INformation and Library Science MCQs For BPSC
INformation and Library Science MCQs For BPSC
INformation and Library Science MCQs For BPSC
72. Library & Information Science introduced a not-for-profit trust, came into existence in 2000
73. AIOU introduced Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) in: 2001
74. Pakistan Library Bulletin name was changed .to Pakistan Library & Information Science
Journal in:
75. The only Public Library in the area of AJK Azad Jammu and Kashmir was completely
destroyed in the earthquake of
76. PLA Golden Jubilee Conference was held at: Islamabad, 2007
77. Mesopotamia was the great civilization based on the many cultures sited on the Tigris (
3500 BC
) دہلجand Euphrates ) ( رفاتRivers of the near east beginning about
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78. Where the earliest collections were probably associated in? Temples & Shrines((زمارات
Plutarch ) ( ولپاٹرکmentions that 200,000 books were transpired from
79. گیم Alexandria Library
Pergamum ) ( رپ مlibrary to
Which library was established under the first two Ptolemais early in the third
80. Alexandria library
century BC?
81. A great Library of Ashurbanipal ) ( اوشرٹیییالwas established in the city of Nineveh
The skins of sheep, goats, and cattle, were all used for binding or, more
82. Parchment)( اپرچمنٹم
frequently as a writing surface is called:
83. A paper was made of grass-like water plant is known as: Papyrus
84. The height of papyrus roil is: 12 inches
Which earliest form of writing was (probably) invented in Uruk
85. Cuneiform )( ویکافینرم
Mesopotamia around 3000 BC?
An ancient) ( دقمیbook composed)( رپ لمتشم of pieces of writing material-
86. Codex
fastened ) ( ابدنھ دایtogether is known as:
87. Calf) ( ڑھچباskin used as writing material in olden days is called: یل
Vellum)( و م
88. In which country, silk and wood were used as writing materials? China
89. Cuneiform writing is found on the inscriptions of: Babylonia
Ancient Greek city located in Anatolia (Turkey) had one of the most Pergamum ) ( رپگیمم
90. important libraries in the ancient world:
In Alexandria Library, the national bibliography was carried out under the
91. Callimachus)( اکامیلسک
supervision of:
Pinakes)( یکس
In Alexandria Library, the bibliography was based on a shelf list written on
tablets; the word used for this work was:
93. The Bayt-ul-Hikmah was established by: Harun-ul-Rashid
A bibliography “AI-Fihrist” demonstrates the devotion of medieval Muslim
94. scholars to books and reliable sources; it contains a description of thousands Ibn al-Nadim
of books circulating in the Islamic world circa 1000, was compiled by:
The paragraph or so printed on the cover or dust jacket of a book which
95. Blurb)( رلبب
almost always tells you how important the book is:
96. The book printed before 1501 AD is known as: Incunabula)( اوکنانوبال
97. National Library and Archives) (آراکویئزin Cairo) (اقرہہis the largest library in: Egypt
98. Where was modern printing invented? Germany
99. The printing was started in Europe in: 15th century
A method of printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely لی
100. Lithography)( ھورگایف۔
smooth surface is known as:
A commonly used printing technique where the inked image is transferred
101. Offset printing
from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface is called:
102. Most commonly used scripting word is: Roman
103. A place where manuscripts are kept is known as: Scriptorium)( ارکسوٹپرمی
104. The movement towards social library was started in the USA by: Benjamin Franklin
105. AI-Azhar University in Egypt was founded in 970-972 as a: Madrasa
106. The first LIS school in UK was established in 1919 at the university of: London
Williamson و سنمreport
Research in LIS has made a formal beginning in the USA in 1923 after
the publication of:
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108. The first PhD degree in LIS was awarded in 1930 in the USA by: University of Chicago)( اکشوگ
109. The oldest and the largest Library Association in the world is: ALA
110. IFLA headquarter is situated in: Netherlands
111. IFLA Regional Office of Asia and Oceania اوایشانis placed in: Singapore
112. The numbers of IFLA member countries are: 150
113. IFLA has three pillars: Society Members Profession
114. IFLA has three language centers, the languages are: Arabic, French, Russian
115. What is the frequency of the IFLA Journal? Quarterly
116. promote education and research of its clientele is an important objective of University libraries
117. How many branches PLA has? Five،5
118. The PLA keeps on changing and rotating from one province to the other after every: Two years
119. Which publications PLA is publishing? Journals & Booklets
Library Association (UK) is one of the largest publishers of library and
120. 200 titles
information science publication which publishes over:
