Vikran FICO KDS V3

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Key Data Structure

Document Information

Document Name Key Data Structure

Document Location Thane
Project Name EVOLVE- VIKRAN Engineering S/4 HANA Implementation Project
Client Name VIKRAN Engineering
Prepared By Yogesh Singh / Nilesh Mistry
Prepared On 16.10.2020

Version History

Version Revision Process
Document Name Reviewed By Change control
Date Owner
1.0 VIKRAN_KDS_FICO_V01 Yogesh Singh

Document Approval

Name Responsibility Signature Date

Highbar Technocrats
Mr. Yogesh Singh
Mr. Nilesh Mistry

Project Manager Mr. Shrikant Patil


Core Team Member Mr. Jayesh Chellani

Core Team Member Mr. Amit Sharma

Business Process Owner Mr. Atish Maheshwari

Business Process Owner Mr. Rajesh Bhardwaj

Mr. Abhishek Aserkar

Project Manager

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Key Data Structure

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1. PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT..............................................................................................................................3

1.2. INTENDED AUDIENCE........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. RELATED DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................................................3

2. KEY DATA STRUCTURE- ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENTS.............................................................................3

2.1. COMPANY CODE.................................................................................................................................................3

2.2. COMPANY...........................................................................................................................................................3
2.3. CONTROLLING AREA...........................................................................................................................................3
2.4. SEGMENT........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5. PROFIT CENTER GROUP.......................................................................................................................................4
2.6. PROFIT CENTER..................................................................................................................................................4
2.7. PRIMARY COST ELEMENT.....................................................................................................................................4
2.8. COST CENTER GROUP.........................................................................................................................................4
2.9. COST CENTER....................................................................................................................................................4

3. KEY DATA STRUCTURE- CONFIGURATION ELEMENTS...............................................................................5

3.1. COMPANY CODE..................................................................................................................................................5

3.2. CONTROLLING AREA...........................................................................................................................................5
3.3. SEGMENT........................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4. FISCAL YEAR VARIANT........................................................................................................................................5
3.5. POSTING PERIOD VARIANT...................................................................................................................................5
3.6. GL ACCOUNT GROUP.........................................................................................................................................6
3.7. FIELD STATUS VARIANTS...................................................................................................................................11
3.8. DOCUMENT TYPE..............................................................................................................................................11
3.9. POSTING KEY...................................................................................................................................................13
3.10. VENDOR ACCOUNT GROUP............................................................................................................................15
3.11. PAYMENT TERM............................................................................................................................................16
3.12. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT GROUP........................................................................................................................20
3.13. ASSET CLASS................................................................................................................................................20
3.14. DEPRECIATION KEY AS PER IFRS...................................................................................................................21
3.15. WITHHOLDING TAX CODE.............................................................................................................................22
3.16. CONTROLLING AREA.....................................................................................................................................23
3.17. STANDARD HIERARCHY..................................................................................................................................23
3.18. PROFIT CENTER GROUP................................................................................................................................23
3.19. PROFIT CENTER...........................................................................................................................................24
3.20. COST CENTERS.............................................................................................................................................24
3.21. PRIMARY COST ELEMENT...............................................................................................................................25
3.22. SECONDARY COST ELEMENT..........................................................................................................................25
3.23. INTERNAL ORDER TYPE.................................................................................................................................25

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1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of this document
This document describes all Key Data Structures for FICO and control necessary for
configuring various business processes defined in business process document (BPD) and
making them operational with requisite controls and business rules.

This document is serving as the reference document for system settings and
configuration realization.

1.2. Intended audience

This document is for internal recording purpose. It is used to communicate to all team
members the value list of Key Data Structure (KDS) for FICO. It is the responsibility of
all core team members to read the document and seek the clarification from the
respective process owners, if they have any queries.

1.3. Related documents

This document should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
1. Business Process Documents for FICO

2. Key Data Structure- Organizational elements

2.1. Company Code

It is an organizational unit which represents independent legal entity. The

company code is the central organizational unit of external accounting within the SAP
System. You must define at least one company code before implementing the Financial
Accounting component. The business transactions relevant for Financial Accounting are
entered, saved, and evaluated at company code level.

2.2. Company
A company is an organizational unit in Accounting which represents a business
organization according to the requirements of commercial law in a particular country.
In the SAP system, consolidation functions in financial accounting are based on
companies. A company can comprise one or more company codes.

2.3. Controlling Area

The controlling area is the central organizational unit of the SAP Controlling (CO)
component. Controlling area is used to carry out cost accounting. It is the highest level
of consolidation for cost reporting purpose.

