Bank Management Sysrem

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of
Science degree in Computer Science

Santhosh Kumar. B (39290089)
Vignesh. A (39290124)



Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
CHENNAI – 600119

MARCH 2022

This is to verify that this project report is the bonafide work of Santhosh Kumar.
B(39390089) and Vignesh. A (39290124) who carried out the project entitled as
“BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING PYTHON” under our supervision from Dec
2021 to March 2022.

Internal Guide

Head of the Department


Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on___________________

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I Santhosh Kumar B (39290089) and Vignesh A (39290124) hereby declare that the
Project Report entitled “Bank Management System using python” done by me under
the guidance of Dr . M . Malini Deepika is submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.

DATE: 01.03.2022

I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to the Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing
it successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my thanks to Dr . T. Sasikala M.E., Ph . D, Dean, School of Computing

Dr . L. Lakshmanan M.E., Ph.D. , and Dr . S. Vigneshwari M.E., Ph.D. Heads of
the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for providing necessary
support and details at the right time during the progressive reviews.

I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide
Dr./Mr./Ms for his valuable guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement
paved the way for the successful completion of my project work.

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering who were helpful in many ways
for the completion of the project.

This is a simple GUI based system which is very easy to understand and use .In
this project , it contains all the basic functions of bank .Creating a new account
,Transactions like withdrawal and deposit amount to the account ,Getting the
balance details ,Closing an account Updating the account details.

In this project, he /she can use all those available features easily without any
restruction. It is too easy to use, he/she can check the total bank account records
easily. Talking about the features of the bank management system, A user can
create an account by providing the name of the account holder, number,
selecting amount type (Saving account or current account) and providing an initial
amount more than or equal to 500.

Then the user can also deposit and withdraw money just by providing his/her
account and entering the amount. For certain purpose, he /she can also check for
the balance inquiry which displays the account number and amount. He / She
can also view the entire account holder’s list. Another feature s that he/she can
modify their account detail and type if they want to.

This simple GUI based Bank Management system provides the simplest
management of bank account and transaction. In short, this project mainly
focuses on CRUD operation. There’ s an external database connection file used
in this project to save user’s data permanently.
Chapter No. TITLE Page



3.7 PICKLE 12


4.3.1 ER DIAGRAM 19


5.1 HOME PAGE 23
5.7 REPORTS 25




5.1 Home page 23

5.2 create new account 23

5.3 Transaction method 24

5.4 for update the details 24
5.5 check the balance 25

5.6 to close the account 25

5.7 to know the all account details 25


GUI Graphical user Interface

ICT Information Communication Technology
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
OS Operating System
API Application Programming Interface
CMS Cash Management Service
IDE Integrated Development Environment
MVC Model View Controller
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
ER Entity Relationship


A program performs a task in the computer. But, in order to be executed, a program

must be written in the machine language of the processor of a computer.
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for humans to read or write a machine language
program. This is because a machine language is entirely made up of sequences of
bits. However, high level languages are close to natural languages like English and
only use familiar mathematical characters, operators and expressions.
A high-level program is translated into machine language by
translators like compiler or interpreter. Python is a high-level programming language
that is translated by the python interpreter. An interpreter works by translating line-
by-line and executing. Python was developed by Guido Van-Rossum in 1990, at the
National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in Netherlands.
The Bank Management system is a web-based application used for paying financial
institutions for the services they provide to the Bureau of the fiscal service. BMS also
provides analytical tools to review, and approve compensation, budgets, and
outflows. Bank Management System project is written in python. The project file
contains a python script( and a database file .This a simple console based
system which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it
contains all the basic functions which include creating a new account, view account
holders record, withdraws and deposit amount, balance inquiry, closing an account
and edit account details. In this mini project, there is no such login system. This
means he/she can use all those available features easily without any restriction. It is
too easy to use, he/she can check the total bank account records easily. Talking
about the features of the Bank Management System, a user can create an account
by providing the name of the account holder, number, selecting amount type (Saving
account or Current account) and providing an initial amount more than or equal to
500. Then the user can also deposit and withdraw money just by providing his/her
account and entering the amount. For certain purpose, he/she can also check for the
balance inquiry which displays the account number and amount. He/she can also
view all the account holder’s list. Another feature is that he/she can modify their
account detail and type if they want to.


In MD. Faizan(2012), Information and communication technology (ICT) has

helped to drive increasingly intense global Competition. In the world history the
most of the countries are most developed because of they are financially very
clear for how to use the high amount of money in the developing process in own
country. We also use the SOA architecture for providing the scalable and reliable
service therefor we studied related to the SOA architecture to know how we use
to implementation process in our project using Service Oriented Architectures
(SOA).we also refer the paper who give the case study information about
Scandinavian bank and a Swiss bank This two banks are working on the basis of
service oriented architecture for providing the service for the customer. SOA
provides potential for greater organizational agility (and thereby competitiveness).

