Bgcse Agric Notes
Bgcse Agric Notes
Bgcse Agric Notes
Environmental factors affecting plant and animal growth
1. Rainfall
2. Wind
3. Temperature
4. Humidity
5. Frost
6. Photoperiod
Effects on plant growth
Soil erosion- heavy rainfall results in runoff which
carries with it top soil.
Loss of soil fertility through erosion and leaching.
Rain cools the soil and plants and increase humidity.
Heavy rainfall results in floods that are destructive to
crops- wash away seedlings.
Diseases and pests can be spread through rainwater.
Stormy rains also are destructive to crops.
Rain provides plants with water for growth and
Ways of modifying effects of rainfall on plant growth
Soil mulching to minimize soil capping, compaction and
soil erosion.
Use of drought resistant crops
Rain harvesting
Add organic matter during soil preparation to maintain
good soil structure
Effects on animal growth
Source of water for livestock
Floods kills sensitive animals especial the young ones.
Low rainfall determines availability of fodder for
Livestock parasites and diseases can be spread through
rain water.
Low rainfall causes death in the extreme cases of
Low rainfall causes dehydration which lead to death of
some animals.
Effects on plant growth
Wind increases rate of evapo-transpiration
Spread pests and pathogens
Strong wind causes lodging (fall over) of crops and
destructive to trees.
Wind pollinates flowers of some plants and helps
disperse seeds and fruits.
Strong wind carries the top soil hence causes soil
Wind lead to loss of soil moisture
Wind carries atmospheric pollutants from place to
Ways of modifying effects of wind on plant growth
Soil mulching to reduce erosion
Raise seedlings in the green house
Keep the soil moist by irrigating
Supporting plants
Maintain vegetative cover over soil to prevent erosion
by wind.
Effects on animal growth
Strong wind destroys livestock houses
Strong wind spread parasites and pathogens to animals
Rain bearing winds brings rain in a given area
Reasonable wind ensures effective natural ventilation in
livestock houses.
Strong wind causes draughty conditions to animals.
Ways of modifying effects of wind on animal growth
Provide suitable houses
Provide livestock houses with eaves of sufficient length
Establish wind breakers to reduce destructive effects of
Effects on plant growth
Warm temperature favours outbreak of majority of
crop pests and diseases.
Rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature up to
35oc when it starts to drop.
Soil temperature affects nutrient uptake by roots.
Extreme temperature reduces crop yield.
High temperature causes wilting and death of plants.
Low temperature reduces seed germination of plants.
Lower temperature promotes growth of roots and
storage organs over shoot growth.
Low temperature leads to plants taking long time to
Effects on plant growth
High humidity increases occurrence of pathogens and
High humidity plants transpire less and at low humidity
plants transpire more.
High humidity at 80%-100% encourages fungal
Excessively high humidity delays natural drying of
Low humidity coupled with high temperature causes
wilting of crops.
Low humidity reduces or limits rooting of cuttings.
Ways of modifying effects of humidity on plant growth
Use of extractor fans
Correct crop spacing
Use of humidifiers
Use of plastic covered containers.
Effects on animal growth
Too high humidity causes poor feathering in chickens
and promotes development of vices such as cannibalism.
High humidity in livestock houses encourages
multiplication of pathogens and parasites.
Too low humidity causes irritation of mucus membrane.
High humidity increases heat stress to animals.
Ways of modifying effects of humidity on animal growth
Construct houses with sufficient ventilation
Use of extractor fans
Effects on plant growth
Frost causes death to plant tissues.
Frost reduces water and nutrient uptake.
It kills sensitive plants especially the seedlings.
Reduces microbial activities in the soil.
Kills off sensitive pests and pathogens.
The growth of plant stops altogether.
Ways of modifying effects of frost on plant growth.
Wise choice of planting dates.
Use of resistant varieties or cultivars
Water at night or early in the morning to reduce effect
of frost on plant growth.
Raise crops in green house and other protective
Cover plants at night if it is possible.
Effects on animal growth
Reduces production and reproduction of livestock.
Food intake by animals increases and water intake
Kills the sensitive animals especial the young ones.
Ways of modifying effects of frost on animal growth
Use of breeds that are resistant to frost.
Livestock houses can be heated up to raise temperature.
Construct well designed livestock houses.
Photoperiodism- is the influence of the daily cycle of light
and darkness on the physiology and behavior of plants and
animals OR response of organisms to cycles of light and
Effects on plant growth
Photoperiod affect bulbing and tuberisation of some
Long day accelerate plant growth especial seedlings.
Some plants yield well under high light intensities while
others prefers low sunlight.
Rate of photosynthesis increases with light intensity.
Sunlight causes sun-scorch to some sensitive plants.
Ways of modifying effects of photoperiod on plant growth
Provide artificial light to plants
Light prove covers should be provided to plants.
Use of day neutral plants.
Soil mulching reduces solar radiation reaching the soil.
Shading plants to reduce light intensity.
Effects on animal growth
Light affects availability of grass to feed to animals
since it is necessary for green plants to photosynthesize
Light is essential for the manufacture of vitamin D in
Ultra violent rays in sunshine can cause skin burn in
Day length affects time of breeding in some animals
such as sheep.
Light affects laying of eggs in birds especial when it is
low or dark.
Ways of modifying effects of photoperiod on animal growth
Use of artificial lighting in livestock houses
Construct well designedlivestock houses.
Effects on plant growth
Short day plants: need a day-length less than a critical
number of hours to flower.
In effects the period of continuous light should not
exceed the period of continuous darkness for the plant
to flower. Examples of short day plants are: barley,
tobacco, potatoes, okra, and some cowpeas.
Continuous light
Water cycle is a solar driven cycle of evapo-transpiration,
condensation, precipitation and runoff.
The cycle controls water movement between the atmosphere,
oceans, aquatic and terrestrial environment.
Terms involved in water cycle are:
1. Evaporation: water evaporates from oceans lakes, seas,
plant leaves and land surfaces then rises into the
atmosphere as vapour.
2. Condensation: above the condensation line, vapour
cools down, condenses to form clouds and returns to the
earth surfaces as precipitation.
3. Precipitation: water in solid or liquid state is returned
to earth as precipitation. Some of it evaporates before it
reaches the ground. Some lands on plants. The rest
reaches the earth or land as surface water.
4. Seepage/Percolation/Infiltration: much of the water that
reaches the ground evaporates quickly and returns to
the atmosphere, most of the rest seeps (infiltrates) into
the earth.
5. Transpiration: plants often use seepage water
eventually returning it to the atmosphere through
transpiration that is loss of water from plants through
their leaves via the stomata.
6. Runoff: water that does not enter into the soil or
evaporates runs across the land into form of
streams/rivers, which then run into lakes, pans or the
7. Man and animals: use part of fresh water eventually
returning it to the atmosphere through breathing,
perspiration and decay.
Water cycle
A –precipitation
B-evapo-transpiration (evaporation and transpiration
from plants)
C- percolation/infiltration/seepage
E- evaporation from the soil
F-water uptake by plants
H- ground water moves to lake
I- runoff
Ensures equitable distribution of land among Batswana.
Ensures availability of land for industrial, commercial
and urban development.
Ensures best use of land for maximum benefit to the
country as a whole.
Ensures orderly development in urban centres.
Ensures protection and preservation of national parks,
game reserves, rangelands, mining sites and sites of
historical importance.
State land can easily be converted to other forms of
tenure as and when needs arises.
Leaseholds under this system has security of tenure, is
registrable, freely transferable and readily mortgaged.
Process of land allocation and resolutions takes a long
The value of land leased may not reflect the true market
value if the government decides to subsidize it for its
Land may not be put to use that yields optimum
economic benefits due to government policy at the time.
In cases of corrupt government land may easily be
concentrated in few, but powerful individuals.
Leasehold under State land
Government grants leases to individuals and institutions
over state land for residential, commercial and industrial
purposes. There are two types of leasehold used in urban
areas: the deed of fixed period of state grant (FPSG) and
certificate of rights (COR).
The deed of fixed period of state grant (FPSG)
This is a one- time lease where the rent is paid once on
acquisition of land and not periodically over the life
time of the lease.
The lease period is 50 years for commercial and
industrial land and 99 years for residential land.