2.4. Segment
Division of a company for which you can create financial statements for external
reporting. The following segments are considered for Implementation

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2.5. Profit center group

Profit Centre Group is the Grouping of profit center. Considering the present business
scenario, Profit center Groups are proposed.

2.6. Profit Center

Profit Centre is the organizational unit used for reporting profit and loss of a defined
area of responsibility within the organization (e.g. Regions). Profit Center accounting at
the profit center level is based on costs and revenues. These are assigned statistically
by multiple parallel updating to all logistical activities & other allocations of relevance
for a profit center.

2.7. Primary Cost Element

Primary Cost elements which are created for booking primary expenses and sales
revenues will be created and treated as primary cost elements.

2.8. Cost Center Group

You can collect cost centers according to various criteria into groups. This enables you
to use cost centers to depict the structure of the organization in the SAP System.

A ‘Cost Centre Group’ in SAP is hierarchical group of cost centers, defined and
organized according to selected criteria. For 1000 standard hierarchy name would be

Alpha-Numeric code will be created for cost center. Cost Centre Group code will be a
4-digit code.

2.9. Cost Center

Cost Center Accounting enables one to check the cost of individual functional areas and
provides decision-making data for management. This requires that all costs be assigned
according to their source. Cost Center Accounting allows the analysis of overhead costs
according to where they were incurred within the organization.

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3. Key Data Structure- Configuration elements

3.1. Company code

Company Code Company Code Description

1000 Company code for VIKRAN

3.2. Controlling Area

Controlling Area Controlling Area Description

1000 Controlling Area for VIKRAN

3.3. Segment

Segment Segment Name

1000 Head Office
1100 RO
2000 PD
4000 EHV
6000 Trading
7000 To be decided

3.4. Fiscal Year Variant

Fiscal year Variant Company Code Period

V3 1000 Fiscal Year Variant – Apr to Mar.

3.5. Posting Period Variant

Variant Description
1000 Posting Period Variant- VIKRAN

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3.6. GL Account Group

COA Group Meaning To G/L
Non-Current Assets
1000 1110 Tangible Assets
Land 111001 1110019999
Building 111002 1110029999
Plant and Equipment 111003 1110039999
Furniture and Fixture 111004 1110049999
Electrical Equipment 111005 1110059999
Vehicle 111006 1110069999
Office Equipment 111007 1110079999
Computer and Printer 111008 1110089999
Tools and Tackles 111009 1110099999
1000 1120 Intangible Assets
Computer Software 112002 1120029999
1000 1130 Accumulated Depreciation
Amortisation on Leasehold Land 113001 1130019999
Acc. Dep. On Building 113002 1130029999
Acc. Dep. On Plant and Equipment 113003 1130039999
Acc. Dep. On Furniture and Fixture 113004 1130049999
Acc. Dep. On Electrical Equipment 113005 1130059999
Acc. Dep. On Vehicle 113006 1130069999
Acc. Dep. On Office Equipment 113007 1130079999
Acc. Dep. On Computer and Printer 113008 1130089999
Acc. Dep. On Tools and Tackles 113009 1130099999
Acc. Dep. On Software 113010 1130109999
1000 1140 Capital Work-in-Progress 114001 1140019999
1000 1150 Intangible Assets under Development 115001 1150019999
Non-Current Investment
1000 1210 Long-Term Investment Property 121001 1210019999
1000 1220 Long-Term Investment Securities
Long-Term Investment in Mutual Funds 122005 1220059999
1000 1230 Long-Term Investment Others 123001 1230019999
Deferred Tax assets
1000 1310 Deferred Tax assets 131001 1310019999
Long-term Loans and Advances
1000 1410 Long-Term Loans and Advances
Long-Term Capital Advances 141001 1410019999
Long-Term Deposits 141002 1410029999
Long-term Loans and Advances to Related Parties 141003 1410039999
Long-term Prepaid Expenses 141004 1410049999
Other Non current Assets
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1000 1460 Other Non current Assets