121. SLA(Special Libraries Association ) was founded in the US state of: New York
122. SLA is representing worldwide countries over: 80
123. Which library has three buildings in Capitol Hill? Library of Congress
The central focus of the India Office Records is in the territoriesالعےق India Pakistan Burma
now included in: and Bangladesh
The mission of the Library of Congress New Delhi Office is to identify, Pakistan Burma Nepal
acquire, and catalog materials from the countries of South Asia: and Sri Lanka
126. Based on the nature of clientele, recognized میلستایکas: Public Academic Special
127. British Library is regarded as: National Library
The James Madison Memorial Building (Library of Congress) was
128. Washington
completed in 1981, and is situated in:
The first MLIS degree program was started in the Pakistani universities
129. Karachi and Dhaka
in 1962 at:
The PhD Program in Library Science is available at the following Karachi, Lahore,
universities of Pakistan. Bahawalpur
131. The M.Phil program in Library Science is offered at the Universities Sindh and Baluchistan
132. Pakistan Library Automation Group (PakLAG) headquarters is situated at Lahore
133. PakLAG facilitates the librarians to search: Directory
134. PakLAG publication issues with the title of: Pak-US News
The present name of ASLIB is:
Association for Special Libraries and Information Bureau
136. Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, MLIS course’s duration is: 4 semesters
137. Foreign embassy افسراختہنlibraries established -in Pakistan fall under the category of:
The records of any public or private institution which are judged worth permanent Archives
138. preservation for reference, are known as:
The National Archives of Pakistan is a member of the International Council on
Archives (ICA) and its regional branch is called:
The mission of an organization that promotes the preservation and use of archives
140. ICA
around the world is named as:
Who was secretary-general of the PLA for the organization of its first annual
141. Waris Ali
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170. The basic principles of book selection were enunciated ایبن ایکby: Drury
A relatively short book or treatise on a single subject, complete in one physical
171. Monograph
piece, usually written by a specialist in the field is known as:
A publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and as a rule,
172. Serial
intended to be continued indefinitely, is known as:
A publication reproduced in more than one copy and more than one issue having
173. a common name identifying the issues, and dating or numbering to show the Serial
distinction and connection between one issue and another:
These books which are handled through the usual channels purchase, whether
174. library or bookseller, but instead must be bought through specialist dealers, Rare Material
auction houses are known as:
175. The guidelines for collection in libraries were developed by: ALA
176. Acquisition policy of a library will have a direct bearing on: Collection development
177. Selection according to user’s needs is one of the basic issues of: Collection development
178. The cost of acquisition of fixed assets is known as: Capital costs
179. The biological identification of a person is called: Biometrics
180. Bibliography is a: Systematic list of documents
Discarding from the stock, books which are of no further use in the library, is
181. Weeding
generally known as:
182. Stock taking in libraries is done primarily for: Stock verification
183. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is published annually by: R.R. Bowker
184. Most important traditional record of books in Pakistani libraries is: Accession register
185. The fixing of conversion rates for buying foreign book in Pakistan is done by: National Library
186. Which library has “The Times” first edition from 18th March 1788? British Library
187. Which library has material from 300 BC to today’s newspapers? British Library
188. Which library has 9 million articles from 20,000 journals? British Library
189. The library which has collection of nearly 142 million items is known as: Library of Congress
190. The library that has more than 62 million manuscripts is known as: Library of Congress
A legal depository for all published literary heritage of Pakistan is National Library of
collected by: Pakistan
Library rates for Libraries and Institutions for the period of three months National Library of
are provided by: Pakistan
193. Pakistani publications have 15% more discount for: General books
On Pakistani publications (local textbooks, produced by Textbook
194. Boards, publications of Federal and Provincial Governments and non- No discount
profitable special publications), discount rate is:
On purchase of which Pakistani publications, 20% discount negotiable
195. Fiction including drama
is offered for acquiring ten or more copies?