When the lease expires has to be renewed, the title and
developments on the land revert to the state without
FPSG registrable in the deed registry so is freely
transferable and readily mortgaged.
Application for renewal should be initiated 15 years
before the expiry date.
Definition: it is the application of engineering principles and
technology to manage the production activities in
agriculture. OR the means and ways man uses to produce
food and fiber or agricultural products
Example of agricultural technology
Technology aspect example
Tools and machines Garden tools, plough,
tractor, planter, burdizzo,
harvesters, cultivators,
branding iron, milking
Methods and techniques Hydroponics, crop rotation,
drip irrigation, budding and
grafting, hybridization,
artificial insemination,
embryo transfer, vaccination,
crossbreeding, dehorning
castration, pruning, green
house, refrigeration, liming
tissue and cell culture.
Processes Milling, milk processing,
fermentation, water
purification, biogas
production, food
preservation and vaccine
Materials Fertilizers, pesticides, frozen
semen, herbicides, vaccines,
enzymes, hormones, drugs
and medicine, seeds,
improved breeding stock of
animals and crops.
Power Solar power, wind power,
animal power, water power,
combination engine, electric
Technology transfer
It means movement of technology or technologies from one
place to another. Technology transfer includes:
From one country to another
From one region/ continent to another
From one research centres to farmers in a given
From one farmer to other farmers in a given area.
From one trainers and teachers to trainees and student.
From agricultural demonstrators to farmers.
Use of farming system as a technology transfer approach
There are number of approaches that have been
developed to transfer technology from one researcher to
the farmers and feedback from farmers.
Some of the approach are:
Training and visit: this is where a few identified
farmers are trained on a new technology, and each is
expected to train few more.
On-the-farm trials: this is where farms of willing
farmers are identified where research personnel do on-
the-farm trials by using the new technology on the
demonstration farms and allow the rest of the farmers
to come and learn from these other farmers who have
been utilizing the technology. This is a highly effective
approach, where farmers learn from other farmers
through physical evidence on the demonstration farms
and not directly from the researchers. The farmers are
likely to adopt the technology faster as they have seen it
working in those farms.
A- petiole/ stalk B- Blade C-Apex D-
Functions of a leaf
Leaf manufactures food (carbohydrates) through the
process of photosynthesis.
Facilitate the loss of water through the process of
Facilitate rapid exchange of gases.
Internal structure of a leaf
A-Epidermal cells B- Guard cell
C-Spongy cell
D-Palisade cell E- Chloroplasts
F- Cuticle
G- Palisade layer H- xylem tissue
I- Spongy layer
J- Lower epidermis K- Phloem
M- Air space
N-Upper epidermis P- vascular bundles
Q- Stoma
Types of roots
Tuberous roots e.g. sweet potatoes, potatoes
Tap roots e.g. carrot, legumes
Fibrous roots e.g. onions, grass
Adventitious roots e.g. maize, sorghum
Functions of roots
Hold plants firmly in the soil.
Absorbs water and dissolved mineral salts from the soil.
Acts as food storage organ in some plants like sweet
potatoes, potatoes, beetroots, carrots, radish and
Internal structure of root
Functions of the stem
Acts as passage for water and dissolved nutrients from
the roots to the leaves.
Acts as passage for manufacturing food from leaves to
Holds leaves in the bestposition to obtain sunlight and
air, and holds flowers in the best position for
Acts as food storage organ in some plants like
sugarcane and potatoes.
Male parts
Stamen Male organ of the
flower made up of the
anther and the
filament. Also called
Anther Consists of four Produces stores and
pollen sacs that releases pollen.
contain pollen grains;
these contain male
Filament Is bearing an anther It holds the anther in
at its tip. the correct position for
pollination to take
Pollen Male gamete of a Fuses with the female
flower gamete or ovule to
form a zygote which
develops into a seed.
Carpel Female organ made
/Pistil up of stigma, style,
ovary and ovules.
Also called
Stigma Found at the end of Traps or receives
the style. pollen grains from the
Style Long and end in a -Positions the stigma
stigma and it is in the correct place for
covered with fine pollination to occur.
-The passage through
which the pollen
moves to reach the
Ovary Long, narrow and Produces and protects
pod-shaped with the ovules.
about 10 ovules in it.
Ovule Contain female sex Fuses with the male
gamete of a flower. gamete (pollen) to
form a zygote.
Structure of a Maize Flower
Female inflorescence (cob)
Parts Functions
Husk/Perianth/Leaf It protects the inner the parts of the
female flower while they are still
Ovary Produces ovule.
A maize crop contains many ovaries
and each ovary produces one ovule
which develops into a seed.
Silk/Feathery style Traps the pollen and provide a passage
to an ovule.
Each ovary has its own feathery style
and it is called feathery style because
its tip is like a feather to trap pollen.
Transfer of the pollen from anther to the stigma.
Types of Pollination
i. Self pollination: occurs when pollen from the same
flower falls on the stigma of the same flower. Sometimes
it can be pollen from the same plant falling on the
female flower on the same flower.
ii. Cross pollination: the transfer of pollen from the
anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower of
the same species. In cross pollination pollen is usually
transferred on the bodies of the insects entering the
flowers or by chance wind carrying the pollen from one
flower to the next.
Mechanisms of Pollination
Insect Pollination Mechanisms
This mechanism involves insect (bee) visiting a flower for
pollen and nectar, becoming dusted with pollen from the
ripe stamens and then some of the pollen on its body adheres
to the stigma of that flower or a different flower (same
Wind Pollination Mechanism
When the flowers are mature, the filaments in the male
flowers elongate so that the anthers hang outside the bracts.
The pollen sacs split open and pollen is carried away in air-
currents, some of it becoming trapped on the feathery style
of the female flowers. In maize plants the anthers ripen
before the styles are receptive, hence pollination is unlikely
to occur between the flowers of the same plant, while cross
pollination between neighbouring plants is favoured.
Fertilization is the fusion of the male and female cells or
gamete to form the zygote. In plants the male pollen
grains fuse with the female ovules.The zygote divides
many times to form the embryo.Once pollination has
occurred the pollen grains absorbs nutrients from the
stigma and begin to swell up; the nucleus of the pollen
divides into two; the pollen tube and reproductive
nucleus.They later give rise to two male gametes or
pollen grains.Each pollen grain develops a pollen tube
which grows through the style towards the ovary and
when it reaches the ovary it enters in the small opening
called micropyle to reach the ovule.At this stage the
pollen tube bursts and pollen tube nucleus degenerates
(disappear or fall over). The two male gamete pass into
the embryo sac and one of them fuses with the ovum to
produce the zygote which divides to form the
embryo.The other fuses with the secondary nucleus to
form the endosperm, which serves as food reserve in
some seeds e.g. maize. In other seeds e.g. groundnuts,
the endosperm is used up before the seed is fully
Fertilization in a Bean Flower
A bean flower is insect pollinated. After pollen grains have
reached the stigma then nutrients are absorbed from the
stigma, they(pollen grains) grow a root like structure known
as the pollen tube. This tube grows down through the style of
the ovary. On reaching the ovary it grows to one of the
ovules and enters it through a hole known as the micropyle.
The tip of the pollen tube breaks open in the ovule and the
male nucleus fuses with the female nucleus there and hence a
zygote is formed.
Diagram of Fertilization
b. Grafting
Grafting involves the uniting of two cambium layers to get a
fusion of growth giving a plant with the good qualities of two
different parents.
Grafting is done with two matched sections of stem. These
are usually the same type of tree and of the same thickness
so as to match. The cuts are made on the slant. A protective
wax is used to cover the joint to prevent it from rooting.
Examples of plants propagated by grafting are citrus trees,
tea etc.
Illustration of grafting
Tropism is the growth responses of plants that are directly
related to external environmental stimuli. Plants respond to
stimuli by growing towards a certain direction. The external
stimuli include light, gravity and water.
Types of Tropisms
1. Phototropism
This is response of plants to light. Plants shoots
respond by growing directly towards the light and they
are said to be positively phototropic. This enables
shoots to reach up to where they will receive as much
light as possible. This is important to them as they need
light for photosynthesis.