Long-term Trade Receivable 146001 1460019999
Long Term Unamortized Expenses 146002 1460029999
Current Assets
Short-Term Investment
1000 1510 Short-Term Investment Securities
Short-Term Investment in Mutual Funds 151005 1510059999
1000 1610 Inventories
Raw Materials 161001 1610019999
Finished Goods 161003 1610039999
Stock-in-Trade 161004 1610049999
Stores and Spares 161005 1610059999
Trade receivables
1000 1710 Trade receivables
Current Trade receivables 171001 1710019999
Current Trade receivables from Related Parties 171002 1710029999
Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts 171003 1710039999
Cash and Bank
1000 1810 Cash and Bank
Balances with Banks 181001 1810019999
Cash on Hand 181002 1810029999
Earmarked Fixed Deposit 181003 1810039999
Fixed Deposit 181004 1810049999
Short-Term Loans and Advances
1000 1910 Short-Term Loans and Advances
Short-Term Capital Advances 191001 1910019999
Short-Term Security Deposits 191002 1910029999
Short-Term Loans and Advances to Related Parties 191003 1910039999
Short-Term Prepaid Expenses 191004 1910049999
Short-Term Income Tax (A) 191005 1910059999
Short-Term Indirect Tax Credit Receivable 191006 1910069999
Short-Term Salary Advance to Employees 191007 1910079999
Short-Term Advance to Employees 191008 1910089999
Other Current Assets
1000 1960 Other current assets
Interest Accrued but not due 196001 1960019999
Contract Revenue in Excess of Billing 196002 1960029999
Other Current Receivables 196003 1960039999
Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders’ Funds
1000 2110 Shareholders’ Funds
Equity Share capital 211001 2110019999
Preference Share capital 211002 2110029999
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1000 2120 Reserve and Surplus

General Reserve 212001 2120019999
Capital Reserve 212002 2120029999
Capital Redemption Reserve 212003 2120039999
Securities Premium 212004 2120049999
Debenture Redemption Reserve 212005 2120059999
Revaluation Reserve 212006 2120069999
Share Options Outstanding Account 212007 2120079999
Surplus/(Loss) in Profit and Loss 212008 2120089999
1000 2130 Money received against share warrants 213001 2130019999
1000 2140 Share Application Money pending allotment 214001 2140019999
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-Term borrowings
1000 2210 Bonds/Debentures 221001 2210019999
1000 2220 Term Loans
Term Loans from Banks - Secured 222001 2220019999
Term Loans from Banks - Unsecured 222002 2220029999
Term Loans from Other Parties - Secured 222003 2220039999
Term Loans from Other Parties - Unsecured 222004 2220049999
1000 2230 Deferred Payment Liabilities 223001 2230019999
1000 2240 Long Term Deposits 224001 2240019999
Long Term Loans and advances from related
1000 2250 225001 2250019999
Other Long-Term Liabilities
1000 2310 Deferred Tax Liability 231001 2310019999
1000 2320 Long-Term Trade Payables 232001 2320019999
Long-Term Provisions
1000 2360 Long term Provision for Employee Benefits 236001 2360019999
Long term Provision for Others 236002 2360029999
1000 2410 Loans repayable on demand
Loans repayable on demand from Banks - Secured 241001 2410019999
Loans repayable on demand from Banks -
241002 2410029999
Loans repayable on demand from Other Parties -
241003 2410039999
Loans repayable on demand from Other Parties -
241004 2410049999
Short-Term Loans and advances from related
1000 2420 242001 2420019999
1000 2430 Short-Term Deposits 243001 2430019999
Trade Payables
1000 2510 Trade Payables
MSME Trade Payables 251001 2510019999
Non-MSME Trade Payables 251002 2510029999
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Sub-contract Payables 251003 2510039999

Capital Payables 251004 2510049999
Other Trade Payables 251005 2510059999
Clearing Accounts 251006 2510069999
Other Current Liabilities
1000 2610 Other Current Liabilities
Current maturities of long-term debt 261001 2610019999
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 261003 2610039999
Interest accrued and due on borrowings 261004 2610049999
Income received in advance 261005 2610059999
Unpaid dividends 261006 2610069999
Withholding Taxes 261007 2610079999
GST Payable 261008 2610089999
Profession Tax Payable 261009 2610099999
Provident and Other Fund Payable 261010 2610109999
Employee Remuneration Payable 261011 2610119999
Billing in Excess of Contract Revenue 261012 2610129999
Other Payable 261013 2610139999
Short-Term Provisions
1000 2710 Short-Term Provision for employee benefits 271001 2710019999
Short-Term Provision for Expenses 271002 2710029999
Short-Term Provision for MSME Interest 271003 2710039999
Short-Term Provision for Foreseeable loss on
271004 2710049999
Short-Term Provision for Income Tax 271005 2710059999
Short-Term Provision for Others 271006 2710069999
Revenue from operations
1000 3110 Revenue from operations
Sale of Products 311001 3110019999
Sale of Services 311002 3110029999
Other Operating Revenue 311003 3110039999
Other Income
1000 3210 Other Income
Interest Income 321001 3210019999
Dividend Income 321002 3210029999
Net gain/loss on sale of investments 321003 3210039999
Other non-operating income 321004 3210049999
Cost of materials consumed
1000 4110 Purchase 411001 4110019999
1000 4111 OFS Purchase 411101 4111019999
1000 4120 Cost of Material Consumed- RM 412001 4120019999
1000 4130 Cost of material Consumed- SSC 413001 4130019999
1000 4140 Cost of material Consumed- Trading 414001 4140019999
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1000 4150 Cost of material Consumed- Packing 415001 4150019999