In MD. Aquil Amwar (2012), in the second paper we learn which type of problems
are created in banking system during the different types of transactions. Here
discuss about if any region the transaction may be fail then how to avoid it and
fixed it. We also studied about Firms in Italy defaulted more against banks with
high levels of past losses. This `selective' default increases where legal
enforcement is weak. Poor enforcement thus can create a systematic transaction
risk by encouraging banking users to defaulted masse once the continuation
value of their bank relationships comes into doubt. In banking sector the security
also must and when we talk about money or property this case is more
sensational then we found the security is the major thing to do in banking system.
In our project we provide the security questions when customer login with
account to prevent the fraud and provide the best security in the bank
management system. The study used constructs adopted from Technology
Acceptance Model along with constructs of perceived service quality, perceived
credibility and perceived risk to empirically establish the influence on satisfaction
and continuance usage intentions. The study confirmed that after adoption of the
technology, the customer finds satisfaction in the quality parameters of the



To develop a software for solving financial applications
of a customer in banking environment in order to nurture the needs of an end
banking user by providing various ways to perform banking tasks. Also to enable the
users workspace to have additional functionalities which are not provided under a
conventional banking software.


Banking Management System can be used by bank employees and /or customers
depending on the bank policies. It can be used by several employees at the same
time with the required rights. It can be accessed using any general web browser with
graphical interface. Objectives are goals, and it is toward these results that all
activities are directed. Objectives may change over time, but they are looked upon
as firm and binding contracts once formulated. Bank objectives are usually stated in
short, concise terms and limited to ten to twelve items. A few items from a list of one
bank s objectives follow:

1. Our business is selling financial services in Oregon and in selected regional,

national, and international markets. We will extend our business into areas
that provide sound expansion opportunities meeting predetermined profit
2. We will strive for stability in earning growth, acquiring high-quality
investments, and pursuing sound and innovative tactics ‘. Through strategic
planning and strong management, we will aggressively expand income
sources while remaining in control of costs.
3. Management will provide continuity of policies and directions. Changes will be
implemented quickly and in a manner that considers both individual and
corporate needs.

3.3.1 Hardware Requirements

The most common set of requirements defined by
any operating system or software application is the physical computer resources,
also known as hardware. The minimal hardware requirements are as follows,
1. Processor : AMD
2. RAM : 8 GB
3. Processor : 2.4 GHz
4. Main Memory : 8GB RAM
5. Hard Disk Drive : 1tb
6. Keyboard : 104 Keys

3.3.2 Software Requirements

Software requirements deals with defining resource
requirements and prerequisites that needs to be installed on a computer to provide
functioning of an application. The minimal software requirements are as follows .

1. Front end : python

2. IDE : pycharm
3. Operating System : Windows 10

3.4.1 Python Language

Python is an object-oriented programming language created
by Guido Rossum in 1989. It is ideally designed for rapid prototyping of complex
applications. It has interfaces to many OS system calls and libraries and is
extensible to C or C++. Many large companies use the Python programming
language include NASA, Google, YouTube, BitTorrent, etc. Python programming is
widely used in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Generation, Neural Networks
and other advanced fields of Computer Science. Python had deep focus on code
readability & this class will teach you python from basics.

3.4.2 Python Characteristics

• It provides rich data types and easier to read syntax than any other programming
• It is a platform independent scripted language with full access to operating system
• Compared to other programming languages, it allows more run-time flexibility
• It includes the basic text manipulation facilities of Perl and Awk
• A module in Python may have one or more classes and free functions
• Libraries in Pythons are cross-platform compatible with Linux, Macintosh, and
• For building large applications, Python can be compiled to byte-code
• Python supports functional and structured programming as well as OOP
• It supports interactive mode that allows interacting Testing and debugging of
snippets of code
• In Python, since there is no compilation step, editing, debugging and testing is fast.

3.4.3 Applications of Python Programming

Web Applications:
You can create scalable Web Apps using frameworks and CMS
(Content Management System) that are built on Python. Some of the popular
platforms for 8 creating Web Apps are: Django, Flask, Pyramid, Plone , Django
CMS. Sites like Mozilla, Reddit, Instagram and PBS are written in Python.

Scientific and Numeric Computing:

There are numerous libraries available in Python for scientific and
numeric computing. There are libraries like: SciPy and NumPy that are used in
general purpose computing. And, there are specific libraries like: Earthy for earth
science, Astray for Astronomy and so on. Also, the language is heavily used in
machine learning, data mining and deep learning.

Creating software Prototypes:

Python is slow compared to compiled languages like C++ and Java.
It might not be a good choice if resources are limited and efficiency is a must.
However, Python is a great language for creating prototypes. For example: You can
use Pygmy (library for creating games) to create your game's prototype first. If you
like the prototype, you can use language like C++ to create the actual game.

Good Language to Teach Programming:

Python is used by many companies to teach programming to kids
and newbies. It is a good language with a lot of features and capabilities. Yet, it's one
of the easiest languages to learn because of its simple easy-to-use syntax.

PyCharm is a dedicated Python Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) providing a wide range of essential tools for Python developers, tightly
integrated to create a convenient environment for productive Python, web, and data
science development.
PyCharm is available in three editions:
 Community (free and open-sourced): for smart and intelligent Python
development, including code assistance, refactorings, visual debugging, and
version control integration.
 Professional (paid) : for professional Python, web, and data science
development, including code assistance, refactorings , visual debugging,
version control integration, remote configurations, deployment, support for
popular web frameworks, such as Django and Flask, database support,
scientific tools (including Jupyter notebook support), big data tools.
 Edu (free and open-sourced): for learning programming languages and
related technologies with integrated educational tools.

Supported languages :

To start developing in Python with PyCharm you need

to download and install Python from depending on your platform.

PyCharm supports the following versions of Python:

 Python 2: version 2.7
 Python 3: from the version 3.6 up to the version 3.11

Besides, in the Professional edition, one can develop Django, Flask, and Pyramid
applications. Also, it fully supports HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript, and
XML: these languages are bundled in the IDE via plugins and are switched on for
you by default. Support for the other languages and frameworks can also be added
via plugins (go to Settings | Plugins or PyCharm | Preferences | Plugins for macOS
users, to find out more or set them up during the first IDE launch).

Supported platforms:

PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Check
the system requirements:

Requirement Minimum Recommended

RAM 4 GB of free RAM 8 GB of total system
CPU Any modern CPU Multi-core CPU.
PyCharm supports
multithreading for
different operations
and processes
making it faster the
more CPU cores it
can use.
Disk space 2.5 GB and another 1 GB for SSD drive with at
caches least 5 GB of free
Monitor resolution 1920×1080
Officially released 64-bit Latest 64-bit version
versions of the following: of Windows, macOS,
 Microsoft Windows 8 or or Linux (for
later example, Debian,
 macOS 10.14 or later Ubuntu, or RHEL)
 Any Linux distribution that
supports Gnome, KDE ,
or Unity DE. PyCharm is
not available for some
Linux distributions, such
Operating system as RHEL6 or CentOS6,
that do not
include GLIBC 2.14 or
Pre-release versions are not

You can install PyCharm using Toolbox or standalone installations. If you need
assistance installing PyCharm, see the installation instructions: Install PyCharm .

3.6 Tkinter:

This Tkinter tutorial introduces you to the exciting world of GUI programming in

Tkinter is pronounced as tea-kay-inter. Tkinter is the Python interface to Tk, which is

the GUI toolkit for Tcl/Tk.

Tcl (pronounced as tickle) is a scripting language often used in testing, prototyping,

and GUI development. Tk is an open-source, cross-platform widget toolkit used by
many different programming languages to build GUI programs.

Python implements the Tkinter as a module. Tkinter is a wrapper of C extensions

that use Tcl/Tk libraries.

Tkinter allows you to develop desktop applications. It’s a very good tool for GUI
programming in Python.

T k inter is a good choice because of the following reasons:

 Easy to learn.
 Use very little code to make a functional desktop application.
 Layered design.
 Portable across all operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
 Pre-installed with the standard Python library.
1.T k inter Fundamentals

 Tkinter Hello, World! – show you how to develop the first Tkinter program
called Hello, World!
 Window – learn how to manipulate various attributes of a Tkinter window
including title, size, location, resizability, transparency, and stacking order.
 Tk Themed Widgets – introduce you to Tk themed widgets.
 Setting options for a widget – learn various ways to set options for a widget.
 Command Binding – learn how to respond to events using command
 Event Binding – show you how to use the bind() method to bind an event of a
 Label – learn how to use the Label widget to show a text or image on a frame
or window.
 Button – walk you through the step of creating buttons.
 Entry – learn how to create a textbox using the Entry widget.

2. Layout Managements

Geometry managers allow you to specify the positions of widgets inside a top-level
or parent window.

 pack – show you how to use the pack geometry manager to arrange widgets
on a window.
 grid – learn how to use the grid geometry manager to place widgets on a
 place – show you how to use the place geometry manager to precisely
position widgets within its container using the (x, y) coordinate system.

3. Ttk & Tkinter Widgets

Tkinter provides you with some commonly used widgets, which allow you to start
developing applications more quickly.

 Text – show a multi-line text input field.

 Scrollbar – learn how to link a scrollbar to a scrollable widget e.g., a Text
 Scrolled Text – show you how to create a scrolled text widget that consists of
Text and vertical scrollbar widgets.
 Separator – use a separator widget to separate fields.
 Checkbox – show how to create a checkbox widget.
 Radio Button – learn how to use radio buttons to allow users to select one of a
number of mutually exclusive choices.
 Combo box – walk you through the steps of creating a combo box widget.
 List box – show you how to display a list of single-line text items on a Lis tbox.
 Paned Window – show you how to use the Paned Window to divide the space
of a frame or a window.
 Slider – learn how to create a slider by using the Tkinter Scale widget.
 Spin box – show you how to use a Spin box.
 Size grip – guide you on how to use the Size grip widget to allow users to
resize the entire application window.
 Label Frame – show you how to group related widgets in a group using
the Label Frame widget.
 Progress bar – show you how to use the progress bar widget to give feedback
to the user about the progress of a long-running task.
 Notebook – guide you on how to use the Notebook widget to create tabs.
 Tree view – walk you through the steps of creating tree view widgets that
display tabular and hierarchical data.
 Frame – learn how to use the Frame widget to group other widgets.

4. Tkinter Examples

 Tkinter example – show you how to build a simple application that converts a
temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

5. Object-Oriented Programming with Tkinter

 Creating an object-oriented window – learn how to define an object-oriented

 Creating an object-oriented frame – show you how to define an object-
oriented Frame.
 Developing a full Tkinter object-oriented application – show you how to
develop a full Tkinter object-oriented application.
 Switching between frames – guide you on how to switch between frames in a
Tkinter application.

6. Dialogs and Menus

 Displaying a message box – show you how to display various message boxes
including information, warning, and error message boxes.
 Displaying a Yes/No Dialog – show you how to use the askyes no() function to
display a yes/no dialog.
 Display an OK/Cancel Dialog – show you how to use the askok
cancel() function to display an OK/Cancel dialog.
 Display a Retry/Cancel Dialog – show you how to use the askretry
cancel() function to display a Retry/Cancel dialog.
 Show an Open File Dialog – display an open file dialog to allow users to
select one or more files.
 Displaying the Native Color Chooser – show you how to display the native
color-chooser dialog.
 Menu – learn how to add a menu bar and menus to a window.
 Menu button – show you how to the Menu button widget.
 Option Menu – Walk you through the steps of creating an Option Menu widget
that provides a list of options in a drop-down menu.

7. Tkinter Themes and Styles

 Changing the ttk theme – how to change the default ttk theme to the new one.
 Modifying ttk style – show you how to change the appearance of widgets by
modifying or extending the ttk style.
 Understanding ttk elements – help you understand ttk elements and how to
use them to change the appearance of widgets.
 Modifying the appearance of a widget based on its states – show you how to
dynamically change the appearance of a widget based on its specific state.

8. Tkinter Asynchronous Programming

 Scheduling a task with the after() method – how to use the after() method to
schedule a task that will run after a timeout has elapsed.
 Developing multithreading Tkinter Applications – show you how to use the
threading module to develop a multithreading Tkinter application.
 Displaying a progress bar while a thread is running – walk you through the
steps of connecting a progress bar with a running thread.

9. Advanced Tkinter Programming

 Tkinter MVC – structure a tkinter application using the MVC design pattern.
 Tkinter validation – show you how to use the Tkinter validation to validate user
 Tkinter & Matplotlib – show you how to display a bar chart from the matplotlib
in Python.
3.7 Pickle

Pickle is used for serializing and de-serializing Python object structures, also
called marshalling or flattening. Serialization refers to the process of converting
an object in memory to a byte stream that can be stored on disk or sent over a
network. Later on, this character stream can then be retrieved and de-serialized
back to a Python object. Pickling is not to be confused with compression! The
former is the conversion of an object from one representation (data in Random
Access Memory (RAM)) to another (text on disk), while the latter is the process of
encoding data with fewer bits, in order to save disk space.

Pickling is useful for applications where you need some degree of persistency in
your data. Your program's state data can be saved to disk, so you can continue
working on it later on. It can also be used to send data over a Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) or socket connection, or to store python objects in a
database. Pickle is very useful for when you're working with machine learning
algorithms, where you want to save them to be able to make new predictions at a
later time, without having to rewrite everything or train the model all over again.

If you want to use data across different programming languages, pickle is not
recommended. Its protocol is specific to Python, thus, cross-language
compatibility is not guaranteed. The same holds for different versions of Python
itself. Unpickling a file that was pickled in a different version of Python may not
always work properly, so you have to make sure that you're using the same
version and perform an update if necessary. You should also try not to unpickle
data from an untrusted source. Malicious code inside the file might be executed
upon unpickling.

Why Pickle?: In real world sceanario, the use pickling and unpickling are widespread
as they allow us to easily transfer data from one server/system to another and then
store it in a file or database.
Precaution: It is advisable not to unpickle data received from an untrusted source as
they may pose security threat. However, the pickle module has no way of knowing or
raise alarm while pickling malicious data.
Only after importing pickle module we can do pickling and unpickling. Importing
pickle can be done.



4.1.1Existing System:
The existing bank system is slow as every task is being performed by the
human being and comparing the computer task speed with a computer is not fair.
The complexity of this system is increased when an increase in the number of
customers and with that there will be a number of transactions will be performed now
everything needs to log in to a file for reference in the future which is simply not the
kind of scenario we need at this time.
Some other drawbacks of the existing system:
 Less security of customer and bank information.
 Require more physical work and manpower.
 All the manual entry and editing will take more time.
 No level of clearance for the different levels of employees.
 Safety of paper documents from the disaster.
 No backup of the information.

4.1.2Proposed System:
The by looking at disadvantages these are pretty serious for any
banking system as they are capable of bringing down the whole system. By
digitalization in the banking system, it will not only achieve its goals and also will give
some benefits like less manual calculation will be required.


Module 1: New Account

A person can open a bank account either by visiting a bank's branch or through the
bank's website. Here is all you need to know. There are broadly two modes of
opening a bank account - online and offline. One can either go to a nearby branch
and request to open a new bank account or directly go to a bank's website to start
the procedure online.

Different types of account:

Savings Account, Current Account, Recurring
Deposit Account, Fixed Deposit Account, DEMAT Account, NRI Account.
 First i need to enter the account number.
 Then enter the name of the account holder.
 Next select the which type of account savings or current account.
 And enter the initial deposit amount.

Now the new account was created.