2. Geotropism
This is a response to gravity. The roots response by
growing towards the pull of gravity and are said to be
positively geotropic. The shoots respond by growing
away from gravity and are said to be negatively
geotropic. Geotropism causes roots to penetrate the
soil, where they will gain support and find water and
3. Hydrotropism
This is the response to water shown by roots. They tend
to grow towards the source of water in the soil.
Hydrotropism enables roots to find a good supply of
water under ground.
4. Haptotropism
This is the response to touch shown by climbing plants.
If they contact with any support, they grow tightly
round it and hold on. This gives them support for their
own weak stems. This process helps climbing plants to
grow upwards to the light.
Land preparation
Land preparation means to make a given area ready for
planting or sowing. A piece of land that is ready for planting
should be weed free, pest free, level and with a fine tilth.
Land preparation involves a number of pre- planting
operations such as land clearing, destumping and soil
Land clearing
This involves removal of all or most of the vegetation and
any other undesirable material from the garden site.
Reasons for clearing
To facilitate subsequent tillage operations.
To destroy existing vegetation to prevent future
competition with crops.
To destroy pests and pathogens being harboured in the
existing vegetation.
This means removal of tree stumps and their roots.
Reasons for destumping
To facilitate mechanical operations.
To get rid of pests and pathogens that the tree stumps
might be habouring.
To increase land available for crop production.
Soil preparation (seedbed preparation)
Main reasons for preparing soil/ seedbed before planting
To control weeds
To incorporate organic matter into the soil for rapid
To loosen up soil, thus improving aeration and water
To provide suitable soil condition for planting, seed
germination and growth of plants.
To expose pests and pathogens to the atmospheric
hazards and their natural parasites.
To obtain level seedbed as water penetration is more
uniform on level land.
Procedure for land preparation
Step1: Clearing of the site:thisinvolves removal of all
existing vegetation and destumping.
Non selective herbicides may be used to remove weeds, axes,
saws, tractors and chains and bulldozers may be used for
destumping. Spades are commonly used to clear smaller
area of land.
Step 2: Primary tillage: this involves digging/ ploughing the
top soil and ripping through the sub soil to improve
drainage. Ploughs/ subs soilers are used for large scale areas
while a spade or digging fork may be used for a smaller
Step 3: Secondary tillage: this is the cultivation that follows
the initial ploughing of the soil and it is generally faster at
ashallower depth than primary tillage. The main aim is to
prepare a fine tilth for sowing but it may also have the
disadvantage of removing weeds. Disc harrows or zigzag
harrows may be used for large scale secondary tillage while
on a small scale a rake is used.
Step 4: Basal dressing: this is the application of fertilizers to
the seedbed. Normally superphosphate, lime or organic
fertilizers are applied after primary tillage by broadcasting
then incorporated into the soil by secondary tillage or they
may be applied at the same time as the drilling of seeds using
a planter.
Methods of soil preparation
i. Ploughing
This is the primary tillage operation whereby a plough,
tractor or animal drawn is used to break up the soil and
turn it under, thus burying trash and exposing fresh soil
to the air. A depth of 25 – 30 cm would be enough. After
ploughing the soil has rough tilth normally unsuitable
for planting most crops. Plough soil at its optimum
moisture content to avoid destruction of soil structure.
Deep ploughing using a chisel plough or ripper is done
to break soil pans to increase drainage.
ii. Discing
The tillage operation that follows ploughing breaks up
clods and surface crusts, thereby improving soil
granulation and surface uniformity. It is performed
shortly after ploughing or at a later date after organic
residues has decomposed. Discing is also done to cover
seeds sown by broadcasting.
iii. Harrowing
This is the secondary tillage operation aimed at
producing level soil of suitable tilth for a given crop.
During this operation, the soil surface is further
granulated and smoothed in readiness for planting.
Furrows and ridges resulting from previous ploughing
and discing operations are smoothed out. Harrowing is
carried out using a harrow. There are various kinds of
harrow, namely disc, spring tooth and spike tooth
Undesirable effects of deforestation
Deforestation: is the cutting of live trees at a faster rate than
they are being replaced through planting new ones.
Loss of habitat for wildlife: birds and other animals
that inhabit trees become homeless and have no food to
eat, when trees are cut down forcing some to migrate
while others fall prey easily to their natural enemies.
Increased rate of soil erosion by wind and water: soil is
left bare, reduces addition of organic matter to the soil
and removes the binding effect of tree roots on soil
resulting in increased rate of soil erosion.
Loss of soil organic matter, hence reduction of soil
fertility: removal of trees cuts off the regular source of
organic matter to the soil through leaf fall and decay of
tree roots, resulting in reduced fertility.
Increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:
trees are carbon dioxide sinks that take in carbon
dioxide and give out oxygen to the atmosphere.
Collection of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, well
above the normal level, causes the green house effect,
which contribute to global warming.
Increased exposure of the soil to the heat of the sun:
leads to soil caking and reduced biological activity.
When tree canopy is removed, the soil is more exposed
to the full source of solar radiation, resulting in poor
soil structure, reduced organic matter content and
reduced microbial activities.
Decreased supply of timber and timber
products:cutting down of too many trees in a given time
and place means that the supply of timber and their
products cannot be sustained.
Loss of biodiversity: this means the limited supply of
genetic materialfor scientific research purposes. This
can bea serious hindrance to human advance and
civilization in future. Scientific research in agriculture
and medicine has always relied on specimens from wild
forests, which are rapidly disappearing.
Leads desertification: this whereby land becomes less
and less productive due to human activities and effects
of changes in climate. 25% of Botswana’s population is
already being directly affected by desertification, this
means turning good soil into desert.
Increased occurrence of floods in the lower lands: this is
an indirect result of deforestation. Floods are due to
increased rate and volume of runoff water and reduced
rate of water infiltration.
Uses of spinach and it’s by- products
Spinach leaves are used as food either cooked or in
salads. They are a rich source of minerals and vitamins.
Source of raw material for food processing industries.
Source of income for vegetable growers who grow them
to the market.
Spinach leaves can be fed to rabbits.
Climate requirements
It favours cool weather; optimum monthly temperatures
range from 150C -300C. It is a hardy crop and can resist light
frost. It grows best during autumn, winter and spring. If
grown in summer, some shade need to be provided for the
crop to give reasonable yield.
Soil requirements
Grows well in deep, fertile, moist and well- drained soils.
Sandy loam soil with a pH range of 6.0-7.0.
Seedbed preparation
Plough garden site to a depth of 20- 25 cm well in
advance of planting time.
If necessary, broadcast lime or composted kraal manure
over the ploughed area and then disc it.
Broadcast 2.3.4 (24) fertilizer over the disced area at the
rate of 600kg/ha a week or so before planting.
Harrow the garden site to fine tilth and level it in
readiness for sowing spinach seeds.
Planting (sowing)
Varieties: Ford hook Giant and Lucullus
Time of sowing
Recommended sowing times for most regions of Botswana
are March to April and August and September.
Method of sowing
There are two ways of planting spinach; direct sowing and
sowing in nursery seedbed.
i. Direct sowing: drill seeds about 1cm deep in furrows
30-45 cm apart. As seedlings grow thin out until they
are about 25 cm apart.
ii. Sowing in a nursery: drill seeds in furrows 1 cm deep,
10 cm apart. Water well and take out all the weeds.
Stepwise thin out the spinach seedlings until they are
2 cm apart and 10 cm high. Transplant on cool day,
in rows 30 cm apart with 25 cm between plants.
Seed rate
30 seeds per meter of a row or 5-9 kg/ha
2cm between seeds at planting time; row spacing is 30-
45cm; spacing between plants at thinning is 20-25 cm.
Fertilizer requirements
i. Basal dressing
Broadcast and plough into soil compost or
composted kraal manure at the rate of 6 kg/m2
before planting. OR if no manure, add 60g/m2 of
2.3.4(24) compounds fertilizers.
ii. Top dressing
Spinach has a high nitrogen requirement, so apply
14g/m2 of L.A.N a week after thinning.
Thereafter repeat the treatment (14g/m3 of L.A.N)
every 2-3 weeks. Use side dressing or ring method
to apply the fertilizer.
Common pests of spinach
Most serious pests of spinach include aphid, cutworm,
cabbage moth, leaf miner, looper and spinach flea beetle.
Sign of damage caused:
Reduced plant vigour
Yellowing and curled up leaves
Stunted growth
Growth of sooty mould and wilting of plants in severe
cases of attack.
