) and M. nanum (0.01%).24 A fatal
T. verrucosum has been documented as an aetiological case of dermatophytosis was reported in a 26-year-old
agent of donkey ringworm.17 There are still many Tunisian woman which led to the development of a
cities and localities in Sudan without any published strong retropharyngeal abscess in the woman. Cross-
epidemiological data on dermatophytes to date. Such examination of the skin lesions and lymph node biopsy
studies are needed to give a clearer view of dermato- samples revealed the presence of T. violaceum. This
phytosis in Sudan. study prompts dermatophytosis to be life threatening
in some cases.5
Out of 1137 reported cases of tinea capitis in Tuni-
Dermatophytoses in Tunisia
sia from 1990 to 2005, Mebazaa et al. [25] noted that
Ringworm infections have been widely reported in 5.2% of the patients were diagnosed of adult capitis.
Tunisia.18 Drira et al. implicated the taxonomically They also investigated the aetiology of the adult capitis
controversial T. erinacei as the aetiologic agent of tinea and found that T. violaceum was the dominant causa-
manuum in a Tunisian patient.19 Dhib et al. investi- tive agent (60%), followed by M. canis (20%),
gated the incidence of onychomycosis cases which T. schoenleinii (12%), T. verrucosum (3.5%), T. menta-
were reported within a 22-year period (1986–2007) grophytes (1.77%) and T. rubrum (1.77%).25 Neji et al.
in central Tunisia.20 Out of the 7151 patients exam- [26] reported the novel isolation of M. ferrugineum
ined, 78.6% were diagnosed of onychomycosis, with from a Tunisian patient. Clinical examination of the
dermatophytes being the major aetiologic agents patient showed presence of diffuse erythematic and
(49.9%). T. rubrum was the predominant species perifollicular pustules in the beard area. Another retro-
(88.1%) found in toenail infections.20 Anane analysed spective study covering the period 1991–2005 on
141 soil samples from different sites in Djerba (south 4559 reported cases of children dermatomycosis in
of Tunisia) and found that 20.6% of the soil samples Sfax University hospital confirmed that 49.3% were
had keratinophilic fungi, with M. gypseum (41.4%) infected with dermatomycosis. Dermatophytes were
being the only dermatophyte isolated in the study.21 the most prevalent fungal agents (80.6%), with T. vio-
Of the 148 patients examined by El Fekih et al. for the laceum (54.1%) and M. canis (24.5%) being the most
presence of fungal foot diseases, microscopy and cul- implicated species.27
tural examination confirmed 45.3% (67 cases) to be Khaled et al. [18] reported a special case of tinea
positive. However, 57.1% of the positive cases were capitis caused by T. schoenleinii in a 6-year-old Tuni-
caused by dermatophytes, with T. rubrum being the sian boy. The boy had a diffuse scaling of the scalp,
predominant species.22 which was misdiagnosed as psoriasis and was treated
Usually, dermatophytes are keratin loving and are unsuccessfully with keratinolytic shampoos for
always found in the corneal layer of the epidermis. 2 years. The occurrence of a special case of dermato-
However, Trabelsi et al. noted that solid-organ trans- phytic disease in three sisters of consanguineous par-
plant in patient can lead to immunosuppression which ents living in a rural area of northern Tunisia has also
will in turn promote the invasion of the subcutaneous been described.28 M. canis was the implicated organ-
layers by dermatophytes.23 They supported this argu- ism. The authors presumed that dermatophytosis
ment by describing the development of subcutaneous might be an autosomal recessive trait in North
dermatophytosis in a Tunisia patient who had under- Africa.28 Out of the 512 persons with confirmed cases
gone a renal transplant.23 Furthermore, Saghrouni of tinea capitis in Sfax area over a 5-year period
et al. carried out a 26-year (1983–2008) retrospective (1995–2000), fingernail samples were collected from
study on the epidemiological aspects of tinea capitis 211 of the patients and cultural examination showed
reported in a mycology laboratory located in Sousse 38% of the patients to be positive. M. canis was iso-
region (Central Tunisia). Out of the 10 505 cases lated in 82% of the samples and T. violaceum was
screened and analysed, 175 cases of adult tinea capitis recovered in the remaining 18% of the nail samples.