Module 2: Transaction
The transactions are doing every day. It manages all the transactions like new
account entry, deposit as well as withdraw entry, transaction of money for various
processes. A bank transaction is a record of money that has moved in and out of
your bank account. When you have costs associated with your business - for
example, rent for office space - the payments for these will come out of your bank
account as transactions. The formation of your asset accounts, capital
accounts and liability accounts all rely on bank transactions. A transaction account,
also called a checking account, chequing account, current account, demand
deposit account, or share draft account at credit unions, is a deposit account held at
a bank or other financial institution. It is available to the account owner "on demand"
and is available for frequent and immediate access by the account owner or to
others as the account owner may direct. Access may be in a variety of ways, such as
cash withdrawals, use of debit cards, cheques (checks) and electronic transfer. In
economic terms, the funds held in a transaction account are regarded as liquid
funds. In accounting terms, they are considered as cash.
Transaction accounts are known by a variety of descriptions, including a current
account (British English), chequing account or checking account when held by
a bank, share draft account when held by a credit union in North America. In
the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, India and a number of other countries, they are
commonly called current or cheque accounts. Because money is available on
demand they are also sometimes known as demand accounts or demand deposit
accounts. In the United States, NOW accounts operate as transaction accounts.
Transaction accounts are operated by both businesses and personal users.
Depending on the country and local demand economics earning from interest rates
varies. Again depending on the country the financial institution that maintains the
account may charge the account holder maintenance or transaction fees or offer the
service free to the holder and charge only if the holder uses an add-on service such
as an overdraft.

Module 3: Close Account

Many salaried people hold multiple bank accounts as they change jobs or shift to
new cities. In such cases, some banks convert their zero balance salary accounts
into regular savings accounts after a couple of months, as they notice no salary
credits in this period. So, you are expected to maintain a minimum average balance
in those non-salary savings accounts. It is better to close any dormant account to
save on charges that would be levied for not maintaining a minimum average
balance as specified by the respective bank.

Maintaining too many bank accounts can be difficult, here are some steps you can
follow to close a bank account. Having a limited number of bank accounts is good
but too many bank account can be a trouble for you. Because you have to maintain
minimum balance requirements on each of them. So it is advisable to close bank
accounts that are not used actively. If you among them who have an unwanted bank
account then you should close it. Do you know how to close a bank account?

Here are some steps which you can follow to close your bank account. But before
you go for it don't forget to delink your bank account from any of the payments
platforms or service apps like Paytm, Uber, Swiggy etc.

Things you need to know

Here are a few things you need to know before closing your bank account.
 Once you close your account you cannot re-open it again
 Before proceeding with the account closure you should make the balance to
 In case if there are any pending dues, then you should clear it before closing
the account
 Before closing an account you should take the complete bank statement of
your account for future use.

Steps to close a bank account

Here are some steps which can guide you to close a bank account.

Visit Bank
You cannot close your bank account online. You need to visit your home branch
where you opened the account. So you need to walk into the home branch where
you have an account and request them for account closure.

Account closure form

All banks provide an account closure form, which you can procure from the bank’s
branch or website. If you have a joint account, then all account holders will have to
give their consent by signing the closure form.

Fill the complete details

After you receive the account closure form. You need
to fill the complete details on it:
 Name of the account holder
 Account number
 Contact number
 Signature of the account holder
 Reasons for closing the account.

Submit required document

After filling up the closure form you need to submit it

to the bank with the following:

 Cheque Book: You need to return the cheque book along with remaining
cheque leaves to the respective bank branch at the time of closing their
 Passbook: You should also handover your passbook to the bank at the time
of closing their SBI account.
 Debit Card: The account holder should also return their debit card which is
used to withdraw money from ATM.
 ID proof: Some bank may even ask you for ID proof and address proof
before closing your account.

Closure charges
Some banks charge for the account closure. For example, SBI Bank's don't charge
for the closure within 14 days of the opening of an account. Any closure of the SBI
bank account after 14 days but before 1 year are subject to some closure charges.
Keep these things in mind and don’t let unwanted bank accounts lie idle as there is
no benefit in making yourself overburdening in gathering information and statements
from too many banks. So close unwanted account they serve no good to your
financial life.

Module 4: Deposit Amount

A deposit is a financial term that means money held at a bank. A deposit is a
transaction involving a transfer of money to another party for safekeeping. However,
a deposit can refer to a portion of money used as security or collateral for the
delivery of a good.
 First we need to enter the account number
 Then we get the details of our account.
 Next we want to enter the Deposit amount.
 Then we want to select the which type of account.
 Next select save option in the display.

Module 5: Withdrawal Amount

A withdrawal involves removing funds from a bank account, savings plan, pension or
trust. Some accounts don't function like simple bank accounts and carry fees for the
early withdrawal of funds.
 First, we need to enter the account number
 Then we get the details of our account.
 Next, we want to enter the withdrawal amount.
 Then we want to select the which type of account.
 Next select save option in the display.

Module 6: Balance Enquiry

The Balance Inquiry process is associated with customer accounts and is used to
check the amount remaining on a customer's store credit voucher, gift card, or gift
 First, we need to enter the account number
 we get the details of our account with balance.

Module 7: Update Details

Details such as bank name, account number, etc., which uniquely identify a bank
account, and are used when making or receiving a payment, now especially
electronically. In recent use often in the context of the dishonest acquisition of
another's bank details in order to perpetrate fraud.

 First, we need to enter the account number

 Next enter the account holder name and the account type.
 we get the details of our account
 now we can update the details.

Module 8: Account list

Here we can see the how many account are here with account number, account
holder name, account type and balance amount.


ER diagram is known as Entity-Relationship diagram. It is used to analyze to
structure of the Database. It shows relationships between entities and their
attributes. An ER model provides a means of communication.
ER diagram of Bank has the following description :

 Bank have Customer.