Besides aphids are transmitters of mosaic virus from
one plant to another.
Control and prevention measures
Spray using dimethoate 50 % (roger) at the rate of 5ml
per litres of water. The safety period is 14 days.
Kerosene- soap with emulsion can also be used to spray
against aphids.
Spray or dust with pyrethrum, rotenone and sabadilla,
botanical insecticides.
Grow spinach plants with effective companion crops
such as garlic and petunias.
Remove weeds that provide shelter for aphids.
Common disease of spinach
They include leaf spot, damping off, mosaic, downy mildew
and fusarium wilt.
Leaf spot
The most common disease of spinach is leaf spot, which is
worst during hot wet weather.
Cause: fungus
Small light brown circular spots with dark edges.
They give scorched appearance to the leaves when they
become many.
Affected leaves dry out and fall off.
Control and prevention measures
Use Captan dust or Dithane M45 at the rate of 10 g per
5 litres of water.
Plant resistant spinach cultivars if available.
Immediate removal and destruction of affected leaves.
Signs of maturity
Uniformly dark green in colour.
Fully turgid
Firm and strong stalk
Fully savoyed (wrinkled) blade
Crisp texture
Large, edible size
Harvesting of leaves starts about 40- 60 days after
planting and continues for 3 – 4 months.
Cut the outer, mature leaves with a sharp knife 4cm
above ground level without injuring the new buds.
Regular harvesting promotes production of new leaves.
Estimated yield of spinach is 7.5 – 16 tons/ha depending
on the length of the cropping season and level of
Average weekly yield per m2 is about 75- 150 g.
Leaves are sold soon after harvesting while they are still
They are tied in 0.5 kg bunches (bundles) for
Sellers use several methods to keep leaves in fresh state
for period of time.
Leaves maybe wrapped in plastic bags, bundles of
leaves can be stored in 5-8 cm of cold water in an
upright container or bundles of leaves are covered with
damp sacks.
They is high demand for spinach leaves all over the
It can be marketed to individual consumers at farm
gates, to supermarkets, schools, clinics and hospitals,
army barracks and vegetable traders.
Spinach is very perishable and cannot be stored longer
than 10-24 days.
It should be cooled rapidly to 00 c and placed under a
relative humidity of 95 -100%.
Crushed ice, hydro- cooling and vacuum cooling are the
methods used for cooling spinach.
Record keeping
i. A diary: in which important events are recorded on
daily basis.
ii. Production records include:
Labour use records
Machine/ tractor record
Water and fertilizer use record
Field operations record per field
Stock control records
Spinach crop records including areas, yields,
planting and harvesting time, cultivars and
inputs used.
iii. Financial records include:
Income and expenditure record
Sales record
Record of debtors and creditors
Cash book(cash and bank account)
Profit and loss account
Balance sheet
A weed is any plant that grows where is not wanted.
Effects of Weeds on Plants
i. Negative effects of weeds
Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, light,
moisture and space.
They reduce yield and quality of the crop.
They harbor pests and diseases to crop plants.
They affect the formation and distribution of roots.
They increase the cost of production because cash,
labour and time have to be spent in their control.
Weeds tend to grow faster than crops and they end
up shading crop plants from sunlight hence reduce
the photosynthetic ability.
They block irrigation canal and waterways.
The presence of weed seeds in grains reduces its
ii. Positive effects of weeds
They add nutrients to the soil when they die and
They provide a good ground cover which protects the
soil against erosion.
They can act as mulch to reduce evaporation.
Some weeds are preference alternate host to crop
pests and disease and can attract pests away from
crops thus helping in reducing pest and disease
problems on crops.
During hot weather weeds help to shade soil and
crops against solar radiation.
Common Weeds found in Botswana
Common Scientific name Local name Description
Star grass Cynodon An annual grass
Wildstriped Cucumis Monyaku An annual weed
cucumber myriocarpus
Green Chenopodium Senkgapapane Annual weed
goosefoot carinatum
Thorn Datura ferox Mokhure An annual weed
Nut grass Cyperus Tlhatlha Common in
rotundus irrigated area
and is a
perennial grass.
Couch Digitaria Motlho Most
grass scalarum troublesome
perennial grass.
Mexican Argemone Lopero Annual weed
poppy mexicana and produces
large number of
black seeds and
host most crops.
Pig weed Amaranthus Thepe Broad leave
thumbergii annual weed.
Morning Ipomea obscura motantanyane Annual weed
Witch weed Striga asciatica molelwane Parasitic weed
with no root
hairs hence
obtain nutrients
from host e.g.
maize, sorghum
and difficult to
Classification of Weeds
Three major ways of classifying weeds are as follows:
a. Length of growing period (life cycle)
b. Morphology
c. Mode of dispersal
a. Length of growing period
It refers to the period required by weeds to complete
their life cycle i.e. from seed germination to
production. The two main categories are: annuals,
perenniasl and some are said to be biennials
i. Annual weeds
They grow from seeds every year OR they complete
their life cycle in one year or growing season.
They set seeds before they die.
Examples are: witch weed, Mexican poppy, black
jack, thorn apple, pig weed etc.
Classification of Pests
Crop pests are classified according to the shape and
design of their mouth parts as well as the type of
damage caused. Crop pests (insects) have been classified
into three groups namely:
a. Biting and chewing insects
thse insects have well developd mouth parts (mandibles) for
chewing the leaves of crops and thereby reducing
photosynthesis, thus hindering the growth of plants and
resulting in low yields.
Examples are: grass hoppers, beetles, leaf miners,
locusts termites
b. Piercing and sucking insects
These insects have a hallow, needle like tube, or proboscis,
that pierces the plant tissue. It damages the physical
structure of the plant and causes loss of ceel sap which
reduces the rate of plant growth. These insects also inject
toxic saliva into the plant, which causes lesions, and
transmits plant diseases.
Examples are: aphids, mealy bugs, scale insects.
c. Boring insects
These insect bore their way into the plant and live there
while feeding on the sap. They mak holes or tunnls in the
plant, some inside roods and grains. This lowers the quality
of produce and some plants die.
Examples are: weevils, stalk borer and American boll
Some important terms
This is the term given to the changes which an insect
undergoes from moment it is hatched until it is a
mature adult capable of reproducing. Metamorphosis
may be complete or incomplete.
Complete Metamorphosis
This involves four developmental stages namely: egg,
larvae, pupa and adult. Each of which is totally
different from the other. Examples are: flies, butterflies,
bees, moths, stalk borer etc.
e. Rodents
Rodents are family of animals with continuously growing
incisors e.g. hare, mice and rats.
Damage caused Control
Dig up plants Use of cats and dogs
Eat and damage seedlings Use of baits
Eat up standing crops in the Use of metal or
field concrete in storage
Damage grains in the storage
Damage storage facilities
Contaminate grains in storage
by urine and faeces
A disease; is a condition involving a deviation from normal
health. Diseases may cause physiological disorder or
structural abnormality of a plant or any of its parts or
products that reduces the economic value of the crop its
Diseases caused by Infections Agents
1. Fungal disease
There are many diseases caused by fungi but for our interest
we shall deal with only one disease namely;
a. Cob and Tassel Smut (Phori)
i. Mode of infection;The fungi [spore] infect the seed, so
when the seed are sown they develop within the seedling
which will carry the spores along the xylem vessels. During
tasseling the spores start to multiply rapidly on the tassel
and the cob hence the name cob and tassel smut. The disease
appears as black dust spores.
ii.Harmful effects
No cob formation
Reduced crop yield
Poor quality cob and grains
In extreme cases no yield at all
iii. Prevention
dressing seed with mercury dusts
using certified seeds
do not use \ sow seeds from a crop which was affected
by the disease
iv. Control
field sanitation
crop rotation
proper selection of uninfected cobs during harvesting
2. Bacterial disease
There are many diseases caused by bacteria but for our
interest we shall deal with only one disease namely:
b.Bacterial Wilt of Tomatoes
i. Mode of infection;Pathogen is soil borne. The pathogen
invade the xylem vessel through acut on the stem or even
through the stoma of the plant, multiply in the xylem tissue
and transported through the whole the plant.
ii. Harmful effects
The disease produces a slime which reduces the follow
of water in the plant resulting in wilting and often death
of the plant
No vascular tissuediscoloration
No root growth
Reduced quality of the fruits.