1000 4160 Cost of material Consumed- Scrap 416001 4160019999
1000 4170 Change in inventories- SFG 417001 4170019999
1000 4180 Change in inventories- FG 418001 4180019999
1000 4190 Direct Expenses 419001 4190019999
Employee Benefits Expense
1000 4210 Employee Benefits Expenses
Employee Remuneration 421001 4210019999
Related Party Remuneration 421002 4210029999
Contribution to Provident and Other Funds 421003 4210039999
Statutory Emoluments 421004 4210049999
Other Employee benefits related expense 421005 4210059999
Finance Costs
1000 4310 Finance Expenses
Interest on Bank Borrowings 431001 4310019999
Interest to Others 431002 4310029999
Other Borrowing Cost 431003 4310039999
Share of Profit to Joint Venture 431004 4310049999
Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Currency Translation 431005 4310059999
Depreciation and amortization expense
1000 4410 Depreciation and amortization expense 441001 4410019999
Other expenses
1000 4510 Other expenses
Electricity Expenses 451001 4510019999
Rent 451002 4510029999
Repairs and Maintenance 451003 4510039999
Insurance 451004 4510049999
Rates and taxes 451005 4510059999
Bank Charges, Guarantee Commission and Others 451006 4510069999
Audit Fees 451007 4510079999
CSR Expenses 451008 4510089999
1000 4520 Other Administrative expenses
Telephone and Internet Expenses 452001 4520019999
Travelling Expenses 452002 4520029999
Printing and Stationery 452003 4520039999
Transport Hire Charges 452004 4520049999
Vehicle Hire Charges 452005 4520059999
Plant and Machinery Hire Charges 452006 4520069999
Fuel and Diesel Expenses 452007 4520079999
Loading, Unloading Expenses 452008 4520089999
Balance Write off (Net) 452009 4520099999
Legal and Professional Fees 452010 4520109999
Loss on sale/Scrap of Fixed Asset 452011 4520119999
Loss Due to Theft / Natural Calamities 452012 4520129999
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Postage and Courier 452013 4520139999

Security Charges 452014 4520149999
Donation 452015 4520159999
Site Expenses 452016 4520169999
General Expenses 452017 4520179999
1000 4530 Other Sale related expenses
Advertisement 453001 4530019999
Commission/Brokerage Charges 453002 4530029999
Damage and Compensation Cost 453003 4530039999
Provision for foreseeable loss on contract 453004 4530049999
Tendering Expenses 453005 4530059999
Warranty Expenses 453006 4530069999
Service Charges 453007 4530079999
Business Promotion 453008 4530089999
Exceptional items
1000 4540 Prior Period Expenses 454001 4540019999
Extraordinary items
1000 4550 Extraordinary items 455001 4550019999
Tax Expense
1000 4610 Current Tax 461001 4610019999
1000 4620 Deferred Tax 462001 4620019999
Other Ledgers
1000 9000 Legacy GL Accounts 900001 9000019999
1000 9100 Noted GL 910001 9100019999
1000 9200 Secondary Cost Element-PS 920001 9200019999
Kindly Refer GL account Number Ranges as per Annexure.

3.7. Field Status Variants

Field Status Company

Field Status Variants Name
Variants code
1000 1000 Field Status Variant – VIKRAN

3.8. Document Type

The below are the SAP Standard Document Types:

Type Fiscal Year Description From To
AA 2020 Asset Posting 11 1100000001 1199999999
AB 2020 Accounting Document 12 1200000001 1299999999
AF 2020 Depreciation Posting 13 1300000001 1399999999
AN 2020 Net Asset Posting 14 1400000001 1499999999
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DA 2020 Customer Document 15 1500000001 1599999999

DG 2020 Customer Credit Memo 16 1600000001 1699999999
DR 2020 Customer Invoice 17 1700000001 1799999999
DZ 2020 Customer Payment 18 1800000001 1899999999
RV 2020 Billing Doc. Transfer 19 1900000001 1999999999
KA 2020 Vendor Document 25 2500000001 2599999999
KG 2020 Vendor Credit Memo 26 2600000001 2699999999
KR 2020 Vendor Invoice 27 2700000001 2799999999
KZ 2020 Vendor Payment 28 2800000001 2899999999
rRE 2020 Invoice - Gross 29 2900000001 2999999999
KN 2020 Net Vendors 20 2000000001 2099999999
KP 2020 Account Maintenance 21 2100000001 2199999999
ZP 2020 Payment Posting 22 2200000001 2299999999
ZR 2020 Bank Reconciliation 23 2300000001 2399999999
ZS 2020 Payment by Check 24 2400000001 2499999999
ZV 2020 Payment Clearing 30 3000000001 3099999999
RA 2020 Sub.Cred.Memo Stlmt 31 3100000001 3199999999
RB 2020 Reserve for Bad Debt 32 3200000001 3299999999
RN 2020 Invoice - Net 33 3300000001 3399999999
RT 2020 Retention Money 34 3400000001 3499999999
SA 2020 G/L Account Document 35 3500000001 3599999999
SB 2020 G/L Account Posting 36 3600000001 3699999999
SK 2020 Cash Document 37 3700000001 3799999999
SU 2020 Adjustment Document 38 3800000001 3899999999
CH 2020 Contract Settlement 39 3900000001 3999999999
CO 2020 CO Posting 40 4000000001 4099999999
UE 2020 Data Transfer 41 4100000001 4199999999
WA 2020 Goods Issue 42 4200000001 4299999999
WE 2020 Goods Receipt 43 4300000001 4399999999
WI 2020 Inventory Document 44 4400000001 4499999999
WL 2020 Goods Issue/Delivery 45 4500000001 4599999999
WN 2020 Net Goods Receipt 46 4600000001 4699999999
WP 2020 Warranty Credit 47 4700000001 4799999999
WR 2020 Warranty Debit 48 4800000001 4899999999
EU 2020 Euro Rounding Diff. 49 4900000001 4999999999
EX 2020 External Number 51 5100000001 5199999999
M1 2020 MCA Journal 52 5200000001 5299999999
M2 2020 FX Swap 53 5300000001 5399999999
M3 2020 P&L Lock 54 5400000001 5499999999
M4 2020 P&L Close 55 5500000001 5599999999
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M5 2020 P&L Transformation 56 5600000001 5699999999

M6 2020 FX Valuation 57 5700000001 5799999999
M7 2020 MAR & Restatement 58 5800000001 5899999999
M9 2020 Reversal 60 6000000001 6099999999
MD 2020 Data Load 61 6100000001 6199999999
ML 2020 ML Settlement 62 6200000001 6299999999
PR 2020 Price Change 63 6300000001 6399999999
CP 2020 Cash Payment 64 6400000001 6499999999
CR 2020 Cash Received 65 6500000001 6599999999
XA 2020 AA Reversal Document XA 9200000001 9299999999
XD 2020 AR Reversal Document XD 9300000001 9399999999
XK 2020 AP Reversal Document XK 9400000001 9499999999
XS 2020 GL Reversal Document XS 9500000001 9599999999
XX 2020 UP Reversal Document XX 9600000001 9699999999
X1 2020 Recurring Entry X1 9700000001 9799999999
X2 2020 Recurring Entry X2 9800000001 9899999999

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Key Data Structure

3.9. Posting Key

The below are the SAP Standard Posting Keys:

Posting Key Posting Key Name D/C Related to

1 Invoice Debit Customer
2 Reverse credit memo Debit Customer
3 Bank charges Debit Customer
4 Other receivables Debit Customer
5 Outgoing payment Debit Customer
6 Payment difference Debit Customer
7 Other clearing Debit Customer
8 Payment clearing Debit Customer
9 Special G/L debit Debit Customer
11 Credit memo Credit Customer
12 Reverse invoice Credit Customer
13 Reverse charges Credit Customer
14 Other payables Credit Customer
15 Incoming payment Credit Customer
16 Payment difference Credit Customer
17 Other clearing Credit Customer
18 Payment clearing Credit Customer
19 Special G/L credit Credit Customer
21 Credit memo Debit Vendor
22 Reverse invoice Debit Vendor
24 Other receivables Debit Vendor
25 Outgoing payment Debit Vendor
26 Payment difference Debit Vendor
27 Clearing Debit Vendor
28 Payment clearing Debit Vendor
29 Special G/L debit Debit Vendor
31 Invoice Credit Vendor
32 Reverse credit memo Credit Vendor
34 Other payables Credit Vendor
35 Incoming payment Credit Vendor
36 Payment difference Credit Vendor
37 Other clearing Credit Vendor
38 Payment clearing Credit Vendor
39 Special G/L credit Credit Vendor
40 Debit entry Debit G/L account

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50 Credit entry Credit G/L account