196. Discount value for purchase of “The Holy Quran” text only is: No discount
The booksellers/suppliers will provide discount on demand the original
197. 20%
or authenticated photocopies of foreign publisher’s invoice up to:
Freight charge on supply of books/library materials both foreign and local shall be
198. Booksellers
borne by:
199. On imported publications, 13% mark up + 6% withholding tax. Discount for: General books
On imported publications, 18% mark up + 6% withholding tax and
200. Back volumes of journals
discount is offered for:
201. The study of books as objects of art is known as: Historical bibliography
The points to be kept in mind for evaluation of reference book are
202. Characteristics
termed as:
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Complimentary copies of the first edition of a book given to the author by the Author’s
publisher are copies
229. The author’s signature, typically found on the title page or flyleaf of a book is Autograph
230. The additional or supplementary material sometimes found at the end of a book is Appendix
The paragraph or so printed on the cover or dust jacket of a book which almost
231. Blurb
always tells you how important the book is
Either a publisher’s trademark or information concerning the book’s publication
232. Colophon
printed at the end of a book:
All the copies of the book made from a specific set of type (with the exception of
233. Edition
minor alterations:
234. Selling or otherwise disposing of books from a collection Deaccessioning
235. One who deals with rare books is known as: Antiquarian
236. A cooperative online serials cataloging program is called: CONSER
A classification of books and other objects having to do with America, its
237. Americana
people and their history is called:
238. The most authoritative version of a work is known as: Definitive edition
An exact reproduction of an original book depicting the text and the book’s
239. Facsimile edition
physical appearance
240. A worn book with defects such as a torn dust jacket, foxing, or loose binding, etc is: Fair edition
241. A correction of error(s) inserted into a book after it has been printed: Erratum
242. The paper cover that protects the actual hardcovers of the book Dust jacket
243. The page number on the left-hand pages is termed as: Even folio
244. A proof of a book made before the pages are numbered Galley
245. A document handwritten by the person purported to have written is called: Holograph
The National Archive of Pakistan have to microfilm of vital public records,
246. 20 million
private collections, newspapers, and manuscripts pages
Publication of “Guide to the Sources of Pakistan’s History” under the auspices
247. Archive holding
of the ICA covers the survey of:
Publication of biannual journal on archives titled “The Pakistan Archives” has
248. NAP
been issued since 1984 by
249. A descriptive catalog of Quaid-i-Azam papers (in five parts) was published by NAP
A rich collection on the Pakistan movement, War of Independence National Archives of
(1857), and British rule on India is available in: Pakistan
251. Allama Iqbal Collection 1891-1938 is preserved in: National Archives of Pak
252. Who can purchase UNESCO Coupons Anyone
253. UNESCO Coupons are issued with a validity of Four years
254. Pakistan Library Review was used to publish by: KULSSA
Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal is being published by: Library Promotion
256. Subject Index to Pakistan Library Bulletin (1968-1984) was compiled by: Nasim Fatima
Who’s Who in Library and Information Science In Pakistan in 1987 was Ghani-ul-Akram
compiled by: Sabzwari
Secondary School Library Resources and Services In Karachi were published
258. Nasim Fatima
in 1989 by:
259. The largest repository_ of 300,000 e-books is available In the database of: Gigapedia
Temporary cooperation of a number of powers, companies et (C) for a common
260. Consortium
purpose is known as:
Every library is liable to send its respective holding to other libraries under the
261. Resource sharing
program of
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Library Automation
NO Question Answer
1. One of the following is not open-source software: Windows
2. The term “Cyberspace” was first used by: William Gibsonومیل سنم
3. Million Book Project was initiated by: Carnegie اکریگینMellon University
4. World Cat is maintained by Online Computer Library Center
5. JSTOR is an online system for archiving and accessing academic journals. It is
6. Which among the following is a digital library software used in the
creation of an in-house digital library:
7. Annual Convention of INFLIBNET organized to discuss the progress of
the library automation and library services is known as:
8. Blog is a/an: Web Directory
9. “Dublin Core Metadata” consists of 15 elements
10. Identify the development in the following library software in the correct CDS/ISIS, SOUL,
chronological sequence. Green Stone, D-Space
11. The following is the search engine for scientific information only: SCIRUS
12. OAI stands for: Open Archives Initiatives
13. Which of the following is a public domain database? AGRIS
14. The Central Statistical Office for IBM in Pakistan is: COBOL-ANSI
15. RDA stands for: Reference Description and Access
16. The complete bibliographic details in MARC are available in: Variable fields
17. Conversion of the barcode into electrical signals id done by: Scanners
18. Arrange the following library automation software according to their date
of origin: (i) SOUL (ii) KOHA (iii) New GENLIB (iv) LIBSYS (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
19. Arrange the following Online Systems in the order of their origin:
(i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(i) ERIC (ii) MEDLINE (iii) OCLC (iv) MARC Codes:
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Library Marketing
NO Question Answer
1. A stance or an attitude that focuses on meeting the needs of users is called: Marketing
2. Marketing can assist libraries in determining their future and in Services, programs,
identifying quality products that are and materials
3. The marketing approach provides a manager the mental map to think Target, customer,
systematically about: product, and market
4. Good marketing is not an accident, but a result of careful planning and: Execution
5. To manage the interface between the service provider and the customer is Interactive
called: marketing
6. To consist of product, price, promotion, and distribution elements is called: External marketing
7. Which consists of appropriate programs and mechanisms to prepare the Internal