 Banks are identified by a name, code, address of main office.
 Banks have branches.
 Branches are identified by a branch_no., branch_name, address.
 Customers are identified by name, cust-id, phone number, address.
 Customer can have one or more accounts.
 Accounts are identified by account_no., acc_type, balance.
 Customer can avail loans.
 Loans are identified by loan_id, loan_type and amount.
 Account and loans are related to bank’s branch.

4.3.1 ER Diagram of Bank Management System :

This bank ER diagram illustrates key information about bank, including entities
such as branches, customers, accounts, and loans. It allows us to understand the
relationships between entities.

Entities antheir Attributes are :

 Bank Entity : Attributes of Bank Entity are Bank Name, Code and
Code is Primary Key for Bank Entity.
 Customer Entity : Attributes of Customer Entity are Customer id, Name,
Phone Number and Address.
Customer id is Primary Key for Customer Entity.
 Branch Entity : Attributes of Branch Entity are Branch id, Name and
Branch id is Primary Key for Branch Entity.
 Account Entity : Attributes of Account Entity are Account number,
Account type and Balance.
Account number is Primary Key for Account Entity.
 Loan Entity : Attributes of Loan Entity are Loan id, Loan Type and
Loan id is Primary Key for Loan Entity.

Relationships are :

 Bank has Branches => 1 : N

One Bank can have many Branches but one Branch cannot belong to
many Banks, so the relationship between Bank and Branch is one to
many relationship.

 Branch maintain Accounts => 1 : N

One Branch can have many Accounts but one Account cannot belong to
many Branches, so the relationship between Branch and Account is one
to many relationship.

 Branch offer Loans => 1 : N

One Branch can have many Loans but one Loan cannot belong to many
Branches, so the relationship between Branch and Loan is one to many

 Account held by Customers => M : N

One Customer can have more than one Accounts and also One Account
can be held by one or more Customers, so the relationship between
Account and Customers is many to many relationship.

 Loan availed by Customer => M : N

(Assume loan can be jointly held by many Customers).
One Customer can have more than one Loans and also One Loan can
be availed by one or more Customers, so the relationship between Loan
and Customers is many to many relationship.
If need to create a new account. Select the new account option. In that option enter
the new account number. Then enter the name of the account holder. Next select the
which type of account savings or current account. And enter the initial deposit
amount. Now the new account was created. If I want to put the money in the account
means, Click the Deposit option then we need to enter the account number Then we
get the details of our account. we want to enter the Deposit amount.
Then select the which type of account. Next select save option in the display. If I
need to withdrawal the amount means, Select the withdrawal option then, we need to
enter the account number Then we get the details of our account. Next, we want to
enter the withdrawal amount. Then we want to select the which type of account.

Next select save option in the display. Now I need to check the balance means,
Select the option check balance then, we need to enter the account number we get
the details of our account with balance. Now I need to change my details means,
First, we need to enter the account number Next enter the account holder name and
the account type. we get the details of our account now we can update the details.

If I need to check the how many accounts in our bank means, we can see the option
account list. In that option we can see how many accounts are in the bank with
account number, account holder name, account type and balance amount.

5.1 HOME PAGE: This is the total system of banking

Fig 5.1: Home page

5.2 NEW ACCOUNT: This is how the customers are created with a bank account.

Fig5.2:create new account

5.3 TRANSACTION: This is how the transactions are doing every day. It
manages all the transactions like new account entry, deposit as well as withdraw
entry transaction of money for various processes.
Fig 5.3: Transaction method

5.4 UPDATATION: This is how a edit account details.

Fig 5.4: for update the details

5.5 BALANCE ENQUIRY: Reads the balance of a particular customer.

Fig 5.5: check the balance
5.6 CLOSE ACCOUNT: How to close an account from the banking organization.

Fig 5.6: to close the account

5.7 REPORTS: This is how to get all the account details.

Fig 5.7: to know the all account details

BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM undertaken as a project is based on relevant
technologies. The main aim of this project is to develop software for bank
management system. This project is to develop software for bank management

This project has been developed to carry out the processes easily and quickly,
which is not possible with the manuals systems, which are overcome by this

project is developed using VB language and. Hence it provides the complete

solution for the current management system.




Bank is the place where customers feel the sense of safety for
their property. In the bank, customers deposit and withdraw their money. Smooth
and efficient management affects the satisfaction of the customers and staff
members, indirectly. And of course, it encourages management committee in
taking some needed decision for future enhancement of the bank. Now a days,
managing a bank is tedious job up to certain limit. So software that reduces the
work is essential. Thus, considering above necessities, the software for bank
management has became necessary which would be useful in managing the
bank more efficiently.

Our software will perform and fulfill all the tasks that any
customer would desire. It is developed as a software program for managing the
entire bank process related to customer accounts to keep each every track about
their property and their various transaction processes efficiently. Hereby, our
main objective is the customer’s satisfaction considering today’s faster world.
In the recent years, computers are included in almost all kind of works and jobs
everyone come across in the routine. The availability of the software’s for almost
every process or every system has taken the world in its top-gear and fastens the
day-to-day life.

So, we have tried our best to develop the software program for the Bank
Management System where all the tasks to manage the bank system are
performed easily and efficiently.