70 Debit asset Debit Asset
75 Credit asset Credit Asset
80 Inventory taking Debit G/L account
81 Costs Debit G/L account
82 Inventory difference Debit G/L account
83 Price difference Debit G/L account
84 Consumption Debit G/L account
85 Change in stock Debit G/L account
86 GR/IR debit Debit G/L account
89 Stock inward movement Debit Material
90 Inventory taking Credit G/L account
91 Costs Credit G/L account
92 Inventory difference Credit G/L account
93 Price difference Credit G/L account
94 Consumption Credit G/L account
95 Change in stock Credit G/L account
96 GR/IR credit Credit G/L account
99 Stock outward movement Credit Material

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3.10. Vendor Account Group


Sr.No. Account Group Long text (30 characters) From To
1 V010 Domestic Vendor 10 1000001 1099999
2 V011 Domestic Vendor MSME 11 1100001 1199999
3 V012 Foreign Vendor 12 1200001 1299999
4 V013 Capital Vendor 13 1300001 1399999
5 V020 Domestic Sub Contractor 20 2000001 2099999
6 V021 Domestic Sub Contractor MSME 21 2100001 2199999
7 V022 Foreign Sub Contractor 22 2200001 2299999
8 V030 Expense Vendors 30 3000001 3099999
9 V031 Expense Vendors MSME 31 3100001 3199999
10 V032 Rent Vendors 32 3200001 3299999
11 V033 Security Services Vendors 33 3300001 3399999
12 V034 Fixed Vehicle Hire Vendors 34 3400001 3499999
13 V035 Security Services Vendors MSME 35 3500001 3599999
14 V036 Fixed Vehicle Hire Vendors MSME 36 3600001 3699999
15 V037 RCM Vendors 37 3700001 3799999
16 V040 Bank Loan Vendor 40 4000001 4099999
17 V041 NBFC Loan Vendor 41 4100001 4199999
18 V070 Inter Company 70 7000001 7099999
19 V080 Related Parties 80 8000001 8099999
20 V090 One-Time Vendor 90 9000001 9099999
21 V0AA Employee – (Ext Numbers) ZZ A Z

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3.11. Payment Term

Customer Payment Terms

Payment Terms (Customer)
S001 60% on Supply & 40% on Erection Imm Due
S002 90% on ETC & 10% Retn Imm Due
S003 50% on Supply & 50% on Erection Imm Due
S004 70% on Supply & 30% on Erection Imm Due
S005 80% on Supply & 20% on Erection Imm Due
S006 100% on Supply Imm Due
S007 70% on ETC, 20% MRHOV & 5% ETC, 5% HOTO Imm Due
S008 90% on Erection Inv & 5% ETC 5% HOTO Imm Due
S009 90% on Supply, ETC & 10% Retn Imm Due
S010 10%Adv ABG, 80%CIP45Days, 5%CIP Compl, 5%CIP Acce
S011 10%Adv ABG, 80%ExW45Days, 5%ExW Compl, 5%ExW Acce
S012 10%Adv ABG, 80% 45Days, 5% Compl, 5% Acce

Vendor & Subcontractor Payment Terms

Payment Terms (Material Vendor)
V001 10 % Adv balance 85, 60 days LC, 5% 30 days of comm.
V002 10 Days Open Credit
V003 10 Days PDC
V004 10% Adv, 85% 90 days LC, 5% 180 days LC
V005 10% Adv against Drawing Approval, 90% 45 Days PDC
V006 10% Adv with ABG, 85% 60 Days LC, 5% on Comm.
V007 10% Adv with ABG, 90% 60 Days LC
V008 10% Adv with CG, 85% 90 Days LC, 5% 180 Days LC
V009 10% Adv, 90% 60 days PDC
V010 10% Adv 45 days PDC
V011 10% Adv 60 days LC
V012 10% Adv 60 days PDC
V013 10% Adv, 90% 60 days LC
V014 10% in 15 days PDC, 90% in 60 Days PDC
V015 100 % Advance against PI
V016 100 % Advance with PO
V017 100 % before dispatch
V018 100% Advance
V019 100% after 20 days
V020 100% against Dispatch
V021 100% Immediate after Delivery

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V022 100% Immediate after work done