intended organization, including staff, to deliver the marketing program to tile marketing
8. The two key purposes of marketing are Organizational objective, satisfying customer needs
& wants
9. Marketing goals may be set in terms of: Financial goals
10. The process of dividing the market into major parts is called: Market segments
11. Libraries and information centers must choose appropriate programs relating to Marketing mix
product, price, promotion, and distribution to tap the selected opportunity is
12. A review of an organization’s marketing activities over a certain period is Marketing audit
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13. It provides the librarian with a blueprint for identifying and targeting Marketing plan
14. elements used in an organization are a marketing strategy that combines the 4 Marketing mix
15. controllable variables a library puts together to satisfy a target group is called: Marketing mix
16. This is not a characteristic of a good test market: Expanded trading area
17. In library, a loyal and strong relationship with readers will assist fighting budget Customer’s
cuts with expanding services: markets
18. Groups that do marketing for the library such as satisfied customers, personal and Referral
social networks and mass media are known as: markets
19. Any person or group who can benefit from the libraries such as trustees, corporate Influence
executives, government officials, and friends’ groups, is known as: markets
20. The employees and departments within the Library or Information Centers Internal
21. The librarian’s published monthly newsletter about the library is known as: Marketing
22. The library developed an apprenticeship program to train inexperienced staff is Marketing
called: strategy
23. Libraries of all types ‘have to compete with other organizations or departments for: Funds
24. Marketing audit is a critical assessment of the external and the internal SWOT
environment, the information centers summarized broadly in terms of:
25. The most relevant promotion methods for Librarians and Information Direct marketing
Managers are:
26. Organization using networks linking people, assets, and ideas to create and Virtual
distribute products and services without being limited by traditional organization
organizational boundaries or physical location, is known as:
27. A critical assessment of the external and the internal environment of the Marketing audit
library, is called:
28. The important element of marketing strategy is the targeting/choice of specific Positioning
reader groups is called:
29. Which of the following is the most recent stage of marketing Marketing company era
30. When a librarian focuses on making whatever products are easy to produce and Production
then trying to circulate them, that librarian has a: orientation
31. The way in which products are sold is known as a: Distribution channel
32. Which one of the following options represents this statement what place do you Positioning
want your CD-Rom collection to hold in the reader’s mind”?
33. During market segmentation analysis, the librarian identifies which segments Target markets
present the greatest opportunity. These segments are called:
34. Library is aiming to celebrate world book day. Which one of the following is Targeted audience
35. If the library needs to survey reader’s attitudes on the availability of wanted A personal
literature in the collection and needs the results within four working days, interview
library will probably use what kind of survey?
36. Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions. about large groups of readers Sample
by studying which of the following small component of the total library users?
37. The networks that connect users within a library to each other and to the library Intranets
reflect which one of the following networks?
38. Identify the name of a vast public web of computer networks that connect users Internets
of all types all around the world to each other.
39. Marketing information from which of the following databases can be accessed Internal
more quickly and cheaply?
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40. Which method of research can be used to obtain information if people are Observations
unwilling or unable to provide?
41. Which marketing mix activity is most closely associated with news, letters, Promotion
catalogues, and invitations to organization-sponsored events?
42. Which is the most useful source of speedier and more comprehensive Library report
43. A change in an individual’s behavior prompted by information and experience Motivation
refers to which concept?
44. Which is a key to build lasting relationships with consumers? User’s satisfaction
45. Which one of the library marketing banners display they are portable and easy Retractable
to setup? banners
46. A-frame signs are used commercially to promote, describe, and sell products Sandwich boards
and services also known as:
47. One of them is not a successful approach for libraries to develop a variety of Reading material
creative and innovative promotion strategies:
48. Which equipment is required to show simple, changeable messages about Electronic sign
library events and services?
49. Library entryways, foyers, and lobbies provide numerous opportunities to direct Library
your patrons, provide layout information, entries should be warm and inviting is marketing
50. The cabinets will proudly display your rare books and incunables, while keeping Curio Board
out dust and keeping your special collections from walking out the door, is
51. The group that uses the library facilities is potentially an organized advocacy Auditorium &
group. If you meet their needs, library facility can become multi-purpose, these meeting rooms
facilities are called:
52. The equipment can be used in many different settings and events such as Podiums
lectures, seminars, concerts and presentations also known as lecterns, pulpits
and presentation stands:
53. _____ should not only provide information about your library, they should also Sign systems
show your style.
54. Libraries have been looking for retail sales displays that are designed to be ergonomic Revenue
and show off the books, bookmarks, mugs, Ebrary bags and book related items to
increase their:
55. ___ collect information on each user’s department, transaction, behavior, Marketing
concern, and activity. network
56. Which one is not a security product? Book cards
57. Which one is not a checkpoint product? Toner
58. Library services available to clients such as interlibrary loan, reference, Product
children’s programming, or web access, are known as: