CV09 Itc2018

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Deformation and Dynamic Stability of Asphalt

Concrete by using Granite Dust as Filler

Mardiana Oesman1, Asep Sundara2, Jul Endawati3, Dedy Virnawan4

Department of Civil Engineering Polytechnic State of Bandung Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract—Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course (AC-WC) is a Furthermore, Widodo (2014) [3] states that the more
surface layer of flexible pavement which have direct contact solid AC-WC will cause the ability to maintaining the trace
with vehicle wheel. One of the surface layer damage categories of the wheels better. The higher the temperature will cause a
is the wheel track (rutting). In this research, the experiment decrease of the AC-WC capability in holding the trace of the
was done by using industrial waste of granite stone production wheels.
in the form of dust as filler in the AC-WC mixture. The
variation of filler content used are 3%, 4.5%, 6%, 7.5% and Based on the description above, the research on the use
9% with cement filler as comparator. The test was conducted of granite ash waste as a filler on AC-WC mixture is done
by using wheel tracking machine on temperature of 60˚C, 45˚C with variations of filler content of 3%, 4.5%, 6%, 7.5% and
and 30˚C. The test result shows that the optimum filler content 9%. The determination of variation of filler content based on
using granite dust in the AC-WC mixture is 3%. Meanwhile
the optimum filler content on the asphalt concrete using
value of filler level has not been done by previous
cement filler is 7.5%. Thus, it shows that the higher researcher Chandra (2013) [1] and Fasdarsyah (2014) [2].
temperature cause the ability of maintaining the wheel track
decreased. Furthermore if looking at the relation between II. METHODOLOGY
dynamical stability, deformation depth and deformation
velocity on filler concentration is not linear. A. Material
Keywords—AC-WC, filler granite, deformation resistance, The material used in this study is shown in Fig. 1; The
rutting, wheel tracking machine coarse aggregate and fine aggregate originated from around
West Bandung; whereas, for granite ash filler comes from
I. INTRODUCTION Ketapang District of West Kalimantan Province, as well as
Pertamina asphalt with penetration 60/70. All materials are
Asphalt concrete - wearing course (AC-WC) is a surface tested based on the technical specifications of Bina Marga in
layer of flexible pavement have direct contact with vehicle 2010 revision III.
wheel; wherein, the asphalt concrete mixture comprises
coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and asphalt as the
binding agent. In general, the material used as a filler in the
AC-WC mixture is cement, limestone, dolomite, fly ash and
others. The function of the filler in the asphalt concrete
mixture is as a filler between the coarser aggregates
meaning that the air cavity (void) becomes small, and can
a b
produce frictional resistance and locking between the higher
Chandra (2013) [1] states that the AC-WC mixture with
granite dust as a filler has better rutting resistance compared
to regular stone dust. Asphalt concrete with granite filler has
a better fatigue resistance when compared to ordinary stone
dust. The asphalt concrete mixture with granite dust as filler c d
shows the linear bitumen content of the filler content. The
higher the filler level will cause the optimum bitumen
content becomes lower, because the asphalt will be absorbed Fig. 1. Materials: (a), (b) coarse aggregate; (c) fine aggregate; (d) granite
by the filler. According to Fasdarsyah (2014) [2], a mixture dust
of AC-WC with granite dust as filler meets the Bina Marga
2010 specification.

ITC 2018 (4-5 October 2018, Semarang, Indonesia) 1

International Technical Conference 2018

B. Machine and Specimen Fig.4. (a) AC-WC with filler granite; (b) AC-WC with filler cement

This study is begun with testing of all materials based on

the 2010 Bina Marga specification of revision III[5]. III. TEST RESULT
Subsequently, the test object is made and tested by Marshall
method[6] as shown in Fig. 2. Marshall test is done to get A. Optimum Bitumen Content
the optimum bitumen content which will be used for making From the results of Marshall testing, we get the optimum
Wheel tracking machine (WTM) test specimen. bitumen content for each filler content as shown in Table 1.


Granit dust Cement
3% 6.23% 6.20%
4.50% 6.17% 6.18%
a b 6% 6.15% 6.16%
7.50% 6.1% 6.1%
Fig. 2. (a) Specimen; (b) Marshall testing 9% 5.9% 6.09%

To obtain deformation behavior and dynamic stability on

AC-WC surface layer with granite dust, thus it was tested by Table. 1 indicates that the larger the filler content will
using Wheel tracking machine. Square test object with size cause the value of the optimum bitumen content to be
30 x 30 x 5 cm, Wheel tracking machine run with speed 21 smaller because empty cavities on the asphalt concrete have
passing / minute. The tests are carried out at temperatures been filled by the filler.
60˚C, 45˚C and 30% ˚C for 1 hr and tracing observations are
performed on the 21st, 105, 210, 315, 945, and 1260 B. Structural Performance
passing[7]. Fig. 3 shows the equipment for the manufacture The results of testing with Wheel tracking machine tool
and testing of deformation and dynamic stability of the AC- will get the value of dynamic stability, deformation velocity
WC. and deformation depth. The deformation occurring on the
pavement is one of the parameters in the assessment of
pavement performance.

