A Project Report ON Consumer Satisfaction of Mcdonald
A Project Report ON Consumer Satisfaction of Mcdonald
A Project Report ON Consumer Satisfaction of Mcdonald
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1. Statement of the problem:This topic is selected to analyze the satisfaction level of the consumers towards McDonalds products preferred by the consumers. The project is aimed at understanding the consumers satisfaction.
2. Objective: To study the problems faced by the customers in variety in product. To analyze the self service. To study the expectation of consumer in McDonalds. To measure quantities offered in the product. To obtain suggestions for improvements in the product. To study the customer affordability in McDonalds.
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The study provides the facts and figures and also reliable information regarding the satisfaction level of the consumers. The survey is exclusively conducted for consumers in Mumbai especially in south Mumbai and suburbs.
The study also helps to obtain suggestions regarding improvement in product and service.
4. Limitation: The sample size of 50 is too small to understand the consumer satisfaction in McDonald product. Consumer satisfaction needs specialized knowledge of area so there is a chance of interpretation error. There is a possibility that respondents might have filtered their response under testing condition.
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2. Data collection method: Data is collected mainly through two methods. They are as follows:i. Primary Data ii. Secondary Data
i. Primary data: Primary data constitute first hand information which is collected for the first time in order to solve research problem. It is the data collected from primary sources which are original sources. It is fresh data collected for the first time directly from the respondents. Primary data is important as it gives reliable, factual first hand information for information purpose. Researcher collects primary data as per the need of his research project and from the source or sources which he considers appropriate. It is a created data. It is also time consuming and costly data. Data collection instruments are to be designed according to the needs of investigation. Primary data is the original data collected by the researcher from respondents through different methods such as mail survey, personal interviews, observation or experimentation. Primary data are collected for detailed information on certain aspects of research project. Data collection was done through customer survey.
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Male Female
30 20
40% 60%
In the above diagram there are 60% male and 40% female have filled the questionnaire.
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19 16 15
The above diagram shows the age groups of 15-18, 19-21 and 22-25 but the highest 38% customers are in 15-18 age group and least 30% customers are in the 22-25 age group.
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Employee Student
13 37
In the above diagram we can analyze that most of the consumer of Mc Donald are student and the working class. In McDonald 74% student and 26% are employees are like to visit Mc Donald.
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1 7 10 32
quartely 2% 14%
20% 64%
The above diagram shows that 64% of the customer visit once in a month, 20% customer visit once a quarter, 14% customer visit once in a week and 2% customer like to visit every day.
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1 10 26 12
afternoon 2%
The above diagram shows that 53% customers like to visit at evening, 25%customer like to visit at night, 20% customer like to visit at afternoon and only 2% customer like to visit in the morning.
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quality 3% 16%
brand name
The above diagram shows that 74% customer eat at their because of the quality, 16% customer eat their because of the service provided by McDonalds, 7% customers eat their because of the price of the product provided their and 3% customer eat their because of the brand name of the McDonalds.
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Yes No
15 35
This diagram represents the details regarding the price which affects consumers when they visit McDonalds. Out of which 30% of the respondents said that price affects them whatever they purchase there and 70% of the respondents said that price does not affect them whatever they purchase.
Reasons for the views given:For some respondents price doesnt affect because for them only quality matters and not price, also the products are affordable. For some respondents price affects because they pay more and quantity obtained is less.
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10 16 16 8
very good
32% 32%
From this diagram we can analyze that 32% of the respondents have perfectly and most betterly liked the quality of products, 20% respondents and where as only 16% of the respondents were satisfactorily liked it and only offered
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9 17 14 10
very good
We can analyze that only 16% of respondents have responded for good products and 29% for perfect products and 20% for satisfactory products and where as maximum respondents responded i.e.35% for very good products.
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Yes No
29 21
42% 58%
We can analyze that 42% of the respondents found ample amount of variety of food products and where as 52% of the respondents do not found ample amount of variety of food products.
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11 34 5
We can analyze that 68% of the consumers satisfy their hunger and 22% of the consumers are delightful when they eat there and only 10% of consumers dissatisfy their hunger when they eat at McDonalds.
Reasons for the views given:Some of the respondents satisfy their hunger because the prices are quiet good and they constantly keep on launching new products. Some of the respondents are delightful because quality offered is best. SomeDo the respondents home delivery service? they feel that the prices of the products 12) of you find timely are dissatisfied because are high.
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Yes No
33 17
This diagram represents the timely home delivery service provided by McDonalds. 66% of the respondents get timely home delivery service and only 34% of the respondents do not get timely home delivery service.