Stunted growth
The whole plant dies
Reduced yield
iii. Prevention
no prevention but advice is to use certified seeds
treating planting materials with bactericides
sterilize or fumigate soil used in plant nurseries
iv. Control
Crop rotation
Burning of infected plants.
Sterilize the soil or soil solarisation by covering the soil
with plastic sheeting to raise the soil temperature to kill
the bacteria.
Treat seed with hot water before.
planting resistant varieties
Viral disease
There are many disease caused by virus but for our interest
weshall deal with only one disease namely;
Maize Streak Virus
i. Transmission: caused by the virus transmitted by the
leaf hopper which sucks juice from the leaves of plants.
ii. Symptoms
Whitish lines or streak on the leaf esp. on the xylem
Stunted growth
Failure to flower
Failure to produce the cob
Reduced yield or no yield at all.
iii. Prevention
Field sanitation
Spray with systemic pesticides e.g. carbaryl
Avoid breaking plant leaves
Plant resistant varieties
Early planting
iv. Control
Uproot infected crops.
HERBICIDES (also known as weedicides)
These are chemicals used to kill weeds.
a. Mode of Action
i. contact herbicides
These are herbicides which are sprayed onto the
plant and kills parts which are touched, the whole
plant eventually dies. E.g. Paraquat
ii. Systemic Herbicides
The herbicides is sprayed on leaves, it’s the absorbed
and translocated throughout the plant by the phloem
vessels, killing the plant in the process, e.g. 2,4,D and
iii. Soil acting
The chemical is sprayed onto the soil after land
preparation. The weed seedlings are killed before or
after they emerge e.g. Propachlor and Linuron.
b. Time of Application
i. Pre-mergence
The herbicide is applied after the seeds have been
sown but before they emerge. the seedlings are killed
as soon as they emerge. E.g. Atrazine, Paraquat.
ii. Post emergence
The herbicides are applied to the field after the crop
is established. The herbicide will kill the weed and
leave the crop (it can kill monocotyledons or
dicotyledons only). E.g. 2, 4, D and MPCA.
c. Selectivity
i. Selective Herbicides
These are herbicides which kill certain types of weeds
or select the weeds to kill example: non grass or grass
weeds and vise versa. They are applied post
emergence to kill either dicotyledons on bean crop or
monocotyledons on a maize crop. E.g. Atrazine, 2, 4,
D and MPCA.
ii. Non- Selective Herbicides
The herbicides which kill all the weeds or wide range
of weeds. They are used at land preparation or pre-
emergence. They are effective in killing weeds on
road sides. E.g. Paraquat.
These are chemicals that control/ kill pests
e. Calibration
To calibrate is to calculate or determine the quantity of
liquids/ spray needed to cover a particular area.
The amount of spray solution depends on:
Speed at which the operator moves.
Pressure in the tank
Type of nozzle
Method of spraying
f. Steps
Select and determine the sample area.
Fill the tank with a measured volume of water.
Spray at normal speed and constant height until the
spray is empty.
If the area is not complete, fill the tank again and
complete the area.
g. Formula
Spray volume (SV) = initial water volume – final water
Area of test site
Units are litres/ m2
final to get the quantity of spray mixture needed to
spray an area;
quantity of spray mixture= SV x area of the field /
seedbed (m2)
h. Precautions taken when handling Farm Chemicals to
Minimize Pollution and Poisoning
All chemicals should be treated with care, weather they
are known to be poisonous or not. For safe and efficient
use, a number of points need to be observed.
i. Precautions before Application
Always wear protective clothing when working with
chemicals. The person working with dangerous
chemicals should wear rubber or plastic clothing or
overalls, rubber boots. Rubber gloves and face mask to
prevent breathing in fumes and to keep spray out of the
Always use the correct pesticide for the pest being
Read the labels carefully, especially the safety
precautions before use.
Always use the correct dosage, manufacture’s
instructions or expert advice should be followed. Too
small dose may result in poor control and too high a
dose may damage the crops.
Do not use persistent chemicals when there are effective
less persistent alternatives.
Avoid using pesticide if you have a cut or sore on the
ii. Precautions during Application
Always wear protective clothing when working with
dangerous chemicals.
Do not smell or taste any chemical and make sure that
you donot breath in any fumes or dust from chemicals.
Do not spray or dust in windy conditions because the
spray or dust will blow back on to other people or fields
where we do not want the chemical to fall.
Do not spray against the wind; otherwise the spray will
blow back on to you.
Never eat, drink, or smoke when handling chemicals
because some of the chemicals may get into your mouth.
iii. Precautions after Application
Never store dangerous or poisonous chemicals in any
thing other than their original containers.
Wear protective clothing when cleaning spray
equipment after use.
If chemicals are left over after spraying or dusting, they
must be returned to the safe lockable cup board.
Empty containers must not be burned because the
smoke could carry the poison to other places.
Do not throw empty containers in rivers or wells
because this will pollute the water. Burry the containers
deep in the ground, where the soil is dry, so that the
poison can not get in underground water.
After spraying wash your hands, arms, head, face and
feet with clean water and soap.
Allow the correct time to pass between spraying a crop
and harvesting for consumption.
i. Possible Environmental Hazards of Farm Chemicals
Interference with ecosystem – since farm chemicals are
toxic to most living organisms, they kill a lot of
unintended organisms leading to ecosystem imbalance
and loss of biodiversity.
Pollution –chemicals pollute underground water, air
and soil making it toxic to plants and organisms found
in it.
Death of useful organisms
Development of super pests – continuous use of
pesticides allows certain pests to develop resistance to
such chemicals and therefore become very difficult to
Development of super weeds – continuous use of
herbicides allows certainweeds to develop resistance to
such chemicals and therefore become very difficult to
Acidic rain – the farm chemicals cause pollution of air
which leads to formation of acidic rain.
Ornamentals are plants grown for decoration
Types of Ornamentals
There are four main types ornamentals based on how plants
are used. Some plants may fall into more than one group;
1. Bedding Plants
Are normal flowering plants that are planted in large
numbers, in plots to create a colorfuldisplay? Examples
include Petunia, Marigold, African daisy and
2. Potting Plants
Are ideal suited to being grown in containers. They may
be kept indoor or out. Examples include Ficus sp,
Monstera, Elephant ear, and Caladium sp.
3. Flowers for Cutting
These plants produce beautiful flowers that can last for
long time when cut and placed in water. Examples
include Roses, Orchid, Lilies, and Gladiolus.
4. Lawn
These are plants which can withstand heavy trampling
that are used decoratively to cover the ground. Most
lawns are made of grass but some other plants species
can also be used. Examples of plants used for lawn
include kikuyu, Cynodon dactylon, Buffalo grass,
Clover, Chamomile.
Special Equipment/Materials Used in Production of
1. Seed boxes
These are portable trays with many drainage holes at
the bottom.
They are usual made of plastic and are used to sow
Seeds which do not grow well when sown directly in situ
[in the ground] are scattered over a suitable medium in
The boxes are normal kept in a nurseryuntil seedling
emerge and require more space.
Watering must be done carefully to avoiding eroding
the soil in box or damaging immature seedlings and he
box should be well place to in sure that seedlings receive
the best possible environmental condition.
2. Pots
These come in a wide variety of size and materials.
Many ornamentals are put in pots for marketing
Smaller pots may be used to sow seeds and medium
sized ones are common used for asexual propagation of
Any type of plants may be grown in pots but only
potting will remain in the pots their whole lives.
Plants in pots require careful watering and fertilizing as
their roots are confined and they cannot for their own
nutrients or water when the soil in the pot is exhausted.
The size of the pot is determined by the size of the roots.
The pot must accommodate plants without wasting too
much space or constricting their growth.
3. Seed beds
These are careful made plots used for sowing seeds.
The seed bed must be perfectly level, moist and weed
free, with affine tilth.
Seed beds may be made in the nursery and the seedling
later transplanted, or it may be constructed directly
were plants are intended to remain.
Importance of Cleanliness of Equipment
Cleanliness is vital to disease prevention.
Seed boxes, pots, digging tools, cutting tools and soil
should be clean to avoid the transfer of diseases.