V023 15 Days Open Credit
V024 15 Days PDC
V025 20 Days Open Credit
V026 20 Days PDC
V027 30 Days from Invoice
V028 30 Days from Receipt of material
V029 30 Days LC
V030 30 DAYS LC (interest in A/C to vendor)
V031 30 Days Open Credit
V032 30 Days PDC
V033 40 Days PDC
V034 45 Days LC
V035 45 Days LC - Int. to Vendor
V036 45 Days OC against BG
V037 45 Days Open Credit
V038 45 Days PDC
V039 45 Days PDC Against BG
V040 45% After Receipt of Matl, 55% 60 days PDC
V041 5 % Adv, 95% against 45 days PDC
V042 5% Adv, 95% 90 days LC
V043 5% Adv with mfg clearance, 95% by 60 days PDC
V044 5% Adv, 95% 45 Days PDC against CG
V045 50% 30 Days PDC, 50% 60 Days PDC
V046 50% Against PI, 50% Immediate after disp
V047 50% by 45 Days PDC, 50% through 60 Days LC
V048 55 Days PDC
V049 60 Days LC
V050 60 Days LC - Int to Vendor
V051 60 Days OC
V052 60 Days OC against BG
V053 60 Days PDC
V054 7 days OC
V055 7 Days PDC
V056 75 Days PDC
V057 90 Days LC
V058 90 Days LC - Int to Vendor
V059 90 Days OC
V060 90 Days Open Credit
V061 90 Days PDC
V062 120 Days LC
V063 120 Days LC- Int to Vendor
V064 90% 60 Days PDC, 10% 60 Days PDC against PBG

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V065 90% Adv 10% Against delivery

V066 Immediate after delivery
0001 Immediate Payment
V068 LC Payment - Int on VIKRAN
Subcontracting Payment Terms
S001 100%RA Bill 15Days
5%Civil,75%RA Bill 15Days,5%PF Retn,5%Mat Reco,5%on Comm,5%Aftr 1 Yr
S003 5%Civil,75%RA Bill 15Days,5%PF Retn,5%on Royalty,5%Mat Reco,5%Comm
5%Civil,79%RA Bill 15Days,1%Royalty,5%PF Retn,5%Mat Reco,5%Aftr 1 Yr
S005 50%RA Bill 15Days,5%PF Retn,35%Aftr Mobilization,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
55%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,20% Client Acce,10% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr
65%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,10% Client Bill Clrnce,10% Mat Reco,10%Aftr
1 Yr Retn
S008 65%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,20% Client Acce,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S009 70%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,15% Comm,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S010 70%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,5% Comm,10% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S011 70%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,5% Comm,10% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S012 75%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,5% Royalty,5% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S013 80%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,10% Client Acce,5%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S014 80%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,10% Client Cert.,5%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S015 80%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,5% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S016 80%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn,5% Mat Reco,10%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
S017 95%RA Bill 15Days,5% PF Retn
S018 10%Adv,70%RABill 30Days,10% Client Bill Clrnce,5%Royalty,5%Aftr 1 Yr Retn
75%RA Bill 30Days,5% PF Retn,5% Royalty,5% Mat Reco,5% Comm,5%Aftr 1
Yr Retn

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Key Data Structure

3.12. Customer Account Group

Customer Account Group

Sr Account Sr
Description (TXT30) From To
No Group No
51 C051 Sales Domestic Customers 51 5100001 5199999
52 C052 Sales Domestic – Others 52 5200001 5299999
53 C053 Sales Foreign Customers 53 5300001 5399999
54 C054 Sales Foreign – Others 54 5400001 5499999
55 C055 Scrap Sale – Domestic 55 5500001 5599999
56 C056 Scrap Sale – Foreign 56 5600001 5699999
57 C057 Inter Company 57 5700001 5799999
58 C058 One-Time Customers 58 5800001 5899999
59 C059 Intra Company 59 5900001 5999999
60 C060 Vikran Ship to Party 60 6000001 6099999
61 C061 Vikran Payer 61 6100001 6199999
62 C062 Vikran Bill to Party 62 6200001 6299999
63 F001 Fixed Deposit Earmarked with LC 90 9000001 9099999
64 F002 Fixed Deposit Earmarked with BG 91 9100001 9199999
65 F003 Fixed Deposit 92 9200001 9299999
66 F004 Mutual Fund Earmarked 93 9300001 9399999
67 F005 Mutual Fund 94 9400001 9499999

3.13. Asset Class

Asset Class
No Asset
Asset Class Description From To
Ranges Class
10 10000 Freehold Land 100000001 100099999
11 11000 Leasehold Land 110000001 110999999
12 12000 Building 120000001 129999999
13 13000 Plant & Machinery 130000001 139999999
14 14000 Furnitures & Fixtures 140000001 149999999
15 15000 Electrical Equipment 150000001 159999999
16 16000 Vehicles – Motor Cycle 160000001 169999999
17 17000 Vehicles 170000001 179999999
18 18000 Office Equipment 180000001 189999999
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19 19000 Computers & Printers 190000001 199999999
20 20000 Tools & Tackles 200000001 209999999
21 21000 Softwares 210000001 219999999
Picture 6 ... Picture 5 ...
Key Data Structure

22 22000 Intangible assets 220000001 229999999

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Key Data Structure

3.14. Depreciation Key as per IFRS

The depreciation key contains the value settings which are necessary for determining
depreciation amounts. It represents a combination of calculation rules, which are
used for the automatically calculated depreciation types.