were recorded, while 89.3% of the infection was T. quinckeanum also grew in one of the samples.29 In
observed in children less than 12 years. T. violaceum the Tunis area, Anane et al. analysed 292 nail sam-
was the predominant aetiologic agent (66.7%), fol- ples from 255 patients that were suspected to have
lowed by M. canis (29.3%) and T. schoenleinii (1.6%). onychomycosis. Sixty-seven per cent of the sample
Other dermatophytes recovered in this study included was found positive, with women accounting for 63.5%

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Mycoses, 2016, 59, 137–144 139
E. I. Nweze and I. Eke

of those infected. In the study, T. rubrum was found to dermatophytes in Egypt.34 In a study carried out by
be the predominant dermatophyte affecting the toe Mohammed (2013), the incidence of tinea capitis
nails of the patients.30 In an update on the clinical among children of school age in Fayoum city was
profile of superficial mycoses reported in the Monastir 0.4%, while M. canis was the most common aetiologic
region of Tunisia between 1991 and 1994, it was agent (40%) in the study.35
noted that tinea corporis and tinea pedis were the Zaki et al. carried out a study on 506 patients sus-
most observed ringworm pattern (40.3%), followed by pected to have superficial fungal infection in Cairo, the
tinea versicolor (21.6%), tinea capitis (9.7%), dermato- capital city of Egypt.36 Out of this number, 79.6%
phytosis of the hairless skin (9.6%) and onychomyco- were diagnosed of dermatophytosis. The incidence of
sis (8.6%).31 tinea capitis lesions was the highest (76.4%), followed
by tinea corporis (22.3%) and tinea unguium (1.2%).
The authors also noted that T. violaceum was the most
Dermatophytoses in Egypt
isolated dermatophyte in the study (71.1%), followed
Several studies have been carried out on the incidence by M. canis (21.09%), T. rubrum (6.2%), M. boullardi
of dermatophytosis in some governorates and cities in (0.49%), E. floccosum (0.24%) and T. tonsurans
Egypt. Bedir et al. investigated the incidence of der- (0.24%). In another study, Youssef et al. screened 120
matophytosis in 112 patients attending an outdoor soil samples from different sites in Cairo and reported
dermatology service at Mansoura University Hospital M. gypseum as one of the most occurring ker-
in Egypt. They observed various clinical lesions and atinophilic fungi in Egypt.37 Abdel-Halim et al. also
reported onychomycosis to have the highest incidence screened soil samples collected from different animal
(35.7%), followed by tinea capitis (17.86%), tinea cor- houses located in Giza and its neighbouring environs.
poris (16.96%) and tinea cruris (10.7%). The most The incidences of M. gypseum recovered from soil sam-
recovered dermatophytes in their study were T. menta- ples in animal enclosures of horse, cattle, sheep, tigers,
grophytes (34.07%) and T. rubrum (16.48%).32 camels, pony and zebra were, respectively, 37.5%,
The public health significance of anthropophilic and 40%, 35.71%, 25%, 33.33%, 46.66% and 33.33%.38
zoophilic dermatophytes in the Ismailia and Port Said Abdel-Rady and Kotb also carried out an epidemio-
provinces of Egypt have also been described by logical study on the occurrence of dermatophytosis
Aboueisha and El-Mahallaway [33]. They observed among cattle reared in different localities of Assiut
that the incidence of tinea capitis and tinea corporis governorate.39 They examined 1350 cattle and
was both higher in males (74% and 56.7%) than in showed that 230 (17.04%) had ringworm infection. A
females (26.0% and 43.3%), respectively, while infec- higher prevalence (18.7%) was observed in calves
tions such as tinea cruris, tinea faciei and tinea man- under the age of 6 months compared with those more
uum were found to occur mostly in females (91.3%, than 6 months old (14.5%). Interestingly, cattle were
73.3% and 80%) than in males (8.7%, 26.7% and mostly affected by dermatophytic infections in cold
20%), respectively. Tinea axillaris and tinea barbae season (28%) than during hot season (10.6%). The
were found only in males, while tinea pedis was found infection was seen mostly in males (28.3%) than in