Reasons for the views given:Some of the respondents are satisfied with the home delivery service because the food delivered is fresh and hot. Some of the respondents are not satisfied with the home delivery service because the food delivered is spoilt and it is cold and quality of food also decreases.
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0 20 24 6
fresh 0%
12% 40%
The above diagram represents the quality of food obtains during home delivery. 0% of the respondents receive spoilt food, 12% receive cold food, 40% receive fresh food and 48% receive hot food.
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The above diagram represents the satisfaction level of self service by consumers. 34% of the respondents are not satisfied with the self servicing pattern and 66% of the respondents are satisfied with the self servicing pattern.
Reasons for views given:Some the respondents are not satisfied because they dont like self servicing at their visit to restaurants and they opt for waiter service. Some of the respondents are satisfied.
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7 21 17 5
pizza 3%
any other
15% 37%
The above diagram tells regarding the introduction of new products:10% of the respondents opted for any other item, 14% opted for desert item, 34% opted for Frankie and 42% opted for pizza.
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15 14 20 1
very good
satisfactory 2%
not satisfactory
30% 40%
The above diagram represents that 40% customers are satisfied with the service provided by the employees, 30% customers feel good, 28% customers found best service and 2% customers are not satisfied by the service provided by the employees of McDonalds.
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5 17 28
100& more
The above diagram represents the average spending of customers when they visit to McDonalds. 10% of the respondents spend within the range from 0-40 and 34% spend in the range of 40-100 and 56% spend 100 & above.
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17 11 22
34% 44%
As per the data analyzed 44% customers will reduce their visit to McDonald if their prices of products offered increases by 25%. 22% customers will switch to other brand if the price increases by 25% and 34% customers will remain consistent with the same if the price increases by 25%
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10% 12%
As per the data analyzed 10% customers will reduce their visit to McDonald if their . prices of products offered decreases by 25%. 12% customers will switch to other brand if the price decreases by 25% and 78% customers will remain consistent with the same if the price decreases by 25%
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34 12 4
5 min
10 min
more than 10
8% 24%
As per the customers survey 68% customers wait for 5minutes in the queue at McDonald, 24% wait for 10minutes and 8% wait for more than 10minutes in the queue.
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Yes No
30 20
As per the data analyzed 60% customers are satisfied with the introduction of seven dips in their menu and only 40% customers are not satisfied with the introduction of seven dips in their menu.
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More variety in product Waiter service inside of self service Quality improvement
27 13 10
54% 26%
As per the data analyzed 54% customers want more variety of products to be introduced, 26% customers want waiter service facility instead of self service and only 20% customers want improvement in the quality of the products offered.
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McDonalds must provide waiter service instead of self service. McDonalds must bring in variety of products in their menu. McDonalds should reduce the prices of their products.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY:Name of the book Marketing management Research methods in business Publisher Vipul Prakashan Vipul Prakashan Author N.G. Kale, M.Ahmed N.G. Kale, M.Ahmed
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Q1) How often do you visit Mc Donalds? Daily Quarterly Weekly Monthly
Q2) What time of the day do you prefer to eat there? Morning Afternoon Evening Night
Q3) Why do you eat at Mc Donalds? Price Quality Service Brand Name
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Q6) How do you feel Mc Donalds products as compared to other food players in the market? Good Perfect Very Good Satisfactory
Q7) Do you find ample amount of variety of food or products in Mc Donalds? Yes No
Q8) When you eat at Mc Donalds do you satisfy your hunger? Delight Dissatisfy Satisfy
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Q11) Do you like self service at Mc Donalds when you visit? Yes No .
11. A) If no then should they adopt any other pattern to serve the customers Give reasons for your answer
Q12) Apart from existing food items provided by Mc Donalds what else do you expect that Mc Donalds should offer? Dessert Frankie Pizza Any other item
Q13) How is the service provided by the employees in Mc Donalds? Good Satisfactory Very Good Not Satisfactory
Q14) How much do you spend at Mc Donalds in a month? 0-40 Above 100 40-100
Q15) Will you prefer to visit Mc Donalds if their prices of products offered increase by 25%? Consistent with same Switch to other brands Reduce your visits
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Q17) How much time do you wait in queue at Mc Donalds to get your order served? 5minutes More than 10minutes 10minutes
Q18) Are you satisfied with the introduction of new seven dips item in their menu? Yes No
Q19) What would you recommend? More variety in products Waiter service instead of self service Quality improvement
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