Thus, above features of this software will save

transaction time and therefore increase the efficiency of the system.
Requirements definition and management is recognized as a necessary step in
the delivery of successful system s and software projects, discipline is also
required by standards, regulations, and quality improvement initiatives. Creating
and managing requirements is a challenge of IT, systems and product
development projects or indeed for any activity where you have to manage a
contractual relationship.


For any system, present satisfaction is important, but is also necessary to see
and visualizes the future scope. It is necessary for any system as the limitations
that cannot be denied by anybody. These limitations, can be overcome by better

In my project, records of the customers are transactions are maintained. It will be

helpful for the organization and customer.

1. Python For Desktop Applications: How to develop, pack and deliver Python
applications with TkInter by Tran Duc Loi
2. Python in A Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference, Third Edition by Alex
Martelli , Anna Ravenscroft , Steve Holden
3. The Python Language Reference Manual (version 3.2) by Guido van Rossum,
and Fred L. Drake, Jr. (Editor)
4. Dr. Geeta Sharma, “Study of Internet Banking Scenario in India”, International
Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, ISSN: 2278-
9359, Volume 5, Issue 5, 2016, pp.43-48.
5. Anju Dagar, “Online Banking : Benefits and Related Issues”, International
Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM), ISSN: 2319–
2828,Vol. 3, No. 5, 2014, pp.715-719.
6. Ebubeogu Amarachukwu Felix, “ Bank Customers Management System”,
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 4, Issue 08,
2015, pp.326- 343.
7. Mahmood Shah, “E-Banking Management: Issues, Solutions, and Strategies”,
8. Muhammad Abdus Sattar Titu and Md. Azizur Rahman, “ Online Banking
System-Its Application in Some Selected Private Commercial Banks in
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9. Bahman Saeidipour, Hojat Ranjbar and Saeed Ranjbar, “Adoption of Internet
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10. D.Amutha, “A Study of Consumer Awareness towards eBanking”, Int J Econ
Manag Sci, ISSN: 2162-6359, Volume 5, issue 4, 2016, pp.1-4.


import tkinter

from tkinter import ttkfrom BankDetails import Account

from tkinter import messagebox

from tkinter import font
import pickle

import os

import ctypes

import pathlib

user32 = ctypes.windll.user32

xpos = int((user32.GetSystemMetrics(0) - 800) / 2)

ypos = int((user32.GetSystemMetrics(1) - 600) / 2)



wn = tkinter.Tk()

wn.geometry('800x600+{}+{}'.format(xpos, ypos))

wn.title('Bank Management System')

ft = font.Font(size=12)

accno = tkinter.IntVar()

accname = tkinter.StringVar()

acctype = tkinter.StringVar()

amount = tkinter.IntVar()

tamount = tkinter.IntVar()


def writeAccount():

account = Account()

account.createAccount(accno.get(), accname.get(), acctype.get(), amount.get())

messagebox.showinfo('BMS', 'Account created')


def displayAll():


file = pathlib.Path("")

for i in table.get_children():


if file.exists():

infile = open('', 'rb')

mylist = pickle.load(infile)

#tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True)

for i, item in enumerate(mylist, start=1):

table.insert("", "end", values=(i, item.accNo,,item.type,item.deposit))



messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"No records to display")

def showframe(num):




def getbalancedetails():

file = pathlib.Path("")

if file.exists():

infile = open('', 'rb')

mylist = pickle.load(infile)


found = False

for item in mylist:

if item.accNo == accno.get():




found = True

messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"No Account were open ")

if not found:

messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"No existing record with this number")

def trans(ttype):

global oldlist

if ttype==1:

oldlist[recordpos - 1].deposit += tamount.get()


if tamount.get()<=int(amount.get()):



messagebox.showinfo('BMS','Insufficient Balance')

rew os.remove('')

outfile = open('', 'wb')

pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)


os.rename('', '')



def deleteAccount():

newlist = []

for item in oldlist:

if item.accNo != accno.get():



outfile = open('', 'wb')

pickle.dump(newlist, outfile)


os.rename('', '')


messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"Account Deleted......")

def modifyAccount():

global recordpos,oldlist

file = pathlib.Path("")
if file.exists():

infile = open('', 'rb')

oldlist = pickle.load(infile)



for item in oldlist:


if item.accNo == accno.get():






messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"No such account exists")


messagebox.showinfo('BMS',"No accounts were open")

def updatedetails():


oldlist[recordpos-1].type =acctype.get()


outfile = open('', 'wb')

pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)


os.rename('', '')



def writeAccountsFile(account):

file = pathlib.Path("")

if file.exists():

infile = open('', 'rb')

oldlist = pickle.load(infile)




oldlist = [account]

outfile = open('', 'wb')

pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)


os.rename('', '')

def showlink(opt):


if frm<6:


elif frm==6:


elif frm==7:


def goback(frm):



def clearvalues():






mainframe = tkinter.Frame(wn)

links = ['New Account', 'Deposit', 'Withdrawal', 'Balance Enquiry', 'Update Details', 'Close Account
'Account List', 'Exit']


tkinter.Label(wn,font=ft1,fg='green',text='BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM').pack(pady=15)

for item in links:

tkinter.Button(mainframe, width=20, text=item, font=ft, bg='blue', fg='white',

command=lambda txt=item: showlink(txt)).pack(pady=4)

frm2 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm2, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,