only in females. In their 260 sampled patients, the female cattle (8%). T. verrucosum (98%) and T. menta-
overall occurrence of dermatophytosis was 52.2% for grophytes (2%) were the two aetiological agents recov-
males and 47.8% for females. T. verrucosum was the ered in this study.39 In the Suez Canal area (Ismailia,
most isolated organism (50%) in patients who had a Port Said and Suez provinces), Abou-Eisha et al. exam-
history of contact with farm animals, followed by T. ined 142 apparently healthy animals and isolated der-
violaceum (16.7%), M. canis (16.7%) and T. Tonsurans matophytes in 7.04% of the screened animals.40
(16.7%).33 In the Minufiya and Shargia governorates, T. mentagrophytes was isolated from 4% each of the
Tarabees et al. recently studied the incidence of fun- apparently healthy sheep, goat and cattle, while
galysin virulence genes (MEP1-5) in T. verrucosum iso- M. gypseum and M. canis were, respectively, recovered
lated from the ringworm lesions of cattle and horses from cats serving as healthy carriers. These findings
reared in various localities.34 They showed that the tend to show that apparently healthy animals can
occurrence of genes coding for the keratin-specific serve as important source and reservoir of dermato-
metalloproteases (MEP1-4 and MEP5) in T. verrucosum phytes. These authors also examined 175 animals,
was 10% and 20%, respectively, and concluded that which were clinically diagnosed of dermatophytosis.
further studies are need to be carried out to unveil the Their data showed that the incidence of T. verrucosum
roles of these genes in the pathogenicity of in cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and horses were 75%,

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140 Mycoses, 2016, 59, 137–144
Dermatophytosis in northern Africa

50%, 71.4%, 65% and 25%, respectively. M. canis was T. rubrum (5.3%), T. schoenleinii (4.8%), T. mentagro-
the only dermatophyte isolated from cats and dogs at phytes (3.9%) and E. floccosum (1.8%) was reported.48
the frequency of 56.7% and 41.7%, respectively.40 In Minia governorate, Moubasher et al. [49] studied
The incidence of tinea capitis and its causative spe- the incidence of dermatophytosis in relation to the sex
cies in Assiut governorate have also been reported.41 of the patients who participated in their study. Out of
One hundred patients made up of 75% males and the 127 confirmed cases of tinea corporis, 84 were
25% females who were examined and suspected to males while 53 were females. T. violaceum was the
have tinea capitis between the year 2003 and 2005 major cause of tinea corporis since it was recovered
were screened. Sixty percent of the cases were seen in from 42 patients, followed by M. canis (12 cases).
school children between the ages of 5 and 10 years. Also, out of the 22 confirmed cases of tinea pedis, 13
Aetiological agents recovered from patients diagnosed were males, while the rest (9) were females. Moreover,
of tinea capitis in this study included M. canis (55%), the incidence of tinea cruris in males was 76.2%,
T. violaceum (20%), T. rubrum (12.8%), M. gypseum while 23.8% was reported for females. E. floccosum
(10%) and T. soudanense (2.2%).41 Maghazy et al. also was the most prevalent species implicated in the stud-
took 50 water samples from two public swimming ied cases of tinea cruris.49
pools located in Assiut town and reported the
incidence of T. terrestre, T. mentagrophytes and
Dermatophytoses in Morocco
M. gypseum in the samples to be 14%, 10% and 6%,
respectively.42 A retrospective study on cases of onychomycosis
In a related study performed in Alexandria among reported in Casablanca within a 5-year period (2006–
510 primary school children, Omar [43] found that 2010) showed that of the 2070 nail samples analysed,
the prevalence of scalp dermatophytosis (tinea capitis) mycological aetiology was confirmed in 64.5% of the
was 7.4%, with T. violaceum being the only implicated cases. Dermatophytes were the predominant aetiologic
dermatophyte. Zeid et al. [44] also studied tinea cruris agents and were recovered in 65% of the cases.
