Reviewer Creative Writing
Reviewer Creative Writing
Reviewer Creative Writing
Poetry- a form of art in which language is use for its aesthetic and evocative qualities
- “ making”, “creating”, “piosis”
- to express idea, feelings and emotions
Origin of Poetry
Vedas to odyssey - ancient work, aid memorization, oral transmission.
- stone carvings, leaves
- oldest surviving poem “ Gilgamesh”
- “ iliad odyssey”, “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana”
- “ Biag Ni Lam-ang” ilokano epic
Genres of Poem
Narrative- it tells a story, oldest genre
- epic (heroes, methodology)
- dramatic- spoken or sung/ portray a situation
Satire- a punch or insult
Lyrical-intended to be sung
- sonnet, elegy, ballad , odes
P. O.V
Poet- Author
Speaker- narrator
Types of Poetry
Ballad -tells story
Free verse- dosenot follow specific rules/ patterns
Haiku- 3 line japanese/ 5 7 5 syllables
Limerick - funny/ silly
Narrative- sequence of event
Sonnet- 14 line Poem, popular sonnet of “ William shakesphere” Qouplet 2
Basic elements of Poetry Triplet 3
Stanza- division on Poetry Quatrain 4
Rhythm- sound/ pattern. Also has Rhyme Scheme Quintet 5
Meter- number of feet in a line Sestet 6
Theme- moral/ lesson. Express thoughts Septet 7
Symbolism Octave 8
Reviewer: Creative Writing
Sensory imagery
- create images
Visual - sight
Auditory -hear
Gustatory -taste
Olfactory -smell
Tactile - touch
Reviewer: Creative Writing
Typography-shape poetry
Concrete- visual poetry, represent of an object, has elements and techniques
Free verse- dose not follow certain rules
Literary devices
Line break- poetic device, end of the lie
- / pause, // stop
- divided to show change in the metric pattern
a) End-stop line - rhythmic break, one line to another
b) Enjambment - step over, “ put legs across”
c) Caesuras- Latin word for cut
Methods of Characterization
-Author uses characterization to introduce or reveal a character to the readers
Direct Characterization is also known as explicit characterization. This method
of characterization means that the author is directly describing the character to the
Indirect Characterization is a method by which the writer shows the character's
personality through speech, actions and appearance
Plot refers to the series or sequence
Reviewer: Creative Writing
Kinds of Plot:
1. Linear Plot- a linear plot begins at a certain point, moves through a series of
events to a climax and then ends up at another point.
2. Modular Plot - Nonlinear narrative, disjointed narrative or disrupted narrative
-does not follow a linear narrative. That is, it doesn’t move in a
3. Episodic Plot -Made up of a series of chapters
Point of View
Point of view is the perspective from which the story or work is told.
Types of Point of View:
1. Third Person P.O.V – The narrator does not participate in the action of the story
as one of the characters but let us know exactly what the characters feel. (uses third
personal pronoun he, she, it, they)
2. First Person - The story is told by the protagonist or one of the characters who
interacts closely with the protagonist or other characters (using pronouns I, me, we,
etc). The reader sees the story through this person's eyes as he/she experiences it and
only knows what he/she knows or feels.
Reviewer: Creative Writing
3. Omniscient- A narrator who knows everything about the characters is all knowing
or omniscient.
a) Omniscient Limited - The author tells the story in third person (using pronouns
they, she, he, it, etc). We know only what the character knows and what the author
allows him/her to tell us. We can see the thoughts and feelings of characters if the
author chooses to reveal them to us.
b) Omniscient Objective – The author tells the story in the third person. It appears a
camera is following the characters, going anywhere, and recording only what is seen
and heard. No interpretations are offered. The reader is placed in the position of
spectator without the author there to explain. The reader must interpret events on his
- is the author's underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey.
• the feelings of the main character about the subject written about
• through the thoughts and conversations of different characters
the experiences of the main character in the course of a literary work
• the actions and events taking place in a narrative
A poem’s subject is the topic of the poem, or what the poem is about
• The theme is an idea that the poem expresses about the subject or uses the
subject to explore.
Motifs are often connected to the theme of the poem, as is the case with
“nevermore.” This connection is so close that many people use the words
“theme” and “motif” interchangeably.