Containers and tools can be disinfected before use and
soil can be sterilized in an oven for 30 minutes at 900C.
This will kill all living organisms without destroying the
organic matter.
a. Preparations of the Soil Mixes
Mix moist loan, river sand and leaf mould in a 3:2:1
The loam is cheap and fertile, the river sand is also
cheap and improves aeration and drainage while the
leaf mould improves water holding capacity and adds
This mixture should be sterilized before use and is
suitable for plants in seed boxes, trays or pots.
b. Timing of Planting
Petunias take about 13 weeks to grow and start
producing flowers.
The best time to sell the petunias is in spring or
summer(Oct-Feb)when the rains begin and many
people are eager to improve their gardens.
Therefore the best time to plant petunias is in Jul-Nov.
Smaller quantities of petunias can be sown in the other
months of year as they may be purchased year round
but the highest demand will be in spring-summer so the
greatest number should be sown in Jul-Nov, to obtain
the greatest profits.
c. Sowing of Petunias
Clean and disinfect the seed box.
Fill with a moist loam, river sand, and leaf mould
mixture in 3:2:1 ratio.
Presssoil firmly in seed box to level and remove air
Scatter seeds on the soil surface as evenly as possible.
Press seeds into soil gently-do not bury or cover seeds as
they are very small.
Sprinkle with water.
Coverseed box withglass orclear plastic to reduce
evaporation,increase humidity and help maintain
asuitable temperature for germination.
Irrigate when necessary do not allow soil to dry out.
Remove coveringafter emergence has occurred to allow
seedling access to light and air.
d. Pricking Out of Seedlings
When seedlings have developed two true leaves they must be
transferred from seed box to a different container to
improve spacing. This is called pricking out:
a. Importance of Lawns
Provide an area to play, rest and relay.
Provide greenery throughout the year.
Reduces soil erosion, mud and dust.
Reduces noise.
Having cooling effect on the environment.
Softens harsh architectural lines.
Increase the property value.
b. Propagation of Lawns
i. Land Preparation
Lawn is expected to remain several years and once
planted the soil cannot be redug, hence the importance
of careful soil preparation before sowing.
- Clear the area – remove stumps, stones and weeds.
- Level the area to a slight slope which will prevent
water from standing on the lawn during heavy
- Dig the soil at least 25 cm deep with a spade.
- Incorporate organic matter into the soil (poultry
manure 3kg/m2).
- Irrigate to dissolve fertilizer and stimulate weed
- Leave fallow for 6 weeks for weeds to grow.
- Dig again to destroy weeds.
- Firm the soil to remove any air pockets.
- Rake the soil to remove any bumps or depressions
and to create a fine tilth.
Disadvantages of Stone
Cold to touch
May be difficult and expensive to acquire if not
locally available.
Hard and may harm a child that falls on it.
iii. Concrete: may be used for paths, walls, flower beds,
ponds and benches.
Advantages of Concrete
Easily shaped or molded for different purposes.
Very durable
May be used to hold water in a pond or water feature.
Disadvantages of Concrete
Does not blend well with other natural features in the
landscape as it has an unnatural grey colour and
May be expensive
iv. Bricks: may be used for paths, benches, flower beds and
Advantages of Bricks
Easy to build with because of regular shape
Very durable
They come in many colours and textures which may
be used to enhance the beauty of the landscape.
Disadvantages of Bricks
Cold to touch
Hard and may harm a child that falls on it.
v. Water: is considered an important landscaping material
when used for fountains and ponds.
Advantages of Water
Cools the environment
The sound of moving water has calming effect on
Attracts wild life such as birds and butterflies.
Allows the inclusive of water growing plants and fish
in the landscape design.
Disadvantages of Water
May be a drowning hazard to small children.
May be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
e. Landscape Design
Environmental Impact of Landscape Design
Positive Environmental Impacts of Landscaping
Attracts wild life
Controls erosion, dust and mud.
Increases plant life in the area.
Adds oxygen to the atmosphere.
Adds water to the atmosphere aiding the water cycle.
Cools the environment
Negative Environmental Impacts of Landscaping
May lead to extinction of some indigenous plant and
animal life if natural vegetation is removed
May lead to depletion of water reserves due to
increased need for irrigation.
May contribute to pollution through increased use of
fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.
May reduce infiltration of water to ground reserves
due to construction of pavements.
There are many different types of designs followed by
landscapers but basically the design is determined by the
function of the area.
Playground Design:
The aim of this design is to provide a safe and enjoyable
area for children to play and adults to sit comfortably
while they supervise the children.
Feeding practices
Broilers are usually fed ad libtum (ad. lib); this means
that they are given feed as much as they want. Therefore
feed should always be available all the time.
Frequency of feeding: feed should be given twice a day.
Cleaning- troughs should be positioned such that
droppings or litter cannot contaminate the feed or water.
Feeding and drinking troughs should be cleaned. Clean
water should be provided to the chicks all the time.
Maintenance ration: the quantity of feed that is required
by an animal to keep it alive without gaining or losing
Production ration: the quantity of feed that is provided to
the maintenance ration to make an animal produce more
of a particular product e.g. milk, eggs, e.t.c.
The reproductive system of cattle
Reproduction in mammals is a process by which the male
and female reproductive cells (gametes) fuse together to
make a zygote. Both males and females produce gametes
when they are sexually mature. Age of sexual maturity
depends on the feeding of the young animal and the type
of animal. Cattle usually reach puberty between 9-20
Reproductive system of a bull
Functions of the parts
1. Testis
The two testicles hang in a muscular sac called the
scrotum between the hind legs.
The main functions of the testis are; produces sperms
and produces male sex hormone(testosterone)
2. Epididymis
Stores sperms and they complete their maturation
3. Vas deferens (sperm duct)
From the epididymis the sperm pass into the vas
deferens which is connected to the urethra near the
seminal vesicles.
The sperm duct transport sperm not the semen from
epididymis to the urethra which leads to the penis.
4. Seminal vesicles
This include two glands the Prostrate gland and the
Cowper’s gland which together produce the seminal
fluid or the liquid in which the sperm swim.
The seminal fluid is alkaline to neutralize the acidity of
the urethra which would otherwise kill the sperm.
Semen is a mixture of the sperm and seminal fluid.
5. Penis
Introduces sperms into the vagina during mating.
6. Urethra
Conducts semen to the penis
When not mating conducts the urine
7. Sheath
Covers and protects the penis
8. Scrotum
Encloses the testes to provide suitable temperature for
Reproductive system of a cow
Function of the parts
1. Ovary
Produce female gametes(ova)
Produce female hormones(ostrogen, progesterone)
Comprises of multiple graffian follicles and each follicle
contains an immature egg.
2. Fallopian tube/ oviduct
Where fertilization takes place.
Receive the ova from the ovary.
3. Uterus
Site of the implantation of the embryo.
Contains the embryo during gestation period until
Protects and nourishes the embryo.
4. Cervix
It is the narrow neck of the uterus.
Seals the uterus during pregnancy.
Widens to allow birth.
5. Vagina
Receives penis during mating
It is a birth canal
Where sperms are deposited during mating.
6. Vulva
Fold of skin that prevents and covers the entrance of the
vagina it prevents foreign matter from entering the
reproductive tract.
This is the period between end of one heat period and
the beginning of the next.
In cows it takes 21 days.
During this cycle the cow comes on heat and an ovum is
released from an ovary.
The cow becomes receptive to the male only when it is
on heat.
Duration of heat in cows is 19hours and ovulation
occurs 10 hours after the end of the oestrus (heat) and
that is the best time for breeding.
Signs of heat
The cow stands when mounted by other animals.
The cow bellows or become restless.
Reduction in milk production for the lactating mothers.
Swollen or slightly inflamed and wet vulva.
Clear mucus discharge from vulva.
The cow may try to mount other cows herself.
Loss of appetite for food.
Frequent urination.
It is the rupture (bursting) of the graffian follicle
leading to the release of the ova into the oviduct through
the infundiulum.
It is stimulated by luteinizing hormone (LH).
The ruptured follicle then develops into a yellow body
or corpus luteum which produces the hormone
Progesterone stops heat in a cow and maintains
pregnancy in case fertilization has taken place.