cases in Alexandria (Egypt). Their data showed that T. rubrum was isolated in 75% of all foot cases of
T. rubrum accounted for 79% of the studied samples, onychomycosis.50
followed by T. mentagrophytes (10%), E. floccosum El-maataoui et al. [51] reviewed the epidemiological
(2%), T. violaceum (2%) and T. menginii (1%). In 250 profile of tinea capitis in Morocco. They investigated
cases of tinea capitis examined by Fattah et al. [45], 125 cases of tinea capitis and reported the isolation of
T. violaceum was the most implicated cause of scalp T. violaceum from 76 cases (60.8%) and M. canis from
ringworm (53.3%), followed by T. schoenleinii (26.7%), 21.6% of the patients. T. verrucosum was isolated only
M. canis (18.8%), T. tonsurans (0.6%) and T. mentagro- in males with a rural origin.
phytes (0.6%). In Rabat, an epidemiological study on cases of tinea
In El-Minia and Assiut governorates in Upper Egypt, capitis reported between 1993 and 2007 was carried
Mahmoud [46] examined hair and skin scrapings from out by Oudaina et al. [52]. Out of the 2962 patients
60 horses suspected of ringworm and noted that 42% examined, scalp ringworm was detected in 1299
of the total samples were positive for fungal infection. (43.83%). The authors also observed that the majority
Recovered dermatophytes in this study were of the tinea capitis cases were caused by T. mentagro-
T. equinum (32%), T. verrucosum (15%), T. mentagro- phytes (76.4%) and M. canis (13.4%).52 Another group
phytes (8%), M. gypseum (7%) and M. persicolor performed a retrospective investigation on the occur-
(3%).46 Out of the 640 cases of tinea capitis reported rence of onychomycosis in Rabat on cases reported
from the year 1973–1975 in Upper Egypt (Assiut), within a 22-year period (1982–2003).53 According to
Abdel-Hafez et al. [47] were able to isolate dermato- their findings, dermatophytes accounted for 61.46% of
phytes from 82.2% of the samples, with T. violaceum the implicated aetiologic agents and were isolated in
being the most implicated species (42%), followed by 4940 patients. The most isolated dermatophyte was
T. schoenleinii (29.5%), M. canis (25.5%), M. audouinii T. rubrum (83.6%), followed by T. violaceum var. glab-
(2.1%) and T. mentagrophytes (0.9%). rum (9%) and T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale
In another study involving 228 patients attending (6.9%).53 Pandey reported the occurrence of T. verru-
an outdoor dermatology service at Zagazig, Amer et al. cosum infection in dairy farms located in the province
[48] reported T. violaceum to be among the most of Kenitra.54 Out of the 430 cattle examined, 130
prevalent dermatophytes in this part of Egypt (45.6%). (30.23%) had T. verrucosum infection. The incidence
The incidence of other dermatophytes such as was higher in males (59.8%) compared with females

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(23.8%).54 T. verrucosum has also been isolated from spread of the infection.60 Furthermore, Djeridane et al.
goats in Morocco.55 In a different study, Pandey and collected clinical and epidemiological data on foot
his group also examined 426 sheep which were mycoses predominant in Algeria. Out of the 249 and
housed in High Central Atlas mountains of Morocco 72 suspected cases of tinea capitis and onychomycosis,
and found out that 93 (22%) were infected with ring- 197 and 60 samples were confirmed positive, respec-
worm caused by T. verrucosum.56 They suggested that tively. T. rubrum was the predominant species of der-
the high incidence of ringworm infection in sheep matophyte found in tinea capitis and onychomycosis
housed in this area might be due to the poor nutri- with occurrence rates of 17% and 35%, respectively.61
tional and housing conditions associated with the win-
ter conditions of this part of Morocco.