In this research, deformation and dynamic stability

testing is done with pavement temperature variation. The
temperature of the 60˚C test is the most extreme temperature
of the pavement, which describes the pavement conditions
a b during the day. Temperature 45˚C as a picture of the
temperature of the pavement between morning and noon and
noon and afternoon. While temperature 30 ° C is a picture of
the temperature of pavement in the morning and evening.

c d

Fig.3 (a) Mixing machine; (b) Compactor machine; (c) Specimen; (d)
Wheel tracking machine

From the test results using the tool Wheel tracking

machine shows that the test object is deformed as shown in
Fig. 4

Fig. 5. The relationship of dynamic stability with variations of filler

content at 60⁰C
a b

Fig. 5 shows the relationship of dynamic stability values

between asphalt concrete with the content of cement filler

ITC 2018 (4-5 October 2018, Semarang, Indonesia) 2

International Technical Conference 2018

and granite filler at 60⁰C pavement temperature. The picture deformation speed (0.0167 min / mm) occurs in asphalt
shows that the relationship of dynamic stability to filler concrete with cement filler, at a 7.5% filler content. While
content is not linear; as well as the type of filler. In general, the asphalt concrete with the granite filler variation the
asphalt concrete with cement filler has a greater stability smallest deformation velocity (0.0287 min / mm) occurred
value than asphalt concrete with granite filler. The use of a at 3% filler level. The smaller the speed of deformation will
7.5% cement filler achieves the highest dynamic stability cause the value of dynamic stability which is greater
value, ie 2520.0 passing/mm. Meanwhile, asphalt concrete meaning that the depth of deformation becomes small.
with granite filler with 3% filler content achieved the
Tests of deformation and dynamic stability are carried
highest dynamic stability value, ie 1465.1 passing/mm;
out with temperature variations of 60⁰C, 45⁰C and 30⁰C as
which is higher than the achievement of cement filler of the
shown in Fig. 8.
same degree (1400 passing/mm). The addition of filler
beyond the optimum level will decrease the value of
dynamic stability because it will reduce the contact between
coarse aggregate particles [4].

Fig. 8. The relationship of dynamic stability with filler content to

temperature variation on asphalt concrete with granite filler

Fig. 8 shows the relationship between dynamic stability

Fig. 6. Deformation depth relationship with variation of filler content at and granite filler content to temperature variations. The
temperature 60⁰C picture shows that the higher the temperature will cause a
decrease of value of dynamic stability on the pavement. The
Fig. 6 shows the depth of deformation that occurs on the decrease in the value of dynamic stability is due to the
pavement with a temperature of 60⁰C. The picture shows that highly sensitive nature of the asphalt to the change of the
the deformation depth that occurs is not linear to the filler termperature.
content, nor the filler type. For pavement with cement filler,
the smallest deformation (2.01 mm) occurs at a 7.5% filler
level. While on the granite filler pavement, the smallest
deformation (2.42 mm) occurs at 3% filler content.

Fig. 9. The relationship of dynamic stability with filler content to

temperature variation on asphalt concrete with cement filler

Fig. 9 shows the relationship between dynamic stability

Fig. 7. The relationship of deformation velocity with variation of filler
and filler levels against temperature variations. With the
content at temperature 60⁰C
increase of cement filler content on the pavement, it will
Fig. 7 shows the relationship between deformation increase the value of dynamic stability, but after reaching
velocity on asphalt concrete with cement filler and granite optimum filler level (7.5%) the value of dynamic stability
filler at 60⁰C pavement temperature. The picture shows that will decrease again. The higher the temperature will cause
the relation of deformation velocity to filler content is not the value of dynamic stability to decrease.
linear; as well as the type of filler. For the smallest

ITC 2018 (4-5 October 2018, Semarang, Indonesia) 3

International Technical Conference 2018

Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded
several things as follows:
1) The larger the filler content will cause the value of the
optimum bitumen content to be smaller, because the
empty cavities in the asphalt concrete mixture are already
filled by the filler.
2) The relationship of dynamic stability, deformation and
deformation velocity to filler content is non-linear.
3) The higher the temperature on the pavement, will cause
the value of dynamic stability to decrease.
4) The use of cement filler with 7.5% content reaches the
highest dynamic stability value, ie 2520.0 passing / mm.
Meanwhile, asphalt concrete with granite filler with 3%
filler content reached 1465.1passing / mm.
5) On asphalt concrete with variation of cement filler
content, the smallest deformation (2.01 mm) occurs at
7.5% filler level. While on asphalt concrete with
variation of granite filler content, the smallest
deformation (2.42 mm) occurred at 3% filler content.
6) The smallest deformation speed (0.0167 min / mm) occurs
in asphalt concrete with cement filler, at 7.5% filler
content. While the asphalt concrete with the granite filler
variation of the smallest deformation velocity (0.0287
min / mm) at 3% filler content.

The author acknowledges to UPPM POLBAN that
already support the funding for commencement the research,
and Bandung Research Center of Roads and Bridges that
support the laboratory for the research.

[1] S. Chandra, R. Chaudary, ” Peformance Characteristics of Bituminous
Concrete With Industrial Wastes as Filler”American Society of Civil
Engineering, 2013.
[2] Fasdarsyah, ”Pengaruh Penambahan Filler Granit dan Kramik Pada
Campuran Laston AC-WC Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall”, Teras
Jurnal Vol.4 No.1. Universitas Mallikusaleh, 2014.
[3] S. Widodo, “Ketahanan Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Gradasi
Halus Terhadap Terjadinya Jejak Roda Kendaraan Pada Berbagai
Temperatur Dan Kepadatan” Simposium Nasional RAPI XII,
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014.
[4] Mahan, “Influence of Mineral Filler-Asphalt Ratio on Asphalt
Mixture Performance”Journal of Babylon University, Vol. 21, 2013.
[5] Dinas Bina Marga, ”Spesifikasi Teknis Bina Marga Tahun 2010
Revisi III, Divisi VI. Tentang Perkerasan Aspal”, Kementrian
Pekerjaan Umum, 2010.
[6] ASTM D6927-15, Standard Test Method for Marshall Stability and
Flow of Asphalt Mixtures, ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2015
[7] JRA, “Manual for Design and Construction of Asphalt Pavement”,
Japan Roa d Association, 1980.

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