When fertilization does not occur the corpus luteum
If the ovum is available in the oviduct and sperms are
deposited into the vagina one of the sperms penetrates
into the ovum to form a zygote.
The fusion of the sperm and the ovum is called
The zygote undergoes several cell division and keeps on
moving towards the uterus for implantation.
After fertilization the embryo gets enclosed by an
amnion membrane.
The membrane contains amniotic fluid which protects
the foetus from mechanical damage/shock.
This is the time when young animal is growing inside
the mother’s uterus.
The length of time it stays inside the mother is called
gestation period.
At the end of this period the uterus begins to contract
and the young one is born. The gestation period of a
cow is between 280- 285 days/ 9 months.
These are chemical substances produced in certain
areas of the body which cause changes to occur in other
areas of the body. They are transported through the
4. Isthmus
Shell membranes are deposited around the albumen.
The egg stays in here for 11/4 hours before proceeding to
the shell gland.
5. Shell gland (uterus)
The calcium sell is deposited over the egg membrane,
The egg stays here for 18-20 hours before it passes on.
6. Vagina
Egg passes very fast through the the vagina.
It receives sperms during mating and pass them on to
the infundibulum.
7. Cloaca
Once the egg is here it is ready for laying.
It is laid under the influence of the hormone called
oxytocin, only when there is light.
The oxytocin activates the muscles of the cloaca to
contract and pass the egg out of the body.
8. Vent
Exit for eggs
Exit for digestive system.
Site of sperm entrance.
NB: once the egg is laid the next follicle ruptures in 30
minutes. If there isn’t enough light to influence the
production of the oxytocin, the egg will remain in the body of
the bird until there is adequate light.
Reproductive system of a cock
This is a process where food is broken down into small
particles in order to make absorption into the blood
stream possible.
The digestive process takes place in three ways:
By physical or mechanical means (mechanical
digestion) this is the digestion of food by the use of
muscles contraction, teeth, chewing e.t.c.
By the action of micro-organisms (microbial
By the action of enzymes (enzymatic digestion)
1. Mouth
The food is ground into a pulp by the teeth and mixed
with saliva.
The saliva is produced by the salivary glands and it
contains the enzyme ptyalin.
The enzyme acts on starch converting it to simple
sugars – maltose
2. Stomach
The food is churned (broken down) by the squeezing
action of the muscular walls of the stomach and gastric
juice is added to it.
The gastric juice is produced by the gastric glands in
the walls of the stomach and contains mucus,
hydrochloric acid, rennin and pepsin.
The HCL acid provides an acid environment which
prevents further action of the ptyalin from the saliva.
Pepsin breaks down proteins into peptides.
Rennin is responsible for the breaking down of milk
3. Small intestines
Consists of the duodenum and ileum.
Pancreatic juice from the pancreas releases the
following enzymes to digest food:
Amylase: breaks starch into maltose
Trypsin: breaks down proteins into peptides
o Lipase: breaks down fats into fatty acid and
Bile from the liver contains salts that emulsify fats (makes
the soluble) so that fat splitting enzyme lipase can break
them down better. The bile also neutralizes the acidity of the
food coming from the stomach.
The intestinal juice is produced by the glands of the
small intestines. It contains four important
Peptidase: converts peptides into amino acids
Sucrose: acts upon sucrose and changesit into
Maltase: changes maltose into glucose
Lactase: converts lactose into glucose and
The ileum is also the main site of absorption. It contains
finger like structures (villi) which increase the surface area
for absorption of food. Here, glucose, inorganic salts and
amino acids are absorbed into the blood stream. Amino acid
are the end products of proteins.
4. Large intestine
Consists of caecum, colon and rectum.
It absorbs water from the chyme.
5. Caecum
Microbial digestion takes place here with the help of
bacteria that form a symbiotic relationship with non
ruminant host.
The bacteria break down cellulose and produces
vitamins which will be absorbed immediately upon
entering the colon.
6. Colon
Water is absorbed from the waste material.
7. Rectum
The waste materials are stored here before they are
removed from the body.
8. Anus
The opening through which waste materials are
8. Large intestines
It is divided into three parts:
o This lies at the junction of the small and large
o It contains a lot of bacteria which break down
any cellulose (microbial digestion) which has
not been previously digested.
o It is a wide coiled tube which absorbs large
amounts of water from the waste into the
o It is shorter than the ileum.
o It is a short tube at the end of the colon where
waste materials are stored before removal
from the body.
o It is closed by muscular sphincters which
keeps the waste inside until removed.
o An opening through which the waste materials
are expelled.
Summary of the digestive enzymes
Part Juice Enzyme Function
Mouth none Ptyalin Starch -------- maltose
(only in
Stomac Gastric Pepsin Proteins -------
h juice peptides
um) Coagulates milk protein
An animal is healthy when its movement, appearance,
feeding, body temperature and excreta are normal i.e.
similar to the other animals in the herd or breed. Any
deviation from normal suggests that the animal is sick.
Characteristics of healthy animals
Appearance: normal posture both standing and laying
Behaviour: upright, alert and responsive to touch.
Good appetite
Defaecation: excreta should be normal i.e should
neither be too hard nor too watery.
Skin coat: glossy or shiny in bright light, streamlined
and very clean and show complete cover without
Head held upright
Eyes are clear and bright
Pulse rate and respiration rate: should be normal
Temperature range for cattle should be between 38.5 –
39.50c and for chicken should be between 40.5 – 43.0 0c.
Classification of animal diseases basing on causative agent
and host animal affected
Disease Causative agent Host(s) animal
Tuberculosis Bacteria Poultry, cattle, sheep,
Mastitis Bacteria Dairy animals e.g.
Botulism Bacteria Cattle, sheep, goats
Contagious Bacteria Cattle, sheep, goats,
abortion donkey
Anthrax Bacteria Cattle
Fowl typhoid Bacteria Poultry e.g. chicken
Importance of ostrich farming
Kept for meat and eggs
Its feathers and eggs shells are used for decoration.
The skin is used for making shoes, belts and jacket.
Natural vegetation
Physical vegetation; includes soil, pans, water etc
Biotic vegetation; includes plants & animals
no of livestock per LSU LSU per given no of
6 goats/ sheep I LSU
Suckling calves 0 LSU
1 donkey/cow/horse 1LSU
1bull 1.5 LSU
6. Overstocking
When the stocking rate exceeds the carrying capacity
OR when there are more LSU’s than the
range/pasture can support.
For ha/LSU it is when the SR is less than the CC.
Summary for this: LSU/ha--SR>CC
7. Under stocking
This is when the stocking rate is lower than the
carrying capacity. OR when there are fewer LSU
than the range/pasture can support.
For ha/LSU the SR exceed the CC.
Summary for this: LSU/ha-- SR<CC
8. Overgrazing
When the grass is grazed to such an extent that it
cannot re-grow and it dies.
This is usually a result of overstocking.
This may result in soil erosion, low quality
production and increase in number of poisonous
9. Under grazing
The grass is fully grazed and is allowed to grow old
and become un-nutritious.
It is usually the less palatable grasses that are
undergrazed. These then prevent the re-growth of
the more desirable grasses resulting in poor
If SR = CCthe area is balance.
= No of LSU
Area grazed
Carrying capacity =usable forage
Quantity demanded
Usable forage = forage that can safely be grazed
= forage produced *% of allowable usage
(50%)* Area
Quantity demanded = weight of LSU (500kg) * daily dry
matter intake * no of days in a year (365days).
2. Hay making
Hay refers to fodder which has been cut, partially dried
to be used as stock feed.
It is preserved through drying.
Steps for making hay
The fodder crop is cut when green and fresh before it
Cut the crop at flowering (beginning of flowering) stage
during sunshine.
Dry the cut material in the sun or by artificial heating
to reduce moisture content to up to at least 20%.
It is left to dry for a day or two in the sun.
It is turned so that it dries evenly and when it is dry to
touch it is then ready for collection into bundles or
These bales or bundles of hay must be stored in a cool
dry place in shelter or under the shed out of the sun.
If the hay has not dried correctly (when too wet) it will
rot or be unpalatable and less nutritious.
If made well and stored well it remains good, nutritious
feed for livestock for up to 5 years.
As it is dry water must always be made available when
feeding hay.
3. Silage making
Silage is a succulent stock feed produced through the
process of fermentation of green & fresh fodder.