Dermatophytoses in Libya

The aetiology and distribution of dermatophytosis

Dermatophytoses in Algeria
among camels, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and cats in
Despite the improved living conditions in Algeria, scalp El-Bieda region of Libya was investigated by Eissa et al.
dermatophytosis remains a very big challenge to the [62]. Microscopic examination of the 185 hair samples
public health system in this country.57,58 To clarify collected from animals showed that dermatophytes
this observation, Bendjaballah-Laliam and Djazer car- had an incidence of 89.2%, while cultural studies indi-
ried out an epidemiological study on tinea capitis cases cate an incidence of 45.9% (85 positive cultures) for
reported within 3 years (2010–2013) in a hospital dermatophytes. T. verrucosum had an incidence of
located in Tipasa.57 Out of the 213 hair samples 67.1% of all fungal isolates recovered, followed by
screened, microscopy and cultural examinations of the T. mentagrophytes (24.7%), while M. canis had a fre-
samples showed that 133 people were positive for quency of 8.2%. Discussing further on the various der-
tinea capitis. Children under the age of 12 years matophytes found on specific animals, these authors
accounted for 91% of those examined. Of the three noted that T. verrucosum had an incidence of 22.4%
dermatophytes implicated in the study, T. violaceum and 25.9% in camels and calves, respectively; while
had the highest frequency (66%), followed by M. canis that of T. mentagrophytes was 11.8% and 9.4% in
(32.5%) and T. mentagrophytes (1.5%). camels and calves, respectively. In this study, M. canis
Djeridane et al. described the prevalence and aetiol- was the most implicated cause of dermatophytosis in
ogy of superficial mycoses of the foot among Algerian dogs and cats with an incidence of 8.2%.62 El Said
military personnel. Nail and skin samples from 650 et al. have also isolated T. rubrum and T. terrestre from
male military personnel were collected, and cultural the hairs of goats reared in Libya.63 Ellabib and his
examination showed that 119 samples were positive group carried out a study on the aetiology and preva-
for superficial fungal infection of the foot. Tinea pedis lence of skin infections in Libya.64 They analysed hair
and Candida interdigital infection were the most preva- and skin scrapings from 2224 patients who attended
lent superficial foot mycoses (68%), with T. rubrum the dermatology clinic at Tripoli Medical Centre
being the most isolated dermatophyte (20.9%).59 between 1997 and 1999. Tinea corporis accounted for
Kheira et al. carried out a study to characterise the 45.9% of the cases, followed by tinea pedis (8.1%),
dermatophyte flora in 121 persons living in the north- tinea manuum (2.6%), tinea barbae (2.2%) and some
west region of Algeria (Oran) who attended an out- other skin infections. Eighty-five per cent of tinea cor-
door dermatology service in Oran.60 They observed poris was found in children below 15 years of age.
that tinea pedis was the predominant dermatophytosis T. violaceum was isolated in 300 cases (44% of the
found in people of this area (45.24%), followed by total isolated fungi), T. rubrum (13.8%), M. canis
tinea capitis (41.46%), tinea corporis (33.33%) and (8.1%), E. floccosum (6.6%) and T. mentagrophytes
tinea unguinum (20%). The most implicated dermato- (3.1%). Fungi such as Candida albicans and Malassezia
phytes in the study were T. rubrum (27.08%), M. canis furfur were also implicated in the study.64
(20.83%) and T. violaceum (18.76%). Other isolated Ellabib et al. also reported the prevalence of some
species included E. floccosum (8.33%), T. gourvillii dermatophytes in specific types of ringworm.64 For
(6.26%), T. schoenleinii (6.26%), T. tonsurans (4.10%), instance, T. violaceum (38.5%) and M. canis (38.5%)
M. audouinii (2.08%), T. soudanense (2.08%) and were the most implicated species in tinea barbae, while
M. equinum (2.8%). They also concluded that dermato- T. rubrum was the predominant dermatophyte (40%)
phytoses was endemic in this region and advocated in tinea manuum. They also suggested that the high
the use of individual care and hygiene to curtail the incidence of T. violaceum as an aetiologic agent of

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