row=0, column=0)
tkinter.Label(frm2, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(
sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm2, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm2, text='Current Balance', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=3, column=0)tkinter.Entry(frm2, textvariable=accno,
font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1)tkinter.Button(frm2, text='Get Details', font=ft,
command=modifyAccount).grid(row=0, column=2)tkinter.Label(frm2, textvariable=accname,
font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2)tkinter.Label(frm2, textvariable=acctype,
font=ft).grid(row=2, column=1)tkinter.Label(frm2, textvariable=amount, font=ft).grid(row=3,
column=1)tkinter.Label(frm2, text='Deposit Amount', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,
anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=4, column=0)

tkinter.Entry(frm2, textvariable=tamount, font=ft).grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=1)

tkinter.Button(frm2, text='Save', font=ft, command=lambda :trans(1)).grid(row=5, column=0)

tkinter.Button(frm2, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(2)).grid(row=5, column=1)

frm3 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm3, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,

row=0, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm3, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm3, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm3, text='Current Balance', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=3, column=0)

tkinter.Entry(frm3, textvariable=accno, font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1)

tkinter.Button(frm3, text='Get Details', font=ft, command=modifyAccount).grid(row=0, column=2)

tkinter.Label(frm3, textvariable=accname, font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Label(frm3, textvariable=acctype, font=ft).grid(row=2, column=1)

tkinter.Label(frm3, textvariable=amount, font=ft).grid(row=3, column=1)

tkinter.Label(frm3, text='Amount to Withdraw', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=4, column=0)tkinter.Entry(frm3, textvariable=tamount,
font=ft).grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=1)

tkinter.Button(frm3, text='Save', font=ft, command=lambda :trans(2)).grid(row=5, column=0)

tkinter.Button(frm3, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(3)).grid(row=5, column=1)

frm4 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm4, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,

row=0, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm4, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(

sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm4, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2, column=0)
tkinter.Label(frm4, text='Initial Deposit', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,
row=3, column=0)tkinter.Entry(frm4, textvariable=accno, font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1)

tkinter.Label(frm4, textvariable=accname, font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Label(frm4, textvariable=acctype, font=ft).grid(row=2, column=1)

tkinter.Label(frm4, textvariable=amount, font=ft).grid(row=3, column=1)

tkinter.Button(frm4, text='Get Balance', font=ft, command=getbalancedetails).grid(row=0, column=2)

tkinter.Button(frm4, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(4)).grid(row=4, column=1)

frm5 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm5, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,


tkinter.Label(frm5, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm5, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2 column=0)

tkinter.Entry(frm5, textvariable=accno, font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1)

tkinter.Button(frm5, text='Get Details', font=ft, command=modifyAccount).grid(row=0, column=2)

tkinter.Entry(frm5, textvariable=accname, font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Radiobutton(frm5, text='Savings', variable=acctype, value='Savings', font=ft).grid(row=2,


tkinter.Radiobutton(frm5, text='Current', variable=acctype, value='Current', font=ft).grid(row=2,


tkinter.Button(frm5, text='Save', font=ft, command=updatedetails).grid(row=4, column=0)

tkinter.Button(frm5, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(5)).grid(row=4, column=1)

frm6 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm6, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,

row=0, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm6, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(

sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm6, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2,column=0)

tkinter.Entry(frm6, textvariable=accno, font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1)

tkinter.Button(frm6, text='Get Details', font=ft, command=modifyAccount).grid(row=0, column=2)

tkinter.Entry(frm6, textvariable=accname, font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Radiobutton(frm6, text='Savings', variable=acctype, value='Savings', font=ft).grid(row=2,


tkinter.Radiobutton(frm6, text='Current', variable=acctype, value='Current', font=ft).grid(row=2,


tkinter.Button(frm6, text='Delete Account', font=ft, command=deleteAccount).grid(row=4, column=0)

tkinter.Button(frm6, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(6)).grid(row=4, column=1)


cols = ('S.No', 'Account No.','Account Holder Name','Account Type', 'Current Balance')

table = ttk.Treeview(frm7, columns=cols, show='headings')


for i in range(5):

table.column('#' + str(i), width=colsize[i],minwidth=50, stretch=1)

table.heading(i, text=cols[i])

table.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4)

tkinter.Button(frm7, text='Back', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(7)).grid(row=2,


frm1 = tkinter.Frame(wn)

tkinter.Label(frm1, text='Account No.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,


tkinter.Label(frm1, text='Name of the Account Holder.', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=1, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm1, text='Type of Account', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT,

anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W, row=2, column=0)

tkinter.Label(frm1, text='Initial Deposit', font=ft, justify=tkinter.LEFT, anchor="w").grid(sticky=tkinter.W,


tkinter.Entry(frm1, textvariable=accno, font=ft).grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Entry(frm1, textvariable=accname, font=ft).grid(row=1, column=1,

columnspan=2)tkinter.Radiobutton(frm1, text='Savings', variable=acctype, value='Savings',
font=ft).grid(row=2, column=1)tkinter.Radiobutton(frm1, text='Current', variable=acctype,
value='Current', font=ft).grid(row=2, column=2)tkinter.Entry(frm1, textvariable=amount,
font=ft).grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2)

tkinter.Button(frm1, text='Save', font=ft, command=writeAccount).grid(row=4, column=0)

tkinter.Button(frm1, text='Cancel', font=ft, command=lambda: goback(1)).grid(row=4, column=1)



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