Chart of Depreciation - 1000

Depreciation Key Description Method (SLM)

1000 Depreciation as per Useful Life SLM
Z001 WDV for income tax WDV

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Key Data Structure

3.15. Withholding Tax Code

With Holding Tax

WHT Type Description Tax Code %
I1 194C - TDS on Contract - CO 01 1.00%
194C - TDS on Contract - OT 02 2.00%
194C - TDS on Contract - W/PAN 03 20.00%
I2 194H - TDS on Commission 01 5.00%
194H - TDS on Commission - W/PAN 02 20.00%
I3 194J - TDS on professional services - Others 01 10.00%
194J - TDS on professional services - Others - W/PAN 02 20.00%
I4 194J - TDS on professional services (FTS, Royalties, call centre) 01 2.00%
194J - TDS on professional services (FTS, Royalties, call centre)
- W/PAN 02 20.00%
I5 194Ia - TDS on Plant & Machinery 01 2.00%
194Ia - TDS on Plant & Machinery - W/PAN 02 20.00%
I6 194Ib - TDS on rent of land and building 01 10.00%
194Ib - TDS on rent of land and building - W/PAN 02 20.00%
I7 194A - TDS on Interest 01 10.00%
194A - TDS on Interest - W/PAN 02 20.00%
194IA - Pay made purchasing land/property(except agricultural
I8 land) 01
194IA - Pay made purchasing land/property(except agricultural
land) - W/PAN 02 20.00%

P1 194C - TDS on Contract - CO 01 1.00%

194C - TDS on Contract - OT 02 2.00%
194C - TDS on Contract - W/PAN 03 20.00%
P2 194H - TDS on Commission 01 5.00%
194H - TDS on Commission - W/PAN 02 20.00%
P3 194J - TDS on professional services - Others 01 10.00%
194J - TDS on professional services - Others - W/PAN 02 20.00%
P4 194J - TDS on professional services (FTS, Royalties, call centre) 01 2.00%
194J - TDS on professional services (FTS, Royalties, call centre)
- W/PAN 02 20.00%
P5 194Ia - TDS on Plant & Machinery 01 2.00%
194Ia - TDS on Plant & Machinery - W/PAN 02 20.00%
P6 194Ib - TDS on rent of land and building 01 10.00%
194Ib - TDS on rent of land and building - W/PAN 02 20.00%
P7 194A - TDS on Interest 01 10.00%
194A - TDS on Interest - W/PAN 02 20.00%
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Picture 10 ... Picture 9 ...
Key Data Structure

194IA - Pay made purchasing land/property(except agricultural

P8 land) 01
194IA - Pay made purchasing land/property(except agricultural
land) - W/PAN 02 20.00%

3.16. Controlling Area

Version Description
1000 Controlling area for VIKRAN

3.17. Standard Hierarchy

Hierarchy Code Description

1000 Standard Hierarchy for VIKRAN

3.18. Profit Center Group

Profit Center
Group Long Text Profit Center Group
1000 Head – Office HO
1100 RO RO
2000 PD PD
4000 EHV EHV
6000 Trading Trading
7000 To be decided To be decided

3.19. Profit Center

Profit Center Short Person Profit Center Segment

From TO
Code Name Responsible Group Code
1000 0 31.12.9999 HO HOD HO HO
1100 0 31.12.9999 RO HOD RO RO

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Picture 10 ... Picture 9 ...
Key Data Structure

3.20. Cost Centers

Cost Center Code Cost Center short Name

10000002 HO-HR & ADMIN
10000003 HO-CMD OFFICE
10000010 HO-IT
20000001 RO-HR & ADMIN
20000006 RO-IT

3.21. Primary Cost Element

Element Cost element
Description of GL Category
Revenue Primary 11
Deductions Primary 12
Primary Costs Primary 01

3.22. Secondary Cost Element

Account Grp Account Grp Name Sec. CE Sec. CE

Secondary Cost Element- 920001000 920001999
PS 1 9

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Picture 10 ... Picture 9 ...
Key Data Structure

3.23. Internal Order Type

Internal Order Description of Internal From

To Number
Types Order Number
Internal Order for Capital
ZI01 1 1000000

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