Fermentation: involves anaerobic respiration (i.e., without
NB; Good silage is usually yellowish-brown & have a
sweetish smell
Characteristics or conditions suitable for silage making
They should be young & succulent (moisture content of
Contain enough fermentable carbohydrates
Highly nutritious
Easy to compact to exclude/ remove oxygen
c. Persistence
It is a perennial grass.
Store food in the ground stem and produces new tillers
It is easily adapted to other soils and climatic condition.
Withstands grazing pressure.
d. Fertilizer treatment
Well rotten manure at rate of 30-40 ton/ha is added to
soil 2 months before sowing.
Double superphosphate of 200-300kg/ha is added before
planting, this can be added at a rate of 150kg/ha every
second year after the cut hay is harvested.
If organic manure is not available adds NPK 2:3:2 as
top dressing at the rate of 250kg/ha.
f. Nutritive value
It is very palatable
It is high in roughage and carbohydrate.
c. Persistence
It is a perennial plant that withstands drought but not
d. Fertilizer treatment
Basal dress with Single Super-phosphate at a rate of
250- 400kg/ha to increase phosphorous content level in
the soil 2 months before sowing.
Well rotten manure should be added to the soil at a rate
of 10-20 tons/ha 3 months before planting.
If manure is not available top dress after 3 weeks of
germination with ammonium sulphate.
If the soil is acidic it should be limed at 1 on/ha.
Top dress with 2:3:4 fertilizer at the rate of 100kg/ha
after every cut.
a) Genetics: it is the study of mechanisms by which
characters (traits) of a parent are handed to offspring.
OR study of heredity and variation.
b) Chromosomes: these are fine, coiled, thread like
structures found in the nucleus of the cell which consists
of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) OR can be described as
slender, thread like strands that contain units of
inheritance (genes). Chromosomes appear in pairs.
Each chromosome is made up of two parallel strands
called chromatids.
cattle = 30 pairs
Sheep = 27 pairs
Pigs = 19 pairs
Chickens = 39 pairs
Garden pea = 14 pairs
Human = 23 pairs
It refers to the difference in characteristics shown by the
organisms belonging to the same species. The difference in
phenotype may be due to the following factors;
1. Genotype/ genetic make-up
Variation due to genetic make-up can cause
differences in size, coat colour, eye colour etc.
Occur as a result new gene combination which
occurs during sexual reproduction.
Can also occur as result of mutations. Mutation is
unpredictable. It is a sudden change which occurs
as a result of a change in gene or chromosome; it
occurs in both somatic and germ cells and only
those in germ cells are heritable. Mutations can be
induced by mutagens, e.g. X rays, UV light, certain
chemicals, radiation.
Random assortment of chromosomes during
2. Environment
Some of the traits are determined by the environment under
which an organism grows.
Example: Maize plants provided with all necessities
for plant growth will grow faster than those lacking
one or more of such plant necessities. Other factors
- Level of feeding
- Diseases and pest control
- Climate (rainfall, temperature, light).
Traits often affected are level of production, weight, height,
and behaviour.
Importance of breeding
The major importance of breeding is to produce
organisms that have;
- high yield of products such as meat, milk, fruits, forage
mass, wool & eggs
- develop resistance against certain pests & diseases
- develop new breeds & cultivars
- increased yield per given area or animal
- develop resistance against drought, cold & adverse
climatic conditions
1. Crossbreeding
It is a method of breeding that involves mating individuals
of two or more different breeds. The offspring produced
in crossbreeding is called a crossbred. E.g. Tuli bull and
Tswana cow and Cherry tomatoes and Money maker.
2. Hybridization (crossbreeding in plants)
It involves two or more different/distinct parent lines or
cultivars to produce hybrids with new & superior
combination of traits.
In plants it involves transferring pollen grains from anther
to stigma of another plant of the same species (cross-
pollination). This is achieved by covering some plant parts to
avoid self-pollination.
NB: Hybridization is NOT applicable to plants propagated
only by asexual means.
- selection usually follows hybridization to isolate the
superior combinations & discard undesirable plants
- When desirable traits are fully developed in a hybrid &
can be propagated vegetatively, then no further
selection is necessary.
Hybrid vigor/Heterosis: Is a situation where the crossbred
shows to be better than both of its parents
Hybrid vigour can be maintained by vegetative reproduction
or cloning.
Example; One variety of tomato produces large fruits but
has poor resistance to diseases. Another variety has
resistance to diseases but produces small fruits. If these two
varieties are cross pollinated we may be able to produce a
generation with large fruits and good resistance.
Large fruit; HH Small
fruit; hh
Resistant; RR Non resistance; rr
Disadvantages of inbreeding
- certain undesirable traits may become established in
plants or the herd
- it often gives rice to deformed animals
- skills required to do it
- inbreeding depression occurs ( noticed as a reduction in
the quality of the character/trait, e.g. lower milk yield,
lower fruit yield)
F4 (4th generation)
93.75% Tuli
Advantages of upgrading
- it results in hybrid vigour
- no danger for unwanted characteristics
- with upgrading offspring are well adapted to the local
- the breeder does not need any specialized knowledge
and skills to do it.
- can be done easily by AI
- cheap to buy bulls rather than buying a whole new herd
- Improved quality of offspring.
Disadvantage of upgrading
- it is difficult to get good quality bulls
- it is a slow method of improving the herd
- it is expensive to buy different breeds of bulls
- if AI is not available, the farmer must own or hire a
purebred bull of a given breed
5. Selection:
This is the process of making choices for parents of the next
generation to achieve desirable combinations of traits. This
method is used by breeders to make a long-term genetic
change in plants & animals.
Selection can be either natural or artificial
a) Natural selection: It is the nature which chooses animals
to become the parents of the next generation, e.g., weak
animals will die because of diseases, drought
b) Artificial selection: It is a deliberate choice by man to
determine the parents of the next generation. Those that
are not needed are culled ( killing or selling)
Methods of selection
a) Mass selection; which is based solely on individual
b) Pedigree selection; focuses on the quality of the
ancestors rather than quality of the individual itself
c) Family selection; based on the qualities of collateral
relatives, such as full- or half- siblings, is somewhat
d) Progeny selection; involves selecting individuals based
on the records of their progeny.
e) Pure-line selection involves continued inbreeding and
selection for one or several desirable traits to produce a
genetically homogenous (homozygous) population.
It is the application of biological organisms, systems or
processes to manufacturing & service industries
Genetic engineering
This is the technique used to alter or remove genetic
material from one organism to the other such that the
transferred individual traits have new traits that enhance
DNA of organisms is modified using recombinant DNA
technology & new genes with new characteristics are
NB: Plants & animals produced by genetic engineering are
called transgenic
Types of biotechnology
1). Traditional biotechnology
2). Modern biotechnology
Traditional biotechnology
It refers to the olden, well established & widely used
biotechnologies that operate at the level of the entire animal,
plant or microorganisms & at the level of individual cells or
larger organisms. OR activities that farmers practice
culturally which involve biotechnology but are done in the
absence of scientific understanding.
Examples of traditional biotechnology are;
- Conventional animal & plant breeding
- Artificial insemination
- Artificial vegetative propagation
- Production of conventional vaccines
- Making sour milk (madila) microbes alter the structure
of the milk.
- Composting (bacteria breaking down the organic
- Brewing of beer and wine (micro-organisms ferment the
sorghum, grapes etc.
- Making silage (micro-organisms ferment grass)
Modern Biotechnology
These are biotechnologies that operate at molecular the level
where individual genes for specific traits are transferred into
target organisms. It involves the use of new technologies;
particularly those based on the use of recombinant DNA
technology, monoclonal antibodies & advanced cell tissue
culture techniques.
Examples of modern biotechnology are;
- Engineered crops that are more disease and pest
- Engineered crops that are more tolerant of herbicides.
- RDNA vaccine production
- Transgenic plants for production of products of
improved nutritional value
- Modified bacteria that are used in ruminants for
improved digestion.
- Modified bacteria used to digest toxic chemicals and
- Transgenic animals
Disadvantages of biotechnology
Risk of causing harm to non target organisms.
Risk of creating super weeds.
Loss of biodiversity
Widening economic gap.
Skilled personnel
Long time of research and development
Sensitive to environmental changes